The Lawgivers


Senior Member
A daring first post, be a game! Yar!



RY 768

Time of Tumult.

It was a time when the Realm’s concerns are not on that of the Threshold and the Wyld Hunt, but on the expectation of the new Dragon-Blooded to take the throne. The once iron-grip of the Realm has slowly become soft, allowing for its enemies and the feared Anathema to fall through the cracks. Where the Realm once gained tributes from many of its satraps, it now has jade slowly disappearing when the eleven houses need the funding more than ever.

To the South, the great dragon lines have been unused and forgotten, the Immaculate Order not as pressed though many still revere the Celestials as a sign of demons, and the First Age mysteries that were buried in the south sands are ready to be found. Thrill seeking travelers looking to become rich quick travel deep south to Gem, hoping to strike big. Others find refuge in the land called Paragon a name given to a city long forgotten. Southern tribes are in constant war fare over the cattle and goods in the desert as there is no longer First Age architecture to keep plant life alive to grow proper crops.

It is indeed a time of opportunity for those willing to seize it.

This is where you begin your destiny…

Some would call you heroic with valor that matches the great gods. Perhaps you were a great diplomat, bringing warring tribes together on common ground. Or maybe you are just the best at what you do.

For whatever reason, you are the chosen. The Lawgivers.

You know the real history and how the First Age started and ended. Maybe you will take back creation, or see it to its ultimate destruction.


We start in a small trading town called Makerson. Nothing much is grand about this town and it seems anyone who wants to make a name for themselves would steer clear of it, lest they get stuck there doing mundane things. But, you are mortal so the idea of doing mundane things is a familiar one, something many have been either forced to do or do because they must, for they are not exalted and are not above such meaningless tasks.

The reason Makerson even exists as a small town is due in part that House V'neef has one son Dynast that lives there to tend to the wineries in the village plantation with his father, who owns the town. His father V'neef Shurock has not exalted and probably won't at the age of 46, his son still has a chance however. After his secondary schooling, which Shurock had to pull strings to get him in, he came here in hopes that something would happen to make him exalt. For it is widely known that without exaltation the Dynast will be forgotten, payed a very small stipend and nothing more. His son, V'neef Tepo has been a friendly face in town and seemingly care free more then anything else, a man that has so much to live up to certainly doesn't seem to be acting in haste.

The lively hood in this town is mostly uneventful, there are a few sparse town guards, which Tepo is the lead guard of. The town in its center has an Immaculate Order Ministry, a small balding man named Orthos runs it and gives the word of the five dragons once or twice a week. It is a respectable little church, albeit run down. There are no Exalts in this town currently, the only ones you see are of Dragon-Blooded just passing through, long enough for store clerks to sell they're wears to the travelers and make a few jade.

The church halves as a school, in this way the children of this small village can know of the mighty dragons while learning basic math. There are the said few shops as well, but the spot most villagers go after a hard days work is the local pub, which seems more well off then the church by a long stretch. This is were all the life of the town is located. It is owned by Shurock's wife.

You have come here either by fate, luck, or bad luck however it is viewed. But you are here now in the south, you better get used to the heat as it is always very hot. Today is no different, it is 96 degrees at noon on a clear sky and the sounds of village workers off in the distance can be heard. The scent of grapes permeates through the air in the heavy heat.

However you got here, you know little of this town but you know in your mind something big is about to happen...




Character Creation

- Must start as human, heroic mortal

- Do not use the Scroll of Heroic Mortals (You will exalt in game)

- This will be a game of a perfect circle of solars

- I will not be picking based on a 'best fit' theme. I am choosing on best background, the chances of you NOT getting the caste you want are high, and I apologize.

- Five solars, one of each caste, you are free to specify what you would prefer

- This will be a 'vanilla' game but I plan for it to be long, very long. In fact if you don't have the heart to stick around and be active, I wouldn't recommend it.

- Application must have: Characters sheet, backstory, character description, character picture highly preferable.

EDIT: Pictures to come :(
If we can't use scroll of exalted mortal there are no character creation rules...

Not that I can find anyway.
Wuffy said:
If we can't use scroll of exalted mortal there are no character creation rules...
Not that I can find anyway.
Grim and Gritty Page 81 Core rulebook 2e

I want Character sheet, Backstory, character appearance.

