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Fantasy ๐’ฏ๐’ฝ๐‘’ โ˜… ๐ฟ๐’ถ๐“ˆ๐“‰ โ˜… ๐’ฒ๐’พ๐“ˆ๐’ฝ

Kairi Majiko
"Kairi breakfast is ready, and we need to get ready for school."

Her eyes seemed to lazily crack open groggily. The teen's body seeming almost stiff as she lifted her head up from the pillow. Her shoulder length brown hair appeared all but disheveled as she pulled herself up laying face down. Her gentle blue eyes glanced out looking forward in a daze. A white tee shirt still was worn on her body as the sheets hadn't even been placed on top having thrown herself on the bed rather haphazardly. The typical clothing she changed into after school rather then any sort of PJs. Her eyes blinked a few times as her mind was practically like a phone slowly booting up. Finally she jumped up seemingly aware.

"C.... coming!"
She spoke out loudly in what could only be perceived as a rather clear state of panic.

It was far from something unusual for Kairi. She tended to get to bed in a timely manner, though there were nights like the last night were 'other things' had come up. It wasn't made much better that she had been up already late finishing her homework and then having a spark of inspiration writing. Then... an 'emergency' had come up. It left her going out already rather ragged only to come back exhausted plopping herself on the bed desperate to claim what sleep she could.

The sound of light clattering could be heard through the door as she was quick to get herself ready. The sound of a door opening and closing followed by the quick sound of running water being heard before being shut off just as quickly as it had turned on. A morning routine that for her was quite greatly sped up given how she wasn't ready, not having her clothing ready and trying to hustle to get herself put together in time. It took several minutes though the younger sister emerged wandering into the kitchen to quickly eat. The younger sister glancing at her older then now a few inches shorter sister trying to somehow eat properly while doing so haphazardly. A most certainly awkward display on her part.

"It tastes great! Sorry I... I slept in more and couldn't enjoy it more fully." She spoke bowing her head apologetically to Zevra. Her words fumbling a little as it was clear she was slightly flustered. Not a completely unusual sight when Kairi didn't get as much sleep. Naturally, it was something she had put on her writing taking a bit of time up as to obscure the true reason... even if there was some mild truth to it.

It didn't take long for her to finish off as much as she could before getting up. The girl gasping a bit noticing her rather haphazard job lowering her hands down as to fix up her uniform ensuring it looked tidy. She didn't want to come off like a slouch. Her eyes glancing over at the clock as she seemed a bit uneasy noticing the time. She tended to be the type who liked to show up early, even if it wasn't always the case she exactly managed to do just that.

"I can't believe I slept in like that... I hope Usagi wasn't waiting for me! Amanda is probably too."
She spoke pausing a little bit between mentioning names. She didn't want to come off sounding as if she had favorites. Her worry about Usagi was more the two of them were involved in rather dangerous things. The idea Usagi might think something bad happened to her was worrying to her. It was a fear she always tended to have as well of the idea of not seeing her fellow friend not show up one night. Her hand quickly scooped up her phone as she glanced down, sending Usagi a text message.

Might be showing up a little late is all.

She slipped the phone back into her bag letting out a soft sigh. Her eyes glancing over at Zevra again.

"I'm sorry again! I'm ready to go. I don't want to make you late either!" She spoke seemingly worried she might of wronged her sister. Not an unusual thing for Kairi. She always had a tendency to worry she might be a burden to her sister.

Interactions: Zevra Peckinou Peckinou
Text Message: Usagi animegirl20 animegirl20
Mention: Amanda redraider redraider

Zevra Majiko
Mentions: Kairi Hanarei Hanarei
Zevra could hear the panic in Kairis voice as she made her way to her own room, she needed to get ready herself but she wasn't as bothered of frantic as Kairi was as she kept herself calm and level headed, perhaps it was apathy that lead to her being like this or maybe something else. Either way she didn't ponder on that question at all and as soon as she arrived at her room she quickly went on to put on her school uniform on and complete the rest of her morning routine, it didn't take long in the least and she was able to get to the kitchen and partake in her food before Kaira was able to arrive. Typically it would be considered rude to not wait for her before digging in, but considering the sound of Kairis frantic voice she figured that she was going to be in a rush to leave and that she would want to have breakfast out the way as soon as possible, so instead of trying to match her pace when it came to eating she figured that just taking a early start would be just as effective. It didn't take long before her not so little sister Kairi was able to make her way to the dining room though, where Zevra had only managed to get halfway done with her own meal, by the time she had finished Kairi was also just about done. When she spoke Zevras complete attention focused on her as she explained how she slept in, something that brought a genuine smile to Zevras face, something that would be a rare sight to anyone that wasn't Kairi. Though despite Kairis frantic behavior Zevra waved her off before going on to finish up her own breakfast and clear up the table.

As she did so, she managed to listen to Kairi mention the name of two of her friends, something that made her tense a little. Zevra wasn't exactly fond of people being near her sister, most people always tended to be complete and utter disappointments but if Kairi saw them as legitimate friends then Zevra supposed she could tolerate them being around their sister for now. Atleast until they messed up, then she would take matters into her own hand from there and make them regret every messing with her sister, she was already making plans for it at the moment but it wouldn't be something she would act on until they make that mistake.

With the dining area now cleaned up, Zevra went on to grab her satchel, it was quite heavy for something that was mostly just filled with school supplies, school work and books, but at this point Zevra was use to the weight by now and it felt almost like a part of her uniform. When she finally joined Kairi , Zevra had opted to open the door for her, as her younger sis went on to again apologize for being for nearly making them late. Something Zevra quickly waved off before giving her a soft genuine smile, one that only Kairi has obtained the luxury of ever commonly seeing before and adding
"It's fine Little sis, as long as you got a proper amount of sleep then I'll be fine, wouldn't want you to be sleeping in class after all." her smile turned into a smirk as she said that last part, clearly intended to tease her younger sister "Besides we should still be able to make it on time if we walk quickly and not waste it." . Even if she was taller than her now she was still her younger sister and being the good older sibling that she was her job was to look after her, a task that she will always take very seriously, besides it felt good knowing that despite her growing up she was still very much needed in her younger sisters life.
Hansuke Kaito
Interactions: Necromantic Necromantic Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples
Mentions: animegirl20 animegirl20

Kaito couldn't help but smile in amusement upon Hikaru's declaration that everywhere was a stage, typical for those in the entertainment business to think. Though, a small part of him momentarily couldn't shake an odd feeling at how he said it. As if such a simple statement held a different meaning behind it. Seeing no point in focusing on the odd feeling Kaito simply brushed it off, keeping a casual smile as Hikaru brought up their upcoming show in Ikebukuro. How do they manage to keep coming to school when they got so much else going on in their outside life as idols? As he asked that question in his head, he quickly remembered the life he led outside of school, fighting monsters and horrors of the night nearly every night. Though not the same, Kaito probably had an idea as to how they could manage both. A grin spread across his face as Hikaru expressed his want for another week off school. "Ah, I don't know about that. Honestly, I was kind of missing the place. Happy to be back really," he admitted, his statement genuine as he glanced around the campus with a fond smile. It was still hard to believe it's only been four years since his wish, but Kaito still remembers the day he walked onto this campus on his own, not needing anyone by his side or to use that damn stick to find his way around. Letting the happy memory sit for a few seconds Kaito shrugged before looking back to Hikaru. "To each their own I guess," he said with a bright smile before looking to Aki as he separated from the two, claiming he was heading to class.

