~The Lords of the Magistone~

Special Enemy Character Form:

Name: Marek

Age: Early Thirties

Appearance: A tall, muscular man of about 6'06'', with short cut red-brown hair that extends around his face to a short beard. Marek has narrow dark eyes, a long nose and even longer mouth, a mouth that is almost permanently twisted into an angry frown. Indeed, he almost always looks angry to the point of comedy, bushy eyebrows always upturned and forehead always creased. He is fairly muscular, and wears a similar dark, magical armour to that of the Shadow Warriors, with black leather underclothes and his precious black army boots.

Personality: Marek seems almost always angry; he has a habit of shouting everything, and is very easily angered and hot-tempered. This extends to shouting at inanimate objects and at absolutely nothing. He is completely loyal and devout to the Shadow King's orders, however he lacks his master's intelligence and awareness.

Battle strengths: Marek is unfightable in this objective.

Battle weaknesses: As above.

Magic: Unknown.

Background: Unknown.
Username: PicaPirate

Name: Warren Davis

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Build: high strength conditioned build from years and years of fighting and training

With innumerable scars across the body that show all the blows he has taken in his time and show his age. The second picture is only to demonstrate scarring.

He averts any sort of physical mid life crisis by continued training and fighting of various forms.

Appearance: Average white skin, short cropped very dark red hair at about 3-4 cm. Heigh of 6 ft 2. Face is like the first picture, however the wrinkles on forehead are to a lesser extent. The face and build gives him an intimidating look, though the build tends to be partially hidden by his loose clothes, which would only to a larger extent give away the broad shoulders.

He is heavily scarred from all the fighting he has done and training with using rocks or when the rocks have fallen away from a hit, cutting him minorly.

Wears simple clothes, usually a simple brown tunic and some sturdy trousers and rugged boots. Tends to wear a cloak to shield from the outside wind. Will usually when fighting though remove his cloak. the tunic has been repaired and stitched a lot (due to his fighting), though he has a spare one in a similar condition. When fighting he wears light leather armour at most.

Does not usually fully cover himself in rock, but will do so if necessary. The picture is just a good example of how the rock covering would look.

Magic/fighting strength (Earth magic): Ok here comes the interesting part. He uses a strength based brawler moveset, so a freeform fighting style that involves using his fighting experience to simply break the opponents with sheer force. As a fist fighter he does not carry any weapons fighting, using his rock to strengthen the blow of his attacks. He reinforces his already hulkish strength using rocks to boost the hardness of his attack and defence. He does not usually fully cover himself with rocks as it reduces mobility, so he may (for example) cover his forearms and fists in it to reinforce his punches or defend with it.

To use the rocks, he hand signs for a certain part of his body and rocks will from the ground cling to him magnetically. Not a comfortable experience, but more so than punching a wall barehanded.

Magic/fighting weakness:

The drawback to stop this being OP is that any part of him which is rock covered is difficult to move properly (like tensing parts of body in real life). So if he say covered his left leg in rocks to take a hit from the side there, he would not be able to simultaneously move with that to avoid something else, or at least it would be very difficult. Equally so, a rock-covered fist would be hard as but he could not open his hand while so. It also does not cut damage to nil, only reduced, as he would still absorb some of the shock. The rocks will also with enough force fall away/break and crumble away, which will require him to get new ones to cover him. So if he punched a very hard wall, the rocks covering his fist would shatter and crumble away with the punch.

He has no form of ranged combat either, so he simply dodges and moves towards opponents, as his strength and light load (from leather armour and no weapons) gives him good dash speed. Or he just simply attempts to tank hits with his brutish strength with possibly the help of rock armour.

Personality: A generally silent type, he trains in his free time when not drinking at a bar in the outside world. He is very confident in his ability (for better or worse) through his training and experience, almost looking like a rugged war veteran. He will happily fight anyone who attempts to challenge his fighting abilities, as he seeks someone who can best him in hand to hand combat. Not a fan of weapons, as he generally tanks them or slaps them out of the way, though that is most likely due to not meeting any high competent swordsmen in his time. He is not one to make friends, but would spill blood for someone he saw worth protecting through a deep bond. He will help those in need who seem to be helpless, but he is cynical and judges for himself whether someone/thing is worth saving.

When he isn't doing gruelling personal training or fighting, he is usually at a bar sitting alone drinking, though he deals well with alcohol. Often leads him to winning arm wrestling competitions and fighting in bar brawls.

Background: He started as the son of a stone miner, which he worked hard in doing. Through all that is how he initially got muscle through carrying rocks/stones and using a pickaxe. He befriended Rusar from the neighbouring village during that time.

However at late teenagehood his village was attacked by bandits, who destroyed the village. His parents died while he was out mining and Warren just about managed to kill the bandits who raided his house with the pickaxe.

