[The Murder Game Series] Murder: The Ties that Bind

Akibahara said:


“Eight Months”

The Umbrella facility was dead, the neon lights illuminating it's signature symbol died out long ago. UMBRELLA TESTING FACILITY GEORGIA, one of the few underground operations labs within U.S. soil, was trashed beyond belief- chemical spills, putrefied corpses of researchers, and documents littered the confines.

6:57pm, and you were among it tonight.

Molly was no where to be seen, but if you did managed to track and search her- you'd find nothing- she was INNOCENT. Do you know who wasn't? Ellie pressed a bowie knife around Katniss Everdeen's neck. She coughed with a choked gasp, as blood, all too red, all too bright, oozed as the blade dug in. She felt unbridled fear, her lips quivering, just as... clank! With a bubbling, hateful scream, Ellie dropped the knife, “I... I can't do this...” she said, tears rushing down her cheeks.

“Awh, are we having a little problem?”

Lupo grinned, her slender hands pressed against the poor secret Umbrella operative's shoulder, “You did wonderful work with Elsa back at the U.S.S. Romero, my dear. But I'm afraid your... conscious got the better of you. We'll talk to Command about this.”

Ellie was ripped aside, vanishing into the darkness, just as...

A white, wispy fog gained access via ventilation shaft embedded in it's steel mainframe. It was tasteless, odorless, and trailed toward the survivors at a steady pace. Shit. The reinforced iron blast door slammed shut with a thunderous 'BOOM.' Red siren lights silently whirred, spinning as you lay trapped awaiting your doom. It was coming...

Lupo smirked, grinning at her handy-work.


Perpetuating the distraction.



It's been too long.

Far too fucking long.

You remember capture: The Umbrella Corporation drugged you, relinquishing your weapons, armor, and nifty little toys you may have had. Hell, you didn't mind the two back-to-back cavity searches- not as much as you were stuck HERE: Trapped, split up, in your own private hell. Wolfpack seemed to enjoy this:

Bigby, Dallas, Dandy, Aiden Pearce, Solaire & Emiya were trapped in a large glass cell, it seemed impenetrable. Spectre watched over them, the song: “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen played over and over and over again... and when they slept, it kept playing, just at a lower volume. He swung a chain of keys over his index finger, grinning at them with such manly Russian features!




Katniss, Claire, Jill,Mandus, Lann,Scorpion, Delta, and The RED Spy were trapped in a pitch-black pit, it was too deep to climb out of without assistance. Ellie mainly watched over them, with the EXTREME supervision of Lupo. She enjoyed watching the poor Umbrella spy suffer, as the survivors in this prison were given little food and water, followed by an incredibly low amount of light.


Leo Barnes, Debra Morgan, Isaac Clarke, Molly, and Adachi were buckled down tight, strapped into electric chairs wired with explosives. They too, were in a cell, but were subject to arbitrary torture at Wesker's whim-- who, from the looks of it, forced Elsa to electrocute them at high volts. If she declined, she'd meet an epic pimp slap from the man in black himself. Don't fret, it was merely apart of the brain-washing process.


Clementine, Luke, Hatty, Mikasa, Rand, Matt/Kinsie, Shiki,
& Vi were placed in a large arena-esque type testing ground. B.O.W.s attacked them for months on in, usually smaller ones, and oftentimes, they had to rely on Tank Clem to eliminate them. Beltway watched over them, he found this rather amusing. Today, he had something special, the “U-2” creature. Special, special little thing.


James Earl Cash, Chrom, Jehoel, were tossed into a cage filled with 50 Hunter B.O.W.s. They were devoured immediately.


Annie, Wynne, and a bound-and-gagged Captain America lay on an operating table, Four-Eyes watched over them, dotting notes into her chart, “Fascinating...” She had captured Adam, too, thanks to a little smuggling and blackmail within SHIELD's ranks. Annie felt a sharp pain into her abdomen, she was going into labor with Wynne as an assistant...


Adam's eyes widened, “Is... is that--...?! My baby?!”


Aaaand finally, Bertha had Ariel suspended in mid-air, bound and gagged in some weird-ass BDSM outfit. Her ass, little Ariel with bigger lips, and chest was hanging out, mauled to shit par the usual:


“Mmm, you look like zee Little Mermaid, ja,” said Bertha, in a fluent German accent.

“How about zis-”

She held a cage filled with rats, a hole in the opening, as it laid across Ariel's belly, “If you don't zing, wunderbar und lovely like a bird. Zey vill.”

She lit a torch, burning bright orange, and placed it above the cage, “Zing.”​

You can now start posting in-game! The Traitors will submit kill shortly. This round will end @ 12:00pm MST or 2:00pm MST, depending on activity!


Dallas as Dallas (PAYDAY 2)

Scave as Aiden Pearce (Watch_Dogs)

Flaming Centurion as Dandy (Space Dandy)

Jeremiah as Annie (League of Legends)

Reaper Jack as Kiritsugu Emiya (Fate/Zero)

JayJay as Ellie (The Last of Us)

Leo Barnes as Leo Barnes (The Purge: Anarchy)

MrWubsDubs as Vi (League of Legends)

Verite as Shiki Tohno (Tsukihime)

Kawashima Thunderas as Jill Valentine (Resident Evil)

LunarDiscord as Claire Redfield (Resident Evil)

Lunar-Eclipse as Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan)

MattieLee as Matt Miller & Kinzie Kensington (Saint's Row 3&4)

Bombielonia as Debra Morgan (Dexter)

Xibilation as Ariel (The Little Mermaid)

Flowershadow as Adachi Tohru (Persona 4)

Hatty Hattington as... Hatty Hattington (Battleblock Theatre)

SuperChocoMilk as Clementine & Luke (The Walking Dead)

The Gil as Bigby Wolf (The Wolf Among Us)

Misterchids as Oswald Mandus (Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs)

MozoWhittaker as Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)

Elondora as Wynne (Dragon Age: Origins) (Captain America PARTNER)

Delayinder as Isaac Clarke (Dead Space)

TheAlmightyEmperor as Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time)

LannTheClever as... Lann the Clever (Game of Thrones)

SirDerpingtonIV as The RED Spy (Team Fortress 2)



Umbraism as "Fem" Hei (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Hayden as The Hermit (Underhell) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Trickster Vixen as The Black Widow (Marvel) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Chris Redfield (Resident Evil) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Ahzek Ahriman as Ahzek Ahriman (Warhammer 40k) ( TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Cressy as Solaire of Astora (Dark Souls) (BLOWN IN HALF – INNOCENT!)

