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Fantasy ๐’ฏ๐’ฝ๐‘’ โ˜… ๐ฟ๐’ถ๐“ˆ๐“‰ โ˜… ๐’ฒ๐’พ๐“ˆ๐’ฝ

Mercurius Aleator
โ€Is it a crime to kill if weโ€™re only sinking deeper?โ€
Of course Mercury didn't have a moment to breath, as soon as he had regained his bearings Happy had already chucked his soul gem in the air and towards Mercury. He was prepared to the catch the gem, dismissing the shield that surrounded him so he was able to do so. Unluckily one of the other magical warriors bum-rushed Mercury, probably hoping to take him down along with Happy. Though Mercury obviously wasn't going to let that happen.

Quickly turning his attention from the gem to Aegis, once the magical warrior got close to him, inches away from caving Mercuryโ€™s face in, Mercury discreetly lifted his right hand up again. โ€œI think weโ€™re done playing here for now. See ya later, you idiots.โ€ With those final words Mercury let off another huge explosion of silver and blue flames from his right hand, this one almost bigger than the last. From the momentum of the blast Mercury quickly grabbed Happyโ€™s gem in his right hand. He came sliding to a halt just beside Omen. As this happened, a somewhat familiar face had landed in the cafeteria.

Mercury kept his eyes on the magical warriors opposite the cafeteria, watching to see if any of them dare try and lay a finger on Lord Kazuki, one of the commanders of Nix herself. As the commandered called for Mercury, Omen, and Eula to rendezvous, Mercury gave a nod as he played with Happyโ€™s gem, treating it as if it was a coin of sorts and doing tricks with it in his right hand. Heโ€™d toss the gem up before catching it and putting it inside his coat. โ€œOf course.โ€ Mercury simply responded to Kazuki, not wanting to mince words with one of Nixโ€™s commanders. He would proceed to pick up Happyโ€™s body from where Omenโ€™s Tower had gently layed it down. With a tip of his hat to the magical warriors, Mercury flicked his wrist and made a small wall of blue and silver flames, quickly dissipating to reveal him, and Happy, had vanished into thin air.
Interactions: Managarmrr Managarmrr Nothingness Nothingness Necromantic Necromantic
Mentions: Nellancholy Nellancholy Peckinou Peckinou
Code By Nano

Closet > Hallway > Closet
Good luck, I'm out.
Quartz ( Necromantic Necromantic )
Commander ( Nothingness Nothingness )
Crow rolled his eyes at Quartz's playful wink, trailing behind him with a half-hearted scoff. "Are you really?" he taunted lightly, carrying an edge of mockery in his voice. The witch's insistence on referring to himself as such was puzzling, but Crow decided it wasn't worth debating. If Quartz wanted to call himself a witch, so be it. It wasn't a big deal. He watched as he summoned his broom and climbed out through a window, standing on the tip of the handle in midair to look around, presumably trying to discern the source of all the earlier chaos.

"We're flying?" Brows arched, Crow kept his eyes fixed on the broom, his interest clearly piqued. He lightly jumped on the window, peering down at the other's extended hands, and then tentatively stepped on the handle. With his agile build, maintaining his balance on solid ground, no matter how small, wasn't hard, but a moving object soaring through the air was an entirely different matter. It was hard to tell how he'd fare against the wind blasting his body while sitting on what could be essentially described as a stick. Crow's only solace was that, as a bird, if he fell down, he could at least glide to break his fall. It would be humiliating for him, a crow that had acquired the gift of wings but was unable to fly, to plummet straight down in front of everyone, but it was inconsequential otherwise.

...No, scratch that. His pride would be anything but inconsequential.

"How can I know you're not lying?" Crow sneered, expressing his clear skepticism towards the witchโ€”and then placed his wings on Quartz's hands, crouching on the broom to steady himself. It was appalling how much more trusting and agreeable he was becoming towards the other male, but the person in question remained blissfully unaware. He opted to stare at Quartz's hands instead, curious about the firmness of his grip and how deeply his feathers might slice into his fingers. "If I fall, I'll drag you down to hell with me." Dropping a casual threat, Crow tried not to betray the hint of excitement that overcame him at the prospect of being able to actually fly.

He glanced in the direction Quartz had been looking, spotting the cafeteriaโ€”or what remained of it. Amidst the rubble, the bunny-shaped Nightmare was the most eye-catching. That one explained all the noise earlier. It was followed by the deplorable state of the walls, floor, tables and chairs, and several other figures, both familiar and unknown, although he couldn't quite make them all out from his point of view. Crow had no time to process the scene before he felt it. His instincts kicked in, urging him to lift his head.

A more powerful than any of them could ever hope to be, overwhelmingly distinctive presence. He could immediately tell it was no foe. And yet, Crow still felt his heart accelerate at the sight of the distant figure coming down from the sky, exploding the ceiling with a single swipe of his arm, and disappearing into the shambles of the cafeteria. On any other occasion, Crow would have taken a moment to admire his lofty appearance, the flashy array of colorful plumage adorning his figure, or how he was able to fly effortlessly through the air. However, at this very moment, he didn't have the mind to even spare a bit of his envy, much less care about his little broom voyage.

"What the..." Crow sprang to his feet, sliding his arm out of Quartz's grasp. There was not much reason for a follower of the Goddess of Darkness to fear a Commander (under normal circumstances, that is), unlike the ones that pledged loyalty to Aurora. However, watching the peacock descend right there, at that moment, Crow had a feelingโ€”something had gone wrong. It wasn't clear what, why, or even if the fault lay with the magical or the witchlock group. Nevertheless, the both of them hadn't even made it to the site, so there was still time to retreat and pretend they hadn't noticed anything, lest they attracted some unwarranted consequences.

Comradery be damned.

In that split second, he made a hefty decision. Crow wrapped one of his wings around Quartz, hoisting him onto his shoulder. The bladed feathers tugged and tore through the witch's clothing, shredding his dress and leaving shallow but numerous lacerations on his skin. Crow did not seem to care. With a firm grip on the boy's back, he leaped back into the hallway, kicking the flying broom up and holding it under his other wing. He sprinted back to the supply closet and unceremoniously flipped Quartz down from his shoulder, letting him drop along with his broom, like getting rid of a bag of heavy groceries as soon as he got home. This time, Crow did not close the door, intending to keep it ajar just enough to observe any imminent changes outside. His body slid against the wall, a heavy sigh escaping his lips as he sat down, wings sprawled on the floor.

"Did he see us?" He spoke through labored breaths despite the short distance covered from the window, the rush of adrenaline catching up to him. Technically, they weren't involved in any of what had transpired in the cafeteria, but running away from a Commander like that wouldn't be considered the smartest of choices. Crow took a few moments to regain his composure, until he could no longer feel the thumping of his heartbeat threatening to burst out of his chest. "No, no way. I doubt he'd give a shit anyway."

"I'm guessing whoever created that Nightmare fucked up real bad. I don't wanna deal with that."
Whatever it was the others were dealing with. Did Commander Kazuki come to help or punish them? He couldn't see inside the cafeteria from there, so the situation was unclear. "I'd rather go eat." His shrimp-flavored chips and bag with his bento box might have been left behind in the classroom, but they were definitely not forgotten.
code by @Nano
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Quartz's smile almost faltered when Crow pointed out that he could've been lying. Almost, he wouldn't let just the thought that somebody might've noticed his lies break his composure. Besides, he was actually telling the truth.