I would prefer a picture of the character as well.
I'm interested. Just as some help in coming up with my backstory... Where exactly IS Makerson? Which larger cities are nearby? My character concept would need to be from one.
I'm interested. Just as some help in coming up with my backstory... Where exactly IS Makerson? Which larger cities are nearby? My character concept would need to be from one.
It's smack dab between Paragon and The Lap... I had my images hosted with something the site hates apparently. This will change soon... ish ... 206e74.png ... 6115c4.jpg

DO note that the forum allows you to attach images and then placed inline. Like so.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_07/11456.gif.800988f408c70a66576da6ee22f9f8cb.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23510" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2010_07/11456.gif.800988f408c70a66576da6ee22f9f8cb.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • 11456.gif
    36.1 KB · Views: 996
Count me in, what type of background are you looking for ? Hyper detailed or concept / short backstory ?
cyl said:
Count me in, what type of background are you looking for ? Hyper detailed or concept / short backstory ?
Enough detail so I can feel out the character, I don't want you to just say "I'm from the south, from The Lap", something like "I was a guard in Harborhead, but I ran away due to love etc etc"

I want to focus on the story of this game more then anything else, plus if you have motivations and love interests etc, it helps me as a story teller to pull on heart strings and set the mood.

Keep note I have only read the following:

Main Book

South Book


Parts of Lunar

Parts of Sidereal

I am still reading as I go.
Bardlebee said:
cyl said:
Count me in, what type of background are you looking for ? Hyper detailed or concept / short backstory ?
Enough detail so I can feel out the character, I don't want you to just say "I'm from the south, from The Lap", something like "I was a guard in Harborhead, but I ran away due to love etc etc"

I want to focus on the story of this game more then anything else, plus if you have motivations and love interests etc, it helps me as a story teller to pull on heart strings and set the mood.

Keep note I have only read the following:

Main Book

South Book


Parts of Lunar

Parts of Sidereal

I am still reading as I go.
An interesting twist as you will be Solar's would be if you are a practicing human of the Immaculate Order. When you exalt you have a huge conflict between faith and what you had just been shown through Exaltation. That type of inner character conflict, termoil, and emotion is what drives Exalted to be epic. I really don't like players that play exalted because its like DragonBall Z and they just want to get the next big charm. I want someone with motivations, feelings. Why am I doing what I do? Do I want to save creation or sit on my ass? Do I want to relieve myself of this curse or maybe do a favor for the Yozi's who bestowed it upon me to get it lifted? How does the curse work and why are the Solars so affected? Why is Daddy(Unconquered Sun) not talking to me anymore?

For the Immaculate Preacher conflict 'I'm a demon, does that make me evil? If I am not evil does that mean I have been leading a life of lies?'
I will make a character for this. I will probably decide on a preferred caste (and, well, the rest of my stats) once I'm finished writing everything else (or maybe in the middle). I will be drawing my own picture, but because I don't have a way to scan it to my computer until mid-August, would you be okay with me photographing it, thus producing a much poorer-quality image? If not, I will scour the interwebs for something close until I can get to a scanner.

Would you also like us to pre-submit the things we want upon Exaltation (once you've told us our castes), or will you be making that selection?
Arynne said:
Do you want us to post our characters here or PM them to you?
Yeah photograph would be fine, pictures aren't required just preferred. If you can't I won't hold it against you.

Post characters here.

I'm a (relatively) new Exalted player and i'd be very interested in your upcoming game.

I'll try to have my character concept/background and sheet up as soon as possible.

A question though regarding the setting. If i understand well, it'll involve mainly the South part of Creation. I was thinking about a ship captain (one who possibly suffered from pirate attack, lost his ship and crew and tries to recover) but if our travels mainly involve the Southern cities, then it wouldn't fit well.

On the other hand i'll probably focus on the other concept hovering in my head, which is either one of the city guards/officers or possibly a diplomat from Nexus who came to the small town to enact diplomatic negotiations regarding trade routes treaties etc.

P.S: As a sidenote, regarding the photo/picture of the character, i'd like to say that since i can't draw adequately I won't be able to present a decent picture of him. I could link though a picture from websites containing chinese/japanese-themed characters in medieval/mythic times who could resemble my vision of my character.
Are we allowed to know Thaumaturgy?

And if we can't use the Merits or Flaws from Scroll of Heroes, how do we represent qualities like priesthood?
Allright, here follows my character sheet. I'll also put after it my background and character appearance in the same post, when i have them ready. Parts of my background can also be found in my character sheet in the part where i describe my "backgrounds".

