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Fantasy ๐’ฏ๐’ฝ๐‘’ โ˜… ๐ฟ๐’ถ๐“ˆ๐“‰ โ˜… ๐’ฒ๐’พ๐“ˆ๐’ฝ


Eulampis frown deepened when Omen mentioned that they had nothing to do with the wraiths and that she was confident that the other Witches and Warlocks had nothing to do with them either. Eulampis wasn't so convinced though she figured that while Omen may not have anything to do with this, the other dunderheads probably did, though the fact that she was willing to help out did sooth Eulampis somewhat. She didn't want the fight to enter into the school and since Omen said she was here to make sure that the Wraiths would be kept in check it made Eulampis relax a bit before saying "Tsk, I somehow doubt that, but fine." Opting to just take up Omen on her offer she simply turned her attention to watching the Magical girls and boys fight the wraith out there as she floated in the front right hand side of Omen. As the Wraith grew in size she quirked her Eyes brows up as she watched things unfold, unfortunately her attention went elsewhere as she saw a stream of students run out the Cafeteria, worry creased Eulampis as she started to fear for Kairis safety. Though before she could muster up much of a reaction Omen requested them to assist them, typically she didn't really care much for the requests of others unless it aligned with what she wanted. Luckily for Omen though this aligned with what she wanted, as she didn't want any trouble in the school during school hours, as it ran the risk of her little sister getting hurt in the crossfire. With a nod of affirmation Eulampis rushed down towards the Cafeteria at a accelerated speed, her movements were linear but extremely fast even only taking her a second to reach her targeted destination. Without letting her feet touch the ground she maneuvered around the area going from target area to target area until she finally arrived within the Cafeteria all within a handful of seconds.

What stood before her was a scene she wasn't exactly fond of seeing, Chaos, one of the Magical boys and one of the Magical girls in the Cafeteria causing a ruckus, though when she looked closer she could see that the Warlock was kneeing a girl to the ground. Eulampis glared daggers at the Warlock but lucky for him she wasn't throwing them yet, the mess of Vines and Chains being thrown around was not lost on her. She typically hated putting herself in the danger zone of a fight, but sometimes such as situations like this it just couldn't be helped, speedily moving up until she was just inches away from the ceiling in order to gain herself a birds eye view. When Omen came in and explained what was going on and their entire little plan, Eulampis mood instantly changed to being pissed off. As she began to shout out "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU NEANDERTHALS CREATING NIGHTMARES RIGHT NOW DURING SCHOOL HOURS!" If Happy didn't get killed by the Magical Girls and Boys here she would gladly be the one to do it in their stead. But as much as she wanted to do that at the moment she wasn't fond of the presence of the Magical Boys and Girls here so aiming a glare to them she shouted out "As for you guys, screw off, go play with the Wraiths or something" without any further prompting Eulampis took out many of her daggers and positioned them before sending them out towards a position in the air, letting them levitate there, she was fully prepared to make it rain knives when she saw fit but as for now she simply opting to keep to the air and get as many throwing daggers put in placed as possible.

"I'm- I'm-" Fuck. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck. Yuusuke looked angry. Aki immediately felt a familiar, overwhelming fear knotting in his stomach, and he tried to further back away into the shelves he already had his back against, eyes wide. With nowhere else to go, Aki opted for the next best thing and instead opted to move an arm over his face to protect anything delicate. "I'm sorry Miura-cha- uh, -ku, -san. Miura-san. I'm sorry. I didn't want anyone to hear us. Please, I'm sorry."

Aki only lowered his arm once Yuusuke moved a bit further away. Alright, alright, he wasn't planning to hit him. Even if he could still hear his heartbeat in his ears, Aki made an effort to relax a bit, trying to let that fear subside a bit. Even if Yuusuke did want to hit him, Aki probably had the physical advantage here... But that didn't actually mean anything. He wouldn't have fought back.

Aki bit down on his middle finger, abnormally sharp k-nines once again puncturing his skin and drawing blood. He probably needed to stop doing that, before his fingers were covered in bandages.

He didn't want to let his words linger for too long. Change the subject. Change the subject. He didn't have anything to change the subject to- Just transform, that was his next best option.

He lifted his Cursed Gem from under his shirt, and it lit against his fingertips. The light engulfed his body in the same blue-gray colour as the gem. Aki's hands reached up under his hair, dark hair growing as he brushed it out as far as he could reach, and a little headband with bat wings on it appeared above his ears. Perhaps on a different day, he would've had more theatrics than moving his hair to make sure it didn't get tangled in the fake wings attached to his dress, but he didn't feel like imitating one of his favourite anime today, and he just let the light from his soul form different clothes without doing anything to encourage it. The glittering around his body broke, taking a solid 1/6 of his height with it.

...Looking like a girl in cosplay would probably only make this situation look more awkward if anybody walked in on them.

"...Yeah, last night left me in a bad shape, and I only slept like, three hours. Hikaru had to carry me home." ...Which was, admittedly, kind of a funny mental image, assuming Aki was his normal height.

The sounds of screaming and people running around was stressing him. Hikaru wasn't texting him right now, like he normally would've. The likelyhood that something would go wrong was low, but never zero. Aki could already feel his bones and tendons fixing themselves, with soft internal crunching sounds that he'd never managed to get used to.

"...Should we check on them?
Theasuke Theasuke

"Get off her? Who do you think is keeping me here?!" Happy Chaos snapped, making a point to rattle the chains keeping him down to emphasize his point. He would've loved to get up so that these fuckers would stop aiming at the very person they were trying to "protect" but life just couldn't be that easy, could it? Each and every one of them were actively putting her in more danger. How ironic, he found himself laughing once again.

"Oh? You'll kill me? Where she can see you? She'll re~mem~ber~" Happy Chaos chimed merrily. A bluff, his magic had probably taken too deep a root in her for her to remember anything, but he doubted any of the Magical Dumbasses would know that. He sat back up, grinning wide. Lifting his head up was risky, but he needed to make sure they couldn't see behind his back. "I~di~ot~, she's not under a spell, she's becoming a Nightmare. How the fuck you expect me to do that?! Can we take this outside before we destroy the cafeteria? I'm sure Hayakawa-chan would prefer that, right, deary?"


...Less responsive than he wanted. But Omen's mist descending around him and the roar of Mercury's flames gave him some much needed cover.

"Couldn't one of you break these chains? Do you just like seeing me tied up? ...Only you need to answer that, Mercury. I got a selfie, if that's the case โ™ก" Did Happy Chaos ever think before he spoke?

He summoned two guns behind his back, pushing the barrels against the chains. With all the balance of a man pointing a gun at his own arm and pulling the trigger with his thumbs, he shot at his restraints.

One coin embedded itself in his forearm, while the other one broke enough chain links for him to pull himself free. He nearly bit his tongue, gritting his teeth together to stop himself from crying out in pain. He'd be down an arm for a bit...


"I was trying to take her outside, but our darling Knights in Shining Armor just couldn't wait thirty seconds for me to take her outside!" He flipped Eulampis off.

Happy Chaos stood up, helping Karin to her feet. She gripped her head, prompting him to take a few steps away from her.

"If she were gone- If she were dead... Papa would be happy with Mama-" She was muttering, red ribbons flowing out from under her feet like blood. Seriously? Not like he could've walked her out with a wall of vines, Mercury's fire, and the Three Dumbassketeers blocking the door, but he really hadn't wanted to destroy the cafeteria. This was seriously depressing-

And the mental anguish from the fact that his actions were about to destroy part of the school had him laughing. Spreading chaos was exactly what he'd wanted, and it was what he got! It was even chaotic for him! This was an absolutely fantastic job, he should thank the chain summoning guy for enabling him to pull this off perfectly.

"Fantastic job, chain boy! You let a Nightmare loose in the school! (in english) It'sโ˜† Showโ˜† Time โ˜†" He taunted, practically singing the last three words as he lowered his vine barrier, shooting in the general directions of where Pretty Princess Who Could Do No Wrong, Mr. Shield and Emo Hair, and The Guy that Looked Like He Belonged in a Vintage Movie had been standing. Not aiming, unable to quite see where they were through Mercury's flames, hoping more to hit them through a simple barrage of coins rather than by knowing exactly where they were.

Papercraft dogs scampered around in the ribbon as it flooded the cafeteria, knocking over tables and puncturing through the walls. Figures of a man, a woman, a prostitute holding a cigarette, another student, and a repeated image of the earlier woman holding a broken beer bottle in her hand. A disjointed retelling of the exact story that she'd told told him about her home life, but without all the words.

"โ™ชMake my heart beat faster and fast, I always wanna know these exciting feelings!โ™ช" And Happy Chaos was singing, in Falsetto. If he was going to sing the theme from the anime Aki kept forcing him to watch (damn him for being so tall), he might as well be off key to really make sure nobody recognized his voice.

Ribbon consumed Karin's body, almost blending in among the sea of red. She grabbed at her face, tearing the thin fabric off her body with less effort than would've normally been needed. Just like she was unwrapping a present, revealing the true form of her mind hiding underneath the skin that'd previously hidden it.

"โ™ชI will show you a different me. So please!โ™ช" What a fitting song, really. Maybe being forced to watch something about Magical Girls with cat ears (so stupid, those were witches, clearly) hadn't been that bad a fate.

Large, a girl bigger than any of the people in the room emerged from under the ribbons. Her head resembled a rabbit's, but there was now a void on the same side she had a scar that consumed even her eye. A black body, with a pink dress. Not the most intimidating form he'd seen on a Nightmare, but that was probably due to her own view of herself or something like that. Hikaru didn't understand what parts of their inner demons formed their bodies, and he didn't really care either.

"Mercury, Omen, get down here and take a picture with me~" Happy Chaos would snap a quick picture, regardless of whether his companions obliged his request for a mid-battle group picture. You know, using a vine and his tail again or something.

pretend he was in that outfit the entire time i totally didnt just find a card of that character i liked more or something

Nellancholy Nellancholy Guppy Franz Guppy Franz Managarmrr Managarmrr Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury Peckinou Peckinou
"Oh, perfect! You're both here! And now that I think about it, it's better if I show you."

The deepest breath of Amanda's young life. "Magical Girl! LiveWire! Electro-Cute!"

A bolt of lightning ripped out of the ceiling, striking Amanda and blinding the other girls. When it subsided, she stood transformed, electricity crackling around her. Wait... she stood?

It took a second for it to sink in, but Amanda literally danced with joy... and promptly overbalanced and fell flat on her face. "Uh... little help?"
Academy Exterior
Early Afternoon
It was a trainwreck, to say the least.

One of the main Magical Children that seemed to have a more leadership-centric role among the others (who Fool assumed all knew each other at least a little bit), got blasted straight through the center. On top of that, it was the Wraith that Fool had failed to kill in a single blow like he had hoped. Shit, he knew should have tried to spin-drill movement downwards to increase the impact.

