The Lawgivers

Well, then I might consider moving some dots to Ride and getting a fine horse to allow for travel during our early stages (it's resources 3 so i think i can afford it without much problem).

Since i completely reworked my concept from the captain one i don't think sail would fit much in his current state.

Thank you very much for all the clarifications and for the anime artist mention. I think i found one of his artworks that could fit my character (even though there may be few differences) and i'll upload it to my previous post soon.


I'm really not too happy with this picture, but for some reason my skill a finding pictures is not too well. At least this one covers the idea and the accoutrements.

Ten years ago, Jared lost his parents. His father was stabbed in the tavern by a drunken mercenary and his mother soon joined his father when she died from grieve. His father's killer was never caught for he left the reach of the arm of the local law.

The twelve year old orphan was taken in by an uncle on a ranch just on the edge of lap, where he learned to ride, to read the lands and to keep the cattle in check. As he grew up, he became a bit of a troublemaker, his fists always flying at the slightest provocation. But when he met Carica, the daughter of a neighboring rancher, everything changed and he turned his life around, and became a hardworking productive member of the local society. Courting Carica and talks of marriage where in the air. Then a fateful summer night, short after Jared's eighteenth birthday bandits descended on the small community of cattle farmers and killed, plundered and raped. In defense of his uncle's farmstead he was one of the lucky ones, having survived the blow that would have killed him. But Carica wasn't so lucky, as she was one of the bandits victims, and the stricken girl was found hanging in the barn a full day after the bandits had disappeared again. She couldn't live with the shame.

And once again, in his life, bandits escaped the arm of the law by simply leaving the region. However this time Jared wasn't going to let them escape so simply and he took his horse and went in pursuit. Only to be soundly defeated by the bandits and left for dead.

When he regained his consciousness he managed to get himself back to civilization where he started again, having learned his lesson. He needed to temper his need for justice with the patience of a hunter and the discipline of a monk. And he started small, becoming a bounty hunter, moving around in the south, grabbing minor felons and making certain they were returned for proper justice. In this time he also learned that there was a greater ideal of justice, and that one man's criminal could easily be another man's hero and that sometimes letting that hero walk was the right thing to do.

Over time he started to carve himself a name, riding everywhere on his faithful horse Stepper, capturing criminals and returning them for justice. He learned to read, he learned enough of the rules involved, and most of all he learned to fight. How to subdue his targets without causing them too much harm. He became a very good hunter of men and a near relentless one. If a quarry would escape him, or be found too difficult, he would wait and return later.

Name: Jared

Concept: Bounty Hunter

Motivation: To bring to justice those who try to escape the local law's reach.


Intimacies: Stepper (affection), Justice

Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3, Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 2

Virtues: Compassion 2, Conviction 3, Temperance 2, Valor 3

Abilities: Martial Arts 4, Melee 2, Thrown 3, Integrity 1, Presence 1, Resistance 1, Survival 2, Investigation 1, Lore 1, Medicine 1, Occult 1, Athletics 1, Awareness 2, Dodge 2, Stealth 2, Bureaucracy 1, Linguistics 1, Ride 3, Socialize 1

Backgrounds: Contacts 2 (Lawmen), Familiar 3 (Stepper), Influence 1 (Lawman), Resources 2



Join Battle:


Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 8, Damage 2B, Defense -, Rate 1 (Piercing)

Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 8, Damage 5B, Defense 3, Rate 2

Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 9, Damage 2B, Defense 5, Rate 3

Tonfa: Speed 5, Accuracy 8, Damage 6L, Defense 5, Rate 3 *

Whip: Speed 5, Accuracy 9, Damage 3B, Defense 4, Rate 2 (Disarming, Reach)

Lasso: Speed 6, Accuracy 9, Damage (Special), Rate 1, Range 5 (Clinch) **

Sling: Speed 5, Accuracy 6, Damage 4L, Rate 1, Range 100

Soak: 4L/8B (Fine Buff Jacket +4L/+5B, Mobility -1, Fatigue 2)

Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incap

Dodge DV: 2 (3 without fine buff jacket) Willpower: 6


Personal Essence: x Peripheral Essence x (y)

Committed Essence: z

Other Notes:

* Martial Arts weapon from Scroll of the Monk, page 156

** Ranged Clinching Weapon from Scroll of the Monk, page 158.

Charisma 2->3 4fb

Martial Arts 3->4 1fb

Melee 1->2 2fb

Dodge 1->2 2fb

Ride 1->3 4fb

Stealth 1->2 2fb

Valor 2->3 3fb

Contacts 1->2 1fb

Familiar 1->3 2fb

Jared could develop into any caste. It will take a lot of work, but it's possible. Although the most likely caste for him is the Night Caste.
My character sheet isn't done yet, but here, have a two-and-a-half page background!

A short twenty five years ago, there lived a man and a woman in the wealth-laden city of Gem. The woman was a weaver, with the most delicate of hands, and an eye for beauty. She was also somewhat of an exotic beauty, with deep violet hair and skin that was somewhere between the sun-drenched dark of a Southern woman and the creamy tan of the islanders of the West. She had no shortage of admirers, but she favored one among them: a pale Northerner whose height often had his head scraping the ceilings of buildings, gifted with both the soul and talent of a poet, but confined to a job as a porter. A year of dallying and courting soon gave way to love, and they had their marriage blessed by the Immaculate faith. They were poor, but they were happy.

Granted, pretty much none of that is important to the following story, but it’s at least a good deal more cheerful, what with the following story involving a not-inconsiderable amount of nice people getting killed, and the bad guys living happily ever after with wealth aplenty. Just as a warning.

The pair had a daughter, and at the same time, a stroke of rather bad luck. The man lost his job, and was not doing well in finding a new one. There was no money to raise a little girl. And so, with heavy hearts, the couple sold her to the slave market. The Despot at the time, Rankar VI, purchased the infant to be raised as one of the countless slaves in his jewel monopoly. It was well that he had, for her hands were deft as her imagination, and she showed great potential as a gem cutter even as a child. She was apprenticed at 10, a good deal younger than most, but she took to it quite easily. By this age, the girl had been taught to read and write, and had made a number of friends among other children who lived in the place she was raised, and even had a name. She was called Shimmering Amethyst (or Amethyst, or even Ammy for short), and had a brilliant life ahead of her. But six years of apprenticeship slowly deadened her spirits. Despite the life she had grown up in, she never believed that beauty belonged solely to those who could afford it. She watched her master’s work, and soon, her own work, adorn scornful and neglectful faces, while many who understood art and appreciated the world’s beauty went about adorned with naught but simple cotton robes. Was silver and jade truly the measure of a person’s worth? Amethyst did not think so.

