The Madness {Alice in Wonderland/Alice: Madness Returns RP


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Lydia sat outside her home in Wonderland, under a large oak. She had brought her newest project out to work on and a glass of hot tea. She poked the needle in and out of the dark fabric and frowned as she stabbed her finger with the needle. 'So clumsy..' She thought, sticking her finger to her lips. She held the hat back from her and looked at it admiringly. It was a dark hat, the main fabric was black, and it had a purple, silk bow around it. She tried it on and sighed, takin yet another sip of tea. 'Needs to be a little bigger..' She thought. Looking up at the sky, it was a brilliant blue color, but she could see a mass of horrid black clouds in the distance. She sat the hat down beside her and laid back against the bark of the tree. She closed he eyes and almost fell asleep, listening to the calming sounds if distant storms, but still aware and alert inside.

Aeth awoke from a short nap, almost falling off the large branch he had been sleeping on. Now awake, he blinked a few times and sat up, scratching his ears and back. 'Wretched ants....' He thought, scanning the tree bark. Yawning, he hopped out of the tree and started walking through one of the many forests in Wonderland. He heard a rumbling in the distance and sighed. "Hasn't stormed here in ages." He whispered to himself, looking up through the roof of trees above him.
Kaito wandered through the extensive, oddly purple forest, unsure of which direction he was heading in or where he even wanted to go. He just kept walking. It hadn't been too long since he'd been called back to Wonderland. The place was a hell of a lot different than it had been the first time he'd been here, that was for sure. Some of the older places were in ruin, and signs of the Queen's tyranny were visible throughout the land. Slowly, the treeline became visible. Finally! Kaito thought, picking up his pace until he heard a distant rumble. Thunder? And then he heard a whisper. Who was here? "Hello?" He shouted, awaiting a response.
Intention sat in the trees, plucking flower petals one by one. She was ever so bored, considering there wasn't anything that ever interested her in Wonderland. It was extremely boring, unlike Abyss. Abyss was full of surprises, twists and turns, whereas Wonderland was the exact opposite. She rolled over and stared up at the sky. "Why is it ever so boring here......" She muttered.
(I'm so sorry seirah but I have yet to come to a decision about you and your sisters characters. And don't get me wrong, I'm sure you two are great role players. I would just like to see about them and this Pandora Heart like stuff.)

Aeth heard a distant Hello and looked over his shoulder. He saw nothing, and guessed it to be the creatures if Wonderland messing with him again, but to his surprise, he let out a loud, strong "Hello There!" Back at the voice. He stopped, and jumped into the nearest tree, and turning himself invisible where no one would find him if they passed. He didn't exactly want to meet up with anyone evil, or from his past, but maybe they would be good, and he would simply jump out of his tree.
Kaito, shocked, looked around frantically. Then it occurred to him; he was probably dealing with a Cheshire. "Reveal yourself!" He shouted, taking a few steps closer to the treeline.

(Sorry it's short, I have major WB.)
(Happens to me all the time.. I'll be back on later, I have to go a place or two.)

Not thinking the man he was about to encounter was in anyway trying to harm him, he simply jumped out of his tree, now visible and simply walked calmly toward the boy. "Hello there! I am Aeth.. A Cheshire as you may have noticed.." He chuckled and stuck out his hand for the boy to shake. "I won't bite you, Promise." He smiled a large, Cheshire smile.
When the Cheshire jumped out of his tree, Kaito whipped out his knife and held it in front of him. "Hello there! I am Aeth... a Cheshire, as you may have notice." Then the man with the cat ears extended his hand. "I won't bite you, promise." And he grinned like a shark, waiting for Kaito to take his hand. Kaito was cautious and simply looked the Cheshire up and down, noticing that he didn't seem to have any form of weapon on him. He sure wasn't in any position to attack. He tentatively reached out his hand and grabbed Aeth's, giving it a small shake before drawing it back.