Chaos had fully blossomed in the middle of a winter's day. The Wraith had summoned an entire field of Wraiths, none of which the encroaching and fairly panicked student body could see. Alongside what seemed to be a completely separate incident inside, Fool truly had to take a moment to collect his thoughts. He watched as one of the magical children, the one that resembled a knight, focused on defending the wounded fighter, and another dealt with the girl that unwittingly summoned the first Wraith.

A number of his unnamed allies bounced on into the destruction within the school, but few stayed outside. He'd help where he could, but support was he was needed most right now.
He was knocked from his head when a Magical Girl landed next to him, asking what was going on. A surprise to be sure, since they really hadn't spoken before, but a necessary one.

"Focus on the Wraiths. We don't need to know much more beyond the safety of the escaping crowd, and anyone else nearby."

With that, he absorbed half the color from his own costume, and crafted two sharp needles in either hand. Running forward, he flipped onto one of the breaking bleachers and began hopping up higher and higher. As he reached another peak, Fool accelerated with a somersault onto the skull of a Wraith, skewering both needles into its eyes before it could concentrate on him. Sticking two threads of color onto both needles, Fool flipped to the back of the Wraith's head, and aimed it's now blind laser blasts at the other Wraiths, heavily damaging them.

They needed to get rid of as many as they could, as quick as they could, before they could even address the situation.

M: Nothingness Nothingness - Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples
I: serenibee serenibee

code by @Nano
by bad ending.
Usagi Arima
Usagi sighed and relaxed a little when Amanda didn't seem to noticed how sus her and Kairi seemed though she said I think it's better if I just show you Usagi cocked an eyebrow up. "Show us what?" Then Amanda took a deep breath and yelled out a phrase that sounded like it was for a magical transformation. Then it hit her. "Now way." Usagi's eyes widen and watch as Amanda transformed. After she transformed Amanda seemed surprised she could walk which meant this must of been her first time transforming. Usagi ran over to Amanda, when she fell, to help her up but once she reached her Usagi clumsily fell flat on her face as well. "I'm ok!" Usagi said though her words her muffled. She then liftef up her head and looked at Amanda then laughed. "I can't believe this! This is great! Your just like us!" Usagi then laughed nervously suddenly. "Yeah actually we are magical girls to....is just that well we've always been told to keep it as a secret as much as possible so we never said anything. But this is great! All three of us are the same now!"

Usagi stood up and then helped Amanda on to her feet and made sure to steady her before letting go. Usagi then looked over to Kairi and smiled. "Well guess we can transform freely now!" Usagi quickly ran over and shut the door. She then took out her soul gem and transformed into Honeyrose.

outfit: Magical Girl
interactions: redraider redraider Hanarei Hanarei
location: classroom

Mercurius Aleator
โ€Is it a crime to kill if weโ€™re only sinking deeper?โ€
Mercury let out a soft annoyed grunt as Happy spoke. In response, Mercury would simply flip him off as his attention layed on the wall of flames he had created between him and his comrades and the magical dip-shits. Mercury was about to help Happy get out, but the lunatic decided to take it upon himself to escape the chains. With a coin lodged in his forearm, a necessary sacrifice to free himself. Probably.

Mercuryโ€™s attention would return to the wall of flames separating them from the magical heroes as Happy yelled at Eulampis. The wall of flames he had created wasnโ€™t going to last long, and he wouldnโ€™t put it past one of the idiots on the other side to come rushing through to save the girl they had apparently almost killed. He was thrust out of his thoughts as he heard muttering coming from the girl Happy was trying to turn, red ribbons shooting out from beneath her feet as she continued to mutter. Perfect again. A smirk came across Mercuryโ€™s face beneath his mask as he stepped back, watching as paper recreations of people and an animal flooded the room with the red ribbons. All the while Happy sung in pure joy as the events unfolded, something Mercury had seen him do countless times.

By the time Mercury had made it a few safe steps away, the girl had ripped the casing surrounding her body, only to reveal a tall figure with a rabbit head and a pink dress. It wasnโ€™t the most horrific of Nightmares, but nonetheless it would do. Mercury would ignore Happyโ€™s request for a photo, and opted to draw a card from the deck placed on his belt underneath his coat. The three of spade he drew would transform and morph into a rapier with a black blade with silver kintsugi filling the cracks in it. Heโ€™d ready the weapon as he got in a fighting position, waiting for any of his enemies to make a move. The wall of flames he had created was already flickering out, to the point he could begin to make out the magic brats on the other side.
Mentions: Necromantic Necromantic
Code By Nano

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It's trauma dump o'clock
Quartz ( Necromantic Necromantic )
To say Yuusuke was surprised by the male's reaction was a vast understatement. He hadn't lifted a single finger against himโ€”even if the thought had crossed his mindโ€”and the other was already acting as though he would be beaten to death. Yuusuke knew he could come across as unfriendly; after all, he was the one wearing an unpleasant face most of the time. However, it was the first time someone had apologized so fervently to him. It didn't take an incredibly astute person to understand that something was amiss, and it took even less for him.

How could he not recognize the signs? A stark reminder of a not-so-distant past, of weak struggles and desperate pleas. That version of himself was already long forgotten, but looking at the tall figure cowering despite having nowhere to retreat, Yuusuke felt a wave of nausea crash over him, only to disappear as quickly as it came. There was so much to unpack about Aki's overreaction to a slight raise of the voice, but Yuusuke wasn't keen on delving into the warlock's personal trauma right now. He'd deal with this realization later, if ever.

A blue-gray color erupted from Aki's hand, prompting his eyes to close. Yuusuke sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose to ease the frown that had settled on his brows. Once the red haze beneath his eyelids dissipated, he opened them to see Quartz, the boy clad in extravagant girl's clothing, looking like a Super Rare out of an anime idol game.

He stared a little too intensely at the warlock, though his expression did not betray any particular thoughts. He didn't want to comment on what had just happened, so the next best course of action was to move the conversation forward as if everything were perfectly normal. And ignore it they did.

But soon after, yet another loud rumble echoed throughout the halls, followed by another, and another. He could feel the faint vibrations of debris hitting the floor somewhere in the distance through his feet. It didn't sound like the small skirmishes that came with fighting just a few Wraiths or magical girls; it sounded like an entire room was being demolished. The frown Yuusuke had just managed to smooth away returned even deeper. He no longer had any desire to play around in the supply closet. His instincts screamed that he had to check it outโ€”something was emerging.

"We're going, now." Yuusuke's face immediately changed. Although Quartz was the one who suggested they should check things out first, he still left no room for debate. It was hard to discern from the other's nonchalant attitude whether the healing was working or notโ€”did that even hurt?โ€”but that should mean he was able to come along. Yuusuke opened the door and peeked his head outside. The hallway stood empty, not a single soul passing through. Evidently, everyone on this side of the school had already evacuated as soon as the first blast and screams went off.

After ensuring the coast was clear, Yuusuke closed the door once more and reached into his jacket pocket, his fingers wrapping around the darkened teal Gem. It lit up as the color spread into countless specks of light, enveloping his entire figure. His nails grew into talons as marks snaked across his arms, painting his skin up to his shoulders in a deep shade of black, only to vanish behind a coat of dark feathers extending down to his knees. His hair grew several inches, transforming into a thick, dark layer of fuzz. His school uniform disintegrated, replaced by a modern interpretation of traditional Japanese clothing. As the light dissipated, Crow finally appeared.

He nodded towards Quartz, signaling for them to depart. However, as soon as he extended his wing towards the door handle, he realized how unnecessary it had been to close the door, even if it was done as a precaution. "Uh..." He stood there for a moment, pondering. Morphing into a harpy-like creature had its perks, but it also made it somewhat awkward to use his hands, especially with large feathers cutting everywhere, including himself. Brushing them aside was a painโ€”both figuratively and literally. Had he been alone, he would have found a position to twist the handle with his body, or better yet, just crash through the door altogether. However, there was a better solution at hand, one that didn't involve causing even more property damage to the school. He glanced back, stepping aside to make way for Quartz. Would he admit he needed help opening a simple door? No, no he wouldn't.

"Ladies first?" Adopting a gentlemanly tone, Crow conveniently ignored the fact that the tradition was to open the door before letting the lady go through.
code by @Nano
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Before, the magical heroes had a chance to walk away. The girl's Nightmare could continue growing for the moment, and both parties need not come to blows, at least for the moment. But things changed. The seed Happy had planted had bore the most rich, beautiful fruit, and the followers of Aurora, those magical interlopers, would invariably try to force the Nightmare down instead of letting it run its course. Repression. Denial. Ignorance. All things that would lead to those without the gifts of magic and divination blithely walking to one terrible fate or another.

"Last chance. For you and for us." Omen addressed the followers of Aurora. "I intend that this girl's Nightmare run riot, to give her fear and hatred for the destroyer of her family full display. Do not deny her this opportunity. If not for vengeance, then the expression of her true feelings..."

Mercury had already gotten into the posture of battle, as had Eulampis. It wasn't worth being slow on the draw now.

Omen drew the next card. When there were only three, the possible results were remarkably few.

She reflected on the fall of the triumphant. The joyful. The complacent.

The turn of events happening before her very eyes, that would lead to further strife if the Aurorans chose to intervene.

From riches, to rags, to ruin...

The Wheel of Fortune.

The card turned to a gleaming, wicked hoop in Omen's hand, the outer edge one continuous, razor-edged blade.

She had "drawn", now it was up to the magical heroes to decide if they would. And here was a little trick to force their hand...

Omen wound up like a discus thrower and then flung the chakram, not directly at the heroes but at the remains of the vines that were shielding Happy.

The weapon glowed green as it picked up the form of the vines, then...ricocheted straight at Hemera.

If it was blocked, struck, or got close enough to her, it would erupt in a mass of spiny vines that would entangle and constrict the nearest foe, while the chakram itself bounced back to Omen's hand.

Whether or not someone got caught in the vines, hopefully Mercury and Eulampis could follow up on her strike...

Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples Managarmrr Managarmrr Guppy Franz Guppy Franz Peckinou Peckinou Necromantic Necromantic Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury

Not being questioned about his reaction was a relief. That wasn't a conversation that he wanted to have with anyone, and even the consumate liar had limits on the excuses he could come up. Maybe saying it was social anxiety would've worked?

But he didn't have any social anxiety.

The sounds of destruction and the way the school shook like a demolition crew had just come in and wrecked part of the school, told Quartz that his Best Friend's plan was going well. He'd figure out how he felt about part of the school being destroyed once he figured out exactly what part the psycho had decided needed to be rebuilt.

"Right." He still didn't want to go, but he wouldn't question a direct order. And he still hadn't gotten any follow-up texts. He checked his phone again as Yuusuke checked the halls. Not even a picture of the Nightmare? This wasn't normal. He shoved his phone back into the pocket hidden somewhere within his skirt and petticoats.

