The Mark Of The Dragon - (RP)

- Kain Tyukuni

Kain wakes up to the son in his eyes. Kain stretches his arms and yawns, Kain was on the ground instead of his bed. Kain laughs and get's up and looks out his window. Then it suddenly struck him! "Today's, when my adventure starts! Woohoo!" Kain yells jumping in the air and runs and slides under his bed and grabs onto his backpack already awaiting for him, for the last few months. 'I can't wait, I wonder how many friends I'll make, or how many enemies I'll beat up' He says to himself with a large grin. Kain walked up too a sword case leaning against the wall. Kain started squealing in excitement, he couldn't wait! Kain opened his case, and there it was, his sword. This sword means a lot to Kain his uncle was a blacksmith and made it for him before he died of an unknown illness. Kain started swinging it "I haven't named about...Bertha." Kain says in excitement and grips the door handle opening the door and turns behind him "Wow, I can't believe 5 years has gone by so quickly. It feels like I'm still only 12 whenever my father said I could start my adventures. I'll miss you room!" Kain says shutting the door behind him, Kain ate breakfast, and said goodbye to his parents. He closes to door to his parents house and turns around. "When I come back, I'm going to be so strong! Stronger than you dad!" Kain says jumping in excitement and starts running following the trail. "Woohoo!" Kain jumps in the air with his arms extended out making a fists.

Flower was outside her out praticing with her sword. She spun around and then slammed the ground. "Good." She said and then continued her praticing. She cut the peice of wood she had in half and then stopped for a moment her arms having a bunch of shock run through her arms. She let out a deep sigh and then rolled her shoulders. She had been up since dawn and she was getting tired but she had to push herself to do more.
Ryo was outside taking a smoke. His thoughts were racing wildly. It had been two years since he had killed that boy. In his sleep, Ryo could hear the boy's scream. Ryo brushed off the sudden thought and took a puff from his cigarette. Today he would begin his long lonely life anew. He wasn't sure how many he would meet or how many he would watch suffer. Ryo had lived a long life of that. He had watched many suffer and sometimes he was the cause of their suffering. The only thing he could do was put them out of their misery. Ryo's life brought him nothing but endless solitude. He was hoping that today, even if it was only for today, that he would be accepted. That was his one and only wish. He blew out some smoke and closed his eyes. He leaned against a wall.

"Only in the darkness do I find myself" he whispered.

Those words to him are the past, the present and the future. Even if Ryo cannot see the future. He knows that in some way shape or form, his future will hold darkness. If he is lucky, the darkness will be empty and it will be just him. There will be no others for him to kill... to induce suffering upon... These are parts of his life he'd most like to skip and leave behind when he left on his journey. Unfortunatly, his memories will follow him like a shadow, but it doesn't hurt to dream does it? And then Ryo remembered the screams...

"Yes." he whispered. "It does hurt to dream"
Flower let out a deep sigh and then looked to see someone else sitting outside. She pushed her hair out of her face and then watched as he seemed stuck in his thoughts. She shrugged and then grabbed the wood she cut in half and tossed it onto a pile of wood. She let out a deep sigh again. She started thinking about the day her parents were killed and then grabbed another target and set it out. This time, with the pain of that day stuck in her mind she was a lot more aggressive in her attacks and damaged the wood easily.

Some of it splintered and cut her arm. She looked at her arm and then put her hand over it. After a second the cut was gone and she wiped the blood off.
Shira sat on the side of the road strumming her guitar. She looked at her hat full of money. Today was a very profitable day. She thought about what to do. Her mother had yet another boyfriend at home and this one was . . . handsy. Shira grimaced at the thought of going to that cesspool of a house. With no other ideas coming to her, she packed up her money and guitar. She decided to go around town and see if she could find someone to toy with.
Meanwhile in a forest not far from the town; Xin'dreth Skulked in the deep shadows of the forest floor, Moist dirt and insects squishing between her bare feet as she trudged on through the thick vegetation dragging her jagged nodachi clumsily behind her

Caked in blood and dirt she walked in silence past the rotting vines and skeletal trees, unable to grow under the dense cover of the many older trees.

She hungered.

She hadn't eaten in so long.. The dull ache in the pit of her stomach grew increasingly unbearable;

The taste of her last kill still lingered in her mouth, but she was unsatisfied. She needed more, She
deserved more.

A faint light shined in the distance followed by the muffled sounds of a fairly active town...Xin'dreth grinned wickedly from ear-to-ear, her violent cackles resounding though the forest.

