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Fantasy ๐’ฏ๐’ฝ๐‘’ โ˜… ๐ฟ๐’ถ๐“ˆ๐“‰ โ˜… ๐’ฒ๐’พ๐“ˆ๐’ฝ


Eulampis smirk widened a bit at Mercurys words, but it quickly went away as she put her attention elsewhere , the wait for the Warlock Commander took quite a bit of her time, a annoying amount of her time, but eventually they had opted to make their appearance. It quickly became apparent that their choice of venue was not up to their Commanders standards made evident by their complaints of it, Zevra wasn't all too impressed by the comments and instead opted to focus on positioning herself a bit below him but still hovering over the other Witch and Warlocks here. When he had finally opted to get down to business he revealed his clear displeasure for the entire situation and but had opted to return one of the dumb cats nine lives, something that made her want to almost roll her eyes at. Though she didn't since she really didn't want to upset or displease the Commander more than he already was. It wasn't until he demanded for a explanation did Zevra finally perk up in order to speak, pointing at Happy as she told him "Well that giant hole in that idiots head allowed you to clearly see that there was nothing inside of it and because of that when me and Omen had opted to go make sure that those wraiths were dealt with, that moron had taken it as a opportunity to go off on his own and create a nightmare in our school cafeteria! Something that me and Omen didn't find out until his little pet had just about completely transformed." Eulampis was clearly not happy as she made the explanation to their Commander, she was throwing Happy completely under the bus and she was not going to regret it one bit, especially since it was indeed completely his fault anyways.

"Creating a dam nightmare at School is the last thing I wanted, I don't need the people I actually like to be caught up in some sort of mess with a dam Nightmare." she had added that little fact in order to show that she really wasn't happy with the idea of having a nightmare in their school in the first place and to further herself from being wrapped up in being a accomplice of the brainless cat that was being patched up, thanks to the generosity of their Commander.
Alley > Convenience store > Home
Ooooh, money.
Aki ( Necromantic Necromantic )
Teal eyes narrowed as they swept over Aki's figure. The boy looked rather physically sick, paleness settling on his features, no doubt a result of the surging and plummeting his stomach must have endured, on top of the generous amount of bleeding. Were it anyone else, they would have found any display of grievance a reasonable fit, given the circumstances. But Crow's only response was a glower, his body leaning dangerously forward, elbows propped on bent knees.

"Unfortunately?" He repeated, his voice rising with a questioning intonation, followed by a disapproving click of the tongue. "Fine. Next time, I'll..." He continued, tone devoid of the edge that would lend weight to any meaningful threat. It trailed off, however, as pristine skin flashed in the peripheral of his vision. Crow's gaze followed Aki's fingers, before quickly looking away. He could barely register the shift in topic. Crow hadn't intended to preserve the shirt, just for Aki to turn around and lift it anyway. It was indeed foolish to expect common sense from a straight man. He'd seen enough today to form a half-complete image in his mind (and technically from two different sources), and that was already more than he cared for.

"What... are you doing?" The words faltered, his voice nearly cracking before he managed to swallow it back. He peered once again, catching the other male nudging at his bones like a stubborn child would seeking attention. He could infer they must be damaged, broken, even, but the spotless skin seemed to suggest otherwise. If not for the prodding, Crow wouldn't have been able to tell anything was wrong. "No bruises? Is this some quirk of yours too? Should I carry you around some more?" The glare moved away from the slender fingers to scrutinize Aki's face instead. Evidently, that little trip wasn't enough. If he insisted, Crow would gladly jump from a few more tall buildings with him. That would probably make quick work of his ribs; far more efficient than poking them to pieces.

Aki then reached inside his shirt, grasping his Cursed Gem. He looked at it for a moment, and Crow, wary of what might come next, opted to create some distance between them, lest he be blinded by the light. Contrary to his expectations, however, Aki did not transform, but decided to pull out his glasses and wallet from the bag instead. From within the wallet, his hand retreated, this time grasping a fine piece of paper that made Crow freeze mid-motion on his knees, blankly taking in the words.

Thoughts popped into his head like balloons. He had every intention of going back to normal, but being addressed with such an endearing and easily misunderstood honorificโ€”again, Yuusuke recalledโ€”made him suddenly inclined not to do so. Unfortunately, he didn't have much of a choice, because a warlock couldn't simply catch a train home, even if the notion was quite amusing. What was the general protocol for such cases? Could he argue he was abiding to the law and therefore they couldn't arrest him? But a direct confrontation with the police would have rendered all the work of carrying Aki out of school futile. That would be better attempted another day. Having his ability questioned was also offensive. Hadn't he carried Aki just fine? True, he wasn't the strongest out there when he wasn't transformed, but he wasn't so weak that carrying a six-foot man while running was beyond his capacity (it was definitely out of his capacity).

There was simply too much Yuusuke had wanted to make a fuss about. Yet, whatever small complaints he had were overshadowed by the sheer power of that one expensive piece of printed paper. Because that was honestly more money than he had seen in an entire month.

He glanced at the note and then at Aki, before finally reaching for the small chain fastened between his shoulder blades. He dared not question the amount he was being offered, fearing the boy might change his mind. When the specks of teal light dissipated, Yuusuke found himself back in his uniform, scarf hanging loosely around his neck. The Cursed Gem was thus placed inside his jacket's pocket, where the silver chain would soon grow another impossibly tiny knot, as the tangle of metal beads remained both unused and unchallenged.

"If you insist. Don't mind me." He took the yen from Aki's hand, the bill quickly slipping into his pocket. The ingrained scowl disappeared as soon as his fingers touched the paper, relishing in the texture of the fine grain against his skin. It was no different from any other note, but Yuusuke could swear it felt more expensive than anything he had ever touched in his life. The smallest fraction of a pleased arc began forming on the corner of his lips, only to vanish with the next blink of an eye.

The teenager then pondered Aki's words. A drink, maybe, but he was certainly not going to buy lunch. The money was far too excessive for a convenience store bento, especially since he already had one tucked away in his bagโ€”a possibility Aki seemed to overlook. Nevertheless, a trip to the store was mandatory, because now Yuusuke had several important questionsโ€”how many shrimp-flavored chips could you buy with 10,000 yen? How long would they last? Would eating them all in one go send him to the hospital, or would the high sodium intake kill him instead?

"Kay. I'm gonna go." Finally able to use his hands freely, he picked his bag up. It dangled by the straps, the bits of snow clinging to the bottom brushed off, damping his fingers with bitter cold and water. Thankfully, the fabric hadn't soaked through entirely. Yuusuke slung the bag over his shoulder, pushing himself to his feet, before truly registering just what Aki mentioned was picking him up. The words were changed halfway, but it was easy to fill in the blanks.