Quartz loved to watch other people transform. Even if most people didn't twirl and dance like a Sailor Moon character, it never ceased to amaze him. He wasn't so keen on it when people were sparkling and transforming not even six foot from his face, blinding him in the process, so he ended up turning his head away and covering his eyes with his arm to spare his retinas from the glittering he'd admired since he was young.

Crow's transformation stirred up an impulse to ask about touching his wings. The feathers were so pretty, he wanted to pet them despite how he knew they were actually weapons. He'd seen Crow fighting with them on the occasion that they worked together, he knew they would probably just cut him of he started petting them, yet Quartz was still fighting the impulse to start petting them. Not out of a desire for self preservation, no, he didn't particularly care if his hand was shredded- It was just a little weird to go and start feeling a Warlock's animal appendages without permission. He didn't know how he'd feel if somebody just grabbed his tail.

...Oh, Crow was having trouble with the door. Quartz was pretty sure he'd just break in down, what was a little more property damage at this point anyway, but Crow seemed to have an admittedly more practical idea. Quartz chuckled at his words and gentlemanly tone.

"It'd be my honour, but you know, this witch is still a guy." He replied as he pushed the door open, with a playful smile and a wink. He certainly seemed to be in a better mood, now that his body had mended itself, even if he was still utterly exhausted. He let the door swing shut once Crow was out of the closet, summoning his broom-

And then realizing he didn't actually know where everyone else was.

"...Uhm..." Hikaru's selfie had only had him, the girl, and few other people in it, without any telltale landmarks for where he was. Why wasn't he getting another message? Why wasn't anybody else sending them messages about what was going on? The crashing sounds seemed to have come from the...left?

Rather than solving the problem by searching with his Cursed Gem, Quartz had an easier solution, one that only somebody capable of flight could've pulled off from the third floor of their school: He threw open a window. Normally, he would've jumped out of the window and summoned the broom below himself to catch his fall and immediately start moving, but he wasn't alone or with somebody with a power that could give them better mobility. So, he placed the broom just outside the window. He climbed out onto it, standing on the tip so he could look out to try seeing where they were going.

"Cafeteria." He observed, before turning back to the window to hold out a hand for Crow. Then both hands, when he realized that stepping out onto the broom and easily standing on it was probably a skill only it's owner would possess. This...

He properly sat down on his broom, hovering it a little closer to the window and extended his hands toward Crow again, unconcerned about the danger associated with putting his hands so close to his wings.

"Let's go. Don't worry, I've never dropped anybody~" Quartz invited, hoping his innate charisma would make Crow more likely to listen to him.
Theasuke Theasuke


Location: Mitakihara Academy - Cafeteria
Time: Afternoon
Mentions: N/A
Interactions: Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples Guppy Franz Guppy Franz
Necromantic Necromantic Nellancholy Nellancholy Peckinou Peckinou Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury

Things had quickly gone from bad to worse. The plan? Ruined. The prisonya? Escaped. The girl? Transforming. His favorite table to sit at? Utterly decimated. And to top it all off, even more pricks of Nix crawling out of whatever hole troubled children come from. But the more that joined, the less stable their foundation of villainy seemed, all but one of them openly squabbling likeโ€ฆ well, like a bunch of self-centered evil teens. Par for the course, really.

"Surprising so many of you can fit in here with all of that unchecked emotional baggage." Aegis quipped in his usual deadpan manner, incrementally inching himself closer to his allies in preparation. He wasn't above verbally sparring his opponents, especially ones this likely to waste their brainpower retorting. But alas, keeping up the verbal attacks was the least of his concerns, as the confrontation seemed to be escalating towards something much more physical any moment, and soon the shield would need to shield.

As the vine barrier was dropped and the catboy flung a barrage of shiny bullets out, Aegis quite literally slid into position, gliding across the floor on his knee in front Hemera and raising his shield as he brought up a bulwark to protect the further away Noir. The harsh clank of metal-on-metal was followed by the chime of coins hitting the floor as most of the unaimed shots missed, only a few skimming under the shield and gouging shallow red lines across his legs.

Normally this would be when Aegis did something else like followed up with a counterattack or rushed closer to the enemy, but on the other side of the shield he was too busy dealing with the sudden exhaustion that hit him as soon as he casted the new bulwark, a single quiet huff and a slight wobble in his stance the only indication that black spots were slowly taking over his vision.

The big laser-blocking bulwark outside had to come down, property damage be damned.

With a snap of his fingers, he felt the energy rush back into him as the oversized barrier was dismissed. Maybe a few of his Magical Fighter friends outside would notice it was gone and realize things were getting serious inside too.

Revitalized and with more energy to spare, Aegis rose from his crouched position. But before he could ruminate on what to do next he was blindsided by a flying bundle of vines. Luckily for him the impact hit his shield, but unluckily the vines didn't stop there, exploding out and covering the shield like it had been left in an overgrown grove as some long-dead knight's armament. The vines continued, crawling up the entirety of his left arm as the thorns dug into the flesh of his bicep and shoulder, spilling rivulets of crimson down his gauntlet the same hue as wine from the finest of vineyards. It certainly wasn't the worse-case scenario, but his shield arm was definitely harder to maneuver and it appeared that the cafeteria would be a no shield-throwing zone for the time being.

While he would have liked to immediately close the gap between him and his opponents to get within shield-slashing gauntlet-grabbing range, getting stomped in a 1v4 + Nightmare wildcard while his allies were busy thinking of their next move didn't really seem like the best course of action to take. So instead, he opted to use battle tactics. Bluish essence flowed from his hand as he created a bulwark slightly taller than the Nightmare between the creature and the Magical Fighters, declaring it to guard against 'movement'. With any hope, the soon-to-be-rampaging monster would turn its attention towards the largest egos in the room and attack its own creators.

...Or burst out of one of the walls of the cafeteria. Honestly, either would be better than it descending upon him and his allies, outnumbered as they were already.
hemera and nereus ic.png
Phoebe & Lincoln Brooks
Hemera & Nereus

Location: Mitakihara Academy
Interactions: Noir ( Guppy Franz Guppy Franz ), Aegis ( Managarmrr Managarmrr )
Mentions: Happy Chaos ( Necromantic Necromantic ), Omen ( Nellancholy Nellancholy ), Mercury ( Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury ), Eulampis ( Peckinou Peckinou )

Hemera looked to Noir at his suggestion regarding the vines and attacking them, giving a firm nod. "Of course!" She raised her wand, but it seemed that witch Omen had other ideas - namely in attacking Hemera herself. She let out a gasp as it caught her off guard, but Aegis luckily stepped in to protect her. "Ah! Th-thank you!" She said to Nereus, but now was the time to go and purify the Nightmare, to bring the girl back to her senses. But with so many witches and warlocks present now, how would she even get close enough to use her purification spell?

Meanwhile, Nereus sensed his twin sister was in danger, and he immediately dashed at top speed for the cafeteria. Not saying a word, his only focus on protecting his twin. Barging into the cafeteria in a rage, he managed to see Aegis protecting Hemera from an attack, and his eyes went to the many witches and warlocks inside, along with a newly made nightmare. In a silent fury, Nereus summoned blades of water to attack the witches and warlocks present in the room, using his energy to attack them with every blade of water he summoned with his magic sword.

"Nereus!" Hemera cried and looked to her twin brother in surprise for a moment, but got back in the game and raised her staff. Beams of sunlight, like golden lasers, shot forth to attack the vines in order to burn them up. Her focus also went to her attacker, as laser beams of sunlight barraged Omen like a magical turret of sorts.

Meanwhile, Nereus summoned up a wall of water to contain the Nightmare inside for the time being, but it wasn't going to last long, maybe a minute at best. "Someone get to that thing NOW!" He growled out, "I can't contain it for long!"

Noir's heart sunk in his chest, the appearance of a Witch coming to the aid of the Warlock throwing a wrench in their plans. Why!? Why are there two of them!? Why here!? Why now!? What the hell was going on!? The thoughts screaming in his head only fueled the frustration in his chest, gritting his teeth in anger as the Witch surrounded the Warlock's vine barrier. There had to be a way to get through it, to break through the defense and get that girl away. They needed to get her as far away as possible, to break her from the bastard's spell. He couldn't let this happen, not here of all places! Before he could even think of a new plan a sliver beam soared past him and his companion before erupting into a wall of blue flames, further creating another obstacle for time to get through. Snapping back to the cafeteria entrance, his eyes widened with shock and dread. A third. Another Warlock... no, this couldn't be... why? This has never happened before, Witches and Warlocks have never been bold enough to try this, not here, not in broad daylight. His gloved fist tightened, trembling as he glared at the new Warlock as he mocked them, reminding them of the fighting outside. As if they'd leave now, with Witches and Warlocks creating a Nightmare in the middle of the damned school! But he could sense the increase of Wraiths beginning to outnumber his comrades outside. They were separated, fighting on two fronts. They had to make do with what they had while Noir and the others take of the situation here. There was no chance they could leave this behind.

Just as he was about to summon more ethereal chains, he practically felt his heart pause once, yet another Witch arrived, officially outnumbering them 3 to 4. At this point, Noir showed no visual reaction, his anger, and frustration now a silent mass rising in his chest. From worst and uncountable shitstorms, the situation was now beyond salvaging. If they were to focus on the Warlock turning atop the girl, then they'd just be set upon by the other three, leaving them open to be killed. If they separated to take on the three others that had arrived, then it'd already be too late to save the girl from going through the horrible process of corruption. There wasn't enough time. The world seemed to go quiet for Noir, the sounds of voices and distant fighting all slowly fading. The color of the world dimmed, and his body grew numb. He knew what was happening, what was going to happen. Another soul was going to suffer, he was going to have to watch again another soul become corrupted while he couldn't do anything. Slowly his gaze rose to see the Warlock corrupting the girl through the blue flames separating them, freeing himself from his restraints. Noir watched silently as the chains fell to the floor before fading away, his gaze hardening before looking back to the all too pleased Warlock, the dancing blue flames only brightening his twisted enjoyment. The bastard was saying something, but Noir didn't listen, his seething silence seemingly drowning out the world around him.

A flurry of golden coins blasted from the blue flames, but Noir showed no reaction, only flicking his wrist and summoning several chains from the ground, whipping out and deflecting the coins that came his way. One however made it through and grazed passed his head, knocking off his hat and leaving a shallow cut along the side of his head. A warmth flowed down the side of his face, but Noir never broke his gaze from the Warlock. Around them, the process of the creation of a Nightmare began. The images of figures began appearing, silently telling a depressing story. He didn't know the details, but Noir could only feel a deep sadness grip his heart before he looked at the girl. As she was consumed by a wave of red ribbons Noir closed his eyes and gripped his heavy black coat, taking it off his body and throwing it aside, the clothing fading into a black mist. There was no more reason to hold back. Rolling the sleeves of his white shirt up to his elbows Noir rolled his shoulders, taking a deep breath before the sounds of the world returned to him, hearing the final words of the mad Warlocks song and opening his eyes to see a Nightmare born from his cruelty, and Noir's failings.