[Edit: Character is finished. In case I manage to acquire a decent drawing of him i'll post it here as well. Awaiting storyteller assessment, observations, suggestions and corrections. :D ]

Takeno Nellens, young diplomat and patrician (un-exalted) from the Great House Nellens of the Realm.

Probably I'd like to go for Eclipse Caste since it seems to be more in line with my character concept but this will be up to the Storyteller to decide, according to the needs etc of the story and the group as well as his own assessment of my character.

Character sheet.

Name[/b] Takeno Nellens

Motivation To help create a better system for the Goverment of Creation, based on equality and cooperation.



Strength â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—


Charisma â—â—â—

Manipulation â—â—â—

Appearance â—â—â—


Perception â—â—

Intelligence â—â—

Wits â—â—



Martial Arts

[F]Melee â—â—â—â—



Integrity â—â—â—

Performance â—â—

Presence â—â—â—

Resistance â—




Lore â—â—



Athletics â—

Awareness â—â—

Dodge â—â—

Larceny â—

Stealth â—

Bureaucracy â—â—â—

Linguistics â—â—â— (Low Realm: native, High Realm, Riverspeak, Flametongue)

Ride â—â—â—


Socialize â—â—â—


Resources â—â—â—â— (Although House Nellens is nowhere near the other Dynastic Houses in terms of wealth and power, it can still manage marshalling considerable resources if need be and supports his up and coming scions, giving his un-exalted members the same (and even greater some times) measure of respect and help in order to succeed in their lives. In addition to that, Takeno's education as a bureaucrat and his natural aptitude in this field has earned him additional benefits during his career).

Contacts â—â— (Through his career, Takeno has met and befriended several people in important places and is slowly building his own web of information gathering and favor calling. The most important of these people, are a Guild functionary (Kenji) with whom he worked during his first years as a junior diplomat in Nexus and a Realm navy officer from House Peleps (Toshiro) who accompanied him in his journeys to the Threshold acting as security consultant and has now returned to his post in the Realm’s fleet).

Backing â—â— (Takeno has the backing of House Nellens, one of the Great Houses of the Scarlet Empire, which even though weaker than the rest, can still promote its interests and the wellfare of its scions in Creation. In young Takeno they see an up and coming diplomat who may very well turn into an important politician of the Realm and claim a seat in the Deliberative or become governor/satrap in one of the Realm’s city states in the Threshold or the South, places in which he has acted as an ambassador and can therefore communicate with the local population on a different level).

Artifacts and Equipment

1) Perfect Chopping Sword: Forged from the finest swordsmiths of House Nellens, it was a gift to Takeno from his uncle, prior to his first diplomatic assignment. «As your words cut through the arguments of those who wish to impend your work, let this blade cut through the flesh of those that wish to harm you.»

Sp. 4 Acc. 9 Dmg. 8L/2 Def +1 R.2 Tags O Cost â—â—â—â—

2) Perfect Buff Jacket (concealed under cloak): (Takeno bought it from Nexus, after his security officer’s advice, to protect himself against unforeseen troubles during journeys throughout Creation (bandit attacks etc).

Soak : 4L/5B Mob.pen. – 0 Fatigue 0 Cost â—â—â—

3) Perfect writing tools (exquisite writing kit, with brushes, inks, seals and stamps as well as paper of the finest quality) used in Takeno’s trade as a diplomatic envoy of his House.

4) A fine (racing) horse, that Takeno bought from Nexus in order to speed his travel to Markeson, while enjoying greater freedom of movement compared to the slower caravans. It is of black colour and good breed and so far serves him perfectly well.

Join Combat: 4


Dodge DV 2

Parry DV 4

Soak: 7B/5L


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

-X [ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV 5

Parry MDV 3


Compassion â—

Conviction â—â—â—

Temperance â—â—

Valor â—â—â—


Family ( Takeno holds his family in a special place in his heart and aspires to make his own in a few years. Of course he has to find the perfect lady-candidate for the position of the queen of his heart but this will come eventually. Also he likes to promote the concept of family and close relationships whenever possible and up to him).

