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Fandom The Legend of Zelda × The Golden Wars

I'm just twiddling my thumbs until my turn. (No idea what to do with Syviis anyway xD )
Oh god, it is. I'm sorry guys, I totally thought we were still waiting for someone. If I haven't posted within three or four days of it being my turn, definitely feel free to remind me.

I'll go post now. @.@
Anomaly said:
Oh god, it is. I'm sorry guys, I totally thought we were still waiting for someone. If I haven't posted within three or four days of it being my turn, definitely feel free to remind me.
I'll go post now. @.@
Freaking well worth the wait tho. Fantastic post.
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Really? I wrote it half-asleep, so I didn't even push myself past a couple paragraphs, and some of the things I wrote then realized made no sense and edited out while nodding off, man... xD Well, thank you!
...Well being exhausted would explain why I totally didn't process that Rosa isn't hiding her sword from Link. Gggg. I'll edit my post, but it's too early for thisssssssss. xD
How ya doin', @simj22? It's been a little more than a week. I know you've been dealing with irl stuff lately, so if you need to drop, just say so. c:
KageYuuki said:
Oh hey, it's my turn now isn't it . . .hmm

Though it seems like everyone besides our two are interacting with others. Wanna have them interact? She might want to check on the further status of the investigation, and whether any other leads came about from it.
[QUOTE="Red Thunder]Yusss
Though it seems like everyone besides our two are interacting with others. Wanna have them interact? She might want to check on the further status of the investigation, and whether any other leads came about from it.

Yeah I could do that. Though she's totally going to appear out of nowhere xD
[QUOTE="Red Thunder]I've got Lily typed up. I'll get Meyus to respond and post tonight.

Sounds like a plan ^^

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