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The Mobs Been Watching. (Open)

A Sad Panda

Rank 1~ Chicagos Fist
(WARNING I AM VERY RUSTY please give me positive criticism becuase I want to get back in to RPing and I'm using a tablet... my Pc broke and can't get a new one.)
Fuki Hoshimoto awakened to the sound of his flip phone.

"Yeah." He answered with a cold mono tone.

"Alright... when you want it done. Got it. Now let me sleep..." He chucked the phone at the wall and opened a nightstand beside his twin bed. Inside was boxes of 9mm ammo and a few more junk phones. He looked out the window of his 1 bedroom apartment below everyone elses, ya know that shitty little room they rent out for 50$? He looked back at his phones took out a red one. He dialed a number and begain talking

"Hey... I need that car you promised... yeah well I'm asking for it now. Would hate to have an 'accident' happen at your kids school. A very explosive one. Oh so you'll do it? Thanks glad you made the right choice." He got out of bed only in a pair of boxer breifs revealing blade and gunshot scars, including a very recent one with a slightly red gauze covering it. He had a set of numbers burned in his skin when he was first taken. "18554" He put on his only tux and grabbed his favorite pistole. His M9 and loaded it before putting it in the back of his pants. He grabbed a small box locked with 3 combination locks. Inside was a Grenade. He put it around it waist with a bit of tape and walked out the door locking it behind himself. "Time to get to work." He said as he lit a Marlboro Special Blend Cigarette.
Fuki Hoshimoto awakened to the sound of his flip phone.

"Yeah." He answered with a cold mono tone.

"Alright... when you want it done. Got it. Now let me sleep..." He chucked the phone at the wall and opened a nightstand beside his twin bed. Inside was boxes of 9mm ammo and a few more junk phones. He looked out the window of his 1 bedroom apartment below everyone elses, ya know that shitty little room they rent out for 50$? He looked back at his phones took out a red one. He dialed a number and begain talking

"Hey... I need that car you promised... yeah well I'm asking for it now. Would hate to have an 'accident' happen at your kids school. A very explosive one. Oh so you'll do it? Thanks glad you made the right choice." He got out of bed only in a pair of boxer breifs revealing blade and gunshot scars, including a very recent one with a slightly red gauze covering it. He had a set of numbers burned in his skin when he was first taken. "18554" He put on his only tux and grabbed his favorite pistole. His M9 and loaded it before putting it in the back of his pants. He grabbed a small box locked with 3 combination locks. Inside was a Grenade. He put it around it waist with a bit of tape and walked out the door locking it behind himself. "Time to get to work." He said as he lit a Marlboro Special Blend Cigarette.

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