When Amethyst was finished her apprenticeship, she asked to approach her owner, the Despot of Gem. She begged him to sell her, so that she would make gems and jewelry no more. She was greatly surprised when the Despot agreed. She was sold for a slightly unreasonable price to an armsmith named Thundercloud who wanted a hand at the forge, as his own teenage daughter had no talent for the craft. And so, Amethyst went from the trade of jewelcraft to the trade of weaponcraft. It was not ideal, but for a time she was at least content.

The Despot was not as merciful as he appeared. He knew that Thundercloud illegally made firewands for those who knew to come to him, and planned on having the smith caught and executed in a year, thus reclaiming his property, including the slave Amethyst, for free. The price he sold her for was more profitable than keeping her for the time he planned to let Thundercloud live.

Sadly for Rankar VI, his old age did not permit him to keep up with his drinking habit, and he perished from alcohol poisoning a scant couple months after selling Amethyst, leaving his son Rankar VII as the next Despot. Rankar VII, though not at all incompetent, knew nothing of Thundercloud or Amethyst, and so, for a time, the two caught a lucky break.

Thundercloud, though a competent smith, and a rather kind man, had two fatal flaws. The first was that he was rather greedy, and would do very risky things for personal gain. The second was that he was perfectly spineless in the face of his wife. She had rather loud objections to his purchase of a pretty young girl of 16 years; loud and frequent. To prevent any dalliances (which, in reality, would never have happened), the woman had Amethyst sleep where Thundercloud would not find her alone: in the room of their daughter, Dragonfly. Though neither Thundercloud or his wife ever learned it, keeping the two of them in a room alone eventually proved quite counterproductive to preventing dalliances. Still, Amethyst’s teenage tryst with the daughter of her owner never really impacted her life. The two really didn’t have much compatibility of personality, it was more a matter of convenience.

Amethyst took to her new job as easily as she had taken to jewel crafting. She only needed to be shown a procedure once before she could mimic it, and it took hardly any practice to add her own art to it. Thundercloud might have been jealous, but he very quickly took to Amethyst as a daughter figure. Besides, she was more than profitable, and he was making plans on leaving her part of his estate in his will.

Not that it mattered. Thundercloud’s illegal firewand operation was discovered again, and this time, it wasn’t filed away for use in future plots. Thundercloud was executed by exposure, and the rest of the family forced to watch as he was killed by a day in the summer sun. Because she was a slave, the law dictated that she was not guilty of Thundercloud’s crime, but Arbani (who controlled the monopoly on firewands) had no wish for someone who knew the craft to be allowed to live. So, because she was remanded into his custody, he decided to sell her; to a gladiatorial arena. Arbani did not expect her to last a week.

Indeed, she probably shouldn’t have. Amethyst may have made many weapons, but she certainly never had any wish or incentive to practice with them. But her old occupation was still key to her survival, in the end. Many gladiators she was housed with recognized the young genius whose weapons and armor had saved their lives. Most everyone she was housed with was familiar with the thundercloud stamp, even if they didn’t own such pieces themselves. Out of kindness, she was put into a third apprenticeship, this time to a gladiator woman who had abandoned her old name for her stage name, the Bloody Vixen. The Vixen actually had somewhat hard features, but a rather attractive figure and, well, a certain reputation. For sleeping with pretty much everyone; often multiple people at once. It wasn’t rumor, either. Amethyst counted it among her blessings that the woman did not insist on teaching her less warlike arts, even if she offered rather often.

This apprenticeship only lasted a couple years. Amethyst was certainly no natural genius at the arts of fighting, but she wasn’t incompetent, clumsy, or stupid, and she kept her wits about her. So she lived, and learned, only really fighting the occasional smalltime bout. Her stage name “Bloodstone†(gladiator nicknames do seem to have recurring themes, don’t they) never reached many ears. Maybe something more would have come of it, if time went by, but it didn’t. Arbani had been keeping track of things, and after her 20th bout of not dying, he had lost all patience. He arranged to have her put in a championship melee, where she would be stuck in a ring with nine of the most fearsome gladiators in Gem.

Sadly for Arbani, the Bloody Vixen was one of those gladiators, and she had no intention of having her little pet project slaughtered this soon. Maybe it was motherly instincts, or maybe just all the stored up compassion she’d never bothered to use before, but she hatched an escape plan; a rather common, rather stupid one. Escaping Gem during the daytime made it easy to evade pursuit because of how hard it was to chase people in the oppressive heat, but, well, most people who attempted it died. Still, bad ideas persist if nobody lives to say what stupid ideas they are (and those few who do don’t stick around to talk about it). The pair made their break at noon.

The way out was easy. Few people tried to stop them, and those that did were not much of a match for Vixen. Things didn’t start to get tough until they were more than clear of any person trying to stop them. They were in a rocky desert at the peak of day, with no water, no shade, and forced to keep moving. They managed to survive until nightfall, but they both knew they wouldn’t last the rest of tomorrow.

They didn’t need to. A caravan returning from Gem to the Lap happened upon them before the next sun rose. Laden with silver as it was, the caravan’s crew decided that a couple of extra armed bodyguards was worth the food and water. And so, one lucky break later, the pair made their way to the Lap.

They were not destined to have further adventures together. The Bloody Vixen wanted to head off to the West to be a pirate (because it sounded fun and cool), and Shimmering Amethyst wanted to go to Chiaroscuro to become a jewelmaker once more. They parted ways, promising to meet in the Lap on Calibration in five years, if they were both still alive (and really, with their fortunes, it wasn’t certain). And so, alone, Amethyst headed east, stopping in small towns on the way from the Lap to Chiaroscuro.

And that’s where the story leaves off. So sorry to end it so anticlimactically, but really, the rest hasn’t happened yet. I hope you’re as eager to see where this goes as I am.

A bit of a warning, I drew on the entry for Gem in "Compass of Terrestrial Directions: the South" for this. I do believe that I explained everything that needed explaining, though. Let me know if I screwed up on that.