"Alright, later man!" Kaito said with a raised hand before his attention was grabbed by the voice of a familiar face amongst the crowd around him and Hikaru. It was Lincoln trying to push through the crowd and doing a successful job at it, most of the people seemingly slinking back due to the cold tone of his voice and look on his face. Kaito managed to catch that nasty look he gave Hikaru, silently wondering if the two had beef. Though his interactions with Lincoln are mostly brief and casual, feeling as if he was talking to a brick wall most of the time, Kaito doesn't dislike the guy. Definitely wasn't sunshine and roses, but still decent in his books. Besides, from what he's seen his twin sister, Phoebe, was the more bright and shining personality. Unlike her brother, Kaito's interactions with her have been nothing but pleasant and a bit chatty. Though they only really see each other in class or around campus, Kaito always enjoys their talks.

A strong cool breeze came crashing into the back of Kaito's exposed neck, making him roll his neck from side to side with a sigh. "We should head inside too actually, any longer out here and I feel like we'll be frozen on the spot," Kaito laughed before giving Hikaru a wave. "See ya in class bro," he said before slipping away towards the building entrance, a small breath of relief escaped him as he detached from the crowd of peers. Entering the school Kaito felt his smile deepen as another wave of relief came over him as the cold weather seemingly melted away from his body and was replaced with the warmth of the academy. Rubbing his hands together to expel the remaining fringes of cold from his body Kaito walked deeper into the school, a happy feeling rising in his chest to be back after break. His happiness was clear to those who passed him, most not able to hold back their smiles as he passed them by with a pleasant wave and welcoming grin. As he greeted familiar faces, a had a few quick interactions, a thought popped into his head as he walked the halls. There was one familiar face he had not seen yet, one that he would have to track down later. A huff escaped him as he remembered his "pupil", Usagi, the one Magical Girl he knew for sure went to this school.

It took willpower for him not to drop his bright smile, the first ping of annoyance of the day making him roll his neck to expel it. Like a creeping spider crawling up his back, Kaito began to feel the tension from last night's patrol return, a few muscles reminding them of how sore they were from the hunt. Though Kaito typically works alone when in his magical form, Usagi occasionally joins along to get some training and experience in the field. Like last night, when she was supposed to meet him to take down a few Wraiths and continue his investigation into a potentially dangerous Nightmare that he had been looking into for a little over a month now. Instead of her helping though, she was nowhere to be seen, shirking her duties for whatever reason, not answering his multiple texts, and leaving him to deal with several Wraiths on his own. It took a LOT to get under Kaito's skin, his laid-back and kind nature always making most things just slide off him, but Usagi seemed to have a talent of pushing his buttons. Frustrating as it may be though, she has potential but is still rather new to the work, so Kaito has taken it upon himself to teach her the ropes while he can. Like all Magical fighters, eventually, the time will come when they make a mistake and finally kick the bucket. He's seen the same outcome with too many other Magical fighters to think otherwise. The image of many of his past colleagues lying broken, bloodied, and defeated flashed through his mind, making his stomach drop as he imagined Usagi being another. That fact hasn't seemed to sink in for her, so hopefully his "teachings" can help her last a bit longer. First, though, he was going to give her a long lecture when he got the chance.

With a long sigh, he forced the thoughts and worry from his mind, not even realizing his once bright smile had fallen and replaced with a more serious frown as if he was deep in thought. Coming to a stop at his classroom's door, Kaito took a calming breath before opening the door and entering with a smile. "Morning everyone!" he greeted; his voice full of enthusiasm as he closed the door behind him. Instantly many of his classmates greeted him back, trying to match his enthusiastic mood with their own. The class seemed to be about ready to start, so he kept the interactions brief before making his way toward his desk. On his way to his desk though he saw Phoebe was already at her desk, just a few seats behind his desk. It didn't take him too long to spot Lincoln as well, not too far off from his desk either. He would flash Lincoln a happy grin before taking his seat, glancing at Phoebe, and giving a quick wave as he sat down, putting down his backpack. "Morning Phoebe," he greeted before taking off his puffy orange jacket to reveal his school uniform. "Saw your brother earlier, still sweet and cuddly as always," he joked in a low voice, hoping Lincoln couldn't hear him and gain his cold glare. With a light-hearted chuckle, he started to pull out the items he'd need for the class. "How was ya'lls break?"
Amanda nodded as Usagi kept going on. "I'd love to see the cosplay!" she said brightly. "Make sure you get her wings right. And I'd love to hear any cosplay ideas you have that incorporate my chair." As they approached the door, Amanda went ahead and opened the door for her friend. She hated to have anyone do anything for her, and that went double since the accident. "After you, then."
Kairi Majiko

"It's fine Little sis, as long as you got a proper amount of sleep then I'll be fine, wouldn't want you to be sleeping in class after all."

Kairi looked to her sister as she smiled, her words leaving her rather taken back. A light pout clearly put on her lips as she was teased. The girl shaking her head a bit. It wasn't as if she shouldn't know her sister was teasing her, though she was always the type who could be a bit too genuine for her own good. Her gentle blue eyes lingering down at her almost like a lost puppy as if seeking some sort of treat or forgiveness. Perhaps it was in some part due to the fact she felt a little guilty. She had nearly drifted asleep in class a few times much to her embarrassment although she was often quick to catch herself.

"I.... I won't! I've been good staying awake in class. I don't want to do bad in school at all, even if I can be a little tired sometimes." She spoke her words coming off almost like a soft pitiful whine. It was almost a little strange how she unknowingly took to her sister as a motherly figure despite the fact the two weren't that far in age. The amount of admiration she had for her big sister was immense. It didn't mean there were things that her sister did that didn't bother her, though she was always to find excuses or reason it out whether it was deserved or not.

"Besides we should still be able to make it on time if we walk quickly and not waste it."

Kairi looked at her sister giving a light nod. The girl shuffling her way over to the little closet to pull out her brown winter jacket. A red and black plaid scarf was wrapped rather swiftly around her neck covering up her cheeks a bit as she pulled it looose enough to speak. She was quick to slip on her shoes ensuring they were snuggly on giving a light nod as if to prep herself up for heading out into the cold. She could only remember how chilly it had been before, wanting to be bundled up for it now and comfortable. Her satchel quickly shifted over her shoulder as she looked back at Zevra.

"Alright, ready to go." She spoke with a light nod to her sister, clearly waiting to follow behind her like a little duckling behind her mother duck, smaller then her as she might be. She tended to prefer to wander behind her sister even if side by step always a small step behind following suit. Her eyes lingering at her a bit seeming to show a little hesitance at first before speaking again.

"Are you staying behind after school... or will we be walking home together?"

: Zevra Peckinou Peckinou

Aki shoved a pair of earbuds in his ears once he'd walked away from Hikaru, pulling the hood of his coat over his head in an attempt to prevent attention from being drawn to him. He liked people paying attention to him and all, he wouldn't have ended up in his line of work had he not, but not every morning could be a morning he felt like talking. Especially not mornings after he'd done either of his jobs, when he was in pain and didn't want to talk.

Being stabbed through the chest multiple times to prevent someone else from getting injured might not have been enough to kill him, but the fact that he could walk away from that didn't mean it didn't hurt. Staying up late to do that only made waking up to go to school a more miserable experience than normally. If he could just transform for a bit, his body probably would've finished healing in a matter of minutes but oh-ho, life couldn't be that convenient, could it? Unless he wanted to risk attracting more risks to his physical wellbeing. He could only hope that his "club" meeting ended without anybody needing him to be their shield.