"Did you just say vampire?" His eyebrows jumped, mouth opening and closing in rapid succession as if grappling for words that refused to come. "You know what? Never mind," he quickly reasoned with himself, deciding it was some sort of inside joke he wasn't privy to. Either that, or he'd have to add 'delusional' to the endless list of new things he'd learned today. His coworkers weren't exactly known for their sanity, anyway; one more item would change virtually nothing. "Send my regards to that Akiko vampire or whatever."

"Oh, and keep me updated. I don't wanna miss all the fun stuff."
With that, he wrapped his scarf snugly around his neck, chin burrowing into the soft wool. The cafeteria was temporarily gone, and the police were on the scene; it was a safe bet that the meeting, if it was ever happening, wouldn't be located on school grounds. Therefore, this guy became his next best source of information.

With a casual flick of his wrist, Yuusuke bid goodbye, stepping out of the shadows of the small alleyway and disappearing around the corner.

Only when he found himself alone, walking the familiar path he took almost every single day, did his long-lost EQ miraculously return for a sliver of a second.

Was he being turned away on purpose?


Just as Aki had said, there was indeed a convenience store not too far from there.

The familiar jingle greeted Yuusuke as his snow-covered boots stepped past the sliding glass doors. A brisk draft swept in, carrying the unwelcome winter's chill, before the doors glided shut. Warmth gradually embraced his skin, the icy sting on his cheeks fading, regaining some color. He walked purposely through the aisles, humming the semi-popular J-pop tune playing in the background.

A group of students huddled around a table near the cashier, each gripping a plastic bowl and a pair of tongs. Their intermittent laughter floated through the air along with the subtle, briny scent of oden. An elderly man cradled a basket of vegetables in his hands, slowly going through each and every basket and shelf. A severely underpaid and depressed young man, clad in the store's uniform, hunched over a rack, meticulously filling the gaps with a tightly arranged selection of items. The fluorescent lights cast a cold sheen over his face, accentuating his pallor.

As close to festering a Nightmare as ever, Yuusuke briefly thought. And yet, still hanging on. Their gazes met, but not a single word was spoken. The store clerk nodded habitually, got on his feet and pushed the cart full of boxes to another aisle, where he would once again go through the motions. Rise and repeat.

When Yuusuke got to the cash register, the group of students was already long gone. The cashier, staring at the white walls in boredom, snapped to attention as she heard footsteps approaching. A perfunctory smile stretched across her face, hand moving instinctively, reaching for the drink and the few snacks placed on the counter. The selection seemed peculiar for lunch, but her job wasn't to judge, not to mention the buyer seemed no older than high school age. Teenagers wouldn't exactly eat healthy, after all. The transaction was routine; the register beeped as the cashier rang up the items, the total flashing up on the screen.

"That would be ยฅ780, please." Not even a second later, a note appeared on the small tray beside the register. Picking it up, it froze in the air, confusion flickering in the clerk's eyes before realization settled. "Oh, you gave me a ยฅ10,000 bill. Is this correct?" She asked, following the protocol for such situations. It wasn't every day that a kid handed over such a high-value note, but she attributed it to a honest mistake. The cashier returned the bill to the tray and opened the register, fingers sorting through the necessary change she assumed would follow the exchange of a 1,000 yen note instead.



"I said 'yes'. Are you deaf?" He mocked, brows knit. Yuusuke hadn't bought all that he originally intended to. When it came to it, spending the entire 10,000 yen on some chips wouldn't be the smartest choice, so the male opted to be rational about itโ€”wouldn't it be much more efficient if he bought more plants? There was still room for a couple more on the top shelf near the window, he wagered. Nevertheless, after today's trip to the vending machine, his wallet already carried no more than 300 yen, and those little coins just wouldn't cut it.

"Oh... no, no. I mean, I'm very sorry." Voice almost as quiet as a whisper, the woman stumbled, hands moving at an unprecedented speed.

When the bill was paid and the change returned, Yuusuke left the store. His boots kicked against the melting snow, the plastic bag swinging rhythmically from his right hand.

He had snacks for the next few days, an extra 9,220 yen, and no classes. All that was left to do was to head home, eat lunch, play some games, take a nap, and maybe annoy some magical girls later.

Not everything was awful, after all.
code by @Nano
Last edited:

  • All of Happy Chaos's senses came crashing down on him at once. He lurched forward, coughing as his lungs suddenly had to adjust to breathing once again. He clutched at his chest, the gray of the concrete swirling in front of him before settling into something that he could actually recognize. The exhaustion from his magic usage and his Cursed Gem healing his body (until the bird interrupted) caught up to him all at once, and his transformation immediately broke. The little crown containing his soul rolled into his line of sight, ending up in a strange place perhaps due to having been torn off his body, which he picked up.

    "Holy shit- The Hell was that?!" He'd "died" before, but being woken back up so quickly was a new one. The cacophany of his senses all suddenly working at once made him want to vomit. This wasn't nearly as fun as dying itself had been. He slowly turned his head up, examining his surroundings. This sure wasn't the cafeteria, maybe it was the roof of a building? A different location wasn't anything unexpected, of course his body had been moved to safety.

    And in front of him stood some ugly bird. Peacock? Peacock. Those weren't normal to see in Japan. At least, not in Mitakihara, maybe they were common in Okinawa? Hikaru wasn't sure, he'd never been. No, no, this bird was wearing clothes, and talking. It was a "human".

    "Oh, that was me, Kazuki. I made that Nightmare." Hikaru responded, casually. If he'd heard Zevra's words, he didn't give any indication. Paying attention to people he didn't like was way too much effort, he barely even cared enough to acknowledge the "Commander" that was sitting on the air if front of him. That menacing aura, the way the hotel underneath them trembled from it, all of that meant so little to someone who'd long forgotten how to care about anything he didn't like.

    He sat up, nonchalant, as if he didn't have a care in the world.

    "I was gonna take her outside, but some Magical Boy tried to kill her. Then a girl did, too. Didn't care that she was still a normal human at all~ So predictable, they don't really want to "help" her, anyway. All they care about is when somebody's problems start inconveniencing them." He'd have to look into that Pretty Princess Who Could Do No Wrong, she was so fucking stupid it should've been a crime. No, no, calling her stupid was an insult to Aki- He was dumb as a bunch of rocks, but at least his critical thinking skills were leagues better than someone who barged in and started aiming her wand at the person she pretended she wanted to "protect". He could give Noir the benefit of the doubt that maybe, maybe, he didn't actually see her, but not that dumb bitch. There was nobody else in the cafeteria when she came in.

