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Multiple Settings The Mysterious Play: Hierophant of Skies (Accepting votes!)

Tell them the truth of course. We can't just stay silent or we're dead, and what lie could possibly help in this situation in which we understand little to nothing about the other person?
Yes, let's tell her the truth! The only real silver lining of this situation is that it seems she is finally going to listen to us (at least for a moment), after all. There's no point in making something up that will only create more misunderstandings than there already are.

Rosalina Chandra

Tell them the truth of course. We can't just stay silent or we're dead, and what lie could possibly help in this situation in which we understand little to nothing about the other person?
Yes, let's tell her the truth! The only real silver lining of this situation is that it seems she is finally going to listen to us (at least for a moment), after all. There's no point in making something up that will only create more misunderstandings than there already are.


You manage to pull yourself together and of course, you're going to tell her the truth!

You really don't have any other real option here (aside from dying!) other than to sing like a canary!!

After realizing this, you do just that:

"C-calm down, PLEASE, I-I am Rosalina Chandra, Rosie for short, and I am the Hierophant of Skies! I'm sure you're my fifth crest-bearer, o' bringer of storms! Please! We need you! We need you to save all of Cion Isle!" You beg and plead and cry, actually very glad this stranger is wearing gloves because all the messy and fearful tears have murdered your sinuses and your nasal drip has probably reached her hand by now...

For a moment, which simultaneously lasts both a second and for eternity, you can't tell what her reaction is, as she doesn't move or make a sound and is as still as a statue...

Is she stunned?

This is shocking, but still...

"M-miss? I-I'm the Hieroph--"

"I heard you the first time, shut up!" She snaps back, clearly not stunned anymore, "I just... This can't... Then... that voice... That means... It... No! NO! Argh! This is crazy! YOU'RE crazy!!!"


Are you hearing this right?!

How can a Crest-bearer NOT KNOW---

"N-no, I-I'm telling the truth! Think carefully: Aren't you an extremely powerful magic user??? Don't you have a mark somewhere on your body????"

"W-what!? How did-- Er, uh, I-I mean I-I don't... have... a mark... on my... body..." They mutter, sound more unsure with every word, and you don't need to be an expert on psychology to guess she's lying to you (and also possibly herself).

DENIAL isn't just some river in Egypt, Stormbringer!

"Yes, you do! I KNOW you do! It's NOT A BIRTHMARK, I swear! It's a crest! A crest from CELOSIA themself!!! It means you are one of her chosen ones---"

"Augh, this is ridiculous, I don't know why I wasted my time with you mad people!" She barks, and to your relief, sheaths her dagger back and AWAY from your neck, thank Celosia!

You take a moment to catch your breath (in your fear, you had almost forgotten to breathe during this exchange) and then realize you need to try to talk to her more... or do something!

"WAIT! NO! PLEASE DON'T GO!" You cry and call out while facing in her direction, but of course, like a bolt of lightning, they're gone as fast as you can blink...

You exhale again and rub your hand over your arm... Your--

Hey... Wait...

Weren't you bleeding and in pain from being grazed by lightning a bit ago?!

You gasp and yank up your sleeve as quick as you can:


It's gone!

The wound is gone!

What on Cion Isle is going on!??!?!

"This dang topsy turvy world..." You sigh, exasperated by just... EVERYTHING... You're exasperated by everything at this point...

As you inhale and exhale to try to calm yourself and make up for the lost breaths you missed during your little brush with death (and the storm bringer...) you can see, off in the distance, the mighty storm begins its rage anew...

"Chipituka, acknee ta tu kumen!" Xantarra (most likely) curses the storm-bringer good riddance, and you collapse under all this weight.

"What are we gonna do..." You mutter near hopelessly, trying to assess the situation.

How does a crest-bearer not know they're a crest bearer?!

They can make insane, powerful storms but they treat being called a crest-bearer like...


...Like you were talking about some mythical thing that they don't believe exists...

That's not possible!

How can a crest-bearer... Not believe in crest-bearers!?

As you lament what just happened, you hear moaning and groaning coming from the caravan, it looks like your party members are slowly recovering from the storm-bringers beat down...

You and Xannie rush to their side, and...

Yet again...

Your seemingly new magical touch helps and heals your family.

"Ugggh... Who was that...?" Adrian groans as he's almost back to 100%.

"D***ed troublemaker is who they were..." Papa utters after he inhales and exhales, also recovering.

"...They were trained, THAT is for d***ed sure," Xander confirms your suspicions almost right off the bat.

"...They were our fifth crest bearer," You drop the bomb on all of them.

Nearly unanimously, there are groans and bemoans from your party and you hold back a chuckle but let a small one slip anyway because if you don't laugh it off you WILL cry.

"OF COURSE they were, why would they NOT be??" Xander angrily sighs while rubbing where he was hurt as if to check his injuries were gone, then he looks at you and is about to say something before he pauses, squints as he looks at you, then asks, "Your hair... That... pink streak... is it...??"

Xander then gestures with his fingers to his forehead, clearly meaning for the last word to be "wider".

"Eh eh? My bangs? Huh?" You ask as you tilt your head in confusion. In all the craziness you hadn't noticed anything with your bangs... Are they getting pinker or something?

"Mmmn, never mind," Xander rolls his eyes and brushes it off.

"Geez, if they were one of us, why did they attack us?!" Adrian asks, also examining himself.

"...I-I... I don't think they know they're a crest-bearer... They... They might not even believe they're a crest-bearer..." You mutter sadly, still trying to process and calculate the situation.

"WHAT?!" Cousin Adrian and Papa both gasp in shock, not believing what you just told them.

"But... But how?! Even as a lad, I---"

"Actually... It makes a lot of sense when you really think about it..." Xander begins, starting off mumbling but gradually getting louder.

"Oh? How so?" Papa asks, wide-eyed.

"Think about it: As we've journeyed on, we've seen different peoples perspectives ON crest-bearers... And... It's not been great, has it?" Xander asks.

You think back to your meetings with wind, fire, water, and earth, and it's... 50/50, right?

"Even Elias, raised in Auran, was strictly taught how to master his power over winds basically as soon as he could walk, and Kaine painstakingly protected his people from a frost, and both of them still having lost people dear to them..."

You look over to Papa and see he had hung his head...

"And that's, what? One city that believes crest-bearers are good and, if you recall, the other had believed they're a myth and dismissing the legend entirely... To say NOTHING of Adrian and Xantarra raised where they're ONLY seen as a curse...."





There is a long and (seemingly) deafening moment of silence.

"So... What exactly are you getting at...?" Adrian finally has the courage to ask exactly where Xander was going with this.

"I'm saying whoever raised them probably told them they're just a gifted magic-user... Tried to protect them... I had a hunch it might be this way when we started heading towards the soldier's training camps... We figured, real or not, it didn't matter: We can't RELY on crest-bearers ALONE to fight the Terrains and Neptneans, especially if they have their OWN crest-bearers. At best, we're fighting fire with fire and at worst we've got, what, SEVEN people versus an army AND possibly other crest-bearers of the other Deities?"

He's making A LOT of sense right now...

That storm-bringer...

It looks like you're going to have to start from square ZERO when it comes to recruiting her...

Your bearer of Storms...

"And this is all WITH Elias in the palace, being taught alongside the guards and soldiers that protect this Isles very Empress..." You manage to blurt while quickly getting lost in thought.

"Exactly," Xander grimly nods.

"Did I hear my name just now?" Suddenly comes the voice belonging to the love of your life lifting your heart high in the sky.


"ELIAS!" You cry, running straight into his arms (basically throwing yourself on him) and just burying yourself in his arms... You need some help lifting all this weight...

"Hey love, what did I miss?" He asks, gently smiling at you while wiping your tears.

"We were attacked!" Adrian cries while he and the rest of your party also run up to your darling, and your cousin asks, "Where the heck were you?! Did you at least find who you were looking for?!"

"I'm sorry... I thought I sensed someone with the same blood as Elmiel and I nearby but..." Elias begins, then he has this look on this face which, it's hard to put your finger on exactly, but you can feel your heart whispering to you that he's trying to find the words.

"But..." You caress his face and look into his eyes with concern... Behind his eyes, you can sense there's something bothering him.

"There was some... kind of interference... I couldn't pinpoint it... And... Then there was a voice... It was calling... Calling out... To... To something... or... someone..." He explains, troubled.

"Calling out to something or someone?" You repeat, placing your hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"Yes, but... I-I don't think it was looking for my relative... Or me... I don't know who or what that voice sought..." Elias continues.

Hey...Wait... Didn't the Stormbringer say something about a voice too...?

All the more proof she's your fifth crest-bearer...

And Elias' relative...

"M-my love..." You begin, swallowing a lump in your throat, and trying to maintain eye contact, but you won't deny it is difficult, "I...I think WE were the ones who ran into this relative of yours..."

"Wh...What? Why do you say that...?" Elias asks in concern and confusion.

"B...Because..." You inhale, then exhale, continuing, "I think... I think she looked almost exactly like your mother... Just... younger... Like... In her prime..."

Elias gasps and goes wide-eyed.

"Wait, what? How can you possibly--"

"Why didn't you tell us this, Sweetheart?!"

"What in Celosia and her son's name is going on here?!"

"APUTULUTATUCHIKA!" Xantarra is simply shouting in shock because everyone else is, and you can't believe in this dire moment you find that both hilarious and adorable!

"Are you sure?" Elias asks desperately, his hands on your shoulders.

"I'm almost certain... She had your hair... I-I didn't get to see her eyes, but--"

And that voice... Her voice... It even kind of sounded like Aries...

"Her voice... It... I would safely wager my life yours and Elmiels blood courses through her veins as well..." You tell him as much as you can about your bearer of storms.

"She was also a trained soldier," Xander interrupts grimly looking Elias dead in the eyes.

"What?!" Elias gasps, having a bomb dropped on him as well, it would seem.

"She took us down like it was nothing, utilizing both her crest AND training... A valuable asset IF we can convert her into an ally... But... Well, Rosie, you wanna take this one?" Xander asks.

You have a pretty good idea what bomb he wants YOU to drop on Elias next.

"Darling," You begin, "I don't think she knows or believes in crest-bearers... Let alone that she IS one..."

"YOU'RE KIDDING ME," Elias blurts in shock.

"I wish I was, my love," You expand further on this, "But when she asked about my compass and I explained as much as I could to her... She... She went into denial...A-and called me crazy..."

"And this was all AFTER she attacked us and struck Rosie with lightning!" Adrian adds.


"I-I'm fine, love, I'm fine, Xannie saved me from her other attacks," You try to defend Elias' relative, not wanting there to be bad blood between them before they even really met.

"Sharing blood with Elmiel and I or not, I can't forgive her attacking Rosie or my friends!" Elias states, clearly getting a little angry.

"Calm yourself, Elias. If you wanna get even, let's keep going forward: The grounds are up ahead and if our suspicions are right, which I'm sure they are, your relative will be there," Xander, truly mirroring your big brother, gives Elias the medieval version of your brothers "Stay frosty" speech and you can't hide the smile on your face when you see its working on him.

The rest of your party agrees with Xanders notion, and after healing and calming the horses, your caravan is ready and rearing to finally arrive at Levi Plains... The soldier's training grounds.

As you suspected, the closer you guys get to the training grounds, the worse the storm gets...

It's like you're traveling to its very eye...

You gulp as it's as dark as approaching evening when really it should be around mid-afternoon or so, you'd wager.

Opposite of your Stormbringer, it would appear the man guarding the grounds was one of the friendliest people on earth because, through the thunder and the rain, he's singing and humming a merry tune to himself to keep a smile on his face!


"Hey! Clif!!" You hear Elias shout (not that you'd have problems hearing him: you're snuggled comfy and cozy in his arms and a blanket in the caravan) as he peeks through the front from kinda under big bro and Papa when Elias heard your brother shout.

The horses whinny and neigh as your transport stops, and your party starts disembarking.

Xantarra is lowly growling and...

Looking around both ways like she was about to cross the street? Like she was looking for something??

"Xannie?" You ask her... then look around to find Papa and Adrian can also "feel" what she's feeling too.

"Elias..." Adrian quietly mutters, removing all doubt something is amiss.

"I know... It's strong..." Elias answers back.

"No wonder they caused so much trouble... Anyone of sound mind wouldn't be with this constant plea in the back of their heads..." Papa mumbles, almost mimicking Xannie's head-turning.

"My love...?" You plea for Elias' attention, hoping he can explain what's going on.

"Apparently, the other crest-bearers can hear it too now, sweetheart..." Elias explains, and you feel a lurch in your stomach.

If it's something other crest-bearers can hear... Where does that leave you?

Shouldn't you also be able to hear it being their Hierophant...?


What if the voice is looking for you???


"Hey now! What's all the hush hush?" A jolly, kinda handsome (not as handsome as Elias and Elmiel, of course!) brown-haired man smiles at your group, and he salutes Xander as you all approach.

The polar opposite of the lady soldier you just fought, for sure.

"Eh, don't worry about it, if my hunch is right, you'll find out soon anyway," Xander explains.


Was it just you or did the jolly man... Quickly grab something from his table and shove it into his coat pocket before Xander or your Crest-bearers noticed?

It's hard to hear through the raging storm... But you're almost sure when he shoved that thing into his pocket... You heard crinkling...

Paper...? Did he shove PAPER in his coat pocket?


