~The Lords of the Magistone~

Awesome character and great level of detail! Thanks for taking interest in an RP 102 pages in, and like Wiz said it shows that you've read the RP, which is great! You are accepted, though for the sake of logistics I feel the need to make you change two little details:

-Her village could not have been in the north as such because the north is the barren snowlands that are very mysterious and uninhabited. It would most likely have been south or west.

-Magic isn't inherited or anything like that; people are able to choose what magical art they wish to learn, so perhaps you could say instead that like her mother she inherited an interest for water magic :)

I'd appreciate if you edited the form just to clarify that, but you are already accepted, feel free to introduce yourself!
((Thanks I made your adjustments like you asked going to see about how to introduce myself, so to be clear though you are near the mountains near the desert correct? is that north or north east?))
Actually wait, my geography failed me, west, they're in the west :') The other details still stand.
lol about time you signed up girl! ^_^

((p.s. this is one of the others at my work so judge her HARSHLY! lol)) :tongue:
One of Wiz's buds, hey? Hopefully you're not as terrible as he is... ;)

I jest, I jest of course, just thought I would get you back @TheWizard for your harshness to your colleague ;) Anyhow, welcome aboard! Before I can accept your character, I need you to edit a couple of things:

  • First off, not a massive fan of the fact that they share the same character sheet. It makes it easier for background and stuff, sure, but means you've ended up writing them more as a unity and as a result not as much detail as I prefer has gone into the personality section, as when you seperate it for the both of them, you actually only really get left with one definitive trait for each of them in the two sections. So yeah, please just elaborate and flesh out that bit a little further.
  • I don't really get how their father died? I mean, it sounds like he was consumed by shadows or something (hense the asking them to finish him off or get killed themselves). Because the Shadow King doesn't have some kind of grip over the entirity of dark magic itself, rather he's a ridiculously powerful user of Dark Magic. So that wouldn't really happen, and even if it did with the pair of them also being dark mages they'd have been equally affected. So yeah, change that bit to make it make sense. There are a number of different alternative things you could make happen to keep the outcome the same, such as having them set upon by Shadow Warriors or shadow dogs and then having him sacrifice himself for them, only for them to come back later and find him in overwhelming pain and putting him out of his misery. The choice is yours :) Other than that, the backstory is pretty awesome!
  • My main issue is in regards to their dark magic. I stated, and you did acknowledge it, that in order to gain power as dark magicians people have to embrace their dark sides, their most manevolent traits. But to be at the level they have reached and still be relatively unaffected (even in spite of their fathers training) just would not happen, and sadly I see no easy fix. So either they gain some fairly twisted character traits (although you could do something really interesting where you hide them underneath their normal personalities and slowly reveal them), or you'll have to rethink your character's magic usage. Additionally, dark magic cannot be used to buff, and neither do I see how it would work with tethering to a spear, so sadly Gideon's usage of it needs an overhaul.
  • Unless I'm doing a big noob mistake and thinking a great ancient weapon is a type of high-healed shoe, 'Harper uses two stilettos' is a little silly and needs reworking :P

Otherwise tis alright!
@SkyGinge A stilletto is a thin, slender knife or dagger. The term was used with women's shoes as the long, thin heel resembled the knife in question.
lol no worries I think she didn't understand your idea's for magic so she spent most of my day at work bothering me about it lol

She'll be editing the sheet sometime and making alterations dunno of what but we'll see.
Yeah sorry I totally misunderstood the magic system I was thinking of Dark magic like you would from Everquest so bah silly me.

As for the twins and the single post I'll see about editing and maybe scrapping them all together.

Wizard was able to tell me some things about the magic and some of the past members you had used it.

So with that I may just switch around and form a solid single character for now with a more stable history, personality and traits.

Oh but I am keeping the stillettos :cool: no worries outside of gaming and history nuts most people think shoes first anyhow :wink: but hey as long as you like them I'll keep them for sure!

User: MsPoppernickle

Name: Harper Fansworth

Age: 25

Appearance: Harper is five foot six with dark tan skin and ebony hair. Her hair is wrapped tightly into a single tail that rises from the back then flows downwards to below her buttocks. This is actually her pride and joy as she tends and combs it almost religiously. Her eyes are amber brown colored with a hint of golden hue. She wears green harem pants (think poncho like pants) made of basic cloth, her top is black tightly wrapped around her chest but exposing her stomach. Above this she is wearing a purplish pink vest gifted to her from a merchant in the city. For jewelry she has two golden earrings one on each ear, a golden necklace band, and a single arm band made of gold designed by her father.

Personality Strengths: Harper is overly energetic to the point of being hyper. She is clever facing the life she had as a game more then it should be. Always positive and straight forward she finds humor to be a great shield for her hidden emotions. As such she can be trusting to a point and eager to please if it benefits her.

Personality Weaknesses: Her over excitement and humor is used as a shield to keep her personal history and turmoil hidden. She suffers from greed and strong curiosity which can get her into trouble easilly. Due to her extensive hyper emotions when you do push her buttons it can cause her to errupt in anger or hot headiness.