Willpower: 7


Permanent: â—

Personal: -/- (- Committed)

Peripheral: -/- (- Committed)

Bonus Points (21)

Melee â—â—â—â— (1)

Presence â—â—â— (2)

Ride â—â—â— (6)

Dodge â—â— (2)

Linguistics â—â—â— (2)

Resistance â— (2)

Resources â—â—â—â— (2)

Contacts â—â— (1)

Backing â—â— (1)

Willpower â—â—â—â—â— â—â— (2)


Takeno is a young man (almost 25 years old) and quite handsome. Tall and thin (1,90m 80kg) with an athletic build, fair complexion and stylized long silk-like black hair. At times, he sports a neatly trimmed beard that gives others the impression that he's a bit older, allowing him better interaction with the various traders and city rulers, who tend to decide the qualities of those before them based on appearance and not personality. He usually wears fine clothes with his House's insignia embroidered on them, denoting his position as a figure of importance and a diplomatic envoy. By his side, inside a nicely crafted and decorated scabbard, rests his chopping sword, a blade of exquisite quality that Takeno wields with an astonishing finesse.

On the second finger of his right hand he bears a beautifully crafted signet ring, gifted to him by his father, as a token of his lineage that serves to indentify him as a member of his House and affords him a better disposition from certain contacts and allies of his family throughout Creation.

While travelling he tends to wear a buff jacket, functioning as an armor in case of unfortunate encounters during his journeys. In addition to that, he carries, hanged from his shoulder, a satchel, containing his documents of office as well as his exquisite writing kit and various paraphernalia needed to enact his assignments. Also he wears a long hooded cloak to conceal himself better of any unwanted attention and move unhindered when he needs to.


Almost twenty-five years ago, a family belonging to the Great House Nellens of the Scarlet Dynasty received his youngest member. The newborn was a boy, the newest addition to this happy patrician family, residing in the Blessed Isle.

The boy grew up and became a young and handsome man. The name given to him was Takeno, belonging to his grandfather, a clever dynast and excellent politician.

He received the best education his family could provide and showed a natural aptitude for swordplay and social interaction and communication. His family was proud of him and did all in its power to assist him in becoming a good, honest man, jewel to the family's lineage and helpful to the society of the Realm.

Because times were tumultuous and he had displayed a great interest in the art of the sword, young Takeno was trained extensively in combat and soon his skill with a blade was astonishing. His trainers speculated that it wouldn't take him long to reach the final limit of his potential and surpass even seasoned soldiers and veterans in his aptitude for the ways of the sword and his genius regarding the various aspects and nuances of fencing and dueling.

He was also taught the noble art of horsemanship and gradually evolved to a fine rider, enjoying the sense of freedom that galloping in the fileds gave him and finding an inner calmness and closer bond to nature while he had the chance to ride by himself, in the Blessed Isle and in the Threshold.

In addition to that, Takeno enjoyed social interaction very much and also seemed to absorb endlessly all information from scrolls and others sources, as elder family members and visitors, regarding the government and bureaucracy structure and methodology of the Realm. For some reason, Takeno's mind grasped very well the role of each member in a given bureaucratic or governmental setting, suggesting where each one would be most useful or what should be done to improve the efficiency of an organisation or agency of related interests.

Regarding his views on dynastic life and the Scarlet Empire, Takeno is truly a scion of House Nellens and a son of his father. Like the majority of his House, he values greatly every useful man be he simple mortal, noble patrician or exalted dynast, with a slight dislike to the latter, due to their arrogance and excessive way of life as well as their over-reliance on their supernatural powers to achieve anything. This view, in addition to the current political situation in the Realm's politics, due to the recent vanishing of the Scarlet Empress that seems to have thrown the government stability to a tumultuous state of instability, have also influenced his opinion on the government and administration methods.

Takeno strongly believes and fervently pursues a new way of government, one that will not involve a major figurehead with all powers in its hands but instead a group of worthy individuals that will be able to function as a team, cooperating efficiently, pooling resources and expertise. Thus they'll be able to achieve greater flexibility in their governmental duties and retain their capabilities in the unfortunate event that someone is rendered unable to perform his duties.

So, his life was going on and after he finished his studies, he was appointed as a junior diplomatic envoy to pursue his Great Houses interests in the Threshold. His first assignment, after a year of training in House affairs, was to serve as trainee diplomat in the great city of Nexus. His family, and especially his uncle, believed that Nexus' society and environment would do much in opening the eyes of Takeno, broadening his horizons and teaching him, by experience, things that no school lessons can impart on anyone.