"I am Kaito," He spoke softly. "I am not from here. And it seems I'm lost." He shrugged and put his knife back in his pocket, keeping his hand there just in case.
"No need for weapons my friend, I dont have any intent to harm you young man." He chuckled and shook his hand polietly. "So you are lost? I know a Hatter.. A Hattress I should say, right outside the woods. She has a small cottage, and plenty of tea." He smiled, pointing toward the west woods, where he could barely see a clearing in the distance. The Hattress (Lydia) had always been a good friend of his. He didn't like her, no not at all, but she was a loyal, kind friend. Of course she was mad, everyone here was, obviously. The thunder rolled, closer now, louder. "We better be going, hmm?" He said, gesturing him to come along as he walked toward her home.

([MENTION=3458]kagome[/MENTION]) : )
Kaito stayed silent, giving Aeth a small nod before following him as they walked in the direction of a small clearing. He let his arm drop to his side and wrapped his blue scarf tighter around his neck as a wind blew from the direction that the thunder was coming from. He had a hankering that he knew Aeth from somewhere before, perhaps when he visited the land as a small boy. While there were a lot of different Cheshires, this one had a seemingly familiar trait; his friendliness. Most Cheshires were too full of themselves, too lost in their own cunning to help out a lost soul. This one, however, was different. Soon they edged closer to the clearing, and Kaito could see a small, rickety house and a woman sitting under one of the trees.
Aeth approached Lydia and gave her a small shake. As she blinked her eyes and got up, looking at the pair. Quickly, Aeth turned to the boy and whispered to him "She's a little.. odd, but kind." He said, giving the Hattress a shake of the hand. "Nice to see you" He flashed her a big grin...

Lydia sat up, seeing Aeth and the boy. "Why Aeth, who have you got there?" She smiled, shaking both the boys and Aeths hand. Aeth explained to her what had happened, then Lydia picked up her hat and gestured them toward the house. As they walked toward the cottage she turned to the boy. "I am Lydia, the Hattress.." She smiled. Her green eye twitched a bit, but stopped as quick as it started. "We should get inside, hmm? It seems a storm is approaching. How odd.." She trailed off. She opened the door and stepped inside. The house was old, and had multi, bright colored walls. The rooms were odd shaped, but the house was much bigger on the inside than it seemed from the outside. Stepping into the kitchen, she sat both of them down and went to her tea kettle. "Have some tea!" She smiled, grabbing oddly decorated tea cups out of the cabinet and filling them all to the brim with tea. She layed out everything to go with the tea. Biscuts, honey, sugar... "I've made some soup Aeth" She added, not looking at him. "Your favorite... GoosleBerry (Idk...). " She took the steaming hot pot and poured them each a bowl, then finally sat down. The house, and everything in it was as eccentric as her, and she liked it.
Kaito scanned the house as they moved through, breath taken by the odd, amazing decorations and colors. Thunder continued to rumble, getting closer and shaking the house slightly. He sat down at the large table across from Aeth and stared at the tea and soup in front of him, hesitant to eat. Would it be poison? He highly doubted that, though, so he picked up a spoon and delicately sipped the soup from it, his taste buds instantly begging for more. He let out a satisfied "mmm" sound and took another bite. He was so hungry; it had been three days since he'd last eaten, due to being afraid of what nature in Wonderland could do. He noticed Aeth seemed to be smiling as he ate the soup as well.
"Eat up, have as much as you like!." She smiled, pouring herself another cup of delicious tea. Sighing, she watched as the thunder loomed over her house. "My, my what a terrible storm." She huffed, looking toward the boy. "And who may you be? You look close to my age.. Somehow.." She said sighing. "Yes I know I know.... The darkness and all that blah blah.. Stop bothering me..." She whispered over her shoulder to someone not even there. Her eye twitched again, and seemed to grow greener as she turned around. She folded her hands and rested her chin in them, lookin at both of them.

Aeth grinned at the boy and Lydia. "Don't worry, she's a great cook..." He said, finishing the last of the soup. "Ah, Lydia I remember when we used to come here at lunch when we were younger.." He sighed, leaning back in his blue chair. Lydia was a wonderful friend, and Aeth loved her taste in color. He chuckled to himself and then turned invisible while Lydia was talking to herself. He snuck up behind her when she turned back to the boy, Then swiped the new hat of the table and quickly sat back down, visible, wearing the hat. "It's a bit small.." He chuckled.

