The Magical Quill (WolfCandy and paipai900 roleplay)

Sen Pai

I'm back, baby.
It was a dark and boring day for Soran. Rain poured from the skies, thunder and lightning shook the earth. Soran sighed, flopping on his bed. What was he going to do on such a boring day? It was Friday evening, and dinner was in three hours. He had already taken two naps and everyone seemed to be busy with something! That's when Soran remembered about Lillian. She was always fun to mess with! Soran stood up from his bed and left his dorm to search for Lillian.
After a terribly long day of cooking, and cleaning, and doing any other task the school officials could think up, Lillian was exhausted. Unfortunately, there was still work to be done. School work. She sat underneath a tree by the lake, hunched over a pile of parchments scattered across the grass. Lillian let out a long sigh; she was too tired to focus.
Soran finally spotted Lillian by the lake, a wide grin spread across his face. He grabbed an umbrella and headed out into the rain. "Hi Lilli!" Soran jogged towards the girl, crouching down in front of her sprawled out form. "Whatcha doin'?" Soran grinned happily, offering protection from the rain with his umbrella.
Lillian looked up from her work, "Please, Soran." She scowled, "Not one day of my life have I ever wanted to speak to you. Today is not the day I change my mind. I'm extremely tired and I need to get this down. Now, could you please go?" Generally, Lillian liked everyone, but Soran was different. For some reason, the mere sight of him rubbed her metaphorical fur every way but the right way.
Soran grinned a grin that would rival the Cheshire Cat's. "Alright then!" Soran walked away, with the umbrella, letting the water from the skies pour down on Lillian, and her paperwork. Soran spun around on the heels of his feet to look at Lillian and gasped mockingly, "Lillian! Oh, dear! What happened to you? We must get you inside before you catch a cold!" Soran put the back of his hand to his forehead and pretended to almost faint.
Lillian scowled. She gathered her materials and clung them to her chest protectively. She stood up with a "Hmph," and began walking towards Soran. When she reached him, she allowed her steely eyes to meet his, then, she turned away and passed. Now, she was headed in the direction of the gazebo on the other side of the lake.
Soran watched as Lillian's figure disappeared from his eyesight. Once she was out of hearing, Soran burst out laughing. When Soran's laughter had calmed down, he spotted Lillian on the other side of the lake, underneath the shelter of the gazebo. Smiling slightly, Soran decided to go back in and get something to eat. Although his thoughts kept wandering back to the woman who seemed to despise him. Right when Soran entered the building he was swarmed with people, mostly females from his fan club. Giving a large grin, Soran wrapped one of his arms around a beautiful girl and thought, 'Who needs Lillian anyway?' Surrounded by the group of people, Soran headed towards the cafeteria for something to eat.
Lillian exhaled in relief. Obviously Soran hadn't been bothered to pursue her. She turned to her work, trying to organize the wet pages.

(How shall we introduce the antagonist?)
Soran was being fed by one of the girls when something terrible happened. Screams of terror and surprise filled the cafeteria. They were under attack.


I have no idea. Do you want it to be all like, antagonist steals something special from the school (like a pencil xD ) and they have to get it back or else something bad happens? Or do you have any other ideas?
(Lol sure)

