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Fantasy The Mirror - IC

Selis nodded, “Jodi,” she said, confirming it before turning to walk into the Chancellors home. She took a deep breath. They weren’t friends, Jodi and Selis, but it felt odd to call her Mary Jo or Jo. Something about ‘Jodi’ just felt right. There wasn’t a lot of time to unpack that as Selis began making her way into the home, though, and fear tightened around her gut like a snake. It made her feel like a child, before getting scolded. It had been a long time since she felt truly ‘in trouble’ and this was going to be an epic case of ‘in trouble’.

She entered the home without knocking - which was normal for her. While it was the Chancellors home, it was also the home that she had grown up in. Although now she began to see it from a different light - the light of those who came for business instead of pleasure.

Compared to her home, her mothers home was top-of-the-line. It was much sleeker, being made of black stained wood and white marble - a rare occurrence in the lands around them, and had certainly cost a pretty penny, although Selis didn’t know exactly how much. None of the floorboards squeaked in that familiar way that hers did, and everything was clean - spotless, even. Almost like no one even lived here. Selis suddenly found the home intimidating, instead of comforting.

Making sure that Jodi was still following her, Selis made her way down the hall and into her mothers office, where she knocked politely on the door before entering.

“Chancellor,” she said, standing up straight in front of her mothers desk. It had once felt weird to refer to her mother that way - but it helped differentiate family time from work time, if even such a differentiation could be made.

The office was similar to the rest of the home - the desk made of dark black stained wood, the orb that illuminated the office being made of what appeared to be the same white marble that adorned other parts of the house. There were few plants scattered around, adding greenery to the space, but the walls wore almost no decoration - besides a painting that sat behind the Chancellors head, depicting a scene between a man and a woman, their embrace somewhere between violent and loving.

The Chancellor was wearing her usual adornment of robes, orange and green in color with abstract patterning along them. She wore golden jewelry - earrings, necklaces, and rings, each with a emerald green gemstone inside of them, which matched the circlet that wrapped around her head. Her silvery hair was pinned up on her head. She looked beautiful, and yet somehow terrifying.

“Selis, nice to see you. I take it you have much delayed news for me?”
The Chancellor said, her tone sharp. It cut through Selis, making her fear bleed out, but she lifted her chin regardless. She had to be strong for this. The Chancellor’s eyes flicked over to Jodi, who was standing next to Selis, albeit slightly behind her. “And you brought a guest,” her tone was jarring and cold. Selis knew that the Overseers had told her mother something - but what exactly, she couldn’t guess.

“I have an update for you regarding Lyra and the mirror,” she began, her mouth becoming dry, but she did her best not to let it show. It took her a few moments before she could think of exactly what to say, but she landed on honesty.

“Lyra has not returned in two weeks,” she licked her lips, “I was waiting for her return, although as time went on I began to consider other options, when I saw her on the other side of the mirror. I was quick to pull her back through, as of course, the explosive powder is incredibly important and time is running out. However, it was not Lyra on the other side of the mirror - it was this woman. Her name is Jodi.”

The Chancellor said nothing. She showed nothing in her expression, staring into Selis’ eyes. This is not going as well as I hoped.

When the Chancellor still made no response, she kept going. “When Jodi came through the mirror, the mirror was destroyed - “

“The mirror was destroyed?” The Chancellors voice was filled with a terrifying calmness.

“Yes, that is correct,” Selis felt like she sould say something else, but nothing came out,

“The mirror that you have spent months to create. That our stronger fighter went through, and has not returned. The mirror that was supposed to be the key to gaining the knowledge of the explosive powder - it is destroyed?” The Chancellors tone was rising, heat and magic crackled on Selis’ arms. Her mother was pissed.

“Yes,” Selis tried to keep her voice strong, but it was fading quickly. “Lyra was left on the other side, but there is mo-”

“You have let us down,” her mother cut her off, “You have let your city down, your people down,” her mother knew where to hit where it hurt Selis most. “And you, daughter of mine, have thoroughly disappointed me.”

