The Last Of Humanity In A Forgotton World [Inactive]

Kai and Lupa heard gunshots and fired from some direction. He peeked out of the window of his tower with his sniper. He spotted two women and a dog. He wondered if he should try and hitcha ride with them. He turned his scope to a barn outside of town with dead piled in front of it. He wondered if he should go help the person in there. The girls were closer and where would he bring them if he managed to help them. The women likely had a shelter, he only had supplies for him and his dog to last a month. He definitely saw an elephant in that barn so his food would be gone all to quick. He decided he'd have to come back for the barn after linking up with the women. He ran down the tower steps and got on him motorcycle. His wolf Lupa hopped in the sidecar. He took off with only enough gas to reach the women at the end of the street. He went as fast as he could burning rubber at turns making skidding sounds but the gun shots would've called dead already so why be quiet. He pulled the bike to an incredible stop at the end of the street as two woman approached. (@Kaiawolf,Awarriorcat)
Avery chuckled under her breath, "We are a way to my shelter, it's a secret but it's safe, as far as I know." She explained with a smile, she instantly crouched down, pulling Willow behind a car as a man approuched them on a motorcycle. She pulled her katana out, and her pistol, "Run across the street, hop over the fence and there is a shed, hide in there with Eragon, don't come out unless I knock on the door. Make sure it's me, if this man turns out to overpower me and I'm forced to get you, I'll say Ready to go?" She explained before giving her a pat on the back. "Go, don't worry. Eragon, follow" She commanded before reloading her pistol. The beautiful, blonde stood up with her katana in hand and her pistol pointed at the boy; "Can I help you?" She asked with a smirk. (@SekiryuuteiDxD )
"So what to do when you eat all are food" Dreidel said in a censer voice and with teary eyes "come on it's been what..a day and your already celled your fate and I don't need to eat to much as the days past my body will adapt and yes i will be hungry but so wont you so don't worry we got each others and from what i can hear there are people around us" .steve speech forced the man to suck it up but also brought up the fact that there were others around friend or foe who care's people may have supplies. Dreidel spectates as a man and woman converse "well it's dinner time" Dreidel grabs to containers of peanut butter and a apple "this will have to hold you over for 5 days and ill just take an apple" Steve say's nothing and eats his food.
"Easy i am not a rapist nor murder, i actually despise those. You are the first normal seeming people i've seen in a while. I was hoping to hitch a ride or join up. It gets lonely and boring without others. Besides there's someone who needs help and wait a minute. He's in there." He said gesturing to a building within view of them."Anyway what made me tag along is the fact you have a dog, i have a wolf so close enough right." At that moment Lupa gave an excited bark. Kai got up and placed his hands up as a gesture of friendliness.
Willow quickly ran across the street and hopped the fence. She shot a quick look back to Avery and the boy, then to the nearby shed. Eragon urged her on, and she complied, entering the shed and hiding behind some wreckage. "Please don't die..." She muttered.

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Avery winks at Willow before glancing the male over, lazily, "How can I believe that?" She asked with little intrest, rolling her head around, getting ready for a fight. She yawned, her electric blue eyes ran over him multiple times, he was handsome but handsome doesn't mean good; she knew this for a fact before staring at him, her eyes never leaving him even when he pointed, "Wolves are nothing like dogs. Wolves are wild creatures that can be tamed, wolves have better insticts then wolves and the ancestorys of all dogs. They are no where near besides basics and being in the canine family." She scoffed.
Dreidel turns to the elephant"Hey Steve why can you talk" there is an silence then the Steve simply strugges and says "I cant it's your bond with me that gives you the ability to know what i want to say". "so I just answered my own question well the world needs sociopaths" the man then jumps down from his window and grabs an circular object "so you remember how to play horse? well of coarse you do". he tosses the ball to Steve "your shoot and winner gets another ration of food" Steve gives a look which resembled what a human would call a smirk the elelphant tosses the ball and it goes in "I've had my whole life to practice this is game over already" Dreidel stands in a formless position and closes his eyes "don't forget who taught you" and tosses it in.
"Lupa is a nice wolf, she is only wild in combat. Back to me, anyone i've killed was trying to murder me or rape and/or kill a defenseless female." He said. He didh't reach for his weapon but was now genuinely scared. He doesn't have it in him to kill this woman or any woman for that much.
Avery stared at him for a long time, before laughing, "No wolves are nice" She chuckled, "Lupa probably sees you as a leader. No need to argue with me, I was a major at biology and animal behavior" She explained before dropping her katana back into it's hold on her back, "I trust you, only because I can kill you at any moment in time." She said simply before tucking her pistol behind her. "For your information, I will not hesitate to kill you, I will not hesitate to chop your head off or shoot you in the head. I will not tolerate any aggressive behavior or any stealing, I will kill you if you even touch Willow. I will kill you if you bring infected near us, I will kill you if your wolf even growls at us. And I will not hesitate to kill you if you are bitten, or if your wolf gets bitten." She said simply, with such little care that it made her seem all the more terrifying, "Do not test me, because you'll find your head on the floor" The blonde said before brushing her silky blonde hair out of her face, the tatoos that were inked into her body stood out at this little movement. The girl was wearing shorts that stopped just below her thighs and a tank top that was torn slightly with blood all ove rit, showing her black bra; she turned on one foot, which was in black hightops before moving towards the fence. Avery hopped over it with grace and knocked on the door, "Come on out, Willow" She chirped, running her fingers over Eragon's head before hopping towards the house, not looking at the male again.
Willow flinched at the sudden sound, but relaxed a bit when she heard it was Avery. Slowly picking herself up, she made her way to the door. Opening it slowly, and seeing that it was in fact Avery, she breathed a sigh of relief. "So that guy...?" Willow motioned to him with her hand.