    His eyes left Kazuki, not out of any sign of submission nor remorse, but rather because he was checking his phone. How long had he been out? A while, wow. Texts from his dads...Concerned about him, frustrated with him for taking so long to answer, then back to worried about his safety. He texted them back with an lie that his phone had died in class, assurance that he was fine, and saying he'd call in 5 minutes.

    Next up, Aki- Oh, that also didn't look good. Shit, had things gotten so bad that-

    A commander was hovering in front of him. That answered his question well enough. Of course Aki would notice something was off, with this dramatic bag of dicks appearing. Some regret did start to twist at his heart, though none of it directed toward Kazuki nor the cafeteria he'd destroyed.

    ...Regretting scaring the people he cared about didn't feel exciting. Damn.

    Hikaru stood up, a little unsteady on his feet after having just woken back up, and bowed at his waist.

    "I'm sorry, I'll put proper consideration into location next time. I'll take whatever punishment you want, but excuse me for now. My parents are worried, so is Aki." Hikaru apologized, though he turned a side eye toward the bird that'd refused to help him as he raised his head back up. "I'll take full responsibility, though, as the senior here. Though, if Eulampis wanted the Nightmare to happen outside, she should've tried to move her or help untie me. Then again... She's my junior, I shouldn't expect her to understand that there's better ways to free somebody than having him shoot his own arm."

    He didn't understand how Sibylla's power worked, only really knowing that she could "see" things that others couldn't. So, he was honest, until the last sentence. That was the best course of action, apart from insulting one of his "comrades".

    Then, he turned away from Kazuki, and walked toward the edge of the building. He was already so tired, transforming again would only make that worse, yet he was going to need to do so because these psychos chose a fucking roof to have a meeting on. He sighed, rolling his Cursed Gem in his palm as it lit up a bright red, engulfing his body as he stepped off the roof.

    A vine caught Happy Chaos before he hit the ground.

    Nothingness Nothingness Peckinou Peckinou Nellancholy Nellancholy
texted: Theasuke Theasuke
Kazuki's presence in the darkness was radiant like a floodlight thanks to his ire and the power of Nix invested in him. Followers of Aurora, or of Nix, there was little difference between them when she looked at them this way. It was simply like...one clicked the "invert colors" button on a computer, which did little to diminish the magnitude of their light. And yet, their diametrically opposed purposes pitted them against each other...would a final battle lead to the destruction of one or the other?

As for the matter of Kazuki, she was certainly not the main target of his ire, but she knew how to defuse situations like this...more or less? She had to inch a little into the line of fire for that. "Sir Kazuki. Happy Chaos' initiative was quite laudable, and the Nightmare's pursuit of its targets would have proceeded smoothly if not for the unexpected interference of Wraiths putting the followers of Aurora on guard. Thanks to Eulampis and I's further efforts, the situation was contained and we have gained some...insight into the tactics and weaknesses of this group of enemies."

With that, she lowered her posture a little, approximating a polite bow to him. "By your magnanimity, I ask that you not punish Happy too severely on account of the opportunity he has given us to trigger Nightmares such as those which I have been preparing in other parts of the city. If we act before day's end, the followers of Aurora, having already been worn down by prior battle, will be stretched thin. An opportunity to...subvert one or more of them may present itself."

Nothingness Nothingness


Location: Mitakihara Academy > Abandoned Warehouse
Time: Evening
Mentions: redraider redraider Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples Nothingness Nothingness
Interactions: animegirl20 animegirl20 Hanarei Hanarei Guppy Franz Guppy Franz

The sound of sirens in the distance as the last of Nix's minions retreated served as the final punctuation to the impromptu lunchtime brawl, causing Aegis to let out yet another quietly annoyed sigh. As much as he liked the idea of working with the police, they only seemed interested in working out if Aurora had the cash to pay for the damages. All of his past tries at an alliance only led to his attempted arrest and one-sided interrogations up to this point, and something told him they hadn't changed much since last week.

He gave a quick nod to Honeyrose, snapping his fingers to collapse the last few bulwarks that still stood in the crumbling cafeteria. "Mm. Everyone get to the meeting spot. If you see any of the others on the way, tell them to meet there." he paused, readjusting the limp body slung across his shoulder so the weight was evenly distributed. "And if anyone catches Sentinel trying to slink away and skip another meeting, you have my permission to drag him along by force. I might even reward you, actually."

Surprisingly, the usually soft-spoken Beatrice was the next to talk, her words making quite a bit of sense as she said exactly what was on Aegis' mind. "Mhm. Good idea. I plan on doing that now rather then later, though. Obligations, and all that. I'll meet the rest of you there with Noir in a bit." Giving a final parting nod, he fled from the scene as the blaring of cop cars grew louder, a quick-casted series of bulwarks right beneath his feet allowing him to ascend to the rooftops upon ethereal steps and leave the school behind.


Siblings talked to and okay. Check. Dinner already prepared the night before. Check. Excuse of 'helping a friend who got injured'. Check (and technically true as well). Once Ethan had finished his big brothering, he got back to his other job of babysitting a bunch of kids. But these ones were magical, and thus five times harder to corral.

Kneeling down next to the nearly-conscious corpse on the roof beside him, he hefted it back onto his shoulder once again, continuing the journey to the warehouse a few blocks away where he hoped the rest of his allies were already waiting.

"That weird coin cat really did a number on you, huh?" he spoke to the unconscious Noir slung across his frame as he stepped across the sky, the bulwarks beneath his feet sequentially forming and dissipating into shimmering aether as soon as he took his next step. "Mm, you should be up soon enough, though. I'd be mad at you for reckless behavior in front of the rookies, but since you did manage to stop a Nightmare from being let loose on our unsuspecting schoolmates, I guess I'll let this one slide."