"I will feast tonight!" She screeched

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Dark shades of green surrounded the young demi god Vulcan with the scent of death amongst the air. The man was in search of something rather peculiar to his interests. Something someone would call a fable, a legend or a tall tale. But what the ordinary thought to be just legend was in fact reality, for Vulcan himself was proof to that. A man born of gods his father god of fire and forge, but his mother a human. Earlier in the day Vulcan had made a trip into the city, he heard rumors of a dragon within the forest. For as long as the man could remember there were tales of his family hunting dragons and becoming stronger after doing so. The young demi god had never understood why, but his curiosity always lingered on this. Vulcan wore no armor, just ordinary garbs with black boots. A black shirt upon his chest with a blue scarf around his neck and a blood red cape fluttering within the breeze on his back. Black pants held by a brown belt with a sccabard holding his blade. A unique sword crafted by his father, a sword that was used commonly in the east. The blade was a katana, with so sharp an edge it was said to be able to cut a man in two with only a mid force strike.

Vulcan hadn't much experience in tracking enemies but he figured once finding them came what was so easy to him. Fighting was a primary skill he had obtained over various years of training. Although it was no his only asset, his mind was just as strong as his sword. For years his father spoke to him he said, the mind will always be sharper then the sword. A phrase drilled into Vulcan's head. The young demi god found a trail of blood against the ground with a grin peering across his lips. Vulcan took a deep breath of air until he couldn't inhale anymore. His cheeks puffed up as he held his breath until in amazement he exhaled with force. In a explosion of heat, flames ripped forwards into the forest covering the dark green shadows into a hellish orange light. Flames ignited forwards with at least 30 feet long and spread outwards 10 feet wide. The young demi god waited for a reply, was his interest the dragon within the forest or was Vulcan misinformed?
Ryo ran at an incredible speed through town. He didn't bump into anyone. He stopped when he got to the entrance and took one last look. Then he walked away to the cemetary. He knelt down in front of grave and put down a set of white flowers and a black rose. This boy loved flowers and black roses. In a way, Ryo was much like the black rose. Harmless to look at, but when you touched it, it's thorns would prick you and on a black rose, nothing could stain it because it was already stained with darkness.

Ryo touched the grave and whispered, "I am so sorry... Please, forgive me."

A single tear flowed down his cheek as he walked away. He didn't know where he was headed, but staying here held too many bad memories.
Five minutes past as Vulcan patiently waited for his target the dragon to emerge. But not beast came fourth, the only noise was that of scattering animals an a crackling fire dissolving all that it came into contact with. An orange haze began to devour the forest as Vulcan sighed. Walking away from the haze of hell "Well i guess it couldn't be helped" The man said as he turned his back from the burning woods and the large cloud of black smoke rising into the sky. The young demi god came to a dirt road commonly used to travel between the two towns. Vulcan began to walk down the road when he heard the sound of a roar in the sky. Vulcan turning his head ever so slightly saw a green dragon within the sky. A wide grin peered across his face as he placed his right hand upon the hilt of his sword.

The dragon was 20 feet long, was green and covered in dragon scales. Its eyes blue and squinted it looked rather pissed at the man who stood in the dirt road. Razor sharp claws upon its feet and legs. Its arms and legs looked to be covered with thicker scales. On the dragons head were two sharp horns with spikes upon its head going all the way down onto the back and tail. At the end of the tail was a blade about a foot long. The dragon looked rather fierce as it could defend itself well between frontal attacks to rear. The only weakness seemed to be on the dragons under belly which was still going to be tough to get since its thicker scale arms and legs could block strikes towards that area.

The young demi god's plan had worked, he suspected if there were a dragon upon the forest that it was most likely feeding, or that the creature had laid eggs within the forest. Vulcan knew if there were to be eggs, the dragon would surely come out if they were burned into the ground. Focusing his attention on the best Vulcan prepared himself for his attack. He had a few methods to take down such a beast, method one wait for the beast to swoop down then evade counter attack and cut the beasts neck off. Method two if the dragon were to attack with fire, draw the sword and throw precisely into the dragons throat. However this was very risky for if it missed it might be a little complicated to retrieve the sword. And the final method was to wait for an opportunity to climb upon the dragons back. Stab him and pull the blade leaving about a foot gash in its back. Enough of a gash to breath fire into him, burning him from the inside. Vulcan awaited the dragons response with still a great wide smile feeling nothing but excitement.
Flower heard a commotion in the forest and then grabbed her sword and put her gloves on. She rushed out into the forest. Smoke his nose and she coughed a bit. She looked around and then put her hand on a tree. She took it off the tree hot but not burned. She looked around again. She heared....a dragon?

