[The Murder Game Series] Murder: The Ties that Bind

Tibbers still smelled blood, and he released a loud, frightening roar. Annie tried to shush him, but he still growled at her. "Okay, okay! I'll go look!" Tibbers silently pointed into the Women's Washroom, so Annie skipped inside.


Solaire turned to the person who smiled and chuckled, Solaire immediately blushed out of happiness that someone found his love for the sun and co-operation enjoyable, he walked up to the lad and said.

"Do you require assistance comrade! If so I am here aiding your needs through the rifts of space and time!!!!!" he proclaimed

TheAlmightyEmperor said:
"Eezo? What is that? Perhaps I could assist in acquiring or creating one?"
I think the verdict is that he's dead. xD

Rand, got started going into the void. It's been a while since he's used such technique, but he believed that this time called for it. He was a flame and all distractions were fed into the flame and were gone. He could still communicate, though he was extremely focused and would show absolute calm.
"Ah, well, Eezo, or Element Zero, has very advanced properties it's, not something you'd have an understanding of. As far as I can tell, aside from what I have, there isn't any Eezo on this entire planet."

((Alright, I'm out! Cya guys))
Bigby raised his gun, but the thought if being heard by the outside infected made him change his mind. He holstered the gun again and raised his sledgehammer, bringing it down against the head of the female corpse, breaking it to pieces. While the blood splattered towards him, he covered his face with his gloved hand. Looking at the ruining image of the girl, he walked outside, breathing heavily. "It's done. She sure as hell is not coming back now". Another bad image for him to keep at his mind. People were having a hard time figuring out the fate of the other corpse. Turning back to Dallas and Rin, he asked: "Do you guys have something that we can use to burn her corpse?". As if breaking her skull wasn't enough.

@Sandra @Dallas
Rin nodded. "My Flames," he showed his ultimate power, flames erupted all around him. "They are Satan's flames.." He said quietly and went up to the corpse, about to throw up. "Eugh..." He said silently.
Bigby nearly shrugged back when Dallas replied that he had nothing. A girl stumbled on Bigby, apologized and then begged to burn the corpse. Turning the Rin, he also could make use of his blue flames for that. "Uhm... Okay. Why don't you two go there and turn that body to coal?". After that, he approached Dallas. The man still looked a little shocked by the things that happened. "Tough day, huh?"

@Sandra @Dallas @Jeremiah
Claire sat down on the floor right where she had stood moments ago, for some reason the incident had really stressed her out. She sat with her arms crossed atop her knees, looking out into the foyer at nothing, she seemed to be zoning out to those that looked at her, but in her own head, thoughts of her past experiences had suddenly come back to haunt her. She knew she was stronger than this, but she couldn't help but be reminded of the challenges she faced not too long before this one. Maybe the similarities between those cases and this one were the cause, an infection, transferable by bites, her brother being involved... Her thoughts trailed off once more as she got caught up again in flashbacks.
(lol, no it was Solaire @Cressy )

Matt seemed confused by this fellow. "Uhh... no thanks I don't need any assistance right now, comrade?" did he really say comrade?, god he sounded just like Killbane... he didn't want to relive that nightmare again.
He gulped and started to burn it, he smiled at the little girl and her bear. "Um, Hey." He would say awkwardly, seeing the body burn slowly,
Dallas said:
*I took the cigarette from my mouth, and flicked the cigarette-butt to my left. I then smiled and said, "You have no idea..."*
Bigby smiled and took a cigarette out of his pack, lighting it up and placing it in his mouth. "You're saying this to the guy who's carrying a slegdgehammer full of blood all over it". He watched as the people burned down the corpsed downstairs. "Guesse we're all having a bad day here. How did you managed to get here? Shot your way through those things to this place?".


Akibahara said:
(( Back... with some surprises ready. > :) ))
((Oh fuck))
Sandra said:
He gulped and started to burn it, he smiled at the little girl and her bear. "Um, Hey." He would say awkwardly, seeing the body burn slowly,
She looked at the burning boy, giggling at him and waving cutely. "Hi!~" She then brought her hands up as they were set ablaze, firing it into the girl's body. Tibbers laughed quietly at the sight of the burning body, stepping slowly between them as he plunged his obsidian claws into the body, impaling it on his claw. He brought it up to his mouth and did the same thing he did with the man's body, ripping it apart before gulping it down. He rubbed his belly, satisfied, as Annie halted her fire and placed a smooch on the bear's cheek.
Jeremiah said:
She looked at the burning boy, giggling at him and waving cutely. "Hi!~" She then brought her hands up as they were set ablaze, firing it into the girl's body. Tibbers laughed quietly at the sight of the burning body, stepping slowly between them as he plunged his obsidian claws into the body, impaling it on his claw. He brought it up to his mouth and did the same thing he did with the man's body, ripping it apart before gulping it down. He rubbed his belly, satisfied, as Annie halted her fire and placed a smooch on the bear's cheek.
*starts to look around for Annie and eventually finds her and her bear, Tibbers who is eating a body. I walk over* Hey Annie... I kinda blacked out back there. What happened?
Rin would be wide eyes at the bear and smile at the girl. "Your powers are neat." He would say and grin. "So is your bear," he would give them a thumbs up and try not to hurl bout the corpse he went to bigby and sighed. "It's done. The bear are the rest of it." He would look at the cigar. "Gimme one." He would steal one from him, light it with his flames and put it in his mouth.
RainbowWave said:
"You can use Ice? That will become neat, hopefully useful." Molly smiled, the young women's skin was pale, and gorgeous compared to her bleach blonde hair. "You....have never thought of marriage? if there is no king, would there every be a another queen...?" Molly got quieter and quieter as she spoke, unaware of how to ask the question.
"And because I am a queen, I'm afraid I haven't done much sewing in my life. I had servants for that. This will be a first for me," replied Elsa, her hand gently taking the kit. Molly tightly closed her eyes, and lifted her blood stained shirt. The wound was open, bleeding intensely. and dripping down her lower right hip.

