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Code by Serobliss
Greeting Adventurer.
Let's introduce you to the basics, shall we? It'll be important for your future endeavors.
  • 「 INTRO 」

    You wake to the sound of a ship. Groaning and rattling as the hull braves the waves as it travels. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you spot a crew gathered around an old man. You shuffle closer, curiosity flaring up. The old man catches your gaze and grins. "Up for a story, are ya?" he chortles, and a sea of nods flood back. "Then let this old spinner tell you a tale about the city, Eldervale."

    A wee voice cuts through the tension. "Jon, that's where we're going, ain't it?" The crown cracks up, and there's Alyss, cheeks all kinds of red, burying herself into her brother's cloak. "That's the one, Alyss," The old man chuckled, "Eldervale's where we're all bound.

    A curious call from the back. "Ever set foot there, Arne?" The chatter hushed as the old spinner nods, a knowing look to his eyes. "Aye, that I have," he whispered, gaze drifting to some far-off memory. "It was a wonderous place."

    “The city breathes, it thinks, and if you listen closely, you can hear its whispers.”

    The ship creaked, as if in agreement, and the lanterns swayed gently, casting dancing shadows upon the eager faces gathered around. “But,” Arne’s voice dropped to a mere murmur as he spoke, “Eldervale had its secrets, its shadows. For every wonder, a curse; for every light, a darkness that clung to the soul.”

    Alyss, no longer red with embarrassment but pale with fear, piped up, “What kind of secrets, Arne?” Her voice barely rose above the sound of the waves outside.

    Arne leaned in. “Eldervale, my dear, is as old as the sea itself, and just as fickle. The city’s secrets are many, but the most profound is the Heart of Eldervale,” he said, his voice hushed.

    “The Heart is said to be the source of the city’s life, its magic, its prosperity. But it’s guarded by the Silent Sentinels, statues so ancient, no one remembers who carved them. They say the Sentinels come to life to protect the Heart from those unworthy of its power.”

    The crew leaned in, hanging on every word. “And the shadows?” a sailor asked, his voice barely a whisper.

    Arne’s gaze swept over the crew, and he nodded solemnly. “The shadows… they’re the lost souls, trapped between worlds, unable to find rest. They say if you’re caught by the shadows, you become one of them. Doomed to stay there for eternity.”

    A shiver ran through the crowd, and even the ship seemed to groan in response. Alyss clutched her brother’s arm, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and fascination.

    “But now,” he said, glancing at the moon that hung like a silver coin in the sky, “the night is old, and so am I. It’s time for this spinner to rest his voice.”

    A mix of complaints and awestruck glances rung out as he passed, but no one moved to stop him. Those who complained merely wished to hear more of the wonderous city while those who stayed silent were struck with awe at the story spun.

    You watched him go, the echoes of his stories lingering in your mind. The lanterns dimmed, and one by one, the crew dispersed. You stay, however, looking at the place where the story had just been spun. Time passes. And as the candles died and the shadows grew long, sleep finally claimed you. Your last thoughts being: "What is the city of Everdale really..." and "what awaits you there?


    Long ago, the land of Perditerra bustled with much people and civilization. Though the island was divided into five parts, many finding home in the 4 biomes that split up the island (The desert, forest, tundra, and mountain), everyone was connected to the island's center: the City of Everdale. It was a place to behold, with 4 giant statues facing to their respective biome, guarding the floating city. The city was a marvel in both worlds: scientific and magic. Magic cores were as common as coal and inventions of ingenuity were rampant.

    However that same land now stands as a testament to the ravages of the event known as: the Corruption. The City of Eldervale, with its four colossal statues, now watches over a land in turmoil. The statues, once symbols of peace and unity, now appear to mourn the devastation of their lands.

    In the desert, runes surfaced, acting as gateways to allow the spirits to reclaim the world of the living. A deep seated grudge in their hearts, an army of bones has nestled itself throughout the arid province.

    The tundra, transformed into an icy graveyard, is now a place of grievance. The howling winds carry the laments of fallen heroes, and the melting ice uncovers inventions of a forgotten era. Metal monsters hiding in the depths of the snow.

    The forest grew clouded with a mysterious darkness, shrouded figures lay in it's midst. Those who enter the treacherous terrain do not return.

    The mountains bleed fire and ash, as if the very heart of the island has been wounded. The eruptions are not natural phenomena but are caused by a giant creature stirring within, its awakening linked to the Corruption spreading across the land.
    And at the center, the City of Eldervale, now trapped by the Corruption’s Bloom, a giant flower that not only keeps hostage of the city but has spread it's roots throughout the island.

    The inhabitants’ fate remains a mystery, but scattered throughout the land are cryptic messages and clues left behind, suggesting that some may have foreseen the coming doom and sought refuge in the hidden sanctuaries, places protected from the Corruption’s reach.

    As the land awaits a savior, the Corruption grows, its influence seeping into the surrounding seas, threatening to spread beyond Perditerra and into the world beyond. You few heroes, who have decided to take this quest, must keep wary. Not just of the mysteries of corruption, but those who have taken to themselves to accept the inevitability...and join hands with it.


    You are an hero. Whether you have been on the island for months now or had just gotten off the boat, you have taken it upon yourself to save the inhabitants and stop evil...or to obtain the hefty sum of 1,000 gold. Who knows?

    Regardless, whether you be a mercenary, adventurer, hill billy, or an empire's knight; you all start off at the same spot: base camp. A village set up in the waters just out of reach of the island, it is free of corruption and home to any who come to challenge the corruption. It provides lodging, a place to gather into groups for conquest, and most importantly: a bar (The Maiden's Mead).

    MOST IMPORTANTLY, the island is not meant to be challenged by a single soul. At the Maiden's Mead, seek companions (at least a band of three) to aid your journey. (Or a certain author might be quite displeased with u >:c ).
Found mostly in the desert, desert spirits are skeletons that have risen with a deep seated grudge. Though most of them are wandering soldiers, it is not a rare sight to see skeletons that vary from this picture. Commanders. Mages. Other species. And the rarest, a lich.
Found mostly in the forest, wisps are shadowy figures. Their capabilities are unknown. Rumors of possession, mental attacks, and hallucinations have leaked from the dark forests.
Found mostly in the tundra, these magical metal creatures can come in any shape. From a severed hand to a whole on minotaur, the possibilities are endless. They may seem klunky and unwieldy, yet under that metal armor lays pure power and magical ability.
Figures sculpted out of molten rock in the mountains, these figures tower over any other Minore creature. They can wield either stone or fire. They are slow yet carry enormous force.
These are the inhabitants who were exposed to the Corruption. Reduced to mere flesh seeking monsters, they care not of their bodies and will take any attack to get towards you. They are found near settlements throughout the island.
They are the 'Boss monsters' of the island. Intelligent, powerful, and deadly. Though most boss monsters are the ELITE form of the monsters above, it is not rare to see an outlier and see a completely new type of monster.
I'll probably wait to see what other people bring to the table first, then work on my character.
Sorry to be slow on this PLI PLI but is there a standard form for our CS to take or can we just do whatever as long as we get the major details down?
The main is open now! The RP will start out at 'Base Camp.' The image set up in the main is simply a visualizer to jog your imagination, so you can conform to it or add some stuff to the smoll island. (Like inserting a small merchantry that your character visits to buy some things).
The main is open now! The RP will start out at 'Base Camp.' The image set up in the main is simply a visualizer to jog your imagination, so you can conform to it or add some stuff to the smoll island. (Like inserting a small merchantry that your character visits to buy some things).
eyo boss lookin like that the wrong forum. Should post opener in group

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