The Lawgivers

Keeping my fingers crossed then.

In case i don't make it into this one i'd really like to participate to the next (especially the Abyssals game) and thank you Bardlebee for giving us increased chances for them :D
Bardlebee said:
Tomorrow is the day of picks. Get your characters in, I will be making an Abyssal's game as well pretty soon. After I read the book thoroughly. Then an Infernals game. If you don't get into this game and apply for the others, you will get preferential treatment.
Ah, didn't realize the day was so close. Need to finish up the backstory asap.
Good luck to every one, and let's hope we play together from one side of the veil... or the other ! :twisted:
I think you guys will be quite surprised by what happens in all three games (Solar, Abyssal, and Infernal)

Is there any other game you guys would like that isn't Infernal? Or is Infernal something you would enjoy the most? All three games will be the same. Very long, and be a full circle with each caste.

EDIT: Also, after I choose people, it won't be based on picture, but I might have some of you rechoose, not that I think your picture isn't 'hip' enough, its just that I was going to create a mosaic in Photoshop and a lot of the art styles conflict.... I was hoping for more anime/epic type such like you find in the book. Again it won't decrease your chances of being picked, just when you are picked don't be to offended if I ask you to find another picture.

Also, I would love to help in finding that picture as well, so don't think I am making you do extra work because I want to make a pretty mosaic. :P

Also, kinda helps with the theme of the game for me I guess.

Thereal I like your picture, how long have you been drawing?
Abyssal game up. With that I will lengthen the OP in a little bit... to tired to make a long introduction.
Ya know what is so wrong. xD I might just make three characters. xD Assuming any one of them get in. One for the Solars (I kinda like my character for this one xD ), The abyssals (still actually thinking on this one), and Infernals (which I have no experience with aside from 6 characters that never got beyond their creation phase ^^). Dare I assume that all three will be exalting in game. I oddly like that idea. ^^

As for anything else. I've been wanting to resurrect my Changing Moon Lunar for a month now. xD
Myllinnia said:
Ya know what is so wrong. xD I might just make three characters. xD Assuming any one of them get in. One for the Solars (I kinda like my character for this one xD ), The abyssals (still actually thinking on this one), and Infernals (which I have no experience with aside from 6 characters that never got beyond their creation phase ^^). Dare I assume that all three will be exalting in game. I oddly like that idea. ^^
As for anything else. I've been wanting to resurrect my Changing Moon Lunar for a month now. xD
I know nothing of the Infernals short of their sick and twisted beliefs. The Abyssals can actually redeem themselves and become Solar again (at least in my world, I am not sure if its canon) and become tragic heroes if nothing else, destroying their Deathlord.

Infernals are just sick creatures, however again I have not read them, just going off what I semi-know. So, if we wanted to do Lunar instead, I could back that.
I'm honeslty up for any choice of Exalts. I like Abyssals a lot due to their tragic nature. And yeah, Infernals basically are sick creatures though they can tone it down to seem normal and play corrupting devils advocate.

Still, hoping this guy makes it but either way I'll be applying to Abyssals soon enough. Good luck to all.
OK, I wanted to get this up before I call it a night. The backstory is still under construction, but what I have written is there. If there are any questions, just ask.

Name: Kerlang Talis

Motivation: Become the Guild Factor of a major city


Strength â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—

Charisma â—â—â—

Manipulation â—â—â—

Appearance â—â—â—

Perception â—â—

Intelligence â—â—

Wits â—â—


Melee â—â—â— (+1 Dual Wielding)


Martial Arts



Integrity â—â—â—

Performance â—

Presence â—â—

Resistance â—


Craft â—â— (Wood)


Lore â—â—

Medicine â—


Athletics â—

Awareness â—â—




Bureaucracy â—â—â—

[F]Linguistics â—â—â— (Flametongue - Native, High Realm, Guild Cant, Riverspeak)

Ride â—â—

Sail â—â—â—

Socialize â—â—â—


Backing â—â—â— (The Guild)

Resource â—â—â—â—

Contacts â—â—â— (Keen-Eyed Falcon of the West, Guild Factor of Gem; Cathak Sijip, member of The Golden Triumvirate of Lap; Thrice Hidden Glory, Undermarket Lord)


Small residences in some towns along the trade routes, including Makerson (usually no more than a guaranteed room at an inn)