"I'm sorry," he whispered before clenching his fist. Like a violent wave of serpents, several chains shot down his arms, coiling and slithering to his fist and wrapping around them, writhing and twisting like mad. After a moment they suddenly came to a halt before a loud metallic creaking filled the air. "Just hold on a little longer, we'll save you no matter what," he muttered before the chains around his fist shattered, the broken pieces fading into the air before they even touched the ground. What was left behind was a pair of glowing steel knuckles before the light faded, showing pure, spotless steel. Through his glare, he bounced from Witch and Warlock to the other, sizing them up and picking his next target. This was now an all-out fight. Ultimately, his anger outweighed his logic, and let his glare fall onto the Warlock that began this mess. Noticing his comrades already in the fight, defending against the other Witch's attack. Lowering himself into a sprinter's stance, several chains bursting from his back, Noir took in a deep breath and boomed with a violent rage, all of the frustration and stress that had bubbled within unleashing in one go.


He declared before two of the chains on his back blasted forward at high speeds, impaling themselves into the ground just a few feet away from the mad Warlock and yanking Noir forward at such speed that could feel his very bones vibrate. As he soared through the air towards his target, the other chains on his back stood at attention, standing guard to defend him from any attacks from the other Witches or Warlock. It was no guarantee it was a risky gamble, but Noir needed to close the distance fast. Just as he was reaching his target, however, the Nightmare made its move, a flurry of knives shooting at Noir and forcing him to twist in the air and try to redirect himself. Unfortunately, he wasn't fast enough, and the Bunny Nightmare closed the gap with him, armed with yet another knife. Knowing he couldn't dodge it, Noir dispelled the chains pulling him forward and raising his arms up toward the knife, a wave of chains shooting up to cover his forearms. As the knife made contact a flash of sparks filled his vision before being pushed away, falling onto his back before using the momentum to roll onto his feet. The Nightmare gave him no time to settle, already before him with its maw opened to reveal razor-sharp teeth ready to chop down at him. With a grunt, Noir managed to just barely lean back and avoid the bite.

Not wanting to miss the opening Noir reeled back his right fist, and like the trigger of a gun that was pulled blasted his fist into the center of the Bunny's face. The Nightmare reeled back and was pushed away, but overall, the hit didn't seem to do much. Frustrated by the lack of reaction to his punch, Noir let his gaze flick to the Warlock he had wanted to attack directly. Of course, the Nightmare was defending its creator. And now that his attack on him was interrupted, he would have to be wary of the others. Just as he prepared to launch toward the Nightmare for another attack, the arrival of another Magical boy caught his attention. At least the playing field was leveled now. Just now Noir managed to get a good look at the scene. Aegis was on the defensive, and the Magical Girl was on the offensive. However, the newly arrived Magical boy, after his attack on the Witches and Warlocks, seemed to have summoned a wall of water to restrain the Nightmare. It was clear he wouldn't hold for long, and after getting close to the monster himself, Noir knew that beast would break out even sooner.

At the Magical boy's urgent command, Noir set his sights purely on the Nightmare, the chains on his back rattling before shooting forward past the Nightmare and impaling into the walls behind it. Like a slingshot Noir was blasted forward directly for the Nightmare. This monster couldn't be allowed to get free, the girl needed to be freed from her corruption before she harmed others outside the building. Determined, Noir flew towards his target, prepared to take on any Witches or Warlock's attacks, even if there was a risk of him dying.
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Mercurius Aleator
โ€Is it a crime to kill if weโ€™re only sinking deeper?โ€
Things were certainly heating up, be it the deadpan words from Aegis, Mercuryโ€™s flames completely dissipating, or the appearance of Aegis and multiple water swords flying towards him and his comrades at an alarming pace. Mercury would use a combination of his rapier and flames to either parry or evaporate the water blades. Though, this didnโ€™t stop him from getting hit a few other times. Mercury push passed the blade and begin to sprint alongside the wall of the cafeteria, which would eventually turn to him running on the side of the wall with incredible speed.

Using the momentum of his speed, Mercury jumped towards the magical group, shooting a cone of flames towards Hemera, Aegis, and Noir. Stopping the flames once he had hit the ground, he used the continued momentum to unleash multiple stabs with his rapier towards Nereus. โ€œTrying to drown an innocent school girl!? Man, and I thought I was twisted!โ€ Hopefully the distraction of his flames gave Omen and Happy time to breath a bit while the small group was focused on him. Maybe some verbal jousting was also called for at the moment. โ€œAnd that girl, Hemera. You came rushing in right when she was in danger. You two close? Lovers? Nah, that isnโ€™t it.โ€ Heโ€™d look into Nereusโ€™ eyes as he continued to try and stab the magical idiot. โ€œNoโ€ฆ Friend? Family?โ€ฆ Sister?โ€
Interactions: Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples
Mentions: Necromantic Necromantic Nellancholy Nellancholy Guppy Franz Guppy Franz Managarmrr Managarmrr
Code By Nano


Happy Chaos ducked behind the meager protection that could be provided by his Nightmare, the gun he'd been using dissolving in a glitter of red once it's magazine was empty. However, the coins remained afterward, embedded in whatever they'd hit. Such as, the one stuck in his forearm. His body would force it out in time, but it would've been faster for him to try removing it himself-

Chains embedded themselves in the ground in front of him, and the sight of a magical boy hurtling toward him at alarming speeds told him that he'd need to wait on that. He pointed a new gun at him right before Karin's Nightmare attacked before he had a chance to shoot. Knives, huh? And her teeth- Her mouth slit open abnormally wide when she tried to bite down on the boy, as if it'd been cut open by one of her knives. Looked like she was a bit more manacing than first impressions would've shown. The chain guy looked oddly familiar without his coat. And another little fairy prince had entered the battle, restraining the Nightmare.

He hadn't prevented Aurora's Mutt's from killing Karin just for them to immediately purify her. They had no right to.

"Ah-Ah, I don't think so. You don't get to only care about her suffering once it inconveniences you." He chimed, vines wrapping around Karin's Nightmare and jerking her out of Mr. Chain's catapulting vicinity and throwing her across the cafeteria. As if she was truly a stuffed animal like her form currently resembled, she bounced painlessly into a few tables before landing on her butt, apparently mildly confused by what'd happened if the way she tilted her head to the side afterward was anything to judge by.

Without Karin in front of him, he could easily see the boy hurtling in his general direction. His face...He recognized that face, and the sight caused rage to burn through Happy Chaos's body.

"You're the fucker who was fighting Quartz last night!" He was the reason he had to carry Aki home! He'd have to pay him back for the way that he'd impaled so many chains through Akihiko's body that they'd been forced to retreat. A vine wrapped around Happy Chaos's body, pulling him out of Mr. Chain's way and allowing him to freely shoot at the Magical Boy.

The Nightmare, now no longer near Noir, set her sights on the door. Freedom to cause real carnage laid waiting outside, and she charged toward Hemera in an effort to attain the right to kill, swinging a pair of knives at the girl's head.

interactions: Guppy Franz Guppy Franz Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples
Omen's strategic effort at taking out one of the ranged attackers in the group provoked the intended effect, though perhaps to a more severe degree than she expected. Aegis took the hit for Hermera, which was...unfortunate, but not all for nothing as he would have to choose between freeing himself of the vines and continuing to defend the rest of his little improvised team. However, any effort to press the assault was interrupted by yet another magical hero entering the room and showering the followers of Nix present with a literal rain of blades. What a temper he had...

Taking several large hops back, Omen flipped in the air, spinning the Wheel on her arm and using it to deflect the storm of projectiles showering her. Alas, her defense was far from flawless, and several cuts and burns landed on her with the combined effort of Hermera and Nereus' assault. It was no matter, her cursed gem would heal her eventually.

Now that the numbers were more even and there was some space between Omen and the rest of the fray, it was time to shift back to a more supportive posture.

The Wheel vanished, and The Moon appeared in her hands once more.

She took in a deep breath, and then exhaled. Her breath flowed into the gleaming surface of The Moon, forming into a cluster of dark clouds.

With the sum of her energy available for the moment, she would have to prioritize. She waved one arm and let out a quiet "shh", causing two clouds to split off from The Moon.

The first attached to Mercury, cushioning his body against any physical attacks that Aurora's people might attempt against him. While not making him impervious, they'd have to work harder to wound him that way.

Her voice flowed through the dark vapor, gently chastising her opponents. "Would you deny her the chance to confront the woman who destroyed her family? Her father who let it happen...?" In this way, the girl's Nightmare would be a lesson to them for their thoughtless actions, their denial of the consequences, even if it needed to be a fatal one. She would put fear and regret in them by any means necessary. Of course, the truth is that if her Nightmare somehow succeeded in finding that woman, in destroying her...that would be a lesson as well. The girl would feel satisfied for only a moment, but she would carry the guilt for the rest of her life. The price of resentment and anger. These were the contradictions, the burdens, that all should have to live with...

The other cloud flew to the Nightmare, who instead of directly escaping to carry on her rampage elsewhere, would instead strike at Hermera. This cloud seeped into the Nightmare's body, carrying with it an insidious trap. The next time anyone would attempt to directly strike or physically restrain the Nightmare, a swarm of skeletal arms would burst out around it, blasting them away. It wouldn't hurt as much as one might expect, being more like being blown away by a gust of strong wind than anything else. But it would throw them off for the other warlocks present to follow up on.

While maintaining this state, Omen herself lacked a way to defend herself directly, and if someone could find an opening to attack her, she'd come off quite the worse for wear, if not defeated outright...

Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples Guppy Franz Guppy Franz Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury Necromantic Necromantic Managarmrr Managarmrr
hemera and nereus ic.png
Phoebe & Lincoln Brooks
Hemera & Nereus

Location: Mitakihara Academy
Interactions: Noir ( Guppy Franz Guppy Franz ), Aegis ( Managarmrr Managarmrr ), Omen ( Nellancholy Nellancholy ), Mercury ( Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury )
Mentions: Happy Chaos ( Necromantic Necromantic ) Eulampis ( Peckinou Peckinou )

Nereus' sapphire blue eyes widened in anger, confusion, and...maybe a tiny hint of fear towards Mercury. Never before had he met a Warlock with such speed and dangerous precision with a blade. With every dodge and maneuver Nereus made to avoid the strikes, the fabric of his clothes and his skin were slashed by the sharp metal, causing droplets of blood to run down his arms and down the left side of his cheek. He snarled and furrowed his brow when Mercury guessed correctly that Hemera was his sister, "Your kind know nothing of family ties, your only in it for yourselves, you care not for others in any way, shape or form! Heartless, soulless THUGS!" A louder growl through bared teeth as his temper flared, and he took a shot with his own blade to attempt to stab Mercury through the shoulder to wound him for now. Sadly, because he was channeling his energy and anger in his fight, the wall of water containing the Nightmare vanished.