Lydia smiled when he wore the hat. "Keep it, or let your friend have it." She busted out laughing, not knowing why, but quickly stopped as fast as it had started.
"I am Kaito. I come from the other world," Kaito stated, nodding and smiling as she began talking to herself. He chuckled under his breath as Aeth snatched her hat. Everything here seemed so normal, and friendly! The other world was strange to him, filled with idiots who refused to understand, locking him up in the looney bin and forcing him into therapy he didn't even need. It was full of dull colors and dull people. Never had he once encountered anything truly evil in Wonderland. He loved having a break. "Your soup is delicious by the way, simply amazing!"

(Sorry it's short. >.< )
(It's fine, I get slight writers block a lot..)

She smiled, a sweet but crazy smile. "You all should stay here tonight. No need to sleep out in that horrible storm. I have a few spare you can Choose from." She laughed slightly but happily that she had someone here. She was so lonely.

It was now pouring outside. The rain seemed jet black, like ink. It was evil, black or not. Maybe it was her imagination, but it was evil. Something was coming to wonderland. She knew it.
When Aeth agreed, so did Kaito. He smiled again and stared out the window watching the peculiar rain fall from the inky black sky. It was like oil was falling from the clouds. Flammable rain... That was an interesting idea. He could hear the pitter-patter of the rain on the old roof. Normally that was a comforting sound. This time, not so much. He took a sip of his tea and continued to watch as the droplets formed puddles on the ground, wetting the grass and the trees.
Lydia looked out the window. As the sky grew darker, her oddly colored eye seemed to grow brighter, although it didn't. She looked deep into the purple woods, staring off into the darkness. Shadows swarmed around, closing her in. Blinking, she realized it was only a day dream. She again stared into the woods. This time, shadows did move. Odd shapes in the distance scuffled around aimlessly. She stood up quickly and closed the blinds an locked the door. "Go into the main room. Aeth, light a fire... " She said worriedly. Aeth agreed and gestured for the boy to follow. He lit the fire an watched as Lydia madly ran around, seeming not to know what to do. Even though she wAs mad, Aeth knew somthing was wrong. Her hallucinations didn't bother her this much, and even he could tell so thing sinister was brewing in wonderland.
Kaito followed Aeth, unsure of what exactly was going on. He felt an overwhelming sense of unease and watched Lydia run wildly around, shutting windows and pulling curtains. Kaito sat by the fire and waited, just waited for something bad to happen.
"I'm sorry... It's just.." The voices inside her head crowded around her, drawing closer in her weak attempts to push them back. Shadows outside crowded the house, and loud shrieks could be heard. She hoped it was just her imagination, but it wasn't.

Aeth looked at the boy, then the mad look in Lydia's eyes. Sighing, he turned to the boy. "Wonderland is collapsing... Somthing is horribly wrong." He sighed. The clock on the wall spun counterclockwise, out of control as it always did. No one could tell what Tim's it was, but if was late. "Lydia, I'm sorry.. I don't know what's happening to this place." He said, putting his face in his hands.
A soft humming sounded around the darkened forest as a girl with pink and purple ears and a tail skipped along the brick path. She seemed quite happy, and continued to skip.

"Why so happy, cheshire cat?" A few harmonized voices called out at the same time. The girl couldn't help but leap onto a tree branch, laying out and putting a hand on her hip as she flicked her tail back and forth.

"Well, why do you think?" She asked, her whole body turning invisible except for her tail and head. She tilted her head and widened the smile on her face, and continued humming.

"We think it's because all of wonderland has become completely mad." The harmonized voices said. Three fluffy little birds appeared under the tree Madeline was sitting on.

Madeline couldn't help but chuckle only a little bit.

"That makes sense doesn't it," She said, the rest of her body appearing again as she rolled over onto her back.

"We're all mad here."