"Even if we did fall, we wouldn't hit the ground. Just hold on to me." He replied, with absolute confidence that he could summon another broom to catch them on before they hit the ground. He could create as many brooms as he wanted, as long as Crow didn't let go it would be easy to stop their fall. Even if he could already feel the feathers cutting into his skin, and he was sure that would only get worse if he had to tighten his grip because they fell.

That was fine.

Quartz turned his head to look back at the school when he heard something happening in that direction. More crashing, and something... Blue? Green? Blue-green? His eyesight wasn't great, so most days he would've worn contacts. However, on days he didn't anticipate fighting, he preferred glasses, he just didn't wear them all day. It wasn't really an issue, until he was trying to figure out what exactly the blue blob descending into the cafeteria was.

"Wha- Hey! Shit!" Quartz yelped as he was unexpectedly hoisted onto Crow's shoulder, wings cutting into his skin. Being injured didn't hurt as badly when he was transformed, but dammit, he could still feel each of those lacerations. Couldn't Crow have warned him before he decided to grab him? Why was he even being grabbed like he was some sort of child? This wasn't something that could ever happen if he wasn't transformed, except if Mercury decided to grab him, he guessed. He kind of wanted that to happen.

A grunt escaped Quartz as he was dropped on the floor. He looked down at his dress, watching as the cuts left by Crow's wings healed up, though the fabric of his clothes didn't seem as eager to stitch itself back together. If there was anything he was confident in, it was his body, but sitting in a closet with another guy while wearing shredded clothes might've been enough to make even somebody comfortable with his own sex appeal a little embarrassed.

"I don't think so? I couldn't see him well." Not even well enough to figure out who he was actually looking at. Somebody dangerous, based on Crow's decision to pull him back into the closet rather than going to help everyone else. Whoever made the Nightmare fucking it up badly? Somebody Crow would know about...Brightly coloured, enough that Quartz could vaguely see him without his glasses on...

Probably a Commander? If that was the case, why wasn't he getting any texts about what was going on? Quartz looked at his phone, once again checking for any texts with updates on the situation. Nothing, still.

[Hikaru's selfie here]
whats going on?
is something wrong with the nightmare
please say something

"Eating would be nice." He replied, trying to keep the anxiety out of his voice. He picked up his forgotten container of tomatos up, staring at the little red orbs inside it. He had even less of an appetite now, despite what he'd just said. He really should've just figured out what was going on when he'd first gotten that text message.

He held his tupperware container up for Crow. "Want one?
Theasuke Theasuke
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After Kairi transformed into Beatrice she began to say something but suddenly stopped when this sudden dark powerful presence could be felt. It was so intense Honeyrose could barely move. Her eyes glanced over to the window noticed the sky turning dark. Fighting the powerful presence that was making her freeze in place she ran to the window to take a look. There was, she thought, a man hovering in the air though.....he looked a like peacock? He was defently a warlock but on a whole another level. But why was he here?? Honeyrose was halfway paying attention when Beatrice began to speak. "Yeah uh...this is bad like really really bad." She opened the window a poked her head outside to get a better look The presence of this guy was crazy. She watched as flew over to the cafeteria. "Ok so like I think I just saw a peacock warlock fly over to the cafeteria...โ€ฆBeatrice is right we better hurry." Though Honeyrose said that her feet didn't move she just stood there staring at the direction the warlock went. She was honestly really really scared but she knew they had to go check it out. She pulled her head out from the window then shut it. She then breathed in trying suck in every bit of bravery she could. She then turned around and ran straight out of the classroom without another word assuming the other two were following.

Location: Hallway
Outfit: Magical Girl
Interactions: Hanarei Hanarei redraider redraider

Eulampis attack didn't exactly achieve the results that she wanted, as it caused minimum harm to the people around her, but it didn't matter that much because with all the chaos going on below her, she was not being highly targeted for attacks. It seemed that the Magical Boys and Girls had their eyes focused on others that are actually close to them, rather than her, it would probably take too much effort for them to reach her anyways so it made sense why they would focus on the more grounded targets, which in honestly played to her advantage. While everyone was caught in their own thing she could focus on adding more knives into the air allowing them to rain further down towards anyone on the ground, below her. Though the fight between Happy and the other magical boy did catch her eyes a bit, as it was causing a bit of chaos to the overall cafeteria in general. Though as it began to conclude she noticed how everyones focus turned towards the soul gems being thrown about, Eluampis couldn't help but shudder a little at the thought of throwing her soul gem to one of these people here. The newer magical boy that entered the place had opted to take a chance to grab it along with blocking her field of view with some sort of shield perhaps, she wasn't sure. If Eulampis wanted to she could easy maneuver herself around the place and maybe grab it for herself. But in truth she really didn't care to, if he got his soul gem destroyed or anything it wouldn't exactly be a her problem now would it, just because that idiot invited her to their club meetings didn't mean much to their relationship anyhow.

Eulampis was thinking pondering on her next move for a moment but that was soon interrupted when someone opted to create a hole in the ceiling, a action that scared Eulampis enough to switch to another corner of the Cafeteria as she tried to regain her bearings. She then quickly realized that the destruction of their cafeterias ceiling wasn't cause one of the idiots down below her but one from outside the building Eulampis muttered a curse as she said
"Ugh, what now, these j-" her voice paused when she saw the being who was descending down from the hole that they just created. A wave a fear and awe swept over her as she saw a warlock whose power was nearly overwhelming, all the daggers she had control of quickly fell lifelessly to the ground, as he went on to float direction above their cafeteria ground. She stared at the peacock man as he began to make his assessment over the situation, immediately complaining about the looks of the place and how badly maintained it was, which while fair she didn't think it would be worth visiting this area over.

Eulampis didn't utter a word though, not wanting to agitate the powerful warlock and simply waiting for him to finally get to the issue of the matter as to why he was here. The command he gave to them was simple, and Eulampis wasn't going to argue against it, heck she didn't even want this fight to happen in the first place. She gave a nod of affirmation as she addressed the clearly senior warlock albeit a bit nervously
"Uhm, yes sir." Without hesitating further she zoomed through the hole he had created before he could rise out of it and went higher into the sky to get a better view of everything below her. Doing a quick scan of the area she noted the amount of magical girls and boys in the area, quite a lot to say the least, but she didn't linger long as she began to use her powers to fly out of the area and away from all the magical girls/boys.

Happy Chaos's was...Still unconscious. He sustained a lot of damage, a chain through the head is gonna do more than just stun him right now. His body slumped in Mercury's arm, unresponsive as his Cursed Gem continued to patch the easier injuries first. He might've still been cognizant, possibly, but he sure wasn't breathing for now. Whether or not he could actually perceive what was going on wouldn't be very apparent

The Nightmare, however, was perfectly coherent. Or, well, as coherent as a Nightmare could possibly be, as she vacantly stared at the most gaudy thing in the room. Which, might've been an impressive description considering they were in a room full of people wearing cosplays, a seven foot tall man, and a giant bunny puppet thing. If she understood his words, she didn't show any indication of it, but a revelation suddenly hit her:

She hated birds. Especially peacocks. She wouldn't remember this revelation once she was purified, but she would absolutely remember it now.

Propelled by the lack of imminent danger around her and her creator being functionally dead for the time being, she left, wandering off to cause chaos somewhere other than the Mitakihara Cafeteria. Probably in the direction she knew the target of her wrath, her classmate and her mother, lived, though she wouldn't deny herself the entertainment of running rampant anywhere in between. Quickly, the rabbit disappeared outside the school gates. Bye, bitches.