You normally wouldn't like to be nosy... But you'd like satisfaction to bring back the cat curiosity killed: As you approach his table in his tent, you see a drawing of a VERY FAMILIAR retainer of the Empress...

And his name DID ring some bells...

Ah. You know who this man is now: Clif... As in Cora's husband!

That's why he's got a drawing of Cora on his table! (...It... looks a little moist... You really, REALLY hope it's from the rain and not him trying to make out with the paper!




Your suspicions its paper grow as the man waves his arms to your party and you can slightly, just barely, hear the crinkle again.

"Wow, Xander AND Elias?! What brings you guys here?" He asks with lots of pep in his voice, and, for once, you're not panicking as Clif gives you that look you're already used to and familiar with: The "have I seen you before?" look.

You're gonna start ranking these (because you can): Your favorite was Damorris', but Caspian's wasn't bad either... Guess that leaves Clif in third place!

This time, you smile brightly as you let the cat out of the bag... Taking off your glasses, and pulling your bangs to the side.

Clif gasps and goes wide-eyed.

"AH! HEL- ER, MAJESTY?! YOU TOO?! IS EVERYTHING OKAY?!" Clif asks, springing up from his chair like a daisy in the snow, as panicked as he was happy moments earlier, and you can't really blame him...

You can't think of too many POSITIVE REASONS The empress and her guardian and captain coming here would be...

"At ease," Xander raises his hand to silence and reassure Clifton, "This isn't the Empress. Her name is Rosie."

"I'm the Hierophant of Skies," You reveal yourself, actually liking this rare time it is stress-free to do so, and smile at him while putting your glasses back on, continuing with, "We have reason to believe you have a crest-bearer in your midst."

Clif gasps again and is stunned and dumbfounded and you, again, can't really blame him: Instead of staring at his Empress, he was staring at the girl of legend... Brought here by another legend.

"Wha--- Who--- Golly, are you sure?" Clif asks.

You sigh. That's about what you expected, honestly.

"Mmhmm, Positive," You answer.

"Is it cause of that glowy-thingy around your neck?" Clif asks while pointing at it.

"Yep!" You answer back.

"C'mon Clif, you basically grew up with Elias since both he and Cora were attached to you cause her highness was, don't be THAT shocked," Xander sighs, and you can tell he's trying his hardest to NOT lose his patience with Cora's husband.

Aaaaah, you remember now: Clif was infamous for being the only man to make Elmiel lose his cool... A feat not easily done, even by Elias!

...You're beginning to see how it was possible Clif pulled it off...

"I know! I know! I guess... Just... In the back of my mind, I still didn't wanna believe it you know... Let alone think there was one RIGHT HERE!" Clif stutters in his response.



Goodness, there's so much de-nile here you're wondering if maybe you shoulda been transported to ancient EGYPT instead of ancient Europe!!!

Uh oh.

Xanders looking at some papers and frowning... It's that same frown he had back when the compass first was leading your crew to Adrian...

This doesn't bode well...

"Hang on a tick," Xander pipes up after lifting his nose from the papers, "What do you mean THE GENERAL DIED?!"

"WAIT WHAT?" You and Elias shout.

"Wha-- Yea-- H--... He died a few fortnights ago, Sir... We sent these records back to Auran... H-how did you not know...?" Clif blubbers, equally surprised at Xanders shock.

"I guess my superiors failed to notify me..." Xander bitterly grunts.

Superiors... Does... Does he mean ELMIEL?

Wait... Elmiel knew about the General of Cions ENTIRE ARMY DIED and didn't tell THE CAPTAIN?!

What's going on here?!

Adrian and Papa are shifting around uncomfortably, and you can tell they are TRYING to pay attention, Celosia bless their souls, but ever since setting foot on these grounds you're guessing that... voice... is robbing them of their ability to pay attention.

Xantarra is even resorting to sniffing around to see if she can track the "voice's" owner via their scent, bless her.

You KNOW it won't be THAT simple...


"Wait, so, if Aturius is dead... Who's been running these grounds, then!?" Xander demands.

"Uhh... His... Healer...? No wait, maybe Son, I think?" Clif answers, unsurely.

"You think? How do you not KNOW?" Xander questions him.

"W-well, they dress like our healing mages, which are usually only women, but only male heirs can inherit his station, BUT-"

...Right... Medieval times... Women are seen as property... Amazing women can even join the "army", really, but you suppose if they have a talent for healing magic it would be stupid and borderline suicidal to deny the troops healers...

You'd think with AN EMPRESS ruling the Isle and the REIGNING DIETY is literally a GODDESS this wouldn't be a problem, but, well, not every dream was meant to come true.

"--Before he died General Aturius appointed THEM to be in charge... So I just assumed they liked the cloaks??" Clif unsurely answers while scratching his head, and you're pretty sure everyone (who could pay attention anyway) senses something is amiss.

You give Elias a glance and... Huh... Looks like he's deep in thought...

Like he's desperately trying to remember something?

"Sweetheart, are you alright?" You whisper tenderly into his ear.

"Y-yeah, it's just... That name... Aturius... I swear I've heard it before..." He mumbles back.

"Sure, Elmiel must have said his name appointing him General before, right?" You ask quietly.

Elias shakes his subtlety, "No... Before then... Before I came to Auran..."


Then... Maybe he heard that name from Aeso---

"If the General had any children of age, THEY should be appointed, or be training to ready themselves to supervise these grounds while the Second-in-command takes charge, so you'd better be DARN sure that IS his son," Xander orders, then adding to your surprise, "I can't believe you of all people didn't alert this to Elmiel's attention, Clifton! If General Aturius DIED with NO LIVING SONS to take the reigns, it falls to the son of his Second in Command... Which is YOU. You replaced your father as the General's second in command."


CLIF should be in charge?!?!

Maybe it's best this possible healer/ son still calls the shots.

"I understand, sir, but well... They navigate us through the storms with ease and their training regimen is almost perfect--"

...As he says this, you aren't sure if anybody else noticed, but... Clif's hand glides its way over to the crinkly pocket... and gently pats it...



"Mmnn. Fine. If this isn't you shirking your responsibilities, especially after BEGGING HIS HIGHNESS to SEND YOU HERE, then I'm just going to have a quick word with this healer... Make sure everything checks out..." Xander grumbles while signing some documents on the table and exiting the tent.

You at first want to stop him to make sure he knows where he's going, but... Well... You're pretty sure, being the CAPTAIN of the guards and all... He probably knows.

Clif breathes a huge sigh of relief as Xander leaves, and you swear you heard him wish Xander luck on his way out.

"Anyway, Welcome to the Levi Plains, Hierophant!" Clif warmly greets you and your crest-bearers.

"Thank you! It's a pleasure to finally meet the famed Clif whom Cora keeps talking about! And you can call me Rosie, by the by, no need for titles and such!" You giggle and smile back at the happy man.

You can't even blame him: A wife as gorgeous as Cora with a baby as adorable as Synne would make ANY man pleased!

"EEEEE!! Have you seen her lately? Isn't she the most beautiful woman in all of Cion!? How is she doing? Have you seen my little Synne?! Isn't he the CUTEST?! OOoooh I could kiss those chubby cheeks on his face all day~!!!!" Clif gushes on (and on) about his wife and son, and you can't help but smile and grow fond of this man: He's a good father...

You love seeing good fathers...

Deep in your heart, you know they're not ACTUALLY a rarity... But it certainly feels like it in your life...

Ah! Focus!

"He is! Very serious baby!" You nod in agreement and comment on Synnes demeanor.

"I know, Cora says he gets it from my dad, cause she can't imagine he got that from ME or HER!" Clif chuckles, pleased as a pumpkin.

How DID such a serious second-in-command beget such a jolly, silly man????

"Pssst, hey, you two think you can keep him distracted while Kaine, Xantarra, and I look around?" You suddenly hear Adrian whisper behind you, "I don't know who attacked us earlier, but if you described them as a woman..."




This isn't making ANY SENSE: The women here are all healers, but the girl who attacked you earlier WAS NO HEALER!

Strange... Fully trained in combat, but that's seemingly impossible to do so here while being a woman...

Yes, time to distract the guard and have your crest-bearers do some espionage...!

Plus, You've got a feeling if you play your cards right, you might just see what's on that paper...

You nod to Adrian and your crest-bearers sneak off while you exchange glances with Elias and, in sync with the boy of your dreams, it looks like he's willing to help you get the information you want out of Clif.

Time to inquire!



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"APUTULUTATUCHIKA!" Xantarra is simply shouting in shock because everyone else is, and you can't believe in this dire moment you find that both hilarious and adorable

Agreed, she is quite adorable.



I'll say we go with the general's death. We may find why it wasn't reported.
Um, there's a voice in people's heads now guys. I think we're going crazy as a group, guys 😅 jkjk

Anyway, I would agree with Idea. Ask about the general's death. We might find out something about the situation surrounding the event, and we might get info about the replacement anyway.
DENIAL isn't just some river in Egypt, Stormbringer!
there's so much de-nile here
I'm ashamed to say it took both lines for me to get the pun...

Anyway! I'd actually say we start with asking about his family, since that's what we are already talking about. It's not going to be an abrupt or suspicious change of subject (and we need him to not be suspicious since we're covering for the others), and besides, we can bring up the topic of the general and whatnot over Clif's father and Clif being second in command now. That'll also be a smoother transition to perhaps asking about the current successor later.

Though I'll admit I'm not sure if that is the best approach for finding out what's on the paper.

If we're padding for time while doing recon, asking about things that are seemingly innocent is a good way to break the ice and warm up conversation to follow up with more questions later.

Rosalina Chandra

Agreed, she is quite adorable.

I'll say we go with the general's death. We may find why it wasn't reported.
Um, there's a voice in people's heads now guys. I think we're going crazy as a group, guys 😅 jkjk

Anyway, I would agree with Idea. Ask about the general's death. We might find out something about the situation surrounding the event, and we might get info about the replacement anyway.
I'm ashamed to say it took both lines for me to get the pun...

Anyway! I'd actually say we start with asking about his family, since that's what we are already talking about. It's not going to be an abrupt or suspicious change of subject (and we need him to not be suspicious since we're covering for the others), and besides, we can bring up the topic of the general and whatnot over Clif's father and Clif being second in command now. That'll also be a smoother transition to perhaps asking about the current successor later.

Though I'll admit I'm not sure if that is the best approach for finding out what's on the paper.
I return from being impeached out of office, and I say family first! Like Felis said, we dont want to come of as suspiscios!
I vote for ASK ABOUT THE GENERAL'S MYSTERIOUS REPLACEMENT. They may let it slip of how the general died.

If we're padding for time while doing recon, asking about things that are seemingly innocent is a good way to break the ice and warm up conversation to follow up with more questions later.


Um, there's a voice in people's heads now guys. I think we're going crazy as a group, guys 😅 jkjk


You only dismiss the thought because you're uncomfortable thinking otherwise...

As far as YOU know, that voice HAS contributed to driving your Stormbringer to madness, and even your other crest-bearers can see why...

It doesn't help you're bothered as to why YOU can't hear it, being their Hierophant...

You can't believe you actually WANT to hear strange voices calling out in your head, but, well, you also want to stay in a world equivalent to medieval times and be together with a literal character in a book...

Oh, hey! On the bright side: You're living the (admittedly disturbing) shut-ins dream, Dating a fictional character and all!

You smack your head for not staying on task here but also, darn it all, you've gotta look at the silver lining where there is one!!!!!!!!!

Though you are burning with curiosity with what's on that paper, you decide to focus (for now) on not being suspicious and keep talking about his family!

"So! I heard you met Cora when you were a guard! You were only just 12, right? That's incredible!" You cheer.

"Heh, well I was thirteen, actually, but... Ah, yeah, my dad said I was "of age" and figured guarding and patrolling during the day was a good start for me!" Clif corrects you.

You try to hide a wince... If YOU were a mother, you'd be terrified your barely teenage son was patrolling around a palace and meant to guard it!

"Oh wow... Still young... I'll bet your mom had qualms about that!" You blurt out without thinking.

You instantly regret it as Clif suddenly looks sad and uncomfortable when you mentioned his mother.

"Er... She actually died a year before I was of age..." Clif mutters uncomfortably while not making eye contact.

"OH! Oh Celosia, I am SO SORRY!" You backpedal as fast as your tiny feet will let you.

Geez! So insensitive! You mentally punish yourself for that mistake, but it isn't too harsh as you feel Elias' hand brush your shoulder to gently remind yourself to pardon yourself for an honest mistake. You blush and look away bashfully.

"It's ok! You didn't know!" Clif excuses you as well, and you can't help but feel extremely relieved.

"Ahaha... Either way... I'm so sorry about your mother and thank you for forgiving me..." You mumble, embarrassed.

Nuts. You don't even feel the right to ask how she--

"If I may ask... How did she die...?" Elias asks as if reading your mind.


Celosia do you love this boy!

"Oh... She was killed by a plague..." Clif mumbles, avoiding eye contact, and you both regret delving into this subject simply to distract him...


"A-ah! How horrible! I'm doubly sorry! Infinitely sorry! E-eternally sorry!!!" You once again back-pedal and apologize.

"I-it's fine, It's fine!" Clif scratches his head, looking away, pain easily sensed through his smile.

You're really donking this up, huh? Thank goodness Clif is so nice and jolly...! You've barely met him, but it feels wrong to see anything but a smile on his face... Like stomping a butterfly or something...