He since then vowed to become strong enough to survive these incidents and stop monsters from doing similar situations. Ever since he has trained take down his foes, human and monster alike with his own two fists, training whenever possible to strengthen and master his body in core strength and fighting. At the age of 16 he met a overconfident fighting mage in a bar fight who he managed to knock out while the mage was in a drunken frenzy. As a form of repayment, the mage taught him how to use rocks to further strengthen him along with free form fighting, doing for 8 years this gruelling training. Eventually the mage left him, saying that it was all in his hands now to further strengthen himself. He since then has continued fighting, always trying to find new challenges.

Other: Only trusts Rusar with his life,being an old 'friend' from the village. He often teases her for a relationship like he used to when younger, which often led to her throwing inanimate objects at him.

Timezone: GMT (United Kingdom)
Last edited by a moderator:
Enemy Charcter Form:

Name: Pashan

Age: Very hard to tell; could be anywhere from late twenties to forties.

Appearance: Pashan is a small, messy man of around five feet. He wears ridiculously thick spectacles that hide any view of his piggishly small eyes, and a pair of wide, quivering lips. His hair is cut very short, and he has a poorly shaven stubbly beard of a more lighter colour. His clothes, black robes like those warn by Marek, are far too big for him, loosely fitting and often messily creased. His walking style almost makes him look like a drunkard; he stumbles or scurries around making small grunts.

Personality: Comically jovial; Pashan is light-hearted and doesn't seem to take any situation seriously, treating others in a patronisingly simplistic way. He is in his own world a lot of the time, and acts very peculiarly because of it. He actually respects good morals and is surprisingly polite, and is very weak when it comes to him not getting his way. A truly bizarre character.

Battle strengths: Pashan is unfightable in this objective.

Battle weaknesses: As above.

Magic: Unknown.

Background: Unknown.
User: Itasko

Name: Itasko Envious

Age: 2400 (sorry. Been RPing with this char for almost ten years and he's kind of grown old in that time)

Appearance: Itasko is a very plain, yet unusual in his appearance. He wears no clothes or armor, aside from a pair of cloth pants because nobody wants to write about shlong. He stands at seven foot, which makes him just tall enough to wield his scythe. His body is very muscular, but in a defined package. He's not bulky at all. His hair is long, curly, messy, and green. It hangs around his shoulders, though when he's in a clear state of mind he often puts it in a pony tail. His eyes are also green, but a much lighter shade. His body is very pale because he is technically the undead.

Personality Strengths: Envy is his biggest strength. It pushes him to reach the strength and speed of those he meets. As an undead, he feels no real pain and doesn't rely on organs.

Personality Weaknesses: His strengths are also his weaknesses in a sense. Envy often controls him entirely. When it's not envy controlling him, it's his hunger for flesh. In order to keep his physical body moving without a soul he must consume flesh. The longer he goes without eating, then the more his mind starts to slip into oblivion. When he gets a little crazy, well, he gets a little crazy.

Background: Rescued from cruel wizards by elves as a child. He knew the urge to kill his entire life, but it wasn't until he himself was killed that he truly realized his powers. After 2000 years of torture in Limbo, he escaped and took the reaper's scythe with him. Needless to say, so many years of torture has had an impact on his mental state at times.

Weapon: A large scythe that was built by the giants for the reaper. It is too heavy for a human to carry, but after 2000 years, Itasko was able to push his physical strength to levels beyond that of a human, allowing him to wield the scythe with ease. Unfortunately, his scythe does not like him.

Magic: Itasko has no magic, hates magic, and all things that use magic.

Battle strengths/weaknesses: unmatched physical strength and speed are his best attributes. As is thousands of years in battle, which has taught him to always move for the kill...always. He has several weaknesses, such as a weakness to magic, the openings left in his poise when striking with the large scythe, and those that learn his personality often find ways to manipulate him. Plus, when he's getting a little crazy he can get sidetracked in mid-battle, as well as find himself fighting multiple hallucinations amongst a group of real enemies.

Other: His mental state and memory seem to come and go, but it really all depends on when he last ate.

User Timezone: EST.

(hope he's okay. Might sound a little GM'ish, but he isn't.)
@Itasko Envious I think you need to reread the entire thing again as you've gone off on a complete whim that has nothing to do with the RP. At no point did I say anything about elves, limbo, making your characters ridiculously old beyond making sense, in fact I said specifically against stuff like that at the character form section. Please try again.
Oh. I thought we could bring our own OC's into the mix. He's from his own planet with all of that junk, he just travels between worlds searching for someone, thus allowing him a chance to enter other people's worlds and RPs.

No worries though. Didn't mean to do that. Just forget my entry. I'll pass. Thanks and sorry bout that.
My second character:

User: SkyGinge

Name: Cyril Kaius Abraliak

Age: 18

Appearance: At 6'04, Cyril is a lanky beanpole, especially given his age - he is skinny, pale and frail, the result of spending his life cooped up in a castle. He has small, glaring ice-blue eyes and short, snow white hair, his face long and gaunt and his nose and mouth long, making him altogether not too attractive. He wears ice blue robes patterned with the royal crest and capped strong boots, with white leather under-armour. The robes provide him with huge magical resistance. Finally, he wears a long blue scarf that he likes to play with, often fiddling around with it during conversation and thinking time.