Selis wanted to say more, but she couldn’t. Regret and shame had become a ball of thorns in her throat.
Jody was somewhat surprised to find they were going to the chancellor's home, rather than some fancy office. She was even more surprised when the woman lead her inside without even knocking! The whole situation was surreal. Realizing that her very survival might hinge on the outcome of this encounter, she knew she had to straighten up and and be sharp. Five years on the police force had honed her diligence and social skills. She accepted this as the ultimate challenge. Or, as meemaw would say, she "put on her big girl pants."
The home was beautiful! It's elegance and immaculateness a stunning contrast to the other woman's home. Not surprising, really, for the home of the chancellor. Jodi followed the woman into the chancellor's office. Out of habit, she took up station to the woman's left, and slightly behind. Her roll here was to be seen, not heard. And she would be listening very sharply. The chancellor looked very intimidating. Down right scary at times. Jodi made a conscious effort to maintain a good posture, and not cower behind her acquaintance.

“Selis, nice to see you. I take it you have much delayed news for me? And you brought a guest.” The icy glance the chancellor threw at Jodi hit her like frozen daggers. Jodi refused to flinch. “Trust me, don’t speak unless you are spoken to."
Selis. The woman's name was Selis. A pretty name. But to Jodi, the chancellor's greeting sounded very hollow. Damn near threatening, if that were possible. This was not going to end well. She listened as Selis gave her report. Listened very carefully. The chancellor was not amused, and only stared at Selis with those icy eyes. Selis continued. “Lyra has not returned in two weeks. I was waiting for her return, although as time went on I began to consider other options, when I saw her on the other side of the mirror. I was quick to pull her back through, as of course, the explosive powder is incredibly important and time is running out. However, it was not Lyra on the other side of the mirror - it was this woman. Her name is Jodi.”
Jodi could not grasp how her grandmother could have left this world, walking through a mirror into her own world, only two weeks ago. But her attention was immediately drawn to the words "the explosive powder is incredibly important and time is running out. As she continued to listen, she slowly folded her hands together in front of her, in attempt to stop them from trembling. The chancellor was, to put it politely, less than pleased. Her silence was deafening. Selis was clearly expecting a reply, but none was forthcoming. The woman only stared, with those icy eyes. Selis continued.
“When Jodi came through the mirror," "Here it comes," thought Jodi. "I'm about to be crucified." "the mirror was destroyed - “. Wait. What? Jodi risked a sideways glance towards Selis. The chancellor's voice was, indeed, filled with a terrifying calmness that slowly began to rise as she dressed down Selis. And suddenly, there it was again! The mirror that was supposed to be the key to gaining the knowledge of the explosive powder - it is destroyed?” Explosive powder. There it was again. How many explosive powders are there? Gunpowder? In the land of milk and honey? They're after gunpowder? Anyone who took high school chemistry knows how to make gunpowder.

The chancellor's reprimand (if it could be called that) continued. “And you, daughter of mine, have thoroughly disappointed me.” Jodi's mouth opened. DAUGHTER? Jody stole another sideways glance at Selis. The poor woman was struggling for air under the wrath of- her MOTHER? “Trust me, don’t speak unless you are spoken to." Selis hadn't thrown her under the bus about the mirror breaking. Why? At the moment it didn't matter. But Selis was sinking, and Jodi couldn't just stand there and watch. She was a foreigner to this land, so ignorance of social decorum should be expected. Jodi stepped forward.

"Madam Chancellor, if I may be heard?" She didn't look towards Selis, but she knew what she would see if she had. Jodi didn't give the chancellor time to tell her NO, and continued. "My apologies. There was a little confusion between Selis and myself. Perhaps I could shed some new light on the situation." Jodi knew the chancellor was extremely angry at the moment. She was counting on one of three things. (1) The chancellor wanted to resolve her main issue enough to hear her out (2) The chancellor was so shocked at Jodi's audacity to speak, respect her backbone, and she would listen or (3) the chancellor would understand that Jody was an ignorant fool, and not cast her down immediately. Either way, Jodi had to try. So far, the chancellor was giving her that almost fatal silent stare. Jodi continued.

"Lyra wants to bring some actual powder back with her, but needs more time. She has to travel a great distance to obtain some. She sent me back with the recipe because she knew that time was crucial, so you could get a head start on making some in case she failed to obtain some." Jodi paused slightly, taking a deep breath. Thinking to herself "Hopefully I just made myself valuable to this woman and she won't kill me slowly.".