"Ahaha... Soooo..." You mutter uncomfortably, shifting around, thinking it's time to lighten things up, "I-I heard you b-begged Elmiel to get here, huh? H-how'd you manage that?"

"Oh!" Clif lights up at the change of subject, continuing, "Yeah! I... uh... Th-this is a bit embarrassing but..."

Clif's face turns bright red, and he's sheepishly scratching his head... You and Elias tilt your heads in confusion, both your sets of eyes urging him to go on.

"I-I want another baby!" Clif reveals, and you and Elias gasp as he goes on, "I knew coming here I would earn more tallons, and having another mouth to feed aside Synne... I knew having another baby would only be possible if I worked HERE!"

Ah... So that's why Clif was so persistent...

What a good dad...

You feel awful for admitting this to yourself... but... You're starting to get jealous of little baby Synne...

You shake your head harshly as if punishing yourself for those selfish thoughts and do your best to continue listening to Clif.

"I figure soon I can afford to buy us a nice house, and lots of food! I even had a plan for turning this place around when the storms stop!"


"A... plan to turn this place around...?" Elias asks, in sync with your curiosity.

"And what do you mean when the storms stop?" You also ask, wondering if Clif knows something (possibly about the Stormbringer) that you don't.

Clif looks around, as shifty as can be... Then motions for you and Elias to come closer...

You and your love both lean in after giving each other a look and then...



He's shifting around his coat!!!

He's gonna bust out the paper!!!!!






It can't be... but... No... Even if you don't understand the writing... The PICTURE... Those are SADDLES... and the lines of movement are in a circular motion... Horses going around in a circle... It's... It's definitely a medieval version... of a merry-go-round!!!!!!!

"Wow!" Elias gasps, and asks, "What is it?!"

Wait... He's never seen or heard of a Merry-go-round before?

"It's my latest invention!" Clif says proudly, as proud as he is of Synne and Cora, puffed out chest and everything!

...You don't have the heart to tell him in your world, Merry-go-rounds are a mere children's ride in carnivals, amusement parks, or even fancy shopping malls!!

"See, you hook up the saddle here, and as the horses go round and round, you try to hit the targets riding on the other horses!" Clif explains while pointing to first the straps, and then the center of the picture.

Accuracy... It trains accuracy!

Yes, you can't imagine it would be easy to train that with all the rain and thunder... Good for strength and endurance but...


Is... is this how the carousel was invented in your world, too?

As a tool of war...?


It breaks your heart to think about it...

"A-are you ok?" Clif asks, noticing your forlorn look.

"A-ah! E-er, yes! I'm sorry! It looks like a wonderful invention!" You lie in your reply, sparing Clif the explanation of his invention in YOUR WORLD.

"Thanks... I just... I just wish..." Clif mutters, taking HIS turn to get sad...

"You wish you could have shown Aturius your invention, don't you...? Before... Before he died..." Elias finishes Clif's sentence, definitely more perceptive than one would first think, truly showing he is related to Elmiel.

Clif's sad nod in response confirms your suspicions.


He must have died so suddenly... Permanently peacing out before Clif got the chance to show him...

"I'm so sorry to hear..." You mutter back sympathetically, as you can tell he probably contributed to who Clif was to this very day.

"How did he die?" Elias asks curiously, and you don't fail to detect with every word in that question he's getting more and more bothered by Aturius' death.

"He caught consumption," Clif answered and Elias gasps.

"What? Consumption?" You beg Clif or Elias to clarify.

"It's a disease that consumes the body, the poor General's body was just wasting away as he coughed up blood... I'm surprised he didn't cough up a LUNG near the end...It just... consumed him all over..." Clif explains.

Oh... You think you get it now...

It sounds like Clif's talking about Tuberculosis or something... Makes sense: Tuberculosis is an airborne disease. You're not surprised it's part of the plagues brought upon by the Horseman of Pestilence...

You feel a tinge of anger for some reason... You didn't even realize it but your fist is clenched. F***ing Horseman.

You want to introduce the concept of vaccines here,
but how would they make one in this time period? Could magic kill the bacteria and just leave its shell for a medieval vaccine? Can it be done in a NONLETHAL concoction like a vaccine?

The sooner you summon Celosia the better...

"Do you have any idea how he caught it?" Elias worriedly questions, and it hurts your heart the poor dear seems like he feels he was or should be attached to Aturius for some reason.

"N-no... I-I don't think so..." Clif answers, and you bless and thank Celosia Clif's a BAD LIAR, because he looks away and doesn't maintain eye contact, to say nothing of the shaky, shaky tone of his voice.

"Clif... Please... You can talk to us..." You beg and plead, and, well...

You know it's a bit... manipulative, but...

You need to know more about Aturius and his death, if not for YOU... For Elias...

You take off your glasses, part your bangs, and give Clif your biggest, poutiest puppy dog eyes.

Clif gasps and looks away, but you maintain your doe-eyed stare and he finally sighs, caving.

Not your proudest moment, but...

"Only because you look like Hellie... and both of you have to PROMISE you won't tell a soul, okay? Especially the... uh... new replacement... about this," Clif starts, and you and Elias exchange glances for a moment and then nod at Clif simultaneously.

He leans on the table, and motions for you and Elias to come closer and you both oblige.

"You didn't hear this from me... But... There was something I found strange..." Clif whispers, "He got a random visit from a councilman a few days before he started coughing and being consumed..."

A councilman?!

As in the council that Elmiel's a part of and Hellie turns to for tough stuff??!?!?!?

"He was coughing too, now that I think about it... At least, he definitely started to when he was here..." Clif continues.

"You don't think..." Elias mutters, even though you all know where Clif's going with this exactly.

"If you say I told you this I'll deny it, so don't, but... Yeah... I think that councilman might have gotten the General sick..." Clif keeps going as this tale gets worse and worse.

"And Elmiel just sent him for a meeting with the General knowing or seeing or hearing his coughs, clearly sick?" You inquire, begging clarification.

"...That's what's so strange about it... Even worse: The General had just come back from a meeting at Auran... Why was a councilman sent to see him afterward? What did the General miss in Auran...?" Clif asks, sharing his theory and questions.



Did you purposefully send a sick man to infect and ultimately kill the General of your own army?!


Say it ain't so, Elmiel...!

"I-it must have been a mistake... Y-yeah, it was definitely... DEFINITELY a mistake..." Elias mumbles, but you can tell in his eyes, he's disturbed... and doubting...

"We thought we had gotten out of trouble with consumption after the late Emperor and Empress died, but... I guess not..." Clif mutters.


No wonder!

Aturius died the same way Hellie's parents did!?!??!?!

Geez! This dang world! No wonder Elias was shocked and appalled!

It... It was just a coincidence, right, Elmiel???

Th-the phrase is: Once is happenstance... twice is coincidence...

...So it was all just a horrible, tragic coincidence, right?

Tuberculosis IS airborne... and... it was just a coincidence the councilman that had it and infected the General with it was also what killed Hellie's dad... One disease such as that kills LOTS of people...



Something else Clif said is bugging you:

"Uhm... but why don't you want their replacement to know your theory?" You ask, curious.

"Because I'm afraid they might fly into a rage or something..." Clif mutters uncomfortably, "They were so distraught when the General died... They wouldn't even let us collect his body for burial for several hours... All the healers were crying over our General..."

"Oh..." You mutter, agreeing the replacement going to attack the imperial city wouldn't be good.

The late General Aturius must have meant A LOT to his replacement...

Elias looks really sad, too...

"Is that why you didn't demand Elmiel decree YOU take over? Because you didn't want to go against his wishes?" Elias asks worriedly.

"Mmmm...Mhmm... I... I considered it at first... It was my dream to work my way up... But when I heard all the wailing and how much the General clearly meant to them, and them to the General, I'm sure... Second in command or not: I couldn't steal their position from them, dream or not..." Clif muttered.

Clif's a good guy... No wonder Cora (eventually) fell for him...

"Th-they probably rightfully were their heir?" You blurt out, unsure why or where that came from.


Clif looks away sheepishly and then plainly looks at both of you.

"Welll... I think so too," Clif adds, "Even though General Aturius didn't really have children with his wife... At least, None that we KNEW OF..."


General Aturius didn't share he had a child with the troops?! How?!


"CLIFFY! CLIIIIIFFF!!" comes a new, unfamiliar voice you haven't heard, rushing into the tent.

"Chase?!" Clif gasps in shock, clearly not expecting to be called so urgently, "What's wrong, buddy?!"

Suddenly, a--


WHOA! ANOTHER GINGER ASIDE CHLO?! He's gotta be with the same orange hair like Chlo (but not as bright as hers) with his face adorably adorned with little freckle kisses. The color of their uniforms really brings out his eyes!!

Wow... Celosia's believers are so diverse it's incredible!

...All united under her... Under LOVE...

You... You don't mind being her hierophant... Not that you've minded before... But seeing so much diversity in Celosia's land and love...

"It's Aditi! She's getting worse! We need some imperial mages here, STAT!"

"NO!" Clif cries, frantically reaching for a blank parchment and beginning to scribble things (illegible to you) on it.

"They'll never get here in time...!" Elias shouts, and you both exchange glances.

It isn't very long, as both of you seem to be in sync with what you want to do: Help this Aditi person!

"It's... dangerous you know... Maybe you shouldn't follow me...!" Elias huffs as you both run to what you both assume is the medical tent granted all the fussing and shouting there along with people running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

Huh... Maybe Elias is as perceptive as Elmiel... He isn't aware of the concept of airborne diseases or contagious diseases entirely, but from just talking to Clif and hearing him out he was able to gather a "normal" person shouldn't be around those sick...


"Normal" this case being unvaccinated...

"Heh, well, you're not wrong--" You reply, opting to not sugarcoat or hide things from Elias, "If a person infected with this consumption came here, good chance it got plenty others sick... However, In my world, we know a bit about that, and have vaccines for it! Basically, my body can fight off some pretty contagious sicknesses because of them, so really, it's less dangerous for me than anyone else here!"


You lift up your shoulder sleeve to reveal a small vaccination scar.

Elias, still running, just gapes at you in shock. You give him a wink back.

"Even if I wasn't vaccinated, I'd still be following you. I'd follow you into the dark, if you'd have me," You add.


"...I love you," Elias blurts in shock and awe, looking at you as if you were made of gold or something.


"I love you too, with all my heart, now come on!" You shout back, running faster to the medical tent.

Good lord: All chaos broke loose here for sure!!

There are some sick soldiers but, and this doesn't surprise you, most of the patients are healers in the giant tent!

Naturally, unvaccinated people going toe to toe with these diseases without any protection, even a mask? Recipe for a disaster and giant mess written all over it.

Adrian, Xantarra, and Papa are there, too!

"Rosie! Elias!" Adrian calls out, and you can tell he's trying to stop you from entering, worrying about your health, but you don't have time to explain vaccines or how they work!

Every second counts and Aditi needs you guys!

"Follow me! Come on!" You yell at ALL your crest-bearers to follow you inside.

"W-wait, but Rosie, there's--"

You don't really stop to hear Adrian out as you burst into the tent: Some healers pause a moment to look at you, but then go back to running around frantically to treat the healers.

...Not that you want their attention...

Looming over the bed of a beautiful woman with extremely long, pitch-black hair and tenderly darkened skin that looks luxurious and made of caramel...


Is a demon...

You gasp, drawn back for only a moment, as you don't let yourself be afraid. Why would you? It can't hurt YOU.

You approach her, and another healer with a very sweet voice tries to stop you.


"Please, miss, don't! She's very ill, and all who have treated her have ended up in the same condition as her!" They warn.

"I know, Relax. I got this," You reply, removing your glasses, and parting your bangs.

Whatever gets these people off your back so you can get to healing Aditi faster!

She gasps loudly and is stunned, you take this opportunity to rush to Aditi's side, ignoring the man by her bedside. He gasps, and, as he's about to get up (no doubt to stop you) he sits back down in awe, clearly recognizing you... Or... Hellie, in this case.

The demon chuckles and laughs, looking amused when he sees you.

"Well well well, what do we have here...? Another one waiting for this plague?" It asks, and you're quickly beginning to fume at their arrogance and tone of voice.

It's already unforgivable to infect an innocent person, but their attitude is gonna cost them their LIFE.

"Get away from them, NOW!" You demand, posing as Hellie maybe getting to your head a tad, but you don't seem to have a problem barking at a demon.

"M-majesty, Wh-who are--?"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH! What a funny little creature you are, aren't you...?" It laughs and taunts you in response, "But I have already infected this vessel, and soon they will be mine completely..."

You're paying attention to the demon more than the man and your frown quickly escalates to a glare.

In the back of your head, you hear your brother whispering to stay frosty, but...


Yeah, you can't bring yourself to listen.

"Not gonna happen, GET OUT. Or I WILL MAKE YOU GET OUT," You grit, and the confusion on the man's face grows as if...

As if he can't see it?

Elias and the rest of the crest bearers rush in, and you're relieved when you hear a gasp, hoping to Celosia it means THEY can see it too!

"A-ah! I-is that--?!" Adrian points at it in shock and fear.

"A plague demon!" Elias frowns.

"Oh good, you can see this f***er too, I'm NOT crazy," You grit, turning to Elias, "Just triple-checking, but this thing ain't the voice you guys are hearing, right?"

"HECK NO!" Adrian blurts, shouting.

"The voice we hear is soft and sad and looking for something. This thing already has what it wants..." Elias answers more thoroughly.