Shimmering Amethyst is nearly the picture of her mother. Her facial features are attractively angular, her nose especially pointed, though not large, and a small gap in her front teeth. While her curves are enough to turn heads, her clothes are loose and unrevealing, more practical than seductive. Her skin sets her apart from most southerners, being much fairer, though not enough so to look at home among northerners. Her hair is her most (perhaps only) unusual feature, being the color of ideal amethysts. It is somewhat more than shoulder length, though Amethyst almost always wears it up in a ponytail (if not something slightly more elaborate), or stuffed into a turban.


Name: Shimmering Amethyst

Player: Brickwall

Concept: Jewel Crafter

Motivation: Make beauty accessible to everyone

Intimacies: The Bloody Vixen (positive); Rigid Hierarchies (negative);


Strength 2

Dexterity 4

Stamina 2

Charisma 1

Manipulation 2

Appearance 3

Perception 3

Intelligence 4

Wits 2


Melee 3

Integrity 2

Performance 2

Presence 1

Resistance 2

*Craft (Air) 5 (Gem Cutting +1)

*Craft (Fire) 5 (Firewands +1)

*Craft (Water) 2

*Craft (Wood) 2

Investigation 1

Lore 3

Occult 3

Athletics 1

Awareness 1

Dodge 1

Bureaucracy 1

Linguistics 3 (Native: Firetongue; Riverspeak; Low Realm; Old Realm)


Compassion 3

Conviction 3

Temperance 2

Valor 2

Willpower 6


Resources 2 (What supplies she could carry out of Gem, plus the occasional repair job)

Contacts 2 (Dan Yorus, who runs the caravan between The Lap and Gem; Silver Lion, second-in-command of the Wild Warriors, a large Gem-based mercenary company)

Allies 1 (The Bloody Vixen, ex-gladiator on the fast-track to becoming one of the most infamous Tya captains the West has ever seen)


Amethyst is familiar with some Apprentice-level Procedures and Formulas from Alchemy, Enchanting, and Geomancy, but nothing beyond that.


Exceptional Mace: Speed 5; Accuracy +2; Damage +9B/2; Defense +2; Rate 2; Tags: O,P

Knife: Speed 5; Accuracy +1; Damage +2L; Defense +0; Rate 3; Tags: T


Simple Repair Tools

Combat Stats:

Exceptional Mace: Speed 5; Accuracy 9; Damage 11B/2; Defense 9; Rate 2; Tags: O,P

Knife: Speed 5; Accuracy 8; Damage 4L; Defense 7; Rate 3; Tags: T


Parry DV 5 (6 in hand-to-hand)

Dodge DV 3 (4 in hand-to-hand)


Shimmering Amethyst works best as a Twilight, as her skills in the arts and crafts department lend themselves well to the design, architecture, and learning that Twilights are expected to do. She is, however, capable of being a Zenith if she improves her currently abysmal social skills.
I'm pretty much done. (And I pray the connection doesn't drop all of this. Just incase... there copied ^^)

Amaterasu, was a child of a reckless widower. Amaterasu knew nothing of her mother, aside from the aspect that she had died. Amaterasu long and still to this day holds the guilt of killing her mother during her childbirth. Of course Amaterasu trusted her father explicitly; there was nothing he could say that she would question. He was her life, the only one who she could trust to feed her and care for her. Though were she to know the truth perhaps the shattering of her heart later might have been worse. For, you see, her father was a devious man, and he would have nothing to do with the child if it wasn’t that she was the key to his survival. No one said that he was a smart man however, and his flawed logics would eventually kill him.

As his child grew he taught her the value of tricking and exploiting another. From town to town, village to village, nomad tribe to nomad tribe he travelled basically stealing from another. It was no wonder that the little girl he brought with him learned to be almost as devious as he. Still he brought her not to teach her, though that was a fine bonus, but because her father had learned simply that no one would wish to orphan his little girl. Her father though was finding it harder and harder to make his living when most places were blacklisting him from every place. It was perhaps during this most desperate time that he sought the aid of the nearest Guild chapter. For awhile he did things they wanted but in the end he tried even to trick them. Clueless to these affairs, Amaterasu continued merely to pick pockets or at least get someone to drop a dinar or so in her tiny 8 year old hands.

Eventually the Guild came to him to get back their monies. The affair was a violent one and Amaterasu entered their small house to find a group of men beating on her beloved father. Quickly she moved to intervene and as she stretched her arms out before them they stopped their assault while her father cowered in a corner battered, bleeding, and bruised. She then spoke, words older than her younger form should be able to say.

“It is neither here nor there on the status of fear. You wish my father and I wish to keep him. You may decide to slay me to get him, but are really capable of that? Gruff you may be, but certainly you are not capable of that.†And that was all that was said. The silence that gripped the men seemed to stretch forever. And then her father cried out and she turned her eyes wide. An arrow stood from his chest, his red blood staining the area around it. His eyes turned to the girl and a hand shakily reached for her. He fell still a heartbeat later and the young girl was stunned, something that lasted a moment. She turned her baleful hateful eyes upon those that she had faced earlier and they stiffened hands before them. Not a single one held a bow but she cared not. Someone needed to pay for this. She went to throw herself at the men, perhaps she could wrest a knife from them, but a winged woman stopped her coming from an open window and standing between them. This woman for a moment stunned Amaterasu, she was pretty and wonderful, but it lasted only for a short time. Amaterasu grabbed at the woman begging to have her father back, crying and shouting, slamming her small fists against the woman’s firmer legs. Softly and gently the woman picked up Amaterasu and wrapped her wings around her protectively while she softly soothed the crying child. Once Amaterasu fell silent the winged woman turned to the men.

“The Master is pleased. Return and you shall be paid.†There was no argument and softly the men departed. For Amaterasu, as she began to softly cry herself to sleep, she found herself worrying about where she would go.

Amaterasu found herself in the care of Glorious Rain, the winged woman who protected her. She herself was a servant to the Guild, but a servant who Amaterasu learned, was able to slay men either with words or by simply killing them. Amaterasu learned silently the skills that she would use later in life. By the age of 12, the Guild had themselves a very young assassin. However there was a flaw in their assessment, the girl didn’t kill when ordered, she killed only when she deemed the target should die. But her thieving skills were top notch. It was obvious to them she had no qualms taking things from others but had plenty of qualms when it came to killing. Slowly this changed. As she grew older especially, she came to find herself enamored with a handsome young man who worked with the Guild as well. As long as he asked her to do it, she would, without question. She found herself the happiest when she was with him, and everything she did was to make him happy. She had decided she was his and his alone. This wasn’t something the Guild approved of but as long as they could get their young assassins to do as they were told then who were they to complain.

