The Necromancer's Claw

-------Character Sheet--------






Appearance(Discription or picture):



Other (Optional):


Name: Krad Dorl

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Personality: Calm, calculating, vicious, merciless, patient, demanding, strategic, brutal and opportunistic.

Power: Darkness



Weapon: Scythe and a sword.

Bio: His story will be revealed by the elder magician during the journey.( I know some people don't like this, but trust me it will be much better when explained in the story.)

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Name: Ryan Lawrence

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: Quiet, calm, shy

Power: Fire


Weapon: He is skilled with a sword, he usually also has a chain wrapped around his waist since he is skilled with whip like weapons as well.

Bio: Ryan never noticed he could control fire until he was 15, accidentally letting a tree on fire just by his bare hands. He has been trained to fight with swords and whips. He's grown the ability to be able to use his weapons with his ability, making the blade of the sword glow with flames and infuse the chain whip with fire.

Image:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/d81459fe_guy20anime20vergil.jpeg.d7c752672b3f91aff4f82a65c57a2b98.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32936" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/d81459fe_guy20anime20vergil.jpeg.d7c752672b3f91aff4f82a65c57a2b98.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Ariolle Ravenwood



Personality:Sharp, mostly dubious and sarcastic, merciless to the evil, warm to the good


Appearance(Description or picture):



Bio: Ariolle is carefree and the only time you'll ever see her worry about something is when her sister gets sick. She cares about people who care about her. She had to give up education in the middle of 10th grade to start working and earning for both her and her sister.

Ariolle is an orphan. Atleast that's what she considers herself. Her father had died when she was twelve by the hand of one of the Fiend's generals. Her mother had gone after him, promising to kill the one who killed whom she loved, but never came back, leaving Ariolle and her sister Anna under the most harsh conditions of life. Since one year ago, a rumor about her mother being alive had started. But she didn't care anymore. If she was alive, why didn't she come meet them?

Other (Optional):Strange obsession with the color blue


"Well met, stranger."

Augustus Tybalt Letholdus


"My age does not surprise you, yes?"



"Isn't it obvious?"



"I would be self-praising myself, but oh well, just this once."

Augustus is a charming (and probably cheesy) fellow. He helps others in his free time, earning him some kind of reputation. He's soft-heart-ed and loyal to his friends. He also has a laid-back and fun-loving persona, making a lot of people love hanging out with him. Despite that, however, he has no true friends. Sure, they hang out with him, but that doesn't mean they're his friends. Sometimes, he would make sarcastic and witty comments about something, and when he does, it's usually because he cares about that something. He would be willing to make small jokes just to cheer other people up. Of course, even if he's soft that doesn't mean he's not a cunning and dauntless young man. Occasionally, he would chase down some people who stole from the townspeople's stands.


"I find it here, I find it there, I find it everywhere!"


Appearance (Description or picture):

"Tell me, how do I look?"



"Would you like to bet your life on it, good sir?"

A dagger with a sheath.



"Let me tell you a story..."

Augustus's father was a rich man. He fell in love with a mere peasant. He courted the young woman, until the day came when they were together. After a couple of months, Augustus was born. The peasant's master was furious when he heard this and ordered his men to call the woman. The next day, Augustus's father could not find her anywhere. And he knew his efforts were useless the moment he heard that the woman was executed. He then promised her that he will take good care of their child, even if it took his life, and that he will love no other woman. Anyone would've thought that the man truly loved the woman because of that, and of course he truly loved her. He would do anything for her.

Augusts grew up with his father. His life was... perfect, I guess you could call it that. He had nice education. He even finished it. But, when it comes to socialization... people just wanted his money, making him a loner. But soon, he had grown accustomed to loneliness. Sometimes, it was good to be alone, but not all the time. There were time he needed companionship. When he did, he would usually ask his father to come with him. His father, of course, would always go with him. His father didn't spoil Augustus, however. When Augustus needed money, he would work for it. But of course, when he already has the needed about of money, he would just work for free. At times, he would watch the people do their own things. It amazed him how people can live so... normally, without people trying to be close to them just because of their money.

Other (Optional):

"Must I tell you this, too?"