Well, this was unexpected, to say the least. Amanda had thought her friends would be amazed to find out that she was a magical girl. Instead, they'd treated it as rather ordinary- for a rather extraordinary reason. In point of fact, she was the one left flabbergasted. Add to the fact that she had faceplanted, and it was not a good start to her superheroine career.

Dusting herself off- it simply would not do for a guardian of love, justice and goodness to look anything less than perfectly prim and proper- she stood and glanced at Kairi and Usagi. "Is everyone in this school a magical girl?!"

And then Usagi... er, Honeyrose was off like a shot, asking the other two to follow her. Fortunately, LiveWire didn't have to worry about that. She couldn't explain it if she tried; it seemed like her powers were instinctive. Energy welled up within her as she called out, "Lightning Leap!"

It was a strange thing, turning herself into living electricity. She headed out the door quite literally at the speed of light, following the concentrations of magic straight to the cafeteria before reforming right in the midst of the mayhem. Magical girls and boys slugging it out, complete with a monstrous rabbit thing that absolutely screamed Saturday-morning villain leaving the scene. The air practically reeked of ozone around her as she pointed it out. "Don't let it get away!"
A Peacock Warlock? The words themselves left her rather uneasy. If the feeling wasn't enough the description itself only left her that much more worried. She had known that Witches and Warlocks weren't unusual to gain some animalistic traits... but to be told by Honeyrose such an exact animalistic description... that with that scary presence only seemed to confirm whoever it was they were very powerful and likely very dangerous. That feeling she had couldn't of been some mistake. Just why would they be at the school as they are?

"Is everyone in this school a magical girl?!"

She looked over a light nervous lauigh being given in response, though it only lasted for a brief time. Her eyes darting over to Honeyrose as she rushed forward clearly not at all hesitating to act.. or at the very least that is how Beatrice saw it. It was only natural she thought Honeyrose was brave enough to charge forward. She wished she was half as couragous as she could be. A nod was given in response. Her feel carrying her forward. She could hear the voice of Livewire behind her. Her head turned just in time to see her whizzing by like electricity. Her eyes darting forward a bit taken back by it all.

She was the last of the two to charge into the cafeteria only to see what as the damage. What appeared to be other magical boys and girls along with witches and warlocks spread about. Many of the evil doers seeming to be fleeing now. Just what was the reason for the attack? Her eyes slipping over glancing up upon one particular winged Witch. Her eyes lingering on the girl staring at Eulampis as she made her way out. It was such a strange thing. She wasn't certain why the girl had drawn her attention... likely a simple case of it being the person of who her eyes simply found first.

"They... they are fleeing?" She spoke almost a bit puzzled. Clearly much of the fighting had already taken place though lingering traces of the engagement still remained. Her eyes darted to Honeyrose glancing at her. Her lips not parting clearly seeming to be questioning nonverbally what they should do.

Interactions: Amber redraider redraider Usagi animegirl20 animegirl20 Eulampis Peckinou Peckinou
203-2037111_puella-magi-madoka-magica-kaname-madoka-transparent-homura.pngHoneyrose stopped for a moment when she saw Livewire shoot out in front of her in lightning form. "Whoa" Honeyrose took off running again as quickly as her feet could take her. Once she made it to the cafeteria her eyes widen at the damage. The peacock warlock seemed to be in the middle of speaking. Honeyrose stood there frozen from feeling the immense dark power coming from the peacock warlock. Her eyes didn't focus on him though she was scanning around the room to see who was here that was when her eyes landed on Noir and he looked bad his body was completely limp and for a moment she assumed the worse. "No-" Honeyrose was just about to run over to him when suddenly she heard the peacock warlock speak again his voice had deepened with a booming and almost distorted darker tone. Honeyrose slowly looked at him as he spoke.

"And you, Magical Wannabes will remain here. If you so much as follow any of them, I will personally make sure you suffer through a hell you have never experienced before."

Honeyrose stayed in place and watched as the peacock man left and when he was finally gone she took a deep breath in trying to calm her beating heart. When Livewire mentioned the nightmare was getting away Honeyrose looked over in the direction the nightmare left. "I don't know if chasing after it is a good idea right now." Honeyrose then looked back over to where Noir was and ran over to him. Once she made it over to his body she stared down at him. She noticed his left leg was shredded, a coin sized hole in his upper thigh, his was cut up, bleeding from a shallow cut to the head, a hole in his right hand, and hole in his chest which was terrible to see. She never seen anything this bad before from a fight. "N-noir?" She bent down looking him over again then tried to find his gem to ease her mind that he wasn't actually gone but she couldn't find it and she started freaking out. "His gem! Where is it?!" Hoenyrose yelled out. She looked at the other magical warriors with panic on her face.

Location: Cafeteria
Interactions: Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples Managarmrr Managarmrr redraider redraider Nothingness Nothingness Hanarei Hanarei
Mentions: Guppy Franz Guppy Franz
hemera and nereus ic.png
Phoebe & Lincoln Brooks
Hemera & Nereus

Location: Mitakihara Academy
Interactions: Noir ( Guppy Franz Guppy Franz ), Honeyrose ( animegirl20 animegirl20 )
Mentions: Mercury ( Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury ), Aegis ( Managarmrr Managarmrr ), Beatrice ( Hanarei Hanarei ), Livewire ( redraider redraider ), Happy Chaos ( Necromantic Necromantic ), The Warlock Commander ( Nothingness Nothingness )

The twins were stunned to silence when a humanoid-peacock descended from a hole in the ceiling to address everyone in the cafeteria...after critiquing it like some fop interior designer. Hemera kept her shield of sunlight around Noir to protect him, but made no motion to move.

Nereus slowly got up by sliding up the wall he had been slumped against, blood dribbling from his mouth as he glared with genuine hatred at the Warlock Commander. He watched him go, his gaze going to Mercury, remembering every detail about him. He was going to die, Nereus swore it, Nereus himself would be Mercury's death. Happy Chaos was also on his shit list, after harming his twin sister that cat-creature was going to be torn limb from limb if Nereus had anything to say about it.

Nereus wanted to go after the Nightmare, but with the arrival of Honeyrose and a few other magical girls, in addition to recovering slowly from his injuries (both internal and external), he remained.

Hemera looked to Honeyrose as she came over to look over Noir, the shield allowing the ally to enter. "My brother Nereus has it, he managed to catch it while he was fighting one of the Warlocks, don't worry! Noir's going to be alright." She assured Honeyrose, then looked to Nereus, "Nereus, the soul gem!"

"I'm coming, Hemera!" Nereus nodded with a solemn expression, slowly but surely limping his way over to Noir, Hemera and Honeyrose. He knelt down beside Noir and returned the soul gem to its rightful place, upon its owner. Nereus sighed, "He'll be alright, just give it time. He nearly sacrificed himself to save all of us. He's extremely brave."

"He really is." Hemera murmured with tears in her eyes as she looked over Noir with a soft, almost tender gaze. She then glanced to Honeyrose with a curious glance, "You know him well, huh?"


Location: Mitakihara Academy - (Severely Ruined) Cafeteria
Time: Afternoon
Mentions: N/A
Interactions: Guppy Franz Guppy Franz Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples Hanarei Hanarei redraider redraider animegirl20 animegirl20

Aegis' rush towards the Warlock who had caught the Cursed Gem ended in disappointment and a burst of flames suddenly blasted his way. He just barely managed to raise his shield in time to prevent himself from becoming significantly crispier, the blue and silver flames curling around the shield and licking at his arm as he skidded back from the impact of the fire.

By the time he had blinked away the flash-blindness, however, the room had fallen silent, a dreadful aura making the tension in the air practically thick enough to swim through. Even Aegis had to end his assault, his eyes drawn upwards towards the vibrant villain descending from the cafeteria's new open-air skylight.