Background: Harper was and has always been part of a traveling merchant guild. Her father was a jeweler while her mother sold flowers to the locals they passed. For most her life it was pleasant with little for a child to do but enjoy the open world and all its glory. As she got older she found a knack to entertain potential customers with her dancing. Soon it became a professional career and no matter what village or town they stopped people would gather to watch her performance.

At the age of sixteen her parents caravan had stopped at the great city kingdom of Valia. There she was awaken to the wonders of riches that the nobles flaunted. Amazing carriages, large castle estates, sights, sounds, and smells flooded the girl and she wanted it all. When her father was preparing the caravan to leave she spoke out seeking to stay. When told that they could not she searched for any excuse when looking to her mother's flower shop an idea had popped into her head.

She stated a desire to learn magic and not just any but of nature. She boasted on the goods it would do for the flower shop and the wonders she could perform with her dance. Soon the little girl's silver tongue won over her parents and though it pained them to leave her they enrolled her into the academy. For most of her years she spent frolicking the school grounds and markets always eager to find her fortune. She dated and entranced many student males out of their coin purses and though at first it was a trick she even eventually learned the art of nature. She found the skill pleasing and beautiful like herself.

At the age of twenty five she had graduated from the academy and awarded high marks in her studies. Though whether these marks where earned or not remained the secret of her and her alone. With a small fortune in hand and feeling homesick Harper decided to travel in search of her parents. The journey was long and for a traveling caravan finding them seemed near impossible. It took nearly half a year before finally she had caught up with her parents who had traveled east to a fisherman's village.

The first few days was celebration of their daughters return, with tall tales and rumors of the city their nights where spent with much laughter and joy. Her father so proud of his daughter removed a small box from under his bed. When she opened the wooden chest she was amazed to find a gold arm locket designed like vines and flowers. Her eyes watered as she hugged both of them tightly.

Months past and soon Harper was eager to return to the great city. When she finally convinced her parents the caravan had made it way to the great pillars of the city. It was peaceful and for the most part profitable event...though it was not to last. Soon the breaking of screams and the smell of burning timber rose from the city. Harper was awoken by her father who immediately covered her mouth. Holding her mother and her in hand he tugged them to the horses. Sleep in her eyes she attempted to figure what was going on when before long a black arrow fell through her father's chest. A blood curling scream escaped her as her father cut the harness on the horses to the carriage. The mother slapped both forcing them into a fast gallop as Harper weeped and fought to save her father. Her mother holding her tightly close as they rushed to the bridges.

The visage of shadow figures and the clambering of iron echoed through the streets. Reaching the bridge the two had found a small group of blacken armored soldiers standing guard. As the started to charge her mother smiles at her daughter "Live..." as she kissed her upon the forehead. Using a simple wooden stick from the ground she charged at the soldiers attempting to use the horses speed against them. Harper's voice was rasp as she tried to scream for her not to go but soon her mother's sight was lost as her and the soldiers fell from the side of the bridge into the moat below. Calling out to the dark waters there was no answer back. Harper's eyes where no longer able to cry and her voice was no longer able to break more then a whisper. When the sound of metal feet echoed ever closer to her she pulled and mustered all she had left to climb back unto the horse and ride away.

Exhausted and tired Harper fell to slumber as the horse continued to gallop into the forest. When she awoken she found herself deep in the forest of the west near the great mountains. The horse was silent and looked to her with gray eyes. Hugging the horse tightly the mare simply took one last deep breath before falling to an eternal sleep. Now alone in an unknown forest Harper is unsure of what has become of her life or what lays before her. With no direction or thought she now suffers a deep guilt for surviving the harsh reality that had transpired.

Weapon: Two Dark Iron Stilettos -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stiletto

Magic: Nature

Battle strengths/weaknesses: Harper is able to wield nature at a semi-advanced level. She can commune with animals who are willing and call forth vines or manipulate the small trees. Larger vegetation and animals though are strictly beyond her and require to much focus to accomplish any worth while use. Due to her years as a dancer she is very agile allowing her to be quick and light footed. However, she is not physically strong leaving her direct attacks weak. Like her life her fighting style aims for high risk and high rewards whether that happens though all depends on her quick thinking...and luck.

Other: Harper carries an ivory comb to brush her hair and finds it her most treasured item due to her past. (emotional trigger should you mess with it!)

User Timezone: Eastern Time Zone

((Sorry it took awhile wanted to really balance her out before I posted again.))
@MsPoppernickle Would it be too much to ask for a bit more detail? Like height/weight? I'm not sure quite how tall Harper is and how much effort Desiree and Skyre need to input to carry her. ;)

Thanks. Or, as the Brits would say, Cheers. (right?)
Ah sorry I didn't get a post up last night. I got caught up doing mod stuff and forgot. I'll reply with moving the group along soon.
Sorry I thought I posted her height in the character sheet:

Height: 5'6''

Weight: mmm lets say 115

as for what she looks like well:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/Harper.png.3014acae912707f9ae474b47d1bb3be2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30081" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/Harper.png.3014acae912707f9ae474b47d1bb3be2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Harper.png
    314.9 KB · Views: 7
MsPoppernickle said:
Sorry I thought I posted her height in the character sheet:
Height: 5'6''

Weight: mmm lets say 115

as for what she looks like well:

View attachment 78427
Thanks for the update. I kinda guessed the avatar was your character based on the description you gave. ;)

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