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Fandom The Mansion of Endless Rooms - An Massive Multi-Fandom RP Interest Check

crumbelivable crumbelivable

Mansion of Endless Floors - Massive Multi-Fandom RP This is the RP section.

You characters will be starting in their characters respective worlds, then the characters will hear the supposed anouncement by The Grandmother, then decide to jump into the portal (or not... But you die if you stay in that world). They will be in the transfer section of the Mansion of Endless Floors, where it's basement is. It's designed to be a boundless space, so no matter how many show up it won't be crammed. Once your characters essentially make it there, she'll greet them and explain the situation in more detail . Is that more clear ?
As soon as you are able to... Hopefully by tonight... But I'm not picky on when we actually start.
Andrita Andrita I think we were in maybe two threads for a few days. Other than that I don't think we have interacted.

Power limitations are set to allow balance. Categorizing characters based on their power is only going to lead to problems down the road when the inevitable power level comparisons are made. Lines will be drawn, and camps will be made. Irregardless of the limitations you think you have put in place, moderation needs to take place from a moderator's perspective, not by in-RP characters. Irregardless of intent or the stock from which you recruit players for these characters, the idea invites too much risk to allow some people like me to want to invest. Anyone with bad moderation experiences will know that it is either brought about by nepotism or badly implemented systems, such as this one.

While I do not think I will join due to personal preferences for setting and for IRL reasons, I wish you the best of luck and hope my two cents is worth enough to reconsider your current systems.
This looks interesting. Do you mind if I throw a few character ideas your way over PM. Andrita Andrita
Is this still accepting? I wanted to make sure since I don't want to be rude. I have an idea for one character I would like to play but he is a bit different, not really powerful just different. Andrita Andrita
Yes, are you still accepting? I'm very interested in the idea of the rp and already have an OC in mind to use.

My idea of my character:

Name: Kimber Sanders

Fandom or OC: OC

Verse Name (World they come from): PJO (Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Background on the World (optional): Greek god/goddess demigod world... (look it up if unsure)

Rank (Optional): idk??

Powers and Abilities: Demigod abilities of children of Eros, which are...

Ability to shoot people with arrows that make them love or hate others. Also have a type of arrow that causes indifference.
Children of Eros can intoxicate people of the opposite or same gender with pheromones in order to get them to do their bidding; any attempt to use the person to harm anyone will break their control.
Children of Eros can bring upon a state of ecstasy to another person, making them become dazed for a short time. Children of Eros can cause people of the opposite gender to lose all desire to attack them for a short time.
Children of Eros cause anyone of the opposite or same gender to be, at least slightly, attracted to them,
Children of Eros are innately proficient archers.
Children of Eros have a minor ability to sway a person’s feelings, causing them to feel a slight amount of love for another person; the final choice to act on the love is, however, out of their control.
Children of Eros have the ability to cause peace between two enemies; the effects only last for a short time unless both parties actually desire peace.
Children of Eros can infuse magic into their grasp and ‘charm-touch’ another into doing their will or revealing a secret to them; the person will remain under the control of the charm-speak for a few minutes or until control is relinquish; the child of Eros must touch the skin of the other person.
Children of Eros can infuse love magic into their arrows, if they hit their target, the target will fall in love with the first object or person they see.
Children of Eros can sprout wings for a short time, this enables them to fly, the longer they maintain this state the more energy it drains and they must rest between flights, though they must be older demigods who know of their powers and weren't claimed recently.

Biography (Also optional): none, yet

Good, Evil, Neutral (Optional): Neutral

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