Meanwhile, Hemera managed to create a shield of bright light around herself which deflected the knives coming at her, then noted another attack being made thanks to the witch Omen. Hemera cried out as she was knocked back from the strong gust of wind, slamming into the cafeteria wall and and slumping down, sharp pain searing through her spine and neck, but her gem was quick to start healing her. On shaky legs she stood up, and noted Nereus was engaged in battle himself with another warlock. Seeing that inspired Hemera to fight as well, she wanted to be strong just like her brother!

She then looked to Happy Chaos and glared at him, "You care nothing for her, you're not even human, you don't understand how human beings feel at all!" She wore a hard frown on her face and raised her wand, floating into the air as five balls of sunlight appeared around her - "It's time to end this!" She called out, the whole room flooding with a bright golden light thanks to her scepter. Silently, she apologized to her brother and her fellow magical comrades as surely the light would have hurt their eyes as well as those of the witches and warlocks. Not to mention the temperature went up quite a bit in the cafeteria, but nothing too severe of course. Suppose Hemera brought the summer weather into the school for a moment.

"In Aurora's name, I will not allow you to ruin this girl's life! SOLAR BOMB-BARRAGE!"

Those five balls of sunlight, like missiles, shot forth towards the witches and warlocks in the room, as well as the Nightmare creature, hoping it would at least cause all of them to get knocked down or even knocked out as the balls of sunlight exploded like grenades near their intended targets.

This entire situation was not ideal, freaking Happy creating a nightmare on school grounds during school hours was going to lead to nothing but trouble in the future, while Eulampis wasn't above creating Nightmares, she did so after school hours, p4referrably in the darker hours and mainly in certain areas. She wasn't as reckless or as foolhardy as these other imbecilics, heck she didn't even like direct conflict with these Magical Boys and Girls, yet here was abandoning all of her typically tactics just cause of the idiots she is supposably on the same side as. Nah, screw that, the gum underneath cafeteria tables meant more to her than these guys, especially Happy who has just so recently had the gall to flip her off after being a major failure and a screw up. She wanted to kill him herself but these magical girls and boys needed to be dealt with first, and unfortunately none of them were willing to take up her offer of just turning their back on this and leaving. Such a darn shame isn't it, now it seemed that a conflict between them was inevitable, it seemed that despite being outnumbered for a change the Magical Boys and Girls here had opted to fighting instead of tactically retreating or just helping out with the other Problem, whatever.

With Happy treating this entire thing as a joke wanting to commit himself to taking selfies the Magical Boys and girls here had opted to take fighting positions and begin to make their move. With her being in the air she had a mediocre birds eye view of the entire place allowing her to keep track of just about everyone in the place, when one of the magical boys opted to make a water attack towards her, she was easily able to use her powers to move all the way to a corner of the Cafeteria while still maintaining her small Airiel advantage. Though due to that attack some of her knives got placed out of position cause if it, luckily it was a simple enough fix as she was still able to maintain her control over them. Eulampis didn't attack yet though, instead bidding her time as she watched everyone from a elevated position. This entire place quickly delved into a hell with the flames, shots being fired, rampaging nightmare the damage to the cafeteria was not one that could be undone thanks to everyone here, and there was no real point in trying to save it now.

It seemed that this entire thing had gotten way out of hand and apparently even Omen herself was encouraging this, which elected a scowl from Eulampis as she muttered a few curses in German to everyone here, happy that the German courses she took at school is good for something even if she had to learn those courses on her own time. But regardless of that fact, it seemed that with time the situation had only gotten worse with tempers flaring more including the temper of the man who initiated all this in the first place got pissed once he recognized one of the Magical Boys as someone who hurt Quartz apparently, she honestly didn't care that much. When one the Magical Boys began to speak out about how they knew nothing about Family bonds, Eulampis couldn't help but roll her eyes at his little speech. Eulampis opted to throw a few more daggers into the air and let them float, that was until the supposed sister of the boy began giving her own little charade of a speech, how typical of a Magic Girl to give a speech as generic as that. But then the light had appeared forcing Elumapis to look off to the side, that defiantly can't be good. Though when the girl shouted her supposed name for the move she pulled off Eulampis was able to quickly tell that that ball of light was coming towards her as it got brighter and brighter in her Parthail vision, without even hesitating she used her velocity manipulation to quickly move off to the other corner of the Cafeteria, the spot she was previously in had exploded in a ball of pure light. It was impressive to say the least and Eulampis was grateful that she had enough space in this cafeteria to maneuver through and that she wasn't close to that girl when she used that move, or else she might of been taken out by a attack like that.

Eulampis was now officially pissed so if these Magical Girls and Boys here wanted to play around and find out, then so be it, shouting out in frustration Eulapmis shouted out to them "ALRIGHT YOU GUYS WANNA PLAY RIGHT? FINE! LET'S PLAY!" Eulampis added more Daggers into the air allowing them all to spread out and take position above a decent portion of the Cafeteria and over the Magical Girls/Boys and anyone near them she really didn't care, friendly fire wasn't her main concern at the moment, besides she was hoping that Happy Chaos would get caught in it anyways, a smirk came to her face as she then said "Bladed Storm." letting all the blades fall down at the same time, making it seeming rain blades over them. Eulampis then withdrew three daggers from her Arm band looking towards the girl who tried to hit her with that ball of light, she pointed the blades of two of blades of the dagger towards herself while the middle one was pointed towards her. She then threw the daggers at her muttering out "Misdirection." the middle dagger was heading right towards Hemera while the other two looked like they were going to completely miss her by far. Though of course looks can be deceiving for once those two blades go past her, they would stop just before hitting the ground and move on target towards her in order to stab her in the back. With any luck taking her down would make her supposed brother stop what he is doing and make a effort to retreat, after all if he was a good brother like she was a good older sister, he would prioritize the well being of his sister over dealing with them.
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Mercurius Aleator
โ€Is it a crime to kill if weโ€™re only sinking deeper?โ€
Underneath his mask Mercury wore a giant smirk, he definitely had guessed correct on the sister assumption. If he was really determined, he could probably deduce who these two were outside of these magical personaโ€™s. On second thought, a bunch of siblings went to this school, so it would be trying to find a needle in a haystack. That could be left for a later time though. Currently Nereus was bleeding from a few spots that Mercury had managed to hit. Though it was only simple scratches that had been luck enough to cut so deep as to draw blood.

Mercuryโ€™s smirk grew at Nereusโ€™ words. โ€œOh yeah, Iโ€™m completely in this for myself! Though, I canโ€™t say the same for some of my other friends.โ€ Behind the mask Mercury would look towards Happy, Omen, and Eula before turning his attention back to Nereus. โ€œBut knowing nothing about family ties? Come on, even a magical idiot like you canโ€™t be that dumb. Or maybe youโ€™re just projecting?โ€ All these provocations seemed to ignite the attended effect, the water around the Nightmare had completely disappeared once Nereus attempted to stab Mercury.

With the help of the small cloud from Omenโ€™s moon, it managed to block the blade for a split second, enough for Mercury to move out of the way. If not for Omenโ€™s protection, the attack surely would have hit. โ€œNice try Nereus. But Iโ€™m afraid this game of ours is mine to win!โ€ Lifting up his right hand near Nereus, he unleashed another blast of blue and silver flames. The burst wasnโ€™t as controlled as the previous, and was more akin to a grenade going off.

Mercury slid back from the force of his own attack, smoke arising from his right hand that had shot the blast. Before he could continue to push his attack, a blinding light would suddenly consume the cafeteria. Letting out a grunt Mercury quickly covered his eyes behind his mask with his right arm. Once the light had dissipated, Mercury let out an annoyed grunt as he shook his head. โ€œA flash bang? Really!?โ€ Before he could have time to react again, a ball of energy was hurling towards him.

Mercury would hold both of his hands up, letting out a blast of blue and silver flames at the energy ball. Luckily it had calmed the energy ball a bit, but god did it still hurt when it exploded in his chest. Being send back yet again, Mercury slammed into a wall. And before he could even SPEAK this time, knifeโ€™s began falling from the ceiling thanks to Eula. โ€œFor f-โ€œ Mercury couldnโ€™t finish his sentence as he quickly drew a card from his deck again. A 9 of diamonds, thank mistress luck for this one. A see-through blue barrier surrounded Mercury, protecting him from the multiple knifeโ€™s.
Interactions: Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples
Mentions: Necromantic Necromantic Nellancholy Nellancholy Peckinou Peckinou
Code By Nano


He was almost there, he could feel his steel knuckle-clad fist practically vibrate from the coming impact. Noir couldnโ€™t let this girl run rampant and harm others, not while he could have prevented it. Silently he prayed before finally, a heavyweight sunk into his gut as the familiar twisted vines from before wrapped around the Nightmare and tore it away from the ground, sending it flying away and out of Noirโ€™s path. โ€œNO!โ€ he shouted in dismay before his intense glare set upon the Warlock responsible for all of this. With seething rage Noir made no changes to his path. If he couldnโ€™t take the Nightmare, heโ€™d take its creator. โ€œBastard!โ€ he boomed as he reared back his fist. Before he could get to him, however, Noir noticed a look of realization flash within the Warlockโ€™s eyes before he spoke with the first hint of true rage. After declaring he was the one who had fought Quartz, whoever that was, another set of lines wrapped around him and lifted him out of Noirโ€™s path. โ€œShit!โ€ he hissed before dispelling the chains pulling him forward, gliding against the floor for a few feet before snapping his gaze in the direction his target had fled.

Like an instinct Noir cranked his head to the left, the high-pitched whizz filling his ear and a few strains of severed hair flowing past his vision. It took him a moment to realize he had just barely avoided another one of the bastard's coins, quite literally dodging by a hair. With another barrage of golden coins hurdling his way, Noirโ€™s entire body flexed, every muscle and limb falling into a trained and honed state. With as much strength as his legs could give he burst from the spot he stood, bolting to side as a flurry of golden coins tried to shred him into pieces. With what coins he couldnโ€™t outrun the chains ratting from his back lashed out at him, deflecting them and leaving a path of sparks and fallen coins. Clicking his tongue in annoyance Noir spotted an approaching table and sent his chains forward, wrapping around its legs and sending it flying at the mad Warlock.

Happy Chaos would kill this guy. He'd fucking kill him for daring to have injured what belonged to him. Severely injuring someone he happened to care about wouldโ€™ve also sufficed, but that wasn't a possibility under these circumstances. His pink eyes scanned over his opponents body as he shot, trying to find a Soul Gem to aim for, but this fucker was moving far too much for him to spot it. The vine he'd used to pull himself out of the Magical Boy's way dissolved, dropping him back onto his feet. Fine, not knowing where his Soul Gem was would be fine, he'd just have to aim to slow him down first.