โ™ชC'est la, C'est la, C'est la vie
Je t'ai, Je t'ai, Je t'aimeโ™ช

The upbeat, cheerful rhythm of the song he was listening to improved his mood a bit, at least. There was no sense in grumbling over being in pain, people would notice and gossip would spread. His fingers drummed the top of his thigh to the tune of the song he was listening to. The violin was really nice in this, he'd have to keep it in mind for later.

He passed Sibylla, but didn't try greeting her. He didn't understand how her powers worked, but all that actually mattered to him was that she could still "see", despite being unable to...Or something. The technicalities didn't matter. Perhaps on a different day, he would've tried, but he trusted that she could "see" enough to tell he was irritable.

He sat down at his desk in the classroom, quickly flipping his phone to it's camera. Strike a pose that looked cheerful enough, take a selfie...An exhausted sigh escaped him. Luckily, he didn't have anybody following him into his classroom today. He'd post it online here in a bit, or maybe he would just hold onto it and wait until later. Perhaps it would never make it's way online.

He started to lay his head down on his desk, already prepared to sleep through his first class, but his eyes fell on a familiar figure. Arian was already in class...He could've told him he didn't feel well enough to go to their club today. Magic didn't mean that they could ignore their physical health. He pulled an earbud out and reached out to tap on the edge of Arian's conveniently close desk to get his attention, but he hesitated before he spoke.

"You wanna play Monster Hunter with me?" Nope, that wasn't what Aki wanted to say at all, and yet it was what had happened. He was already pulling up the app on his phone.
mentions: Nellancholy Nellancholy
interactions: Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury

Zevra Majiko
Mentions: Kairi Hanarei Hanarei
Zevra couldn't help but chuckle at Kairis explanation of events the smile on her first turning into one of amusement, though she was tempted to tease Kairi some more she opted to hold off for now. With Kairi getting a winter kit on, Zevra opted to just stay in her usual garb, if she really did end up feeling cold she more than likely would have a spare Jacket in her locker that she could take anyways, the only thing she actually really needed to take were her shoes which she quickly equipped onto herself. As Kairi made her way out the door, Zevra made sure to secure the door behind herself, before making their way forward towards then towards the direction of the school. Luckly they didn't live too far from the school, though it would still be quite the walk to get there. Zevra made sure to walk at a speedy pace which would typically be quite surprising considering how heavy her satchel was, on top of that she also did checks behind her just about every minute to make sure that Kairi was in a close enough range of her, before continuing on.

It wasn't until Kairi asked if she planned to stay after school today did Zevras smile quickly turned to a frown as she added
"Yeah, unfortunately I more than likely will be staying after." she wasn't fond of the people in their little after school group but it was something she needed to go to every now and then at the very least, being left in the dark on their groups activities wouldn't really be ideal after all. Still though she figured that she should give a bit of reassurance to her sister "But let's not worry too much about that, remember if you ever need me call me and I'll be there for you as fast as I can." Zevra was being completely sincere as she said that as she would be fully willing to drop everything if she figured her sister needed her.

It seemed as if time had passed pretty quickly though as they were now half way approaching the half way mark to their school, and as Zevra looked back towards Kairi in order to do her minute check, she then opted to ask her "You have any after school plans today?" she just wanted to make sure just so that she can keep proper tabs on Kairi and know where she would potentially if anything were to happen or if she gets done with her little after school activities.
Mercurius Aleator
Arian Hasumi
โ€Iโ€™ll see you on the other side. But Iโ€™d kill to bring you back tonight.โ€
Arian let out a sigh as he sat at his desk, twirling around one of the many mechanical pencils he carried with him. In front of him layed his notebook that he took with him practically everywhere during school hours. On its pages were different notes pertaining to different classes, along with random reminders and things of the like. Arian wasnโ€™t the best academically, but he also wasnโ€™t the worse. Every test and every assignment he was able to barely pass, maybe with the odd help from some familiar faces on subjects he struggled at. Speaking of familiar faces-

Without turning his head he saw Aki taking a seat next to him, the twoโ€™s desk being beside each other. Arian was surprised that even in school the guy was still thinking about being an idol, taking a selfie with that fake smile. Arian would turn his attention back to his notebook, jotting down some reminders of things he needed to do today. It had been awhile since he made an appearance as Mercury, maybe today heโ€™d cause some much needed chaos to get his mind off of things. Arian was soon thrown out of his thoughts by a light tapping on his desk. "You wanna play Monster Hunter with me?"

Arian stared at Aki for a few seconds in silence. Arian was quite average grades wise yes, but he did prefer to pay attention in class. He was about to reject Akiโ€™s offer before realizing class didnโ€™t start for another five-to-ten minutes. Arian let out a small sigh, โ€œSure, why not.โ€ Arian would slip his phone out of his pants pocket, opening up the game he had downloaded to specifically play with Aki whenever he was bored. Or, in some kind of mood like he currently was.
Necromantic Necromantic
Code By Nano

lincoln and phoebe nornal ic banner.png

Phoebe & Lincoln Brooks
Hemera & Nereus

Location: Mitakihara Academy
Interactions: Kaito ( Guppy Franz Guppy Franz )
Mentions: Mayumi ( serenibee serenibee )

Phoebe was quick to perk up with a big smile when she saw Kaito, waving to him when he greeted the class as he entered. She closed her book and focused on him when he came over to chat with her, her smile turning sheepish at his comment about Lincoln. "Morning, Kaito! Yeah, he was in a decent mood this morning until a younger student bumped into him, then he got even crankier than usual. I'm sorry if he was snide towards you at all, it's nothing personal. He's still mad about Mayumi running into him - that was her name. Sweet girl, I think she's new but I'm not a hundred percent sure." She stifled a yawn and beamed at Kaito, "Our break was pretty good! Our parents took us to New York City for a trip, felt short but it was a lot of fun. How about you, Kaito? Do anything fun on break?" It was ironic that, even on a trip in another country, she and Lincoln still had Nightmares to deal with...not that Kaito needed to know that, obviously.

The most Lincoln gave towards Kaito's greeting towards him was a nod and a neutral expression. Which, for all intents and purposes, meant Kaito was not on Lincoln's shit list. Then again, Lincoln thought Kaito was alright, even if he was too optimistic like Phoebe. Both of them needed a reality check, it seemed...not all life was roses and sunshine, after all.

...Had he ever met the guy that'd walked by glaring at him? Hikaru had no clue who he was, beyond the fact that he looked vaguely familiar. Looking vaguely familiar wasn't exactly enough to tell him why he looked like he was trying to kill him with his eyes. Hikaru wasn't oblivious to the fact that some people would just hate him on principal because he was popular, but that guy's expression made it seem like he'd kicked his dog or something. Hikaru wouldn't worry about it, but gaining the ire of some guy he'd never talked to was pretty weird.

"Oh, yeah, later." But weren't they in the same class? Kaito going off on his own was less weird than that brunet's entire demeanor, admittedly. Once the single remaining barricade between Hikaru and the handful of girls grouped around him had walked away, a few brave fangirls did approach him to talk. They were, thankfully, mostly just people looking for an ordinary conversation, though he did feel somebody pluck a few strands of hair from his head. Fuck, were they trying to collect both of his hair colours or something? That hurt! They'd run off before he could react.

...So, in an effort to preserve everything else attached to his body, he excused himself from talking to the girls and hurried to his classroom. He entered a bit more hastily than he should've, the door slamming shut with far more force than he intended. Looking like he was running for his life from something. Perhaps he was, more creeps were likely to follow where that one had left off. He was so going to find that bitch and turn them into a Nightmare- But he didn't know who it was. He hadn't even seen any traits that might indicate gender.