Jodi forced herself to maintain eye contact with the chancellor, and continued. "As I came through the mirror, my staff caught the edge of the frame and pulled it down. I take full responsibility. But I do know how to make the black powder." To herself she amended "may God have mercy on my soul"
Selis was, to put it lightly, freaking the hell out, internally. She had never disappointed her mother before, not like this, and she had never seen her mother act this way before, either. Sure, she had seen her deliver some harsher messages, but nothing like this - not directed at her. It occurred to Selis that she never knew what went on behind the closed door of her mothers office the countless times that she had been locked out as a child, when important meetings were happening. Is this who her mother truly was? No, it couldn’t be - there had to be another reason. Right? Her mothers love was supposed to be unconditional, but it didn’t feel that way now.

"Madam Chancellor, if I may be heard?"
Selis’ head snapped up from where it had fallen while she was stuck in her thoughts. What the hell was she doing? Did she want to be punished? Banished? Worse?

"Lyra wants to bring some actual powder back with her, but needs more time. She has to travel a great distance to obtain some. She sent me back with the recipe because she knew that time was crucial, so you could get a head start on making some in case she failed to obtain some."

Jodi was - lying? For Selis? Why in the hell would she do that? Lyra was dead, she had told her that in no uncertain terms. Her mother would never believe her, would she? Selis thought back through what she had said - but the Chancellor had never given her the chance to say that Lyra was dead. Jodi was smarter than Selis had given her credit for - this might just save them, for now.

Selis kept her jaw from dropping when Jodi took responsibility for the mirror. She had intentionally left out that part, to save Jodi from any blame. Selis had some kind of protection here - being the Chancellor’s daughter - but Jodi had none.

But Jodi had just claimed to know how to make the powder, and Selis hoped to god that was true. How that could change everything - well, everything except the fact that Lyra was dead, and Jodi was stuck in a world that wasn’t her own, and the mirror was broken. But, well, it could change a lot.

Selis stepped in before the Chancellor could respond. “Please excuse her rudeness, Chancellor,” she said, “She is not from here, and she does not know our customs. However, what she says is true. The mirror is broken, but we may still be able to make the explosive powder. All is not lost,” she added quietly at the end. “We can begin work on the powder, and I plan to use my free time to look for the supplies needed for the mirror. Lyra is too valuable to us to leave in another world.”

The Chancellor stared at Selis, her eyes piercing, full of fury. It felt like minutes passed, but it could’ve only been seconds, and Selis felt the magic in the air subside - if only slightly.

“The overseers will be sending word to you, soon,” she said in an icy tone. “I recommend you have something of value to show when they do. Get out of my office.”

Selis, heartbroken, nodded once. “Yes, Madam Chancellor,” she said, turning quickly and grabbing Jodi’s arm in the process, pulling her out the door with her.
It's called The Contrast Effect. When you don't really notice something until it stops. This is what Jodi experienced when the electricity of magic in the air subsided. Between that and the stone coldness of Chancellor Marrowind's face, Jodi was certain that both she and Selis were going to be stuffed and mounted above the dark oak mantel as a warning to all future visitors to the Office of the Chancellor. Jodi's head was still swimming, drowning really, from the overload of information it had received in the last hour or so. Had her meemaw lived here? The magic 8 ball in her head said 'Signs point to yes'. So, if meemaw lived HERE, how did she live THERE?

Selis had taken Jodi by the arm and was escorting her from the office. Her thoughts continued; 'Did Chancellor Marrowind really refer to meemaw as their "stronger fighter"? MY Meemaw, who vehemently objected to me taking Karate? A strong fighter? It made no sense at all. Meemaw was one hundred percent opposed to any type of violence in any way, shape or form. And This was not the Calista Marrowind that meemaw spoke of in her grand tales of the Land of Fae. This woman is- seems, anyway, dangerously psychotic. At the very least, scary as hell! And her daughter?'

One minute planning an estate sale, the next, standing before the ruler of a fairy tale world, lying her ass off in hopes of staying alive. Move over Rod Serling. Her thoughts continued to bunch up and tumble over as Selis lead them from the house to the road. Selis. Yes. The daughter! That was another thing. How could this obnoxious, pushy weasel be the magnificent daughter that Meemaw spoke so highly of? Loved, even?'. Jodi just couldn't see it.