Amaterasu became the envy of many others in her small little circle of killers. She gained the attention they wanted, she gained they favor they desired. But they didn’t realize that Amaterasu was merely being used. Her love, the man she had sworn herself to, enjoyed the fact that Amaterasu would do anything he asked of her. And on those missions when she was gone he thrilled himself with other women. The young man however, like Amaterasu’s father, had a flawed not so well thought out plan, a plan that would destroy many.

Amaterasu returned one day early, her target missing from… well existence. Was it possible she had thought that her love had been mistaken, perhaps he had gotten those that gave him his targets had made a mistake. And so she returned to find out what had happened. She returned to find her lover in the midst of one very interesting orgy, however Amaterasu was not inclined to join. In fact it took a lot of her willpower to resist lashing out at him. Stepping from the room she wandered the halls of her home mulling over this. Perhaps he had been seduced. By that many women? Perhaps he was drugged, a far better explanation still one that held a single flaw, after all he was good at detecting poisons before taking them. Eventually she came to Glorious Rain and inquired about it, what would possess the man she had chosen to abandon her? The betrayal hurt her, even if she had self-imposed herself upon him, but she had laid out all her hopes and dreams upon him. To one day become his ONE and only wife. Perhaps it was her foolishness that led to her being used in this fashion. In the end the older woman merely told the younger one to forget it, to continue on as she has been.

Amaterasu couldn’t though. She couldn’t listen to the man she had loved. For a few days they left her be, but when she was ordered to kill someone things changed. She pointed to her former love, and demanded that they have him do it. Since she refused they decided to let her go. In a violent way. She fought her way out and eventually into freedom. Sure a few men were dead, lives lost as she quickly moved through the shadows of a night. When day came and she shook off the daze that she was in and found herself covered in blood in a place unfamiliar to her. She too had wounds assuredly. Some hours later she was found near a farm house unconscious and feverish. The betrayals that had led up to this point had sickened her, weakened her resolve and desires, it had broken her spiritually.

The former assassin was nursed back to life by a pair of farmers, but they found to their dismay her unwillingness to heal. There wasn’t a moment when she wasn’t carelessly using a knife in some form or fashion. Eventually though she left, travelling west a desire to die but unwilling to just lay over and let herself die. She hit up Chiaroscuro, hiring herself out to anyone who could use her skills to steal and kill. But it was obvious she trusted no one and her only desire was simply to die. This made her tenure in the Undercity short, no one wanted a reckless woman with a deathwish. It suited her after awhile, perhaps eventually someone could kill her. She stayed in Chiaroscuro but she feels the tug of something greater than her. She ignored it for a time, challenging any to slay her, but none would and not many were willing. Once she got frustrated with Chiaroscuro she heads West. Perhaps Paragon would find a way to kill her. And yet she has come to Makerson, a small stop over on her way to Paragon, as Paragon would not take her ship, so now she also has to find away to get to Paragon as well. She holds no hopes of death here, but stranger things have happened. It should be noted she is unclear as to her own desire, she hates herself, she had killed many, her mother for one, she is obviously unloved as people seek to use her instead, so it is apparent to a part of her that perhaps its just her. However Destiny is cruel and it will prod her to prove herself, it will obviously be up to her accept that challenge.

Amaterasu is a tall woman with light mocha complexion and very long silvery blonde hair. She has light brown eyes that shine with her displeasure with the world. Her violet outfit was one made for her from her time with the Guild, made mainly of tight leather and silk, it hugs the contours of her body nicely. A short cloak sits on her back held about her by clasps on her sleeveless outfit. Her hands up to her arms are coverd in gloves, while tall boots rise to her mid thighs. Her bow and quiver are stored in places along her back, while a whip hangs on a clasp on her waist. A few scars mark her arms and legs, and a single tattoo sits on one of her breasts. Three knives are hidden upon her person, and only a daring person might find them, some might find it uncomfortable if they think about where these three weapons might be.


Character Name: Amaterasu

Concept: A employerless distrustful Assassin/Thief now Hunter.

Motivation: To kill the strongest and meanest or die in the attempt.

Intimacies: The Strong (Respect), To Love (fear/Hate)



Strength: ••

Dexterity: ••••

Stamina: ••


Charisma: ••

Manipulation: •••

Appearance: ••••


Perception: •••

Intelligence: ••

Wits: ••



Archery ••

Athletics ••

Awareness •••

(F)Dodge ••••

Integrity •••

Martial Arts

Melee •••

Resistance •





Larceny ••••

Linguistics •• (Native-Riverspeak | Learned-Firetongue, Low Realm)


Presence •••




Stealth ••••

Survival •



Investigation •

Lore •




Destiny ••• (Oh what cold fate is this, even in the worse of times, Destiny keeps her alive, mostly. Well at least it knows what it wants her to be xD )

Resources •• (What she steals, what she takes, and usually what is gained when hired.)


Compassion: ••

Conviction: •••

Temperance: ••

Valor: ••

Willpower and Essence:

Willpower: •••••

Essence: •





Knives x3



A quiver with a variety of arrows


Join Battle 6


Join Debate 6


Natural Soak

Bash: 2 Lethal: 0


Bash: Lethal: Aggrivated:


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ] [ ]

-2 [ ] [ ]

-4 [ ]

I [ ]

D [ ] [ ]


02 Larceny ••• > ••••

02 Stealth ••• > ••••

02 Dodge • > •••

01 Dodge ••• > ••••

04 Melee • > •••

02 Archery • > ••

04 Perception •• > •••

04 Dexterity ••• > ••••

I am not too picky. I can fit her in most roles. She leans Night or Dawn.
Suizen (blowing meditation) is the practice of playing the flute as a means of attaining self-realization. In suizen the state of mind is the most essential element, rather than musical enjoyment, therefore it is not music per se. Indeed, it is considered risky and inappropriate for priests who practice suizen to play upon any stringed instrument. The flute is for enlightenment, not entertainment.