A vine wrapped around the table that's been thrown at him, and he threw it at the ball of light that was flying toward him, detonating it from a safe (but still bright) distance away. Shit, he couldn't hit a moving target like this- but he doubted his opponent could see him either, giving him an opportunity to correct that Dumbass Pretty Princess Who Could Do No Wrong. He could remember where she was. Thick, ropey vines wrapped around the Magical Girl's body, pinning her arms to her side as he pulled her to his side.

โ€œHave you ever purified one of your Magical teammates? Did anybody tell you Magical Girls die when you purify their Nightmares? That worthless Goddess you lick the feet of sure didn't tell me before I had to purify my girlfriend. Let me find out one of your loved ones is Magical, and Iโ€™ll teach you how I feel.โ€ Happy Chaos ran his finger over where he could roughly see that her chin was, voice dripping with pure vitriol. But she wasn't the follower of that โ€œGoddessโ€ that he was aiming for, just some mutt who would devote her โ€œlifeโ€ to anything that made her feel like she mattered.

โ€œNow go pretend you're โ€œhumanโ€ with my friends, Iโ€™ll show you what Aurora's Mutts purpose is another day.โ€ His words were cold this time, and he threw the Princess Living In A Fairytale at the water-wielding Knight as his vision started to clear enough for him to see his real opponent. Even if the Chain Guy was still a blur, that was enough. He sent a flurry of thorny vines in the tall Magical Boy's direction, hoping to pin him down.

Noir muttered a curse under his breath, the effect of the blinding light beginning to fade as he held a hand above his eyes. Even though his vision was impaired for the moment, Noir could hear everything the bastard spat, every word only throwing more and more fuel onto the fire that was his rage. Mad at the cruel fate he suffered, mad at how it twisted him to abandon his role and become a Warlock, mad that he insulted the Goddess that blessed him with sight. But the thing that angered him the most was the fact he sympathized with his enemy. Noir had lost many friends to a cruel and unfair twist of fate, but he could never use it as an excuse to cause such pain and chaos. This Warlock, once a Magical Fighter like him, had abandoned the Goddess that Noir owed so much to for a reason he couldnโ€™t fault him for. But, no matter the reason, what he is now has no excuse good enough to justify his actions.

As his vision finally returned he was greeted with a flurry of vines hurdling towards him. Through gritted teeth, Noir summoned a wave of chains that would blast forward and collide with a mass of vines directed at him. Many of his chains and the Warlocks vines would impact and writhe against one another in a vicious power struggle. To his annoyance, half a dozen vines would slip past the struggling mass of metal and plant, firing straight for him. Rearing back both his fists, putting as much power as he could behind his blows, Noir shot forward delivering a solid right and left hook directly into two of the attacking vines, the thorns skidding past his steel knuckles and digging into his exposed forearms. Blocking out the pain Noir focused on a leaning to the right, another thorny vine flying past him and grazing his cheek with a light spray of blood. With the swipe of one of his chains, he cut the assaulting vine in two before despatching what was left with a flurry of chains lashing out and tearing them apart.

โ€œYou poor, sad bastard,โ€ Noir uttered, a hint of sympathy mixed with annoyance clear in his tone. Looking at the Warlock Noirโ€™s eyes looked as if he was staring at an injured pup. โ€œTo go through something so horrible, only to use it as an excuse to do horrible things. Just imagine what kind of twisted and delusional logic drifts in that empty skull of yours,โ€ he said, tapping the side of his head with his thumb. โ€œYouโ€™re nothing special though, at the end of the day you and all the other Witches and Warlocks are the same. Sad, broken, and lost,โ€ he said, shaking his head before retracting his chains behind them, letting them hover over his head directed at his opponent. Cracking his neck and rolling his shoulders, Noir let out a low sigh before falling into a fighting stance, his fist raised and the steel knuckles spotless. โ€œThere was some truth to what you said about us though, about being Auroraโ€™s Mutts. Unlike you, a rabid Mutt, we didnโ€™t bite the hand that feeds us. So, let me show you what a proper Mutt of Aurora is capable of,โ€ he stated before the chains hovering over him impaled the ground below him, the sound of metal digging through rock and earth filling the air.

Not wanting to waste any more time Noir summoned a single chain from the palm of his hand and coiled it around a broken piece of debris. With a strong yank in his direction, he brought the debris flying towards himself before cocking back his free fist and smashing his steel knuckles into the side of it, sending it hurdling at his enemy. Just as the large chunk of debris was about to make an impact, several tendrils of chains burst from the ground below the Warlock, having tunneled through the earth under them and emerged with the intent to send a flurry of whips and strikes to their targets.

โ€œI didn't bite her, Aurora bit me. If she's so benevolent, why didn't I know she'd die?โ€ And why had killing the โ€œfriendsโ€ that had let him do so feel so good? And saving the two that'd joined his group after him from needing to do the same thing? The grief and hatred all felt so thrilling. โ€œYou showed me plenty last night, when you impaled that witch with at least a dozen chains. She belongs to me.โ€ And he'd kill anyone who tried to take Aki away.

Happy Chaos ran at the Magical Boy, narrowly jumping out of the way of the debris that'd been sent flying his way. However, he didn't have the opportunity to protect himself from the chains that burst from the ground below him, their thrashing cutting rough his pants and into his legs. He stood back up, a chuckle once again escaping him before he decided to close the distance between himself and his opponent, heedless the damage his legs had sustained.

He'd never been well-equipped for close combat, but Happy Chaos wouldn't have lived this long if he hadn't learned to adapt. Fighting from a distance against someone who manipulated chains wasn't working, he he needed a different strategy. He summoned a second gun for his other hand, flipping it around as he swung the butt of it toward Chain Man's temple.

For a moment Noir was confused as the Warlock mentioned something about a Witch he had fought the other night before it clicked in his head, remembering the Witch he came across after his run-in with the Wraith. So they were connected? Noir noted that fact down mentally before the Warlock made his move, bolting his way towards him. He gritted his teeth in annoyance as the Warlock pushed through the lashes to his legs before taking a boxer stance, preparing himself as his opponent closed the distance.

A sense of familiarity filled Noir as he took up this stance, having a better shot at his target. Close and personal fights were his bread and butter, so now it was time to show that. As his attacker summoned another gun and swiftly flipped around to clobber his head, Noir burst forward, ducking under the blow, and slid his right foot past the Warlock, gaining a perfect shot at his sides. With a growl of effort, Noir sent a left hook aimed at his ribs and followed up with a right hook aimed at his chin.

Evading both hits wasnโ€™t something Hikaru couldโ€™ve done. He put a gun to the fist that was aimed at his face, pulling the trigger on it right before the Magical Boy's other blow connected with his ribs. He could hear the crack of at least one bone as he was knocked off his feet.

Ignore the pain. It was his only choice, really. Quickly, swept his leg out at the taller boy's legs to try knocking him off his feet as well.

Kaito felt a good deal of satisfaction from his first blow to the rips making contact, but as the golden coin tore through his right hand he let out a shout of pain, the feeling of his muscles and nerves being torn apart filling his body with a painful warmth. As the Warlock lost his footing Kaito took the opening, launching forward with his left fist clenched, practically feeling the bones in his fist vibrate as he aimed it for the bastard's temple.

A grunt of surprise escaped him though as he felt his legs get kicked out from under him, not reacting in time before falling onto his side. Spitting a curse, as he collided with the ground Kaito summoned a chain to wrap around the Warlock's ankle and slam him into the floor, trying to give him time to get to his feet.

Hikaru finally found the bastard's Soul Gem when he watched him fall over. Right on his chest, an easier target than other places it could've been located. He hadn't started to try standing back up when a chain coiled around his ankle, but it did prevent him from doing anything other than getting back up on his knees. Fine, that was perfectly fine.

He pressed his gun to the chain again, shooting through it to free himself once more. Even if this guy's Soul Gem was in an obvious spot, he'd still need to make him stay still to manage to hit it. He quickly stood back up as well, aiming a shot directly at his opponents head.

As Kaito pushed himself up to his feet his eyes widened to see a gun aimed between his eyes. The Warlock pulled the trigger and in the blink of an eye, before the golden coin could blow his brains out Kaito lashed out desperately with a chain, deflecting it into the ground while in the same motion sending a chain flying past his opponent and impaling the floor just behind him. Like a trigger of his own, he was sent flying forward at the Warlock who let off a few more shots, most blocked by a flurry of chains. To his displeasure, though two coins made it through and tore at his side and right thigh, and crimson mist sprayed out behind him sending a torrent of pain through his body.

Kaito didnโ€™t let it stop his momentum though, pushing through the pain and spinning on his heel before reaching the Warlock with one foot still on the ground and the other hurdling down directed at his chest. With a roar of pain and anger, Kaito hurdled his steel-toed boot down at him.

A vine wrapped around Hikaru's chest as the chains sunk into the floor behind him, jerking him back, though this only managed to save Hikaru from the full force of the kick when it collided with his chest. He tumbled back a few feet, more laughter spilling from him, along with a different, more subtle sound. A faint purr was rumbling in the cat's chest. Exciting, this was actually exciting, almost enough to make him want to let this Magical Boy live another day. โ€œAlmostโ€ wasn't enough to sway Hikaru's desire to remove anything that posed the risk of taking away someone that belonged to him.

โ€œExperienced, huh?โ€ Hikaru asked as he wrapped a vine around his waist to pull him to his knees.

โ€œEnough to survive this long,โ€ Kaito replied, clutching his side and wincing as the pain never subsided for a second. His leg that been lashed by vines earlier, his throbbing and bloodied hand, and now the two new hols in his upper thigh and at the side of his torso. He hated to admitted, but this Warlock was doing a number on him. Kaitoโ€™s been through worse though, had much more grizzly wounds compared to the ones he had now. With a slow breath to compose himself he stood tall, ignoring the pain and sensation of his blood flowing from his wounds. More chains rose from his back, rattling like mad before snapping at attention towards the Warlock. Out the corner of his eye Kaito knew this couldnโ€™t last forever. With the Wraiths, rampaging Nightmare and more Witches and Wralocks to deal with, he needed to end this quick.

โ€œWhatโ€™s your name?โ€ he asked, raising his still good hand and clenching it into a fist, his chains waiting for the moment he gives the command.

โ€œYou can call me Happy Chaos! You?โ€ Hikaru chimed. His breathing was getting heavy, each laboured breath causing pain to sear through his broken ribs. It was fine, his Cursed Gem would heal this kind of damage quickly, but the excitement that such pain caused wasn't going to make standing on his bleeding legs any easier. Even if he'd experienced worse in his tenure as a Warlock, Hikaru couldn't focus on just one guy for much longer. A constant flurry of chains and vines wouldn't keep the other Magical Dicks away from them forever.