The journey to Nexus, was a great experience of itself and Takeno was amazed. He saw the Inland sea, the Imperial Fleet under the command of House Peleps to conduct pirate hunts and blockade operations and then the lands of the Threshold. Also he studied extensively prior to his journey and during it as well, managing to learn Riverspeak and Flametongue to a very good level, enabling himself thus to communicate with greater ease when he'd reach his destination.

Nexus was indeed (as his family had hoped) the greatest academy for young Takeno. His open mindedness and natural charisma made him a valued negotiatior and his aptitude in bureaucracy and government structures turned him to an envoy worthy of attention. Dealings with the Guild increased his acumen while wondering in the most exotic of Nexus' taverns improved his socializing skills. During his stay in Nexus, he saw, heard and learnt many things, like never to mess with higher powers for example and that the motto "the jade must flow" hid a much greater significance and power than one who heard it could understand at first.

He made friends there, the most important of whom was Kenji, a guild functionary who taught him quite a lot on trade policy and negotiations as well as various rules, regulations and their respected loopholes for additional profit and bureaucratic flexibility. Another one was Toshiro, a naval officer of House Peleps who actually acted as his own security advisor (that's a nicer word for bodyguard) assigned to him by intervention of his family who pulled some favours to ensure Takeno's safety in the great city of Nexus.

They did a lot of sightseeing together (and alongside some pretty Nexus ladies as well that is, since Toshiro's naval posture and Takeno's natural charm went a long way regarding interactions with beautiful members of the opposite sex).

It was a fine stay and when the time for departure came, Takeno left with a heavy heart and with the promise to stay in touch with the people who were closest to him.

After the Threshold, his family decided to test Takeno to another field, making put his hard-earned knowledge and experience to work in a smaller scale. He was sent to a settlement in the south, near the Lap, called Makerson. He should evaluate the town's potential and establish new trade routes, especially given the fact that another Great House (V'neef) had representatives there and it would be to their mutual interest to solidify a good cooperation and a profitable trading establishment.

Takeno wasn't overtly fond of this assignment but he hoped this was the chance he needed to prove himself a capable and adequate ambassador and bureaucrat and catapult himself to the higher governmental echelons of his House upon the completion of his duties in Makerson and his return to the Blessed Isle. By then, he hopes that he'll be ready to pursue his dream of making his own family as well, expanding his lineage and combining his rise in professional level with the love to his future wife and children. Takeno thinks very highly of his own family and aspires to follow on the same steps, establishing a happy family and a successful household.



[Edit: Changed the picture. I think the current one reflects better my character and has an increased "exalted" feeling in it. Also the sword is elaborate and a bit smaller and more stylized which in my opinion fits better. The previous one resembled more a strong character rather than the dexterous, refined one that relies on his finesse with either word or sword to deal with what comes his way.]
Torvedo Anger



(I have no idea where this image is from, it is not my work.)


Torvedo Anger,

formerly Ledaal Torvedo, a lazy hedonistic scholar who'd lost nearly everything except his life for standing up to his house on principle for the first time.

Ledaal Torvedo was a member of house Ledaal who never exalted as a Dragon Blood. Like many others in the same situation, he was sent by his house to seek fortune where he was most capable. As he seemed to be most at home in scholarly pursuits, he was provided with arrangements in an old Chiaroscuro library. He would uncover means of profit or other advantage, ancient or recent, dedicate them to house Ledaal, and in return he would never have to worry about mundane amenities. That one of the non-exalted members of the house would be as far away from court politics as possible was also an important fact, though perhaps one that was not talked about openly.

For many years, his bachelor life was simple and fairly pleasant. He spent them alternating between exploring the lore of whatever he fancied at the time, and other more base forms of pleasure such as drunken debauchery. Beyond that, he never developed anything resembling a life goal. Despite his vices, in time, he became an expert loremaster. He was known throghout the south for his nigh universal knowledge of geography, history and first age secrets, the culture and customs of various lands and peoples of creation, and almost anything else one might imagine.

One day during his studies, he uncovered a secret that truly would have been profitable to his patron house. A map showing the location of what most certainly was a cache of, among other things, first age enslavement collars. He would have given anything to bury and hide that knowledge back into the book it came from. Unfortunately, he'd already informed two other scholars of his amazing finding. At first, he tried reasoning with them, tried convincing them to forget about his find. They didn't agree with his view on the matter. Rather than let the knowledge be used, he destroyed the map. Again, unfortunately, a copy had already been made by one of the other slef-serving scholars.

