[The Murder Game Series] Murder: The Ties that Bind

Akibahara said:
(( I have a good idea. xD ))
She was right, the straps were starting to loosen. Wesker shook his head as one of Molly's hands went free, followed by a massive 'WHAP!' across Elsa's bruised cheek, a trail of inky darkness seemed to follow his palm, as if it smacked her at an ungodly speed. That... wasn't normal, “Elsa, you disappoint me. You should have examined the survivors before we strapped them in for the day.”
Akibahara said:
(( I have a good idea. xD ))
She was right, the straps were starting to loosen. Wesker shook his head as one of Molly's hands went free, followed by a massive 'WHAP!' across Elsa's bruised cheek, a trail of inky darkness seemed to follow his palm, as if it smacked her at an ungodly speed. That... wasn't normal, “Elsa, you disappoint me. You should have examined the survivors before we strapped them in for the day.”

Wesley's hit was so hard and so sudden, Elsa stumbled over to the side. She put a hand over her cheek to nurse it, and glanced in Wesker's direction, shooting him icy daggers. "My mistake. I assure you I examine them daily."

Yes, she examined them. But some of them she left looser than others in the hope that they would break free. Molly being one in particular.
Katniss sits in the darkness silent after the nutrition fell from above, her cold eyes watching Ellie - turning away when there eyes met.

She's nothing to you now.. Ellie! - She let out a gasp, she felt her throat begin to choke fighting back the tears. but then reached up to feel the silver line across it.

She sat there quietly ignoring the food and water, piercing her lips..

We're not animals..

Of course this was not the first time she'd been tossed bread - but this time it was not out of compassion.. Katniss sighed, she peered at Claire whom she met aboard the Romero, she sat close to her leaning in so as not to be heard..

"Claire, It's Katniss.."

She winced remembering the painful memory of how they met - They where waiting for..


She shook her head.


She peered up making sure no one was watching or listening..

"I think, I have a way of getting out of here.."

She would look strait into Claire's eyes providing they where turned away, her face serious.

"But I need your help.."

Katniss would wait for her response thinking over her 'plan'..

Akibahara said:
Lupo paused, shaking her head as she followed Ellie, “If you were my daughter I would've disciplined you already. You're too kind, Ellie. And yet- right from the start, you knew your assignment- and... you decided to befriend one? What was her name? Ah- Katniss Everdeen, am I correct?”
Ellie didn't know what to say.

Actually, she knew what she wanted to say but there was no way she would.

Katniss cared about me in a way I've never felt anyone care.

Instead, she decided to hide her emotions from this woman as much as she could.

She purposely ignored Lupo's comment about befriending Katniss.

"Too bad I'm not your daughter then, huh..." she said, sitting down on a bench in the pit room.
Akibahara said:
Wesker smirked, his face once again contorting into a sly half-grin, “Elsa, do you hear his screams? That was your friend once, wasn't he? How do you feel betraying your friends? Tell me, how was it?”
Leo panted from the pain, a wide smirk on his face "Listen, you slick blonde piece of cocksucking shit, when I get out of here, the first thing I'm going to do is stab you in your black as tar heart... I am going to rip it out, and feed it to the dogs! Then when that's done, I will come up to your lifeless fucking body and throw you into hell to burn with the rest of those that deserve to be there!" Leo's anger came out again, he had comforted himself to Debra's cursing that he himself began to use it more.

Flowershadow said:
He noticed and watched how Elsa was freeing him from his restraints, him rubbing at his head lightly and then his wrists upon himself now having mobility again, him gazing over at the others before looking down at Elsa with a still nearly emotionless expression with him speaking with a slightly irritated tone, making sure that it wasn't obvious that he was putting on some sort of act.
I doubt I'm just being released. Why am I suddenly being taken out of my chair?

His grey eyes peered down at Elsa, looking for some kind of sign as to why he was being released and what particular interest had been taken in him as of yet.
"You aren't being released," she grumbled, still her sore, bruised cheek. "We're moving you somewhere else, survivor. Or should I say, "our property."