Large house in Chiaroscuro, main home

The Glass Spire, Nexus

Perfect Straight Sword

Perfect Swordbreaker (a refluffed Sai)

Perfect Reinforced Buff Jacket

Sand Ship (As a Small Coaster) - Dust's Wings

Coastal Trader - The Sea Nymph's Embrace


Compassion â—â—

Temperance â—â—

Conviction â—â—â—

Valor â—â—â—




Other Traits

Essence â—


Straight Sword - S 4/A 9 (3)/D 6L/Defense +3/Rate 2

Straight Sword - S 4/A 10 (3)/D 6L/Defense +3/Rate 2 - Dual Wielding

Swordbreaker - S 5/A 7 (1)/D 5L/Defense +4/Rate 3/Tags D

Swordbreaker - S 5/A 8 (1)/D 5L/Defense +4/Rate 3/Tags D - Dual Wielding

Join Battle 4


PDV - 5

PDV - 6 - Dual Wielding

DDV - 2

DMDV - 5

PMDV - 3


Armored - 11 B/7 L/6 A

Unarmored - 2 B/1 L/0 A


0B/ 0L/ 0A


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

-X [ ]

-D [ ][ ]

Bonus Points

3 - Linguistics 1, 2, 3

2 - Ride 2

3 - Resources 3, 4

6 - Socialize 1, 2, 3

3 - Temperance 2

3 - Contacts 1, 2, 3

1 - Specialties (Melee - +1 Dual Wielding)

XP 0/0

Born the son of a wile prostitute who successfully blackmailed a influential member of Chiaroscuro nobility, earning her enough money to leave the city for Nexus and secure a benefactor and position in the Guild. Once in Nexus she worked within the Guild, eventually opening her own small house of pleasure, The Glass Spire; that is where Talis grew up. At a young age Talis worked with acquaintances of his mother running errands and the like. As he got older he took on more important roles from errands to unloading caravans to selling goods at various Guild locations.

By the time he was 15 he had officially joined the Guild on his own and worked the caravan routes. He came to love the freedom of traveling and by 20 he was annually running a small caravan from Chiaroscuro to Nexus. At 21 his mother died, leaving The Glass Spire to him. Using this inheritance as collateral, Talis started a larger trade route, stopping at the three largest Southern cities: Gem, Chiaroscuro, and the Lap.

It was during this time that he met with Cathak Sijip.

Keen-Eyed Falcon of the West, Guild Factor of Gem: As the Guild Factor of the Guild in Gem Keen-Eyed Falcon is the highest authority of the Guild in Gem. As such Talis has worked to create as good of a working relationship as possible with him. This allows Talis better access to both Gem and the Guild at large.

Cathak Sijip, member of The Golden Triumvirate of Lap: During his frequent trips to and from Lap he has struck up quite a relationship with Cathak Sijip. Every trip he makes sure to met with her to deliver any goods she does not want the public know she's receiving. Talis plans to support her in her plan to overthrow the current government system, believing her rule would give The Guild, and mostly himself, more access to the city-state.

Thrice Hidden Glory, Undermarket Lord: Thrice Hidden Glory is an influential person within the Undermarket of Chiaroscuro. Talis does not know what kind of being Thrice Hidden Glory is but he always gives him first access to any goods he might be interested in. While this occasionally results in a smaller sale, Talis pays the difference himself feeling that the relationship is worth slight loss of profit.

I could see him in almost any caste, though probable excluding Twilight. He seems, to me, to best fit as an Eclipse.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_07/Juno_The_Merchant_2_by_mazjojo.jpg.6bdd9b52b33eff09959a05c7abbe3741.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23513" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_07/Juno_The_Merchant_2_by_mazjojo.jpg.6bdd9b52b33eff09959a05c7abbe3741.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Juno_The_Merchant_2_by_mazjojo.jpg
    142.4 KB · Views: 188
I had 11 people apply for this game. Hot damn. The picks were so close, you don't even realize. If you did not get picked, again you will get preferential treatment for application for Abyssals game (which is up by the way) and my Infernals/Lunar game.


Ebon_arbiter as Takeno

Tourmaline as Mahir

TherealBrickwall as Amethyst

Myillinnia as Amaterasu

cyl as Red

Uh... now I just have to figure out how to get this gravy train started.