She let out a deep breath and then ran. She hid behind a tree and then looked out to see a man. She blinked, looking him over. Who was this stanger? She looked up and around to see the dragon. She cringed a bit with some fear of the mighty beast. She looked back at the man grabbing onto her sword. Her breath was quiet. She wasn't going to attack him...but the dragon.

Her hair got in her face but she ignored it able to see through the pure white strands of hair. She swallowed trying to calm herself. She knew these forests well, she had lived in them since she was alittle girl. She stayed quiet and unmoving till she could run out. STill though...maybe she shouldn't help unless the man needed help.
The dragon came down with all its ferocious might, its mouth wide open with the intent to devour vulcan in one bite. The dragon was so close vulcan could smell its breath, so close yet Vulcan had no fear of the might of such a creature. The Demigod slid his feet apart with his right foot placed forwards with his knee bent while also placing his left hand upon the sccabard of the sword and his right hand upon the hilt. He waited for the perfect moment to strike as the dragons wings pulled him closer. Until that moment had landed as dark pressed his right foot forwards and the leaped of his left foot. At the same moment he exerted his left foot upwards he drew his sword, all in one motion. His blade rose with a upwards force aimed at the dragon's throat. The blade hit the throat of the dragon as a clash of sparks flew. The Dragon pushed Vulcan forwards while turning upwards into the sky as he lashed his tail out at Vulcan.

With a calsh of sparks vulcan blocked the strike, but the force of the impact caused him to tumble backwards. The young demigod stabbed his blade into the ground to keep himself from continually falling backwards. But just as he picked himself up the dragon had turned around and come back to attack again, this time with a large breath of flames. Unlike Vulcan's breath of flames the dragon had a much great volume of air it could hold within its lungs and mouth capable of stronger, faster and wider range of flames. With a giant burst of power, the dragons breath of flames burned down at vulcan as he was engulfed into the flames of the dragon. Black smoke had rose from the impact of the flames with the fire spreading once again. Once the dragon's breath poured down at vulcan it flapped its mighty wings once more landing onto the ground. It roared as it approached vulcan who was hidden in the black smoke.

The claws of the dragon dug into the ground making its way towards vulcan when a blade was thrown from within the smoke. The blade was thrown into the dragons eye as blood splattered outwards. The dragon roared with a terror of pain and anger, just as it did so Vulcan ran at the dragon. His skin had changed, he had black scales around his entire body. These scales were that of a dragon given to Vulcan by his father as a shield, the scales were as tough as steel. Vulcan jumped onto the back of the dragon grabbing the hilt of his sword tring to pull it out of the eye socket of the dragon. At that moment the dragon flapped its wings taking off into the sky. Once the dragon was arial it began spinning in circles tring to get the demigod off its back. Vulcan continued to pull his sword until it finally came out of the eye socket, but as he did so he fell off the dragon and out of the sky. Vulcan fell several feet crashing down into the earth. His back slammed down into the dirt as the dragon still lived. The dragon roared again moving down towards Vulcan, its eye sight blurred as it stared with one eye moving closer to Vulcan.
Flower looked at the strange man but then saw the dragon coming closer. She ran out and then pulled her sword out. She stepped in front of the man and then shot out a light ball. She blinded the great creature for a moment casuing it to crash into the ground and then pushed her hair out fo her face. She stood there her sword horizontal in front of her.

Her breath was quick with fear but she didn't back off. She looked at the man quickly her eye covered with her long white bangs. "You alright?" She asked as she looked at him. She was ready to protect this stranger. She had a serious face on, not a hint of a smile.
Vulcan picked himself off of the ground stabbing his sword into the earth and used it to pull himself up. He sighed standing looking at the crashed dragon, slowly the man adjusted his sccabard and placed his sword back within it. His dragon scales receeded from his body showing his pale white skin once more. Vulcan stood facing the dragon while looking at the girl infront of him with his peripherals. "Tell me girl whats your name?" The man asked as he walked infront of her with his arms at his sides. At that moment the dragon got back up as it roared with yet another terrible sound clouding the air. Vulcan once again prepared himself in the same stance, although something was different about this man, before he was arrogant. He was careless for the man was fighting the dragon for himself. For his own desires for his own thrill of the fight but now. Now things had changed, a woman was upon the battle field, another life was potentially at risk. So now Vulcan didnt have the luxury to be selfish, to fight for his own will. He was now fighting for booth his life and the woman beside him.