'The damned peacock.'

It took every bit of willpower to restrain himself from jumping into combat once more, but Aegis knew how foolish it was to attack one of Nix's Commanders, especially when he was accompanied by his obedient little lackeys.

And so he simply looked on, icy gaze glued to the flashy feathered fiend, arms crossed to quell the instincts telling him to fight despite the danger. His cold glare didn't leave the bird-man until he was completely out of sight, not even when three more Magical Girls entered the cafeteria. 'Of course. Now the rookies show up.'

With a muted sigh, he walked over to Noir, picking the insensate Magical Boy up and slinging him over his shoulder. "Brave. And reckless." he said with his stoic demeanor, not seeming all too remorseful for breaking up the emotional moment as he turned towards the rest of the Magical Fighters. "Come. Let's regroup with the others outside. Nix's minions are on timeout and we have a Nightmare to deal with while they're getting disciplined. Noir should beโ€ฆ" he paused to look at the limp and beaten body on his shoulder. Healed might not be the right word to use in this case. "โ€ฆawake soon enough."
If I can't see it, it doesn't existยฒ
Quartz ( Necromantic Necromantic )
Now that Crow had calmed down, after hearing Quartz's voice speak out, he finally thought to spare a glance at the witch he had just uncaringly dropped on the floor. He hadn't thought about the consequences of his actions, of course; there was a Commander in the vicinity, who cared about a few scratches and torn clothes? But the reality was, he did care, because looking at the male checking his phone, seemingly indifferent to his own state, Crow felt his ears grow slightly hot. Ruined clothes were nothing new to him, being an avid magical girl hunter and everything; it came with the job. Yet, having the time and mind to actually ponder the damage done by his wings, unlike in the heat of a battle, was certainly a first for him.

Thankfully, the tearing was mostly confined to Quartz's back and sides, sparing the majority of the witch's torso from the same tragic fate, as well as Crow's aloof image from crumbling to pieces. He immediately averted his gaze, pretending to find the polished concrete floor fascinating. What else could he do to show he was completely unbothered? A food container was kindly presented in front of him. Right, eating tomatoesโ€”great idea.

"Sure." Crow extended his right wing, delicately stabbing one of the tomatoes with the tip of a feather, careful not to slice it through. With a flick of his arm, the tomato was flung directly into his mouth. He kept his gaze firmly planted on the container, refusing to let it wander even a few centimeters. Actually, these were pretty good.

"What about that guy, the clubโ€”uuh, your idol friend?" Crow caught himself before he could finish the sentence, a conditioned reflex gained from all the meetings and "friendly" reminders that the one in front of him was supposed to be the actual Paranormal Investigation Club president, though who truly held the reins was a bit of an open secret. "Aren't you two basically conjoined? Where is he?"

Ignoring that the offer was limited to one tomato, the warlock reached once again for the container and absentmindedly popped another one into his mouth, unaware that his question was the exact same issue Quartz was being plagued by. He didn't know Aki and Hikaru well enough to argue whether they were truly always together, but every time Crow saw themโ€”before classes, after classes, at club meetings, during the occasional fightโ€”that had been the case. The image was so ingrained in his mind that it was difficult at times to think of them as two individuals and not a single entity. This could be considered the first time he had ever truly been alone with one of them.
code by @Nano
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"He's uhm..." If Quartz realized that Crow what about to refer to Hikaru as the club leader, it didn't show. His eyes trailed back to his phone, practically lighting up as he saw a notification pop up- No, that was just Akiko asking if he'd survived the cafeteria. Before the disappointment could kick in that it wasn't a response from the person he'd wanted a response from, a look of irritation crossed him face and he rolled his eyes. Of course he was alive. He typed out a quick "unfortunately" so she'd know he wasn't dead.

...And with that momentary distraction gone, ignoring reality was no longer an option.

"He's... uhm..." Think of something to say. But what was he supposed to say? That he was worried Hikaru was dead and the last thing he said to him was to kill himself? Even when Hikaru was mad at him, he always responded to text messages.

"He's not responding to me, I don't know. He has another stalker and I didn't feel like going to find him, so I haven't seen him since this morning. But he's been doing this a long time, I'm sure he's fine~ Probably just joined whatever happened in the cafeteria and broke his arm or something." The optimism he was trying to force into his voice just wasn't there, replaced with irritation. If Hikaru wasn't dead, Aki was absolutely going to kill him for making him worry like this. Hikaru would probably enjoy that, which was really the only reason Aki could ever raise his broom against him, but that...Crow didn't need him to point out that Hikaru was weird.

Sitting here in clothes that were mostly shredded was still kind of embarrassing, even with the topic of conversation being Hikaru, and Crow staring very intently at his bowl of tomatos instead of him. Quartz's body shimmered for a second, before the light broke away from his body, falling to the floor like glitter and leaving a much more mundane looking Akihiko sitting there. Even if the shirt he'd chosen to wear today still had holes in it, those tears around his collar and shirt cuff were now simply fashion statements instead of the result of somebody else's wing.

Maybe he should text somebody else? Sibylla- No, she used voice to text, so her response could be heard by others. Yuusuke was standing in front of him. He didn't have that other girl's phone number. Arian, maybe? He was the only one left.

'whats going on, hasumi-chan? whys the cafeteria in ruins?'

Yeah, that... Made it look like Aki didn't know that Hikaru had caused this. He could've left it at that, if he got an answer Arian would... Probably tell him any important information, he hoped. Yet, he found himself typing a second message anyway.

'why isnt hikaru responding to me? if he isnt dead already, im going to kill him myself'
interactions: Theasuke Theasuke
texted: Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury
Yuzuki Takeru
Location: Behind School [Track Field] --> Home
Mentions: N/A
Interactions: N/A

Once the peacock Warlock had entered the cafeteria, Sentinel was finally able to exhale a sigh of relief as he remained knelt on the snowy ground simply trying to catch his breath. With the Wraiths now dealt with by the Warlock no less, Sentinel took the time to focus on his healing by closing his eyes and allowing his natural Magical Boy energy to heal the injury over his stomach region. Although his wound would be healed, the amount of blood he lost still made his body weak as it took every ounce of his own willpower to stand back up to his own two feet. With his gaze mainly focused on the school, it was only a matter of minutes passing before he saw what appeared to be a Witch skyrocketing into the sky from the building's roof followed by the peacock Warlock following right after, the next was probably the most unexpected though, as the double metal doors to the cafeteria opened leading out to the track field, Sentinel's gaze landed onto what was a rabbit-like Nightmare. With eyes widening at the sight of a nightmare coming from the school, he watched as it waddled off into the distance. He reached an arm out toward the creature as though he were attempting to stop it. "Wait--...get back here..you--!" The moment he took a single step forward his body nearly went limp as he slumped forward, almost dropping to the floor from exhaustion.

Cursing under his breath at his weakened state, if he hadn't gotten distracted during the fight with the Wraiths he would've had plenty of energy to go after the Nightmare before it could run amock. Now with a Nightmare on the loose and that unnaturally powerful Warlock somewhere roaming the city, Sentinel's next course of action was to be determined, turning his gaze back onto the school building behind him, he pondered on the thought of entering the cafeteria to check on the situation, though the second he gave it even the slightest bit of thought, the sounds of sirens wailing off in the distance and approaching rapidly caused his decision to quickly change. The last thing he needed now was to be questioned by the city's authorities and asked questions that he neither wanted to or had answered to.

