The Last Poster Wins

 *Hears your cry and jumps down, landing lightly on her feet. Even it was six feet down.* Oh. Well...lookie here....someone is still alive. *Kneels next to @Yumoto.* I will help you....however, you can no longer kill me in that killing
Ah. Come on. I do not care if you die at this point. I am having fun here. I don't know about you. *Smirks and turns you onto your side, beginning to help you out, bandaging @Yumoto's wounds.* I will let your bandages free....
*Sighs, jumps nimbly out of the grave and trots over to a near by gravestone, leans against it and pulls out of her bunny hat a hot cup of tea.*
Fine, I guess I'll just get up on my own then. *jumps two inches*


I refuse to let a grave hold me down. *Proceeds to continually jump a consistent two inches*
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The "g" in my new name is just sitting there in the middle of nowhere... It's surprisingly annoying.

*Is now capable of jumping two and a half inches*
 *Yawns and waves to @Vagabond Spectre, then brings out a cup of tea from her bunny hat again, having finished the other cup.*

*Waves back with a huge scythe over shoulder* Why is @iWriteAboutNothing down there?

Long story short: quite a few people didn't like that I carried that name. I can deal, just used an older name.


*Jump now reaches three inches* I will get there... Eventually...

That explains it.

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