The events that took place on his last night as a recognized member of house Ledaal were not pleasant. In fact, they were excruciatingly painful and nearly fatal. His house learned of his treachery, and the dynast who would explore the finding dealt with Torvedo first. The only memories Torvedo has of that night are of pain and being left for dead in a pool of his own blood. The only thoughts he thought the day after were ones of disbelief. How could his old colleagues betray him so completely?

"I can't be associated with Ledaal anymore. What can I call myself? All I have left is my anger. Torvedo... Anger."

He set out into exile. With a mixture of the will to survive and dumb luck, he managed to stay alive, for a time, at least.


Name:[/b] Torvedo Anger

Concept: Scholar

Motivation: To learn as much as he can and make sure that that knowledge is used wisely.


Strength â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—â—

Charisma â—

Manipulation â—â—

Appearance â—â—â—

Perception â—â—â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—â—

Wits â—â—â—




Awareness â—â—â—


Integrity â—â—

Martial Arts

Melee â—â—

Resistance â—â—





Linguistics â—â—â—â— (Low Realm, High Realm, Old Realm, Flametongue, Riverspeak)


Presence â—â—

Ride â—â—




Survival â—â—


Investigation â—â—â—

[F]Lore â—â—â—â—â—


Occult â—â—â—


Contacts â—â— (various academics)

Influence â—â—â— (famous and respected in the south)


Compassion â—â—â—

Conviction â—â—â—â—

Temperance â—

Valor â—â—


Learning new knowledge (passion)

House Ledaal (hatred, fear)

Politics and agendas that interfere with learning (contempt)

Essence: â—

Willpower: â—â—â—â—â—â—â—



pack with provisions for a few days, journal, pen, ink

basic warm weather clothing


Dodge DV 1

Parry DV 2

Dodge MDV 5

Parry MDV 2


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ] [ ]

-2 [ ] [ ]

-4 [ ]

-X [ ]


Abilities 6

Attributes 12

Virtues 3


Obviously Twilight would be best as the character is now, but I'm not averse to taking him in another direction if it's necessary. Loremaster Dawn caste? Why not?

I was aiming for a 'naturally gifted' thing, so I spent most of my BPs on attributes. Hope that's OK.
Post via phone:

Arbiter, your picture doesn't have to be drawn in fact I encourage anime pictures with epic characters. Good examples would be Hyung Tae-Kims works. But a pretty picture won't steal the show of course. I will be deciding picks. This Friday.

On the topic of scroll of heroes and thamauturgy. I don't mind it, but realize ill have to read up on thaumaturgy. The reason I don't want scroll of heroes is because you will change to solars in game. With stats that high, your already very powerful. You can roleplay out your profession.
Are merits or flaws allowed from Scroll of Heroes, or perhaps the created races? I most likely won't use the created races but would like to know.
Okay, here's my character's appearance and background. Stats will come later.

I would like the Zenith Caste. With his occult training, Mahir would also make a good Twilight, and his social skills would make him a decent Eclipse (although he knows almost nothing about the intricacies of "civilized" society).

Name: Mahir, son of Hakim of the White Simhata sept

Concept: Delzhan apprentice shaman

Motivation: Become a shaman and use that power to bring peace and prosperity to the White Simhata sept

In order to understand Mahir, one must first understand the Delzhan and their custom of the Dereth. In Delzhan society, the roles of men and women are rigidly separated. Men are warriors; women are in charge of the household and children. Naturally, some people dislike the role that their gender has forced upon them. These people have the option to become Dereth. Dereth essentially become a person of the opposite gender, culturally and legally. They think of themselves as their chosen gender and other Delzhan refer to them with the appropriate pronouns. Therefore, a woman who becomes Dereth is referred to as 'he' and a man who becomes Dereth is referred to as 'she'. This isn't exactly what a parent wants for their child, but it isn't seen as shameful either; it is simply the will of the gods. In order to signify their status, Dereth always wear a gray sash.

Mahir was born Mahira, daughter of Hakim of the White Simhata sept. The young girl was the quintessential tomboy, always sneaking out to play at fighting with her brothers when she was supposed to be learning to cook and sew. She was the despair of her parents. They suspected that she might become Dereth once she reached the age of majority, and both did their best to interest their daughter in more appropriate activities. Mahira was extremely strong-willed even as a child, though, and to no one's surprise she took the gray sash of the Dereth when she turned sixteen and became an adult.