The Golden Witch as Lambdadelta (BANISHED – TRAITOR!)

Deeox2 as Subject Delta (BANISHED – INNOCENT!)

Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Elsa (TORN VERTICALLY IN HALF – INNOCENT!)

GreenSea as Junpei Iori (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)

Sandra as Rin Okumura (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)

Saturnice01 as Garrus (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)

Hunter2258 as Chrom (EATEN- INNOCENT!)

TheFelixMoon as James Earl Cash (EATEN- INNOCENT!)

Magnestia as Jehoel (EATEN- INNOCENT!)

RainbowWave as Molly (BANISHED- INNOCENT!)


JayJay as Ellie (BANISHED – TRAITOR!)

("" for me is thoughts and other things in chat) "the time that me and the others trapped in the arena has been exhausting as well as... it was getting boring. The same thing over and over. Though actually being able to fight was fun I wanted out and fast. As the the waves of... things.... came at us I studied the arena. Looking for weak points in any place i could find."
[QUOTE="Klutzy Ninja Kitty]Elsa stood silently, keeping her features flat just like she was told by her masters. She wasn't sure if they considered themselves her masters or not, but she certainly felt like a slave. Because if she didn't listen to them, bad things happened. She would be slapped or beaten. She inwardly cringed at the thought, so she continued to do what they told her to do.
She stood in front of a panel and flipped the switch when she was told, electrocuting her fellow survivors. She knew they were in constant pain. As for Elsa, she wasn't in any physical pain, but she was in constant mental torture. She hated hurting them, especially her friends like Molly. She saw the woman spit at her feet and her heart sank, but she couldn't blame her.

"Just conceal your emotions, Elsa. Don't feel. Be the good girl monster they want you to be."

She continued to hurt them, glancing between the people and seeing pain in her eyes. Elsa knew she couldn't do this for much longer. She could only be obedient and do what she was supposed to for so long. That was a lesson she had learned a long time ago. Or, at least, a lesson the real Elsa had learned and the clone of her had picked up.

Wesker stood there, arms crossed, expression stoic, “Good, very good. You're growing.” Ah, he -did- secretly find this enjoyable. He reached into his pocket, revealing a crumpled, fleshy mass of Elsa's old face, still in the process of decay, hard like leather as dead flies oozed from it's eye-sockets, “Lovely. Elsa, dear, I have a present for you.” He held out his gloved hand, spreading it's fleshy face as he smirked, “Amp the currents up or I'll force you to wear this for a week. Understand?”

Flowershadow said:
The detective suddenly found himself slowly waking up in an electric chair, him gazing around and then looking down to see himself bound and unable to check whether he had his revolver back in his suit or not where he normally would keep it. Although, based on what had happened with him suddenly ending up captive and him last remembering his revolver in his hand, he figured it was probably taken away from him. He looked around to see whether he was strapped into a chair in a room on his own, or whether there were others with him, him looking around as best he could without being able to move his head. He saw he wasn't alone, letting out a small sigh seeing what they all had gotten themselves into.
@Delayinder @RainbowWave

I knew we shouldn't have been standing around forever...but no one else decided to go ahead and do anything. That's the last time I ever leave this to anyone else while I prepare...

Those were the first words he said once he had found himself in the chair, and the same inspection he had given of himself after being abducted. In truth, he was doing this small series of things over to let himself have something to do and have something on his mind instead of just letting his mind wander, as that would normally only cause problems for him. Of course, the shock that he endured only brought him back to the reality he was in, letting himself and his insane mind have constant reminders of just what it was minds as evil as his own were doing to him.
Jill was separated again from Claire. Now being held captive by the Wolfpack, she wasn't sure if life was worth living anymore. Wondering who the traitor could be, but set her sights on Lann the Clever, jumping to conclusions and saw him as a 'Sneak, Devious, Treacherous Motherfucker who is just like Wesker'.
Akibahara said:


“Eight Months”

The Umbrella faicility was dead, the neon lights illuminating it's signature symbol died out long ago. UMBRELLA TESTING FACILITY GEORGIA, one of the few underground operations labs within U.S. soil, was trashed beyond belief- chemical spills, putrefied corpses of researchers, and documents littered the confines.

6:57pm, and you were among it tonight.

Molly was no where to be seen, but if you did managed to track and search her- you'd find nothing- she was INNOCENT. Do you know who wasn't? Ellie pressed a bowie knife around Katniss Everdeen's neck. She coughed with a choked gasp, as blood, all too red, all too bright, oozed as the blade dug in. She felt unbridled fear, her lips quivering, just as... clank! With a bubbling, hateful scream, Ellie dropped the knife, “I... I can't do this...” she said, tears rushing down her cheeks.

“Awh, are we having a little problem?”

Lupo grinned, her slender hands pressed against the poor secret Umbrella operative's shoulder, “You did wonderful work with Elsa back at the U.S.S. Romero, my dear. But I'm afraid your... conscious got the better of you. We'll talk to Command about this.”

Ellie was ripped aside, vanishing into the darkness, just as...

A white, wispy fog gained access via ventilation shaft embedded in it's steel mainframe. It was tasteless, odorless, and trailed toward the survivors at a steady pace. Shit. The reinforced iron blast door slammed shut with a thunderous 'BOOM.' Red siren lights silently whirred, spinning as you lay trapped awaiting your doom. It was coming...

Lupo smirked, grinning at her handy-work.


Perpetuating the distraction.



It's been too long.

Far too fucking long.