Personality Strengths: Sadly for him, his positive traits are not too bounteous. He is extremely intelligent and worldly, as a result of being a huge bookworm. Surprisingly, he is very independent and strong willed, mentally capable of coping with most situations and able to adapt to any major changes. When dedicated to something, he will stop at nothing to achieve him. If you somehow manage to gain his trust, he is whole-heartedly loyal and dedicated to you, and will respect and follow your lead.

Personality Weaknesses: Cyril's main flaw is that he suffers from an extreme superiority complex; he is incredibly arrogant and puts himself above any goal and others. This is completely the opposite of his father King Lyram, and occurred due to the accidental spoiling and over-protection that Lyram gave his son. He is reckless and headstrong, often not caring about the consequences of his actions as long as he gets what he wants, and if you annoy him, he will make constant snide remarks to show his disliking of you. Narrow-minded, stubborn and prone to overreacting, he will often defy others simply for the sake of proving his independence. Picky, entirely self unaware and a natural pessimist, Cyril joins us as quite the unlikeable character; perhaps journey can mellow him?

Background: Cyril was born into a life of luxury and wealth as the king's sole heir. Whilst Lyram was undoubtedly a good king, he cared about his son perhaps too much, and couldn't resist Cyril's cries for more, essentially spoiling him. However, due to this, Lyram was far too over-protective, and kept Cyril cooped up in the castle for his entire life, bar minor royal excursions. Despite his growing arrogance, Cyril never challenged his father and his orders and thus lived a restricted life, learning the art of light magic from a young age like his father to become a master in his youth. On the evening of the apocalypse, the royal butler, Gregor, was ordered to keep the prince safe, run and hide, in case of an opportunity where he would be able to take back the thrown.

Weapon: Cyril used to own a light staff, a metal stick with a glass orb on top that provides extra magic energy, however, this was left behind in his escape. Therefore he had no fighting weapons, choosing rather to use his magic either selfishly, or passively.

Magic: Cyril is a master of healing, buffs and all kinds of light magic, including some rather unique usages of the art, and a lot of adept tricks that he likes to remain hidden.

Battle abilities: Cyril is largely not a fighter, though he can attack through balls of light magic energy. He hates the mess of battle and instead prefers to try and flee whenever fighting ensues. He is very physically weak and frail, though is good at hiding a low stamina and any magic-induced weakness as he does not want to appear weak.

Other: Cyril is a masterful cook, having snuck out of his room to spy on the kitchen cooks for several years. He cares for a collection of magic and history books perhaps even more than for himself.
User: TheWizard

Name: Aurora Will O' the Wisp

Age: None though by appearance she looks to be in her thirties.

Appearance: While only visual in light of dreams or when Ethan is unconscious she appears tall about six foot one. Her main features are her pale skin and snow like hair with a constant glow or corporeal feel about her. Her attire is ever changing but is most commonly seen in a light blue gown that drapes to one side and a laced cape that flows from either end clasped with a collar and jewel. Her eyes are a bright glowing blue eyes and imitate Ethan's when exceeding his magic.

Personality Strengths: Unlike Ethan his subconscious creation Aurora is very strong willed and overly protective of what is precious to Ethan. Being his subconscious Aurora does not hide what Ethan keeps pent up and as such can be assertive or direct. Mother like she mainly focuses in preserving Ethan's balance and sanity and kind heart.

Personality Weaknesses: Being the holder of all of Ethan's hidden desires and rage Aurora is very emotional and her direct assertiveness can be found to be very rude. Her constant balance of Ethan's stability has directly caused her in to being and as such is not self aware in the sense of a living being but that of survival and protection. She values no communication but that of Ethan's and seeks only to reach a point where she is no longer needed.

Background: Aurora does not know when she came to be but knows she has always been a part of Ethan. She only gained awareness after a point in which Ethan had over exerted himself and was traumatized. Her first known memory was during a point in which an old man was training Ethan on the use of the mystics. When her first vision of the world beyond was seen. The old man though did not seem pleased but spiteful of her claiming she was doing harm to Ethan and to leave. Looking below she saw the young boy with eyes glowing blue on the ground. She could not touch him nor could she sense any feeling only sight and sound. The old man demanded she release herself from this form but Aurora knew not what he spoke but fearing for Ethan's life she felt the need to run to leave this world. Shortly after her vision faded to darkness.

It seemed darkness was all she knew no sound or feeling, nothing like the moment she had embraced before. It wasn't until a small light broke in this darkness that she found the loneliness subsided. She grasped the light and found she could see and hear once more. Though this light was small it gave her the ability to see the world and what joy she saw to see Ethan beside her alive and smiling. She attempted to speak but her voice could not reach him, screaming loud and hard it left nothing to his reaction. It took many more years before she discovered why and who she was.