The sept's shaman, Arif, had had his eye on Mahir for some time and offered to take him as apprentice. The most important quality in a shaman is a strong will, which Mahir certainly had, and being Dereth is an auspicious trait for shamans. Just as Dereth cross the boundaries of gender, so must a shaman cross the boundaries of the physical and spirit worlds. The young man readily accepted.

Arif was amazed at how quickly his new apprentice learned the ways of the shaman. Mahir had a forceful personality, but not menacing unless he wanted to be. He learned quickly and had a natural gift for passing that knowledge on to others. The young man could project an air of confidence and authority that made even the sept's most powerful warriors back down.

For his part, Mahir liked his new life. He found the shamanic lore and history fascinating, enjoyed talking to gods and spirits, and loved to teach the sept's children. There is a stability that comes with the shamanic life, the knowledge that not only do the gods exist, but that one can speak with them and ask for their aid. Mahir is a deeply spiritual person who sees the effect of the spirit world in everyday life and vice versa. He respects the smaller gods, but as is usual for the Delzhan, he reveres the Incarnae and Tamas Khan (the hero-god of the Delzhan) above all.

Mahir comes from a large family. His parents have been blessed with six children; four boys (counting Mahir) and two girls. Of all his siblings, Mahir is closest to his oldest sister, Yasmeen. Yasmeen is six years older than Mahir and often cared for him while their mother was busy running the household. Yasmeen saw early on that her younger sister was not suited for a Delzhan woman's life, and unlike the rest of the family, she did not try and make Mahira into something she wasn't. When Mahira became Mahir, Yasmeen was there to support him in the transition.

One year after Mahir began his apprenticeship, Yasmeen married into the Sky Horse sept. It was a good match; Yasmeen's husband-to-be was the Sky Horse orkhan's nephew, and the two got along well. Mahir missed his sister sorely, but marriage between septs is quite common and at least his sister was happy. But three years after the wedding, all contact with Sky Horse ceased. This was not uncommon among the nomadic Delzhan, but when the traditional gathering of septs in Chiaroscuro came and Sky Horse wasn't there, people began to worry.

Mahir consulted the stars, asked the gods and spirits of the sky and sand, even risked contact with the ancestors to try and find his sister. He was able to find out that Sky Horse had been attacked by warriors led by a Fire-Aspected Dragon-Blood, but nobody knew where his sister was. He begged his master Arif to try, but even Arif's potent magics could not find Yasmeen. All they know is that she is alive. Mahir is trying to keep an open mind about the identity of the force that attacked Sky Horse. One of the first things a shaman learns is not to assume anything. After all, the Dynasts are known for their promiscuity; there are outcaste Dragon-Bloods all over the South. But the most likely possibility is still that Realm soldiers attacked his sister's sept.

All Delzhan men learn the sword and the bow, at the very least, which Mahir has done. He is no warrior, though, and knows it. Fortunately it is considered unlucky to challenge a shaman to a duel. When it comes to magic, Mahir is just beginning to learn the powers of the shaman. Arif insists that he learn geomancy first. According to him, one must know and feel the Essence of the land before using that Essence for other purposes.

The White Simhata sept is unusual in that it roams farther than other Delzhan. The orkhan (sept leader) figured out years ago that they could get a better price for their firedust and other goods in the faraway Lap than in Chiaroscuro, and the few agricultural goods needed by the sept are much cheaper in the Lap. Other septs scoff and call them merchants, but they can't deny that the White Simhata do very well for themselves. The sept is currently on their way back to Delzhan lands from the Lap. They have stopped in Makerson for water and a chance to rest their animals.

Mahir is short for one of the Delzhan, about 5' 5â€. His skin is dark brown, lighter in areas that are usually covered by clothing, and his shoulder-length hair is pale blonde. He has large brown eyes, almost black. Usually he wears the traditional Delzhan man's traveling garb of light tan robes with a matching veil and the gray sash of the Dereth. The loose robes make it difficult to see his body, especially at a distance, but up close one can make out the outline of breasts and hips. Fortunately he isn't terribly well-endowed in either area. When unveiled (only when he's eating, drinking, or bathing), it's obvious that Mahir is physically female. He has full lips, high cheekbones, and a pointed chin. If Mahir had not chosen the path of the Dereth, he would have been considered rather pretty. He carries a curved sword and a knife at his waist. On his back, he carries a short horsebow and a quiver of arrows.