So, with that in mind, Sentinel decided that he'd begin to limp his way back home. Remaining in his Magical Boy form as he retrieved his spear from the ground before slowly proceeding to head home.
On the way back, he decided that he would take every possible alleyway and dark corridor home since it would be the best possible way to avoid being seen by the public as the last thing he wanted was for some random bystander to see him as some strange weirdo with a giant spear in hand limping around. The option to switch back to his ordinary human form was also out of the question, while in his Magical Boy form his energy consumption might've been higher but in this form, he was able to regenerate from his wounds and his reserve tank of energy was much higher than his normal form. Aside from that, at least in his Magical Boy form no one would recognize him.

The walk home took much longer than it normally would this time but, by the time he had reached home, he would reach his free hand to clasp around his Soul Gem that was part of his outfit around his throat. With a firm squeeze and a bright light flashing over the entirety of his body once more, in a split second, he would be returned to his normal appearance, still in his school uniform and the hole in his stomach now gone. Dropping to his knees at the front door inside his home, Yuzuki was left panting heavily as sweat dripped from his face and the sides of his head as though he had just bathed. Attempting to catch his breath and find the strength to stand back up, he slowly wandered the halls of his empty home with one hand on the wall for support, now that he was home, he could at least try to rest for the next several hours before his nightly patrols started, considering there was a Nightmare on the loose now, he would no doubt going to have to get in contact with his part-time job to let them know he probably wasn't going to be coming in today, but that can be for later.
Mercurius Aleator
โ€Is it a crime to kill if weโ€™re only sinking deeper?โ€
Mercury let out a grunt as he placed Happyโ€™s body down, massive hole in the face and all. He stared down at his lifeless colleague for a second before reaching into his coat. Happyโ€™s cursed gem pulsated in his hand, it was probably going to take awhile for him to heal up from the this. Mercury had managed to escape a good few blocks away from the school and to the top of a fairly high building. It would work for the rendezvous with the other Warlocks and Witches, as well as a place for Happyโ€™s body to recover. Mercury would look back at the cursed gem in the palm of his handโ€ฆ it was so fragile right now. Heโ€™d look back at Happyโ€™s lifeless corpse. What ifโ€ฆ

Mercury was thrown out of his dark thoughts as he felt a slight buzz from another one of his coats pockets. Heโ€™s take his phone out and turn it on only to reveal two messages from Aki. Aki probably already knew Happy- or well, Hikaru had started the chaos in the cafeteria. So Mercury didnโ€™t know why he had decided to ask. As for the second question, Mercury pointed his phone at the lifeless corpse known as Happy Chaos and snapped a picture.

โ€œUnfortunately, our friend isnโ€™t exactly able to chat right now.โ€

Mercury pressed send, sending the message with the photo he just took alongside it.

โ€œAlthough, if you want to kill him I can certainly do that for you~โ€

Mercury sent with another picture, this time with Hikariโ€™s cursed gem in the palm of his hand. This was obviously a joke of course, how Aki took it would have to be wait and seen. At least heโ€™d know Mercury had Hikaruโ€™s cursed gem, so he was bound to heal unless something happened to it. And now, Mercury would also have to wait for his colleagues to find him a top this building. He trusted lord Kazuki would, but was unsure if Omen and Eula would. Maybe heโ€™d text them where he was?

Interactions: Necromantic Necromantic
Mentions: Nellancholy Nellancholy Nothingness Nothingness
Code By Nano

Omen, for her part, was almost out of the way of the battle when Kazuki appeared, very much ready to leave the cafeteria through the entrance as if it was just an ordinary school lunch and she hadn't just protected her allies as they levelled the large room.

All in all, she was pretty satisfied at her own contribution. While not by her own power, she had assisted in the birth of a fine Nightmare, a mass of negative emotion that needed to be expressed in order to be confronted and understood. And most came out not the worst for wear, only one on each side battering the other to the point of unconsciousness. No one had died among the witchlocks, and none among the followers of Aurora. Not that she wanted them to: as long as they stayed out of their way...

Kazuki's booming voice made his displeasure deeply clear. "I will see you soon, Sir Kazuki." She nodded, withdrawing behind a corner. Despite having done little wrong personally, she couldn't help but feel a certain sense of foreboding. But she wasn't THAT worried. She cared little for what that peacock and his peers thought: what mattered to Omen was Nix's grim purpose. Who cared if middle management had a big head?

With that, she pulled The Tower's card, shuffling it back into her tiny hand of three. And just like that, the knight dissolved, collapsing into tiny, star-like particles of glass that rapidly evaporated.

Omen's strange costume vanished as well, leaving Sibylla dressed as she was before. The swirling darkness in her heart, heightened by her magical transformation, gave way to muted shadows.

Now then, she got the feeling classes would be on hold for a while, so it was time for them to regroup with the rest of the "Paranormal Research Club".

But where...

Sibylla closed her blind eyes, the gesture allowing her to re-establish her focus. The string connecting her and Arian came into view, extending from her chest. Reaching out, she gave it a little twang, like a guitar.



Why a rooftop, of all places?

Half an hour later, Sibylla hauled herself up onto the rooftop with considerable effort, tilting her head towards Mercury as acknowledgement.

"Afternoon, Arian. How are you and...Happy holding up?"

She sat nonchalantly on the edge of the roof, facing inwards as she finished the last sterile-scented drops from her new water bottle.

Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury Nothingness Nothingness

Eulampis had flown high into the air at record speed, only stopping once everyone on the ground looked like a mere speck, people on the ground being nothing but tiny dots from her view, but that also meant it would be the same the other way around. It gave her a bit of assurance that no one would be able to see what she was about to do next, taking out her phone she sent a quit and concerning text to her little sister.
Little Sis
SIS! you're not hurt or anything are you, something happened at school, and I need to know if your alright and safe? Tell me where you are and I'll be there as soon as I can!"
She of course had a feeling that she was perfectly fine, but she wouldn't be a good older sister if she didn't show any concern for her especially after the dam crap Happy put them through. Of course she couldn't go meet up with Kairi right at this moment, but she was sure that this would only take a minute, besides she would be able to easily get to any location quite easily thanks to her ability. Now that her message was sent, she tucked her phone away and dived back towards their city in order to look for the group of idiots who got her into this mess. When she stopped she was still high above the ground, she would make a sweeping scan over the entire area before blitzing off to another one an continues process but it didn't take too long as she eventually found the spot they chosen to base themselves at. A scowl returned to her face as she saw the group, and she rushed towards the spot they were at but stopped a few yards away from them as she went on to hover and look down at them. She let her displeasure show completely, but when she saw the condition that Happy was in she couldn't help but smirk a bit before commenting "I hope it hurt." while she figured Happy wouldn't be able to hear her comment considering he was busy being incompatible with life at the moment, she honestly didn't care considering the trouble he caused. Her attention then went to the other two, who she quickly scoffed at before turning away from them scanning the area for Kaizu so that he could explain the misdeeds the idiots that she had the misfortune of calling her comrades. She wasn't thrilled, while she was a trouble maker out of her witch form she didn't really wasn't fond of the idea of getting in trouble with Nix or her Commanders. She was fully prepared to throw Happy under the bus considering that this entire mess was all of his fault.

Arian's response...Was reassuring? Hikaru was still transformed, so he clearly wasn't dead, despite what his glassy eyes eyes and limp features would've meant for a normal human. Yet, the string of curses that left Aki's mouth was anything except reassured or idol-like.

"Hikaru's... Alive." Aki stated, after he was done swearing.