The woman you're betting good money is Aditi starts coughing violently and the demon laughs with every labored breath THEY'VE CAUSED as the poor woman tries to desperately hang on.

"How can we stop it?" You beg Elias, feeling a little bad now your desire to help Aditi get better is tainted by wanting to absolutely END this demon.

"Mmmn, It's already far... We can try to put all our healing magic together, but it may not be enough!"


...Good thing the fifth is nearby!


"Rosie, there isn't time!" Papa pleads.

"Ro, if they don't believe in crest-bearers or that they ARE one I doubt within the next few seconds you'll be able to convince them otherwise!!" Adrian informs you urgently.


"If only one of these crests were healing...!!" You cry, tears beginning to flood your face as you try to fight off the very real chance you're about to watch an innocent woman die.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" The demon laughs even harder... Did something you say amuse it?

That's it.

Something inside you snaps and you run up to Aditi's bed, and place your hand on her chest, being closely followed by your crest-bearers.

"Rosie?!" Elias cries.

"HEAL! HEAL NOW!" You command all your crest bearers to save this woman.



If you were able to lightly heal their wounds earlier, then surely...!!




"WHAT!? NO! YOU--!!!" The demon cries, almost as soon as he notices your hand begin to glow.

"GOOD RIDDANCE---!!" You thunderously yell as--



The glow is overtaking Aditi's body!!!! The black veil over her is lifting!!!!

"AAH! AAARGH!!" It shrieks, both in shock and defeat.

The entire of the black is gone, and the demon starts vanishing!


"---To bad rubbish," You finish your statement.

"NO! NOOOOOOO!" It cries in anger this time, but your blood runs cold as it begins... to quietly cackle...

"Heh heh heh... Do you think you've won? I know who you are, Hierophant... Ahahaha, oh yes... I know exactly who you are... Heh heh heh heh heh... I'm not going alone... Soon, I'll be taking THEM with me... And when I do... Hahahahahahahaha..." The demon ominously wails as he fades away from existence...

Taking THEM?

Taking who?

Who are they taking??

Gasps and cries demand your attention as you look around to find black veils lifting from EVERY PATIENT! And even some healers!!

Aditi coughs, but it's not as horrible (or blood-filled...) as before and a healer quickly helps her sit up and drink what smells like a tea of some sort after she opens her eyes.

"Aditi!" The man cries as you step aside for him to hug her.

"Darling...! Wh... What happened...?" Aditi asks, sipping her tea to help her (now very normal) cough and looking around at all the people near her bedside.

"The Empress... She saved you..." He explains, dumbfounded and shocked at what just happened.

Oops. Guess the demon's ominous last words weren't the only things ruining your moment...

"Aheheheheh... IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'm not exactly Hellie..." You sheepishly explain.

"Rosie, you did it!" Elias hugs you tight from behind and you blush as he plants a kiss on your head.

"Rosie?" The man asks.

"What did that thing mean by 'taking them'? Who are they taking?" Adrian scratches his head and wonders.

"Mmmn, Plague demons are known for their lies, he may have been bluffing to rob the dear of her satisfaction," Kaine speculates, and it calms you for a moment, but you doubt the demon was just speaking out of their butt...

"Baru ti ne! Kachu pati lo plita?" Xantarra asks, from her body language you can guess she's asking Aditi if she's alright.

"She's wondering if you're okay..." You hold back a giggle as you translate for your Earth-bearer.

"I-I'm fine, majesty, b-but... H-how and why are you here...?" Aditi asks, shocked to see you.

"I-I'm not the Empress. I am the Hierophant of Skies. These are my crest-bearers!" You inform her while gesturing to the amazing people beside you.

"The... Hierophant..." She mutters, still wide-eyed.

"Uncanny, you resemble her almost exactly," The man comments.

Oh! In all the madness you didn't notice (and you can't believe you didn't!) he's HUGE! As big as Xander! His hair is dark as the night with skin a lovely shade of chocolate brown!

Man, you really were focused on that demon not to notice this giant!!!

"Ah! Rosie--!" Clif cries out from the crowd you also hadn't noticed gathered around Aditi's bedside.

"It's okay! She's okay!" You cheer with silliness and happiness.

You've never been so happy to hear throats clearing and regular coughing in your whole life.

"She seemed to have vanished the plague demon haunting the grounds, Clif," The man informs the second-in-command.

"WHAT?!" Clif hours in shock, reminding you of Scias a bit for that moment.

"I-it was nothing, r-really..." You mutter, and it's more than humility and modesty that keep you from accepting too much praise... Like you know you only BORROWED that power...

But... from who...?


No... You wouldn't feel so guilty and worried if that was the case... Perhaps you should have kept your cool after all... You saved Aditi, but you can't shake the feeling you should be even MORE worried now... You wish you knew who the demon was talking about...!

Before you're able to dwell on this further, Chase bursts in as well.

"Hey what's--" He begins but then the healer from before you revealed yourself gets to him before anything.

"Love! The Empress! She healed our friend Aditi!" The healing girl who tried to stop you from explains, taking off her hood and--


Hey, she almost has some of the same facial features as Archer, except her skin is a shade or two darker despite her Hair being as pitch black as Aditi's and Archers.

"What?! No way?! For real?!" Chase blurts out, eyebrows high as the sky.

"And we are forever grateful to her," The giant man smiles at you.

"Stone! So glad she's ok! I don't know what I'd do if I lost Cora!" Clif breathes a sigh of relief.

Cora...? Wait...

is this Stone's wife?!

Ah, no wonder he was dutifully sitting by Aditi's bedside... He's in love and married to her!!!

Stone, not seemingly a man of many words, unlike Clif and Chase, simply nods and turns his attention to Aditi, sharing a warm, loving embrace with his wife.

You smile and breathe a huge sigh of relief... This moment wouldn't have been possible without... That power... That power that you don't know where it came from...

You feel a hand on your shoulder... It's Elias' hand... He's smiling proudly at you and you bashfully smile back, placing your exhausted head on his shoulder...

You feel a tap on your shoulder and you and Elias turn around to Clif's jolly face.

"Thank you," Clif happily expresses his gratitude while nodding and bowing his head to you momentarily, but he looks a little concerned while he continues, "...Listen... The Captain's meeting with Aturius' Heir right now. I'll go check on them, but you should probably stop by the General's tent to see any progress He's made..."

From all the looks everyone's giving you, you probably can guess Clif wanted to get a head start because he probably wanted you to explain what the heck you just did...

You really wish you knew yourself!

Hm... You don't think Xander is the only one with the opinion that Clif should be the one running this place... You don't miss Chase frowning as Clif says "Generals tent" as if it wasn't CLIF'S tent...

Sure enough, when Clif leaves and is well out of earshot... Chase's loud groan echoed throughout the medical tent. His "love", the pretty healer, shoots him a dirty look in response soon as she hears it.

"Will you stop it!?"


"We don't even know who they are, Kay! Why are they wearing healer's garbs IF THEY'RE NOT A WOMAN?! How do we even know they're related to General Aturius!?" Chase frustratedly exhales, and though you can understand where he's coming from, you're not sure Kay (it is her name, right?) shares his sentiments.


"How can you even say that?! You were there! You saw how they clung to his body and wept with us when he died!" Kay retorts back, and it's escalating even more!

"I SAW a cloaked figure hog his body, yes... but... Listen, only a RELATIVE of Aturius should take his place, and since HE HAD NONE THAT WE KNEW OF, CLIF should be in charge! He's smart, Kay! He could lead us better than this mystery "heir" and we AT LEAST KNOW WHO HE IS!"

"You are SO INSENSITIVE!!! THEY ARE Aturius' heir and should be leading us anyway! They're leading us just fine! Besides, CLIF DOESN'T MIND! If he DID he woulda talked to Elmiel!"


Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!

Where's Oprah when you need her?! (This IS what she deals with, right?!?!)

You DID NOT think you'd be in the middle of a marital SPAT today!

Clif IS smart, especially after seeing his invention, but... If even HE doesn't think he should be in charge...

However, rules are rules... If this mysterious second in command shares blood with Aturius they SHOULD be in charge...

But... There's probably a reason Clif didn't correct this, right???


Aw geez! What should you do?!


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Is... is this how the carousel was invented in your world, too?

As a tool of war...?

It breaks your heart to think about it...

Honestly I think it's a great thing for humanity to be at the stage, even if localized, where we can discard certain tools of war and remake into something like amusement for children. If we could remake all that once was used to hurt into things that can bring joy, wouldn't that be a wonderful thing?

You want to introduce the concept of vaccines here, but how would they make one in this time period? Could magic kill the bacteria and just leave its shell for a medieval vaccine? Can it be done in a NONLETHAL concoction like a vaccine?

*Puts on nerd glasses*

Well, vaccines don't really kill anything, they basically consist of weakened or dead samples of whatever you are being vaccinated against so your body can learn to defend against the real threat by the time it shows up. The reason why vaccines may have to be taken multiple times is normally because viruses and bacteria multiply extremely quickly and thus are quite capable of mutating extremely quickly as well, though some moreso than others.

So the medieval fantasy would be either:
A) Some kind of isolated weakened contagion, contained with magic and put into the body.
B) The Spartan way



Honestly? The heir may share blood, but Cliff ain't just a good person (it seems) but if I understood correctly he also has experience having been the second in command. He probably should be in charge in a regent sort of role, until the heir is found, and people made sure he has the competence to lead. In fact, wouldn't it be best if Cliff took the leadership, added some focus on finding the heir and taking him on as an apprentice? I feel that could satisfy people. Seeing how Cliff is just temporarily in charge until the 'deserving' person is ready, and personally caring to help them grow into that role.

So I'll side with Chase here. I think we have every reason, at least at the moment, to logically side with Cliff being in charge.
Um, I think we should just ask Cliff what's up. I get where Kay is coming from, but Cliff is someone who's shown that he can be in charge. Idk why they're fighting over this when they don't even know the legitimacy of the General's heir. Shouldn't they figure that out first before deciding whether Cliff should give up his position for the heir?

In any case, I side with Chase on this one.
I honestly can't say what the best solution is here. But I think so far we've had the best success when we pressed for issues to be resolved directly, so I'll join the others in saying to side with Chase. Everyone just ignoring that they don't even know who their general is can't be good in the long run.

Rosalina Chandra

Honestly I think it's a great thing for humanity to be at the stage, even if localized, where we can discard certain tools of war and remake into something like amusement for children. If we could remake all that once was used to hurt into things that can bring joy, wouldn't that be a wonderful thing?

*Puts on nerd glasses*

Well, vaccines don't really kill anything, they basically consist of weakened or dead samples of whatever you are being vaccinated against so your body can learn to defend against the real threat by the time it shows up. The reason why vaccines may have to be taken multiple times is normally because viruses and bacteria multiply extremely quickly and thus are quite capable of mutating extremely quickly as well, though some moreso than others.

So the medieval fantasy would be either:
A) Some kind of isolated weakened contagion, contained with magic and put into the body.
B) The Spartan way

Honestly? The heir may share blood, but Cliff ain't just a good person (it seems) but if I understood correctly he also has experience having been the second in command. He probably should be in charge in a regent sort of role, until the heir is found, and people made sure he has the competence to lead. In fact, wouldn't it be best if Cliff took the leadership, added some focus on finding the heir and taking him on as an apprentice? I feel that could satisfy people. Seeing how Cliff is just temporarily in charge until the 'deserving' person is ready, and personally caring to help them grow into that role.

So I'll side with Chase here. I think we have every reason, at least at the moment, to logically side with Cliff being in charge.
Um, I think we should just ask Cliff what's up. I get where Kay is coming from, but Cliff is someone who's shown that he can be in charge. Idk why they're fighting over this when they don't even know the legitimacy of the General's heir. Shouldn't they figure that out first before deciding whether Cliff should give up his position for the heir?

In any case, I side with Chase on this one.
I honestly can't say what the best solution is here. But I think so far we've had the best success when we pressed for issues to be resolved directly, so I'll join the others in saying to side with Chase. Everyone just ignoring that they don't even know who their general is can't be good in the long run.


Honestly I think it's a great thing for humanity to be at the stage, even if localized, where we can discard certain tools of war and remake into something like amusement for children. If we could remake all that once was used to hurt into things that can bring joy, wouldn't that be a wonderful thing?


Heh... This thought comforts you a lot... It's moments like these that make you appreciate YOUR WORLD more, and that makes you MISS your world...

But... You probably shouldn't... Because if you want to stay with Elias...

*Puts on nerd glasses*

Well, vaccines don't really kill anything, they basically consist of weakened or dead samples of whatever you are being vaccinated against so your body can learn to defend against the real threat by the time it shows up. The reason why vaccines may have to be taken multiple times is normally because viruses and bacteria multiply extremely quickly and thus are quite capable of mutating extremely quickly as well, though some moreso than others.

So the medieval fantasy would be either:
A) Some kind of isolated weakened contagion, contained with magic and put into the body.
B) The Spartan way


Ah! Right!

Gosh, this is why you have a "C" in Biology!!

Idk why they're fighting over this when they don't even know the legitimacy of the General's heir. Shouldn't they figure that out first before deciding whether Cliff should give up his position for the heir?
Everyone just ignoring that they don't even know who their general is can't be good in the long run.


Oh gosh!

That's right! Chase is talking like... Like they don't even know who they are... Makes sense: If Aturius HID his child's birth, it goes without saying they'd be off the record...