Jodi was barely aware that they were now on the dirt road in front of the chancellors home. Thoughts still reeling. Now she was trying to justify lying to the chancellor. Remembering the hurt that flashed across Selis's face when she mentioned Lyra's death, and adding to that the apparent value Chancellor Marrowind had put on her "strong fighter" Jodi deduced that their chances of survival would be greatly reduced if Lyra's death were made known. But now she had to, what- Her thoughts switched track again. 'Oh yeah, gunpowder! Holy crap, I have to produce gunpowder?' She desperately tried to remember back to high school chemistry. 'Charcoal, Sulphur, and.. and- potassium nitrate! Thats it!'

Somehow, for some reason she didn't understand, she knew there was a horse stable at the edge of town. What better place to find potassium nitrate. Her thoughts were interrupted by Selis.
Selis all but dragged Jodi through the Chancellor's home and out into the street - not because she was mad, purely off adrenaline alone from the encounter with the Chancellor. That could’ve gone worse she said to herself. Yeah, but it could’ve also gone much better, she countered. The whole thing had been somewhat of a shit show that she had managed to turn in their favor. No - Jodi had managed to turn in their favor. She glanced at the girl whose arm her hand was still wrapped around and let it go. Why had she taken the blame for the mirror? Maybe she should be glad the girl hadn’t listened to her warning, but it was still an incredibly dangerous move on her part - one that could’ve cost them both everything.

Selis slowed down as they got further away from the Chancellor’s home. There weren’t too many people around, and she felt that they could speak without being overheard. “What were you thinking?” she said in a low tone, her voice a bit harsher than she meant it to be. “You’re going to have a huge target on your back, now that they know you broke the mirror. If you can’t actually make the explosive powder -,” she stopped. “Can you do that? Can you make it?” she asked.

Jodi walked quietly along the road with Selis, barely aware the woman had finally released her arm. Jodi was still amazed at the realism of her meemaw's fantasy world. It was as if she had walked right into a Terry brooks novel. It was like she was already familiar with everything she saw. So much was running through her head. She imagined that images of Calista Marrowind would haunt her for weeks. They had managed to buy some time, now they had to use it wisely. “The overseers will be sending word to you, soon, I recommend you have something of value to show when they do." The only thing of value they could show, obviously, was the powder. Her thoughts were interrupted by the annoying voice of her extemporary partner.

“What were you thinking?” She almost spit out the words. Jodi thought 'Here it comes', expecting a three part lecture. Of course Selis continued before Jo could actually tell her what she was thinking. “You’re going to have a huge target on your back, now that they know you broke the mirror." Who didn't see THAT coming. "I didn't break..." Jodi tried to explain for the umpteenth time, but was interrupted. Selis suddenly stopped. “Can you do that? Can you make it?” she asked.

"I Think we can, if we have all the proper ingredients. We'll need charcoal, sulphur and nitrates. If there are some hot springs or volcanos nearby, we should be in good shape." Jodi paused a moment as if in deep thought. "Oh yeah, and I'll need my cell phone back.". Jodi had no idea what Selis meant by having a target on her back. "What were you saying about being a target?"

"Oh yeah, and I'll need my cell phone back."

Selis' eyebrows drew together in confusion. Her cell phone? What was that - and what could it possibly have to do with making making the explosive powder? Selis was hopeful, though, it seemed that Jodi had at least an idea of what exactly was needed to make it, and that could go a long way for them. It was at least somewhere to start. There was the whole other issue of finding the resources to make the mirror, though - that was going to be a battle in and of itself, let alone actually constructing the damn thing. "There are hot springs in the next town. Well, not so much in it, but on the outskirts. No Volcanos," she said.

She bit her lip, wondering what she should say - how much she should reveal to Jodi.
"There can't be but so big of a punishment dealt to me, really - or at least, that's what I figure. I am the daughter of the chancellor, the best engineer this town has, and I know how to make the mirror. You, however, are an outsider. More than that, you came from another world. We can be a peaceful people, but lately with the attacks, tensions are getting higher. They may not give you many chances to prove yourself," she left it at that. She didn't exactly know what the extent of punishment was, besides the few that had been sentenced to death over the years. There weren't many of those, she could only count a couple from her childhood until now, and they had done really heinous things.