How could he have managed to end up in that bad of a condition? Over the course of a single fight? Where...Was his Cursed Gem? It was supposed to be in his ear, but all there was in place of it was a bloody hole that looked like it'd just finished putting the cartilage back together around it.

Oh. Arian's second message answered his question, it was in the gambling addicts hand. Judging by the hole in Hikaru's head...



Well, he guessed it was close enough to his ear to be worried, but otherwise Aki looked utterly confused. The more he stared, the less sense it made.

'shouldnt that have healed by now? normally, getting shot like that should only take him out for like, 30 seconds unless its close enough to cause an exit wound'

'but most magical girls ive seen him shoot at point-blank are back on their feet in a minute'

'wait, that looks bigger than a bullet...'

It being bigger than a bullet would explain who Hikaru was still out. Yet, it offered an explanation for absolutely nothing else, like why Arian was holding his Cursed Gem. And that was the point where fighting experience stopped offering explanations for what had happened.

The blank stare Aki was giving his phone said more than his words could've, considering he wasn't even saying anything. Nope, nope, he wasn't getting anywhere with this.

He switched his text colour to the shade of red Hikaru liked to use as he decided to do something other than give himself a headache trying to figure out what Hikaru had been doing.

'But it's so boring if you kill somebody who can't fight back~'

'or yk something like that'

'can you put that back in his ear?'

...Were those police sirens? Shit.
interactions: Theasuke Theasuke
texted: Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury
Mercurius Aleator
โ€Is it a crime to kill if weโ€™re only sinking deeper?โ€
Arian, who was still transformed into Mercury, sat crouching beside Hikaruโ€™s body. Cursed gem in his right hand, he simply stared at it as Sibylla appeared and sat on the edge of the roof. โ€œOh, Iโ€™m fine. Finding a new toy certainly has me in a good mood. As for Hikaru-โ€œ he trailed off as he looked down at Hikaru, who still had a hole in his face. But hey, at least it was slowly repairing itself along with all the other wounds on his body. Eula would then make her appearance, scoffing at Hikaruโ€™s appearance and spitting out her little comment. โ€œOh donโ€™t worry Eula, Iโ€™m sure it did.โ€ Arian was thrown out of hid thought as he felt his phone go off again.

Reading Akiโ€™s message he stood up and made his way over to Hikaruโ€™s lifeless body. He knelt down and placed the cursed gem where Hikaru usually wore it as Happy. Arian would stand back up and snap a picture with his phone, sending it to Aki.

โ€œIt was about to get shattered, so he threw it my way. The magical boy who did that to him did the same to his teammates, we werenโ€™t able to shatter it unfortunately. At least Hikaruโ€™s going to live (probably?).โ€

He placed his phone back in his coat pocket, turning back to Sibylla and Eula. โ€œYou two see Lord Kazuki? He did say he wanted to rendezvous with us.โ€ He looked at Sibylla, and then to Eula. He hadnโ€™t seen who Eula was outside of her witch form. Arian never understood why she wanted to stay anonymous, it must have always been a pain changing into a mask and whole outfit when she attended a meeting.
Interactions: Necromantic Necromantic Nellancholy Nellancholy Peckinou Peckinou
Mentions: Nothingness Nothingness
Code By Nano


Location: [Behind School]

After hearing the response from the Fool, she leaped backwards to watch the entire thing unfold, unfortunately for her, something hard hit her in the back of the head. โ€œMAYUMI!โ€ Hikari called as Mayumi began to black out. She slumped against the wall and fainted.


It must have been a good while before Mayumi woke up, still in her magical girl form. โ€œEughhโ€ฆ.โ€ She felt the top of her head, blood. โ€œOh, sh-t?!โ€ She stood up and looked around but it appeared that the enemy was gone and most of them were gone now. โ€œYouโ€™re up!โ€ Hikari yelled. โ€œWhat was thatโ€ฆ?โ€ Mayumi wiped the blood off her head. โ€œIโ€™m not sure, all I saw was someone running towards you and then BAM! They hit you..โ€ Hikari had a better field of vision than Mayumi, being able to turn around and see behind Mayumi but Hikari was far-sighted, making her signals too late. โ€œWhat time is it?โ€ She got up off of the snowy ground and walked away. โ€œ2:30.โ€ Hikari sighed. โ€œWell, I suppose I should go back to classโ€ฆโ€ Hikari gasped. โ€œNO! Youโ€™re injured! How about we goโ€ฆskip school?โ€ Mayumi shook her head. โ€œYou always were one for trying to make me do thatโ€ฆโ€ she turned towards the school and quickly transformed back. โ€œAlright, letโ€™s go back and finish up some stuff!โ€ Wiping some off the blood off of her head, she ran back inside.
Closet > Classroom > Alley
Fuck the police
Quartz ( Necromantic Necromantic )
Peckinou Peckinou
Crow found Quartz's hesitation to answer a simple question odd, carefully shifting his biting gaze from the tomato container to the witch's face, watching all the different reactions that crossed by.

"Eh... sounds fun." The flat tone of voice was indicative of how much Crow cared for the psychotic cat's well-being. The question had been more of a way to gauge any pertinent informationโ€”who didn't know that Happy Chaos was very trigger-happy? It made sense for him to know something, as seemed to be the case now. Nevertheless, it was true that Crow felt a little envious. Not having been present sooner in the cafeteria left his blood boiling, and he wished he hadn't ignored what he'd assumed to be just a boring, regular Wraith attack. He felt it was only right to do something, anything, to compensate for it. If a new Nightmare had indeed emerged, there would be plenty of opportunities to do so later.

Crow's eyes trailed to the floor to avoid the fleeting, blinding light. It took away not only the tiny witch but, more importantly, the source of unspeakable awkwardness weighing on them. In response, the tension on the warlock's brows loosened, ceasing the tomato stabbing along with it. Yet, not even a minute later, a string of curses flew out of Aki's mouth, putting Crow right back on alert and snapping his attention to the nearby figure. After waiting for what left like an eternityโ€”this was why you should never judge a book by its cover, this guy could certainly swearโ€”the sentence that came out of his lips could be considered nothing but positive. Wasn't his spiritual twin being alive a good thing? He doubted even that other bird witch would be this upset upon finding out one of her colleagues hadn't died, and she seemed to hate them all with a passion.

Why was this guy so fickle?

Deciding he couldn't possibly fathom an idol's mind, Crow's spine finally relaxed, sliding further down as laziness pressed him deeper into the ground. He started counting the tiles in each row, matching Aki's blank stare on his phone. Judging by his reaction earlier, Crow assumed Hikaru either finally texted back or that it was one of the others. He was just waiting for the male to reach a definite conclusion when a familiar, urgent blare pierced the air in the distance. It was approaching at such an alarming rate that Crow had to snap out of his trance, fixing his horrible posture.

"Shit! The cops are here already?" His ears perked up at the sound of sirens. A school being blasted was a much higher-key incident than the usual squabbles during the night in a random part of Mitakihara City. If Crow knew they were bound to show up so soon, he would have left as early as the cafeteria started crumbling away. Previous experiences with being apprehended and questioned by the police had taught Crow one thing, and that was that he lacked a very essential life skill everyone else seemed to have: the ability to lie. His blunt honesty and evasiveness would only land him in more trouble, and he wasn't keen on hanging out with officers late into the night.

There was no time to hesitate. He needed to leave right this instant, or they'd soon be surrounded. Crow felt that this oversized rag doll sitting on the floor, no longer having access to a flying broom, couldn't possibly be of any use. So, once again, he made a decision without consulting anyone else's opinion. Before Aki would register, Crow was up and lifting him off the ground.

