The Madness {Alice in Wonderland/Alice: Madness Returns RP

(I've heard of it lol)

Madeline turned completely visible, hanging upside down from the chandelier. Her widened grin turned into a frown as she tilted her head at Lydia and Aeth. The hattress seemed upset over her home, but isn't it able to be fixed?

"From the sound of the screams, I thought someone was in need of assistance." Madeline flicked her striped tail back and forth, studying both Lydia's and Aeth's expressions.

"I guess I was wrong." A wide grin spread across her face as she turned completely invisible, and began leaving the home. You could tell where she was because pink and purple paw-prints appeared where she stepped.
(I played it, sorry I didn't respond earlier)

Kaito wiped black blood off of his face. He had been in too much shock to do anything but stare, and had almost been attacked several times, saved by Lydia's axe.
(Me too. I'm stuck on the demented doll part. I'm so close to done but I can't bring myself to finish it its so scary.)
Instead of leaving the home, Madeline leaned against the window and watched Lydia and Aeth. Her bright purple gaze soon turned to Kaito, who seemed to be shocked at what had just happened. The Cheshire could only grin in response and purr softly.

"Wonderland is not the same as it used to be.." Her voice echoed around the clearing, as she was still invisible. Than she showed herself.

"What a tragedy." She said, perking her ears and swishing her tail around.

(I don't know what else to say xD )
Lydia got up and looked at Aeth. "Don't be mad at them Aeth.." She sighed and started sweeping up the glass and other wreckage with her bare hands. She had a few cuts, but she didn't care. "What's going on here? Why has wonderland turned so evil?" She said. She acted very mature for her age. Sighing, she disposed of the stuff and washed the cuts out. "So what will we do then? And who are you anyways?" She said, obviously asking about the girl, but not looking at her.
"My name is Madeline," And with that, she did a graceful bow and lifted the small hat that was on her head with her tail. She found the hat on the floor, and assumed it belonged to one of them. Returning to her normal stance, she vanished for a quick second and than appeared on top of the chandelier again, staring down at them. Her tail still had the hat in it's grasp as she swished it back and forth.

"Maybe this is the Red Queen's doing." The Cheshire replied, floating around in midair and circling the chandelier.

Deciding to help clean the house, she floated down to the floor and picked up every broken plate and cups she saw.
Kaito nodded, remembering how tyrannical the Queen had seemed the first time he had arrived. "I'm so sorry I didn't fight," Kaito's eyes widened as he spoke, seeing how ruined Lydia's home was and how angry Aeth's eyes seemed when he looked at him. He felt his own begin to well and he dropped to his knees. Everything was stained black. Those creatures had come from his nightmares. And now they were very real. He dropped to his knees and buried his face in his hands. "I'm sorry!" He shouted, tears dripping down his cheeks and through his fingers. "What happened to this place?!" He cried. He was devastated. He loved Wonderland. What was going on?

(Sorry, he's kind of a baby...)
The Cheshire turned around at the sound of Kaito's sobbing, and floated towards him slowly.

"There, there." She said soothingly, wiping a few tears away. She may be a tease, but she can be a sweetheart at times. She flashed Kaito a sweet smile before helping him up to his feet.

"Maybe I can head to the Red Queen's castle and see what's going on. It may be dangerous, but I'm pretty sure I can handle it." She turned back towards Lydia and Aeth, a grin on her face again.

"I am a Cheshire after all."

She placed the broken plates and cups onto the counter, placing her feet on the ground and leaning against the stained wall.
"Don't cry, it's all alright now." She said to the voices in her head. She turned, hearing Kaito and hugged him gently. " None of this was you.." She said In a hushed voice. Aeth handed her her favorite tea glass full of tea, he was invisible though. Smiling, Lydia handed him her last cup of tea. "For you." She smiled, handing the cup to him kindly, then she turned to Madeline. "This can't be the queen.. It's too evil.." She sighed. Her green eye grew larger as the insane hallucinations filled her mind.
Madeline shrugged and continued to flick her tail back and forth.

"Well, I could search around Wonderland to see what's going on. Maybe even find the White Rabbit on the way." She couldn't help but smirk to herself as she remembered the rabbit. How fun it was to tease him. She turned back to them and sighed to herself as well. She knew if she left now, it would be dangerous. She didn't know what was out there after all.
He was still shaking as the other comforted him. The tears ceased to fall as he was reminded it wasn't his fault. He had just... been in shock. That was all. His nightmares were coming to life. Who wouldn't be in shock? He took the cup of tea and smiled at Lydia, thanking her quietly and sipping the tea from the cup, one of the few that weren't broken. He recalled one of the doctors saying that Wonderland was just a figment of his imagination... So if it was his imagination, and his nightmares, becoming real, would the evil that was occurring be his fault? "What if it's me? I'm an Alice, doesn't that mean none of you exist? I just need to wake up..." He muttered to himself, squeezing his eyes shut and willing himself to snap back to "reality." Only his "reality" never really felt real to him. It was all just one big lie. Wonderland was his reality.
"This is real... To everyone. It's not a dream... Just trust us." She said. "You all go get some rest. In the morning I will take what's left and try to brew some tea, sound nice?" She smiled. "I'm like you. I know how you feel. I sometimes hear the voices in my head, telling me its my imagination, but I just trust myself. We are all going to be ok." She smiled. "Now off to bed." She said, pointing to the many doors that lead to bedrooms.

Aeth sighed, visible again and looked at the Cheshire girl. "I am Aeth." He smiled, bowing."Thank you Lydia... I'll be off to bed then, you should stay to Madeline." He winked at her and casually walked into his room. He sat in the bed, thinking if what would happen to wonderland, and played with his bushy pink tail.
The Cheshire grinned at Aeth and she nodded slowly.

"Perhaps I shall stay." She said, giving Lydia a thankful look. Madeline definitely did not want to stay out in the forest tonight. It was far to dangerous. She floated to her room, going straight through the door and laying onto her bed. It took a couple minutes for her fall asleep. But maybe she should of stayed away instead.

Her mind was clouded with nightmares of creatures and demons she hasn't seen in wonderland before. In her sleep, she shivered violently as the creatures in her nightmare destroyed everything in there path.

But than she realized, this wasn't a dream.. This was real.
After a long slumber, the Cheshire finally awoke from her sleep and stretched. She sat up straight in her bed and sighed to herself, leaping to the door and walking quietly out into the kitchen. She looked around, noticing no one was up yet.

"Well, looks like I'm the first one awake." She purred and decided to get herself a cup of tea.

She sat in a chair, wrapping her tail around her legs and sipping the warm tea slowly. She shivered from the warmth and grinned to herself. A loud pounding made her snap out of her comfort zone, and turn towards the door. The pounding sounded again, and several rough coughing noises echoed behind the door. She slipped one of her black daggers out of her back pocket and walked cautiously towards the door. Whoever it was, was definitely not human..
Suddenly Cheshiress felt the desire to head towards the place where the screeching noises had come from. Twisting and turning through the trees, she came upon a house. She sensed several people, two of which were Cheshires like herself. Another seemed to be a hatter just by looking through the window from afar. She curled her tail in utter delight, humming happily to herself. Her ears perked up as she heard coughing and the knocking on a door. Disappearing, she slipped over to the house.

(She also wears this hat but without the face of the Cheshire Cat. View attachment 7838 )

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