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Name: Krag Azhun Dhaal

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Personality: He is sadistic and malicious, enjoying torturing and toying with his enemies, and sometimes allies, the most. He is cold and calculating, not trusting anyone wholly, not even his fellow generals and his top minions. He is a liar and a manipulator, so don't trust anything that comes out of his mouth.

Power: Darkness



Weapon: Sword

Bio: To be revealed in the rp, and if that's not allowed, just tell me @Gothemel

Other (Optional):
Name: Daiva

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Personality: Daiva is an outgoing person. She loves to try new things.

Power: Water

Appearance: Daiva has brown curly hair, with bright green eyes. Daiva is also small for her age.

Weapon: Two twin Katana swords

Bio: Daiva woke up in a house, with an old man, four years ago. The man explained that Daiva had drank a forgetful potion, to forget her past. The man wouldn't tell her anything, except her first name. She then, wanting to find her family, started to adventure the world.

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@Abby Zilack. Accepted. Soon we'll be able to start.

@CrimsonEclipse, now THAT is what I call a Fiend's General. (Light side beware).

Name: Abia Di'Natal of Tar Marea

Age: 87

Gender: Male

Personality: Calm, wise, mischievous, amusing, light hearted, kind, caring, warm, talkative.

Power: Light Magic



Weapon: Staff

Bio: It will all be told in the story, I'm saying this again but it will be better when he is the one telling his own story.

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Name: General Spiora

Age: very very old

Gender: Female

Personality: Spiora is on the nicer side of the evil scale and tends to try and find enjoyment in all things. Unfortunately, her idea of enjoyment is seeing her beloved minions cruelly rip her foes apart. She can be distractable and is often caught staring into space.

Power: Dark Magic

Appearance<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Beastmaster_by_sandara.jpg.ea2804cf114a9560a9061edcfed7f4a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33022" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Beastmaster_by_sandara.jpg.ea2804cf114a9560a9061edcfed7f4a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon: While she prefers to let her monstersdo the work she knows how to use a bladed whip and is lethal with it. Also Chimera(see below)

Bio: Spiora was a humble but smart demoness until she started fiddling with the dark arts one day as a lark and quickly mastered them. Going on a rampage to celebrate. Her prowess quickly attracted followers, human and demon kin alike. However as she gained more and more power her army was corrupted by her magic becoming twisted monsters that were harder and harder to control. Eventually her exploits caught the eye of the fiend. After he single handidly crushed her army he offered her a place as one of his generals, and gave her an army of monsters that would serve her unquestioningly.She has been gleefully serving him ever since.

Her favorite monster is named Chimera, a constantly evolving creature that can mutate new traits on the fly, he's the one behind her in the picture in his dragon-esque form.



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Name: Eeuzahr

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Personality: Eeuzahr is known to be the craftiest out of the other generals and finds his own entertainment through watching his enemies fight amongst themselves rather than the typical human vs demon that he sees so often. Being intellectual, he prefers analyzing his opponents and develop traps first than wasting sending in his soldiers. Finally he looks down on humans as he only sees them as easy manipulative toys for him to corrupt.

Power: Dark Magic

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/render22.jpg.9b9f131c52387efa99d89944e46c57d4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33025" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/render22.jpg.9b9f131c52387efa99d89944e46c57d4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon: He is mainly a mage that uses dark magic when it comes to fighting but if necessary he is not afraid to use his tendrils.

Bio: No one knows how Eeuzahr came into existence but rumor has it that he is the manifestation of chaos itself. He was however defeated long ago by humans favored by the light and was locked up in a box sealed by runes. Centuries after his defeat, the box was opened by none other than Krad Dorl who offered Eeuzahr a position as one of his generals in which the imprisoned mage accepted this invitation as a thanks for releasing him from that infernal box.

More about him will be revealed as the story pogresses if its fine by


Other: N/A



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@XxToxicGoldxX. Accepted.

@theunderwolf. I'm sorry but I can't accept you. Your power isn'ts supposed to be creating monsters or alchemy. The general's powers are dark magic, which works the same way as light magic only it is more dangerous.

This was going to be mentioned in the story, but I might as well tell you now that one of the Fiend's powers is creating the minions and demons.