Aki's body was larger than Crow's, making the fit on his shoulder considerably more awkward. The warlock almost lost his balance, caught unprepared by the substantial difference in weight and height between Quartz and Aki; he only thought about how lighter the witch had felt earlier and forgot to account for the obvious difference. Yet Crow managed to stabilize his feet in time, moving his grip to the other's legs. He hoped Aki's body weight would keep him balanced on his shoulder, along with sparing his shirt from being torn. Ripped pants sounded more socially acceptable, at least in his book. He didn't even know he had it in him to care about such things until just now.

"Hang on tight," he muttered, more to himself than Aki, because there was really nowhere for the boy to hang on to. With that, Crow darted out of the closet, his steps echoing down the hallway in a steady rhythm. He skidded in front of their classroom door, his bladed feathers scraping against the tile, leaving a shallow cut behind. He then lifted his arm and stuck the blades in the gap between the wall and the door, sliding it open.

His gaze flew over the empty classroom, locking onto the only two bags present: his on the floor and Aki's settled on his desk. His eyes stopped at an open window. Having no one present made things easier; he could act much faster when he didn't have to worry about making it to the news for kidnapping a popular idol.

With a practiced motion, his foot connected with the base of his own bag, kicking it up. It sailed through the air, the strap catching around his neck in a perfect arc, like he had done this hundreds of times before. He made the painful decision of leaving his chips behind, silently hoping at least his lunch had survived. Next, it was Aki's bag turn. Crow wasted no more time and leaped out the window, the wind rushing past him as he descended, extending his spare wing as far as he could to break the fall. He felt the weight on his shoulder and neck getting momentarily lighter, Aki's body floating in the air along with the bags, before settling down again with a heavy thump when Crow's feet touched the ground. Gravity wouldn't be very kind to the boy's organs throughout the journey, but the warlock did not stop.

Knees bent to absorb the impact, he immediately broke into a sprint towards the academy's surrounding wall. He pushed with his right foot against the concrete, scaling it in one fluid motion. He once again made sure Aki was properly secured, looking with narrowed eyes at the startled group of people walking just on the other side of the wall. Evacuating students would logically go the opposite way, where the gates stood, and where they'd probably wait for the authorities to arrive. Judging by the lack of uniforms, he'd figured these were just passersby who heard the commotion and were making their way to check it out.

"Out of my way!" Crow snarled at the pedestrians below, several feathers of different shades of teal and black appearing in mid-air and shooting out. They purposely struck just a few inches away from their feet, prompting a few panicked screams. Crow took advantage of when their heads inevitably turned to look at what lay in front of them to burst onto the street, dashing past the bewildered crowd before they could even consider the harpy-like creature was carrying a citizen on his shoulder.

While he had planned to go to a secluded park, he quickly realized running through the streets wasn't going to be an option. Just as one of the flashing red and blue lights came into view on the far end of the street, Crow took a turn to the nearest alley, swearing under his breath. He lowered Aki to the ground, where the bright midday sun cast a long shadow, hiding both of their figures from the blaring sirens passing by towards the front gate. Thankfully, the alleyway was narrow enough, preventing the ground from accumulating anything more than a light dusting of snow. Crow bent his head and torso just enough for the bags to slide off, crouching in front of Aki.

"Are you still alive?" He asked, shaking his head, trying to free the mess of hair that got stuck between his neck feathers.
code by @Nano
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203-2037111_puella-magi-madoka-magica-kaname-madoka-transparent-homura.pngHoneyrose looked at Hemera when she said her brother had it. Honeyrose let out a sigh of relief and relaxed a little. Nereus brought over the Noir's gem and returned it.

"He'll be alright, just give it time. He nearly sacrificed himself to save all of us. He's extremely brave."

Honeyrose glanced at Nereus when he said this then glanced back at Noir. Great now she was feeling guilty about ditching him last night. Hemera asked Honeyrose if she knew Noir well. Hoenyrose looked at Hermera and smiled. "Yeah he's kind of like a big brother to me." Honeyrose then stood up and glanced around the cafeteria. She couldn't help but wonder if there would be school tomorrow. She imaged there would and they would just close off the cafeteria. Aegis then came over and picked up Noir and slung him over his shoulder.

"Come. Let's regroup with the others outside. Nix's minions are on timeout and we have a Nightmare to deal with while they're getting disciplined. Noir should beโ€ฆโ€ฆawake soon enough."

Before anyone could leave sirens could be heard from outside. "The police are here??" that wasn't good they were all going to have to get out of here fast. Usagi looked around at the others then spoke up. "Hey guys! With the police here and everything that happened why don't we all head to the our meeting spot?" She was referring to the abandon warehouse it was where the magical girls and boys met up once a week on Friday nights though they were always in the their magical form when they did. Usagi waited for everyone's response. Though honestly they really didn't have any choice right now. It really was the best plan and plus she was sure everyone wanted to regroup and talk about what happened. Also they all needed to leave the school quick before the police sound them.

Interactions: Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples Managarmrr Managarmrr redraider redraider Hanarei Hanarei
Location: Cafeteria
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Almost got his Cursed Gem shattered? What the actual fuck kind of fight had Hikaru gotten into? Why hadn't he fled when it got dangerous? What kind of Nightmare was so important that he'd risk his life for it? ...Had Arian read his mind when he sent that message?

His face lit up when he got another message, briefly hoping that Hikaru had somehow already woken up, but this time is was his mom. She wanted to know why Akiko had already gotten home, but he hadn't. Right, right, that was a little weird, wasn't it? And his response to that... 'helping a friend get home, was shaken up by what happened'. Yup, that'd work, it was believable enough.

"...Couldn't the cops have waited a bit?" Aki started to stand up, but found himself being hoisted onto Crow's shoulder before he'd actually gotten to his feet. Shit, this again. He clutched the back of Crow's shirt when he felt his classmate struggling to adjust to his normal height and weight. Aki was about to voice an objection, make it known that he was probably better equipped to carry this time, but the pain from his feathers cutting into his legs killed that option. Seriously? Couldn't he have held onto him some other way?

He tried to move his feet, just to see if he could've still tried running, but one of his feet wasn't responding. Yep, seemed like one of Crow's wings had cut an important tendon, too late to try telling him to put him down.

"A little warning next time you...Decide to slit my Achilles?" He grumbled. He'd heal, it was fine, his Cursed Gem would take care of this damage- Yeah, right, Aki was definitely irritated by this. Even if he didn't intend to say it, he definitely didn't like being picked up like he was some sort of unruly child. Couldn't he have just transformed again, to make getting out easier? This was such an absurd situation. And now his tomatos were scattered on the floor.

Well, at least Crow had stopped to grab their bags. Only moments later, when he realized Crow was about to jump out the window, did Aki begin to wish that he'd just left their things behind. He could live without his phone charger, he had another one at home, they couldn't be the only people to leave their bags, they really didn't need to go out the-

He could feel his ribs crack from the impact with Crow's shoulder, and he vomited what little he'd eaten as he started running again. Luckily, it didn't actually get on Crow's back, probably because they didn't stay still long. Didn't puncture his lungs, as evident by the fact that he was still breathing just fine, but the groan Aki gave certainly made it clear he didn't appreciate his ribs being broken again.

The sounds of people weren't particularly welcome, either, but the fix to that was much easier. He quickly buried his head in Crow's hair to prevent other people from seeing his face, to keep himself from ending up in the news because some passerby happened to take a picture of him. His black hair blended in with Crow's well enough that it effectively covered up any distinguishing features. Ugh, he wasn't prone to motion sickness, but this was making him want to puke again. Luckily, there was nothing left in his stomach.