With a final step, foot met ground with a soft crunch as the gritty soil behind the abandoned warehouse welcomed Aegis back to the earth. He stepped inside of the unassuming, musty-smelling building, making his way towards the clearing amongst the forgotten crates and empty shelves where the meetings usually took place. Honestly, this looked more like the kind of place the Yakuza might torture and execute their victims rather than where brightly-colored pure-hearted magical fighters would converge, but then again that was the point, wasn't it? Setting the soon-to-be sensate Noir against an old metal chair, Aegis leaned back against a few stacked boxes, crossing his arms over his chest. "Soโ€ฆ I guess there's no school tomorrow."
hemera and nereus ic.png
Phoebe & Lincoln Brooks
Hemera & Nereus

Location: Mitakihara Academy ---> The Warehouse (The Magical Meeting Spot)
Interactions: Honeyrose ( animegirl20 animegirl20 ) Aegis ( Managarmrr Managarmrr ), Beatrice ( Hanarei Hanarei ), Livewire ( redraider redraider )
Mentions: Sentinel ( Nothingness Nothingness ), Noir ( Guppy Franz Guppy Franz ), Happy Chaos ( Necromantic Necromantic )

Hemera blinked in surprise at Honeyrose's words, "Like a brother? Oh, that's wonderful! Nereus is my brother by blood, we're twins." She beamed, then looked to Aegis who picked up the currently unconscious Noir. Hemera's amber colored hues looked to Noir with concern, a soft frown on her face. She prayed in her heart of hearts that he would be alright. At least Nereus was able to rescue Noir's soul gem, she was very thankful to her brother for being so speedy in that regard! It made her want to be as swift as Nereus himself, perhaps with enough training she could be.

Nereus looked to Aegis and was about to speak when he heard sirens in the distance - cops. "Damn it." He growled out, then looked to the others with a nod. "Hemera and I will be there as soon as we can." He went to his sister, tugging gently on her arm to snap her out of her daze as she stared at Noir. "Hemera. We need to go. Now." He spoke low but firmly.

"Huh?!" Hemera blinked, coming out of her thoughts, and she too finally heard the sirens. "Uh oh, let's go!" With that, Nereus and Hemera took their leave.


After many reassuring words, hugs and tears, Phoebe and Lincoln finally managed to calm their overly worried parents who crowded them the moment they entered the house. With their parents feeling a lot better that the twins were safe, they left the house and, back in their magical forms, headed for the abandoned warehouse. At first, they thought it was completely empty, until Hemera spotted Aegis and Noir, "Oh! Hello, we're here!" She ran over to them, Nereus in tow though his steps were slower paced than Hemera's.

Hemera looked to Noir on the metal chair, seemed he hadn't awakened yet. "How is he doing?" She looked to Aegis sadly.

"I assume someone retrieved Sentinel to bring him here, if not I can seek him out." Lincoln offered, leaning back against a wall and crossing his arms. He was still pretty sore about not being able to catch that warlock cat's soul gem to crush it, but there would be other opportunities. He could be patient. Mercury was at the top of his list, though.
Warlock Commander #4
Location: Hotel Rooftop
Mentions: N/A
Interactions: Necromantic Necromantic Nellancholy Nellancholy Peckinou Peckinou

While Kazuki waited for one of the Witches or Warlocks to explain themselves as to what had occurred for there to be a Nightmare in the middle of the day at the school grounds where the highest possible concentration of Magical Boys and Girls were located, he'd ponder on what sort of reasoning any of them could so much as come up with that wouldn't simply frustrate him even more so. As he waited, the first to speak up was one of the Witches, from her explanation, it sounded more like she was just covering for herself and one of her allies named Omen while pushing the entirety of the blame on the Warlock that he had just helped with regenerating. Rather than respond to the female's attempts at an excuse, Kazuki only exhaled a heavy sigh that clearly showed his growing impatience.

Next was the Warlock to speak up who was quick to point himself out of everyone around that he was the one who created the Nightmare, with that information at the very least Kazuki now was sure enough as to who he would be taking his rage out on if the excuse was not decent enough as to why he created a nightmare within the school. As his excuse came up to be that he was planning on taking his target outside rather than completing the creation indoors, the peacock Warlock would rub his temple as to how Nix had chosen her selected choices for Warlocks and Witches.

Just as he was about to speak up and voice his annoyance, the Warlock continued to speak, stating something along the lines of his family and another individual named Aki being worried for him. Right before taking his leave without so much as asking for permission from him, the male at least spoke about taking responsibility before redirecting some of the blame to the Witch who spoke up named Eulampis.
As the warlock took his leave, Kazuki's slowly stood from his seated position only to reach a palm forward to prepare and strike at the warlock for daring to simply leave in the midst of a conversation with a commander.

Pausing when the next to speak up was Witch named Omen, even if she was in her human disguised form, as a commander it was no difficulty for him to be able to tell who she was underneath that form of hers. As she spoke in a way as though she were trying to find a way to make the negative situation to turn into a positive one where it would help them in the end with the defeat of the Magical Warriors, he'd lower his arm only to nod in response after giving what the female had said some thought. "Hmn...I suppose you are correct. Fine, I will overlook this foolish act this once. Though now that the Magical Warriors are aware of this Nightmare wandering. It will be up to Hikaru to make sure it will not be destroyed so soon. You two, keep an eye out for that creature. Surely one of those Magical Warriors will no doubt go after it. If you cannot defend the Nightmare, make sure you at least take one of those Magical Warriors down with it."

As he instructed the remaining two Witches on the rooftop, he'd slowly begin to hover back up towards the sky as the shaking and trembling of the building slowly came to a halt the further away the Warlock Commander had gotten.
203-2037111_puella-magi-madoka-magica-kaname-madoka-transparent-homura.pngAfter it was all decided they would all meet up at their usual spot. Honeyrose waved to the others and ran out of the cafeteria to head back to the classroom to grab her things. Once she made it to the classroom she grabbed her things, went to her locker, grabbed whatever else she was missing, went out of one of the school windows, and made her way home. Once she got home she tossed her stuff on the floor and sat down for a moment. Even though she wasn't there for the fight, it was very obvious it was brutal, and that peacock man who was he? He was clearly a warlock but she had never seen a warlock or even a witch look completely like an animal and the presence he gave off was insane. After a few more mins Usagi went out her bedroom window and headed to the meeting spot at the old abandoned warehouse.

Once she made it here she saw Aegis, Hemera, and Nereus. Were the first ones to make it. When she arrived she heard them talking about Sentinel. "Nah don't bother. Usagi said chiming in. He's a total loner he never wants to interact with anyone and tends to fight alone. So don't waste your time." Usagi glanced over at Noir noticing he hadn't woken up yet. But assumed he be waking up pretty soon.