You remember capture: The Umbrella Corporation drugged you, relinquishing your weapons, armor, and nifty little toys you may have had. Hell, you didn't mind the two back-to-back cavity searches- not as much as you were stuck HERE: Trapped, split up, in your own private hell. Wolfpack seemed to enjoy this:

Bigby, Dallas, Dandy, Aiden Pearce, Solaire & Emiya were trapped in a large glass cell, it seemed impenetrable. Spectre watched over them, the song: “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen played over and over and over again... and when they slept, it kept playing, just at a lower volume. He swung a chain of keys over his index finger, grinning at them with such manly Russian features!




Katniss, Claire, Jill,Mandus, Lann,Scorpion, Delta, and The RED Spy were trapped in a pitch-black pit, it was too deep to climb out of without assistance. Ellie mainly watched over them, with the EXTREME supervision of Lupo. She enjoyed watching the poor Umbrella spy suffer, as the survivors in this prison were given little food and water, followed by an incredibly low amount of light.


Leo Barnes, Debra Morgan, Isaac Clarke, Molly, and Adachi were buckled down tight, strapped into electric chairs wired with explosives. They too, were in a cell, but were subject to arbitrary torture at Wesker's whim-- who, from the looks of it, forced Elsa to electrocute them at high volts. If she declined, she'd meet an epic pimp slap from the man in black himself. Don't fret, it was merely apart of the brain-washing process.


Clementine, Luke, Hatty, Mikasa, Rand, Matt/Kinsie, Shiki,
& Vi were placed in a large arena-esque type testing ground. B.O.W.s attacked them for months on in, usually smaller ones, and oftentimes, they had to rely on Tank Clem to eliminate them. Beltway watched over them, he found this rather amusing. Today, he had something special, the “U-2” creature. Special, special little thing.


James Earl Cash, Chrom, Jehoel, were tossed into a cage filled with 50 Hunter B.O.W.s. They were devoured immediately.


Annie, Wynne, and a bound-and-gagged Captain America lay on an operating table, Four-Eyes watched over them, dotting notes into her chart, “Fascinating...” She had captured Adam, too, thanks to a little smuggling and blackmail within SHIELD's ranks. Annie felt a sharp pain into her abdomen, she was going into labor with Wynne as an assistant...


Adam's eyes widened, “Is... is that--...?! My baby?!”


Aaaand finally, Bertha had Ariel suspended in mid-air, bound and gagged in some weird-ass BDSM outfit. Her ass, little Ariel with bigger lips, and chest was hanging out, mauled to shit par the usual:


“Mmm, you look like zee Little Mermaid, ja,” said Bertha, in a fluent German accent.

“How about zis-”

She held a cage filled with rats, a hole in the opening, as it laid across Ariel's belly, “If you don't zing, wunderbar und lovely like a bird. Zey vill.”

She lit a torch, burning bright orange, and placed it above the cage, “Zing.”​

You can now start posting in-game! The Traitors will submit kill shortly. This round will end @ 12:00pm MST or 2:00pm MST, depending on activity!


Dallas as Dallas (PAYDAY 2)

Scave as Aiden Pearce (Watch_Dogs)

Flaming Centurion as Dandy (Space Dandy)

Jeremiah as Annie (League of Legends)

Reaper Jack as Kiritsugu Emiya (Fate/Zero)

JayJay as Ellie (The Last of Us)

Leo Barnes as Leo Barnes (The Purge: Anarchy)

MrWubsDubs as Vi (League of Legends)

Verite as Shiki Tohno (Tsukihime)

Kawashima Thunderas as Jill Valentine (Resident Evil)

LunarDiscord as Claire Redfield (Resident Evil)

Lunar-Eclipse as Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan)

MattieLee as Matt Miller & Kinzie Kensington (Saint's Row 3&4)

Bombielonia as Debra Morgan (Dexter)

Xibilation as Ariel (The Little Mermaid)

Flowershadow as Adachi Tohru (Persona 4)

Hatty Hattington as... Hatty Hattington (Battleblock Theatre)

SuperChocoMilk as Clementine & Luke (The Walking Dead)

The Gil as Bigby Wolf (The Wolf Among Us)

Misterchids as Oswald Mandus (Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs)

MozoWhittaker as Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)

Elondora as Wynne (Dragon Age: Origins) (Captain America PARTNER)

Delayinder as Isaac Clarke (Dead Space)

TheAlmightyEmperor as Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time)

LannTheClever as... Lann the Clever (Game of Thrones)

SirDerpingtonIV as The RED Spy (Team Fortress 2)



Umbraism as "Fem" Hei (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Hayden as The Hermit (Underhell) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Trickster Vixen as The Black Widow (Marvel) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Chris Redfield (Resident Evil) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Ahzek Ahriman as Ahzek Ahriman (Warhammer 40k) ( TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Cressy as Solaire of Astora (Dark Souls) (BLOWN IN HALF – INNOCENT!)

The Golden Witch as Lambdadelta (BANISHED – TRAITOR!)

Deeox2 as Subject Delta (BANISHED – INNOCENT!)

Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Elsa (TORN VERTICALLY IN HALF – INNOCENT!)

GreenSea as Junpei Iori (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)

Sandra as Rin Okumura (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)

Saturnice01 as Garrus (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)

Hunter2258 as Chrom (EATEN- INNOCENT!)

TheFelixMoon as James Earl Cash (EATEN- INNOCENT!)

Magnestia as Jehoel (EATEN- INNOCENT!)

RainbowWave as Molly (BANISHED- INNOCENT!)


JayJay as Ellie (BANISHED – TRAITOR!)

Leo yelled, cried even at the sight of Debra being hurt, Leo yelled but held his composture at the pain "NO! Stop, please I- AGH!" He yelled in pain at the electrocution, but he wouldn't break.



// Bitch, Fruends of mine, I HAVE PASSED SUMMER SCHOOL WITH A B! :D
Akibahara said:


“Eight Months”

The Umbrella facility was dead, the neon lights illuminating it's signature symbol died out long ago. UMBRELLA TESTING FACILITY GEORGIA, one of the few underground operations labs within U.S. soil, was trashed beyond belief- chemical spills, putrefied corpses of researchers, and documents littered the confines.