Social (Primary)

Charisma ooo

Appearance oo

Manipulation oooo

Mental (Secondary)

Perception oo

Intelligence ooo

Wits oo

Physical (Tertiary)

Strength oo

Dexterity ooo

Stamina oo


Archery oo

Melee oo

Integrity ooo

Performance oo

Presence ooo

Resistance oo

Survival o (+oo Desert)

Lore oo (+o History)

Occult (Favored) oooo

Medicine ooo

Dodge oo

Linguistics o (Native: Flametongue. Learned: Old Realm)

Ride oo


Art of Geomancy - Adept (Occult specialization +oo)

Join Battle: 2


Fine recurved shortbow (+1 Accuracy, stats otherwise as longbow)

Attack (Dex 3 + Archery 2 + Accuracy 2) = 7

Speed 6

Rate 3

Range 200

Damage (Str 2 + ammo used)

Fine slashing sword (+1 Defense)

Attack (Dex 3 + Melee 2 + Accuracy 1) = 6

Speed 4

Rate 3

Defense 1

Damage (Str 2 +3L) = 5L


Dodge DV 2

Parry DV (with sword) 3

Dodge MDV 5

Parry MDV 3


Compassion ooo

Conviction oo

Temperance ooo

Valor oo

Willpower ooooo oo


-The White Simhata sept (loyalty)

-Family (protective love)

-Sunlight (proud affection; see Backgrounds)


Familiar 4 - Sunlight, God-Blooded horse (Familiar 3 intelligence)

Sunlight is a most unusual horse, the best in the sept bar none. One day, an unfamiliar stallion with a coat that shone like gold and a mane the color of new-minted silver was caught mounting one of the sept's mares. The stallion finished his business and ran off into the desert, eluding every attempt to catch him for the sept's herds. The mare gave birth to a palomino colt that was exceptionally intelligent. Every man in the sept wanted the colt for his own, but to everyone's surprise, he bonded with Mahir, who named him Sunlight. The colt would respond to no one else. The warriors were most unhappy about this. Arif, however, said that Sunlight's sire had definitely been a spirit or god of some sort, so why was anyone surprised that the colt bonded with the shaman's apprentice? Mahir and Sunlight can 'talk' to one another through sounds and gestures. The horse has approximately the same intelligence as a child of seven or eight. Sunlight is now three years old.

Mentor 2 - Arif, shaman of the White Simhata sept

Arif is Mahir's teacher in the arts of the shaman. He is of middle age, with graying brown hair and piercing dark eyes. A shaman requires a great many skills; mediator, magician, historian, healer, diviner, and more. Mahir is talented, but he has nowhere near the experience and learning of his mentor. Arif is an expert thaumaturge (Master in several disciplines) and has many spirit allies that he may call upon at need. He has tried to divine his apprentice's future on several occasions, but the results are too muddled for even him to interpret. This troubles him greatly. Either Mahir is destined for something great, so great that even the stars cannot properly express it, or for some horrible fate from outside Creation. Either way he will need all the help he can get. Naturally, Arif has not told his apprentice any of this.

Resources 3

The White Simhata sept is quite wealthy by nomadic Delzhan standards, and Mahir is no exception. As with most nomads, his wealth is in personal possessions rather than coin.

Gear: Fine recurved shortbow (+1 accuracy, stats as longbow), fine slashing sword (+1 defense), knife, broadhead arrows, fowling arrows, frog-crotch arrows, ritual paraphernalia, medical supplies


I'm not entirely satisfied with the picture; Mahir wears tan or white, not red. It's the closest I've found so far though.
Xaantiaz said:
Are merits or flaws allowed from Scroll of Heroes, or perhaps the created races? I most likely won't use the created races but would like to know.

Backgrounds, sure, not merits and flaws though..... if you do use merits and flaws though... let me know what kind if you really feel it is important to the character.
Oh I should mention that this game won't stay in the south, Arbiter. If you want to be a captain you will be going all over creation, into Malfeas, and even Heaven itself.

This game is going to be the idea of Solars reshaping creation, for better of for worse. Will you cure the curse? Will you destroy the Dragon-Blooded? Will you recreate the deliberative? Will you go talk to The Unconquered Sun face to face?

That sort of stuff, so travel will be heavy.

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