Hansuke Kaito
Interactions: Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples
Mentioned: serenibee serenibee

An amused grin spread along Kaito's face as Phoebe explained her brother's sour mood, resting his arm on the back of his seat as he sat sideways at his desk. "Ah, gotcha, someone accidentally shook the 'bee's nest'. Makes sense," he chuckled before thinking about the poor girl's name, Mayumi. The name didn't ring a bell. Either she was new or knew how to keep a low profile. Hopefully, she wasn't too distressed by rattling Lincoln's cage this morning. Kaito was brought out of his thoughts as his classmate went on to talk about her break and her trip to New York, making him lean back and smirk. "New York? Lucky~. My folks went there for work a few times, but we never got to go on an actual trip. Damn, Phoebe, you're making me jealous here," he joked, his nose scrunching up as he made a half-ass pouting face before letting it drop back to his usual smile as he rubbed the back of his head. "As for me..." he trailed off, his eyes drifting upwards as he tried to find the best words to use, his finger tapping gently on the back of his seat.

On the outside, his break was a fairly normal, typical teenage fun over break. However, during the night, Kaito had very little rest. Along with his patrols, he's had a few run-ins with some Witches and Warlocks, a strange yet slow rise in Wraith numbers, and most concerning of all traces of a new Nightmare slinking around the town. So far over his break, Kaito's counted at least one civilian found dead under strange circumstances and two dead Magical fighters, both rookies and all discovered on separate nights. The causes of death were all different, but signs of a nightmare being in the area were just barely noticeable. He's spent every night of his break looking into the matter but has unfortunately hit dead end after dead in.

Of course, he couldn't share the details with Phoebe, not if he wanted to look like a psycho. It soon dawned on him that he had paused for a little too long, still gazing upwards as he spaced out in his head. He cleared his throat and gave a sheepish smile, scratching the side of his chin as he looked back to his classmate. "Sorry, it's been an, uh, eventful break," he chuckled before recovering his relaxed demeanor, shrugging as he rested both arms on the back of his seat. "It was fine, got to spend time with the family, took my little brothers skating for the first time, fell face first on the ice, and looked majestic doing it, even with a bloody nose," he laughed before laying his head atop his folded arms. "Had a few hiccups though, which sort of soured a bit of the break, but I'm just happy to be back honestly," he admitted before noticing the teacher about ready to start class. With a final grin and a thumbs up, he turned around in his seat and prepared for the day.
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by bad ending.
Usagi Arima
"Of course!" Usagi said responding to Amanda. When they approached the door Amanda opened it and let Usagi go in first. After becoming friends with Amanda she came to realize Amanda didn't really like people doing things for her. Usagi respected this and she kind of understood. "Thank you" Usagi said as she walked into the school. Inside the school felt much better then outside as much as she liked the snow she was happy to be inside and get warm. Usagi was just about to head to her locker when suddenly she got a text. She pulled out her phone and saw it was Kairi saying she might be showing up a little late. Usagi text her back.

Alright see you in class.

After she sent the message she turned to Amanda. "Alright I'm stopping at my locker and heading to class. I'll see you at lunch." Usagi then headed off.


It was now lunch time and Usagi was is in a panic looking for her lunch. She ran to locker to see if she left in there but unfortnaly it was no where to be found. "Oh man don't tell me I left my lunch at home!" Usagi whined.

redraider redraider Guppy Franz Guppy Franz , Hanarei Hanarei Necromantic Necromantic Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury Peckinou Peckinou serenibee serenibee Nellancholy Nellancholy Theasuke Theasuke Nothingness Nothingness Squad141 Squad141 Managarmrr Managarmrr
outfit: Jacket, scarf, gloves, school uniform
location: in front of her locker

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lincoln and phoebe nornal ic banner.png
Phoebe & Lincoln Brooks
Hemera & Nereus

Location: Mitakihara Academy
Interactions: Kaito ( Guppy Franz Guppy Franz )
Mentions: Mayumi ( serenibee serenibee )

"More like a wasps' nest, those things are a lot scarier than bees!" Phoebe joked with a light laugh as she tucked some of her brown hair behind her ear, grinning happily at Kaito, carefree as always. She really liked chatting with him, he was like a breath of fresh air, like sunshine after the rain. He always made her feel happy, without fail. She blushed a bit when he said she was making him jealous about going to New York, "Aha, s-sorry, Kaito! But, maybe...I'll take you there sometime!" She beamed warmly at him, "I'll show you all the sights, introduce you to the good food, especially the pizza! There's nothing like New York pizza, it's really the best. The whole city is a lot of fun, you'll love it." If only she and Lincoln didn't have to take care of Nightmares while on the trip, it would have been peaceful otherwise, but that was the workplace hazard of being a Magical Girl and Magical Boy. Nowhere was truly safe.

She blinked when Kaito stared off into the distance for a few moments, tilting her head and pouting in concern. "Kaito? You alright?" When he said his break was eventful and went into detail, she smiled to him with a soft sigh, giggling a bit. "You need to be more careful! Then again, I'm very clumsy on the ice, I'm no good at skating on it. Lincoln's always been better at it than me, guy's a regular figure skater." She looked down, "Ah, you too? I mean...we've had some minor upsets on our trip to New York, but thankfully they got resolved quickly!" She assured, then looked to the teacher - seemed class was starting. She glanced over at Lincoln who had been looking at both her and Kaito, nothing malicious, but keeping a watchful gaze over them. She beamed sheepishly at Kaito, then focused on class.


When lunch hour arrived, Phoebe and Lincoln both made their way to the cafeteria, each holding their bento lunchboxes that their mother made for them. She looked to Lincoln, "Let's hang out with Kaito for lunch, shall we? And if we can find Mayumi, we can eat with her as well!"

"I don't mind Kaito," Lincoln murmured with a frown, "But that other girl? I'd rather not, if I can help it. I don't need her trying to bowl me over again." He grumbled.

"Come on, Linc, she didn't mean to! Give her a chance, won't you?"

"We'll see. People need to earn respect, it shouldn't be given out so freely, Phoebe."

"I promise you, I got to talking to her, she's actually really sweet!"


"Ugh, Lincoln." Phoebe rolled her eyes, then looked for Kaito among the crowd in the cafeteria, only waving to motion for him to come over once she spotted him.

Aki gave Arian a smile when he agreed to play with him until class started, seeming a bit more genuine than the one he'd given his camera. Sure, this wasn't what he'd meant to ask about, but, well, he supposed it didn't matter anyway. He'd have ended up going to meet with his "colleagues" anyway.

Once class started, he did end up doing what every moody and tired student was known for doing: He fell asleep on his desk for his entire first class. Pretending to take notes through the second, but only really copying down every third or fourth statement, otherwise just doodling in the margin of his paper or letting his notes trail off into his thoughts on shows he'd been watching. Notes showing a few desperate attempts to focus, none of which succeeded in the end.

The bell for lunch finally ringing was a relief, saving Aki from continue trying to puzzle out what a Wagahai was or remember what the Kanji for Horse was. It looked like it had four legs, right? Right, because it looked a bit different in that Horse Girl anime, because horses only had two legs in that universe. But what other strokes did it have? His name has the Kanji for "bright" and "prince or boy" in it, so he knew those two, and his dad's was "bright" and "compassionate", and...He couldn't remember how to spell his mom's name when under so much stress, but he knew it didn't have any horses. None of his sister's had any horses. Hikaru didn't have any kanji in his name, because he wasn't born in Japan. He wrote his name in the roman alphabet or hiragana, so there were definitely no horses. Did anybody he know have "uma" in their name? No, no, they didn't.