If Aturius hadn't appointed their mysterious heir before he died... Would these guys even know they existed????

You're guessing probably not... But WHY?

Why hide your child from your comrades???

"You.... Don't even know who the new General is??" You just blurt out in surprise.


"SEE?! Thank Celosia I'm not the only one here that realizes how absolutely MAD this all is!!" Chase cries in relief.

"Wh-what---?! N--- Y-you---! Th-that's--!!" Kay tries to begin her rebuttal, but then hesitates, struggling with something you can't point your finger on, but...

You get the feeling Kay knows something you don't...



...Actually, come to think of it... EVERY healer is now acting more suspiciously than a sinner in church... Whispering amongst each other and stealing glances at you and then quickly looking away when you catch them gawking...!

Just what's going on here?!

"Listen, I get that Clif is your best friend, Chase, he's a dear friend to me too, but clearly you're biased--"





Ooooh boy, the lovers "quarrel" is getting more and more heated, and though you sympathize with Kay, you ARE on Chase's side, and as you're about to intervene and say something, Chase does something way outta left field:

He suddenly points to Elias.




You guess in the shock and chaos no one stopped to take a good look at Elias...

Until NOW, that is.

Hushed and rushed whispering begins to fill the tent as the patients begin quietly chattering at the scene Chase and Kay caused (and that you caused moments earlier):

"She claims she's not the Empress, but looks just like her?"

"Yes... And now that I get a good look at him, he does have the same golden hair as Aturius... His same blue eyes as well...."

"Remarkable, both our Empress and the younger version of our lost general... What in Celosia's name is going on?"

Golden hair?

Blue eyes?

What the---


What's.... going on here?!

"Aturius... Had golden hair and blue eyes?" Elias mutters in utter shock, barely blinking.

"Mmmhmm! Heck, if I saw a portrait of him young I wouldn't be surprised if he looked like you back then, even!" Chase cockily replies, even rubbing the bottom of his nose with the top of his index finger like nearly every cocky guy in media!!

You and Elias exchange glances, and it looks like his blood is running as cold as yours from the looks of it.

"What's going on heeereee..." Adrian quietly but nervously singsongs, and aside from Xantarra (She's just cutely tilting her head in confusion, occasionally stopping to look and sniff around for... something), naturally, it's starting to look like the majority of your party thinks it's time to make like a banana and split!

"Boy," Papa mutters just as quietly as your cousin, asking, "You sensed someone ALIVE, correct?"

"Yes, they were surely alive..." Elias answers back, uncomfortable with the attention you've both accidentally brought upon yourselves earlier and just now that Chase pointed out the similarities.

Hey... Wait...

The patients are whispering about you AND Elias now... but... The healers are remaining silent and looking at each other as if seeing how the other is reacting as if seeking synchronization...

You don't like this... Something's fishy here, and though you're not a fan of seafood (or at least, haven't been since you outgrew liking fishsticks as a child) you REALLY, REALLY feel like you need to fry this fish ASAP!

You've lost a lot of weight dillydallying, and it's time to get back on track!

"Aha... Well, n-now that the pl-plague demon is gone... We...Need to catch up with Xander... A-and see the NEW General--" You begin, not missing Chase lowly growl and scowl at nothing in particular when you said "NEW" and "General" "---S-s-sooooo... Yeah, we better get going..."

"Goh- Goh-"






"That's right, Sweetie! GGGGOOOOOIIINNNGGG!" You repeat again for her.

"G-G-GOOOOOHEEEENG!" She repeats after you.

"Good girl, Xannie! That's a very good, sweet girl!" You praise her as you quickly bend down and give her a short hug.

"GOOOHEENNNG!" She repeats again, happily.


Hm? What's wrong with Kay? She kinda looks like she wants to say something, maybe? She's keeping quiet, though...

Ugh, you've eaten up enough time and Aditi and everyone else here is fine now, you'll ask her later!

"P-pardon us..." You meekly state as you and your crest-bearing crew make an exit as polite as possible (Hey, you've got four out of seven of the most powerful magic users literally behind you in a tent with recovering patients and healers, you figure no ones really gonna try to stop you guys).

You awkwardly wave goodbye and Chase wishes you luck under his breath while Kay watches you and your crew leave like a hawk... As you leave the tent you can almost barely hear Kay begin to whisper something, and as you turn your back for a second, you see her by Aditi's bedside... The other healers are gathering around as well.

Oh dear...

You WERE going to make a fool of yourself and pop back in for directions to the new General's tent... But it looks like you don't have to: Even from this distance, at the furthest tent away, you can barely see Xanders figure: arguing with a healer in front of a tent.

"..Oh dear," You shake your head and sigh, knowing troubles a-brewing just a few steps further as you and your crew get closer and closer to Xander.

Luckily there are tarps hung up all around these grounds in between tents, so you won't be walking in the storm entirely, but a few steps away from the medical tent you and your crew get offered cloaks to protect from the moist and cold.

You nervously stare up at the tarps for a moment as you hear the thunder howl from the other side...

You wonder if you could see through the tarps... Would you be able to catch a glimpse of your Stormbringer...?

"What do you mean they're not in?! Unless there's a war I don't know about yet, how are they NOT in?!" Xander irritably argues and questions a poor healer guarding the entrance to what you're pretty sure is the General's tent.

"Please, Captain, They're very busy right now, so--"

"Listen, This is ridiculous! If they're not in right now, can I at least go inside and check through Aturius's records?! This wasn't brought to my attention and I at least wanna double-check the right person is in charge!"

"I was there, sir, and I assure you, General Aturius definitely appointed the--"

"Who are they to him? What's their name? Why are they dressed as a healer?" Xander raises a brow and asks.

Asking some pretty valid questions here, let's be honest...

"I-- Er--- Uh-- Well--- You see---"

"Uh-huh, step aside please--"

"Sir, I can't--!!"

"...Big brother?" You suddenly peep as you arrive just in time to hear the tail end of this argument.

You grab Xanders attention and he suddenly stops his attempt to barge through the healer and into the tent and you can both FEEL and HEAR the poor thing begin to breathe again in their sigh of relief.

"Hey! Can you believe this: They're not in right now, and they won't let me, The Captian, inside his tent to double-check Aturius's records! I KNOW there's SOMETHING IN THERE that will shed light on this NEW MYSTERY GENERAL EVERYONE REFUSES TO EXPLAIN--" Xander irritably grunts, the last bit clearly directed at the healer in the way.

They lower their head and tense up silently in response...


Aw nuts...

You already manipulated Clif into sharing his theory,
and you know if you take off your glasses and part your bangs yet again you know the healer in the way will be so stunned they'll step aside for you, mistaking you for Hellie...

But... You don't wanna keep doing that... Plus, the more people you reveal yourself to, the less safe you are, even with four crest-bearers and the Captain of the Imperial guard... You learned your lesson in Ashton when searching for Xannie...

You also don't feel right tricking the healer-guard and snooping around in the tent... You'd basically be trespassing on their private property...

But if you don't however will you get ANY answers? None of Xanders questions (well, really, those are YOUR questions too, and, shockingly, questions of the SOLDIERS as well...) will be answered if you don't press forward, right?

You know Kay won't talk if even her husband is in the dark when you're not completely convinced she is... but...

ARGH! What should you do?!


Man the puns were on fire this time.

As for what we should do, if they aren't letting someone of higher rank inside there's something shady going on. It's not necessarily bad, but we can't know for sure what kind of thing is until we've got more information. It doesn't look like they'll give us a chance to look past it either...

I am tempted to propose we brute force our way in. Either way my vote is we don't reveal ourselves.
You know, I may just be speculating wildly, but does anyone else think all the evidence is starting to point to the same conclusion? You know, the probable Lightning Bearer who looks like she could be Elias's relative, and now Elias looks like he could be Arturius's relative, and Arturius seems to have hidden his child. If we're not assuming Arturius had marriage issues, that was probably because they child would have been in danger otherwise. And if Adrian's and Xannie's stories are anything to go by...

In any case, the question is what to do right now. Honestly, as much as I'd love to say let's be a bit more reserved about our own identity, I don't think we can keep a low profile after what we did for Aditi. And if part of the camp has already seen us in "Hellie mode", the news is going to spread no matter what, I'd think. So I'd vote to reveal ourselves.

Also, if we do reveal ourselves, do we want to go all in and try and bluff our way past her by implying we know why they are so tight-lipped about the new general's identity? There is a chance they're our crest-bearer, after all, I'd say. Though if we're wrong, it'll probably do more harm than good, of course.
You know, I may just be speculating wildly, but does anyone else think all the evidence is starting to point to the same conclusion? You know, the probable Lightning Bearer who looks like she could be Elias's relative, and now Elias looks like he could be Arturius's relative, and Arturius seems to have hidden his child. If we're not assuming Arturius had marriage issues, that was probably because they child would have been in danger otherwise. And if Adrian's and Xannie's stories are anything to go by...

To be honest it seemed to point to it so much that I wasn't sure if it was something we were supposed to assume / basically already know anyway or a red herring.

Rosalina Chandra

Man the puns were on fire this time.

As for what we should do, if they aren't letting someone of higher rank inside there's something shady going on. It's not necessarily bad, but we can't know for sure what kind of thing is until we've got more information. It doesn't look like they'll give us a chance to look past it either...

I am tempted to propose we brute force our way in. Either way my vote is we don't reveal ourselves.
You know, I may just be speculating wildly, but does anyone else think all the evidence is starting to point to the same conclusion? You know, the probable Lightning Bearer who looks like she could be Elias's relative, and now Elias looks like he could be Arturius's relative, and Arturius seems to have hidden his child. If we're not assuming Arturius had marriage issues, that was probably because they child would have been in danger otherwise. And if Adrian's and Xannie's stories are anything to go by...

In any case, the question is what to do right now. Honestly, as much as I'd love to say let's be a bit more reserved about our own identity, I don't think we can keep a low profile after what we did for Aditi. And if part of the camp has already seen us in "Hellie mode", the news is going to spread no matter what, I'd think. So I'd vote to reveal ourselves.

Also, if we do reveal ourselves, do we want to go all in and try and bluff our way past her by implying we know why they are so tight-lipped about the new general's identity? There is a chance they're our crest-bearer, after all, I'd say. Though if we're wrong, it'll probably do more harm than good, of course.
My vote is to reveal ourselves.



In the end, you decide you NEED answers...

If you don't get any, however will you get to your Stormbringer???

With a heavy sigh... and a heavy heart... You take off your glasses... And pull aside your bangs....


You approach the healer and, as you predicted, they gasp and go wide-eyed like a deer in headlights.

"M-MAJESTY!" She cries, bowing to you immediately and almost reaching the ground.

"Please let us through..." You try to speak up but end up muttering anyway, the guilt doing you no favors.

"Yes!" Xander cheers with satisfaction and glee.

"I--! Y-yes, of course! A-ah! J-just--! Pl-please hurry! It is almost time for the general to get back!" They plead, every word stabbing your heart because they are desperate to keep their Generals tent intruder free, but... Well, what guard would deny their "Empress"...

Goodness, Calliope was right... You really are a false Empress... Ugh, your lurching stomach is making your head spin!

"Hmmmm..." You hear Papa mutter, and turn your head back for a moment to see what he's seeing: Oh! People are... gathering in another tent!




Xannie's perking up! And--






:bishiesparklesl:YUMMY YUMMY FOOD!!:bishiesparklesr:


"Convenient..." You hear your Cousin mutter, and you're pretty darn sure you're smelling the reason why the General is due back soon...

"...Indeed," Papa replies just as quietly.

"Come on guys, we need to hurry," Elias gets everyone back on track swiftly and, hand in hand, you both are the first to enter the new General's tent.

(You hear a whine come from Xantarra, and try to hide a giggle, promising yourself you'll make it up to her by feeding her yummy lunch rations soon!)

Your first thought when entering this tent (after fixing your bangs and putting back on your glasses, of course!) is that this person was quite orderly! Now a single thing is out of place, you don't think there's a single bit of dust on ANYTHING if your happy nose and sinus have anything to say about this tent!

It smells a bit of damp earth, but with all the tarps covering the ground in the tent...


Oh! You look down at your feet and are surprised to see a mat of rough material at your feet!

This person... knows about wiping your feet?! Well... to be fair, anyone coming in WOULD be dirtying the tarps on the ground by tracking mud if they didn't have this mat here...

"Uhm... Definitely wipe your feet, please..." You mutter sheepishly as you all step inside, thoroughly wiping your feet as you all enter the tent...

"My word... All these books..." You hear Papa mutter as your group smartly spreads out to search the tent.

Xantarra looks at you in confusion, and you think she wants you to tell her what she should do...

Right... Xannie... Xannie can't be much help searching for information given...



"Xannie," You smile and lead her back to the tent's entrance, then you place your right hand over your eyes, and slowly move your head from right to left, as if to disagree with someone.

"Rachu! Ippa ippa!" Xantarra lights up and begins her new duties as a lookout... The healer uncomfortably mumbles and you apologize to them before going back in.

"Wood is very disagreeable in the water... No wonder this place is so thoroughly protected..." Papa notes, frowning, as he's sifting through some books.

"I'll say, I feel kinda bad being in here!" Adrian chuckles while checking a chest in the corner of the tent, though you're guessing from the clothes he's sorting through, he's at a dead-end just looking through their clothes...