Elsa kept the act up.

"Just keep concealing it. No emotion."
Akibahara said:
Lupo paused, shaking her head as she followed Ellie, “If you were my daughter I would've disciplined you already. You're too kind, Ellie. And yet- right from the start, you knew your assignment- and... you decided to befriend one? What was her name? Ah- Katniss Everdeen, am I correct?” 

Lupo smirked, "And you're a BSAA lapdog, we have so much in common, Agent Valentine."
"We're nothing alike, LesProux. "Do we? I'm not the one kissing Wesker's feet, now am I?" Jill got a little heated, angrier by the minute.
Klutzy Ninja Kitty] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/7527-akibahara/ said:
Elsa turned to Wesker when he addressed her, flinching when she saw her old, decaying face. Boy did that guy love carrying it around and taunting her with it.

"Yes, sir," she replied flatly. She began to turn up the amps on the machine, but did so slowly. She was not looking forward to hurting the survivors with that much electricity. "Sir, won't this much kill them? I thought the point was to torture them. They'll die, and our fun will be all over," she said as she heard Leo scream in the background from pain. Her own comments made her feel like gagging. She had to figure out a way to get out of the mess before she actually started to believe what she was saying.
Wesker cracked his neck, pumping it to the side as he growled, "Insolent girl!" With what seemed a split-second, a blurr shot out from Wesker's right hand, clamping against Elsa's neck, as he hoisted her up into the air. He looked up at her, and for the first time ever: She was met with two beaming, red cat-like eyes. He really wasn't human, not anymore, "I know what I'm doing, don't you dare question me? Do you understand?! I do not enjoy the quibbling of inferiors who DARE compare themselves to ME."

Atarf said:
Katniss sits in the darkness silent after the nutrition fell from above, her cold eyes watching Ellie - turning away when there eyes met.
She's nothing to you now.. Ellie! - She let out a gasp, she felt her throat begin to choke fighting back the tears. but then reached up to feel the silver line across it.

She sat there quietly ignoring the food and water, piercing her lips..

We're not animals..

Of course this was not the first time she'd been tossed bread - but this time it was not out of compassion.. Katniss sighed, she peered at Claire whom she met aboard the Romero, she sat close to her leaning in so as not to be heard..

"Claire, It's Katniss.."

She winced remembering the painful memory of how they met - They where waiting for..


She shook her head.


She peered up making sure no one was watching or listening..

"I think, I have a way of getting out of here.."

She would look strait into Claire's eyes providing they where turned away, her face serious.

"But I need your help.."

Katniss would wait for her response thinking over her 'plan'..

The whisper she had heard before became apparent to hear ears again, much closer this time, and it startled her at first, but as she turned quickly to see the source, she had been met with an oddly familiar face, " Katniss.. " She thought the name over for a moment, the name bringing a small smile to her face for some reason, though Claire decidedly couldn't remember exactly why this girl seemed so familiar, she decided to go along with it, not wanting to appear too far gone to anyone who had approached her. " Oh.. Y-you do? " She whispered back, confused at the premise of "Getting out of here" as that idea had long ago abandoned Claire's thoughts, non the less, she went on as if she understood. " W-what do I need to do? " She asked quietly, taking a moment to let her gaze quickly dart about the pit and up towards it's edge once more before facing Katniss again.
[QUOTE="Klutzy Ninja Kitty]
"You aren't being released," she grumbled, still her sore, bruised cheek. "We're moving you somewhere else, survivor. Or should I say, "our property."
Elsa kept the act up.

"Just keep concealing it. No emotion."