Selis sighed, she was overwhelming herself. The mirror, the explosive powder, Lyra, Jodi - it was all too much. On top of that, she hadn't gotten much sleep as it was, and the entire meeting with the Chancellor had been exhausting in and of itself. She patted her legs, feeling for her medallion - her badge that showed her as the child of the Chancellor. She found it in her right pocket, but in her left, felt something bulky and foreign. Pulling it out, she recognized it as the 'cell phone' that had held Lyra's likeness in it before. "Oh, here," she said, handing it back to Jodi. She wondered if she was foolish to give it back, but so far Jodi hadn't done anything to prove herself untrustworthy. Plus, maybe she could show Selis how it worked sometime.

"Do you want to go to the healer with me?" she asked, holding up her medallion. "We have a lot to talk about still, but I can't function anymore like this."
Jodi nodded slightly, thoughtfully. Hot springs usually meant sulphur. Charcoal wasn't going to be a problem. Nitrates, that may pose a problem. This whole "Target on your back" thing was a bit unnerving. She looked into Selis' eyes and said "Let me see if I have this straight . I get yanked into your little fantasy land against my will, you destroy my only means of returning home in the process, and somehow I have to prove MYSelf? Prove what, exactly?" She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath.

When she opened them again, Selis was holding out her cell phone, and some type of medallion. Jodi took the phone and ran a thumb across the black screen. The lock screen lit up, and she noted the charge was holding at 96%. She powered down the phone to conserve the battery, and tucked it back into her hip pocket. 'Too bad there's no internet service in Wonderland', she thought. She knew the basic ingredients for black powder, but the mixture was a whole other thing.

Her grandmother, the mirror, arguing with Selis, withstanding the Chancellor, black powder, and now a target? A target for whom? It was all too much. What she needed was a hot shower, and a cold Scotch & Soda. Make that a double. What she GOT, was an invite to see "the healer". What kind of question was that? It's not like I can go home and take a shower. "I've nothing better to do", she conceded. Unsure exactly why Selis wanted to go see the healer, Jodi mused that maybe the chancellor's daughter got a discount on valium. And if so, maybe she would share.
Selis was silent for a few minutes, leading Jodi through the streets towards the healer. She didn’t really know what to say anymore. There was still a lot of questions that were unanswered, things she didn’t fully understand or wanted to clarify, but now wasn’t the time to ask. As the adrenaline from the meeting wore off, she felt bad for Jodi. None of this was really her fault, and Selis knew that, but it felt easier to blame her. If she just hadn’t been standing in front of the fucking mirror - she sighed through her nose. Really, if she wanted to be technical, she should be mad at Lyra. She WAS mad at Lyra, but she couldn’t think about it too much. Not now, knowing that she was dead.

She was about to say something, but they were already standing in front of the healer. Time really flies when you’re stuck in your own head, doesn’t it? She walked in, leading Jodi through the front door of the building that looked more like a tree than an establishment. The inside was covered in overwhelming green, plants and vines littering the floors and walls. It smelled like eucalyptus and lavender, immediately making Selis feel more relaxed.

“Cynthia?” she asked aloud, not seeing the woman at first. The spry older woman popped up from behind a rather large plant - one that Selis wasn’t sure of the name of. “Oh Selis!! How are you??” she asked, concern flickering across her face. “Do you need something?” Cynthia moved through the plants, seemingly attuned with them without even looking. “It’s been a while, I was worried -, oh, hello,” Cynthia said as she spotted Jodi, a confused look coming over her face. “Oh, where is my manners? My name is Cynthia, I am the head healer here in Zeph, “ she took Jodi’s hand without asking, giving it a squeeze before dropping it again. “What can I help you two with?” she said, turning back towards Selis. “The usual?” Cynthia smiled.