Everything else on your cs was good, but if you can just change your power I'll be more than happy to accept you.
@Gothemel so wait how does light magic work? And is there any way to use it in relation to her established back story, the entire thing is based on her current power so how would you recommend revising it?
@theunderwolf. Magic is energy, but only a few people can control it. What this means is that magic allows you to manipulate that energy into what you want. An example is that if you're fighting soldiers, you can manipulate your magic into an energy attack which takes any shape you want and can kill the opponent when it hits their vital body parts and can disable their limbs if it hits their bones. You can even make long needle shaped energy attacks that can rain down on your enemies, these attacks must come from the palms of your hands. You can also create light with it, like lets say make a ball of magic in the palm of your hand and hold it there. And you can make a light magic shield.(This is light magic). Now dark magic is similar to that like I said, but is more dangerous. Dark magic is like poison which you can control. Unlike light magic, it doesn't have to touch a vital spot, it's power is so impure that it can decay the skin when it touches it. The only way to stop the decaying from killing you is if you get it healed fast. And it can decay any object that it touches. You can also make it surround your weapon and fuse with it, making it more dangerous because of the poison and because the weapon isn't pure anymore, if it is metal, someone who controls metal can't control your weapon because it isn't pure metal anymore. And for your backstory you could say that your character had an army of followers who all worshipped the dark. Seeing as she can control dark magic, that made her the most powerful of them all and as such they saw her as their only chance for power. Also you could have it that because of their time spent with your character and her dark magic, the magic's radiation or influence eventually made them lose their humanity and became demon like. This means that their minds were so lost that they couldn't understand anything but the orders they got and they even lost all sense of fear and pain hardly affected them, which made them more powerful than the ordinary soldier. But after being defeated by the Fiend, he gave your character charge of her own troops of minions who would follow any order given without her having to use your dark magic to manipulate them.
NAME: Ragan Vultog

AGE: 48


PERSONALITY: Foremost a coward who is always looking for an easy way out in any potentially difficult situation and is not afraid to betray anyone.

POWER: Dark magic



BIO: A former member of the Avion's Council. When he discovered that Krad Dorl was planning a siege against the council he panicked. Due to his fear and panick he tried to convince his fellow members to not resist Krad Dorl, but upon their refusal Ragan betrayed the council and joined Krad and presented him with valuable information about the council. Although the Fiend lord allows Ragan to his meetings, his generals extremely hate Ragan and the only reason they have not killed him yet is because the Fiend Lord gave them a direct order not to.

According to them(even though they still do enjoy inflicting pain on others) betrayal of anykind is the worse crime that one can commit. They constantly ask if Ragan could easily betray his former brothers what would prevent him from betraying the Fiend Lord. Ending his life is the only thing that can redeem him.
@theunderwolf and @Storm Blessed, both of you are accepted. Now I'm going to PM our earth and wood characters who are the only people we're waiting on before we start.

Our earth spot is now open again. The person whom it was reserved for claims that he might slow us down so he pulled out. So i want to know if any of you want to take it before I open it again tomorrow and allow someone else to take it.
Name: Vergil Terra

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Personality: Really nice and calm person. Down to earth and loves helping others out.

Power: Earth.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.1f2e600d6f71491f78ff27d725062a9e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33294" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/image.jpg.1f2e600d6f71491f78ff27d725062a9e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon: Gauntlets and sword.

Bio: WHen Vergil was a young boy, he was always stronger than the rest of the little boys and he soon found out about his powers. A traveler had entered his small town and had tried to attack Vergil at night. Vergil woke up and screamed, creating a large spike that penetrated the travelers heart, killing him. When the kingdom soon found out about the boys feat, he was sent to the main castle to start training, he was told he was one of the chosen ones. He trained for years becoming a master with his sword and gauntlets as well as adept with his abilities to control earth. He always helped people in need whether it be helping someone getting to their house carrying many things or even on a quest where he would never leave a fellow soldier behind. He quickly became known a one of the nicest people in the kingdom. Until he heard about the darkness trying to get to a sacred artifact. He also learned that the traveler who tried to attack him when he was younger was a demon trying to get rid if one of the chosen ones. Vergil trained harder and harder to become the best soldier to defeat the dark powers and save the world from destruction.



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