Interactions: Managarmrr Managarmrr Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples

Mentions: Nothingness Nothingness Guppy Franz Guppy Franz

Mayumi Bell
Location: [Somewhere in the city]

Deciding that school wasnโ€™t needed considering her situation, Mayumi went off into town to mess around. โ€œIโ€™ll have to go to the warehouse soon.โ€ She mumbled while sticking coins in a gachapon machine. โ€œI know, but relax!โ€ Hikari chuckled but Mayumi was being serious. โ€œKay..โ€ she opened the small plastic container, which revealed a small keychain of a calico cat. โ€œYes!โ€ She pumped her fists. โ€œWhich one was this one?โ€ Hikariโ€™s curious voice made Mayumi all the more eager to answer the question. โ€œHis name is Bibi and heโ€™s a sleepy calico cat, look at his eyes!โ€ She pointed to his eyes. Hikari looked closely. โ€œI guess soโ€ฆโ€ she had to admit, this little cat was super ugly. His little beady eyes, his dumb expression, his weird body that looked more like a babyโ€™s than a catโ€™s. โ€œAlright, I suppose thatโ€™s enough spending.โ€ She shook her head and started to walk towards the warehouse. โ€œLetโ€™s go!โ€ She cheered as she skipped down the street.

Waiting for the idiot kitty boy to heal was annoying to say the least, and when he finally did come to himself it was pretty clear he was more concerned with getting out of here, and while Eulampis herself wanted out she didn't think he would actually have the audacity to try to leave in such a disrespectful manner in front of one of Nixs commanders like that. Though she wasn't surprised by the fact he had the audacity to place a bit of the blame on her, something that caused her eye to twitch as she began to regret not killing him earlier, and the fact he referred to her as his junior a fact she hated considering how troublesome he was and the fact she absolutely loathed him. She began to regret even accepting his offer to join that stupid little club of his since it aligned them with this group, but unfortunately she accepted only to keep them from being in areas she didn't want them in. As much as Eulampis wanted to throw a dagger into Happys head she wasn't going to do that in front of one of Nixs commanders, and kept quite although she was seething as she looked down at him from the air. Only when he opted to leave without the approval of Nixs commander did a small smirk appear on Eulampis face as she figured that he was going to get punished for it, but unfortunately much to Eulampis surprise Omen was able to divert his attention away from them and onto the magical girls, something Eulampis had no real interest in, but apparently Nixs little Commander found it to be more important than the issue with Happy, which stunned her a bit.

When he gave the command that the nightmare would be Hikarus responsibility, Eulampis had to stop herself from rolling her eyes in order to not disrespect the Commander, though when he said that they would be the ones to keep a eye for the thing, she wasn't pleased in the least by that. She did not want to be going on a scavenger hunt for a Nightmare that wasn't even hers, and get dragged into this groups problems, but here she was being dragged into it and she had no amount of power to protest the words of a Commander of Nix. As the Commander made his escape Eulampis let out a few curse words in German, something she learned from one of her friends in order to avoid actually cursing in her native language, she didn't want to make herself too bad of a example for her little sister after all. Her attention then turned to Omen her facial expression clearly showing annoyance and dislike at the situation,
"Contact the dam Parasite, I'm leaving, and don't try to find me in my territory, I'll find you when i feel like it." without missing another beat she flew off away from the area before Omen could even get another word said to them. When she felt like she was far enough she landed in a area where she was sure she would have it to herself and started to send another text to her little sister noticing how she hadn't responded to her last text, this time she was a bit more worried.
Little Sis
SIS! you're not hurt or anything are you, something happened at school, and I need to know if your alright and safe? Tell me where you are and I'll be there as soon as I can!"
Sis? where are you? nothing bad happened to you right? where can I find you? Do I need to call the police?

Beatrice had headed back with the meeting agreed upon. Entering back into school to grab her things she rather quickly noticed her phone. The light was blinking for a message already. Her eyes darting to it to read the text messages. Her eyes glancing at the messages seeing instantly it was her sister. She had a feeling her sister would of messaged her, and on her own side she felt a bit of relief. It meant she must be safe. An uneasy feeling settling in her stomach as she went to read the message.

SIS! you're not hurt or anything are you, something happened at school, and I need to know if your alright and safe? Tell me where you are and I'll be there as soon as I can!

The first message was about as she expected. Hopefully Zevra wasn't left worrying too long. The time given seeming to show it couldn't of been long after the incident. At least as roughly as she could guess the time was.

Sis? where are you? nothing bad happened to you right? where can I find you? Do I need to call the police?

The next message made it rather clear the worry she must of put on her sister. She was just a civilian after all, she wouldn't know about her involvement or 'other work' she was doing keeping her from responding right away. She bit at her bottom lip a bit worried. She hoped her lack of a quick response wasn't weighing on her sister's mind. Her fingers quickly typing a response back. A tinge of guilt in her mind for having to be dishonest though she couldn't exactly reveal what she was to her sister.

Sry sis, didn't have phone. I'm ok, w friends. Will be home later.

Far from the most elegant message but she wanted to send something to ease her sister a little. Her eyes lingered on the screen as a soft sigh of relief. She did write herself into a bit of a hole mentioning she was with friends, though she could sneak her stuff through the window at the very least and take the moment to check on her sister even if quietly from a distance. She slipped away her phone being quick to head home.

Her stop left her feeling a bit less certain as she arrived. She had to be careful not to get spotted, though it seemed as if the place itself was quiet. Was her sister not home? The thought lingered briefly though she was quick to place her school things inside her room, tucking them under the bed. She took just her phone wanting to keep it close. Not the most ideal thing, though she was careful to turn off sounds. She wanted to ensure she could have some contact with her sister. Giving one final peek she darted out from the window heading over to the meeting spot.

Beatrice arrived a little later stopping in after Honeyrose. Her eyes lingered about the place quietly seeing the other three. She stared quietly moving over to Honeyrose naturally inclined more towards her friend. Her eyes glancing over quietly at Noir before looking to her friend.

"D...did I miss anything?"

: Zevra Peckinou Peckinou Honeyrose animegirl20 animegirl20
Mentions: Hemera/Neurus Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples Noir Guppy Franz Guppy Franz Aegis Managarmrr Managarmrr
"Aki" ( Necromantic Necromantic )
Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples
It took a while to get home. By the time the hinges of the small gate creaked open, every joint in his body felt as if it had congealed into solid ice.

After fumbling to unlock the front door, Yuusuke tossed his keys, landing with a satisfying clink as they slid into place in the rack mounted on the wall. He removed his scarf and kicked off his boots, gaze stopping on the floor of the dimly lit entryway. Resting against the base of the step was a pair of women's shoes, and a missing pair of slippers. A lingering hint of savory aroma clung to the air, guiding him to the kitchen. However, apart from the stack of dirty dishes gathering in the sink, there was not a soul in sight.