The only thing that'd ended up in that blank on his homework was a stick-figure horse with arrows pointing at the hooves, and a circle around the tail. He was sure he'd been told that those had been incorporated into the strokes included in the Kanji for Horse. He was only missing the entire rest of it.

This issue could wait until later, there was no sense in worrying about it now. He left his desk, idly eating cherry tomatoes from a container that'd been put in a separate container from the rest of his lunch.

...He needed at least another whole container of tomatos.
mentions: Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury


Ethan Atae
Location: Mitakihara Academy Cafeteria
Time: Afternoon
Interaction: N/A

Ethan's day had progressed pretty much as normal, meaning that he did the assignments he was told to, went to the classes he was supposed to, and was only late to a measly half of themโ€”nowhere near his previous record. Magical boy-ing was a full time job after all, and sometimes taking a few minutes between classes to check the news for any possible Wraith-based or Nightmarish disruptions was a necessary evil, and if anything did happen to turn up then skipping said classes became even more necessary. Luckily his teachers never seemed to mind his absence, and sometimes even seemed a bitโ€ฆ sympathetic? It was probably just another unforeseen side effect of his wish, and he certainly wasn't going to question not having to explain his way out of getting written up for being late so often.

The school day had been fairly uneventful thus far. The news was tame, the classes were tamer, and he had only opened his mouth a handful of times to greet his friends or have small conversations (if his straightforward and concise replies could really be considered conversation). All in all, this lunch period was shaping up to be pretty similar.

The stoic student sat in his usual spot at the back of the cafeteria, at the same table he and his friend group had claimed way back when they first got to the academy. Of course some members of the group drifted apart or found other people they'd rather sit with over the years, as is often the case with childhood friendships, but honestly Ethan didn't care who sat at the table. He was a stubborn creature of habit and this was prime real estate that he had claimed, quieter than the rest of the cafeteria most of the time and with a great view from the window, and it would take the force of a god to uproot him now. And if that meant he had to put up with the occasional group of giggling schoolgirls orโ€”goddess forbidโ€”the theatre kids filling whatever seats were left empty every once in a while, then he would just have to bear it.

Luckily, it seemed like the theatre kids had a different lunch period, and the giggling schoolgirls were already seated elsewhere. He had luck today, yes, but it was clear that one thing he severely lacked was table manners. As per usual, he sat sideways, sneakers kicked up on the seat next to him and the ivory stick of a lollipop hanging from his lips. The personally prepared bento he had made sat discarded on the table next to him where it would remain uneaten until he packed it back up, shunned in favor of the sweet cherry-flavored candy he grabbed from his bag at random, idly rolling the sugary treat from one side of his mouth to the other to occupy some unknown oral fixation. His coat hung lazily from his shoulders, and his expression remained as impassive as always as he scrolled through his phone. To underclassmen, he could pass as the spitting image of the fist-fighting lunch-money-grabbing tray-flipping homework-ripping delinquent that your friends warn you about, but those that knew him knew better. He was much more likely to stop something like that from happening than to do it himself, or else he was 90% sure Empyrean would come back from wherever the hell he was just to discipline him.
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_Mayumi Rose Bell_
(sorry if things are inconsistent, Iโ€™m editing this on my phone)
Location: Mitakihara Academy, 10th Grade Class
Interactions: Hikari, Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples
Mentions: Guppy Franz Guppy Franz


Mayumi yawned as the bell finally ringed. โ€œLunchtime!โ€ Hikari yelled. โ€œOwโ€ฆdonโ€™t yell like that..โ€ she said, covering her ears. She got up and walked towards the cafeteria. She looked around for anyone she would recognize but she couldnโ€™t find anyone. The cafeteria was full of teens talking, gossiping, and eating together and Mayumi couldnโ€™t spot a single free seat for her. After looking around, she noticed Phoebe walking with her brother Lincoln and another student. He looked to be a senior and he was decently popular, talking with all the students, regardless of their social status. โ€œPhoebe!โ€ Mayumi called, running towards the group, being careful not to trip again. โ€œSo, where are we sitting?โ€ She asked curiously as group began to walk. โ€œBecause I couldnโ€™t find an open seat..oh!โ€ She looked at the senior once more. โ€œWho is he?โ€ She asked curiously.
Aki ( Necromantic Necromantic )
Nellancholy Nellancholy
Yuusuke arrived at his classroom not long after the rest of the warlocks, slumping into his chair like a pile of sludge. Classes started just a few minutes later.

He did try to pay some sort of attention at first, jotting down notes for the first 10 minutes or so. But as always, the more the day went by, the urge to doze off and stare into oblivion grew overwhelmingly, although he knew he would have to compensate for it with studying later if he wanted to keep his good grades (his future self would hate him for this). It didn't help that the consequences of having skipped breakfast that morning were starting to show themselves: Yuusuke was absolutely starving. Fortunately, lunch period was quickly approaching, and soon they would be let out of this cage; otherwise, his stomach would kick survival mode and start eating itself from the inside out. However, in the middle of the 3rd period, the hunger was already starting to get on his nerves. On the last break in-between classes, he made his way out of the classroom and walked to the nearest vending machine, spending almost his entire free time staring daggers into all the snack options, to the dismay of a few students unlucky enough to choose the same one as him. Someone even shouted in frustration, asking him to hurry the hell up; without so much as a glance, Yuusuke delivered a swift kick in the knee, almost causing a fight right there and then.

In the last morning class, taking advantage of when the teacher turned around to face the whiteboard, the teenager reached into his school bag, accurately grabbing a few of the shrimp-flavored chips he bought earlier and quickly throwing them into his mouth. He seemed indifferent to the possibility of anyone snitching on himโ€”he had a feeling no one would bother with that on a Monday morning, and even if they did, he had no reservations in sending them on a painful trip to the infirmary.

When lunchtime finally came, Yuusuke packed his things, carefully slinging his bag over his shoulder. Thankfully, he had brought his own bento today, unlike most days, so there was no need to go to the cafeteria and spend even more money on a meal. He was always broke, so to speak; his uncle only gave him the absolute necessary to ensure he didn't starve himself to death, with their relationship being as strained as it could get and all that. And despite knowing this, Yuusuke still had the bad habit of spending it all on snacks instead.

The teenager walked through the rows of desks, expertly avoiding the regular groups of students that crowded around together to eat with their friends. He then noticed a certain giant just in front of him, holding... tomatoes? His height alone made him stand out like a sore thumb. Yuusuke had a momentary thought, does eating tomatoes make you grow tall? He looked down at his bag of shrimp-flavored chips. He had always thought things like that were utter bullshit, attributing his own ridiculously average height to his bad luck in genes. But then again, the other's warlock (witch) form was absolutely tiny. Did he grow up in his human form after becoming a warlock, or did he shrink down in his warlock form? That made all the difference. Maybe having a change in diet would be of benefit, nonetheless.

Although Yuusuke made no habit of initiating a conversation with others for no apparent reason, the guy looked like he was both reflecting really hard on life and had no thoughts whatsoever, going who knows where. It just so happened that Yuusuke passed by him on his way out. He wasn't in a hurry to go eat now that he wasn't starving anymore, and being in a relatively better mood compared to that morning, he decided on a whim that he ought to at least briefly greet him, even if just to wipe that dumb look off his face.

With snacks in hand, Yuusuke patted the other on the back, parting his mouth to ask how he wasโ€”and realizing once again he couldn't even remember the guy's name. There was a pause for a couple of seconds, his brain sluggishly unable to patch the lack of a name and the rest of the simple question he had intended to askโ€”must be the pre-lunch effect, no doubtโ€”so he blurted out the first thing he could think of instead; which just so happened to be the words Sibylla had told him that morning, when they had met outside of the school building.