He gave a small nod, understanding what she was saying towards him as he put his hand on the back of his neck and popped it slightly, finding himself glad on the inside to be able to relax his neck slightly before they would all normally be detached from the chairs for the day. He stretched his neck slightly and felt a small pop in it, him simply passing it off as just another neck stiffness kind of thing as he looked down at Elsa, being silent towards her.
Beat, Beat, Molly's heart also struggled to survive the torture it have endured, making the sound only have Molly prepare for the worst. 'I'm going to die....I'm going to....' Molly looked towards the man, her hand was free, but it was still formerly placed on the chairs arm. The man was holding Elsa in the air, his eyes exposed, looking to be of felines and red in colour. 'What...is he?' thought Molly, her eyes straying onto the floor, and awaiting the mans leave. 'I....have....no...I....Need help.' Molly looked towards Elsa, and mouthed two simple words, Help me.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Wesker cracked his neck, pumping it to the side as he growled, "Insolent girl!" With what seemed a split-second, a blurr shot out from Wesker's right hand, clamping against Elsa's neck, as he hoisted her up into the air. He looked up at her, and for the first time ever: She was met with two beaming, red cat-like eyes. He really wasn't human, not anymore, "I know what I'm doing, don't you dare question me? Do you understand?! I do not enjoy the quibbling of inferiors who DARE compare themselves to ME."


Feeling herself suddenly in the air, she gripped onto her neck and gasped, finding it hard to breath. She wasn't afraid though. In the 8 1/2 months Elsa had been trapped there, she was used to this kind of treatment.

"I-I understand," she barely managed to say, gasping again. "I won't oppose you."

Yet, with every minute that passed, Elsa felt more and more like opposing him. A buildup of anger that she almost could no longer contain was about to spill out if this continued.




Solaire suddenly snapped awake, a shock for everyone in the cage, the man had not moved for 6 MONTHS!

His bones popped in crack extremely loud and he started popping his joints for another 20 minutes. He looked around and noticed the man wanting them too sing for food, Solaire shrugged, better to befriend him than piss him off more, even if he is weird.



*Imaginary Spotlight*


He sang this all in an extremely low opera/frank sinatra voice

((Aki you are a weirdo <3))​
Jeremiah said:
Annie looked drowsily at her captors as they were taking the group away, faintly seeing them take her backpack and-...Tibbers?! Annie begged them not to take him away, but her drugged ramblings fell on deaf ears as she fell asleep...

Annie groaned at the pain as she quickly began waking up, to see herself on some sort of operating table. This wasn't where they normally kept her...and why was she in pain? She writhed on the table a bit, leaning herself up a bit to see Wynne and Captain America nearby, and this 'Four-Eyes' watching over them. But there was one that caught her eye; Adam! She smiled, still drowsy, and still groaning in pain.

"A-...Adam...it's been so long..."

Four-Eyes didn't seem to mind Adam as he rushed up to Ellie, rubbing her balloon-sized belly, “I... I told you you'd be pregnant!” He smiled, kissing her delicately on the lips, an idle hand pressed against her abdomen, pop! … He felt a kick! Four-Eyes pressed her index finger against her chin, “The baby will be here any moment now, you're delivering two weeks early. Once we have the child, she will be delivered to Albert Wesker for proper training and given an immediate growth serum.” 

MrDubWubs said:
*I look to the group as they rested up. Blood every where. Messy hair, dirty faces, almost no clothes due to damages. This was bad* g-guys we only have on shot of getting out..
Beltway cocked a brow at the dangerously-close-to-naked Vi, "So, we got a naturalist here?" A distant roar crept into the backdrop, the Umbrella operative couldn't help but stifle a chuckle, "This'll be fun."
Klutzy Ninja Kitty](ooc: I don't know if Elsa can see Molly while Wesker is holding her. xD I'll reply to Molly's after Wesker drops her or at least moves her to a different angle. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6848-rainbowwave/ said:
@RainbowWave[/URL] )
BTW Solaire is being INTENTIONALLY LOUD ;) Wink wink Nudge Nudge))
Klutzy Ninja Kitty](ooc: I don't know if Elsa can see Molly while Wesker is holding her. xD I'll reply to Molly's after Wesker drops her or at least moves her to a different angle. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/6848-rainbowwave/ said:
@RainbowWave[/URL] )
// I also replied to Aki :c
Flowershadow said:
He noticed and watched how Elsa was freeing him from his restraints, him rubbing at his head lightly and then his wrists upon himself now having mobility again, him gazing over at the others before looking down at Elsa with a still nearly emotionless expression with him speaking with a slightly irritated tone, making sure that it wasn't obvious that he was putting on some sort of act.
I doubt I'm just being released. Why am I suddenly being taken out of my chair?