When outside the temple, these priests wear an odd, basket-shaped headdress, a sedge or reed hood called a tengai. This is for anonymity, and to suppress the ego. As selfless, empty vessels, other people’s problems can be “poured†into them. When someone needs a priest to play for healing, the patient sees only a flute extending from the bottom of the basket, not a person. During their travels, they make a point of looking for spaces that feel “wrong†(like houses with ghostly or demonic problems occurring in them) where the music they play can cleanse the space: by playing and meditating, the priests take the ills of the space upon themselves. This is the story of one such priest...


She arrived on the Temple threshold as a young girl, stumbling and thirsty like a wolf run down by hunters. The priests of the Violet Lotus gave her food and shelter and urged her to stay for as long as she needed to; she was humbly thankful, but she would not tell them her name, saying only, “She is dead.â€

More than seven years ago she said those words, and no one has dared to ask Veil about her true identity again.

Name:[/b] Veil

Concept: Pilgrim Shadow

Motivation: To make amends



Strength 2

Dexterity 3

Stamina 2


Charisma 2

Manipulation 2

Appearance 2


Perception 3

Intelligence 3

Wits 3


Compassion 2

Temperance 3

Conviction 2

Valor 2


Athletics 1

Awareness 2

Dodge 1

Integrity 2

Larceny 3 (Disguise +1)

Linguistics 2

Lore 2

Martial Arts 3 (Monk’s Spade +1)

Occult 3 (Art of the Dead +2)

Performance 3 (Flute Playing +2)

Resistance 2

Stealth 3 (Hiding in Shadows +1)

Survival 1



Backing 2 (Priests of Saturn)

Mentor 3

Join Battle: 5


Punch: Speed 5, Accuracy 7, Damage 2B, Defense 8, Rate 3

Kick: Speed 5, Accuracy 6, Damage 5B, Defense 4, Rate 2

Clinch: Speed 6, Accuracy 6, Damage 2B, Defense - , Rate 1

Monk’s Spade: Speed 6, Accuracy 9, Damage 7L, Defense 9, Rate 2

Wielded as a Staff: Speed 6, Accuracy 9, Damage 9B, Defense 9, Rate 2

Dodge DV: 2

Soak: 1L/2B

Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-2/-2/-4/Incapacitated

Willpower: 5

Essence: 1

RITUALS: (Level 0) Pierce Shadowland, Summon Ghost, (Level 1) Alarm Ward Against Dead, Blood Magic, Deathsight, Lesser Ward Against Dead, Proper Funerary Practices, Speak With Corpse, (Level 2) Alarm Ward Maintenance, Dishonest Ghost’s Rebuke, Expulsion, Lesser Ward Maintenance, Ward Against Dead

BPs: Art of the Dead 1 (5), Art of the Dead 2 (5), Awareness 3 (2), Integrity 3 (2), Resistance 2 (2), Martial Arts Specialty 1 (1), Larceny Specialty 1 (1), Stealth Specialty 1 (1) Performance Specialty 2 (1)

DESCRIPTION: Veil has short, straight, lusterless black hair; fine, straight, black brows; a nose much too small even for her small, three-cornered face; a small, pale mouth that always falls open a trifle over little, pointed white teeth; a figure thin and flat-breasted, rather below the average height. Her slanting, dark-brown eyes, too soft and shadowy to be black, are her one beauty. Apart from her eyes she is neither pretty nor ugly -- just insignificant-looking. She is normally clad in a white robe edged with violet, and carries a spade for burying any dead creatures she may encounter. As her name suggests, her face is usually covered -- when away from her temple she wears the basket-shaped tengai.

More of her backstory (and her reasons for becoming a priest, and the source of her guilt) can be shared at the Storyteller’s request.

NOTE: Suizen really was practiced by the komuso, or “priests of emptinessâ€, mendicant monks of the Fuke Zen sect, until the 1870s. The reason for their order’s demise had to do with the number of ninjas using the anonymity provided by the tengai to move about unobserved -- plus the fact that many real komuso were agents of the Shogun! There were even short pieces that were supposed to be played by one komuso greeting another. If the second komuso did not respond, the first would know that the other was probably an imposter.

When Gandhi first heard a Japanese player perform honyoku (the name for suizen music), he supposedly wept and said he had finally heard the voice of the dead.
Okay, I can definitely harken to this game. Although the cowboy concept's been played already, I'm willing to throw my own spin on the concept. Here we go.


Rex "Tango" Aram was once one of the most ruthless outlaws to ever ride the South. Born on a small ranch not far from Port Rawar, Tango spent most of his childhood training and breaking horses, mainly because good horses that could stand a trek across the South are hard to find. However, Tango was not so taken to the life of being a horse rancher and found himself at odds with his parents. As time passed, things came to ahead and, in a fit of frustration, took a horse one fateful night and rode out, hoping to find freedom beyond the prairie grasses.

He found it, alright, but totally the wrong sort. It came to pass that Rex actually got in a bit of a tangle with some outlaws that were riding through at the time. The leader of this group, Finn Raster, saw potential in this runaway from gods-knew-where and offered him a chance to ride with them. Rex was young, and therefore naive, so he ended up accepting and began a crime spree that lasted for quite a few years.

And then, fate threw him another curveball...he met a Delzahn woman.

In a rather poor move by a couple of his colleagues, the entire gang Rex was riding with ended up getting captured by some Delzahn raiders who had heard of their exploits (not to mention the bounty on their heads, given their exploits in the South) and intended to ride into Paragon, drop them off, collect the bounty, be on their way. But a Delzahn woman of the tribe came to visit him that night, and began to question him on his exploits. Once they were through, the woman proceeded to free him, telling him that he was meant to be free, because his heart was not so evil as one might have expected it to be, telling him to ride for the east, towards the Lap.

This act of kindness, perhaps at great personal risk, puzzled him. Why him? Sure, he did turn away from some of the more...violent aspects of the outlaw career, but really it was the only thing that made sense to him. And why just him? There were just too many things to think about it, and it just made him more and more confused.

And so we come in on our hero, on the run from the Delzahn he escaped from, the gang he betrayed, and still no closer to an answer. As he rides into a hideaway town called Mackeroy, one can only hope that Tango can find his place in the world but quick, because there are a lot of people who'd rather see his head placed on a platter.