The boy's shoulders relaxed. He shrugged off his jacket and tossed everything he was carrying onto the sofa, dishing out his bento from inside the school bag and unwrapping it. Thankfully, even after all the tossing and turning, it remained thoroughly closed, though it was a disheveled mess; grains of rice had escaped and scattered into every compartment, clinging to the lid and mingling with the assortment of sliced vegetables. But the salmon patties remained mostly untarnished. Yuusuke slumped onto the sofa and stared at the blank TV screen. He absentmindedly ate his lunch, emptied the bento box, scrubbed it along with the reusable chopsticks, and then arranged them in the dish rack to dry. He made a point of avoiding anything that did not belong to him, leaving the pile of dirty dishes to fester.

As he climbed the stairs, his gaze lingered on a closed door at the end of the hallway. There were no signs of movement from inside, but he knew it wasn't empty. Still, he went directly to his room. He had made enough noise to alert his aunt to his presence, and that was enough.

It was only when his body sank into the bed mattress that Yuusuke unlocked his phone and realized he had new messagesโ€”it had been on silent this entire time. Thankfully, the timestamps indicated that they were still relatively recent. His fingers pressed on the notification, eyes lazily scanning through Aki's report on today's events, until they froze on the last message. It took him two full seconds to react, his body shooting up from the sudden rush of trepidation.

A yellow princess with a wand. That alone could probably describe a multitude of magical girls out there, but there was only one he knew about. His eyes rushed through the screen a second time, ensuring it wasn't his delusion before typing furiously.

The muscles on his arm twitched visibly beneath his skin. It had been days. Maybe even weeks. He had gone back to that same place again and again. He had gone all over Mitakihara city in a mad pursuit. He had reached out to every single witch and warlock he could think of. But he just couldn't seem to track them down. And it had made him obsessed.

"where'd he find them? cafeteria? are they from our school? does he know which part of the city they go to? i've been"

His fingers paused. He realized then that the question had only been about her, not them. But she was not the one he cared for, so he wouldn't contest Happy Chaos's claim on his new toy. Yuusuke licked his lips and ran a hand through his hair, taking a moment to regain his composure before deleting the string of questions and typing once again. That night he had learned of a crucial weakness, and now he had a way of conveying his message, ensuring it would reach the right person.

Flying idol
hikaru says he made the nightmare. not surprised.
fight with the magical girls didnt go well. commander appeared though so everybodys okay
says he found a new toy though. you seen a girl that looks like a princess, wears a yellow dress? has a wand?
yea. there should have been someone else with her? a guy in black and blue
tell hikaru to blow her entire left arm off for me
i'll owe him one

He wasn't going to ask Aki or Hikaru for answers directly. The frustration had seeped so deeply that relying on anything but his own means to find who he wanted to seemed inadequate. But there was no harm in delivering a courteous greeting first. It was more fun this way.

Sooner or later, he'd get to him.
code by @Nano
Last edited:
"M-miss Omen, I-I've finally found you!" A trembling, haggard man sat on a stool on the other side of a small folding table from the veiled woman, a small crystal ball and her tarot deck sitting in front of her. His eyes were red and watery, his hair disheveled. Over the past few weeks, he had lost enough weight that his expensive suit began to hang off him like a sheet. If she could see him, she would see his desperate gaze like that of a man kneeling before God.

Yes, he would soon make a wonderful Nightmare. He needed to stop denying his fear, his greed, and the way they intersected. And if he survived his impending wrath...well, he would know. Irrevocably. What he truly was.

"Mr. Herbert." Sibylla clicked her tongue. "Please, calm down. What has you in such a worry?" She had a few good ideas.

"I-it's that bitch again!" His wife. Who he never truly loved. Who he feared only wanting him for his money. Who he tried to love in spite of that. But why deny what he was afraid of? Why try to push it down? "She's-she's gonna try to kill me, I know it! Just yesterday, I heard voices coming from her room- she says it was just the television but I know the truth! She's talking to some slimy bastard and they're gonna kill me and run away with MY money! Her! And- and even the kids!"

Sibylla's voice took on a condescending tone. "And what do you want me to do about it, Mr. Herbert? There's little I can do. Perhaps you should call the police, if you've such cause for concern."

"No, I-" Mr. Herbert sobbed, collapsing onto his end of the table. "Please...just tell me one more time. Tell me if I'm right...t-tell me what to do."

That's all she needed to hear. "As you wish..." With that, Sibylla entwined her fingers, inhaled and exhaled theatrically...then drew a single card.

This would be remarkably easy to spin.

"The High Priestess. It means...you should trust your intuition. You mustn't deny what you already know. You know the truth...and you know what you must do."

"Oh." Mr. Herbert gasped. In a moment, he was able to stand upright, his eyes betraying a new purpose. "I know what I must do." He repeated. Turning like a soldier on the march, he quietly left the alley.

Well. That went pretty well. He was a fruit practically ripe, ready for harvest. Surely, nothing worse could happen before he could release his Nightmare...

Satisfied with her work, she pulled her phone out from under the table, leaning back against the grimy alley wall. Putting the microphone to her mouth, she recorded a message for Hikaru.

"Happy Chaos. Sir Kazuki listened to my appeal and has agreed not to punish you severely. But there is a condition."

She waited for a reply, then let her phone whisper it into her earbuds.

"You are free to describe the grotesque circumstances of your injury if you wish. However, as I was about to say: you are primarily responsible for the Nightmare you created. I advise you to keep an eye on it, and try to pick off any followers of Aurora that attempt to purify it."

Another wait.

"Akiko...you mean Sovereign?"

Sibylla didn't know her that well.

"She had better deliver. I'm the one who spoke up for you, my neck's on the block too."

She didn't much fear or care for Kazuki and his peers; following Nix and carrying out her agenda was all that mattered to her.

She leaned forward, sighing.

Truly, there was no rest for the wicked. Necromantic Necromantic

The force of three toddlers almost knocked Aki over as he walked in the door, causing Hikaru's grip around his shoulders to tighten on instinct. However, this was the typical greeting Aki got when he came home from school, so the collective effort of his sisters to break his neck failed once again due to him expecting their attack. He kicked his shoes off.

"Nii, come play, play!"

"Koru-nii-san, staying tonight? Come colour?"

"Carry me, too!"

Seeing his little sisters, all the exhaustion from the day hit Aki once again with the force of a truck. Fuck, he really didn't have the energy for this right now. He wanted to sit down in front of his television and fall asleep while watching a show he'd already watched countless times before, not play with his sisters.

"Nii-chan... Needs to do his homework. Go tell Mom I'm home, okay?"

They responded with a resounding "Kay", the toddlers apparently feeling cooperative right now, and all ran off to go find their mother, who almost certainly had already heard him come in the door, allowing him to approach the stairs unimpeded. Or, well, as unimpeded as he could be as he stopped in front of them and remembered that carrying people up the stairs could be difficult when they were taller than four foot.