EDIT: I just realized, Takeno is the only male character..... oh the hilarity of this mix. Well, technically male that is. Tourmaline, I am looking at you.
Thank you for the acceptance Bardlebee, i promise i'll try my best not to dissapoint any of you and help in the game as much as possible.

As for our circle's composition, well....the Unconquered Sun must love me quite a lot, or wants to test me quite a lot by having me co-exist and cooperate with all these women for the good of Creation :wink: Just kidding, no worries. Hoping to participate in a great story and gaming experience. :D

[P.S: I may apply for the Abyssals game as well if i can formulate a decent character concept and background, something to fit a Day caste probably, like a former scout or mortal commando of the Realm, betrayed by his allies and turning to a bounty hunter in the service of the Void. Of course it goes without saying that as stated already, the people who didn't get into this game should be prefered over me for the next ones, but i'll try nevertheless since i want to learn more things about these tragic, anti-hero exalted.]
Woo! I like Amethyst. She's probably the girliest character I've ever made (and she's still a tough ex-gladiator who bashes skulls in when the need comes...). I'm happy I get to play her.

Like I said, I'll be making a better picture, so if it's Amethyst's you don't like, keep in mind that I'll be re-making it anyway (though if it's a problem with the style, I can buckle down and find an image).

And if we're allowed to apply to the other games, I will, of course, be making applications to those. Just in case there's room after the others here are accounted for.
*looks at list*

Aw, nuts. :(

Oh, well... :roll:

Mmmph...Infernals do have the option of declaring a particular hero is their archenemy, deliberately leaving clues that allow the hero to find them, placing the hero in an elaborate deathtrap instead of just shooting him, making a "before I kill you, there's just one thing I want you to know" speech that reveals the all details of the Yozis' plots and then leaving the hero to his "certain" doom (unguarded, since heroes never escape from deathtraps, right?). And losing Limit for it.

Lunars would be cool, though. I must have drawn up a half-dozen Lunar characters for games that never got off the ground -- sure would be nice to actually play one for a change!
Arynne all hope is not lost, for this next line will be specific and some might want to duck out due to it.

If you got picked for The Lawgivers game, you cannot join the chosen of the void. Sorry :(

If that is a deal breaker, then I can find someone else to be the ones to bring creation back to justice.
Ah, well. I like my Solar, and I'm keeping her. No sense investing in a character I haven't even thought of yet.

Do let me know if that policy will be different for the third game you run, though :)
TherealBrickwall said:
Ah, well. I like my Solar, and I'm keeping her. No sense investing in a character I haven't even thought of yet.
Do let me know if that policy will be different for the third game you run, though :)
Won't be different.

Ok, guys I need you all to hammer out what caste you are going to be amongst yourself. I am a little weirded out about the cast of the story being mostly all women, but not enough to not run. lol

In other words usually I run a game with three men and two women or even less. It will be quite different to run this game. Handling RPing with this leads to hilarity I think, also it could lead to a lot of drama, which I am for. How do I make this game? I will have to read the guidelines on this.
My best pick are Night (silent and deadly hunter) / Twilight (connected to nature and the spirits)... but I could go for Dawn / Eclipse if people have a better approach of the first two castes.

I could make Red a guy if we are in such need of testosterone, I wanted to have this whole she-wolf protective aspect wired into the character.

Ah yes, one question: if anyone is interesting by learning sorcery, how are you going to handle the five quests ?!
A high female population doesn't actually make a big difference. No more than a high male population does, at least. There will be minimal, if any, fighting over boys, comparing of breasts, or talk of menstruation. Your fears of unusual behavior are rather baseless, don't worry.

Anyway, onto Caste. Since this is the only thing I can post for a couple days, I will try and get as much in here as I can, and leave it to all your consideration.

Amethyst is a pretty specialized character. While she has many of her bases covered, they are covered at a distinctly non-heroic level. In this case, that specialization is creation, repair, and analysis. She's geared to head for sorcery, creation of artifacts and manses, and understanding of things even the First Age Solars left half-finished. I geared her rather distinctly towards the Twilight Caste, because that's what I wanted.

From a purely mechanical standpoint.