During his lessons and training she had discovered she was but a part of Ethan, an attachment made out of his struggles, her form that like his mother's to watch over him. Slowly and surely Ethan had been watched over by her like a young brother she came to take in all his pain. She had learned to adapt to his dreams and though it was minor it was the closest she could be with him.

It was not till the loss of his village and the struggles he has endured that Aurora could no longer keep to being an observer. Ethan was easy to hide his emotions and concerns but being a part of him it was easy for her to know how much pain he was suffering from this journey. With each rest she struggled to reach out to him, attempting to warn him of what she had saw. Slowly she found the ability to summon his wisp always keeping watch of him as he sleeps. It was not till the night Pashan had raided their camp that she knew it would take more then being a guide.

With his struggle to gain strength and his constant exertion of his abilities she has found their connection growing. Now with her latest dream state with Ethan she knew it wouldn't be long before she could once again emerge and stand as his pillar. To guard them both for they are one both in mind and in heart.

Weapon: Unable to carry anything as she is but magic incarnate but mimics the use of a simple staff.

Magic: Being Ethan's subconscious she has found to be more engrossed with the Mystic magic then Ethan. Through the use of the wisp she has been able to observe silently reacting to his emotions but never able to communicate directly with those beyond his dreams. Only when Ethan is unconscious or asleep can she manipulate his magic to give her form. This however drains Ethan severely and as such for corporeal form is rare and must be used only in the most dire of situations.

Battle strengths/weaknesses: Unlike Ethan his subconscious Aurora is pure magic in the sense of magic. Using his natural attuned mystic magic she is able to summon herself as Will O' the Wisp. As such she can blast mass amounts of wisp like explosions or force, but while she can summon the wisps freely she is tied directly to Ethan and as such drains him. In most cases she will stay within the forms of a wisp but should a moment require she will take on her full corporeal form releasing a purge of mystic magic. This state can be life threatening to Ethan and as such only a short time can be used during this form and due to her emotional release she may be needed to force back into Ethan.

Other: She is very honest and direct as she is Ethan's subconscious and unable to hide his inner emotions or thoughts from her. As such even what would seem embarrassing to others will seem straightforward and direct from her.

User Timezone: CST - US Central Time Zone

((As discussed with Sky this is a plot development I'll be working into Ethan over time and course of the journey so for now enjoy ^_^ .))
User: Nalzrad

Name: Tekis

Age: 30


Personality Strengths: Tekis works best alone, other people trying to "help" him will just slow him down. If captured (unlikely) by foes who will try to torture Tekis for information, he will never crack, as his mental strength is far beyond that of a normal man's. No matter what, he will not crack, he has no friends, family to be used in order to make him crack. He is a lone wolf. This is why his motto is: "Beware a man with nothing to lose". Tekis is a self-reliant observer who sees more than others, and knows more than he lets on. His words often have gravitas but are balanced by a sometimes wry approach to life that offsets its darker edge (and Tekis' own.). Tekis has a few rules he applies to himself; don't trust anyone, work alone.

Personality Weaknesses: Cold hearted and serious, ignorant and times. Always tackling missions alone, even if a solo effort is impossible for the mission.

Background: Tekis does not know his biological parents. Supposedly killed by bandits; he became an orphan at the age of 3, raised by a cruel couple who treated Tekis worse than any one could imagine. For 12 years Tekis had to endure their cruelty, at age 15, he decided enough was enough. He broke free from the basement door; unlocked the husband's weapon rack and murdered the couple. After his revenge was satisfied, he went to join the Assassins Guild. Being young, he had to prove to the guild master that he was worthy of becoming a brother of the assassins. He passed with flying colours; jumping higher and higher within the ranks, until becoming one of the legendary dark assassins. Only 2 other people claim this title.

Weapon: *Seen in appearance photo* The weapon he uses is a broadsword he found in an underground mine, it's magical properties are: Leeching (Within contact of the blade, life is drained, powering the wielder), Fury (Turns red, increasing the sharpness of the blade)

Magic: Shunpo: Fast walking. aka "Lightning step" A form of high speed movement utilized. (compressed spiritual energy)

Focus: When using Focus, Tekis sees the environment much more clearer, and much more, such as: Hand prints appear to reveal the paths. Ability to quickly pickpocket multiple items from an unsuspecting person, Ability to visualize the inner workings of lock mechanisms. Increases the speed at which locks are picked. Greatly increases the range for visually detecting noises. Ability to knock-out an opponent with a single blow (depending on their mental and physical health). Greatly increases the speed of your actions during combat and lock picking by slowing the world around you even more. Ability to stay concealed while using focus. Ability to move more silently while using focus. This all may seep OP, however focus has a very short duration, maximum of 20 seconds

Battle strengths/weaknesses: Over using the Focus ability will drain Tekis' stamina rapidly, needs to use with caution. Genius mastermind in the field of stealth and take downs. Can escape any tight situation, no matter how overwhelmed Tekis might be. His ability of speech can persuade the smartest of people, this is handy if Tekis wishes to enter a restricted area without a sweat etc. Insomniac, dreams about his cruel childhood always appear whenever he sleeps, causing him to develop insomnia. Insomnia may slow down Tekis' performance, but is enhance with training and Focus.

