The Lawgivers

Bardlebee said:
cyl said:
Tch, there's a simple way to fix this: one is Ame, the other Ama :mrgreen:
I think you're forgetting something though, you're not chosen for a specific caste because you have great potential for the caste as a "skilled mortal", but because you're meant to excel in this role. It's about your potential for greatness... but it sure helps if you've already started exploiting this potential coincidentally.

Being a Zenith doesn't stop you from being a sorcerer or a skilled crafter (all you need is to have Craft and Occult as faves)... and on the other hand, it will probably help you mobilize crowds and ressources to build stuff !
Although you are not chosen for a specific caste in my games usually, I don't want to be that guy who gives you dawn caste when you have no fighting ability. Yeah you can work it without it, but it creates frustration among players. It's bad enough I am forcing a one caste per person rule.

Also, I have a person that may or may not want to drop from Lawgivers and go to Chosen of The Void. In this case I will be choosing another. Are there people out there still interested in joining this game if that were to happen? Would you like to resubmit your application(Leave it here obviously)? Let me know in this forum here.
I would like to resubmit if you end up looking for another person.
Woohoo! Thank you muchly, Bardlebee. And hey, Mahir thinks of himself as a guy.

As I said on my character sheet, I would prefer Mahir to be Zenith Caste. As a shaman (well, apprentice shaman) he already has the spiritual leader mindset, as well as the leadership skills to back it up. I think Ammy would make a much better Twilight than him. Eclipse would kinda work, but frankly, Mahir has spent his life in the desert. He doesn't know much about other cultures. And Bureaucracy is as arcane to him as magic is to your average Dawn Caste. Wouldn't necessarily stop the Unconquered Sun from choosing him for that role, but it wouldn't be the best use for his talents.

Brickwall, I've been thinking about having Mahir learn sorcery. I think Journey would have to involve leaving the desert. Tutelage would involve finding someone to teach sorcery, although one could make a case for his training under the sept's shaman counting for that test. Still have to do Humility, Fear, and Sacrifice. Perhaps being made fun of in foreign lands for being Dereth would count as Humility?
Regarding the caste, i'd say my character description and background fits better to the Eclipse and i'd like to take that one if it's ok with all the players and our ST.

Takeno is a negotiator first and a diplomat at heart, exhausting all possible solutions before resorting to violence, yet when things pass beyond the point of no return, all is said and done, and even worse the lives of his companions (and such beautiful companions might i add :wink: ) are threatened, he won't hesitate to strike the unrighteous down with the fury of the Unconquered Sun.
Okay, I found a picture. It's on Mahir's character sheet. I'm not really satisfied with it; Mahir wears tan or white, not red. Closest I've found so far though.
Just had the lawgivers game get full again. Spot didn't open after all. But you guys should totally jump on abyssals because I liked your backgrounds]
Bardlebee said:
TherealBrickwall said:
Ah, well. I like my Solar, and I'm keeping her. No sense investing in a character I haven't even thought of yet.
Do let me know if that policy will be different for the third game you run, though :)
Won't be different.

Ok, guys I need you all to hammer out what caste you are going to be amongst yourself. I am a little weirded out about the cast of the story being mostly all women, but not enough to not run. lol

In other words usually I run a game with three men and two women or even less. It will be quite different to run this game. Handling RPing with this leads to hilarity I think, also it could lead to a lot of drama, which I am for. How do I make this game? I will have to read the guidelines on this.
If this hasn't be answered. Do find the forum Application of Devotion and there you can request for a forum for the game. Once that is done we are pretty much set. ^^
Myllinnia said:
Bardlebee said:
TherealBrickwall said:
Ah, well. I like my Solar, and I'm keeping her. No sense investing in a character I haven't even thought of yet.
Do let me know if that policy will be different for the third game you run, though :)
Won't be different.