6:57pm, and you were among it tonight.

Molly was no where to be seen, but if you did managed to track and search her- you'd find nothing- she was INNOCENT. Do you know who wasn't? Ellie pressed a bowie knife around Katniss Everdeen's neck. She coughed with a choked gasp, as blood, all too red, all too bright, oozed as the blade dug in. She felt unbridled fear, her lips quivering, just as... clank! With a bubbling, hateful scream, Ellie dropped the knife, “I... I can't do this...” she said, tears rushing down her cheeks.

“Awh, are we having a little problem?”

Lupo grinned, her slender hands pressed against the poor secret Umbrella operative's shoulder, “You did wonderful work with Elsa back at the U.S.S. Romero, my dear. But I'm afraid your... conscious got the better of you. We'll talk to Command about this.”

Ellie was ripped aside, vanishing into the darkness, just as...

A white, wispy fog gained access via ventilation shaft embedded in it's steel mainframe. It was tasteless, odorless, and trailed toward the survivors at a steady pace. Shit. The reinforced iron blast door slammed shut with a thunderous 'BOOM.' Red siren lights silently whirred, spinning as you lay trapped awaiting your doom. It was coming...

Lupo smirked, grinning at her handy-work.


Perpetuating the distraction.



It's been too long.

Far too fucking long.

You remember capture: The Umbrella Corporation drugged you, relinquishing your weapons, armor, and nifty little toys you may have had. Hell, you didn't mind the two back-to-back cavity searches- not as much as you were stuck HERE: Trapped, split up, in your own private hell. Wolfpack seemed to enjoy this:

Bigby, Dallas, Dandy, Aiden Pearce, Solaire & Emiya were trapped in a large glass cell, it seemed impenetrable. Spectre watched over them, the song: “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen played over and over and over again... and when they slept, it kept playing, just at a lower volume. He swung a chain of keys over his index finger, grinning at them with such manly Russian features!




Katniss, Claire, Jill,Mandus, Lann,Scorpion, Delta, and The RED Spy were trapped in a pitch-black pit, it was too deep to climb out of without assistance. Ellie mainly watched over them, with the EXTREME supervision of Lupo. She enjoyed watching the poor Umbrella spy suffer, as the survivors in this prison were given little food and water, followed by an incredibly low amount of light.


Leo Barnes, Debra Morgan, Isaac Clarke, Molly, and Adachi were buckled down tight, strapped into electric chairs wired with explosives. They too, were in a cell, but were subject to arbitrary torture at Wesker's whim-- who, from the looks of it, forced Elsa to electrocute them at high volts. If she declined, she'd meet an epic pimp slap from the man in black himself. Don't fret, it was merely apart of the brain-washing process.


Clementine, Luke, Hatty, Mikasa, Rand, Matt/Kinsie, Shiki,
& Vi were placed in a large arena-esque type testing ground. B.O.W.s attacked them for months on in, usually smaller ones, and oftentimes, they had to rely on Tank Clem to eliminate them. Beltway watched over them, he found this rather amusing. Today, he had something special, the “U-2” creature. Special, special little thing.


James Earl Cash, Chrom, Jehoel, were tossed into a cage filled with 50 Hunter B.O.W.s. They were devoured immediately.


Annie, Wynne, and a bound-and-gagged Captain America lay on an operating table, Four-Eyes watched over them, dotting notes into her chart, “Fascinating...” She had captured Adam, too, thanks to a little smuggling and blackmail within SHIELD's ranks. Annie felt a sharp pain into her abdomen, she was going into labor with Wynne as an assistant...


Adam's eyes widened, “Is... is that--...?! My baby?!”


Aaaand finally, Bertha had Ariel suspended in mid-air, bound and gagged in some weird-ass BDSM outfit. Her ass, little Ariel with bigger lips, and chest was hanging out, mauled to shit par the usual:


“Mmm, you look like zee Little Mermaid, ja,” said Bertha, in a fluent German accent.

“How about zis-”

She held a cage filled with rats, a hole in the opening, as it laid across Ariel's belly, “If you don't zing, wunderbar und lovely like a bird. Zey vill.”

She lit a torch, burning bright orange, and placed it above the cage, “Zing.”​

You can now start posting in-game! The Traitors will submit kill shortly. This round will end @ 12:00pm MST or 2:00pm MST, depending on activity!


Dallas as Dallas (PAYDAY 2)

Scave as Aiden Pearce (Watch_Dogs)

Flaming Centurion as Dandy (Space Dandy)

Jeremiah as Annie (League of Legends)

Reaper Jack as Kiritsugu Emiya (Fate/Zero)

JayJay as Ellie (The Last of Us)

Leo Barnes as Leo Barnes (The Purge: Anarchy)

MrWubsDubs as Vi (League of Legends)

Verite as Shiki Tohno (Tsukihime)

Kawashima Thunderas as Jill Valentine (Resident Evil)

LunarDiscord as Claire Redfield (Resident Evil)

Lunar-Eclipse as Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan)

MattieLee as Matt Miller & Kinzie Kensington (Saint's Row 3&4)

Bombielonia as Debra Morgan (Dexter)

Xibilation as Ariel (The Little Mermaid)

Flowershadow as Adachi Tohru (Persona 4)

Hatty Hattington as... Hatty Hattington (Battleblock Theatre)

SuperChocoMilk as Clementine & Luke (The Walking Dead)

The Gil as Bigby Wolf (The Wolf Among Us)

Misterchids as Oswald Mandus (Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs)

MozoWhittaker as Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)

Elondora as Wynne (Dragon Age: Origins) (Captain America PARTNER)

Delayinder as Isaac Clarke (Dead Space)

TheAlmightyEmperor as Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time)

LannTheClever as... Lann the Clever (Game of Thrones)

SirDerpingtonIV as The RED Spy (Team Fortress 2)



Umbraism as "Fem" Hei (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Hayden as The Hermit (Underhell) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Trickster Vixen as The Black Widow (Marvel) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Chris Redfield (Resident Evil) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Ahzek Ahriman as Ahzek Ahriman (Warhammer 40k) ( TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Cressy as Solaire of Astora (Dark Souls) (BLOWN IN HALF – INNOCENT!)