...That's probably NOT the only reason he feels bad sifting through her clothes chest...

Your love and your brother, however, seem to be more on the nose than ever, by examining the General's table in the perfect center of this place.

"Mmmn..." He grumbles displeasedly, and you can guess why: There are SO MANY PAPERS TO SORT THROUGH it would TAKE HOURS to find anything of anything!


Hmmm... There must be something...

"If I were a father... trying to hide my child's birth records... Where would I put them...?" You think to yourself, desperately trying to put the clues and pieces together before you run out of time!!

"Hmph... So here are his records..." Xander grimly notes as he plucks a leather journal with this world's strange writing from the drawers of the table.

Xander and Elias open up the journal and begin flipping to it... but it doesn't look good: Both their faces are shocked and after a moment Xanders face quickly becomes frustrated.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" He growls angrily.

"This can't be..." Elias mutters, still shocked.

"Wh-what? What is it?" You cautiously ask as you and the rest of your group (minus Xantarra, of course) approach them.

"Look..." Elias hopelessly utters as he hands you the journal and as you're about to remind him you can't really READ this language--


You quickly realize you don't have to...

"Wh-wha--?!" You gasp, flipping through the pages only to find ink splotches scattered on words here and there... Too perfect to be simply "accidental"... too frequent as well...

"NO!" You cry in disbelief as you keep flipping and reflipping the pages, not sure what you're hoping will change in between its pages in the last ten seconds...

"I knew it! I knew it! I KNEW THEY WERE ILLEGITIMATE! D*** IT, CLIFTON! I KNEW YOU WEREN'T READY AND WERE TOO SOFT FOR THIS!" Xander nearly snarls, quickly losing his temper.

"B-but... But..." You mutter, none of this making any sense to you at all.

"Why else would Aturius' records have been tampered with this much if that wasn't the case?" Elias looks disappointed and uncomfortable as he says this, the robbed answers matter to him the most since this man most likely shared his blood you realize.

Dang it! No!

You're so close!!! You can feel it! You KNOW there's a CLUE IN HERE!!

"Come on... Come on! THINK! If I were a father trying to hide my child's birth records Where would I put them...?" You repeat this question to yourself, frustrated when no answers come to mind...

The probable Lightning Bearer who looks like she could be Elias's relative, and now Elias looks like he could be Arturius's relative, and Arturius seems to have hidden his child--

Wait... No... You're asking the wrong question...

If you were the General's DAUGHTER who was SUPPOSEDLY OFF RECORD where would you hide YOUR papers...?

Surely not in or on the desk, the first place anyone with a brain would look first, right?

C'mon! Think! THINK!!

Where would she put her most private, personal---



You look around the tent as an idea starts to spring into your head, and you know it's crazy and a long shot, but...


You rush towards the chest Adrian was once searching for and start just tossing the clothes out of the wooden chest piece by piece!

"R-ROSIE?!" Adrian blurts in shock as you're doing this, your group now flocking to you and this chest.

"What in Celosia's name are you doing, sweetheart?!" Papa is a bit too surprised to sound like he's disciplining you but you imagine if he wasn't too shocked he might have been.

"Ro! The point is to make it look like we HAVEN'T BEEN IN HERE?!" Xander clearly irritably reprimands you and the mess you're making throwing all the clothes out of the chest and not getting with the program.

"Hold on!" You cry, feeling you might really be onto something as you toss out the last bit of garments and---



"But... But..." You weakly whimper out as the bottom of the chest taunts you and you're holding back tears the longer you stare at it, barely managing to mutter before the sobs choke you, "I... I thought for sure..."

Tears begin to obstruct your vision as you're patting down the bottom of the chest when---


You feel a gentle hand on your shoulder and Elias gives you an understanding smile, and you know in your heart he's silently thanking you for your attempt at helping him get answers.

Xander sighs aggravatedly and as you've almost lost even the slightest sliver of hope--

You hear something strange as your hand pats the right part of the inside of the chest and it moves a bit... As if something was shifting inside the (supposedly empty) chest?

"What the..." You concentratedly mutter as you begin examining the chest's side inside and out, and then--


Are those---?!
You practically YANK the hidden drawer of the compartment open more--



Goodness, maybe you AREN'T completely clueless and more LIKE YOUR MOTHER after all!!!!

As you snatch up the papers (some of these documents look like they could be medieval versions of birth certificates... The first emperor had a good idea to record keep nearly everything... hmm... strange... Wouldn't the place where one worships Celosia, like this world's version of a church, keep these instead? For this world's equivalent of christenings? Well, you suppose she was supposed to be OFF the record, so...) you triumphantly cheer and many sighs of relief are heard from your group as you and Elias share a quick kiss to celebrate and you hand him the papers.



Well... That wasn't long-lived at all... You've never seen a face go so pale so fast before...

"D...Darling?" You're almost afraid to ask as he reads the unreadable (to you, at least) papers over.

Xander and the others peek over as he shuffles between them, and their faces stretch out with shock as Elias grows pale with every paper he skims.

"Wh-what does it say...?" You ask.

"Aturius Desmond... Wife... Alaine Audovera-Desmond..." Elias begins reading, "...Brother... Aesop Desmond... Goodsister Alysha Audovera-Desmond... General... Died of Consumption... "


Elias flips to another paper...

"Alaine Audovera- Desmond... Husband... Aturius Desmond... Sister Alysha Audovera-Desmond... Goodbrother Aesop Desmond... Died of... Apoplexy...?"

You gasp as he flips to yet another paper, wide-eyed and confused... But Elias continues--

"Elysia Desmond... Father... Aturius Desmond... Mother... Alaine Audovera-Desmond... Aunt... Alysha Audovera-Desmond... Uncle Aesop Desmond..."


"Then...! Then that means--!"

"There's your blood relation..." Xander duly notes, and you can't tell if he's irritated, tired, amused, or a combination of all three.

Elias is just wide-eyed and stunned. He's taking it all in as he rereads the documents and you're almost scared he stopped breathing!

"Aheh heh, welp... There's your proof of legitimacy you wanted..." Adrian chuckles and jokes, either reading the room TOO WELL and trying to ebb the tension or really, really, REALLY NOT reading the room at all and you honestly can't tell which it is...

"Yeah, shame Aturius had a DAUGHTER instead of a SON or they could have ACTUALLY inherited his position and title," Xander grunts irritably.

"W-well... I mean, can't they still?" You ask, meaning to advocate for your Stormbringer for a while now.

"It doesn't really work that way... We'd have to talk to Elmiel and Helli-- Er, her highness, and bring up a bunch of laws to be reviewed and amended by them AND the council, which could take months if not YEARS..." Xander sighs, and you feel awful bothering him about this but you genuinely think it shouldn't matter whether Aturius had a daughter OR son.

What does their gender matter anyway?

"I-in my world... I-I think... I think women can be Generals if they really want to be...?" You mutter sadly while giving Xander puppy dog eyes.

"Don't use those dangerously big eyes on me. It's NOT UP TO ME. We're lucky edicts for record-keeping were decreed to even HAVE this proof, let alone the immense amount of work and time needed to fix this," Xander explains and defends himself from your stare, adding, "Besides, I hate to say it, but it's for the better: Clif can take over as the RIGHTFUL General and this Elysia girl can come with us, since, if what you've told us is accurate, They're clearly the fifth crest-bearer that need to come with us anyway..."

"But..." You begin to protest slowly, as you can't think of a good argument right now...

"Uh, GUYS--" Adrian interrupts and directs your attention to the entrance of the tent-----


KAY?!?! ADITI?!?! (Hey, wait... are they wearing--)




"What the h***?! You people again?!" The woman formerly known as Young Aries, now christened Elysia by the hot little documents in Elia's hands, snarls angrily and gets even angrier when she notices he's holding them, "HEY! HOW DID YOU---!?"

"Elysia, WAIT! I'm--!!!"

"I know who you are now, ELIAS," She cuts him off mercilessly, and you get the feeling seeing her bare her teeth in anger is the equivalent to hearing a rattlesnake's rattle!

"Please, we only--"



Oh no... The coughing! That's the same cough Aditi had before you healed her--!


OH S***!


AUGH! You feared this: No vaccines, no mask, clinging to a VERY infected patient for extended periods of time... OF COURSE SIA WOULD CATCH TUBERCULOSIS AS WELL!!! HOW COULD SHE NOT UNDER THESE CONDITIONS?!

"General Sia!" Kay worriedly cries as Sia uses her as a crutch momentarily.

"Elysia!" You cry, dropping all common sense and running right up to her, your right palm beginning to glow again...

"GET OUT OF HERE, YOU D*** TRESPASSERS!!" Elysia demands after wiping the blood from her mouth, her voice booming like thunder, but you refuse to take orders to LEAVE SOMEONE SICK ALONE.

Celosia chose you and brought you here FOR A REASON. Best not to make her REGRET her choice.

"NO, NEVER!" You retort back, just as stubborn, yelling, "I KNEW IT! SOMEWHERE INSIDE ME, I KNEW IT! You were infected by your FATHER! You have consumption! I HAVE TO HEAL YOU!"

You push your way through Elysia's healers and shove them off of poor Xannie as YOU start supporting Elysia instead!

Xantarra snarls and growls at them, snapping like a yappy dog at them when they try to take Elysia from you.

"It's ok! I got this! I can HEAL YOU!" You shout, already placing your glowing palm on her chest.

"...H-how... How dare you talk about... my father... That way..." Elysia protests, too busy coughing up blood and spitting it out on the ground beside the two of you to stop using you as a crutch.

"NO," You correct and explain to her, "In my world, we know a thing or two more about diseases than you guys do! It's called tuberculosis, and it's an airborne disease! Meaning your father could have unwillingly given you the disease simply by sharing the same air as you!"

The healers gasp.

The sky blue light overtakes Elysia...


And the female General takes a nice, long exhale of relief.

Her girls surround her and start chattering amongst themselves in disbelief, Aditi and Kay being the only two "used to this" already.

"General, She bears an uncanny resemblance to our Empress, and healed Aditi moments earlier," Kay informs her, and you clearly see where her loyalty lies...


"And the young man really does have your same hair and eyes, General Sia! They even bring the Captain of the guards!" Aditi continues to debrief her on the situation.

"Interesting..." Sia replies, eyeing you up and down, her face changing when you again remove your glasses and part your bangs... But you can't read her serious expression for the life of you...

"Listen, We need you to come with us anyway. I promise that if you come with us and become an ally, we can talk to Elmiel and Her highness to see if MAYBE we can get you to keep your rank as a heroine or something since you helped save Cion, since you ARE Aturius's daughter, after Celosia is summoned or at the least be directly UNDER Clifton's rank."

"THAT IDIOT!? ARE YOU JOKING, CAPTAIN!?" Elysia nearly spat and snorted, and you can't tell if she was disgusted or amused by that notion, continuing with, "Might as well just leap off of the edge of Cion if that moron is gonna lead us against Neptnea's and Terra's people!"

"...G-General..." Kay quietly mutters, and you can tell Kay is pained to hear the General's words towards her friend but her loyalty to Elysia doesn't falter, and you can't help but be impressed.

"Hey, he technically outranks ME now that his father is retired, if you wanna come down to it. If I can bear it, so can you," Xander plainly retorts, though you feel a little bad both of these high-ranking people seem to not think highly of Cora's beloved husband.

"PAH! NONSENSE! I thought you had better sense than to go around believing in fairy tales, Captain Xander. If you're Her highness Helena's last line of defense against any invaders then I SURELY must crush our opposition since the head of the soldiers in Auran is here chasing fairytales!" Elysia barks back, condescending to your brother.

"Oh, that's rich coming from a "fairy tale" themself!" Xander retorts, trying to keep his cool.

"I'M NOT A D*** CREST-BEARER!" The female General yells, adding, "AND I DON'T HAVE A MARK ON MY BODY!"

Kay and Aditi exchange glances and then look away fretfully.

Elysia is lying. You know it.

"The compass doesn't lie," You butt into their argument and hold it up to where everyone can see it (or well, as much as they can from your short height) and add confidently as you see the intense glow and arrow pointing straight at her, "I'm very sorry, I know it's very stressful to have a complete stranger know something so personal about you before you've even exchanged words..."

You guiltily glance over at Adrian and Xannie...

"And I can take a wild guess why you weren't told of your destiny as a crest-bearer... I know your father was a good man, and that he was trying to protect you... That's why he never told you..."

"SH-SHUT UP! DON'T PRETEND TO KNOW ME JUST BECAUSE YOU KNOW OF SOME SUPPOSED "CREST" ON MY BODY WHICH YOU HAVEN'T SEEN! DON'T PRETEND TO UNDERSTAND WHAT IT'S LIKE TO LOSE A FATHER YOU LOVED!" She retorts back, but this time it's more like a hurt, cornered animal lashing out than a fierce female General.

"I won't and I'm not. You're right: I wouldn't understand. I dislike my father for abusing my mother and brother, and that I was going to be his next victim when I got older," You start, and Elysia goes wide-eyed, along with the rest of her all-female squad of "healers" as well, "He didn't abandon us, technically, but he sure as sugar made it more impossible by the day to stay with him. We were more property to him than family."

You shrug while staring at Elysia blankly. Hate is a strong word and a heavy burden to harbor for anyone (especially your father), but you really, really, really don't like him...

It's strange, but ever since you became the Hierophant to the essential Deity of LOVE of this world you don't feel right feeling hate. As if it never suited you at all... Even though you've felt hate before. Plenty of times.

