The Last Of Humanity In A Forgotton World [Inactive]

She was half way to accepting death when the cavalry had arrived, quite literally to boot. At first all she could make out was the horses legs and hear the galloping and muffled thud of gunfire. She looked bemused as the scene unfolded as something out of medieval times. She snapped out of her shock at the scene, taking advantage on the distraction by making sure the other side of the van away from the fight was clear. Satisfied Alex slid out of cover taking cover on the other side of the van and waved at the man the horse that she was clear.

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Willow heard a whistle, and 4 out of the 6 zombies beneath her disappeared. She couldn't see what was happening, tree branches and leaves were in the way, but she heard a squelchy slashing sound and the zombies growling and screaming. The other two zombies beneath her ran towards something, or someone as Willow guessed, and were quickly dispatched.

Willow was both ecstatic, and terrified. What if the person below her was one of those people that killed everything? What if-? She interrupted her own thoughts. No, if the person below was gonna kill her, they would have left her to the zombies most likely. Besides, she had a gun too.

But, Willow wasn't gonna give up her high ground just yet. Let the person out there make the first move.

Just to ba safe, Willow cocked her gun again, keeping the safety on for now, and wedged herself between two branches.

"Your move, whoever you are."
Fae looked at the guy who was bowing at her. She snapped her fingers twice, and Lamin and Halo began to evaluate him. They never left her side, but they evaluated. She wasn't entirely sure how to respond; her social skills were pretty rusty. "Uhuh. I... Don't do that often." She stuttered over her words.

Ash looked outside. "Are you okay? You didn't get hurt? At all?" He asked, worried. There was no way she fought all those zombies without a wound of some sort.

Fae sighed and put her hands up and turned a 180, showing her non-injured self to the worried man. "Uh. No. I didn't get hurt. At all. What do I look like? Some pansy?" She asked. She couldn't really tell what her attitude was. Was it snarky? Was it pathetic? Was it sarcastic?

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Adam continued whistling until he saw the girl signal at him, he nodded before clicking his tongue and he circled past the zombie hoard, White Chocolate galloped past them, slowing as he pulled the reins, "Would you like a ride?" He asked slowly, staring a the running zombie hoard, one of his bright blue eyes were white and clouded but the other was a bright brillant blue that sparklezed. He scooted forward on the saddle to allow room for the girl, his hand outstretched for her, "Or would you like to stay here?" He stated as more of a statement rather then a question.

Avery glanced around at the voice while Eragon jumped, ears back, "Hey boy, calm down" She commanded before slipping her katana in, hands raised, "I was just helping someone out, no need to show yourself. Unless you want an Oreo?" She asked, pulling the bag out and munching on one loudly, "Mmm. God, it feels like it's been so long" She sighed happily before holding one out in front of her, swinging her arm in all directions, "You're free to have one. Then I will continue on my way."

Ashton raised in eyebrows, "Really? Your skills were great!" He complimented softly before grabbing his dogs' collars as they came out, Wolf instantly stiffened, growling while Smoke's ears went back. "Blake, she has dogs, hold onto Hunter" He warned and Blake's grip tightened on the leash hooked up to Hunter's collar. Hunter was panting, laying down on the floor of the shack; "Got him" He called back before stretching, listening to them talk. Ashton turned around, with a small glare at the stranger before smiling warmly at Fae, "I doubt he was calling you that, miss" He said, polietly but Ashton had an impressed smile on his face.
Willow frowned, but slowly climbed down from the tree. As she hit the ground, she was now able to see her rescuer.

She looked to be in her mid twenties, covered in tattoos, and really looked like she knew what she was doing. Which at the moment, was eating a box of Oreos. A dog was growling at her side.

Willow didn't put down her gun, but definitely wasn't prepared to kill this girl, if need be. She could feel her hands shaking. "Who are you?" Willow asked, her eyes shifting from the girl to the dog, then back to the girl.
Avery held out the bag of Oreos, no way in hell would she kill such a young girl. She licked her lips slowly before sticking out her hand, in the other she was balancing the package of Oreos, "I am Avery Sorries, twenty six years old and this is Eragon" She said formelly with a huge smile, "Also, your safety is on. You gotta turn that off to shoot" She explained before pulling a pistol from her back, it was under her shirt, "I have a pistol" She tucked it back and pulled out her katana, "My katana and this" She now showed her fist, which had a knuckle brace with a blade across it. "These are my only weapons" She explained, lazily. She glanced around, "We should get moving, I'll take you back to the place I'm staying, if you would like." She said to the shorter girl. ( :) It would be helpful if you put a height. The average height for a girl her age is five feet, five inches)
Fae snapped once and pointed at the ground, and both dogs sat. She patted Halo on the head, then Lamin when he whined due to lack of attention. She looked between the charming guy, the one peeking out, and the one talking about the dogs. "You aren't close with them." She stated dimly.