The Golden Witch as Lambdadelta (BANISHED – TRAITOR!)

Deeox2 as Subject Delta (BANISHED – INNOCENT!)

Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Elsa (TORN VERTICALLY IN HALF – INNOCENT!)

GreenSea as Junpei Iori (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)

Sandra as Rin Okumura (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)

Saturnice01 as Garrus (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)

Hunter2258 as Chrom (EATEN- INNOCENT!)

TheFelixMoon as James Earl Cash (EATEN- INNOCENT!)

Magnestia as Jehoel (EATEN- INNOCENT!)

RainbowWave as Molly (BANISHED- INNOCENT!)


JayJay as Ellie (BANISHED – TRAITOR!)

(This is my reaction completely.)


Katniss sits in the dark dank whole, motionless. Her eyes fixed in the darkness, she reaches and touches the silky scar that has formed around her throat.

"Ellie.." - She whispers, tears dwelling in her eyes.

Katniss was suffering from a very serious case of depression, after opening her heart to 'Ellie' she was betrayed by the small individual all trust was put into her not to mention love. Katniss is not a forthcoming person, but anyone can see that her feelings are being worn on her sleeves.. To her, Ellie was perhaps a friend someone who she could rely on, even a sister.. But now she was no more to Katniss than the dirt under her boot.

Ellie, I don't understand..

Katniss wipes away the tears that now start cutting through the grime on her face - although dark anyone close enough may be able to see the white streaks which line her face.

You're strong Katniss - You are..

She stands feeling the walls of her surrounds.. Some self power driving her to escape, she sits down thinking stroking the scar to fuel her anger.

Katniss would count the number of people around her on her fingers.

One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six - Seven..

She peers around the gloom.

"Hello..?" - She whispers through the darkness.

@Kawashima Thunder





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Molly was unsure where the eyes of the blonde man was, due to his sunglasses, but slightly tugging the strips on her wrists, Molly could feel after a long Eight mouths and two weeks the strips started to loosen. She was unsure if anyone noticed, but soon, very soon, she would have her wrists unbound, 'only if the stranger would leave' thought Molly, her hands tightly gripping the arms of the chair as another shock treatment came inbound.

(@Akibahara I'm assuming because Wesker is well, him, he wouldn't have locks on the straps. Please tell me if im wrong.)
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Akibahara said:


“Eight Months”

The Umbrella facility was dead, the neon lights illuminating it's signature symbol died out long ago. UMBRELLA TESTING FACILITY GEORGIA, one of the few underground operations labs within U.S. soil, was trashed beyond belief- chemical spills, putrefied corpses of researchers, and documents littered the confines.

6:57pm, and you were among it tonight.

Molly was no where to be seen, but if you did managed to track and search her- you'd find nothing- she was INNOCENT. Do you know who wasn't? Ellie pressed a bowie knife around Katniss Everdeen's neck. She coughed with a choked gasp, as blood, all too red, all too bright, oozed as the blade dug in. She felt unbridled fear, her lips quivering, just as... clank! With a bubbling, hateful scream, Ellie dropped the knife, “I... I can't do this...” she said, tears rushing down her cheeks.

“Awh, are we having a little problem?”

Lupo grinned, her slender hands pressed against the poor secret Umbrella operative's shoulder, “You did wonderful work with Elsa back at the U.S.S. Romero, my dear. But I'm afraid your... conscious got the better of you. We'll talk to Command about this.”

Ellie was ripped aside, vanishing into the darkness, just as...

A white, wispy fog gained access via ventilation shaft embedded in it's steel mainframe. It was tasteless, odorless, and trailed toward the survivors at a steady pace. Shit. The reinforced iron blast door slammed shut with a thunderous 'BOOM.' Red siren lights silently whirred, spinning as you lay trapped awaiting your doom. It was coming...

Lupo smirked, grinning at her handy-work.


Perpetuating the distraction.



It's been too long.

Far too fucking long.

You remember capture: The Umbrella Corporation drugged you, relinquishing your weapons, armor, and nifty little toys you may have had. Hell, you didn't mind the two back-to-back cavity searches- not as much as you were stuck HERE: Trapped, split up, in your own private hell. Wolfpack seemed to enjoy this:

Bigby, Dallas, Dandy, Aiden Pearce, Solaire & Emiya were trapped in a large glass cell, it seemed impenetrable. Spectre watched over them, the song: “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen played over and over and over again... and when they slept, it kept playing, just at a lower volume. He swung a chain of keys over his index finger, grinning at them with such manly Russian features!




Katniss, Claire, Jill,Mandus, Lann,Scorpion, Delta, and The RED Spy were trapped in a pitch-black pit, it was too deep to climb out of without assistance. Ellie mainly watched over them, with the EXTREME supervision of Lupo. She enjoyed watching the poor Umbrella spy suffer, as the survivors in this prison were given little food and water, followed by an incredibly low amount of light.


Leo Barnes, Debra Morgan, Isaac Clarke, Molly, and Adachi were buckled down tight, strapped into electric chairs wired with explosives. They too, were in a cell, but were subject to arbitrary torture at Wesker's whim-- who, from the looks of it, forced Elsa to electrocute them at high volts. If she declined, she'd meet an epic pimp slap from the man in black himself. Don't fret, it was merely apart of the brain-washing process.


Clementine, Luke, Hatty, Mikasa, Rand, Matt/Kinsie, Shiki,
& Vi were placed in a large arena-esque type testing ground. B.O.W.s attacked them for months on in, usually smaller ones, and oftentimes, they had to rely on Tank Clem to eliminate them. Beltway watched over them, he found this rather amusing. Today, he had something special, the “U-2” creature. Special, special little thing.