He really should've broken both of Hikaru's legs if this was the fate he was going to be subjected to. Was it too late to do that? ...Probably. Hikaru lovingly nuzzled his cheek against Aki's neck, and in response Aki headbutted him. He didn't want his snuggles right now.

One grueling trip up the stairs later, Hikaru was plopped down on the floor of Aki's room. Then, a stuffed Pompompurin was dropped in his lap when Aki decided that he looked kind of lonely sitting there. Yeah, perfect, now he looked more comfortable.

"This one new?" Hikaru asked, not really wanting the stuffed animal that he'd been given. Arguing with Aki about whatever was going through his head would've been a futile endeavor, so he'd accept it for now. It was cute, he guessed.

"Mom got it for me! What happened with that Nightmare you made?"

"No clue, I was dead by that point." Hikaru replied, and Aki's foot found it's way back onto his broken leg. Aki almost toppled over when he jerked his leg out from under him, biting down on his sleeve again to stop himself from making any sound.

"Hey, hey, we're in your house now! Cut it out before your parents come in here! Shouldn't they be checking on you anyway?" Hikaru hadn't even raised his voice, but a few sharp words were all it really took to get Aki to obey.

"...You know my parents are pretty laissez-faire. They won't bother me if I'm not stressed..." Seriously, hadn't Hikaru known his parents for years? Then again, his parents were much more protective than Aki's own, so maybe it was an only child thing...

Aki pulled out his phone as he felt it buzz in his pocket. First reading over the messages that Hikaru had sent, then Yuusuke's response. Blow off her entire left arm for him... Looked like Hikaru had chosen an interesting toy this time around, if she also had a history with Yuusuke.
hikaru says he made the nightmare. not surprised
fight with the magical girls didnt go well. commander appeared though so everybodys okay
says he found a new toy though. you seen a girl that looks like a princess, wears a yellow dress? has a wand?
yea. there should have been someone else with her? a guy in black and blue
tell hikaru to blow her entire left arm off for me
i'll owe him one
he didnt mention her having a partner
ill ask later, hes pretty tired. hes also on like, three hours of sleep, and his magic has to be exhausted. dumbass almost got himself killed today.
ill make sure to aim for her right arm while he takes out the left for you!

"Hey, I need you to get your sister to go monitor the Nightmare I made. Kazuki wants me to, but I doubt I'd be able to survive another fight even if you hadn't broken my leg. Looks like a bunny girl." Hikaru stated, shooting his own text message to Sibylla.

'She's been a Witch a long time, just doesn't like working. But I trained both her and Aki, so it's as good as me going myself.'

'I'll make it up to you. Gonna put in some extra work finding a new recruit or something. And hunting down one of those magical girls we fought, when my magic isnt this drained.'

'If you find any useful information on the one that used light magic, please send me it.'

So many responsibilities...

What the fuck? Why did Hikaru have to sound so calm about something like that? Couldn't he let his exhaustion show for half a second? Why did he have to go and start involving Akiko in this shit? With a sigh, Aki turned and left his room, walking into Akiko's own and kicking the door shut without so much as knocking. She wouldn't care.

...He felt bad about involving her.


Aki wrapped his arms around Akiko's shoulders, leaning in close to her. It'd been a while since he'd actually hugged her without the intent to get something out of her, he realized, but today wouldn't be any different. Still, he hadn't shown her much affection since she... Started growing her hair out, probably.

"Hey, Nee-chan...."

"Hm~ You only call me that when you want something. What's up?" Damn, for a delinquent, Akiko had always been pretty perceptive. She looked up from her phone, turning her head toward him.

"...Hikaru caused that scene in the cafeteria. He's supposed to be looking after the Nightmare... But I broke his leg. Could you...? He says it looks like a bunny."

If it'd been Hikaru requesting directly, Akiko might've declined. She just didn't think he was cute enough to listen to until he started to beg, he wasn't really her type of guy. Yet, she always found herself weak to those requests when they came from Aki. That was why he was the one asking, there was no doubt about it.

"No problem. I was getting kind of bored anyway, but tell him he owes me." Akiko agreed, standing up. Aki retracted his arms, watching as Akiko stretched her arms and went to open her window.

"Stay safe."

...Why had he started to treat her so coldly, anyway? Rather than continuing to question it, he buried that thought back down under all his other worries and left the room as Akiko snuck out through her window, and went back to his own room. Hikaru was exactly where he'd left him, squishing Pompompurin down until it looked more like a Pompompancake.

"She agreed." He stated as he sat down beside Hikaru, dragging him into his lap as he grabbed the remote. It wasn't as if Hikaru could've gone anywhere to begin with unless he started crawling out of the room, but having an arm around his waist made extra sure that he wasn't going to try escaping. "We're watching Shugo Chara."

"....Fine." Not like Hikaru was getting a choice in this matter, anyway. While Aki was turning on the television, he decided to check his phone, and send Kaito a text. He hoped he hadn't gotten hurt.

You alright bro? Shit really hit the fan at school huh?

Nellancholy Nellancholy Theasuke Theasuke
Guppy Franz Guppy Franz
Last edited:
Mayumi Bell
Location: [Somewhere in the city]

โ€œAre you serious?!โ€ Hikari yelled at Mayumi, who had arms full of random crap she bought in the city.

โ€œListen I tried to tell youโ€ฆโ€ Mayumi shook her head as she pulled out her cell phone to text her mother. After shooting a quick message, she saw some people at the warehouse.

โ€No! That doesnโ€™t count!โ€ Hikari huffed as she started a list of everything Mayumi bought. โ€œKeychains, Stickers, Plushies, Toys, Uniformsโ€ฆโ€

โ€œWarehouse!โ€ Mayumi interrupted.

โ€œThatโ€™s notโ€ฆoh whatever.โ€ Hikari sighed as Mayumi looked around.


