The Last Poster Wins

Llama: I'm not a supernatural!!! I'm simply a llama that can talk due to a vocal cord correction~ Sure it's impossible, but that's beside the point :D
Llama: Oh... yeah... I guess I should've... Here it goes then *clears throat* HOLY MOTHER OF THE GREAT ALPACA DON'T EAT MEHHH
Llama: *sneezes as fire wafts over him* Annnnnnywho. What exactly are were trying to do again?
Llama: Quite odd indeed.... Though the first post says "The rules are simple. The last person to post in this thread wins the game."

Llama: Meaning, we might not even get a crown, or a trophy. Just... bragging rights?
Llama: I ditto that statement.... Anyways, after this, I'm sincerely not posting more. The 'prize' is yours.
Alright, I'm going to stop posting here as well. I'm tired of seeing 294 notifications, just to have 295 be from one of these spammy games. :)

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