Ash gaped at her. "How did you know that?" He knew neither of the strangers were particularly kind, but he hadn't thought that he didn't look to belong with them. Was he that much of an open book? His confusion was obvious.

Fae shrugged. "I'm extremely observant." She paused. "Anyway, thanks for the compliment." She said, referring to the charmer. "But I'd rather get moving before I get mauled by a zombie." She looked down at her pitbulls. "Lamin, Halo, come on."

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Willow flushed. "I kept the safety on on purpose!" She lowered her pistol, slowly walking towards Avery and her dog. "My name's Willow Jackwood. So you aren't going to kill me?" Willow eyed the dog. "Or let your dog eat me?"
Avery seemed to freezed and looked like she wanted to smack Willow but said slowly, "Pitbulls. Are. Not. Violent. Unless. People. Make. Them. They. Are. The. Best. Type. Of. Dog." She said slowly, struggling to keep her anger down before taking a deep breath, "Pitbulls are sadly misunderstood because people use them for dog fights because they have the body shape for it. They use to be royality, kings and queens used them to guard their children because of how gentle, loyal and protective, they are" She explained before grinning, "Sorry, p*sses me off when people think they are so bad" She explained, petting Eragon's head softly and he wagged his tail. "Plus I only kill people if they try to kill me. Killed four men who wanted to rape me" Avery explained with a weird grin, "Pieces of flith, they deserved much worst then what I allowed them to have. I should have tied them up and left them to go through the process of turning but I spared them, I left them to turn, leaving their brains untouched. "Especially since they killed my father in the process" She hissed with a deathly glare before grinning, "Come on, come on, we should get going. The screams are sure to have caused other infected to come. Oh, and nice to meet you, Willow" She said, cheerfully before closing the Oreos and tucking them away in her huge backpack. "Let's go, let's go!" She hummed as she bounced back towards the road where she killed the infected.

Ashton was glancing over Fae with intrested eyes, "You don't have to go" He said, simply but made no move to stop her, he didn't seem to interested in her observant skills because it was problematic for him. "Well, I guess we'll see you around. Try not to get bitten, or die." He said, cheerfully before patting Smoke's head. (Sorry wb ;3; )
Fae turned back to him and stared. She had a very important decision to make. Choice A; go with these three and have a better chance of survival, but break all of her freedom and free-will. Choice B; go on her way alone, with the same slim chances of survival, while living free with her free-will. She pursed her lips. "And if I decided to stay?" She asked him.

Ash shook his head and hopped out of the shack. He'd done what he'd set out to do; give the inhaler back. He was was out. Gone. These two obviously didn't like him very much, and he wasn't one to pry, anyway. It'd be best that he leave now. So he did.

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Blake glanced at Ashton, mouthed 'Be right back' and pointed after the other boy, Ashton nodded, mouthing back, 'Don't stray'. Before Blake shut the shack, leaving Hunter in there and hopped after Xayvier, as he stomped through the forest brush after the boy, Ashton's confidence started leaving him, he became nervous, why was he following him? "Hey, wait up!" He called after Xayvier.

Ashton watched Blake leave before glancing back at Fae, "If you stay, then you help us survive, we share meals fairly and anything food found is the group's not just yours. We are headed out of the city towards Cottontail Town, which will take several days on foot, once we get there, we are going to go to see if it's effected, which it will be. We will loot the houses for food, steal the a jeep or truck and drive up to Deerfoot Falls on Lumber Mountain, there is a huge cabin there with electricty powered by the falls and we will stay there. It's huge, has lots of food because we stocked up on cans, and there is hunting equipment there and Blake and I can hunt very well. I'll teach you, if you come with, and you can choose to stay with or leave, it has a heater for the winters and beds. We can fortify it, and ta-da"
Fae didn't have to contemplate this for long. She nodded. "Alright. Not a bad deal. I'll stay." She bobbed her head a little. "I know how to hunt some. But I guess a few extra lessons wouldn't kill anyone."