James Earl Cash, Chrom, Jehoel, were tossed into a cage filled with 50 Hunter B.O.W.s. They were devoured immediately.


Annie, Wynne, and a bound-and-gagged Captain America lay on an operating table, Four-Eyes watched over them, dotting notes into her chart, “Fascinating...” She had captured Adam, too, thanks to a little smuggling and blackmail within SHIELD's ranks. Annie felt a sharp pain into her abdomen, she was going into labor with Wynne as an assistant...


Adam's eyes widened, “Is... is that--...?! My baby?!”


Aaaand finally, Bertha had Ariel suspended in mid-air, bound and gagged in some weird-ass BDSM outfit. Her ass, little Ariel with bigger lips, and chest was hanging out, mauled to shit par the usual:


“Mmm, you look like zee Little Mermaid, ja,” said Bertha, in a fluent German accent.

“How about zis-”

She held a cage filled with rats, a hole in the opening, as it laid across Ariel's belly, “If you don't zing, wunderbar und lovely like a bird. Zey vill.”

She lit a torch, burning bright orange, and placed it above the cage, “Zing.”​

You can now start posting in-game! The Traitors will submit kill shortly. This round will end @ 12:00pm MST or 2:00pm MST, depending on activity!


Dallas as Dallas (PAYDAY 2)

Scave as Aiden Pearce (Watch_Dogs)

Flaming Centurion as Dandy (Space Dandy)

Jeremiah as Annie (League of Legends)

Reaper Jack as Kiritsugu Emiya (Fate/Zero)

JayJay as Ellie (The Last of Us)

Leo Barnes as Leo Barnes (The Purge: Anarchy)

MrWubsDubs as Vi (League of Legends)

Verite as Shiki Tohno (Tsukihime)

Kawashima Thunderas as Jill Valentine (Resident Evil)

LunarDiscord as Claire Redfield (Resident Evil)

Lunar-Eclipse as Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on Titan)

MattieLee as Matt Miller & Kinzie Kensington (Saint's Row 3&4)

Bombielonia as Debra Morgan (Dexter)

Xibilation as Ariel (The Little Mermaid)

Flowershadow as Adachi Tohru (Persona 4)

Hatty Hattington as... Hatty Hattington (Battleblock Theatre)

SuperChocoMilk as Clementine & Luke (The Walking Dead)

The Gil as Bigby Wolf (The Wolf Among Us)

Misterchids as Oswald Mandus (Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs)

MozoWhittaker as Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)

Elondora as Wynne (Dragon Age: Origins) (Captain America PARTNER)

Delayinder as Isaac Clarke (Dead Space)

TheAlmightyEmperor as Rand Al'Thor (Wheel of Time)

LannTheClever as... Lann the Clever (Game of Thrones)

SirDerpingtonIV as The RED Spy (Team Fortress 2)



Umbraism as "Fem" Hei (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Hayden as The Hermit (Underhell) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Trickster Vixen as The Black Widow (Marvel) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Chris Redfield (Resident Evil) (TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Ahzek Ahriman as Ahzek Ahriman (Warhammer 40k) ( TORN TO SHREDS – INNOCENT!)

Cressy as Solaire of Astora (Dark Souls) (BLOWN IN HALF – INNOCENT!)

The Golden Witch as Lambdadelta (BANISHED – TRAITOR!)

Deeox2 as Subject Delta (BANISHED – INNOCENT!)

Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Elsa (TORN VERTICALLY IN HALF – INNOCENT!)

GreenSea as Junpei Iori (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)

Sandra as Rin Okumura (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)

Saturnice01 as Garrus (BLOWN UP – INNOCENT!)

Hunter2258 as Chrom (EATEN- INNOCENT!)

TheFelixMoon as James Earl Cash (EATEN- INNOCENT!)

Magnestia as Jehoel (EATEN- INNOCENT!)

RainbowWave as Molly (BANISHED- INNOCENT!)


JayJay as Ellie (BANISHED – TRAITOR!)

Ellie didn't dare come too close to the pit for too long.

Her former friends were in there, and she didn't have the guts to face them after what she did.

She had been given food to distribute to the survivors, but it wasn't much.

This wouldn't even be a full meal for a single person...

When asking Lupo for more, she was obviously refused.

She felt all alone, literally this time, not even Katniss would side with her now.

She walked to the edge of the pit, looking down at the survivors.

Ellie doubted she was allowed to speak, and she didn't want to risk anything.

Her teary eyes had a frown above them and were fixed on Katniss most of all.

She dropped down bread. One bread for the entire pit.

"Someone catch..." she said with a broken voice filled with regret, while dropping down a litre bottle of water.

She then turned around and walked away from the pit, giving Lupo a cold stare.

@Kawashima Thunder




Flowershadow said:
Those were the first words he said once he had found himself in the chair, and the same inspection he had given of himself after being abducted. In truth, he was doing this small series of things over to let himself have something to do and have something on his mind instead of just letting his mind wander, as that would normally only cause problems for him. Of course, the shock that he endured only brought him back to the reality he was in, letting himself and his insane mind have constant reminders of just what it was minds as evil as his own were doing to him.
Albert Wesker paused, his eyes fixed on Adachi, “What an interesting specimen. Elsa, be sure to bring him into my lab—we're going to examine the side-effects of other viruses and bacterium on this fine gentlemen. Understand?”
JayJay said:
Ellie didn't dare come too close to the pit for too long.
Her former friends were in there, and she didn't have the guts to face them after what she did.

She had been given food to distribute to the survivors, but it wasn't much.

This wouldn't even be a full meal for a single person...

When asking Lupo for more, she was obviously refused.

She felt all alone, literally this time, not even Katniss would side with her now.

She walked to the edge of the pit, looking down at the survivors.

Ellie doubted she was allowed to speak, and she didn't want to risk anything.

Her teary eyes had a frown above them and were fixed on Katniss most of all.

She dropped down bread. One bread for the entire pit.

"Someone catch..." she said with a broken voice filled with regret, while dropping down a litre bottle of water.