I'll have a character sheet up tomorrow afternoon, fate willing.
I seem to be garnering more interest in this then anticipated previously. I will be sad having to choose between all your apps, it seems like everyone put a good amount of thought into characters.
Name: Raj

Concept: Aspiring young nomad horseman and archer


With dark skin and a shaven head, Raj looks much like a typical nomad at first glance and dresses according to the customs of his people in loose clothing and veil. On the tall side of average, Raj has a rather rough around the edges sort of look. This is often augmented by the time spent out in the wilderness. Closer observation would note that this his excellent weaponry and fine horse reveal a man of more wealth than a simple nomad. When occasion calls for it Raj does not disdain to abandon the veil revealing a calculating yet amiable countenance. He has seen enough of the troubles that intollerance can cause. He makes attempts at keeping his beard trimmed to the latest fashion, but is not always so successful given the amount of time he spends on a horse.

I just like this pic, probably too high a str to be Raj though. :-P


Raj was raised as a nomad and once he could sit a horse he spent much of his time with his uncles moving herds and learning the tools and tricks of his people. His father owns a small silver mine south of Chiaroscuro, but he thought it important for his son to learn the ways of his people. He was however his father's only son, and his father certainly had his own designs for him. For much of his youth Raj had been content to ride and shoot and mercilessly guard his sisters, but as his father spent more time teaching him about business and introducing him to the merchants he delt with Raj began to see a larger view of the world.

Raj had run his ideas for a united nomad group past his uncles, but the reaction thus far has run the gamut from laughing in his face to stern conversations about the way things are. The root cause as they see it is that the tribes must always move and fight for their survival. The desert doesn't reward those who can't protect their own and gain resources by might. This Raj decided, must be his first concern.

The young archer managed to convince his parents to delay finding him a wife, but the journey he had set out for himself wasn't going to be easy. Packing the necessary supplies as his aunts had taught him he set out for Lap. It was a long journey, but he knew the stories about the statue mountain city and it's crops. If he could learn how to grow crops in the desert then he could bring some sanity to his people. At least, that was his plan. Not knowing anything about growing crops he didn't know if it would work, but it gave him a chance to travel further than the glass city into civilized lands.

Following the great costal road, Raj made no great haste in his journey trying to take in as much as possible. The evening found him looking for a room in a small village. A guard welcomed him to Markerson and, with a skeptical look at him, decided that he must be a trader's scout and pointed him towards a shop. Raj dismounted and shook the dust from his robes. It was a small town by the standards of those he had come through, but would have been a reasonably sized encampment.

As he searched for an inn, a star flashed from its place in the sky streaking towards the horizon. Raj quickly incanted a ritual thanks to the star and poured out a small measure of goat's milk as offering. Perhaps this small village would be more than a reminder of his goal.

Name: Raj

Motivation: Unite the nomad tribes against their common enemies


Strength â—â—â— (4 BP)

Dexterity â—â—â—â— (4 BP)

Stamina â—â—

Charisma â—â—â— (4 BP)

Manipulation â—â—

Appearance â—â—

Perception â—â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—

Wits â—â—â—


â— Archery â—â—â—â—â— (3 BP)

Martial Arts

Melee â—â—


War â—


Performance â—â—

Presence â—

Resistance â—

Survival â—â—



Lore â—

Medicine â—

Occult â—

Athletics â—

Awareness â—â—

Dodge â—â—



Bureaucracy â—

Linguistics â— (Native: Flametongue, Learned: Riverspeak)

Ride â—â—â— (2 BP)


Socialize â—â—


From Horseback (Archery) â—â— (1 BP)


Contacts â— Guild

Influence â— Nomad Tribes

Resources â—â—â— His parents: they own a mine


Compassion â—â—â—

Conviction â—â—

Temperance â—â—

Valor â—â—â— (3 BP)


His family (love/honor)

Nomad tribes (protect)

Archery (self perfection)

WP: 6

Essence: 1


Perfect Self Bow

Speed 6, Accuracy +2, Damage +1, Rate 3, Range 200

Exceptional Slashing Sword

Speed 4, Accuracy +2, Damage +4L, Defense +1, Rate 3

Exceptional Chain Shirt

Soak +4L/2B, Mobility -0, Fatigue 0

Fine horse

Fine and normal clothing


Dodge DV - 3

Parry DV - 3

Dodge MDV - 3

Parry MDV - 3


B__3__ L__4__ A__0__

Pierced Soak

B__2__ L__2__ A__0__

Hardness - 0

Move - 4

Dash - 10


~0 [ ]

~1 [ ] [ ]

~2 [ ] [ ]

~4 [ ]

Incapacitated [ ]

Dying [ ] [ ]

I think he is pretty flexible and could end up as any caste. The character was adapted from this Dawn caste, but I would say that that character merely represents one possible future.
Well, I'll throw my lot in as well and see what happens.

Name: Malta Darkwater

Concept: Ambitious Racketeer

Motivation: Tear down the Scarlet Dynasty from the inside


Malta Darkwater was the son of Firenze Darkwater, a influential Patrician within the Lap before his untimely death. The Darkwaters are of the lineage of House Iselsei though admittedly they would never admit it. They fled from the Blessed Isle after House Iselsei began to fall apart thanks to the punishments of the Scarlet Empress. Firenze made a name for himself in the Lap as an ambitious merchant and facilitator for business, pulling in a reasonable sum of wealth for his family. Malta though tended to hang around with more seedy elements within the city, especially the criminal elements. It was amongst the criminals that Malta made friends and started delving into the sort of business his father never would have. This was a point of great conflict between the two that would only end later on in tragedy.

Malta split off from his father and family, determined to make something of himself. He made a reputation for himself for having a good business sense even in more criminal activities. He was slowly growing into one of the major racketeers in a the Lap, opening up gambling dens and running smuggling operations. His ambition has been thus far to expand his power and reach beyond the Lap. His drive behind this being the knowledge of how the Realm and Empress have mistreated his family for so very long. These injustices pushed Malta into a life of crime, hateful of the ways of the Realm. It has made him ready and willing to violate its laws and the laws of its Threshold puppets and Satraps.

Malta expanded his reach somewhat, recruiting from the poor and downtrodden to be his agents and enforcers. He saw on some level the injustice in the Realm happening to them as it had happened to House Iselsei. He has drawn many loyal followers to him, especially others who share his desire to make something of their lives in such an unfair society. Malta however does not blind himself to what he is and does. He is a ruthless criminal but understands that those who would serve him best are those who have suffered under the reign of the Realm. Recent events though have played out, forcing Malta and his group to flee for new prospects.