Ash stopped and turned around, his brows furrowed in confusion. "Er. Yeah?" He asked a bit nervously. He wasn't sure what he wanted, but he wasn't about to act like a five-year-old and throw a fit.

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Willow followed behind Avery, her head constantly swivelling to look around. Finally seeming to relax, Williw tried to make conversation. "Sorry about the dog thing... He's adorable by the way. Your dog I mean." She said.

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She hesitated at first. Not out of some mistrust of the rider, though that was part of it, but from uncertainty on getting on a horse. A city girl through and through the only horses she saw were on tv and some such. She sighed st herself.

"This is the least of your problems, Alex."she scolded herself under her breath. Before looking at the man before speaking her tone unclear whether she was joking or dead serious.

" Alright but any reference to knights and damsels, and i toss you off."

She pushed herself to take his hand and made an awkward attempt to get on.

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Ashton nodded, "Alright, glad to have you on board" He said with a broad, slightly fake, smile. He stuck out his hand, his intense hazel eyes ran over her face before smiling larger, "A few hunting lessons never killed anyone, except in every scene ever" He joked, chuckling at his joke before glancing the pitbulls over, "Cute dogs, they friendly? Wolf, the bigger one, he's a wolfhound mix is a bit cautious with other dogs but allows them, Smoke here, smaller one, is a deerhound mix, he's a bit skittish as in easily jumpy but good" He explained.

Blake hesitated, why did he really stop the boy, "Uh, I wanted to, er, thank you properly" He explained, slowly, is that what he wanted? He pushed the thought off before brushing his chocolate, brown hair away from his matching brown eyes, with a small ring of gray around them. "Really, thank you" He added, now avoiding looking at the boy.

Avery nodded, pushing a board away on a fence, it hung loosely and she squezzed through, not answering at first, "It's fine. Many people are like that" She stated slowly, "And I know he is" Her voice much softer as Eragon hopped through behind her, "Come on, come on. We need to get out of here" She stated, she had a small skip to her walk, she was so happy that she had met someone, even if she was young.

Adam smiled slightly, and fully pulled her on, his strength rather surprising for his looks. "Hold on" He warned slowly before clicking his tongue and nudding the horse, the horse snorted, not liking the new weight but started galloping away, it's hooves making a nice rythm on the asphalt, they easily were distancing themselves from the infected, "Anywhere that you want to go in particular?" The boy as, his blue hair was messy but he didn't seem to notice. His intense blue eyes were locked in front of him, he knew where he was to go, back to his hideout but if she wanted to go elsewhere, he would drop the beautiful woman off first.
Fae shrugged. "Friendly until I'm put in danger. They're extremely protective." She shook the guy's hand. "Only reason I could guess is because we created a strong bond together a long time ago!" She rubbed the back of her head. "I can't really remember." She shook her head, dropping her hand. "Anyway, name's Fae." She said. If she was going to stick with them, she might as well introduce herself. But there was something about this guy, and the other one, too, that made her feel extremely uneasy. She couldn't place it.

Ash blinked, then smiled. "No problem. I'm really just glad I got your inhaler back to you in time." He paused. "You should probably get another one soon, by the way it sounds." He suggested politely.

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Ashton nodded, "Well, I'll release these two then" He let the dogs go and instantly Wolf towered over the dogs, sniffing with a stiff posture, to let them know that he can fight while Smoke whined and rolled over onto his back, to let the dogs know that they are the alpha male. "I'm Ashton Silver, my best friend back there was Blake Droons. We've been best friends since we were four; Blake is a great man, and I would do almost anything for him. Saved me from my physically and sexually abusive father" He explained with a grin before glancing back towards the woods for Blake. "Would you like to come inside? It's dirty and plain but oh well"

Blake nodded in agreement, "I'm not that much of a runner but I haven't found any while scavenging. If you would like..." He started slowly, hesitating on how Ashton might react but continued, "You can come with us" (Writers block)
Fae's expression turned blank, but had a slightly depressed tinge. "I'm... Glad he got you out of that." She paused. "I wish I could share my past... But I don't remember any of it." She blinked, putting up her usual barriers. "Sure. Let's go inside." She murmured her reply.