...Too many times.

"I didn't know what a good father was until I met Papa," You pause momentarily to point to your Fire-bearer and he warmly smiles back at you, you continue, "And if I hadn't met him I might have never known. You had a wonderful father who loved and protected you. He even hid you so that, despite being a woman, one day YOU could inherit his title instead of his Second-in-Command's Son. Aturius went so far as to hide the legend from you... Didn't he?"

Elysia's face is a mixture of angered and shock, she's probably thinking of the audacity you have in speaking of her Father.

She glares at you, and you can hear the rain's downpour as if giant raindrops were crashing against the tarps above as lightning blares not-to-far in the distance and the thunder's roar is near deafening at this moment.

"I guess he did," Sia grits furiously between her teeth like a wild animal going in for the kill, "Why don't you enlighten me, Hierophant?"

She meant that sarcastically, you sense.

"Gladly," You plainly state, nodding, then proceeding, "The prophecy foretells of a girl from another world who will become the Hierophant of Skies, that's me, by the way, arrive when their Empire is on the brink of doom and needs to summon Celosia themself to save their people by gathering their seven chosen crest-bearers. As you can see: I've already gathered four of them... And I know YOU'RE the fifth."

Your family backs you up, and you can feel Elias's hand take your while Papa's is on your shoulder comfortingly. Adrian and Xander are beside you too as Xantarra (who they had released at this point) is growling and dutifully at your side as well.

"Come with us, please... We could really use your help," You smile gently and plead, hoping against hope Elysia is satisfied.


"The girl from another world..." She finally mutters after a moment that felt like an eternity, "Hmph. For being a girl from another world you sure look like the most important girl of this world."

"I know, I know, trust me, that's been hard to get used to since I GOT HERE," You chuckle, but it's, unfortunately, more out of embarrassment and bitterness than amusement.

"...Why are you here?" She then asks in all seriousness.

"Eh? Eh? Beg pardon? Didn't I just explain?" You ask her to clarify, not because you didn't hear her but rather you didn't really understand the question.

"NO, I--" She snaps, more irritated at having to repeat her question, then, after Kay whispers something to her and calm her down, she sighs exasperatedly and clarifies, "You expect me to believe because of some birthmark--"


"That some "girl from another world" who looks and sounds exactly like the Empress just came here and became this "Hierophant" in a strange world unknown to her that she would have to possibly TRAVEL ALL OVER to find seven individuals who have "crests" on their bodies, "crests" you have no idea WHERE on their bodies they are to be exact, because OUR world is on the brink of calamity?"

"Look, I KNOW it sounds crazy, but--"

"CRAZY?! No, no, no, We've PASSED CRAZY. We're at INSANE. IMPOSSIBLE, EVEN. First of all, WHY did you become the Hierophant?! Traversing a land YOU'VE NEVER KNOWN that IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS?!"

"Well, actually, you guys are the most powerful magic users in existence in this world, so I'm safer with you all than--"

"DID YOU JUST FORGET I ATTACKED YOU AND TRIED TO KILL YOU BECAUSE I THOUGHT YOU WERE INTRUDERS?!" She interrupts (with a rather good point) and continues, "Even if they KNEW of the prophecy, what makes you think they'll know who YOU ARE WHEN YOU LOOK LIKE THE REST OF US!? Or that they'll BE ON YOUR SIDE?! ARE YOU INSANE OR JUST STUPID!?"

...A heh... Ok, she's bringing up some good points...

"Er, uhm, Weeeeelllll--"


"Oh! Uhm! Well, when I first came here Calliope the bandit tried to maim and ransom me cause she thought I was Hellie, then Adrian's deceased mother, as a vengeful enraged spirit, tried to hypnotize me and drown me in a lake... Sphynx almost stabbed my throat thinking I was a robber or something, The men in Xantarra's village tried to kill me by throwing me off the Isle which caused me to go into some magical hibernation for weeks with Xannie, then YOU tried to kill me with lightning---"

Huh. Wow. That's FIVE TIMES you've almost been killed since you got here. If you had a nickel for every time you've almost died here you'd have FIVE NICKELS... Which, again, isn't much but it's weird it's happened five times, right?????


Death must like you or somethin' cause it keeps wanting to chill with you, you dunno. (Wait, why are you reminded of Erasabeth when you think of death???)


Is... Is she now starting to worry about your safety or something? Why is she getting so mad????


"N-no! No! NOT AT ALL! I-I just... I-I..."

You don't know why, but instinctively you look to Elias beside you.


...You don't think recapping all the times you've almost died is good for his heart...

"You. Just. What?" Sia asks, unamused at your antics.

"L-look, I-I-I don't know! I DON'T know! What do you want me to say, General?!" You beg her to stop this weird line of questioning.




You don't have an answer for that...

"I-I--" You hesitate.

"L-listen, why do you care? What does it matter to YOU why I became the Hierophant of Skies?!" You deflect nervously, adding this to the infinite list of moments where you suck.

"...You want me to come with you, right?" Elysia raises a brow and asks.

Aw s***...


"...If you want me to come with you then I want to know, right here and right now, WHY you became the Hierophant of skies. Following YOUR logic, what does OUR WORLD have to do with YOU? Why do YOU care what happens to US...? Why did you become the Hierophant of Skies? Why accept such a suicidal role?!"


Oh geez.

Oh geez.

She's really putting you on the spot, isn't she?!

Why indeed...

Augh... Not only are you EXTREMELY SHY, but this is also SUCH PERSONAL INFO SHE WANTS!!

You guess you don't really blame her: She isn't like the others, she didn't grow up with a sense of duty to a foreigner who hadn't even shown up yet... Mastering her power was just part of her training as a soldier to HER people, not YOU... So it makes perfect sense she'd like to know your motives... Putting yourself in her shoes, were you in her position, you'd like to know your Hierophants motives too!




Does it HAVE to be in front of everyone!? Does she have to put you on the spot so!?

You're getting stage fright here!!!!!

How are you gonna weasel your way out of this one?!

...Should you even weasel your way out of this one!?


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I mean, it doesn't look like we have much of a choice. Yes, spit it out.

Rosalina Chandra

I mean, it doesn't look like we have much of a choice. Yes, spit it out.
I agree, let's just be honest!
Tell the truth, I say!


You take one look and Elysia and realize that there probably isn't a way to weasel your way out of this one...

And you DO understand her motivations and don't REALLY blame her (aside from a tiny, dark part of your heart...) because it's only natural given what was hidden from her and how she was raised...

You shake your head in disagreement and give a long, heavy sigh.

You really, REALLY don't want to do this... But you also don't have much choice...

Wish you could at least talk about this with Elysia in private, but something tells you that isn't a luxury your Stormbringer will give you...

...Why did you become the Hierophant of Skies?

What compelled you to do so...?

Elysia speaks the truth... If you somehow found a way home and out of this book then even if Cion Isle falls from grace it wouldn't affect YOUR LIFE at all... Technically...

Or... Well... At least before you kinda decided you were going to stay in this world possibly even after Celosia is summoned...



You think about your mother...


Your true Big Brother...


Your best (and only) friend in the whole wide world...

It breaks your heart, but...


Deep down, you know they're better off without you anyway...

Your brother grew up big and healthy and strong, but YOU... No... You are a small, fragile, weak little thing... All you are is a burden on the three people you love the most (aside from Elias, naturally!)...


You think about how useless you were as your four-year-old self watched your father verbally and physically abuse your mother...


"Stupid woman! Crying as if this were a soap opera! You aren't even that pretty to be an actress anyway!"


You think about old, ex-friends from your childhood you wronged...




"But... I didn't know my Uncle overheard everything! I-I'm sorry! I swear, I would never--!"




You think about how boys back home and back then were (and still are...) disgusted by the mere sight of you...


"Ew, oh lord, Mr. Filbert told Rosie to smile! Can you imagine how UGLY that sight must be?!"



"Hey, hey, what's a KINDERGARTENER doing in our 4th-grade class?!"




"You stabbed me in the back! These two girls you've never met or talked to before told me you told the boy I liked that I liked him! You're no friend of mine!"


"Wha... What...? B-but... I-I would never... W-we've been friends since Elementary school... and I don't even know that person OR that you liked them..."


"Whatever. Listen, even if you DIDN'T do it, you're still a short, ugly, weirdo dweeb! I'm two years younger than you but already taller! I can't be seen hanging out with you anymore now that we're in Middle School! Look at you! And look at ME! We just can't be friends anymore, okay!? I want to actually be popular and that just can't happen so long as you're around no matter how much prettier than you I am!"


You think about every mistake you've ever made... Every friendship you've ever lost... Every taunt you've ever received from every bully you've ever had... Every stupid thing you've ever done or said in your life... Every time you've been mistaken for a child by an adult... Every time your idiocy has caused you to stay up at night drowning in regret...

Every time your anger made you more like your Father than your Mother...


You've never had the chance to stop and think about why you truly became the Hierophant of Skies... And you think you know that Elias, Elmiel, and Hellie perhaps weren't the only reasons you accepted this role after all...

...It didn't sound wrong when Sia called this role suicidal... You can't put your finger on WHY, though... But the thought of this role ending up killing you doesn't disturb you as much as it probably should...


It might be the only useful thing you'll ever do in your irrelevant, insignificant life...

No one needs you back in your world... Scarcely anyone wants you outside of some family and Cornelia...



She came into your life right after your last "best friends" ditched you in middle school after one dog-biting incident and another realizing you cost her a shot at the popularity she sought...

To this day, she is the only person who genuinely cares about you and loves you that isn't blood-related to you...


...She'll be fine. She won't have to stick up for you against bullies and wreck her reputation among the boys for you anymore... She might even get a nice boyfriend without you! Then she can go to Prom next year with an actual date!

See? Everyone... Everyone's better off... without you...

Without a nothing like you...



You take a deep breath and hold still a moment, feeling tears and sobs coming on and stopping yourself from COMPLETELY MAKING A SCENE in front of everyone (even if, technically, you WERE requested to by Elysia, though with no tears you're assuming)!

"...I..." You begin shakily, taking another deep breath to calm yourself, "I became the Hierophant of Skies... Because... Because..."



It's Elias!

That's right... Everyone has mostly been so wonderful to you (aside from the obvious ones of course!) since you've gotten here, almost quite literally treating you like royalty simply looking like their Empress!

Instead of looking at you in disgust, their faces light up... Sphynx even called you a miracle! A miracle!!

No one aside from your Mother back in your world has ever called you that...

No one has ever NEEDED you in your world...

You were nothing but a burden in your world...

You smile at him and squeeze his hand back, taking another deep breath to collect yourself.

"Because I'm needed here."

Elysia raises her eyebrows sky-high, clearly expecting more out of your answer for how long it took you to even say just that, so you continue.

"...I-in my world...I-I'm... I-I'm nothing..." You go on after another pause, right before General Elysia was going to say something (you're guessing she was about to urge you to go on), "I'm just a useless high-schooler... I've... I've never been needed a single moment in my life... But disgracefully enough... I've done nothing but need others..."


"...But here... Here I'm needed... Here I can make a difference in this world... Here I can save this world and even make it a better place... It's like the opposite of MY world! I'm so pathetic that... I've never been needed before, you know???" You almost chuckle that last part, but it must be bitterly because you know there was no joy in that laugh...


"...Th-then I come into this world and... Just... WOW...! I meet Elias and Hellie and Elmiel... A-and they NEED me! Haha! C-can you imagine?! THEM AND THEIR EMPRESS needing ME!? Ha! I-it's..."




"I... I went from a useless high-schooler to THE HIEROPHANT OF SKIES! A LITERAL LIVING LEGEND! I met all these wonderful and amazing people... And... And I... I can still hardly believe it... Even after gathering five of you... It still feels unreal... It feels so unreal a girl like me would ever accomplish something like this EVER... This is MORE than a once in a lifetime opportunity... THIS... This is a miracle... Me being here, being the Hierophant of Skies..." You continue, and you're desperately trying not to break down bawling (especially in front of everyone! Yikes forever!!!).


"It's more than I could ever ask for... It's given me more purpose than I've ever HAD or deserve," You keep going, "I've never had more meaning to exist than the moment I came to this world."


Yes... That's right... Meaning... Purpose...

You just wanted to be NEEDED and useful to someone... ANYONE... You wanted to look in the mirror and see someone of VALUE... Not a useless, small, pathetic little girl who is actually 16 years old...

Yes... You finally realized how you've REALLY FELT all this time...





That's right... You love Elias... And miraculously HE loves YOU! He loves you even when... Even when you can't love yourself...

You KNOW that, in YOUR world, NO MAN THIS HANDSOME would even LOOK AT YOU, let alone kiss you and date you! (Not that there's even ANY MAN who's HALF AS GOOD-LOOKING as him and his brother back home!!)

And if... If someone incredible like Elias can love YOU... Then...


Then maybe... Maybe you're not so worthless after all....?

His embrace and comfort help you regain your composure.


"...Quite the speech," Elysia finally says something in response, and there is much whispering among her "healers" (somehow you doubt that's ALL they are) and Kay and Aditi (whispering amongst themselves) are looking at you with clear concern in their eyes.

"You quite literally asked for it..." You gently (if not a bit sadly) smile at her and roll your eyes.

"I know," She seriously states, and nods in confirmation.

"S-so... W-was that enough for you? Will you come with us now?" You ask shakily, giving her your best puppy dog eyes without really realizing it.