Other: Tekis' motto is: "Beware a man with nothing to lose"

User Timezone: I live in Britain too, so the same Timezone ;)
@Nalzrad There are a fair few problems with your form although the detail is good. Firstly, I stated on the first post of this character sheet that I wanted a written description of appearance rather than a picture, although this isn't too much of an issue. The main issue is the magic section, which shows a complete and utter lack of any understanding of this RP's magic system, which is highlighted clearly in the overview. Please read that section and afterwards you will have to edit both the weapon and magic sections. In addition, the lack of mention to the fall of the kingdom in your backstory is worrying to me, and I highly suggest you at least edit in a small reaction from him to the events that effectively define this RP. Finally, under Lyram, no such 'Dark Assassin's Guild' would have stood: these were times of extreme peace. In fact, I'd also personally like some kid of induction as to where he stands, what his goals ECT. are now, seeing as he seems to be quite the anti-hero.
Right now, he works as a bounty hunter, taking any bounty no matter the person, it's the gold he cares about. As for magic I apologies me being retarded xD Tekis will have Dark magic, as I think the description fits the bill with what I want Tekis to have. His goal is to just gain more gold, become the best assassin there ever was. He is not good nor bad, working for the employer with the biggest sum of gold on offer. 
And as for the no assassins guild, I guess he can just be a lonesome bounty hunter 
Tekis will work with a group if NEEDED. However his desire to be alone is a weakness, and will develop over time within the RP. Well, at least that is what I hope...
Yeah but the point is, everybody is dead :P Who's going to give bounties and stuff? And gold to buy what when all the shops are long wrecked? And also what Kharmin said. No offence, but you're really not convincing me that you know what this RP is truly about.

On another note, apologies for these constant slow and double posts: I'm trying to work off of Internet that is not even 3G, so it's a pretty frustrating thing :(
By bounty, I literally mean, Destroy any target... And, is it possible to merge my character within the RP? Ant tweaks that are needed I will do, what ever is necessary to join the RP. Your RP seems very deep and amazing, which is what I have been searching for the past 5 days :P
Maybe a silly question, but have you actually read through the RP thus far? It might help give you some ideas.

User: ModernRanger

Name: Annon Slater

Age: 23

Appearance: Annon stands at about 5'9, with short dark hair. He has piercing bright green eyes that almost seem unnatural. He wears the typical Ranger uniform consisting of dark pants and tunic, with his mottled green, black and tan cloak that assists him in his blending into the countryside.

Personality Strengths: He is a serious and focused person, dedicated to the missions he undertakes. He has a caring and loving side but it is buried beneath his serious nature.

Personality Weaknesses: He can be quite grim and quiet at times, he does not exactly draw people to him and he does not have friends..

Background: Annon was born to Arthur and Selena Slater. His father, an accomplished knight within the King's court. From a very young age Annon's father trained him in the art of Swordsmanship. His father raised him with the intention of Annon becoming a knight like himself. However, fate had other plans for Annon. One day, at the age of fourteen, Annon was walking in the woods when he noticed a Ranger by the name of Macallister walking through the woods. On an impulse, Annon followed him. Annon followed him for several hours. It was when they arrived at the Ranger's log cabin, nestled at the edge of the woods that Macallister said, "Well, you might as well come and have lunch since you have followed me for all this time." Annon had been shocked to have found out that Macallister had known he was following him the entire time. Annon had spent the day badgering Macallister with questions about Rangers. Eventually frustrated that Macallister would not answer any of his questions about Ranger life, Annon finally asked what he had to do to get Macallister to answer his questions. Macallister had responded with, "I guess you'll just have to become a Ranger."

After that Annon and Macallister had spoken with Annon's father, although it was with much reluctance on Arthur's part, he eventually agreed and Annon's path down the life of a Ranger formally began.

Annon's apprenticeship was tough and intense, Macallister was difficult to please and very strict on training. However, under his guidance, Annon quickly became one of the best Rangers in the Corps. He developed the typical Ranger skills including tracking, map reading, unseen movement, silent movement, archery, knife throwing and hand to hand combatives. Because Annon had already gone through the years of sword training, Macallister allowed him to continue training for about an hour each day so that he could retain his skill with his sword. During the course of his training, Annon befriended a wild hawk he found in the wilderness. Upon taming the bird he decided to name the bird Allister, after his mentor. An action that Macallister gave him a bit of grief about.

After many missions together, in which MacAllister and Annon proved to be one of the most effective teams, the five years of Annon's apprenticeship passed by. After the final assesment, Annon proved to be a more then capable Ranger and was awarded the silver oakleaf that marked him as a full fledged Ranger. Unfortunately, there were no open fiefs for Annon to be assigned for but the Corps did not want his skills to go to waste and so the Ranger Commandant came up with a different plan. Instead of assigning Annon to a specific fief, he decided to turn him into a Ranger of domestic and foreign affairs. Should there be a problem in the kingdom that extra help was needed then Annon would be sent. If there was a foreign problem that needed dealing with then again Annon would be sent. This effective solved the problem and so Annon became the first Ranger assigned to this new position.

