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Multiple Settings The Loop | 80s Scifi Mystery | OPEN; See Latest Post


Interested fo'sho!! Looking to drop an appie for Jock or Party Animal if you are still accepting apps?
Hi! We're still accepting apps! Just a warning though that those are currently the two roles that are most popular ✌️✌️
Hi everyone! I'm likely going to close up some roles tonight based on if they're going to get more applications or not. So, if a role doesn't seem to have anyone interested in sending in an application, I'll say who I'm accepting for it. I apologize for the lack of feedback on most sheets from me; they're all looking good, I just haven't had much time to sit down.

Anyway, if you're planning to send in an application, if you could let me know what role you're looking at + an estimation of when you think you'll be done with the sheet, I'd appreciate it!
Quick update on the role situation: me saying who's accepted should happen soon! Computer geek is being held off til later just to let one last person get their thing done since they asked, but once I'm not busy I'll be deciding: party animal, jock, motorhead. So sometime this afternoon for those 3, then snob and computer geek hopefully at latest tomorrow evening. Sorry for the wait everyone
Hi everyone! We're opening back up briefly. Currently I'm going to be running 2 groups for this (due to the number of people we had interested) but the second group had a player that needed to drop, so! We're looking for someone to play any of these roles for that portion of the group:


So anyone interested please feel free to fill out a sheet and toss it over to me. Thanks!

( Kattzillaa Kattzillaa and Gish_Sky Gish_Sky SO sorry for not seeing your messages; RPN wasn't showing me notifs for this thread!)
...and if you drop off an app for group 2 your daddy neeeeeeeds to be a cop!!

😛 j/k pls make whacha like and join us!
Can I try being the troublemaker?
Feel free to send in a app to me, yea! That is one of the open roles for T2 (which is the second group for this)

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