( xD Sorry I had to use my signature in this paragraph lol. It was the perfect moment haha)
After hearing the cries from the monsters surrounding the house, Kaito reached into his pocket and pulled out his knife. "Fear, fear, go away," He sang, slowly standing and peering around the corner at Lydia. "Stop the toil, I'll make you pay," He continued, his voice soothing but not soothing enough. Outside the shadows began to scratch at the walls and growl and bark, crying just as they had been earlier. "Leave my friend alone this day, stop the toil, I'll make you pay." Unlike in the other world, his voice had little effect on the beings here. This baffled him, as he was used to calming crowds with his sweet words. "What?" He muttered under his breath once he finished his stupid little improvised song.
Cheshiress walked through the forest, a big grin on her childish face. "Cheshiress wonders, yes she does! Cheshiress wonders if she'll always be alone." She said in a sing song voice. She swished her tail as she walked, her ears twitching slight. Looking up into the sky, she saw a storm. "Oh dear. oh dear. Seems as though a storm is near."
(Now im going to incorperate the Alice: Madness Returns aspect. If you dont know what it is, its a video game, based on Alice in wonderland, but very very twisted and disturbing. Look up a synopsis if you like. Its not much different though.)

"No, no, no. no NO!!! GET AWAY!" She screamed, rushing into another room. The screeches filled her ears as shadowy, black monsters filled the house. They tore down everything, breaking stuff and tearing off wallpaper, causing chaos everywhere. Lydia oppened a preculiar shaped dresser and took out her axe. She pushed the others into the room and stepped out. Her green/yellow eye twitched rapidly as she swung the axe at the creatures, spilling shiny black liquid on the floor. They still kept coming, half ruining the house, half hurdling toward her with terrifying screams. "GET OUT OF HERE YOU WRETCHED THINGS!" She yelled, swinging her axe furiously, killing off more and more of them. Were all mad here.... echoed through her head. She felt herself getting dizzy and hallucionations kicked in. She kept fighting, though terrible images clouded her vision.

Aeth stood up quickly, and turned himself completely invisible. "Hey Kid! Can you fight?" He yelled over the demented screams of the things flooding the room. "Youve got knives! But we dont want you hurt.." He said, digging through his pockets for his gold chains. They didnt do much, but he swung them at the creatures, knocking them back, scrathing their faces. This was horrible. Wonderland wasn't an escape. It was a nightmare.

Kinda like this little guy? Isnt he just sweet? Lol)
Cheshiress perked her head up, her ears flattening against her head, her tail fluffing out. Screeches echoed in her ears even though they were flat as a mat. She thought they sounded familiar. "Cheshiress senses danger, yes she does." She growled and ran off in the direction the screeches were coming from.
Multiple screams of terror flooded into her pink and purple ears, making her smile widen as the three tiny birds fluffed up in fear.

"It looks like the madness has began. Run, Cheshire run! As fast as you can!" The three birds exclaimed all together, before scurrying off into the bushes and vanishing. But Madeline didn't feel like running.

"Maybe another day." She said with a grin, turning invisible, except for her tail, which swung from side to side.

Almost in a second, the cheshire appeared out in front of the house, leaping in one of the windows and grabbing both her black daggers in her back pocket. Turning completely invisible, except for her widened grin, she flung the two daggers, each one hitting two creatures. They both fell dead. Repeating the cycle, she did this over and over again, her laughter echoing out as the creatures tried to find where the daggers were coming from.
(Anyone ever played the game btw?)

Lydia quickly looked up at the Cheshire. 'My windows...' She thought. As for the task at hand, she hacked at the until the last of them was gone, no more screeching. Black blood stained her clothing and the floor, and her beautiful wallpaper. Running to the walls, she slammed herself into one and "Hugged" it. She ran her fingers down the torn wallpaper, stained with black blots. It looked like a demented rainbow had melted inside her home. "My beautiful home!" She cried, a tear running down her cheek as she slumped to the ground.

Aeth watched the battle over and over, then turned to the Cheshire that had entered. All he did was grunt and turn his head. He rushed over to a devistated Lydia and ran a hand down her back. "Shy Lydia, it's alright Shh.." He said comfortingly, then turned and glanced angrily at the boy and Cheshire, and shook his head.

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