She then turned around and walked away from the pit, giving Lupo a cold stare.

@Kawashima Thunder




Jill didn't make a single move. All she did was give Lupo a cold, hard, hateful glare. "You're nothing more then one of Umbrella's leftovers you sick, twisted, sadistic bitch..." she taunted
Akibahara said:
Wesker stood there, arms crossed, expression stoic, “Good, very good. You're growing.” Ah, he -did- secretly find this enjoyable. He reached into his pocket, revealing a crumpled, fleshy mass of Elsa's old face, still in the process of decay, hard like leather as dead flies oozed from it's eye-sockets, “Lovely. Elsa, dear, I have a present for you.” He held out his gloved hand, spreading it's fleshy face as he smirked, “Amp the currents up or I'll force you to wear this for a week. Understand?”

Elsa turned to Wesker when he addressed her, flinching when she saw her old, decaying face. Boy did that guy love carrying it around and taunting her with it.

"Yes, sir," she replied flatly. She began to turn up the amps on the machine, but did so slowly. She was not looking forward to hurting the survivors with that much electricity. "Sir, won't this much kill them? I thought the point was to torture them. They'll die, and our fun will be all over," she said as she heard Leo scream in the background from pain. Her own comments made her feel like gagging. She had to figure out a way to get out of the mess before she actually started to believe what she was saying.
JayJay said:
Ellie didn't dare come too close to the pit for too long.
Her former friends were in there, and she didn't have the guts to face them after what she did.

She had been given food to distribute to the survivors, but it wasn't much.

This wouldn't even be a full meal for a single person...

When asking Lupo for more, she was obviously refused.

She felt all alone, literally this time, not even Katniss would side with her now.

She walked to the edge of the pit, looking down at the survivors.

Ellie doubted she was allowed to speak, and she didn't want to risk anything.

Her teary eyes had a frown above them and were fixed on Katniss most of all.

She dropped down bread. One bread for the entire pit.

"Someone catch..." she said with a broken voice filled with regret, while dropping down a litre bottle of water.

She then turned around and walked away from the pit, giving Lupo a cold stare.

@Kawashima Thunder




Claire was about to actually respond to one of the first whispers when she had heard one of the voices from above again, that meant nourishment was about to be dropped into the hole she had clung to life weakly inside of, though she was hesitant to rush forward for the bread and water, as it had been long enough for her to forget who was in this pit with her, someone who was way stronger than her, especially in this weakened state could easily beat her away if they wanted the bread and water as badly as she did. Instead she settled for watching the supplies closely, her eyes peering into the dark, able to make out things fairly well considering it was all she had seen for as long as she could remember.
[QUOTE="Reaper Jack]
He didn't pace up and down, that would be a waste of energy, not affordable given how little they were being fed. He wondered at what they were going to be subject to in here; he'd heard a variety of screams and curses from the other survivors outside his particular cage. His eyes slowly moved across the inside of the cage; he'd never stopped checking for any weakness in it's structure.

The structure seemed impenetrable, as if it was specifically held to hold super-powered beings or B.O.W.s, "Say, how're you hangin' in there?" Spectre's voice spoke up through the internal comm-links, "Having fun? Planning to sing along yet? If you do, I'll be sure to double your food sizes!"

(( Oh God yes plz do it. >.> ))
Akibahara said:
Albert Wesker paused, his eyes fixed on Adachi, “What an interesting specimen. Elsa, be sure to bring him into my lab—we're going to examine the side-effects of other viruses and bacterium on this fine gentlemen. Understand?”

He noticed how Wesker's gaze was fixed on him in specific, him only closing his eyes with an irritated expression on his face, although that was to hide the sinister smirk he was holding back from showing on his face. The more that were interested in him, the more fun and openings he would have. Even back during the time when he was behind the promotion of what he called the "Fog Incident," whenever that group of high school students that pursued him went after him, things were vastly more fun than they were before when he got to see their idiocy and foolishness. Every man had their exploitable point, and he knew that even someone as sleek and cool-looking as Wesker was someone he could also exploit in some way considering the months he's been here to keep his own eye on him and how he controlled Elsa. Of course, Elsa was now an asset he could be able to manipulate to free himself and maybe even the others if he found it to his advantage. The persistent amount of displeasure that he could see in Elsa's face every time she came to shock them left an entire opening for him and others to exploit, the one to call her over to their side once again and betray Wesker. Although, he never let any of this show in his expression, keeping an irritated and hopeless expression on his face as to deceive those keeping watch over him.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Annie looked drowsily at her captors as they were taking the group away, faintly seeing them take her backpack and-...Tibbers?! Annie begged them not to take him away, but her drugged ramblings fell on deaf ears as she fell asleep...


Annie groaned at the pain as she quickly began waking up, to see herself on some sort of operating table. This wasn't where they normally kept her...and why was she in pain? She writhed on the table a bit, leaning herself up a bit to see Wynne and Captain America nearby, and this 'Four-Eyes' watching over them. But there was one that caught her eye; Adam! She smiled, still drowsy, and still groaning in pain.

"A-...Adam...it's been so long..."

Verite said:
OOC: Yeah, we're in a different part and stuff now that Round Five has come, but that's okay because we've been put in the same general area.
Eight months, has it been now? Damn, almost a year. I was hoping to have escaped this place and come back home by now. Akiha and the others must be worried sick about me... I just hope the Crossed thing hasn't spread to Japan yet. But before I return, I still need to think of an escape route. It's difficult when we're constantly being watched, Shiki thought to himself, presumably still having been in Mikasa's body all this time, I haven't had the need to use my Mystic Eyes of Death Perception thanks to that odd little girl with the tendencies to hulk out. But I feel as though something... different is about to approach.

Most importantly, I never thought I'd actually get used to Mikasa's body.

But even still, if he was going to stay here any longer, he'd go crazy. Even the other guy would probably go "Damn, boy. You need to calm down."

