(∩ಠ ³ಠ)⊃━☆゚.*
Also, the bad roll thing is why I suggested doing rerolls periodically. It's honestly however you guys would prefer to run it and this is exactly why I wanted a session 0 bc @kidzmade another good suggestion for initiative. Why don't we talk about it for a moment and discuss exactly how we want it to work out.Currency: I'm ok with a gold only system as long as the loot and economy reflects that. 1 gp for a pint of al seems pretty steep coming from the standard 100-10-1 system .
Initiative: I have never thought to do a one and done roll for initiative so that could be interesting. I would also like to suggest a coming up with a way to standardized initiative. Maybe something like 8+Dex. mod. +Prof Bonus or 10+Dex.mod. That way someone isn't stuck in last place for weeks because of a bad roll.