His grey eyes peered down at Elsa, looking for some kind of sign as to why he was being released and what particular interest had been taken in him as of yet.
Wesker dropped Elsa, the gentle 'tap, tap, tap' of his foot meeting the floor greeting Adachi's ear, “You're going to be a test specimen- out of all the survivors here- we're giving you a special gift. I'm certain you'll come to... appreciate it.”
Akibahara said:
Four-Eyes didn't seem to mind Adam as he rushed up to Ellie, rubbing her balloon-sized belly, “I... I told you you'd be pregnant!” He smiled, kissing her delicately on the lips, an idle hand pressed against her abdomen, pop! … He felt a kick! Four-Eyes pressed her index finger against her chin, “The baby will be here any moment now, you're delivering two weeks early. Once we have the child, she will be delivered to Albert Wesker for proper training and given an immediate growth serum.” 

Beltway cocked a brow at the dangerously-close-to-naked Vi, "So, we got a naturalist here?" A distant roar crept into the backdrop, the Umbrella operative couldn't help but stifle a chuckle, "This'll be fun."
*stands tall knowing that there is no other option but to fight this thing. I just hope the group, mainly clem, will be strong enough to fight it*
Akibahara said:
Wesker dropped Elsa, the gentle 'tap, tap, tap' of his foot meeting the floor greeting Adachi's ear, “You're going to be a test specimen- out of all the survivors here- we're giving you a special gift. I'm certain you'll come to... appreciate it.”
Elsa fell to the ground, rubbing her throat and taking in a deep breath of air. As she did, she looked up just in time to see Molly mouthing that words Help me. Horror filled the queen's eyes. She rose to her feet quickly and grabbed a rag from off a table in the room. When Wesker's back was turned, she whipped Molly's face, her eyes tearing up. It was her first sign of emotion in months.

"Molly, I'm so sorry."

JayJay said:
"Too bad I'm not your daughter then, huh..." she said, sitting down on a bench in the pit room.
"Mm, yes, too bad. You would've been a lovely young woman under my guidance." Just as... a man, clad in black military fatigues, sporting an MP5 walked into the room, "Inspection." The man merely said, Karen saluted, "Agent HUNK, all is well, sir. The prisoners are in-tact, the U-2 will be released in a moment. Do you have any other questions?"


HUNK paused, "No, carry on. And you, girl..." His red visors glanced at Ellie, "... Cut down the rations for Prisoner Everdeen."
Cressy said:
((He's in a cage, and he'd probably pretend to like Elsa but then try to strangle her with his death stare O>O)) ((When no one is looking))
//ooc: Eh it would be worth it to save Molly to her. If she could get to Solaire, that is. xD She needs to cash in her favor, anyhow. ;)
Katniss, frowned sighting Claire's smile..

What could possibly be funny..!

"I was just.."

Her eyes darting towards the rim of the pit..

"Ellie is fragile.."

She blurted out towards Claire. Katniss lets out a sigh realizing there was no going back..

"We can manipulate her.."

She looks down towards the floor of the pit, or perhaps it wasn't the floor - it was hard to tell.

"I can manipulate her.."

Katniss didn't like to play mind games, but since she was out of options it seemed better than nothing.. She pushed a piece of hair back over her ear, which flopped down in front of her eyes. Her heart beat was loud, and perhaps even audible to anyone close.. That's how it seemed.


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