More power, More electric, was pumping into Molly, her eyes where beginning to close, despite her struggle to survive, she was losing the fight of survival. 'I can't.....I...Wont close my eyes....' Molly's eyes shot open once more, her dreadful dark green eyes looking at Elsa's face. Molly could barley scream anymore, but her mind danced with the only thought that never left her mind. Escaping.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
MrDubWubs said:
("" for me is thoughts and other things in chat) "the time that me and the others trapped in the arena has been exhausting as well as... it was getting boring. The same thing over and over. Though actually being able to fight was fun I wanted out and fast. As the the waves of... things.... came at us I studied the arena. Looking for weak points in any place i could find."
The arena was built like the Roman Colosseum, there appeared to be a single door that lead the B.O.W.s into the arena- but, of course, Beltway always had a 'Plan B' set up just incase y'all decides to make a run for it. You had approximately 5 minutes left until U-2 was released...
Akibahara said:
The arena was built like the Roman Colosseum, there appeared to be a single door that lead the B.O.W.s into the arena- but, of course, Beltway always had a 'Plan B' set up just incase y'all decides to make a run for it. You had approximately 5 minutes left until U-2 was released...
*I look to the group as they rested up. Blood every where. Messy hair, dirty faces, almost no clothes due to damages. This was bad* g-guys we only have on shot of getting out..
Akibahara said:
Albert Wesker paused, his eyes fixed on Adachi, “What an interesting specimen. Elsa, be sure to bring him into my lab—we're going to examine the side-effects of other viruses and bacterium on this fine gentlemen. Understand?”
Flowershadow said:

He noticed how Wesker's gaze was fixed on him in specific, him only closing his eyes with an irritated expression on his face, although that was to hide the sinister smirk he was holding back from showing on his face. The more that were interested in him, the more fun and openings he would have. Even back during the time when he was behind the promotion of what he called the "Fog Incident," whenever that group of high school students that pursued him went after him, things were vastly more fun than they were before when he got to see their idiocy and foolishness. Every man had their exploitable point, and he knew that even someone as sleek and cool-looking as Wesker was someone he could also exploit in some way considering the months he's been here to keep his own eye on him and how he controlled Elsa. Of course, Elsa was now an asset he could be able to manipulate to free himself and maybe even the others if he found it to his advantage. The persistent amount of displeasure that he could see in Elsa's face every time she came to shock them left an entire opening for him and others to exploit, the one to call her over to their side once again and betray Wesker. Although, he never let any of this show in his expression, keeping an irritated and hopeless expression on his face as to deceive those keeping watch over him.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Anything you wish," Elsa replied, leaving all traces of emotion out of her voice. If there was one thing the cloned queen was good at doing, it was leaving her voice devoid of feeling. She walked over to Adachi to examine him and began to free him from his binds to follow her instructions.

@Akibahara @Flowershadow

RainbowWave said:
More power, More electric, was pumping into Molly, her eyes where beginning to close, despite her struggle to survive, she was losing the fight of survival. 'I can't.....I...Wont close my eyes....' Molly's eyes shot open once more, her dreadful dark green eyes looking at Elsa's face. Molly could barley scream anymore, but her mind danced with the only thought that never left her mind. Escaping.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Elsa turned her head for a moment, eyes scanning the others for a moment as she worked with Adachi. She saw Molly for a moment and felt her heart start to beat faster. W-Was she... dying?


Akibahara said:
Wesker smirked, his face once again contorting into a sly half-grin, “Elsa, do you hear his screams? That was your friend once, wasn't he? How do you feel betraying your friends? Tell me, how was it?”
With her eyes still fixed on Molly, she struggled to keep her voice calm like before. "I feel nothing," she said, trying hard to rein her voice in. "Nothing at all."

She slowly clenched a fist.

Elsa felt something all right.


She hated Wesker. She hated being his puppet.

RainbowWave said:
Molly was unsure where the eyes of the blonde man was, due to his sunglasses, but slightly tugging the strips on her wrists, Molly could feel after a long Eight mouths and two weeks the strips started to loosen. She was unsure if anyone noticed, but soon, very soon, she would have her wrists unbound, 'only if the stranger would leave' thought Molly, her hands tightly gripping the arms of the chair as another shock treatment came inbound.
(@Akibahara I'm assuming because Wesker is well, him, he wouldn't have locks on the straps. Please tell me if im wrong.)
(( I have a good idea. xD ))

She was right, the straps were starting to loosen. Wesker shook his head as one of Molly's hands went free, followed by a massive 'WHAP!' across Elsa's bruised cheek, a trail of inky darkness seemed to follow his palm, as if it smacked her at an ungodly speed. That... wasn't normal, “Elsa, you disappoint me. You should have examined the survivors before we strapped them in for the day.”
@Akibahara[/URL] @Flowershadow

Elsa turned her head for a moment, eyes scanning the others for a moment as she worked with Adachi. She saw Molly for a moment and felt her heart start to beat faster. W-Was she... dying?

He noticed and watched how Elsa was freeing him from his restraints, him rubbing at his head lightly and then his wrists upon himself now having mobility again, him gazing over at the others before looking down at Elsa with a still nearly emotionless expression with him speaking with a slightly irritated tone, making sure that it wasn't obvious that he was putting on some sort of act.

I doubt I'm just being released. Why am I suddenly being taken out of my chair?

His grey eyes peered down at Elsa, looking for some kind of sign as to why he was being released and what particular interest had been taken in him as of yet.
JayJay said:
She then turned around and walked away from the pit, giving Lupo a cold stare.

@Kawashima Thunder




Lupo paused, shaking her head as she followed Ellie, “If you were my daughter I would've disciplined you already. You're too kind, Ellie. And yet- right from the start, you knew your assignment- and... you decided to befriend one? What was her name? Ah- Katniss Everdeen, am I correct?” 

[QUOTE="Kawashima Thunder]Jill didn't make a single move. All she did was give Lupo a cold, hard, hateful glare. "You're nothing more then one of Umbrella's leftovers you sick, twisted, sadistic bitch..." she taunted

Lupo smirked, "And you're a BSAA lapdog, we have so much in common, Agent Valentine."

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