The Necromancer's Claw

Name: Isaac Smith

Age: 16

Personality: Is a very calm level headed guy who never likes being in a crowd of people aka: does not like being around many people

Appearance: Wears a black trench cot and other dark clothing and has white hair and red eyes

Weapon: Small dagger/ sword

Bio: Isaac was a young boy around 8 when he learned of his powers. He had heard stories about how darkness once fought for control and he passed this info to his only friend at the time. His friend thought the darkness was doing good and should have won. This caused them to fight and driving them apart until Isaac learned of his power of elasticity. They met in the market and he showed of his ability to his friend who tried to kill him in the name of darkness. Isaac used his new ability to grab a small dagger from a near by cart and kill his only friend. The kingdom got news of this and have been training him ever since, now he tries his best to keep people safe from the darkness because he feels bad for what he caused his friend by telling him about the darkness.
Name: John Abraus

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: Calm, easygoing, but loyal. Will sacrifice himself.

Power: Psi

Appearance(Discription or picture):

Weapon: Bow

Bio:He's impartial, precise and daring. But there's more than meets the eye, not surprising for somebody with his disturbing past. He was born and grew up in a poor family in a broken port, he lived happily until he was about 16 years old, but at that point life took a turn for the worst. He killed somebody during a food shortage and was neglected by everybody, even hunted. With nothing, he had to survive in a criminal world. But with his inginuity and eagerness, he managed to face all obstacles and battle the elements. This has turned him into the man he is today.

With a new chance at life, he now works on meeting new, kind people. By doing so, he hopes to support a new, honest life and finally find significant other he has never had.

Other (Optional):
@John Abraus. I'm sorry but all the spots are filled but there might be one that opens and as soon as that happens I will alert you.

I really am sorry.

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