Firenze had been careful to protect the secret of his family's bloodline, out of fear of what danger it could put them in now. Unfortunately it was not enough and soon Firenze was being blackmailed by some nameless Dynast who threatened to reveal this information. Firenze refused to bow to the demands, threatening to move his family and business far away. Rather than allow this to happen, the Dynast killed Firenze and framed Malta for it. Malta really couldn't challenge such a charge when the Triumvirate of the Lap already had been looking for an excuse to get rid of him. Thus Malta and his organization fled the Lap with everything they could take with them. They resettled in Makerson where Malta has set up a gambling den and wholesale wine business.

Since settling in Makerson, Malta has been trying to position himself as the man to come to when someone needs something. He sees to the needs of the passing Dynasts while they purchase goods from the few local shops here. He also has been attempting to facilitate more Guild interest in purchasing wine from the town. Thus far he has also been careful to make sure his business interests look very legitimate, even helpful to the community at large. He wants to hide the fact that he desires to turn Makerson into a new hub for criminal activities. He also hopes that by growing in influence and power he might one day avenge his family and the fallen House Iselsei, tearing the Scarlet Dynasty apart from within.

Character Sheet:


Strength 2

Dexterity 2

Stamina 2

Charisma 3

Manipulation 3

Appearance 2

Perception 3

Intelligence 3

Wits 3


Martial Arts 1

Melee 1

Awareness 2

Dodge 1

Larceny(Favored) 5

Integrity 2

Presence 3

Bureaucracy 5

Linguistics 3 (Flametongue, Riverspeak, Low Realm, High Realm)

Ride 1

Socialize 3

Investigation 1

Lore 2


Resources 4 (Scarlet Gambit Gambling Den, Darkwater Wine Emporium)

Henchmen 3 (The Darkwater Enforcers)

Followers 3 (The Darkwater Syndicate)

Contacts 3 (Guild and Criminal contacts)


Compassion 1

Temperance 2

Conviction 3

Valor 3

Willpower 6

Essence 1

Dodge DV: 1

Parry DV: 2

Dodge MDV: 4

Parry MDV:


Perfect Knife

Speed: 5 Accuracy: +2 Damage: +3L Defense: +2 Rate: 3


Exceptional Chain shirt

Soak: +4L/2B Mobility: -0 Fatigue: -0

Soak: 4B/4L


-0: 1

-1: 2

-2: 2

-4: 1

Incapacitated: 1


Charisma 2-3 (4BP)

Resources 2-4 (3BP)

Henchmen 2-3 (1BP)

Followers 1-3 (2BP)

Contacts 3 (BP)

Lore 1-2 (2BP)

Larceny 3-5 (2BP)

Bureaucracy 3-5 (4BP)


Malta has a fit build and tends to dress in dark colors though admittedly he the one thing everyone remembers are the circular sunglasses that almost never leave his face. He tends to not bother really styling his hair, just letting stand as is. He prefers to wear a black sleeveless shirt along with a vest with a fur collar to it. He leaves the vest hanging open most of the time. Its makes him stand out and he knows it, figuring people should remember what someone you shouldn't screw with looks like. He also tends to wear a well made chain shirt beneath his shirt as well out of paranoia.


I would prefer Eclipse or Zenith but I'm more than open to the others as well. Those two just seemed to fit more with a charismatic criminal mastermind.

Picture:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_07/greed.jpg.5b88f01e34a26958689a14407ec726c9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23512" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_07/greed.jpg.5b88f01e34a26958689a14407ec726c9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • greed.jpg
    14.4 KB · Views: 260
Here's my pc:


Red Blossom was once known as Little Meadows but that was the beginning of her tale, a time when she was still part of a tribe.

Born the daughter of one of the fiercest warrior of the Linowan Nation, Little Meadows was destined for greatness and her elders and the other children looked up to her and expected no less than greatness. She was educated by the shaman, the wise women, and her father, tribe leader, and her uncle, Avi the Hunter.

Unfortunately for Little Meadows, her tribe lived too close from the cursed forests of the Haltans, and one day the inevitable happened, death came to her peaceful tribe. It was not war that the Haltan brought with themselves, but slaughter. They killed everyone, even the elders and the children... and in the fury of battle the girl was left for dead, knocked unconscious among the bodies.

Waking up to a raw horror staring at the eyes of her dead loved ones, the young girl of just 12 winters was alone in this world. She had enough will and skills to survive until she found another tribe... but the tale she brought with herself made the shaman cast her away. The sole survivor of a decimated tribe is a cursed omen among the Linowan, someone who should have died but was not welcome by either the spirits and her ancestors !

And so she was marked in her flesh so everyone would not be deceived by her innocent appearance, and cast away to another tribe which also rejected her. After 3 years of wandering she had not found someone who would accept her and allow her to become an adult, so she decided to go seek the advice of the Queen herself because only her or the gods could help her now.

When she reached Rubylak, everyone had heard of her tale and avoided her. The Queen was advised not to give the orphan an audience, and only an elder shaman accepted to see her and revealed to her her "destiny": "You are no longer a child of this nation, you are not even human anymore, you are trapped between two worlds, and the spirits do not welcome you as one of their own, it is not a journey to adulthood that you must accomplish but to the realm of the spirits... and only when your journey ends will you be reunited with the Great Mother !"

The elder lied, and the child's heart broke. That night she was renamed Red Blossom and her name was erased from the Chants forever.

And she went into the Wilds, following the stream of the rivers, the winds and the paths traced by unknown cultures.

She barely knew the world, but she knew enough to survive on her own... and so her journey began.

It was 10 years ago, now Red Blossom is 25 winters, has started one of the longest trip a human has ever dared to start following the coast to the south, passing through the Scavenger Lands, learning much on the way and still travels the world in search of her own fate.

Recently she has been having those dreams, and she followed them to Makerson... she's camping near the town, but often visits the town to sell rare herbs she collects or medecines she brewed. Everyone there thinks she's an escaped slave, but her weapons and attitudes suggest otherwise.