Weapon: Longbow, Sword, Saxe Knife, and throwing knife.

Magic: He does not have any magical abilities although the depth of his skills at silent and unseen movement as will as his skill with a bow led people to believe he dabbled in black magic.

Battle strengths/weaknesses: His accuracy with a bow and with throwing knives are exceptional. However, at close quarters he fights well be he is not unstoppable. He is much better at a distance then he is when someone gets within close quarters of him.

Other: He comes from a distant land where Rangers are well known.

User Timezone: (U.S) Eastern Standard Time.

Ranger quote~ "A normal archer practices until he gets it right, A Ranger practices until he never gets it wrong."
Yes you do, I was highly inspired by the series because I love it so I based my character off of it. In the character site I made I gave all rights and credit to the him and to the publisher. 
If that is the case then I will move on. No harm in trying. 
Alright, thank you for telling me
Just as a little pointer, you can make OOC comments like Kharmin did by pressing the OoC button next to the delete button. ;)

Anyhow, I actually don't mind the concept at all really - I had somebody in my last running of this who played a savage character with no magic, and whilst he did seem to make her strip off at most opportunites (because she's a savage presumably, though this guy is my friend and was effectively a mentor for writing and critiquing texts so I don't want to ridicule him too much), he played her very well, and having an all offensive character worked fine. My only concern would be the characters originality, but I haven't seen this series and so I can't really judge that. So yeah, Kharmin, how much of a hint of John Flanagan is this guy?

Anyhow, in terms of the actual form, most things are fine, though I would have liked a little more adaption to the world in your background. In fact, it makes very little reference to the great fall of the kingdom that effectively spurned the events of the RP, so I'd like a little bit added in at the end in relation to this. I would make sure you do understand the world, as there would not be 'foreign affairs' because Valia lives in isolation. Other than that, I'd like a little more detail in the personality section, as it effectively just paints him with the trait of seriousness. As a rounded character, I'm sure he has many of traits that you can detail here.
User: DireSloth

Name: Gaelwynn

Age: Late twenties (date of birth unknown)

Appearance: Gaelwynn is tall, willowy, and fish-belly pale. She has long, unkempt black hair and green eyes with a weird yellowish tinge. She wears a black houppelande with very wide sleeves whose ragged edges may be decorative dagging or just wear. She has various daggers and occult implements dangling from her wide belt/stomach wrapping, and wears a tattered gray chaperone (essentially a hooded poncho) on top of everything.

Personality Strengths: Gaelwynn is laid back and forgiving, never holding grudges. She has a highly practical nature and a detached determination that leaves her almost impossible to frighten or deter.

Personality Weaknesses: She has a sadistic, mocking side to her, and tends to not understand that other people may not be as inured to despair and fear. Additionally, she has mannerisms that are, for lack of a better word, creepy.

Background: Born a common peasant in Valia's southern regions, she was raised by her grandmother after the accidental deaths of her parents. Unbeknownst to most of the village, her grandmother was actually a disgraced former sorceress tangentially in league with the Dark Druids. She named the baby Gaelwynn after a warlord from the country's distant past, and taught her dark, forgotten rites shunned by the University of Magic. The child proved obstinate (and, perhaps, too talented), and soon her grandmother decided that instead of making Gaelwynn her successor, she would continue her own legacy by using a dark ritual provided by her fellow druids to swap bodies with her granddaughter. The night the ritual was preformed, however, something went wrong, leaving the old woman dead and Gaelwynn with only a small loss of sanity. After this, Gaelwynn retreated deep into the wilderness, becoming known as a weird but mostly harmless hermit, as she continued to study the darker corners of the world. It was some time before she even noticed the destruction of the kingdom, but when she did, she crept out of her lair, deciding it was her duty to somehow salvage the situation.

Weapon: Claw-spanned crossbow, looted from a dead knight. She also carries a collection of hunting knives and daggers.

Magic: Gaelwynn is a savant at Dark magic, and has been trained solely in that for most of her life. Her own laid-back, practical nature stops her from being truly corrupted by her art, and she has found ways to use it not even theorized by other mages. Most notably, she has a technique to generate small blades out of dark matter, which she uses in conjunction with her crossbow to literally shoot dark magic at her enemies. Another technique is her shadow teleportation ability, allowing her to jump between nearby areas provided they are shrouded in shadow.

Battle strengths/weaknesses: Her crossbow is simple but powerful, capable of punching through plate armor at close range (most of the time). She can only manage a shot every fifteen seconds or so, though, and she's not a terrific shot. Even without the crossbow, though, she's surprisingly strong and hardy due to her days as a hermit, and what skilled warriors can do with technique and masterful weapons she can often do with a dagger and sheer viciousness.