"Ultra Sonic Sword St
yle" spoke Vulcan

The Dragons claws dug into the ground once more as it began racing towards Vulcan on foot. With his left hand upon the scabbard vulcan ran forwards to match the dragon in speed and deal the final blow. His feet moving quicker and quicker by the second his hands steady ready to cut the beast into pieces. He raced forwards staring into the eye of the dragon while the dragon stared back. The dragon thrusted its right clawed hand at vulcan only for the man to evade into the sky. This speed was known as god like speed, letting instincts take over ones body and allow your body to react in combat. This god like speed is necessary for the ultra sonic sword style. The dragon looked up but vulcan had strategically made the right move. He jumped into the sky to the dragons right side, the side where he had destroyed its eye earlier. Thus in a area where the dragon could not see the strike of his sword. Vulcan jumped above the dragon's head on his right as he drawed his sword and hammered it down at the dragons neck. With the mighty strike Vulcan yelled in a battle cry "Mallot hammer flash!". This attack utilizes the force of the sword from its height and position with a downward slash, one of many attack of the Ultra Sonic Sword Style.

However as vulcan's blade struck the dragon, it only caused a gash upon its scales. The force of the impact of the sword combined with the unique blade vulcan carried wasnt enough to take out such a dragon. Just as the gash formed the dragon turned its head at vulcan with its jaws opened intending to tear him limb from limb. The beast snapped at the demigod clutching him inbetween his jaws. But just as he did so vulcan used the dragon scales to cover his body again. The scales were tougher then steel, keeping him from being torn apart. Vulcan swung his sword once more piercing the dragon from the inside, his blade entered from the mouth of the dragon pushing up into its skull. Blood dripped out as the beast collapsed to the ground. Vulcan climbed from the beast's mouth with blood stained clothes. He took the sword and cut out of the dragons mouth the largest fang it possesed.

"At last i got myself a dragon fang."
Surreal sat under a tree, near a shaded dirt road, leading to the next town. She had stopped between towns to have a snack. The sweet juices of the apple she had bit into squirted into her mouth and Surreal smiled. It was a nice day. The sun was shining, the wind was blowing, and she could hear birds chirping in the forest among other creatures. Her sword was set across her lap in it's scabbard, temporarily removed from her hip so that she could sit. Nearby, her horse munched on the sweet-smelling grass, making whuffing noises as it tore at the short, green blades. A rare smile crept onto Surreal's face and she leaned back into the tree, deciding a nap didn't sound half bad.

Something was wrong. Surreal shot up into a standing position and coughed into her arm. Smoke billowed all around her, clouding her vision, suffocating her. Her horse was snorting and pacing, tethered to a branch, unable to get away. Looking around, Surreal noticed an orangey glow. She peered at it and blinked. Surely not. It couldn't be a forest fire. Not on a day like this! Her horse finally reared and screamed. Instantly, she pivoted on her heel, and ran to the beast, fastening her sword to her hip as she untethered the creature. It reared again and she had to wrestle with the animal before it stood still long enough for her to mount. On the horse, Surreal was higher up so that she could see more, but her face was also directly in the smoke now. Turning her head to the smell of fresh air, Surreal tugged on the reigns urging her horse away from the smoke and fire.

When they were finally a safe distance away from the smoke, Surreal turned to watch and saw almost the entire forest ahead of her ablaze. Suddenly something rose from the flames. A large, green, iridescent form pumped its powerful wings and shot a jet of flame down at the ground. So that's what started the fire. She wasn't about to risk her neck through that inferno to kill the creature. If it came to her she would attack, if not, she'd leave it be. Surreal sat there, on her horse, hands resting on the saddlehorn, an almost patient expression on her face as she watched the dragon. It soon became clear to her that someone or something was battling with the dragon. She watched with more interest.

The dragon rose and fell several times. The last time it rose, it rose with someone in its back. A sort of mocking smile made its way onto her face and she watched with a slight amusement as whoever it was rode the dragon, sticking it several times with their sword. She watched as the person struck the final blow and the dragon fell to the earth with a loud crash, the fall rumbling around her, the vibrations travelling up the horse's legs, causing it to dance about, up through Surreal. She would have gone over to look at the downed dragon but there was still the problem of the fire. Sitting back somewhat in her saddle, Surreal wondered how she was going to get through to the next town.