Selis nodded. “Maybe a bit extra this time? It’s been a long couple of weeks. Ummm,” Selis’ eyes flickered to Jodi, “Maybe just a light one for her, I think this is her first time,” Selis said in a lower voice, giving Cynthia a look that said ‘don’t ask’. Cynthia nodded, understanding in her own way, before moving to stand closer to Selis. Selis closed her eyes without having to be asked, and Cynthia placed her hands on Selis’ shoulders. The two took a few deep breaths - becoming in sync with each other. After a few moments, a bright green light seemed to emanate from them - growing brighter and brighter.

It felt wonderful. Healers were addictive - literally. Use them too much, and you wouldn’t be able to stop. Selis used the healers more than your average person, given her work, but not so much as to grow a dependency on them, even if that meant that she wore herself out more than necessary. She could practically feel the green magic flowing through her veins, renewing her. It stopped all too soon, though, as it always did. The tiredness, the aches, the brain fog, it still remained - but it was far more manageable than before. Something that felt like a good night of sleep might actually fix.

“Thanks, Cynthia,” Selis smiled.

Cynthia gave a warm smile back before turning to Jodi. “Okay, close your eyes sweetie. Try to breathe in time with me.”
Jodi followed Selis down the street, her body on auto-pilot. Her brain, which had been on overdrive, was starting to cloud up with a defensive fog. She couldn't deny what was happening, because, well, it was happening. She couldn't understand it. Any of it. She may have to accept it anyway. Hell, she didn't have much choice. She decided she had to accept it before trying to understand it. Then her mind went back to where they were heading. The healer. This reminded Jodi of a poem her grandmother had recited to her on a few different occasions. Without really realizing it, she recited the poem out loud to herself.

Another battle has been won
the warrior returns
with bruises cuts and broken bones
and even minor burns

The healer fixes all the wounds
A warrior endures
But if you have an empty heart
For that, there are no cures

To make your body whole again
The healer is the one
a broken heart she cannot mend

that simply can't be done.

The healers place reminded Jodi of the botanical gardens at the local zoo. It was very pleasant, with a relaxing atmosphere and a delightful aroma. Jodi's smile was genuine when she saw the older woman pop out from behind one of the larger plants. The lady seemed to Jo like the stereotypical aunt who would fuss over you all day if she wasn't busy making apple pies. She seemed very sweet, and Jodi took an immediate liking to her. When she squeezed Jodi's hand and proclaimed “Oh, where is my manners? My name is Cynthia, I am the head healer here in Zeph, “ Jodi replied with a simple "Pleased to meet you". She started to say more, but-

“Trust me, don’t speak unless you are spoken to."
“You’re going to have a huge target on your back"

Jodi belatedly heeded Selis' earlier advice and remained silent as she watched in fascination. She wasn't sure exactly what was happening, but the smile on Selis's face when it was over was a good sign. Cynthia then turned to Jodi. “Okay, close your eyes sweetie. Try to breathe in time with me.” Jodi did as instructed. Being called "sweetie" put her completely at ease. The healer gently placed her hands on Jodi's shoulders. Jo closed her eyes and did her best to match Cynthia's light breathing.

After a few moments Jodi began to feel a cool warmth from within. Her body was so completely relaxed, Jodi wondered why she wasn't falling down. The fog and confusion cleared from her head. The cool warmth radiated throughout her body, and she could imagine- nay, FEEL the green illumination seeping through her pores. The feeling was incredibly fantastic! It was like- a cleansing of sorts. And then it was over. Jodi slowly opened her eyes after Cynthia removed her hands. The two looked deep into each other's eyes for only a second. Jodi felt like there was an understanding there, but she couldn't quite place it. She thanked Cynthia and turned back to Selis.
Selis gave a small smile to Cynthia as she left, turning back once she exited to make sure that Jodi was behind her. She felt better, her mind having making room to think about everything that was happening, everything they had to do. It was still overwhelming, what lay before the two seeming to be too large to possibly deal with, but at least it wasn’t beyond comprehension anymore.

She let out a deep sigh of relief. “She’s great - Cynthia,” she started, not really sure what to say to Jodi. Things were so strained, in a way. She hadn’t been exactly welcoming either - but that wasn’t her personality in the first place. She could see now, though, the situation that Jodi was in a bit clearer. She was sure when Jodi had woken up that morning, she hadn’t expected to come to another world.