"You're coming to the club meeting later, right?" It's not something he'd usually care to ask, but alas, fate or whatnot. Maybe now Yuusuke had to go too. Seeing nothing wrong with this sequence of events, he crossed his arms and looked up at the other's face, consciously trying not to frown as much as usual, although he couldn't tell if it was working. Being nice and polite was hard, but at least he hadn't made things even more unnecessarily awkward than they already were.
code by @Nano
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Mercurius Aleator
Arian Hasumi
โ€Iโ€™ll see you on the other side. But Iโ€™d kill to bring you back tonight.โ€
Annoyed grumbles came from Arianโ€™s mouth as he made his way to the school cafeteria. The only thing notable that happened during any of his classes was playing that game with Aki. Other than that his classes had been incredibly lacklustre. Arian would predict his lunch would be more or less the same as he entered through the double doors leading to the cafeteria. The sound of fellow teens gossiping and chatting filled the cafeteria with a bunch of unwanted noise. For one, Arian hated loud places. Ironic since he spent a good chunck of his time around places like that to find potential people to corrupt into Nightmares.

Arian would walk through the cafeteria, attempting to find a place to sit where he couldnโ€™t be bothered. While doing so he passed Aki and Yuusuke. The only thing he really noted was Aki eating some cherry tomatoes as Yuusuke looked up at him. He decided to pay them no mind, heโ€™d see them at the club after school. After searching for a few more minutes for a quiet place to sit, he had finally found what he was looking for. Unfortunately, it seemed to have already been taken by a somewhat familiar face.

Ethan Atae, a guy Arian hadnโ€™t properly talked to before. He sat sideways with his feet kicked up on the chair beside him, and what looked like to be some kind of lollipop rolling around in his mouth. Arian gave a quick scan of the area, letting out an annoyed sigh as this seemed to be the only quiet place in the cafeteria. Heโ€™d walk up to the table and sit a few chairs away from Ethan, placing his bag down beside him. Reaching inside Arian produced a ziplocked bag once he removed his hand from the bag. Placing it on the table and opening it, he took out a simple sandwich. It definitely wasnโ€™t as fancy or delicious as a bento box he could have prepared, but this would have to do for today. Heโ€™d take a bite of his sandwich before looking around the cafeteria. Attempting to spot anyone interesting he could possibly use to stir some trouble up. Now that would make his day more interesting.
Mentions: Necromantic Necromantic Theasuke Theasuke Managarmrr Managarmrr
Code By Nano


A pained hiss escaped Aki when he felt an unexpected hand touching his back, tupperware full of tomatoes and his bento nearly falling to the floor. The pat hadn't been rough, but it didn't have to be- When he hadn't gotten a chance to allow his body to fully heal before he de-transformed, several stab wounds that'd gone all the way through his chest were bound to linger.

"Shit!" The word escaped Aki before he could think to verbally filter himself, and he watched as his bento actually did end up tumbling out of his shaking grip. Rice balls that had once been shaped like cute pandas (his dad must've made those, his mom preferred traditional shapes) splattered across the tile. There went everything other than the tomatos he'd packed as a snack....

"I-I'm sorry, you surprised me the- Oh Miura-chan..." Aki's excuse for why he'd reacted so harshly to a normal greeting stopped when he realized the culprit had been somebody he was vaguely familiar with. He didn't go out of his way to interact with Yuusuke, they didn't seem to have much of a common interest nor seats close enough for him to decide to chat with him when he was bored, but he seemed like an okay guy. Probably.

"I..." Didn't want to go. Really didn't want to go. He'd already spent hours making sure a Nightmare wasn't purified the night before. He looked down at what had formerly been his lunch, now a splatter of mostly rice on the floor. The face of what had once been a pands didn't help him with saying what he wanted to.

"I'm going. Are you?" He asked as his eyes moved up from the mess on the floor, back to Yuusuke. Polite, smiling again, despite how he most definitely wasn't happy with the entire sequence of events. Yuusuke wasn't really at fault for what'd happened, he couldn't have known the exact spot he'd touched hurt, so Aki didn't intend to take his frustration out on him.

"Though, I'm kind of in a lot of pain. Not sure I should be joining club activities." Aki added after a moment. He didn't know Yuusuke particularly well, they were "coworkers" not "friends", but perhaps that was why he felt comfortable enough to say that.
Theasuke Theasuke
Hansuke Kaito
Interactions: Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples serenibee serenibee
Mentions: animegirl20 animegirl20

A low sigh left Kaito as he exited his class, rubbing the back of his neck to try and ease a bit of tension. He enjoyed the class but found himself slightly distracted by lingering thoughts in the back of his head. He even noticed his notes were less detailed and organized than usual, which rarely happens nowadays. Perhaps it was the past month's stresses of dealing with Wraiths, skulking Nightmares, death of civilians and Magical fighters alike. The most concerning stress on his mind was his 'pupil', Usagi. Well, he called her his pupil, but she always denied it. Whether or not she was his pupil though, Kaito's taken responsibility for her training, showing her the ropes and helping her live longer than the average rookie. Hopefully, he'll run into her in the cafeteria and discuss last night's betrayal. He was interested in what was so important that she felt it was okay to ditch him in the middle of fighting a horde of Wraiths. Ultimately, he came out on top, but if they would work together, he needed to rely on her. Blowing a breath of air from his nose as he pushed the thoughts down for a moment, knowing he wouldn't be having this conversation at school today. He'll have to track her down afterward before he gets ready for tonight's patrol. While planning his afterschool task, Kaito failed to realize he had already made his way to the cafeteria, the smell of today's picks of food bringing him from his thoughts.

After bringing himself to reality he felt his stomach growl and let a hungry smile spread across his face. It was nothing compared to his father's cooking, but Kaito had stopped bringing his food from home after his first year here. With a brighter aura around him, Kaito went to gather his food, stacking rice, chicken, fish, and several veggies onto his tray until his food practically took up every inch of his tray. By the end, most who saw his tray would think this was Kaito's final meal. However, before he could find a seat he was stopped by a few students, all looking to chat or invite him to their tables. Kaito was a bit stun locked for a moment, not by the sudden rush of attention, but by nearly dropping his food to avoid bumping into people. After recovering he gave a happy smile, though few would be able to tell it was forced. There was no irritation behind his smile, just the want to sit down and eat. A few students he had helped tutor in the past wanted to hang out during lunch while a group of girls wanted to hog all of his attention, mentioning something about planning things after school and such. All invitations coming his way were flattering, but Kaito just wanted to eat.

However, as he looked over the crowd around him, he spotted the familiar face of Phoebe waving in his direction, inviting him from a distance. Holding back a sigh of relief, happy to see Phoebe giving him an out, Kaito politely apologized and excused himself from the crowd. Slipping by them and making a B line to Phoebe, not too surprised to see her brother with her, but noticing a new face with them. "Phew! Almost got swallowed whole back there!" he laughed as he reached them, looking at Phoebe with an appreciative grin. "Thanks for giving me an out, saved me and my lunch. Could practically give you a big smooch!" he joked with another laugh, oblivious to what he said since he was just grateful to have escaped with his food. Looking at Lincoln and the mystery girl with the same grin, he nodded to one of the tables. "Come on, let's sit down and dig in, I'm starved," he said before making his way to an empty table, being the first to sit down. A long sigh escaped him before he pulled apart his chopsticks and wasted no time filling his mouth with rice and chicken, a shiver of happiness running up his spine to finally fill his stomach. As he swallowed his first bite though he looked at the mystery girl and cleared his throat. "Sorry, I was so focused on stuffin my face that I didn't introduce myself," he said to the girl with an apologetic smile. "Hansuke Kaito, nice to me ya! What's your name? I don't think I've seen you around before," he said to her, doing his best to be as welcoming as possible.