"Oh well, looks like we'll be taking a little detour." With that, Surreal tugged on the reigns and urged the horse away, around the forest, to find another way into the town.
Xin'dreth Paused, She heard something else in the distance other then townsfolk..Subtle at first, but grew louder and louder with each passing second 'till it was roaring in her ears.

unimpressed, she twisted her Disjointed head completely around to find the source, just in time to see a raging fireball Devouring the dried plant-matter with ease and speeding right towards her. Instantly reacting, She sprinted to the faint light she saw earlier, her gangly limbs flailing wildly behind her. The infernal blaze raced by, missing Xin'dreth by only a few inches and taking a large chunk of the vegetation with it.

"How unfortunate"she thought to herself, pausing briefly to see the if she could make out the source of the firestorm.

These forests where her hunting ground, continuously dark and filled with gnarled twisted trees that are easy to hide in. Easy for her to pick off any of the unwary traveler's who get lost in the deepest nooks of the forest. Without it she'd have to resort to living in town, hiding by day, and killing by night..She snarled and shook her head violently,
"Very unfortunate indeed."

As the remaining plant life where now Slowly being swallowed in flames, Xin'dreth Reluctantly pressed forward out the the forest and peered unblinking into the light.

The town was in complete chaos; much of the forest had already been swallowed by the fames, now the houses that lay close to the forest began to burn as well.

All the townspeople, men women and children, worked together as one to stem the fire. Filling bucket after bucket full of well-water and getting it to where it was needed.

The scene sickened her. Nonetheless, she used the distraction to creep past the villagers in the shadows of their insipid houses and towards the towns exit.

Flower looked at the man but before she could speak he was off fighting the beast. She took note of every blow and strike of his sword. He was interesting in the way he fought. She watched silently as he finished the mightly beast off. She looked at the dragon and walked up. She put her hand over it's scales. She spoke in an unknown tongue and then patted the mightly beast's head.

"This will make much profit....if you want to sell the scales....and meat. I want only one thing." She said cutting open it's throat. She reached in and pulled out two stones. She smiled and clang them together releasing a mighty fire blast. She looked at the man and put the stones sepereated in her pockets. She kneeled down cleaning off her blade.

" asked for my name?" She said looking at her sword instead of him. "I am Flower." She said and then sheathed her sword. She stood up and then patted trying to get the dirt off her boots. "And....may I ask your name?' She said looking at him. She looked over him for any wounds.
Vulcan stood tall as he wiped the dragons blood from his sword staring at the corpse of the dragon. The scales upon his body receeded showing his pale white skin once again. The man ripped off his shirt tossing it on the ground after all it was stained with dragon blood and covered with rips dude to being chomped by dragon fangs. The man stopped for a moment falling to his knees as he began coughing. Blood spewed from his mouth for a moment as the man stabbed his sword into the ground to lift himself up. The demigod may not have had an eternal injuries but he hadd suffered an internal injury from falling off the dragon's back earlier. Vulcan placed his sword back in its sccabard grabbing the dragon fang he cut from its mouth. Turning to the girl he listened to her speak.

"Flower thats a nice name... I am Vulcan. You may have the rest of the dragon i got what i came for. Dragon fangs make excellent weapons when forged with steel."
Xin'dreth Sprinted through the the untouched part of the forest cackling maniacally; Seeking to find the source of the the inferno so to rip out its eyes for its impudence.

Suddenly she heard voices, a man's and a women's..

Xin'dreth quickly clambered up the nearest tree and to an outward laying branch for a closer look.

The surrounding forest was completely decimated, Most of the trees being either flattened or set ablaze.

The two voices where coming from the center of the destruction, two well build humans, standing around the corpse of a
dragon of all things. "There are worse horrors to face, but few as destructive" she thought absent-mindedly. The male was covered in blood..She leaned in for a closer look.

Her cold blue eyes widened Dramatically as a bolt of fear ran trough her, it was almost foreign to her, she hadn't felt fear in so long.. There was something about that man.. he certainly wasn't human. She stood up on the branch, griping her nodachi tightly and baring her jagged fangs.
"What is this oppressive feeling?" she thought

"Who is that man?"