Lillian looked up ubruptly. Swarms of strangers were creeping up on the school, and loud screams were heard. She sunk low in the gazebo, hoping she would not be seen.
Soran grabbed some of the people around him and pushed them under the table, narrowly avoiding a blast of fire magic aimed at them. "Get out of here as fast as you can." He warned them, pulled out his sword, and charged towards the intruders.
Once the coast was clear, Lillian stood up. She sprinted to the school's weapons room and picked up a sword. She entered a main hallway, keeping a watchful eye of her surroundings, and began to search for people in distress.
Soran battled against the intruders, striking them down and helping other escape. Being one of the top swordsmen in the academy Soran stood at a better chance than his fellow students. But, even one of the best can tire out. He was surrounded. Soran knew he couldn't fight them all off by himself, he'd just be killed trying. Even so, Soran charged at them, once again, evading most of their strikes. Soran blocked swords from all directions, evading spells aimed at him. Most of the invaders had left the cafeteria to chase the other students, Soran had meant to follow them, but he was cut off by more intruders, forcing him to get on one of the tables that weren't destroyed. Suddenly, a deep slash to his back made Soran collapse in pain. More swords came at him. Soran's only hope was that someone else came in and saved him. His back was bleeding out heavily, his clothes were stained blood red. Darkness overcame Soran....and he fell.
Lillian approached the cafeteria. She noticed a man collapse under the attacks of a number of intruders. Although she knew she couldn't fight them all, she would hopefully be able to distract them from the man long enough for help to come. At first, fighting with the sword was a little uncomfortable. Lillian had trained with swords before, but she preferred staves. She slashed out at the intruders as they backed her up into a corner of the room. Something brushed her cheek, and then her arm; there was too much adrenaline pumping through her to realize that the brushes were actually slices. At one point, a cut above her brow let loose a crimson waterfall, blinding her. She lunged forward, her sword cutting the air towards unseen enemies. Finally, more bodies crowded the room, but the newcomers were fighting off the intruders as well. A teacher cut their way through the throng, searching for Lillian. When he got to her, he ushered her out of the cafeteria and to safety. She didn't have time to question who the collapsing man had been, or if he had survived his injuries.

(Maybe the school chooses them to go retrieve the object because of their outstanding display of bravery and skill????)
The school managed to make the intruders retreat. But, they had taken something special.... the Magical Pencil of Love. The Magical Pencil of Love is a powerful artifact of magic, so powerful it could destroy the world.
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(Okie dokie.)

Lillian's eyes fluttered open. She sat up slowly. She was slightly dazed. What had happened? Her expression became more clearer as the seconds passed and her mind began to piece together the memories of yesterday's. events. Then, she remembered the man. She looked around for someone to ask about his condition.
Soran groaned in pain, his body felt stiff, he could barely move them. When he managed to sit up, his had a major pain in his head. "Aurgh..!" Soran clutched his head, trying to numb the pain. With the terrible migraine, Soran's eyes scanned the room. The....Infirmary? Soran tried to piece together what had happened, but couldn't remember much. He just remembered pain....pain and panic....
Lillian shot her head in the direction of the sounds. It must be the man, she thought. Unfortunately, her view was blocked by a thin curtain separating their beds. All she could see was his silhouette. "Hello?" She whispered, "Are you okay?"
Soran's hearing was numbed, everything was a blur to him. A sudden pain from her back caused Soran to collapse back onto the bed. He saw a figure behind one of the bed curtains, it looked familiar.......Lill- "Aack!" Soran's thoughts were interrupted by a sharp pain in his whole body. Soran could feel his heart speed up as he went into cardiac arrest. Nurses and doctors rushed into the room, trying to help him. Soran fell back into unconsciousness....
Lillian stared, horrified, as the medical staff rushed in to attend to the mystery man. A small group of nurse assistants carried her bed out of the room. None of them answered the many questions she was firing at them. Once they gad moved her, she was left alone in a small room, sitting in her bed, confused out of her mind.
Soran's conscious awoke, all he could see was darkness. He heard muffled voices, but couldn't see where they were coming from. Soran's eyelids felt heavy, he struggled to open them. Only managing a little crack, Soran saw a few nurses around him, checking his heart beat and seeing if he was still alive. Soran groaned a bit, and tried to get up. Only to be pushed back down by the nurse.

"You need to rest." said the nurse. "Your friends were very worried about you, Mr. Aran. That was a foolish thing you did last night." she gestured to the ginormous mountain of chocolate, sweet, teddy bears, and get well cards. The nurse lifted Soran's head and put a spoon to his mouth. "Drink this, it'll speed up the healing process."

"What happened?" Soran croaked out, his throat dry and painful.

The nurse to a finger to his lips. "Hush now and sleep. When you feel better we'll tell you the details..."

Soran happily obeyed and closed his eyes, falling back into the clutches of sleep.

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