Ok, guys I need you all to hammer out what caste you are going to be amongst yourself. I am a little weirded out about the cast of the story being mostly all women, but not enough to not run. lol

In other words usually I run a game with three men and two women or even less. It will be quite different to run this game. Handling RPing with this leads to hilarity I think, also it could lead to a lot of drama, which I am for. How do I make this game? I will have to read the guidelines on this.
If this hasn't be answered. Do find the forum Application of Devotion and there you can request for a forum for the game. Once that is done we are pretty much set. ^^
What caste do you want to be, oh silent one?
Ah pooh, people are just faster then me. ^^

anyhow I would prefer Night. And Baring that Dawn xD
I think we should share our areas of focus as exalts to use our potential to the max (whatever our castes may be).

Some people easily forget about "side abilities" like Lore War Bureaucracy or Investigation... while they have extremely effective charms (especially Investigation).

Once exalted, Red will be focused on the perception of her surrounding, which means Survival / Awareness / and Investigation. She will also purchase the spirit charms tree from Occult... if the twilight or anyone else isn't going after it.

We'd need someone heavy in the Presence / Socialize department, someone with Medecine, and War.
Myllinnia said:
Ah pooh, people are just faster then me. ^^
anyhow I would prefer Night. And Baring that Dawn xD
I literally made my picks like at 1AM, so I didn't expect you guys to update so quickly to be honest. I have submitted for a forum and we should be up and running soon... so going down the list here is the castes... let me know if I am incorrect in this assumption....

Myllinnia = Night

Ebon_Arbiter = Eclipse

Tourmaline = Zenith

TheRealBrickwall = Twighlight

cyl = ??? I am not sure here, I think you mentioned Night... whats the word?

Let me know if this is right so far as preference... and I am surprised it worked out like this actually.... I thought we would have like 4 twighlight preferences or something weird.

EDIT: As cyl says, I will add to it: I will be focusing on a lot of skills not pertaining to fighting. In fact if you do not have all skills you will be crippling yourselves in the long run. Things like Investigation, Lore, Linguistics will be absolutely integral to this game. As well as Beauracracy... don't think of the fancy ass charms, think of the utility of the skills.
cyl said:
My best pick are Night (silent and deadly hunter) / Twilight (connected to nature and the spirits)... but I could go for Dawn / Eclipse if people have a better approach of the first two castes.
I could make Red a guy if we are in such need of testosterone, I wanted to have this whole she-wolf protective aspect wired into the character.

Ah yes, one question: if anyone is interesting by learning sorcery, how are you going to handle the five quests ?!
Wanted to touch on this, I will be handling your sorcery in game RP style. So you will sacrifice and for every level of sorcery (terrestial, celestial, solar) you will give a greater sacrifice.... An evil plot of greed and torture.
Regarding my fields of specialization, i'd say that - especially since cyl also pointed at it correctly - i'll be taking a thorough approach to communication abilities: Presence, Linguistics, Socialize as well as Bureaucracy (that our ST mentioned).

Apart from this, i'll probably improve my swordfighting, completing my vision for my character and providing a decent combat aptitude in times of need.

I may of course have some questions regarding the exact workings of certain charms, which i'll ask our ST in case and when they arise but other than that, i totally agree that we should be able to cover a wide variety of situations, involving use of various skills and abilities and cyl's idea of clarifying each one's focus is vey useful, since it'll show us the stregths and weaknesses of each other and allow us to cooperate properly and efficiently for common benefit, the good of Creation and the eternal reign of the most glorious Chosen of the Unconquered Sun!

(sorry got a bit carried away on that :wink: )
You might find some Investigation charms very useful, and you really want to put some dot in Occult as an Eclipse (as it serves as Socialize for spirits) !

I could take the Dawn slot since Mylli will be a better night than I will (since she's already specialized n all) and TRB will claim the Twilight.

Red will be a very unorthodoxal Dawn, and I would have to let go of Investigation and or Occult to pick Athletics and War...

Talking about war, I've redesigned the charm tree (because it sucks bad and makes no sense at all). Would you consent to use the following tree into your game ?!


I will obviously be taking the training charm for war (as it helps the group a great deal), but it could be cool to have someone with the Lore training charm.
Indeed, some of the investigation charms seem to have particularly useful social applications, but i thought that i should leave them to you considering you already stated you wanted to specialize in this area. And about the occult yes, i should probably see to it if we want to have a decent chance of non-hostile communication with the spirit courts. I guess we'll all have much work to do, building properly our characters as we move on.