Other: She carries a censer stolen from a ruined church dangling from her belt, in which she keeps several burning coals lit, as well as an iron claw used to reload her crossbow. She also tends to collect animal bones, strange herbs, and human teeth, which may have something to do with her magic but is probably just a hobby.

User timezone: CST (UTC -6), though I work nights and am thus normally available between 4pm and 11pm.
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Sorry for the really late reply, I'm on holiday and as such am spending a lot less time on this site than usual at the moment. I did see this though and intended to give you my verdict, but apparently I forgot, so I do apologise. There are a number of things that require editting in your character, but by and large she is fine; here you go:

  • The aforementioned dark magic ritual that would allow a body swap would not be viable. Thinking about it now I considered it was not unreasonable, but for reasons you may or may not see later on, the nature of dark magic would not allow that to happen. I'd love to explain things further, but I risk bordering on spoiler territory through that, and I like to be all enigmatic and awkward and stuff, so sadly that's a no can do. In theory though her grandmother could have attempted such a spell and, as it's impossible, it could have started to go wrong and caused all the effects it caused. Anyhow, that'll need to be changed.
  • I am told that an arquebus is a kind of medievally rifle thing, which would not be allowed. However, I am open to a variety of more primitivey projectile weapons, so if you can think of one then feel free to add it in with the edit.
  • I think I did mention (but if not then forgive me) that runes and stuff aren't part of this magic system. Seeing as she is so proficient in dark magic though she could still carve dark magic projectiles for her weapon instead. Also, I'm a little unsure over the shadow teleportation stuff, but I will let that one pass provided it is only very short distances.

And now some other stuff that is less crucial but still needs editting.

  • I'd have preferred the appearence and personality sections not in note form, and thus I am going to ask you to edit them into proper prose and also add in a tad more detail, detail that I reckon will come naturally with this change.
  • More of a personal preference, I'm not really a fan of her name, and it would be an absolute nightmare to try and spell correctly each time xD So maybe take out the double d's? Sorry xD
Thanks for the reply! Don't worry about being late, I know how it is.

-I get it. That actually leads to a possible plot point - her grandmother's druid friends knew the ritual would kill her, but told her it would work anyways, for mysterious reasons. Something to think about. I will edit it.

-Arquebus were introduced to Europe around 1450, making them about as medieval as plate armor, so I figured they would fit in the world. I could change it to a generic magic staff or something, but I've been wanting to make a character who uses one for a while - never really understood the bias people have against guns in fantasy works. They're really cool!

-Sorry, the world page said that spells are cast with incantations and gestures, which sounds like standard hermetic magic to me, so I assumed carved runes could also be a facet. What do you mean by "carved dark magic projectiles"?

-I'd be happy to expand the appearance and personality, I've thought of some more things since then anyways.

-I chose the name mainly because I thought it sounded funny, yeah. It is an actual Welsh name from an Arthurian legend, though. How about "Gaelwynn" instead?
I saw the Arquebus and thought someone knows their history though overall it wasn't as you stated till 1450 and didn't expand in trades till the late 15th century due to travel and costs of manufacturing them, most where limited to royal guards and range artillery next to hand cannons. Overall they where the earliest rifles but this particular story we are set in if I had to compare it to real time it would be closer to 12th-13th century if your looking for a date of type of weapon you'll want.

In fact with that in mind it reminds me of possibly a Arbalests or Javelin could work as well if your seeking a unique style that hasn't been used yet. As for the "Dark Magic Projectiles" I am not sure to this so PM Sky for more detail but I think its the sense that you imbue magic into an projectile (like shooting an arrow that is now with fire or ice).

In the end though I am a crazy history nut so seeing someone say Arquebus was cool ^_^
Wiz's suggestions all sound good to me, and by the projectiles I meant something along the lines of actually making ammunition purely out of dark magic, though again Wiz's suggestion works too. :') That name works better too, and I could tell its origins; Welsh is quite the bizarre language, and many of their places are similarly strangely named
An improvement definitely, but still needs a little more. The personality sections still don't quite have the amount of detail I'd like: check out some of the previous forms to see the necessary level. Also, you haven't updated the backstory bit to mention that the ritual would be impossible but she tried anyway. Other than that, everything else is fine.

User: MrMouse

Name: Pythe Ashworth

Age: 25​

Appearance: Pythe is five foot eight with dark brown hair that flows down to her mid back. Her eyes are emerald with a deep dark tone like that of an oaken leaf. Her skin is tanned lightly almost cream caramel in appearance due to her constant venture in the sun. Pythe is found commonly wearing a sea blue vest that cuts across her chest diagonally with black pants and matching boots/gloves. She wears upon her right shoulder a metal guard made by her father before the culling. She is often found wearing a patch upon her left eye not due to injury but of sight lost in birth.

Personality Strengths: Pythe is strong headed yet constantly seeking adventure. She is famous for her warm smile and gentle voice making it easy for her to befriend anyone she crosses. Never backing away from a fight she stands tall and proud of the world around her always pushing forward without leaving a trace of weakness.