“I need a drink. Do you drink? Please say yes.”
“She’s great - Cynthia,” Selis said. Jodi nodded a half hearted mmHmm. She whole-heartedly agreed that Cynthia was great, but just now her mind was buzzing. Impulses were sparking across her synapsis like honey bees dancing. The visit with Cynthia did help clear her mind, but still nothing about this Rod Serling rehabilitation made a lick of sense. One thing in particular was really itching at the back of her mind, and she couldn't quite put a finger on it. “I need a drink. Do you drink? Please say yes.” That got Jodi's full attention.

Jodi glanced at Selis. Suddenly she saw not a crass, indignant boorish oaf, but a woman not altogether unlike herself. Someone with some heavy problems, with solutions nowhere in sight. While it was true that Jodi's big heavy problems were caused by this woman, the two suddenly had some things in common. Jodi smiled, for the first time, at Selis. She couldn't help but smile, at the way she said "please say yes". It was like "I just need one damn thing to go right today". Jodi did too. She doubted she would find any Scotch in this wonderland, but a good stiff drink did sound really good just now. She gave Selis an enthusiastic “YES”.

With an added little bounce to her step, Jodi followed Selis, unsure exactly where they were going. While they walked quietly her mind was still going a mile a minute. When you thought about it, that was only sixty miles an hour. Not really all that fast when it comes right down to it. Fast. That's it! That is what keeps puzzling her.

“This can’t be her, Lyra only left two weeks ago, and she was young. I think only around eighty or so,”

Several moments later Jodi casually asked, out of the blue, “Selis? How old are you?”. To Jodi, the woman looked to be around 25. "I'm 92" came the reply. Jodi's jaw dropped slightly. CLICK! If 92 here looks like 25 there- Wait. What? Meemaw looked "young" two weeks ago when she left here. Ninety two looks young here. Meemaw was born in 1938. Jodi knew this because she just recently had that etched on her grave marker. But there was no certificate. Meemaw had always said her family immigrated to the States in 1940 when the Soviets took over Finland. But "her family" has never been seen, nor heard of. Ancester.com couldn't even find them. Jodi pondered some more as they walked along.
Selis was relieved with Jodi’s reply. Even if she hadn’t said yes, it wouldn’t have meant that Selis wasn’t going to have a drink herself, but she wanted the woman to say yes. She didn’t know why exactly - maybe it was within their solidarity that lied in their current situation - or maybe it was because this woman was a piece of Lyra, in a way. Hell - maybe it was just that Selis knew, subconsciously, that she would be stuck with her for the foreseeable future, and she really didn’t want her to be a drag. Maybe it was all of it, but regardless, she needed a drink, and she was glad Jodi thought so too.

Their walk was quiet, but this time instead of feeling stressful to Selis, it was calmer. The meeting hadn’t gone as she would’ve liked it to, but at least it was over. She could push away the feeling of impending-doom for one night, even if she still felt that Jodi and her would have things to discuss. These weren’t issues that could be solved in one day, regardless.

Selis looked at Jodi when she asked her question. “I’m 92,” she said flatly. It wasn’t anything special - fae lived hundreds of years, and to many she was still young, even though she had been considered an adult for some time now. Her position helped, but there were a few people who still saw her as a child, usually those who were older than her by hundreds of years. She was surprised, then, by Jodis response - an open mouth gaping. She cocked an eyebrow at her. “What? You must be something similar. You don’t look much different in age than me.” She considered the image of Lyra that Jodi had showed her. Time passed differently in her world, or it had an odd affect on aging. But - if Lyra had been able to have children, that would take at least 9 months, assuming that the other world had no affect on that, either. It struck her again, the implications - that Lyra had chosen to stay in the other world for so many years. It made her sick to her stomach, but she tried not to show it. Damn, she really needed a drink. “How old are you?” She almost wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer.
Selis was 92. She looked more like 25. She said Lyra was "around 80" which would have meant she looked, probably, 22? If she was 'born' in 1938, what if she stepped into our world in around 1958 as a 22 year old? Jodi did some quick math in her head. She would have had to age 65 years in two weeks? Two weeks here is 60 years there? Either a week here is really really long, or... Selis was talking to her.. “How old are you?” "Me? I'm-" She didn't know why she hesitated. "I'm twenty seven."

