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Futuristic The League of Mutants

"So, I didn't catch your name." Kenna said, offering the other girl a smile as she chopped vegetables, "I'm Kenna... in case you didn't get mine." So, she was a bit nervous about meeting all these new people, but she would push through it. She added the carrots she had finished cutting into the big salad bowl.
"Oh right, I'm Skyler, And this is Talon, we are pleased to meet you." She Continued making the pasta step by step until the noodles were done then she placed the bowl on the counter and continued adding ingredients. "It isn't burned at all, thanks for giving me confidence though."

She hadn't minded he events occurring due to her past abilities to cook of course a fire was easier to cook with rather than a stove in her mind atleast.
Tony shook his head and watched them cook, before walking off to look about. He was mainly looking for things that they should avoid, like holes in the floor or places where it was weaker
She nodded then helped them make dinner as she flew down one of the holes for meat. She smiled getting a box then flew back up.
"Talon go keep him company." Skyler shoo-ed him away and continued the finishing preparations until the last details were finished. "pasta's done."
Shade slowly awoke from his long slumber, his eyes slowly opened and adjusted to the area, he sat up. Shade sniffed the air 'Food?' He thought, he sniffed again, 'Skyler? Talon' He looked where they were asleep, they were gone. He got up and picked up the Coat too. He looked around again, 'Where am I' He thought, then moments later he remembered "Oh" He muttered to himself, 'But where is Skyler' he thought. "Skyler? You there?" He asked, sniffing again, trying to catch her scent.
"I must be excused for a moment." Skyler sighed and dashed out silently, and searched before hopping down back to where shade was. "Shade? Down here?" She spun around and looked, i forgot i was supposed to help keep an eye out for us both.... she was't paying attention and entered a room the door fell trapping her with wood and debris. Trapped.
"I'm here! But the doors blocked and I don't see another way out!" Skyler managed to shout back a reply, meanwhile talon was following Tony And let out a bark before being spotted.



(ooc: last one until someone else replies so we dont leave them behind)
"Alright!" Skyler ran to the back of the room out of the way, and stood on a desk. I hate this place, but if the door doesn't open I will end up living here, She thought. Mean while Talon was wagging his tail at Tony before sitting and tilting his head.

@CrowHunter @WolfOfProphecys
Shade backed up a bit more before charging at the door, almost breaking it, he backed up one more time and charged again. The wood broke and the debris shifted, the door swung open and he stood there, catching his breath. "Are you.... Are you Okay?" He asked her

@Spirits N Souls
"Yeah, thanks.'' Skyler smiled and run up to him, "I seriously owe you one." She attempted a joke but hadn't found it funny, so she became silent.
"No need, you lent me this" He held out the Cloak, "Also you did tend to my wound" He smiled, "I'm glad you're okay"
"Well, it was thanks to your Cloak, the scent led me to you" He smiled, hiding the fact that he didn't even sniff the cloak
Talon scampered room to room looking for Skyler Who was still downstairs as he let out a whine and pouted.

(OOC: Good night! im sleeping now)
Aria began getting the meat ready, she dipped it in honey, placed different spices that blend together and placed it in the oven. Once it was cooking she smiled taking the pot onto the counter to place the spaghetti on large bowls.
Conner was slowly drawn out of his room by the smell of food. It was pasta, but what kind. To try and figure this out, he slowly works his way to the kitchen area, floor, whatever.

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