_Mayumi Rose Bell_
(sorry if things are inconsistent, Iโ€™m editing this on my phone)
Location: Mitakihara Academy
Interactions: Hikari, Guppy Franz Guppy Franz , Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples
Mentions: animegirl20 animegirl20 , redraider redraider


Looking up at the Hansuke, she smiled. He seemed to have a nice sense of humor which was a nice trait. โ€œMy name is Mayumi!โ€ She introduced. โ€œHmmโ€ฆโ€ Hikari mumbled. โ€œWhat?โ€ She whispered. โ€œNothing.โ€ Hikari replied. Looking back up at him, he gave her a strange yet curious look. She blushed profusely and averted her eyes. โ€œUhmโ€ฆโ€ she mumbled but nobody heard her. Kaito, Lincoln and Phoebe began to talk as they looked for a seat. It didnโ€™t seem like there could be any open seats for them to sit. โ€œWhere will we sit?โ€ She asked nobody in particular. She sighed and pulled out her sketchbook. If she couldnโ€™t find a seat for awhile, sketching could take her mind off of her nerves. She overheard parts of other students conversations while walking around. โ€œI forgot my lunch box!โ€ A blonde girl cried, running down the hall to another girl. They were younger than Mayumi and she didnโ€™t recognize them. She also overheard some drama about a battle last night. Oh yeah, that happened. A really strong warlock showed up and Mayumi struggled with battling them. She had some scars and bandages on her arms and legs. โ€œMan, the gossip never stops.โ€ Hikari observed. โ€œMhmโ€ฆI just wish they would stop talking about me like that.โ€ Mayumi looked out the window while walking with the group. โ€œYeahโ€ฆI can see where that would be weird.โ€ Mayumi continued to walk with the group, feeling out of place like always.
"Is it bad if I just leave?"
Aki ( Necromantic Necromantic )
Yuusuke flinched at Aki's unexpected cry, every single muscle on his body tensing reflexively out of habit. Yet, contrary to what his instincts told him, what followed was not a stray punch or kick. Instead, Yuusuke's pupils shrank as the bento box tumbled out of Aki's grasp, its contents scattering across the floor. Fortunately, the outburst had already put him on high alert, allowing him to easily take a few steps back and avoid the splurge of rice and flying grains that could have ended up on his shoes otherwise.

Yuusuke didn't offer an apology for startling Aki. Instead, he consciously tightened the grip on his chips (he wouldn't want them to end up the same way, after all), feeling so baffled by the entire ordeal that he didn't even register the oddly endearing choice of an honorific suffix. His eyes roamed around the room, noting the sudden silence; sure enough, several pairs of eyes had fallen on them, drawn by the commotion. Yuusuke glared at the onlooking students, prompting a few heads to turn away in a hurry. Interacting with an idol always came with its drawbacks, especially in moments like these. He wouldn't end up on some kind of gossip forum or fan group, would he? The last thing he wanted was to be branded as a school bully who destroyed the local idol's lunch or something. Yuusuke might not be the most knowledgeable in idol culture, but he was at least aware the two warlocks in particular took advantage of their popularity to prey on their own audience, probably even creating a Nightmare here and thereโ€”very efficient use of resources, in his opinionโ€”but that was bound to cultivate some obsessive fans. Getting caught in the middle of the crossfire was something Yuusuke found far from appealing.

He shifted his attention back to Aki, watching as his eyes drifted to the floor and back up again, answering his question as if nothing had happened at all. Caught in the flow, Yuusuke nodded, indicating he was likely also going to the meeting. The way the guy reacted so nonchalantly to having his food practically massacred was a bit disconcerting, but to be confided in was even more so. He hoped the warlock didn't expect some heartfelt advice, as that was way beyond his dictionary. In fact, Yuusuke's way of thinking when it came to his wants and needs was overly simplistic, to the point where he didn't quite understand why he said he was going in the first place if the pain was that bad. He leaned lazily on the desk behind him, sighing as he let his bag fall along the curvature of his arm down to the floor. The barely touched lunch, the polite smile, the unbearable painโ€”he honestly looked miserable. And maybe because of that, or maybe because of something else, Yuusukeโ€™s usual sharp comments were tempered by a strange, surprising emotion. He found himself feeling... sorry? No, that couldnโ€™t be right.

"Then... just don't go? Do you even need to be there?" He shrugged, aware that his words might sound harsh, though he didn't intend to imply the warlock was useless or anything. From what Yuusuke had observed in their brief time fighting together, he seemed to have some kind of resistance to injuries, which was even a bit too handy, one might say. But it's not like every single one of them had to always be present in the meetings, seeing there were always enough people around to help out if needed. "That's way too much dedication. I sure as hell wouldn't bother." Yet he knew his words carried little weight, just like Aki probably wasn't really asking Yuusuke for his sincere opinion on the matter.

"By the way..." He pointed to the scattered contents on the floor, his scowl deepening. "What are you going to do about that?" His words had barely finished, and he was already kneeling to rummage through his bag, taking out a black wallet from a side pocket. He resented the idea of having to clean up after a mess he hadn't intended to cause, but the situation was starting to displease him greatly, and he wanted it gone. If only the warlock had yelled at him, that way he would have had a reason to yell back and go on his way with a clear conscience. Instead, he was left trying to find a solution for his newfound guilt.

"...I'll buy you lunch?"
code by @Nano
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Yuzuki Takeru
Location: Classroom -- Back of School
Mentions: Guppy Franz Guppy Franz animegirl20 animegirl20 serenibee serenibee felideli felideli Hanarei Hanarei Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples redraider redraider Managarmrr Managarmrr Squad141 Squad141 Nellancholy Nellancholy Peckinou Peckinou Theasuke Theasuke Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury Necromantic Necromantic
Interactions: N/A
OOC: (You do not have to join this fight or anything or even notice it. This is only in case you want your character to notice. Magical Girls/Boys will have their Soul Gems pulse if you want your character to notice there is a Wraith nearby. Somewhat the same case for Witches/Warlocks.)

The practice lasted all of half an hour or so since everyone needed to get to their daily classes for the day, considering how he was late for practice again, Yuzuki was surely going to be told that he was going to have to stay late for more practice even when the rest of his peers would be leaving for the day. He didn't mind doing so since it wasn't as though he had anyone waiting for him back at home and he didn't have anything to do after school either aside from his usual patrols through the city for Wraiths and Nightmares. Even if there were any threats around though, if there were other Magical Girls or Boys in the general area, he wouldn't bother to take action if it wasn't required, he had many other responsibilities that he had to attend to aside from his job as a protector, after all, what would his family think of him if his academics was at risk because of something he was doing that others could do as well. As his thoughts wandered, when the sound of the morning chime of the school's first period starting rang throughout the halls, Yuzuki nearly snapped out of his trance-like state only to realize that he was barely even focusing on his practice when he was lost in thought.

As Yuzuki and his peers returned to the locker room while taking turns to go into the changing room to change back into their proper school uniform, each student who finished changing sprinted out of the room to head directly to their homerooms to prepare for the school day. Yuzuki on the other hand was in no rush to start the day as he took his time to get dressed and finally take his leave. As he made his way through the halls, he'd wave and greet those who knew him from the same class or just from watching previous tournaments the school had gone through and recognized him as one of the participants in the school's team.