Sliding off Crow's shoulder was a relief. No more movement to further upset his stomach, nor hiding hid face in his hair and it tickling his nose when he breathed.

"Unfortunately." He replied, before he could think to filter himself. That kind of response was normal after having your ribs broken, right? Not when Crow wasn't used to things like that, it wasn't. Plan B, pretend it didn't happen. Rather than bringing attention to what he'd said, he lifted up his shirt a bit, prodding at the broken bone. As expected, skin as pristine as ever, but dammit that still hurt.

"Dumbass almost died... I should've just gone to help with the wraiths." Aki grumbled as he continued to poke at his ribs. It hurt. He wanted to claw the broken bones out with his own fingers. What had trying to stay out of battle actually gotten him? He really, really should've just skipped school. He wanted to be mad at Crow for having been the cause of been broken ribs, but...

...He wasn't. He didn't have any threats of curses to throw at him right now, nor any normal complaints. He pulled his Cursed Gem out from under his shirt again, looking at it before deciding to wait on transforming. Pain was nothing new to him, the only think that was out of the ordinary here was the inability to move his left foot. Magical Girls would be out to find the Nightmare Hikaru had made sooner or later, he was really better off waiting to transform.

Aki reached in his bag, feeling around for his glasses case. There it was, good, it hadn't fallen out anywhere. Putting on his bright red spectacles, he preceeded to pull out his wallet. 1,000? 2,000? He settled on pulling out a 10,000 Yen Note, and held it out for Crow. Far more than he'd reasonably need for anything Aki was about to say.

"You should be fine to go back to normal now, Miura-chan. We're only like, 150 meters from the school, right? There's a convenience store not far from here, you should go get yourself something to drink, that's a long distance to run, and I'm not light. Maybe lunch, too. I don't need the change back." He hadn't even seen the route Crow took, how could he just know that? His voice returned to the calm, caring tone he was used to using around other people. More concerned about how his companion was feeling after carrying him than he was about himself, as always.

Or was that just what he was trying to tell himself? Really, he just wanted to be alone for a minute, but being concerned about Yuusuke wasn't a lie.

"I'll get that damn vampi- A...Akiko to come pick me up."
Theasuke Theasuke
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The full scope of the interaction only seemed to slowly seep into her mind watching on. The strange bird person gone it put a bit of that burden off her easing up the tension, though it was quickly filled with more unease. More of the scene really sinking in. Her eyes finally spotted Noir as Honeyrose spoke up, her feet keeping still as she watched on from a short distance away. Her hand gently reached to Amber as if to put it gently on her arm in gesture recalling she was there now as Livewire. The last thing she wanted was for her to rush ahead or try something drastic. It was clear they had missed the fray and trying to tempt into more fighting would only likely make things worst off right now.

How could things have escalated so far? the cafeteria was left in ruins. Seeing Noir hurt as he was clearly in bad shape only made her feel that much more uneasy. This wasn't some small inncident, it was much larger then what they normally encountered. It was a miracle no one outside was involved... at least from what she could tell. That worry swelling more in her mind afraid of possible casualties that simply might of been overlooked. What about her sister? That pit in her stomach grew deeper as she thought on it more drifting off in thought practically frozen in place.

"Come. Let's regroup with the others outside. Nix's minions are on timeout and we have a Nightmare to deal with while they're getting disciplined. Noir should beโ€ฆโ€ฆawake soon enough."

Her head snapped back over to hear Aegis speak shifted away her stupor. Her eyes settling on him as she gave a nod. No, she had to focus. The incident might be purcarious, but it was her duty as a Magic Girl to be brave and stand strong. If she allowed herself to faulter, it could only lead to more destruction to follow in the wake. A light nod was given once more, this time to herself rather then direct at another.

"Hey guys! With the police here and everything that happened why don't we all head to the our meeting spot?"

The police? The sound itself lingering in her head almost half muted as she recognized it. Yes, it seemed rather clear that they were likely coming there after the explosion. The last thing they needed was to be seen by anyone. She could only wonder how this entire situation woiuld be covered. Leaving the area meant their actual persona would be also missing, though given the situation it likely meant many already possibly fled the area itself. Hopefully her sister being one of those who did so.

"Yes, our hideout would be good to head to together. When we get there.. we should make sure to get in contact with someone we know to say that we are safe as well. It's not good to leave other's worried for us or have people out searching for us thinking we might of somehow been caught in the incident and in danger... or worst."

She had to admit it felt a bit odd speaking up as she did. She was rather new as a Magic Girl compared to some there, not to mention she didn't see herself being that prominent either. Still, it felt right to speak up thinking about the situation. Her eyes darted down a bit worried for her sister's sake. She hadn't a clue she had been messaged yet though she hoped once they got to the hideout she would be able to message her back as soon as possible.

Interactions: Amber redraider redraider Usagi animegirl20 animegirl20 Aegis Managarmrr Managarmrr Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples
Mention: Zevra Peckinou Peckinou
Warlock Commander #4
Location: Hotel Rooftop
Mentions: Necromantic Necromantic Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury Nellancholy Nellancholy Peckinou Peckinou
Interactions: N/A

After instructing the Witches and Warlocks within the remains of the school cafeteria to leave the vicinity as well as ushering a threat to the Magical Warriors, once each of his 'allies' had left, Kazuki had made his complete exit from the hole in the building that he had created to enter from. In an instant, he'd rocket up into the sky above before soaring through the clouds as he had done so earlier. As he flew through the sky high above the clouds, his gaze would be focused onto the citizens of the city below him as well as eyeing for any possible next targets that should catch his attention that could be chosen to become a Witch or Warlock or even possibly be turned into a nightmare.

Spending several minutes to an hour in the sky just so that his allies could regroup, by the time he believed they had enough time, he began to descend from the sky only to hover just below the clouds to scan the city for where they were located. Finding the bunch loitering on the rooftop of an old Hotel, he scoffed at the sight of the location where they decided to meet up. After locating his allies, he slowly descended further til he would arrive before the group, hovering just over the edge of the rooftop so that his shoes would not touch the gravel surface of the roof. "Such a revolting place you all have chosen to meet. Could you have not decided upon something with a tad bit more class?" Of course, with Kazuki, his first order of business was the choice of where they would speak, after all, when it came to appearance and fashion, those were always Kazuki's number one concern and even though his orders were clear from Nix, he would not let his hobby and ambitions be brushed aside so easily.

After the gripe he had with their location, his next order of business was the main reason he had wanted to speak with them. His golden hues fixated on the corpse of the Warlock who was now lying on the rooftop with injuries all over him while one of his allies held the male's Cursed Gem in his hand. "Return that to him." With the demanding order, he'd await for the other Warlock to lower the Gem back onto the practically lifeless corpse of Hikaru before the Warlock Commander reached out a single hand towards the corpse, in an instant a purplish mist would leave the feathery palm of the Warlock just to have it envelop the body of Hikaru to help with the regeneration of his wounds. After the wounds were patched the Commander would simply lower himself into a seated position while still hovering midair, crossing one leg over the other before crossing his arm immediately after.

"Now, tell me. What made you fools think it was wise to start the corruption and creation of a Nightmare, in such a public location? I will give each of you one chance to enlighten me as to who the absolute MORON it was that came up with such an idiotic idea...!" As Kazuki spoke, his frustration grew over time causing his feathers to rile up and his own corrupted aura causing the entirety of the building to tremble underneath his presence alone.

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