[The Murder Game Series] Murder: The Ties that Bind

Hearing the answer from Dallas, Bigby looked at the mask with him. Bank robber? Probably. He let go of the smoke he was holding, blowing it to the side with the corner of his mouth. "Las Vegas Police? Shit, now I know what you mean by horrible day. Like the red psychos weren't enough". Hearing the voices around, he heard a bit of the conversation between Rin and the little girl that liked to burn things. HE ATE IT?! That rang a crude and bad bell on the mind of Bigby.


Oh shit! He gave Dallas a scared look. "Go downstairs and ask for help, I think we might have a BIG problem here!". He drew his gun and ran towards the little girl with the bear, pointing the revolver to the bear. "Did you made your bear eat those corpses?!"

@Jeremiah @Dallas
MrDubWubs said:
*I look to the noise* Hey Annie... do you want to go check that out?
Tibbers' and Annie's ears perked up at the faint scream, grins coming across each of them. "Yeah, let's go!" Annie quickly ran from the washroom, Tibbers soon following.
Jeremiah said:
Tibbers' and Annie's ears perked up at the faint scream, grins coming across each of them. "Yeah, let's go!" Annie quickly ran from the washroom, Tibbers soon following.
*stays close to Annie*
Luke looked down to Clementine as they heard the noise, and nodded. "You want to check it out?" He asked, and Clementine smiled. "Let's do this." The two ran off towards the sound, heading into the depths.
Dallas said:
*I quickly pulled my pistol out from my jacket, aiming directly for the head of the bear. "And just when things were settling down..." I said with a grin. "Me and you can handle this. If I can handle the freaks and the Las Vegas Police, we can take this thing down." I said towards Bigby.*
"Hey, hey! Two guns?! Come on!" Tibbers snarled at Dallas as well, making sure to bear his searing hot fangs at him.
The ex detective heard the loud scream that echoed out through the museum, him turning his head towards the sound of the noise out of curiosity with him moving to walk over next to Dallas, a slightly interested look in his face as he looked over at the source of the sound; that being the aquatic exhibit of the museum.

Mind if I come along with you three? And your...bear? I'd like to scope out the area and get away from...you know.

He gestured with a tilt of his head after waving to Chrom a bit lazily while it seemed like he was gesturing towards the relaxed Chris Redfield, him waiting to hear the opinion of the heister and two summoned in what he could or couldn't do. His eyes then narrowed slightly at Dallas and at the other two there, wondering something as his gaze met Dallas' eyes in particular.

Or are you gonna be another one who just holds grudges for tiny mistakes too?

Jeremiah said:
"Hey, hey! Two guns?! Come on!" Tibbers snarled at Dallas as well, making sure to bear his searing hot fangs at him.
*clenches my gauntlets making them into a fist as I stand in front of Annie* You shoot you loose your body privileges!
Bigby tried to remain calm while he pointed the gun at the bear. That thing was huge, if it got infected it would be a hell of a problem. A scream was heard downstairs, but there was nothing he could. He had to explain the situation to the girl. "Look, you shouldn't had let your bear eat those things! They were infected, and we have no idea if animals get infected too! If this beast get infected, what the hell do you think it'll do? It'll rip us apart! I don't know if you noticed, but that's a pretty big bear!"

@Jeremiah @Dallas
"Night, Joel" Ellie said to the man who kissed her forehead.

Then she closed her eyes and let sleep take her away.

The moment she opened her eyes again, Joel was nowhere near, and she found herself in a dark, small room filled with brooms and other tools she didn't know much about.

"What the... Joel? Hey, Joel!"

To her surprise, she found that the door wasn't actually locked.

She stepped out of the room, squinting at the sudden burst of incoming light, and then looked around.

"... What the fuck...?" she gasped, now finding herself in a huge fancy hallway.

She lifted her backpack up on her back and started wandering around the museum.
(Omg just screw it I'm coming in)

Mikasa Ackerman woke up rather unpleasantly. One moment she was with the rest of her team and next thing she knew, she was alone in a strange building. The museum to be exact. Whatever it was that caused this, she was going to find out. To her it looked like Eren and the others were far away which worried her. She stood up and readied her 3D maneuver gear. She figured it could be used if there were any titans here, wherever here is. She walked quietly around the perimeter and kept an eye out for any signs of life.
Flowershadow said:
The ex detective heard the loud scream that echoed out through the museum, him turning his head towards the sound of the noise out of curiosity with him moving to walk over next to Dallas, a slightly interested look in his face as he looked over at the source of the sound; that being the aquatic exhibit of the museum.
Mind if I come along with you three? And your...bear? I'd like to scope out the area and get away from...you know.