โ€œYou know, you might be pretty hot, if you hadn't hurt someone that belongs to me.โ€ He stated, as a vine wrapped around a nearby chair to throw it at the Magical boy as a distraction. Quickly, two vines shot up from the floor near his opponent, aimed to wrap around his wrists.

Kaito clicked his tongue in annoyance as the newly named Warlock, Happy Chaos chucked a chair at him with his vines. Rearing back his fist he smashed his steel knuckles into furniture sending it skidding along the ground, shattering to pieces from the impact. A growl of frustration escaped him as in the same breath vines coiled around his wrist and jerked him forward a bit before pulling back, glaring at Chaos with irritation. โ€œNoir,โ€ he replied before chains erupted from the ground behind Chaos, having tunneled through the ground after impaling themselves behind Kaito. They shot down and wrapped around his torso, pinning one of his arms to his side while the other wrapped around his throat and angled downwards, waiting for the command to impale his head.

โ€œGive up and be purified willingly, Aurora will give you a peaceful end,โ€ he ordered, tone calm and leveled despite the pain that racked his body. He would heal eventually, but heโ€™d be lying if he said this wasnโ€™t a struggle.

Hikaru growled as the chain pinned one of his arms in place. Too many were around him this time, he couldn't just shoot through them to get loose again. He tilted his head back as a chain aimed at his head. At that angle, it might actually hit the Cursed Gem on his ear. It was hard to tell from this angle.

Hikaruโ€™s vines quickly wrenched Noir's hand behind his back and up to his shoulder, threatening to break it if he pulled any further. Another vine shot up from the floor, aimed directly at the Soul Gem on Noir's chest, though he didn't move to shatter it yet.

โ€œSomeone okay with killing his โ€œfriendsโ€ if they become corrupted might not understand this, but I still have somebody that matters to me.โ€ And so, he couldn't risk that chain killing him. Actually killing this guy would only put him in more danger from the Magical Idiots, so he found a different solution: He curled a vine around his own Cursed Gem and jerked it off his ear, blood spraying from where he'd pulled the piercing out, and threw it in Mercury's direction. They wereโ€ฆ Probably close enough that his body wouldn't go limp, he hoped. โ€œMercury, catch!โ€

Kaitoโ€™s glare only grew more intense as Chaos spoke, making it sound as if he took purifying his fellow Magical fighters lightly. He was nearly ready to end the fight there, but his eyes widened as Chaos tore his gem out of his ear and tossed it to his fellow Warlock. Upon realization of what was his plan and seeing just where his vine was aimed, a chain erupted from Kaitoโ€™s chest, tearing his clothing with his gem gently wrapped with a metallic shield. Looking at the newly arrived Magical boy, Kaito hurled his gem, his very soul to him in hopes he was reliable enough to catch it. Just as he threw away his gem the sickening sound of flesh tearing and blood spurting filled his ears before an indescribable pain erupted in his brain. A wheezing gasp escaped him, feeling the air escape his lungs and become filled with blood.

Through gritted teeth, Kaito put all his power into the chain hovering over Chaosโ€™s head and impaled him between the eyes before slumping over on his back, all the energy in his body fading. A silent prayer to Aurora filled his mind as he hoped the Magical boy he entrusted with his gem managed to catch it.

Hikaru's body slumped forward on the chain as it penetrated his skull, his body limp. It hurt- and yet, the damage to such a vital organ meant he couldn't even move his tail. He hadn't even managed to hit his opponent's soul when he'd stabbed him, but he swore he'd kill him next time. He'd just need to find him when he didn't have any allies nearby.

This had been fun. Hikaru couldn't wait for Aki to make his injuries even worse for doing something this stupid.

Both the chains and vines shattered like glass, leaving both Happy Chaos and Noir to fall to the floor, bodies temporarily unresponsive due the damage they'd sustained.

collabed with: Guppy Franz Guppy Franz
interactions: Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury
everyone else: Peckinou Peckinou Nellancholy Nellancholy Managarmrr Managarmrr
hemera and nereus ic.png
Phoebe & Lincoln Brooks
Hemera & Nereus

Location: Mitakihara Academy
Interactions: Noir ( Guppy Franz Guppy Franz ), Mercury ( Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury ), Happy Chaos ( Necromantic Necromantic )
Mentions: Eulampis ( Peckinou Peckinou ), Omen ( Nellancholy Nellancholy ), Aegis ( Managarmrr Managarmrr )

It seemed Hemera was certainly getting ganged up on during this attack (from Eula and Omen at least right now), and this was a fight she wasn't sure she was fully prepared for. For a year, she and Nereus only relied on each other in taking down Nightmares and Wraiths, sometimes a lone Warlock or Witch...but facing a group of ALL these things combined, in and outside of their own school, was new for both herself and her twin brother. Both could barely keep up, and if it weren't for other Magical Fighters being present, she and Nereus surely would have perished.

Hemera wanted to get to her brother to help him fight Mercury, but Eula's knives stopped her, and she summoned a bright shield of sunlight to protect herself, the knives ricocheting off the orb surrounding her form. But the moment she dismissed it, she was captured by vines and pulled roughly towards Happy Chaos. Hemera cried out in fear, staring up into the Warlock's face with both anger and hesitation...especially when he mentioned he had a girlfriend that he was forced to purify. She blinked a few times, stunned, mouth open as she shook her head. "N-no...you're lying!" She insisted, but let out another cry as the cat-like Warlock threw her towards Nereus.

Speaking of which, poor Nereus was having his own challenging time keeping up with Mercury, much as he hated to admit it. He snarled again, "I will not fall for your lies, nor the lies of your comrades! You know nothing of such ties!" His eyes only widened in slight fear when his hit was bounced off thanks to the defensive magic of a Witch, and he let out a pained cry when those blue flames exploded so close to him, sending him flying back to the wall. Slumped down with burn marks on his skin and torn clothing, he narrowed his eyes at Mercury. "If I ever find out who you truly are, mark my words...I'll make you wish for death." He growled out lowly, dangerously, but then Hemera's light hurt his eyes for a moment and he was forced to cover them. When it passed, he saw Mercury was occupied trying to protect himself from Hemera's solar bombs, as well as knives that seemed to be flying about everywhere.

Nereus rose shakily onto his feet and moved forward, but then saw Happy Chaos with Phoebe in his clutches. "Hemera!" His expression was nothing short of urgent and nervous, and when she was thrown at him he managed to catch her, but fell back onto the floor in the process. He sat up with his twin and looked her over, "Are you alright?!" He looked panicked, in an instant he could have lost his sister and then what?

Hemera hugged onto Nereus and nodded, "I'm okay, Nereus, I'm okay! Good catch, by the way." She chuckled sheepishly, which made Nereus sigh and shake his head. He got up, and helped her up as well, about to speak when his and Hemera's attentions went to the fierce battle between Happy Chaos and Noir. His eyes widened in confusion when Noir threw his soul gem towards him, but Nereus was swift to catch it, keeping it safe.

Hemera gasped, putting her hands over her mouth, "NO!" She ran towards Noir despite Nereus calling for her to stop, and fell to her knees by his side, creating a dome of sunlight to act as a shield in order to protect herself and Noir. She looked down at him, tears falling from her eyes and onto Noir's chest and face.

"You fool, d-don't risk your life like that! Why would you...you could have...oh!!" Hemera wept out, putting a hand on Noir's chest and closing her eyes, wanting to send a healing warmth into his very being. "Please...please don't die...please...Aurora...help him!" She pleaded softly in a breath - she didn't know this Magical Boy, and yet...she somehow felt connected to him? As if she felt his presence were important to her somehow, she couldn't explain it, but as a fellow Magical Fighter she didn't want him to die.

Nereus tucked Noir's soul gem safely into one of his many pockets on his princely attire, gripping his sword tightly. He called over to Aegis, "We need to end this! Let us use our powers together in tandem, we're stronger together, friend!"
As Hermera assailed her surroundings with her quaint little "Solar-Bomb Barrage", the witches and warlocks were temporarily forced on the defensive. Were it an attack that had any other property than that of bright sunlight, even Omen would have had to dodge, or brace for impact.

But things were in her favor this time.

She took in another deep breath, like she was inhaling cool mountain air. The Moon in her hands gleamed malevolently, absorbing the orb of sunlight headed straight for her. Each photon seemed to break down, assimilated into the dark mist that danced beneath The Moon's surface.

The other followers of Nix kept up their assault, not to be daunted for more than a moment by Hermera's vengeful assault.

Happy in particular threw himself into an explosive clash with Noir that left both of them insensate, dead if not for the power of their gems.

Just great.

Both sides were now down one, but hopefully the Nightmare would have made good time escaping to continue her rampage elsewhere.

It was time to exit gracefully.

Omen pressed her palms together, The Moon vanishing between her hands to be replaced again by the card of The Tower. Raising it aloft, she conjured the stout knight once more, having it land in a crash in front of Happy's unconscious form.

"Look at you, so quick to anger." Omen sighed, at Nereus, and to Noir as well, even if he couldn't hear her for the moment. "And the worst part of that is that you try to act like it's somehow different from ours. From the Nightmare's..."

"So, stay and protect your friend until he revives, or chase the Nightmare before she gets too far..." The Tower remained with its shield up between Happy and Nereus, discarding its flail to hold Happy and drag him backwards at a steady pace, maintaining a defensive posture as it aimed to escape with Omen and Happy.

Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury Necromantic Necromantic Guppy Franz Guppy Franz Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples
Last edited:


Location: Mitakihara Academy - Cafeteria
Time: Afternoon
Mentions: Guppy Franz Guppy Franz Necromantic Necromantic Nellancholy Nellancholy
Interactions: Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples Peckinou Peckinou Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury

The introduction of Nereus into the cafeteria officially evened the playing field, but also had the side effect of making everything devolve into something more reminiscent of a lunchroom brawl than a tactical battle. On one side of the fight Noir and the kitten had flung themselves into their own little melee, and on the other side Nereus seemed to be steadily losing ground to the gaudy blue giant.

But before Aegis could do his go-to of involving himself in other people's battles, a steadily building light directly behind him halted any interference. Considering he had been standing so close to Hemera when she decided to use her ult, the blinding blaze wasn't too dissimilar to putting your retinas directly into the sun.

"Gah, l-light." he muttered as he drew a quick bulwark over his good eye with his gauntlet, the ethereal blue barrier switching to a pure pitch black upon being activated by his words. The darkness that veiled his vision was much more tolerable, even if it was equally as sight-depriving.

After a few seconds in the dark, the bulwark was snapped away to grant sight once more, and Aegis' field of view returned to see a completely destroyed cafeteria, with his fellow veteran Noir and the Warlock catboy seconds away from delivering the coup de grace to their school-wrecking battle.

It seemed like Aegis and the two other senior Magical Boys were going to have quite the talk about workplace safety and needless endangerment during the next meeting. A long talk.