I must say that i'm glad that other players think likewise and want to clarify things from the start so that we move on with the best possible capabilities and cooperation skills, covering most of our bases, at start and during the campaign. After all isn't that part of a circle's meaning? To know your circlemates and complement them, reaching perfection as a team.
Well Investigation is cool for someone with a high perception, with any other caste I'd keep it but the dawn caste means 40% of your faves abilities and xp discounts are destined to one thing and on thing only: hurting people...

So chargen and development are harder, and you have to make sacrifices... tiz why I rarely pick it. :roll:

But I have absolutely no problem with being the "muscle" of the group... the rare opportunity to have such a versatility in combat is highly enjoyable and gives way for nice stunting.

god mode on /

Red bow readied vs 4 guys in melee:

clinch with legs + throw down on the 1st, an arrow for the 2nd and the 3rd while rotating & falling to the floor, dropping the bow and drawing off two blades, one to stick in the 1st (poor guy... DV 0 that's gonna hurt !) with a roll on the ground and the other thrown at the 4th (who will probably be running away).

god mode off /
cyl said:
Well Investigation is cool for someone with a high perception, with any other caste I'd keep it but the dawn caste means 40% of your faves abilities and xp discounts are destined to one thing and on thing only: hurting people...
So chargen and development are harder, and you have to make sacrifices... tiz why I rarely pick it. :roll:

But I have absolutely no problem with being the "muscle" of the group... the rare opportunity to have such a versatility in combat is highly enjoyable and gives way for nice stunting.

god mode on /

Red bow readied vs 4 guys in melee:

clinch with legs + throw down on the 1st, an arrow for the 2nd and the 3rd while rotating & falling to the floor, dropping the bow and drawing off two blades, one to stick in the 1st (poor guy... DV 0 that's gonna hurt !) with a roll on the ground and the other thrown at the 4th (who will probably be running away).

god mode off /
cyl, I will back any chart that you build for exalted. You know it better then I would.
That's good to know, but to be honest you really want to take a good look at the mod before you approve it :mrgreen:

Having the war training charm is the best thing a group can have to increase its combat efficiency but... the reduction in training times is so important (one week to get a +1 attribute or +1 ability) and my mod places it at the 2nd place (though it still has war 4 ess 3 as prereqs) while the corebook placed it at the 5th.

I may also have a cool mod for you for "natural" social combat, but we will discuss it in the right thread.

So if nobody wants the Dawn, I'll take it... but I want a healer as I'm not wearing super heavy armor and don't intend to !

(even though the words "thunder", "bolt" and "shield" have crossed my mind :twisted: )
*raises hand* Healer reporting for duty! Already have 3 dots in Medicine. I plan to RP this with a good deal of ritual casting-out of disease spirits and prayer to gods of healing along with the usual herbs and sutures.

Mahir is kind of a mix between social and Twilight skills. A shaman is the mediator between physical and spirit worlds, after all, and he's got to be able to make the spirits back down if their wishes are incompatible with the needs of the sept. As such he has strong Presence with decent Performance and Integrity, all of which will get better with Exaltation and time. My vision of nomadic Delzhan religion is that the rest of the sept leaves prayer and such to the experts, but Mahir will be able to preach a darn good sermon in 'civilized' parts. :mrgreen: Ebon, between us I think we'll have social stuff pretty much covered.

Hey Bardlebee, will Mahir get a bonus on mounted combat for having a God-Blooded horse? Specifically, mounted archery?
That's nice Mahir, i think we'll cover the social/communication part indeed and probably i could perhaps go a bit off my way to pick a couple of these nice investigation charms you mentioned cyl.

If i might say so though, regarding your concerns about healing, cyl, there is a starting charm in the resistance tree ("Body-Mending meditation", requires Res.1, ess.1) that helps to increase dramatically our healing rate and recover from the gravest of wounds soon after battles instead of spending much time to heal.

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