"Yes, it was, and you'll have my answer by tomorrow," She responds with a certain gleam in her eye that doesn't give you a good feeling to look at... She's looking straight at you and Elias for some reason...

You DEFINITELY don't like her response, but you guess you don't really have a choice but to take what you can get...

"Stay here til tomorrow. Eat, rest, relax... Surely the Hierophant of Skies can spare a night before resuming her search, no? As YOU said, you've already gathered 5 of us, anyway... Surely the other two won't be so long to find you can't spare a night, right?" Elysia "offers", but it sounds more like an order and you feel (for your mental AND PHYSICAL HEALTH) you should treat it as such.

Ugh, every word she says churns your stomach... Is she plotting something...?

Kay and Aditi all but confirm something's afoot... Removing all doubt as they exchange glances...

Elysia... What are you up to...?!

"...Uhm... Ok... Sure... It'd be nice not to have to drain our supplies for the day... But we really can't waste much more time... W-we really do need your help AND answer first thing in the morning, ok?" You meekly (but not TOO meekly, Elysia seems like she might walk all over you if you don't show a bit of a backbone, or at least TRY to) restate your concerns while finding her request amenable.

"Of course, I'll be sure to give you my answer first thing tomorrow... Take the rest of the day for yourselves here... I've got to grab my lunch and get back to causing lightning and rains, you should all eat as well," General Elysia "suggests" with the smuggest smirk on her face possible...

"We will! Thank you very much---!" You reply happily, and before you can add anything else:



Kay and Aditi escort you (after picking up all Sia's clothes you threw out in order to find her documents) and your party to the lunch tent in awkward silence (what do you say to someone who just barred their soul in front of you? What is there left TO say...?) and you're pretty sure no one made eye contact with anyone... Except for you and Elias while you two were holding hands walking, at least...

You exhale in relief as you and your party sit down with your plate and tray with soup of boiled meat, carrots, cabbage (you are NOT a fan of cabbage AT ALL but you wouldn't DARE waste ANY food in this worlds time of famine), and onions, along with some dried fruits, cheese, and butter for dessert.

Leaning your head against Elias' shoulder as he slides to sit down next to you, you smile as the rest of your family joins you two at your table.

"So..." Xander begins, clearly wanting to talk about what you just said to Elysia, and it looks like Papa and Adrian kinda want to talk about it as well...


At least Xannie isn't prying...

"Ahaha... Yeah... That... Was a thing... That happened..." You nervously prattle while looking away, tapping your fork against the bowl, far too nervous to eat at the moment.

"Sweetheart..." Papa starts, clearly trying to lull you into a more comfortable headspace to talk about what you just said.

"What was all that about?" Xander, as ever like your brother, just rips off the band-aid by asking straight up where that speech came from.


You're starving and tired and cold and wet and Xander wants to talk about it NOW?!

Of all the luck...

"I... I told the truth..." You mutter matter-of-factly, not really knowing what else to say.

"The TRUTH?! So all that... All that is how you REALLY feel? It's how you've felt all this time...?!" Xander asks, shocked and wide-eyed.

"Sweetie, That... That isn't..." Papa mutters, very concerned and you practically SEE the word "disturbed" written on his face.

"Ro... Why... Why didn't you tell us this sooner?" Adrian asks, just as worried.

"I-I... It's... It's not exactly an easy conversation to have, y-y'know?" You uncomfortably mumble while looking away and scratching your head.

"You're literally traveling an entire Isle in the sky, gathering 5 of the 7 people Celosia choose in what is 100% THE hardest task ANYONE could ever be asked to do here... And you think A CONVERSATION ABOUT HOW YOU FEEL is merely difficult????" Xander asks you in a total "are you kidding me right now?" tone.

"W-well, I-I mean I-I didn't exactly think one of you would stop to ask me "Hey why are you saving our world??" when catastrophe draws closer by the day, wasting precious time that would have been BETTER spent looking for the rest of them... I-I don't even feel good spending the rest of the day HERE when we could already be on the search for the second to last Crest-bearer..." You keep mumbling uncomfortably, knowing it is futile since Xander KNOWS you don't wanna talk about it but doesn't care and will make you anyway, just like your actual big brother would.


Huh? Papa? What's going on with Papa...? He looked really troubled and disturbed when you mentioned searching for more crest-bearers...???? Why???

"Don't change the subject," Xander sternly requests, slowly beginning to eat (his restraint is IMPRESSIVE! A big guy like him, and he's taking it bite by bite when YOU KNOW he wants to dig in because there is NO WAY he isn't FAMISHED) his pottage with yummy boiled meat.

"Look," You sigh, trying to hide your aggravation towards him because you KNOW it's out of care and concern but you REALLY don't want to talk about it, especially not right now when you're starving, adding, "I-I'm saving Cion Isle, okay?! Isn't that what's important here!?"

"Well, YES, but obviously YOUR FEELINGS matter, too!" Xander retorts, and you're pretty sure he's losing his patience with you as well...

"I mean, okay, sure, but can we talk about this later??? Like, after I've summoned CELOSIA later???" You beg him, sounding so exhausted and practically salivating at the food teasing you with its delicious aroma from your plate you are about to be on your hands and knees begging him to let you eat in peace.

"Conveniently when you're gonna go home afterward..." Xander raises a brow and duly notes, clearly displeased.


"Welllll, A-a-actually..." You begin to tell him to not prepare his good-byes just yet, when--


"... What if... You don't summon Celosia...?"



Is he joking?!

Where did all THAT come from?!




"Atu, atu, drachu ta ka!" Xantarra explains, almost getting her ALREADY BEEN CHEWED food into YOUR MOUTH!

You wouldn't even TOUCH "Already Been Chewed" GUM, let alone have PRE-CHEWED FOOD GO DOWN YOUR GULLET!!!!




Because Xannie was feeding you from HER MOUTH?!

"A-ah! A-ah, I-i-i-i-i-it's ok, look! Look! I-I-I can feed myself now, s-see?!" You stutter while you, as gently as you can, shove Xantarra off of you while smiling to show you appreciate her trying to feed you and keep you from starving!

Then you quickly grab a spoonful of the pottage and slurp it up as quickly as possible!

"OOOOooooOOOh," Xantarra (adorably) exclaims, nodding her head and understanding (THANK CELOSIA!) that you can feed yourself now, "Tutarulalo wachu lata!"


Thank goodness...

"Ahahaha, well, now we know how I-I survived two weeks without feeding myself down in those caves, ahahaha..." You nervously joke, hoping it can ease the tension that's come about this "lunch break" between you and your crew.


Oof... Tough crowd...

"Fine... We'll talk about this LATER," Xander sighs, giving up (YAY!) on this endeavor and opting to LET YOU EAT in peace (YES!), but he almost ruins it by looking at you VERY STERNLY and adding, "But there WILL BE A LATER. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, yeah,
that's fine..." You sigh and roll your eyes, imagining if you had an actual GOOD FATHER in your life (before Papa) you'd be reacting this same way when he told you something unpleasant.

"Kaine, why don't you think we should summon Celosia...?" Elias suddenly asks, bringing your attention BACK to Papa's concerning statement that you almost forgot he even said because of Xannie being Mama bird!

"...I... I just don't think it's a good idea because of my ancestor's journal..." He shockingly answers.


"Listen," Xander sighs, in a very "not this again" tone in his voice, "I'm sure she'll be fine, Your ancestor just really missed the Hierophant of Tides, she just WENT HOME. I know it's a terrible tragedy, and we will REALLY miss you when you've gone back home, Ro, but we can't just let the Isle sink to destruction just because it's gonna be a hard goodbye..."

"But... It was more than just that... I'm sure of it..." He mutters quietly, deep in thought.

"...What... Did your ancestor write...?" You blink and then ask, and now you can't bring yourself to eat because of the lurching in your stomach nearly causing you physical pain.

"They wrote her return home like it was a terrible tragedy... The Crest-bearer of Neptnea who loved her was heartbroken... But...The mourning... It... It was more than just..." Papa worriedly states as he tries his best to recall what he read.

"...You guys won't have to worry about that," You smile gently at Papa and add while nuzzling Elias' shoulder and placing your hand on his chest as he beams back at you and takes said hand in his own while adding, "...I'm not going home. I'm staying here. In this world. With you all and Elias."


"...Can... Celosia really grant that...?" Adrian asks, though it's out of genuine curiosity than doubt.

"...I do not know... But... Would not the Hierophant of Tides have wished for the same thing if she also loved one of her seven crest-bearers?" Papa asks, concerned.

"...We'll cross that bridge when we get there..." Xander mumbles (more to himself than to you and the others) and his words ARE out of doubt... Although Celosia knows if it was out of doubt of Celosia's wish-granting or you and Elias managing to stay together.

Hey now... Celosia is LITERALLY the divine being of LOVE!

Sh... She wouldn't separate you and Elias when you truly love each other... Right???

You... You don't want to be apart from Elias... ever...

Ugh... This is all too much: Elysia is up to something... Your crest-bearers are all hearing voices (and even though it's hard to communicate with Xannie, you WISH you could miss her occasional pauses to look around and sniff... She hears it too, and she's showing it in her own way)... You suddenly have mysterious healing powers you KNOW you're borrowing from... Someone (and it's killing you that you DON'T KNOW FROM WHO!)... There's something up with ALL THE HEALERS HERE---


Speak of the devils... Looks whos watching you and your group at the Lunch Tents Entrance...

Great. Now what?!


Gone as quickly as they came...

So many things you've GOT to uncover and something tells you that you're gonna have to UNCOVER ALL OF THEM before you get to summon Celosia...

And what if Papa's right? What if...

What if something terrible DID happen to the Hierophant of Tides after summoning Neptnea...?

If she truly fell in love with one of her Crest-bearers, as you did, then why didn't she wish to stay with them and in this world?

Well, obviously since it was 200 years ago, even if you could descend to the Sea Kingdom below, you couldn't ask her (unless she wished for eternal life or something, but that can be ruled out almost immediately because then Papa's ancestor woulda written something ENTIRELY DIFFERENT after Neptnea was summoned and not basically like they died after they returned home) but you'd be lying if it's not tempting to go down there and ask her and her crest-bearing loves descendants...


No, no, a wish from a GODDESS isn't like some GENIE'S wish where there could be a terrible catch that coins the phrase "be careful what you wish for" (even though suspiciously you ARE being granted three of them, very much LIKE a Genie)... It's basically a blessing that CAN ONLY improve your life, right???

D***... You're getting more questions than answers as you go along in this "quest" and you can't think straight without worrying what Sia's up to and why can't YOU hear the voice the rest of your Crest-bearers can?!

You sigh as you nuzzle Elias' shoulder again (you lifted your head for a moment as you and Xander argued, but you need his support again as all this is trying its hardest to overwhelm you) and Elias rests his head on yours as he puts his hand on your shoulder and rubs it.

"You should eat more, you've barely touched your food, love," He kisses your forehead and stirs your beef pottage with your spoon.

Worrying about your crest-bearers and the possibility you and Elias may be separated by the end of this endeavor does tend to effectively murder an appetite...

(Plus, you're still kinda grossed out now that you've discovered EXACTLY how you survived those two weeks in the caves...)

"I agree," Xander nods, looks at Xannie, and then adds, "Hmmm, You promised her mother that you would teach her how to talk and such, correct? Not a bad idea to start BUT also the equipment they have here is top-notch, and we may not get the chance to train with these resources again... Plus... General Elysia might have something good going: These weather conditions add some much-needed intensity to training that I'm pretty sure YOU could use. It'll be rough, but, well... If it'll help you defend yourself better so you, YOURSELF, can stop coming near death again, I'll say it's well worth it... BUT we also probably won't get too much more time to teach Xantarra... So, it's up to you what you wanna do next."

Hmmm... Train yourself or teach Xannie...?


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Deep down, you know they're better off without you anyway...

Hey hey! That's not true. Like I know this is supposed to be a moment of cheerful acceptance, but don't sell yourself short like that Rose! You're a great person and everyone would be glad to have someone like you in their lives.


Well, there's only so much we can train in one night, but Xannie is a capable fighter, extremely compatible at fighting a certain someone whom I suspect is about to try something nasty, and has demonstrated some truly quick learning. I think being able to teach her so we can coordinate better would be our best bet.
Deep down, you know they're better off without you anyway...
I, too, have to speak up and say that's not true!

And as much as I want to go on a tangent about why those former "friends" don't deserve that title and how we may have to work a lot on our self-esteem and our perspective on life, etc., etc., I'll be brief and point out just one thing:
Maybe you're not so worthless after all....?
YES! Write that thought down and don't let it slip away! (Do feel free to forget the part that came before that, though, because Elias loving us, wonderful as that may be, being the determining factor that we're "worthy" isn't helpful in the long run, either.)

No, no, a wish from a GODDESS isn't like some GENIE'S wish where there could be a terrible catch that coins the phrase "be careful what you wish for" (even though suspiciously you ARE being granted three of them, very much LIKE a Genie)...
I don't think the wishes themselves are going to be the problem, but I do start to get the feeling Kai may be onto something. Right now, though, worrying about it won't help us much.

In any case--
I'm actually for training. It doesn't have so much to do with the unique weather and equipment, but simply that we're not in the best place emotionally right now, and exercise is probably better at taking our mind off things. Let's celebrate getting all that off our chest by doing something for ourselves for once!

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