The distraction proved enough to make him forget about the daggers hovering above his head until the last second, only barely managing to duck below his shield just enough to protect his vitals as the knives carved slick sanguine cuts down his back and tore at his outfit. But the sight of two gems hurtling through the airโ€”one pure and gleaming, the other dark and corruptedโ€”was enough to make him ignore the pain. Extending his right hand, blue essence shot forth in an intercept path of the latter, solidifying into a bulwark and stopping the Cursed Gem midair from reaching its intended destination as it fell to the ground with a clatter against the tiles.

"Nereus, the gem!" he called out, spinning around and tossing his shield across the room at the Warlock the soul-containing gem had been thrown towards. He didn't really have the luxury of time to aim his throw, but it was more intended to keep the masked man pinned down for a moment longer.

Wasting no time, he set off for the Cursed Gem at a sprint, casting one final bulwark in front of the friendly-fire dagger Witch to block her sightโ€”if only temporarilyโ€”to buy the Magical Fighters any scant seconds of time they could use to get the Cursed Gem into their own possession.

Kazuki [Warlock Commander]
LOCATION: Behind School -- Cafeteria

Laying on his back with still widened eyes as he winced and tried to grasp at the fact that he had just been struck with a laser by the Wraith at a vital organ, by the time Yuzuki had regained his awareness of the situation, he slowly sat up only to notice as to how one of the Magical Boys was now standing over him to defend against further attacks. "I'm okay...I'm okay.." As he mustered out, the sudden crash of the Wraith that had attacked him falling limp onto the ground after its head had been sliced off was at least comforting that another one of the Wraiths numbers was dwindling. Slowly, as Yuzuki helped himself onto one knee, he held a hand over the hole at his stomach region, generating his vibrational energy into his palm to attempt to speed up the recovery process by making his cells think they were moving in overdrive. Although it wouldn't be much, at least the wound would close even if slightly and the bleeding would stop for the time being.

While he wasn't back at full strength just yet, it would allow him to continue fighting at the very least. With his composure back and his awareness of the situation back at its peak, by the time he had stood straight the chaos unfolding before his eyes was similar to that of a warzone, corpses of Wraiths laid lifeless on the school's track field as they slowly dissolved into the snow after several moments after being defeated and yet, there were still so many to deal with. "Hey, I may not know your name yet but do you have anything--" As Yuzuki spoke to the Magical Boy that had stood over his body to protect him moments ago, just as he turned his head over to face the male, the sight of him sprinting off had his eyes widen once more in confusion. "Wh-...Where are you going--?!" As he called out to the stranger, the moment he turned his gaze back towards the ongoing battle, the sight of the other Magical Warriors rushing off in the same direction towards the interior of the school had Yuzuki stare in shock and confusion as to how everyone was simply leaving the Wraiths be. While it was clear that this meant something sinister was happening in the school, the fact that everyone just left aside from himself and Fool was baffling.

"Tsk..!" Cursing under his breath, alone with just another Magical Boy with the Wraiths still outnumbering them, Yuzuki knew well enough that there was no way he was getting out of this with just a stomach injury like this. "Guess I don't have a choice...Please, don't cause too much destruction. Please." As he commented to himself, Yuzuki inhaled a deep breath before once again lowering himself down onto one knee. Placing his open left hand onto the snowy ground as though he were aiming a shot, he pulled back his right arm and formed a fist. Seconds passed as his breathing began to become labored with heavy panting breaths as what appeared to be distorted air began to form around his fist while he generated intense amounts of vibrational energy into his fist. Planning to send the energy into the earth itself to create a large tremor and hopefully focus it mainly around the track field and rid the remaining Wraiths from the area, the moment he launched his fist towards the ground he suddenly stopped.

With shock and fear running through his body all of a sudden, to the point Yuzuki had to stop mid-attack, the sky darkened almost instantly. Through the dark clouds above the school came a male figure who wore an elegant suit, as he hovered and lowered himself down from the sky, Yuzuki was practically frozen in place, unable to so much as move an inch just from the overwhelming negative energy presence of the unknown figure. "My my...this won't do at all. What a disgusting display that you all have shown." As the male spoke in a rather flamboyant tone, in an instant he widened his solid golden eyes for a mere moment as a bright flash of golden light encompassed the entirety of the track field, the light lasted all of several seconds and by the time it vanished, the area was free of Wraiths, not even their corpses had remained.

With the area now silent from the sounds of the Wraiths' groans and moans, Yuzuki was quick to lift his head and get a glance at the figure who had rid the school of the Wraith threat. Now with the sight of the male figure in full display just hovering above the school grounds, he was able to get a detailed look at the individual. The person was not even human, at least not in the sense that he looked like one aside from the body structure, aside from that, he resembled that of a peacock. With his luxurious and beautiful feathers and the head of a peacock, Yuzuki had no doubts that this person was another Warlock, and now with the Wraiths out of the way, Yuzuki had only one goal, to defeat this enemy. With his built-up energy still in his fist, just as he was about to swing his fist forward, the strange turned to face directly at him directly with a menacing glare, almost as though he were warning him not to. Once again, Yuzuki had frozen in place with widened eyes, his brain told him to move and attack but his body did everything it could to keep him from moving yet another inch.

Without speaking a single word to Yuzuki other than giving a smirk that he knew the Magical Boy was smart enough not to strike at an opponent far out of his league, the peacock Warlock now directed his attention toward the school building itself. Slowly hovering down toward the rooftop where he sensed the presence of a nightmare and other Witches and Warlocks, as he neared the roof, with a single swipe of one of his feathered arms, a massive hole was formed above the cafeteria. Lowering himself down into the interior, he dusted himself off from any specs of dust or pebbles that might've landed on his suit. As the Warlock made his appearance, he slowly continued to lower himself down while gazing around the room in silence before finally reaching the ground floor, hovering mere inches off from the ground to keep his shoes clean. "Hmph, what a hideous place this is...absolutely no sense in fashion. Such a drabby looking place, it looks like rats would come here." As the flamboyant Warlock commented about the interior design of the cafeteria, he crossed his arms while hovering around the room just to run a finger across some of the lunch tables and counters. "I mean just look at all this...grease? Sweat? Blood? Dust? The interior designers of this place must be fired, I will not stand for this." While the Warlock continued on, it was almost as though he were ignoring the fact that there were a number of Witches, Warlocks, and Magical Warriors in the room as well as even a newly born Nightmare, which would not dare lift a finger against the stranger knowing his overwhelming power and presence.

Taking minutes just examining the cafeteria alone, by the time he had felt as though he had gotten his distaste for the look of the school's choice in cafeteria design, he'd pause just to finally turn his attention back towards those present within the room. "Because of the grotesque look of this place, I will give you all one and only one opportunity. You, Witches and Warlocks, leave this place immediately. Choose a place to rendezvous and I shall meet with you soon to discuss this matter, and take that abomination with you." As the Warlock spoke toward his allies, he mentioned the nightmare which at this point continued to remain still until it was guided out of the cafeteria with its fellow Witches and Warlocks. Immediately after giving his order, he'd turn his gaze upon the Magical Warriors in the room, his once flamboyant tone deepening with a booming and almost distorted darker tone in his voice. "And you, Magical Wannabes will remain here. If you so much as follow any of them, I will personally make sure you suffer through a hell you have never experienced before." With that simple warning alone, he'd slowly begin to hover out of the cafeteria through the hole in the roof, making sure the Witches, Warlocks and the Nightmare left before fully leaving the scene.
Yuzuki Takeru [Sentinel]

Coded by AnemoVictorious
Kairi Majiko

"Seriously?! Does that mean there's a nightmare here?!...oop"

Kairi's eyes opened wide for a brief second. The feeling of Usagi's hand gently releasing hers half processed as she glanced over at Amanda ponderiing what to even say. I mena the words didn't really mean anything to someone not in the 'know' right? Still it was a strange thing to say. Maybe she should...

"I mean uh man this is a nightmare! Wonder what's going on...."

The quick save by Unagi left her to let out a soft sign, trying as to not be too obviously glancing back as she nodded rather meekly not saying a word. A light awkward nod being given as she had little else she could think to react with. Saying more was only going to likely make it more awkward. Given there seemed to be trouble the last thing they would want is to ahve to try and save face for their friend given the chance their identities got exposed...

"Oh, perfect! You're both here! And now that I think about it, it's better if I show you."

"Magical Girl! LiveWire! Electro-Cute!"

Kairi wasn't at all expecting to see Amanda suddenly transform. Her eyes glancing on almost dumbfounded looking on. It was half as if her soul had left her body at this time given the insanity of what seemed to be unfolding before her. She was a magical girl too? Since when? It had to of been recent... even her first time? Why was she just openly showing them? So many questions left Kairi rather flustered, enough that when her little dance suddenly floundered as she fell forward she wasn't at all ready.

"C... careful!" Her soft words were met rather too late as she fell foward onto her face. Kairi noticably wincing at the sight.

"Uh... little help?"

Kairi was a bit slower to react as she watched Usagi move forward only to join their friend falling down face first. Kairi's hands cupped over her mouth clearly rather worried for the two looking up luckily not on the floor herself. A blessing it seemed given how accident prone the group seemed right now.

"I can't believe this! This is great! Your just like us!"

Was that really the best thing to openly admit? I mean... it seemed Amanda was as well now but...

"Yeah actually we are magical girls to....is just that well we've always been told to keep it as a secret as much as possible so we never said anything. But this is great! All three of us are the same now!"

Kairi looked on as it seemed clear any pretence of keeping their identities secret was long gone. Truthfully... it wasn't something to really worry about. Usagi and herself very much did the same thing before even if it was an accident. They really were too clumsy for their own good somtimes. She looked up giving a nod as she moved with Usagi heading to the door for some bit of privacy. Her eyes lingering over to Amanda giving a light nod. Her hand grasping her own gem as a flash of light errupted sparking her own transformation.

"We should hurry I..."
She spoke her eyes glancing over as a rather horrifying sensation rushed through her body. The loud sound of destruction itself paling in comparison. What was this presence? It was something so intense. Even from a distance away out of sight the negative aura it seemed to exude was haunting to witness. It was far beyond what must of caused the gem to pulse before. Her hands trembled a bit before she clutched them into a fist biting her lip. A light nod being given as to steady herself a bit.

"We... we should hurry... be careful A.... Livewire." She spoke catching herself nearly slipping out Amanda's name. Her eyes lingering over to Usagi as she glanced back to herself touching her hand to her own chest.

"Ah.. the name is Beatrice, sorry to get ahead of myself... but... whatever this presence is nearby can't be good. Be careful and play it safe alright? Myself and Honeyrose will try and keep you safe." Kairi's words seemed to become a bit less waivring speaking much more confident. A change in character that perhaps wasn't initially noticable though for good reason. Whatever it was clearly shook her, though such fears she pushed aside looking over at her friend and new Magical girl giving a warm smile as if to further ensure she would have her back.

Interactions: Amber redraider redraider Usagi animegirl20 animegirl20

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