"I'm ready."

Elsa nodded when Molly stated that she was ready, working to sow up the wound as best she could. She talked to Molly while she sowed. "I have thought of marriage, but it's not something I like to think about often. I'm a type of person who is hard to get close to. Though I may have decent looks on the outside, I find it hard to shake away a wall of ice I've put up around my heart," she said with a sigh. "Have you ever thought about marriage yourself?" Or perhaps Molly was married. She didn't know much about the woman before her.

As she continued to sow Molly up, the blood from her wound coated Elsa's hands, but she ignored it and continued to work. After she had finished, she backed up and looked at her work with a smile. "Okay, that was easier than I thought it would be. I hope it will hold," she said, looking at the wound. "Now that that's taken care of, we should probably take these items out in case someone needs something." She stepped over the small pile of items to check one last shelf, surprised when the lights of the room went out.

( ooc: I'm going to hop off for the night and head to bed so this is my last reply for the night. But I made the lights go out in the room so you could have Molly wander off and get lost if you want, to run into some other people to interact with. Or she can stay in the room. Regardless, Elsa will catch up with her later. :) Have a good night! )

( @TheAlmightyEmperor And sorry Elsa didn't interact with you more. She'll catch up with Rand later too if he needs more people to interact with! ^_^ )
[QUOTE="The Gil]Bigby smiled and took a cigarette out of his pack, lighting it up and placing it in his mouth. "You're saying this to the guy who's carrying a slegdgehammer full of blood all over it". He watched as the people burned down the corpsed downstairs. "Guesse we're all having a bad day here. How did you managed to get here? Shot your way through those things to this place?".

((Oh fuck))

"Something like that... Sure, I had to fight these things, and also a couple of law enforc-" *And that's when it hit me, this guy might be a cop...but what difference does it make? We're in a apocalypse, filled with homicidal maniacs... Like anyone will care now if I say I'm on the FBI's Most Wanted List. "Law enforcers..." I said.*
MrDubWubs said:
*starts to look around for Annie and eventually finds her and her bear, Tibbers who is eating a body. I walk over* Hey Annie... I kinda blacked out back there. What happened?
"Oh, these two infected guys attacked someone! But don't worry, Tibbers already ate both of them!~" Annie giggled, while Tibbers chuckled along. "So, no biggie!"

Sandra said:
Rin would be wide eyes at the bear and smile at the girl. "Your powers are neat." He would say and grin. "So is your bear," he would give them a thumbs up and try not to hurl bout the corpse he went to bigby and sighed. "It's done. The bear are the rest of it." He would look at the cigar. "Gimme one." He would steal one from him, light it with his flames and put it in his mouth.
Tibbers and Annie smiled at Rin and waved at him as he left. "Thank yooooooou!~ You're pretty neat too!"
Jeremiah said:
"Oh, these two infected guys attacked someone! But don't worry, Tibbers already ate both of them!~" Annie giggled, while Tibbers chuckled along. "So, no biggie!"
Tibbers and Annie smiled at Rin and waved at him as he left. "Thank yooooooou!~ You're pretty neat too!"
*chuckles* You always are good at making friends. *slowly, so I dont upset Tibbers because I know his obedience, I lift Annie up and sit on top of my head*
Delayinder said:
Isaac looked at the little girl.
"That crossed corpse is infected. Can we burn it to make sure we don't have any accidents? I don't actually even know your name, so that would also be good," he said.

Then he looked to Vi.

"You seem to know the girl, just stay with her as you have been, I think Garrus and I should make a sweep of the museum to make sure there aren't any more hiding --waiting for a vulnerability," he reasoned. "Garrus, you ok with helping me clear the building? You're welcome to come too, sir whose name I also do not know."

Isaac was running on autopilot. He remembered every mistake he'd ever made, and thought of a contingency to keep it from happening again. The first step is to secure the building. If there was one, chances are there are more.
TheAlmightyEmperor said:
"My name is Rand Al'Thor. Yes, let us 'clear' the 'building'," Rand said with some difficulty. He was unaccustomed to such phrases.
Aaaand, of course, let's not forget Garrus is in tow... and everyone else.

The Museum of Natural History was a massive place, it truly was: An aquarium, an Evolution exhibit, naturalism, the whole nine yards. Of course, everyone is in the lobby, so you're unaware of what lurks within the shadows deep in the Museum... you hear a soft, wet 'slurch' popping in and out, followed by a mad scream far into the distance. It appears to originate from 'Life in the Seas' exhibit, purely aquatic, do you approach the area? Yes or no?

((EDIT: It's optional, but the post is for everyone who wants to explore the Museum a bit further!))
Akibahara said:
Aaaand, of course, let's not forget Garrus is in tow... and everyone else.
The Museum of Natural History was a massive place, it truly was: An aquarium, an Evolution exhibit, naturalism, the whole nine yards. Of course, everyone is in the lobby, so you're unaware of what lurks within the shadows deep in the Museum... you hear a soft, wet 'slurch' popping in and out, followed by a mad scream far into the distance. It appears to originate from 'Life in the Seas' exhibit, purely aquatic, do you approach the area? Yes or no?

((EDIT: It's optional, but the post is for everyone who wants to explore the Museum a bit further!))
*I look to the noise* Hey Annie... do you want to go check that out?

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