Flower looked at him and then slowly walked up. She put her hand on his chest. "Hold still." she said and then closed her eyes. She took a deep breath. She put all her light in the hand on his chest. The light seeped from her hand into him and started to work on healing him. She finished quickly and then fell back getting a rush of tiredness. She held her head and then stayed on the ground.

"That should have fixed you right up..." she shakes her head trying to keep from fainting. She waited a while and then stood up leaning on a tree. "Nice to meet you VAlcan." she looked down whisking she didn't look so weak in front of someone.

"You aren't normal are you?" she asked with a smile. He was very interesting indeed and very different as well. She slowly checked over herself to make sure she didn't have any injuries herself. She didn't so she looked back at him with a smile.
Shira followed the smell of smoke to the outskirts of town. When she got there, she saw part of the forest on fire. Whatever trees that weren't on fire were crushed and splintered. Bright flames were licking the sky and the sting of smoke hit her airways.

"Wow," she said. "Eco-terrorism at its best." She walked toward the mess. She wanted to congratulate the person who could create this level of destruction. For a minute, she pondered whether she should help anyone caught in the blaze. "Nah."
Vulcan felt her hand upon his chest feeling the healing properties she had. The internal injuries that had plagued the man had soon vanished just as quickly as they arrived all thanks to flower. Now standing tall and proud the man looked upon the girl with a smile upon his lips while placing his left hand within his pocket. The man chuckled lightly while scratching his head before answering flower.

"No im not so normal, i am a son of a god. My father is the first Vulcan, God of Fire and Forge."

Vulcan turned his head to see a figure in the distance, it was a girl watching the battle from afar. She didnt seem like she wanted to socialize or attack so he turned his attention away from the girl. With a sigh he looked down at his garmets, that were ripped and soaked with blood. This man truly needed some new clothes so he approached the dragon once more pulling out more dragon fangs. Although he only needed the sharpest an longest fang, Vulcan would need more so that he could trade with a merchant. He would trade these fangs for some nice new garbs although he hoped they would not be ruined like he just did with the dragon.

"Im about to go into town and try to find a merchant and get some new clothes.. Would you like to travel with me?"

Flower looked at him. She smiled as he told her who his father was. She slowly nodded not looking surprised at all. She slowly stood up straight. She looked at the dragon once more. She will send someone out here to take care of the meat and scales. She looked back at Vulcan. "I would be happy to...I need to find a friend anyways to take care of the dragon anyways." She said and then looked around.

She walked past the dragon's dead body and headed back for town. Stopping for a moment to look back at him. "I think I know someone who would be happy to help you with new clothes." She said and then gave him a warm smile. She looked back towards the town.

FLower had grew up in the forests since her parents were murdered. She knew these woods and she knew exackly the way to go to town. However so did most people who entered these forests. She pushed her hair out of her face as the wind blew through the trees.
Ryo could hear talking nearby. He rushed into the forest past the cemetary at inhuman speed. He stopped when he was close enough to hear but far enough not be seen. His red eyes scanned the field for anything else that was unusual. The man had dragon fangs. What the heck had happened here and why was that man bloody. Ryo looked down at himself. He was more of a mess than the man on the ground. If anything, Ryo looked suspicious. Ryo decided that there was nothing interesting about the group back there. He pulled out a cigarette and began to smoke. He breathed black fire in the direction of the group but he made sure it didn't reach them. He turned to walk, not having any interest in them.

He needed to get the blood off him. He would have to wash his clothes in a stream somewhere. He had no money and there was no willing to lend him any either. Ryo eventually found a stream far off to the side. He took off his shirt and started to clean it. There was a huge gash in his back that still looked fresh and several minor cuts that looked just as fresh. Ryo watched as he stained the stream red with his blood. It was like watching his life in fast motion. One small drop of poison could spread everywhere and kill you in the process. That's how it was for him, but he wasn't going to think about it now. He had to keep his promise to the person he had hurt. Ryo would never forgive himself if he failed a few steps out on his journey.
Xin'dreth stood stooped on the branch, eying the departing party warily. Did they see her?

The two humans continued to converse, seemingly unaware of her presence.. Xin'dreth Bit her tongue in spite of her self.

"Stupid! foolish!" She whispered harshly to herself. "There is nothing to fear from a mere human"

She spit on the ground in disgust. Suddenly she noticed another human, standing almost directly under her, smoking a cigarette and watching the others just as she was.

She began to climb down the tree carefully and silently to get a closer look, but when she reached the bottom he was gone. She chuckled coldly

"I've got your scent now human you can't hide from me"

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