Ash felt mixed emotions. Uneasiness, joy, and fear. He frowned in thought. He wasn't sure what had happened with the girl, and he wasn't sure he wanted to meet up and be on her bad side, either. He also couldn't live out here on his own for the rest of his life. He took a deep breath. "What'll it hurt?" He replied, a small smile playing at his lips.

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Blake grinned, "Pleasure to have you on board" He chirped, sticking his hand out, "My name is Blake, the @sshole back there was my best friend, Ashton, he's kind of the leader so don't get on his bad side. Let's see, uh, we share all food, no matter what, no man left behind unless they put the entire group at risk... And, don't pick up anything that will slow you down" He said slowly, reading off the rules before grinning, "Oh! And shoot to kill... People and Infected included" He stated with a smile before turning around, "We better get back, Ashton is already going to stab me for inviting you even though it's against our rules"

Ashton tilted his head, "You don't remember?" He decided not to push it and opened the door, whistling to call Wolf and Smoke, while keeping Hunter from escaping, "Alright, Ladies first" He held the door open, stepping on Hunter's leash to keep him from running off. He glanced around for Blake again before shutting it after Fae, her dogs, and their dogs were in.
Fae shook her head. "Not a thing." She mumbled. She was thinking ahead. She warned Ashton about Lamin and Halo's protective tendencies, and they already knew her skill in killing. Really, all she had to do was keep herself and the other two alive until they got to the cabin Ashton told her about. She felt anxious, but didn't show it.

Ash chuckled, a bit nervous. "I won't even try to imagine what he'll do to me, then." Ash took his hand. "I'm Xayvier. You could call me Ash, either way doesn't matter." He felt a weight pulled off his chest; with a group, he had better chances of survival.

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"Wow..." She said the horse began to move unprepared for the bounce and sway. She gripped tightly at the saddle and tried to maintain her balance, just barely. "Heh.... I am clearly out my depth on him....." She commented with a slight smile before considering the question asked of her. "There is one place but that's neither here nor there right now.... I don't want to be a burden, just drop me off in the nearest safe place and ill be off..." She began to yawn heavily, the excitement of the day getting to her. "...Sorry."

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Ashton patted her should lightly, "It's nice to have you in here. Remember, shoot to kill. Infected or Humans" He said softly before flopping down on the floor, and the Bloodhound sniffed Ashton before approuching Fae, sniffing her cautiously before wagging his tail and jumping up on her, licking her face. (Writers Block :P )

Blake grinned, "Nawh, don't worry. He'll only kill me, he doesn't like to admit it but he lets people join if I want them too, I don't really like being with only one other person. I prefer groups, but he doesn't; but I'll tell you, Ashton will not save you, if you hold the group back, he will not go back for you. If you are a good teamate, he won't let you die." He explained before turning back towards the cabin, "Pleasure to meet you, Xayvier!"

Adam nodded, "You can hang onto me, if you need to. We are going to go much faster-" He was warning as suddenly White Chocolate whined and reared, he instantly held on tightly, holding onto the other girl's arm as he fell back into place. White Chocolate reared again, and his grip became tighter on the girl's arm. His @ss slipped back in the saddle but he didn't fall, as the horse fell back onto the ground, he glanced around for what startled it. The horse snorted again, shifting it's weight and backing up, "God dammit, it was a rattlesnake, he hates snakes to death"
Fae smiled, patting the dog's head. She had a soft spot for dogs. "I've always lived by that rule; shoot to kill. Otherwise, what's the point?" She agreed. She didn't say anything about his patting her shoulder, and didn't make it look like it affected her in any way.

Ash gaped at Blake for a moment before turning back and following Blake back to the cabin. He wasn't sure what to expect.

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Willow nodded, following close behind the older girl. "Where are we going, by the way? Is it safe? Or, the equivalent of safe, considering the circumstances..."

(Sorry i haven't been posting, i've been busy)
"That's alright, i think i am getting the hang..."She was going to say her confidence growing, until the horse reared."Ow..god!" She panicked, feeling Adam grab on to her arm she instinctively grabbed back. She felt her self slip of in the last kick making her hold on to Adam more until the horse stopped. She let go of him and sighed trying to calm herself."Sorry...F**k! Escaping flesh eating zombies all this time and its a horse ride that is going to kill me...,Some rescue that would have been.,,You are ok?"

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