The Last Poster Wins

"PUt YOUR HANDs up. You are under arrest due to messing with police operations. Do you cotest to searches? Well idk so lemme pat you done *find crown* I hope you drop the soap a lot!?"
Llama: I laugh at you. Your pathetic things do nothing! Even though I have nooooo idea what they are!
Pity. well then time for something new: A minigun that shoots smaller miniguns that fires rockets at 2000rpm all while playing Tchaikovsky's overture of 1812. have fun.
Llama: I'm pretty sure that's physically impossible.... *watches you skeptically* -.-

Llama: Besides, I'm pretty sure I prefer Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries....
Keep in mind, you are literally going up against a curtain of highly explosive missiles. hope you've played your fair share of touhou or ikaruga or other bullet hell games.
Karma: *Simply opens a portal in Llama's stomach, teleports the crown out, warps it into a bath tub, and warps it into a high security vault*

(You know, this entire game concept is slightly flawed.)
*Flies in takes vault, drops it letting crown fly out, and picks it up* I have returned to claim what is mine. Who dares to dispute my right?
*Re-opens portal and force pulls the crown back* Nice try but you will have to try much harder than that to best me

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