Jodi really needed that drink now. Numbers kept running through her head. If 60 years is two weeks, thats 30 years a week, which would be, umm... She mumbled as she tried to do the math in her head. That's a little more than 4 years there for every day here! She pulled her cell phone from her hip pocket and powered it up. She looked at the date and time on the lock screen. It was advancing at the rate of about two months per hour! Jodi powered the phone back off and slipped it back into her pocket. She said "At least I was 27 this morning. I really could use that drink!"
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Twenty-seven. Okay, yeah, there was really no denying it. There was definitely some kind of time variation between their worlds. Fae grew to be adults around their 20’s, but that wasn’t the point. Lyra went through the mirror two weeks ago, had children - who then had grandchildren, and then she grew old, and passed. The thought made Selis’ eyes tear up, but she blinked it away quickly. “Okay, right. Me too, we’re almost there,” Selis said as the two turned the corner, revealing her home at the end of the road.

Walking in, Selis felt a little bit more at-ease. Her home brought her comfort, its mess and familiarity soothing her. Nothing was quite like her workshop, though. She loved the smell of it, especially when she was working on creating new inventions. It was a distraction, but one she enjoyed greatly.

“There’s an extra bedroom down the hall you can use, first door on the right. Well, uh, it was Lyra’s room, when she stayed… which was most of the time. There’s a bathroom down there too, the second door. The last door is mine,” Selis felt awkward. She hadn’t had anyone stay over at her home since Lyra, and she couldn’t think of anyone who had stayed before that, either. Frankly, she wasn’t even sure that her mother had stepped foot into her home, despite surely knowing where she lived.

“If you don’t mind, I could use a few minutes to get changed. There’s towels in the closet in the bathroom, if you want to shower. Feel free to make yourself at home,” she said, waving her hand around in the air. She turned quickly on her heel, walking down the hallway and into her own room, which had it’s own private bathroom attached. Her room was a mess - like, possibly more of a mess than anywhere else in her home. There were books everywhere, something many didn’t know that she was interested in, on all sorts of things - sciences, fiction, romance. Her bed was covered in clothing, a small side of it empty from where she would sleep, when she didn’t fall asleep in her workshop. Glasses and bowls littered the surfaces, albeit most were empty. She would be embarrassed for anyone to see her live like this, but if she was honest with herself, she liked it. It made her comfortable, to be overwhelmingly surrounded by all her things.

She turned the water on to her shower quickly, mumbling a quick incantation to make the water hot. The fae had water pumps, but had no need for heating them, given that even a child learned early on how to heat their own water to their preferred temperature. She undressed quickly and let the almost-burning water run over her, stretching under the water.

She let her mind wander back to the days events. It was uncomfortable to think about when all she wanted to do was ignore that anything was wrong at all, but at the same time, she couldn’t help it. She tried to organize it all in her mind. Lyra left two weeks ago - fact. Lyra did not come back when she was supposed to - fact. Selis had pulled, instead, Jodi through the mirror - fact. Jodi was the granddaughter of Lyra, who had aged rapidly in this other world - questionable, given that it was only Jodi’s word she had to go off of, but it seemed to be the only explanation, so - factual enough. Lyra had…. Died of old age. Selis swallowed. Based on the other things, this also seemed to be a fact.

Selis’s eyes began to fill with tears, but this time she didn’t stop them from coming. Why hadn’t Lyra come back, if even only to say goodbye? Maybe she thought that Selis’ would’ve stopped her - hell, maybe she would have. Not only that, but Lyra had left them without the powder, or knowing anything about it. Did she just not care? Did she not care… about Selis? Had she fallen in love in another world?

A sob wracked Selis’ body, and she clutched her stomach. She let herself cry - a good, hard, real cry for a few minutes, all of her emotions spilling out of her.

Once she was done - or at least, when she felt she couldn’t cry anymore - she finished her shower, washing her hair, face, body, etc. She stepped out, looking pink in the face and sighed. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too obvious by the time she got dressed.

Still, she got dressed quickly, not wanting to leave Jodi hanging if she was already ready. Plus, that drink was absolutely calling her name. Perhaps dinner, too, if Selis could find anything worth eating.

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