Description + pic:

Red Blossom is a woman in her mid twenties, she could be beautiful should she wish to appear so, but her lifestyle has made her care less and less about appearances. She has a light brown skin, black eyes and dark brown hair. She usually wears self made clothes made of leather, fur often decorated with feathers, bones, vines, leafs and other odorant herbs and flowers that will mask her scent when she's hunting as well as when she's walking among men.

She's rather curious, but always cautious in her approach. Always alert, always on the edge, even in cities.

Her face and body however clearly mark her as a hunter, or someone who has lived a tough life outside the warm comfort of the cities.

She always carry with her her father's blade and shield, and a self made bow.



Name[/b]: Red Blossom

Concept: hunter of the wild

Motivation: become a spirit of nature


Strength â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—â— (4 BP)

Stamina â—â—â— (4 BP)

Charisma â—â—

Manipulation â—â—

Appearance â—â—

Perception â—â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—

Wits â—â—â—


Archery â—â—â— (2 BP)

Martial Artsâ—

Melee â—â—

Thrown â—

Integrity â—

Performance â—

Resistance â—â—

Survival (FAVORED) â—â—â—â—â— (4BP)

Craft (wood) â— (water) â—

Lore â—

Medicine â—

Occult â—

Athletics â—

Awareness â—â—

Dodge â—â— (2BP)

Stealth â—â— (2BP)

Bureaucracy â—

Linguistics â—â— (Native: Forest tongue, Learned: Riverspeak, Flame tongue)

Sail â—


Contacts â—â—â— travelers and hunters

Resources â—â— what she makes and sells and her services as courrier


Compassion â—â—

Conviction â—â—â—â— (3 BP)

Temperance â—â—

Valor â—â—


Survival (love), Hunters (respect), Animals of the wilds (respect), cities (disdain), travels (love), Tales (love), Spirits of nature (respect), outcasts (empathy).

Essence: â—

Willpower: â—â—â—â—â—â—


Self Bow

Speed 6, Accuracy +0, Damage - (2+arrow 2), Rate 2, Range 150

Short Sword

Speed 4, Accuracy +2, Damage +3L, Defense +1, Rate 2

Knives, Hatchet, Shield, various self made tools


Dodge DV 4 + shield = 5

Parry DV 4 + shield = 5

Dodge MDV 4

Parry MDV -


B__3__ L__2__ A__0__

Pierced Soak

B__3__ L__2__ A__0__

Hardness - 0

Move - 4

Dash - 10


~0 [ ]

~1 [ ] [ ]

~2 [ ] [ ]

~4 [ ]

Incapacitated [ ]

Dying [ ] [ ]


Well actually make her what you want her to be, the last caste I'd see her into would be Zenith but... she's lost everything and gained many knowledge from her travels she could become a spiritual guide... she can be a Dawn, (proud and fierce tribal warrior) a Twilight (wise traveler and connected to the spiritual world) a Night (lonely hunter), or even an Eclipse (she has made many connections during her travels, and her experience of the many customs and culture might make the sole orphan a great nation gatherer)... I have a slight preference for the Twilight though.
Feantari, if you tried to post a picture, I can't see it.

Just FYI

Also, those not picked for Solars, I will be running a Abyssals and Infernals game if interested. If you were to make a character for that as well you would get preferrential treatment as you've tried once before. This will be later when I read both books much more extensively.

Question, do you guys usually read games your not in?
I used to, because it's interesting to read and gives you great material as a ST and as a player as well.

But not recently, those past 4 months have been overcharged with work to the point I had to leave the board temporarily. :roll:
Regarding other games, i must say that i don't use to read them, since first of all i'm relatively new to pbp games and exalted (still learning it) and also because i prefer to experience the games i participate in to the full extent, without any interference from other sources.

In addition to that, my time being limited at certain periods due to studies, job or other obligations doesn't always allow me to do that.
I do occasionally read stuff I don't participate in. As for an Abyssals or Infernals game, I would likely aim for it as well since I like both as well.
I used to read through a few of the more successful games on this forum but I lost interest at some point. I'm still new to both Exalted and roleplaying in general, though I can put together a character and know how most things work.

Edit: Added character sheet.

Edit 2: Added character image.
Sorry I'm late with my character sheet. Here it is. If it's wrong in some way, let me know.

Name: Rex "Tango" Aram

Player: Lord of the Storm

Concept: Man on the Run

Motivation: To find his place in the world

Intimacies: Freedom, Horses

Strength: 3

Dexterity: 3

Stamina: 2

Charisma: 2

Manipulation: 2

Appearance: 3

Perception: 3

Intelligence: 2

Wits: 4

Archery: 3

Martial Arts: 2

Melee: 2

Thrown: 2

Integrity: 1

Performance: 1 (Moutharp +2)

Presence: 2

Resistance: 3

Survival: 2 (Breaking Horses +1)

Lore: 1

Medicine: 1

Athletics: 1

Awareness: 2

Dodge: 2

Linguistics: 1

Ride (Favored): 4


Contacts: 2

Resources: 3

Influence: 2

Other Numbers

Willpower: 7

Compassion: 3

Conviction: 2

Temperance: 1

Valor: 3
Okay, my background has been fleshed out more (much longer xD ) and stats are up! Mahir's character sheet is officially done. I edited my original character post on Page 2 of this thread to add this stuff. Let me know if you want it all in a new post. Unfortunately I have not found a picture. :(

I gave him a couple degrees in thaumaturgy, if that's okay. The basics are in the core book, but all the fun stuff is in Book of Sorcery III: Oadenol's Codex. If you don't want to deal with thaumaturgy, just let me know and I'll redistribute those bonus points into something else.

Also, I gave him a recurved shortbow with the stats of a longbow. I figure that the nomadic Delzhan would have developed a bow that's easier to use from horseback than a longbow, better than a self bow, and not as expensive as a composite bow.
I have updated my sheet with an image. Drawn in my sketchbook when I could sneak time between classes or the rare times I could sit down on a train. Probably an hour and a half, maybe two hours of work. Then an extra hour photographing it and adjusting the image for the lighting. Plech.

It's not exactly my best work. I kind of want to make a better one in the future, and with inking and coloring instead of just subpar pencil shading. But I'll wait on that.
Tomorrow is the day of picks. Get your characters in, I will be making an Abyssal's game as well pretty soon. After I read the book thoroughly. Then an Infernals game. If you don't get into this game and apply for the others, you will get preferential treatment.

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