Amethyst the person is methodical and rational, insightful and inquisitive, analytical and all sorts of similar things. But she is also possessed of an emotional spark besides a mental one. She is an artist, both in her craft and her way of life. The world is a canvas, one to which she is not afraid to take a brush, even for fear that she has not mastered the art. All might conspire to destroy her, to make the world a place of gray and black, and she would not hesitate to carry a blazing torch in defiance. She is ready and willing to change the world, and to do anything for that change. She has the temperament of a Twilight, but also that of a Zenith. It's inarguable to me, the one who knows her so well, that she could be either.

From a purely non-mechanical standpoint.

I honestly couldn't see her as a Night or Eclipse, and while she might have the attitude for it, she hasn't anything near the skill to be a Dawn. And if she is to be a Zenith because someone makes a better argument for Twilight, well...I'd humbly request the GM to let me adjust my stats a bit. She doesn't qualify for any Zenith Charms except Excellencies and maybe a couple of the low-level Resistance Charms. And that's just not good.

That's my standpoint. Please account for it when deciding the Castes. I'll go along with whatever you stick me in, but there is at least one person in the group more qualified than me for each of the non-Twilight Castes, if not more, so it'd be a detriment to you all if you ended up with a really bad [whatever you make her] and a good Twilight, instead of good members of both Castes.

Oh, as to the five quests response, well, since it's rather important I get Sorcery...

Amethyst is already doing her first quest. Her Journey is under way. She has been Tutored many times, including in mystical ways, but if she needed another teacher to start on Sorcery, she would actively pursue it. Maybe even ask you guys to help her look. Humility is definitely something she's learned from her slave days. She is masterless for the first time in her life, and has finally escaped the crushing humility of being unable to make the difference she wanted to. If she is forced to undergo the station anyway, she could easily be humbled by the works of Solars past, or even by some other contemporary craftsman. She may have been taught, but she has yet to meet another person even approaching her level of natural talent, and it would sure show her what's what if she was beaten at her specialty, whether by a dead or living person. As for Fear...that's something she still has to do. Ammy's own life has been threatened, and she has even lost a loved one, but she hasn't known the soul-rending fear of the Sorcery station. True hopelessness or true emptiness (I can't even imagine how horribly she'd be destroyed if she stared into the Void) would do the trick. And last, the first's the hardest part of making a sorcerer. But she has something, and it's even an last friend. When Amethyst learns sorcery, you can bet she won't be going to the Lap in 5 years time anymore. She will never speak again to the only living person who's saved her life, who's cared for her in any real way. And that's a Sacrifice. There. All 5 stations. If you'll excuse me, I have to go find ways to excuse myself for making some poor girl do all this for some piddly spells, even if she is fictional.

I think I'm done. I hope y'all get the party put together so that everyone's happy.

Oh, and Amethyst and Amaterasu will have fun fighting over who gets to be called "Ammy" :P
Tch, there's a simple way to fix this: one is Ame, the other Ama :mrgreen:

I think you're forgetting something though, you're not chosen for a specific caste because you have great potential for the caste as a "skilled mortal", but because you're meant to excel in this role. It's about your potential for greatness... but it sure helps if you've already started exploiting this potential coincidentally.

Being a Zenith doesn't stop you from being a sorcerer or a skilled crafter (all you need is to have Craft and Occult as faves)... and on the other hand, it will probably help you mobilize crowds and ressources to build stuff !
cyl said:
Tch, there's a simple way to fix this: one is Ame, the other Ama :mrgreen:
I think you're forgetting something though, you're not chosen for a specific caste because you have great potential for the caste as a "skilled mortal", but because you're meant to excel in this role. It's about your potential for greatness... but it sure helps if you've already started exploiting this potential coincidentally.

Being a Zenith doesn't stop you from being a sorcerer or a skilled crafter (all you need is to have Craft and Occult as faves)... and on the other hand, it will probably help you mobilize crowds and ressources to build stuff !
Although you are not chosen for a specific caste in my games usually, I don't want to be that guy who gives you dawn caste when you have no fighting ability. Yeah you can work it without it, but it creates frustration among players. It's bad enough I am forcing a one caste per person rule.

Also, I have a person that may or may not want to drop from Lawgivers and go to Chosen of The Void. In this case I will be choosing another. Are there people out there still interested in joining this game if that were to happen? Would you like to resubmit your application(Leave it here obviously)? Let me know in this forum here.
I am still interested. My char stuff is here in this forum. I'm fairly ambivalent about caste. I think I would see him as Dawn or Zenith before the others, and probably not the greatest Twilight candidate.

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