He gestured with a tilt of his head after waving to Chrom a bit lazily while it seemed like he was gesturing towards the relaxed Chris Redfield, him waiting to hear the opinion of the heister and two summoned in what he could or couldn't do. His eyes then narrowed slightly at Dallas and at the other two there, wondering something as his gaze met Dallas' eyes in particular.

Or are you gonna be another one who just holds grudges for tiny mistakes too?
*I couldn't be distracted right now, I need to focus on the main problem. The bear ate the body... I continued to aim at the bear with my handgun.*
Debra stood up and wrinkled her nose, she isn't in the mood for any conversing and meeting up anymore people, at least for now. She brushed her hair behind her ear and looked around the museum, deciding to go further in, foolishly.
Jeremiah said:
"Now now, don't worry! He was savage before I found him, so even on the slim chance he /can/ get infected, my magic will still keep him friendly! He's never gotten any illness for as long as I've known him though, and I've seen him die plenty of times! Everything's fine!"
Akibahara said:
(( One minute left, if you want to explore the Museum, just say so IC! ))
*sighs* Don't have time for this. Annie lets go explore the museum
Bigby thought about the situation. He wondered if the gunshots would kill the bear, or if it would start a magical attack upon them. He didn't wanted to test this scenario, affraid to show his half-wolf form. It was best for everyone not to know. "Look, I'm trying to avoid the situation, but if magic actually worked over this, there would be no infected at all, trust me! I'll give you a discount though, since I'm not a specialist in this disease. Do me a favour, and go talk to the Redfield brothers downstairs and ask them if animals can get infected. Then ask them if they have an antidote". Slightly lowering his gun, he turned towards Dallas. "Let the government handle this, I heard something else downstairs". He started to walk downstairs, towards the aquatic session.

@Jeremiah @Dallas @MrDubWubs
The detective's eyes narrowed at him before looking at the bear whom his eyes were focused on, him casually taking out his revolver from his suit, pointing it at the bear's head as well keeping the aim of the barrel trained on it. The detective didn't exactly care about who he could partner up with from this, but he simply wished to go and explore to gain more of a grasp on things now that he felt his more serious attitude from earlier had brought more of his attention focused on the current situation instead of his drunkenness. Why focus on the wine anymore when he's run out of it?

Look, I'll keep a watch on this thing as well with you if you let me come. Sound good?
Adachi sighed upon hearing how he was being ignored again, simply letting out a small sigh and walking after the small group that he proposed temporarily joining, him going towards the aquatic area of the museum as well with his eyes closed and him walking in casual silence, trying to block out the irritation of what being ignored did to him. He followed after, opening one eye to gaze at what was around him to try and find something to keep his attention on rather than Dallas or the rest of them. If they knew just what it was that he could do...he knew that they wouldn't be treating him with such neglect. However, he wouldn't want to hastily use..."that," if he was even able to here. He wouldn't want to draw eyes in a negative way either due to his "potential."
Flowershadow said:
Adachi sighed upon hearing how he was being ignored again, simply letting out a small sigh and walking after the small group that he proposed temporarily joining, him going towards the aquatic area of the museum as well with his eyes closed and him walking in casual silence, trying to block out the irritation of what being ignored did to him. He followed after, opening one eye to gaze at what was around him to try and find something to keep his attention on rather than Dallas or the rest of them. If they knew just what it was that he could do...he knew that they wouldn't be treating him with such neglect. However, he wouldn't want to hastily use..."that," if he was even able to here. He wouldn't want to draw eyes in a negative way either due to his "potential."
Annie looked to her side to see Adachi tagging along, looking a bit annoyed. "Oh, hi there. Who are you?"
Flowershadow said:
Adachi sighed upon hearing how he was being ignored again, simply letting out a small sigh and walking after the small group that he proposed temporarily joining, him going towards the aquatic area of the museum as well with his eyes closed and him walking in casual silence, trying to block out the irritation of what being ignored did to him. He followed after, opening one eye to gaze at what was around him to try and find something to keep his attention on rather than Dallas or the rest of them. If they knew just what it was that he could do...he knew that they wouldn't be treating him with such neglect. However, he wouldn't want to hastily use..."that," if he was even able to here. He wouldn't want to draw eyes in a negative way either due to his "potential."
LannTheClever said:
[[ Hey bud. Feeling neglected? I'll be your wingman. Let's all watch them suffer. ;) ]]
Jeremiah said:
Annie looked to her side to see Adachi tagging along, looking a bit annoyed. "Oh, hi there. Who are you?"
*starts following the crowd that is leaving not wanting to be left out*

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