โ€œThe others are here nowโ€ฆโ€ Hikari pointed out. โ€œYou should transform before they notice you.โ€

โ€œO-Okay!โ€ She hid the stuff in a bush and ran behind it to transform. Quickly letting the light engulf her, she transformed into her magical girl form once more and ran towards the warehouse again, skidding to a stop in front of two girls. She sheepishly smiled and quickly asked a question. โ€œAre we the only ones here?โ€

Interactions: Hanarei Hanarei (Beatrice), animegirl20 animegirl20 (Honeyrose)

Weightlessness... Darkness... hollowness... yes, this was all so familiar to Kaito. It happened again. He died. Well, he wasn't fully dead, but even so, he was familiar with this state of mind and soul. Stuck between the real world and the next side of existence. When he had first entered this state in the early years of serving Aurora it was a horrible experience, the feeling of his very soul trembling in fear still lingers after all this time. Now, after the first few times, Kaito has come to be familiar with it, never truly overcoming the tremble through his formless consciences though, just managing to not nearly lose his mind and lose the grasp on his identity. It was always frustrating though when this happened, his memories always blurred from what led him to this point again. Another tremendous tremble shuddered through his soul, beginning to feel the thin threads of his mortal form slowly begin to connect once more. He could feel his mind becoming clearer, his memories returning bit by bit, making his soul shudder again as visions of his past battles flashed within his being. Flames, bodies, blood, the chilling and cruel glare of shadowy figures with purplish hue surrounding them... Kaito maintained his grasp on his sanity and let it all come back to him. Even if he wanted to cry and scream out in anger... he was unable to, just able to hold onto his mind before finally....

Kaito's eyes snapped open as he reeled forward, his hands gripping his knees in a death grip as he gasped for breath, nearly falling from the metal chair he was in but managing to remain seated. His eyes were wide and dazed, his pupils dilated as he fell into a practiced routine of regaining his senses, his mind instinctively reminding him to slow his breathing and calm his beating heart. Closing his eyes Kaito could feel the others around him, his recovering senses drowning their voices for a moment as he used their presence to help anchor him to his world. Slow, calculated breath through his nose, barely audible whispers to soothe his thoughts. Soon the tenseness in his body eased, his death grip on his knees loosening until finally he leaned back into the metal chair and gave a long and tired sigh as he arched his head back onto the back of his cold, hard chair. "Shit..." he muttered as he covered the top half of his face with his gloved hand, finally coming down from the shock of stepping back into his body. He remained silent for a moment before slowly slipping his hand from his face, his eyes being greeted by his fellow Magical fighters. With one last slow breath through his nose, his exhausted gaze fell onto them, a glint of relief to see everyone had managed to make it out alive.

"Good morning..." he chuckled weakly, as he adjusted himself in his seat, a look of discomfort coming to his face as he held my chest. His wound was healed, but he could still feel it there. There was no pain, but he could still feel the ghost of the hole in his chest, the memory of its pain still leaving its bite on his nerves as he rolled his shoulders in an attempt to shake it off. "So, what happened after I went down?" he asked with a rasp in his voice before a flash of anger filled his eyes. "Did anyone manage to finish the bastard who ran me through? Or at least deal with that Nightmare?"
203-2037111_puella-magi-madoka-magica-kaname-madoka-transparent-homura.pngHoneyrose turned to look at her friend and Rose Bell then she sighed. "Nope, and nothing we were just waiting for every-" Honeyrose cut herself off when she saw Noir suddenly wake up and she ran over to him. "Finally you woke up." Honeyrose was visibly more relaxed glad Noir was awake but when he asked about what happened and if the warlock he fought with and the nightmare were taken care of Honeyrose glanced to the side and laughed nervously. "Yeah...no to both of those and as to what happened.......Well, I wasn't there for the whole thing but when I arrived there was this...peacock warlock.....I had never felt such strong magical power before.....it was kind of terrifying." She glanced at the others wondering if they would fill him in more on what happened. "But we had to get out of the school fast the cops were on their way." Honeyrose couldn't help but wonder what was to come. She had never seen anything like that peacock warlock before and she was pretty sure the others hadn't either.

Interactions: Guppy Franz Guppy Franz Hanarei Hanarei serenibee serenibee

Managarmrr Managarmrr Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples
Yuzuki Takeru
Date/Time: Early Morning; December
Mentions: animegirl20 animegirl20 Guppy Franz Guppy Franz Necromantic Necromantic Nellancholy Nellancholy serenibee serenibee Managarmrr Managarmrr Peckinou Peckinou Theasuke Theasuke
Interactions: N/A

As the rest of the eventful day had gone by as usual with the Magical Warriors continuing their duties by defeating Wraiths all over the city while the Witches and Warlocks plotted their next move, it wouldn't take long before news companies would start to arrive at the school, all of which had reporters questioning the staff of the school regarding the noise complaints and the mysterious amount of damage that had been to the school building and the track field. All while the authorities began their investigation, sweeping all over the interior of the cafeteria as well as the school grounds for some sort of lead that they could begin their search on, all to find nothing as of yet. All the students were told to return to their home to be with their families and the status of the school would be informed to everyone the next morning.

Eventually, as the next morning came around, just as the school principal stated the previous day, phone calls were given to all the families of each of the students informing them that school would continue to proceed as normal. Students on the track team would be meeting at a different location for practice while the lunchroom would be cut off from access, lunches would be held instead inside classrooms and students would be allowed to visit their friends in different classrooms during the normal lunch hours.
Anyone that did not pick up said phone calls would be able to watch the news also inform that the school would still be open regardless of the damage that the school had suffered the previous day. The news continued by reporting that investigations regarding the culprits, and reasonings for the damage done was still ongoing by the city's authorities.


Yuzuki had stayed up most of the night sitting in front of the television while he had been wrapped in an electric blanket that kept him warm while he watched anime throughout the evening. By the time it was morning, he had still been wide awake watching yet another episode of a random anime he had picked out, behind him was multiple empty cups of instant ramen and several other empty bottles of cola.

If it weren't for the light of the sun peeking through his curtains, he wouldn't have even realized morning was here. Although rather than getting up to prepare himself for the day as he normally would've, he simply changed the channel to the news just to see what the weather was going to be like. When he had changed the channel, the news was on the subject regarding the school still being open as he exhaled a deep sigh at the thought of returning to the school after what had happened yesterday. Reaching a hand down to touch his stomach area, finding that his wound was now healed, he ended up flopping down onto his back just to stretch as he stared at the ceiling. "I'm sure I won't miss anything too important if I just take one day off...right?" As he questioned himself on his decision whether or not he should attend school today, Yuzuki attempted to come up with any possible kind of excuse in his head not to have to go to school until he finally landed upon one.

"Wait. That nightmare..." As he spoke immediately sitting himself up on the realization and remembering back to the events of yesterday, after watching the strange peacock-like Warlock arrive on the scene and leave, he was sure that he had seen what looked to had been a Nightmare had been leaving the school. At the time, he was far too weakened to be able to do battle with the creature but there was no way he simply could leave it alone. Even if any of the other Magical Warriors could possibly deal with it, it wasn't like he could simply sit back and leave it to someone in the case they failed. "I need to find it...it cant be left to just wander the city and do what it wants.."

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