Until lunch period arrived, the day went by as usual, one class after another, Yuzuki spent his time taking a few notes or daydreaming while he stared out the window. Once lunchtime came around and the rest of the students went to either get their lunches from their bags or spend time with their friends to eat together, Yuzuki lifted his bag only to take a peek inside, from there he realized that he had forgotten his wallet and his lunch at home. With a shocked and defeated look, he slumped forward on his desk as his stomach growled. With his head turned to the side so that he could stare out the window at the overcast sky, just as he started to close his eyes to take a nap in class, the sudden thud of something slamming onto his desk caused him to jolt upwards with widened eyes. "Heyy Yuzuki! What ya doing just sitting there? Arent ya hungry?" This student was Kenji, a student in the same class as Yuzuki and one of his closest friends since they started school around the same time together.

"Uhh...I didn't bring anything. Kind of forgot since I was late for practice." As Yuzuki tried to laugh off his mistake, his friend Kenji would cross his arms before making 'tsk' sounds over and over again as though he were a disappointed parent even though they were around the same age. "Lucky for you, your senpai always brings extra just for such an occasion!" As the male laughed as though he were some kind of superior to him, he'd make his way back over to his desk, rummaging through his bag before returning with a small plastic container that had a couple of spring rolls with peanut sauce on the side for dipping. The sight of the food alone had Yuzuki's stomach growling as he looked up towards his friend in disbelief. "Kenji..I cant take--" Before he could so much as finish his comment, a hand was held out toward his face as though stopping him midsentence. "I won't hear it Yuzu, you need to eat so that you can bring home the first-place trophy for our school. Practicing on an empty stomach is only going to make you sloppy...besides, this way I can make you owe me.." Whispering and snickering to himself at the last bit of his comment, Yuzuki exhaled a sigh of defeat, knowing well enough his friend was right before proceeding to eat the spring rolls.

Moments after he started to eat the spring rolls, a sudden vibration/pulsing sensation, was felt in his chest as he nearly choked on the last piece he had bitten into. Holding up a single finger to tell his friend to wait who was staring with confusion as to how Yuzuki started choking so suddenly on something as simple as a few spring rolls, he'd turn to the side only to pull out his Soul Gem that he had dangling around his neck on a small chain, wearing it as a form of necklace. As he held out the gem, it continued to pulse like a beating heart as though there was danger nearby. "A wraith...? Here? Not good." Mumbling under his breath, he'd turn back to face Kenji only to give him a smile to try and act as though everything was fine. "Hey Kenji...I'm going to head to the nurse's office. I'm feeling a little light-headed. I'm good going alone, can you just tell the teacher that I'll be back as soon as I can." As he informed his friend of what he was going to do before Kenji could so much as get a word out, Yuzuki sprinted out of the classroom, rushing down the hall as he swerved around the students until he finally reached back out to the courtyard where he held out the Soul Gem. The closer he reached the location of the Wraith, the more the gem pulsed, eventually coming around towards the back of the academy where the track field was, the gem seemed to pulse and direct towards behind the bleachers.

Luckily since it was winter, none of the students were going to be heading out to the track field in this weather, especially with snow covering everything. Taking the opportunity, he squeezed his Soul Gem firmly before closing his eyes. As the gem glowed, the entirety of his body was enveloped in a bright light before he was lifted off the ground several feet into the air, as he was stripped of his normal school uniform and form, as colors of green, black, gold, and white swirled around his body, he'd eventually ended up bursting out with a bright flash of light on the side of the school's building. As he landed back on his feet with spear in hand, the butt of the spear had made a small indent into the cement with cracks all around it just from the impact of its landing. "Alright...let's get this over with..."
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As lunch began, Amanda saw Usagi race off to try to get her meal. "Usagi, wait! I have some sushi rolls I can spare. Don't worry about me, I'll have a snack when I get home."

And then... it happened.

The fact that she had no feeling whatsoever below her waist be damned, the crystal in her pocket pulsed. Here?! Now!? You have got to be kidding me. It almost felt like... like an electrical shock! Yes, that was it. And just to make absolutely certain, it zapped her again. "Umm, Usagi. I've got to tell you something, but you have to agree to keep it a secret. You aren't going to believe me, but..."
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Phoebe & Lincoln Brooks
Hemera & Nereus

Location: Mitakihara Academy
Interactions: Kaito ( Guppy Franz Guppy Franz ), Mayumi ( serenibee serenibee ) and Yuzuki ( Nothingness Nothingness )
Mentions: N/A

Phoebe beamed happily up at Kaito as he showed her gratitude for getting him out of that situation, he did seem to be a bit stressed by it and she was glad to give him an out. "Don't mention it--a smooch?" She blinked a few times as her face turned red, her smile sheepish. Of course Lincoln squinted his eyes at Kaito, but thankfully said nothing about that smooch comment. Kaito was very lucky for that, and even luckier that Lincoln thought he was a decent enough guy. Anyone else who said such things to his sister would have been decked in the face on the spot, no hesitation.

Mayumi's presence made Lincoln bristle in annoyance, though he quirked a brow when she seemed to be mumbling to herself...his brows furrowed in suspicion. Suppose he would have to keep an eye on her if she was a witch. And it seemed she wandered off instead of sitting with them at the table, which made Lincoln's shoulders visibly relax.

Phoebe looked to Mayumi, smiling sympathetically to her. "You can come sit with us, it's okay!" She assured, though she would give Mayumi the choice of course. She looked to Kaito now, "By the way, Lincoln and I were thinking of going to the Arcade after school. Would you like to join us?"

Before Lincoln could give his two cents on that matter, he stiffened as the sapphire soul gem he wore as a broach on his uniform shirt started to pulse. And in tandem, the amber soul gem that Phoebe wore on a lace choker pulsed in front of her neck. Both of the twins looked to each other, on alert, and Lincoln hummed while Phoebe cleared her throat. She looked to Kaito with a sincerely apologetic smile. "S-sorry, Kaito, Lincoln and I got that twin sense going right now. We forgot to take care of something important for Science class, very silly of us, but we'll be back soon, okay?"

"And if we're not, just head to class, we'll be there on time." Lincoln added with a low tone, standing up and motioning for Phoebe to follow him.

"Right, see you Kaito, s-sorry!" Phoebe bowed to him in apology, then followed Lincoln out of the cafeteria, down the hall and out into the wintry day to avoid being seen.

"Let's try and hurry, Linc." Phoebe sighed as she gripped her soul gem.

"This won't take long, Phoebe, don't worry." Lincoln murmured as he gripped his own soul gem.

In tandem, they used the power of their respective gems to transform: Phoebe's school uniform melted away, replaced with a bright yellow grown, her legs covered in white stockings and her shoes adorned with purple high heels. Her brown hair turned purple, and her eyes brightening with the color of amber. Her hands became covered with white gloves, and a small crown adorned with jewels appeared on her head while her amber scepter appeared in her hand, ornate with wings and the handle made of pure gold, her look finished off with small golden earrings that dangled from her ears, her soul gem proudly on display on her choker.

At the same time, Lincoln's own uniform vanished, replaced with a more regal attire in black and silver, looking like a prince from a fairy tale - especially as his ornate sword of silver appeared in his hand. His brown hair turned dark blue and his eyes a lighter shade of the same color, a midnight blue caplet draped along his shoulder with his soul gem worn as a brooch right over his heart. His hands were covered in black gloves and his feet with decorative black heeled boots.

Thus, Lady Hemera and Ser Nereus arrived on the scene, ready for battle, running towards the field and spotting a magical boy in the distance. "Hey! We're here to help!" Hemera called out.

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