Personality Weaknesses: Pythe hides her insecurity well with her fascade of bravery yet inside she is constantly tormented. From the young age of being blind in one eye to the great loss of her family and country it has taken it toll on the would be warrior woman. The constant fear of her truth being revealed and her fascade crumbling is a constant torture leading to nightmares and never opening beyond that of friendships.

Background: Pythe grew up in a remote part of the kingdom of Valia. Her father was a blacksmith and her mother passed away upon her birth. The village was a mining town and thrived from the gifts the earth released to them. The finest weapons and sturdy armors where always of great demand from the capital. The town stood strong against the constant threat of the shadow. Her father raised her the best he could which unfortunately has left her to be less effeminate then most would like. Learning the ways of the hammer and stone she was never without the soot of ash upon her cheeks. Still her father deemed her life not common and wanted more for her sending her off to the capital in hopes to become a true lady.

Years passed and though she kept to her classes she found sneaking off to the mills and anvil a break from the world around her. She loved the sound of a heavy hammer falling upon iron or the heat of the still hissing as they suffered from the smothering of coals. There was at least some benefit of the academy, it had lead her to discover an interest in a talent her former mother once had learned. She recalled tales from her father how she could manipulate the waters and how she favored the sea and lakes over the world of the mines. It would seem dear mother's studies had passed to Pythe as she found the skill enchanting.

At the age of twenty-five Pythe had achieved a honorable level with her talent finding it almost natural to wield. Her teachers and professors always blessed her for a bright future offering positions in the city with her natural skill. Still she seeked only to return to the home she knew and the world she best felt comfortable with. Bowing to the professors and friends she had made Pythe had packed her things and ventured back south to the village. Sadly though this was the last lovely night she would ever come to enjoy for hours later she saw the city of Valia in fire. The Shadow King's army spread and conquered the capital in mere moments.

Her heart raced as she rushed to the village hoping that her father and friends had been spared. Knowing the many great weapons and strong armed villagers she knew they would survive...she prayed they would. Her breath rasping and her lungs stinging from the exhaustion she found not the warm glow of the mills or the sound of hammers...just utter silence and darkness. The village was but smoke and ash with bodies littering the ground in a crimson glow. Pythe did not cry or scream, her feet rang heavy upon the dirt path as she slowly reached her father's home. The door was poorly blocked with furniture and broken glass as it creaked quietly open. Pythe's heart nearly broke before a cough lifted her spirit. Rushing to its source her father was pinned under broken lumber and stone. His breath was heavy and distorted as his eyes went dim. He smiled lightly to his daughter as he motioned her over. "Be strong my little one...." as his hand combed her hair, her tears finally falling upon her cheek "...you must...*cough* go..." as he pointed to the closet "...take it with you...head for the desert...they won't chase you there..." as he coughed up blood and hid his pain "...you look so much like your mother dear little Pythe...live and grow for the both of us..." as his last breath fell and his eyes faded gray.

Pythe's scream echoed in the ghostly mining town. Her tears flowed like wild rivers as she held his head upon her chest. Rising up she went to the closet where she had found what her father had passed on to her. She held back her tears as her hand grasped the leather handle. Its weight was heavy and its form was strong. Upon its two sides was the symbol of water and earth. A reminder always to the one's who brought her into this world. With one swell swoop the weight of the weapon slammed the grown breaking the stone floor. "I'll do as you say Father, but I will avenge you and our people...I will not die till I see the Shadow King crushed beneath the weight of his sins." as she started a small fire that slowly spread across the village. Pulling a parchment from her bag she looked to the map of the desert, her eyes looking to the mountains and the future fate had in store for this woman.

Weapon: Steel War Hammer with Leather Wrapped Handle

Magic: Water - She is able to manipulate water into various forms from. Able to draw from the water of the world or those of gathered area she can form various size and variations though with lack of the source it becomes weakened. (Can't make a whirlpool if all I have is a skinbag of water!) Though with great focus and strength she has been able to draw water from the living forms but this is not only forbidden but very risky to the host body attempting it. When studied in the academy this was done using plants drawing out their water but when discussed about the natural water in living creatures it was forcefully warned and prohibited.

Battle strengths/weaknesses: Pythe's manipulation of water is equal to a graduate of academy. However like with all water mages she is limited to the area and source to use said magic. As such the effect, density, and power of the conjuring is greatly affected by the environment. As such she relies on her natural strength and hammer using the force and weight as both a improving force and retracting defense. Though she is strong she is not agile relying on her since of judgment and skill of water as her only defense.

: She doesn't like to be stared at as she was constantly made fun of by others for her patched eye. She can't cook but loves to drink and sing.

User Timezone: Central Standard Time - USA
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ooh a war hammer I forgot about those I always think of maces but that reminds me of paladin like weapons

still I like it and I can tell you read the RP since you have her going to the desert so least your heading in the right direction lol

wish you luck and happy Rping!

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