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Avery glanced at Willow, "He's timid, I doubt he can kill or harm us but be on guard, if anything happens, just tell me. I'll kill him myself" She said simply before whistling underkey and Eragon started following, "Hurry, it's going to get hot soon. I want to get home soon" She said before pulling her hair back into a ponytail, "Ready for some fun? You don't have to go as fast I do but I enjoy giving myself a bit of a race, keep my balance up, after all, I wasn't taught by the military to be an assassin for nothing" She explained with an excited grin before stretching, "Just turn right up at the house, run straight until you get to the corner, their is a huge house right on the far corner, it's there. The front entrance is made to kill strangers that enter it so go through the side door, not the back, it's also made to kill looters. There is a key in the pot next to the door, open it then bury the key back where it was" She explained slowly before she took a running start, she grabbed onto the porch's roof and pulled herself up, she quickly hopped onto the roof with little struggle, "Take Eragon with you!" She called with a huge grin, she hopped over to the next roof, she hopped onto next roof with a bit of trouble as it was further away but managed to get on it, as she got to the corner, she hopped onto the pole and barely managed to steady herself. She crouched there and pulled her katana out, only one infected. Avery hopped down, landing lightly, crouched on the ground. She easily killed it before waving for Willow to come in, she wanted to get something out before coming back. She hopped onto the fence surrounding her hideout and ran along it, keeping her balance steady and her steps light. She hopped onto the porch of the house next door and jumped off the landing and landed in front of her house, which was four houses away. Instead of entering through the door; she hopped up, grabbed the ledge of the front door, she pushed herself up and grabbed her window's ledge; pulling herself up, she squeezed through the window, which was opened barely and stretched, "Ow, dammit. Hope I didn't pull a muscle" She flexed her arm before grabbing a few pillows, and a blanket. She slipped a pillow into her pack but that's all that fit so she folded the blanket, stuffed it into one of the pillows, and tucked the two pillows under her arms.
Kai expected that kind of response. He was a random weirdo out of nowhere. He noticed the blond had some nice ninja moves. He followed Willow but 10 paces behind trying not to go to far too quickly. Lupa walked behind him sniffing the air. Then an infected came around the corner but Kai drew his machete and chopped it's head of before it saw him. He pulled out a rag and began cleaning his blade while walking.
Willow thought she heard something, and turned around to see the boy chop and infected's head off. She gulped, but kept walking.

She finally made it to the big house, careful not to go in the front or back door as Avery told her, and opened the side door.

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Avery landed just as Willow opened the door, she held it open for her and the boy before hopping in, "Let me show you around." She chirped, before hopping into the huge area, "This door here, leads downstairs to a mini gym, I guess you could call it. There are weights and exercise machines." She explained before hopping down the hallway, "There is the kitchen, I cleaned it out but I use it to make food, there are plates and such" She pointed to the opposite side, "Living room, there are a lot of board games and card games. Up here is the library, it's pretty big with some nice reading spots." The girl turned and hopped up the stairs, "Great part about this place is they have solar panels on the roof but the water is running low, once the rainy season comes we'll have more water, for now, we can only take small showers. Oh, forgot, there was a bathroom down there, next to the library." As she reached upstairs she pointed at a door, "Bathroom, it's connected to the master bedroom, where I sleep. You two can pick whatever rooms out, the laundry room is at the end of the hall and this room was their sons, lots of video games as you can see, he was a cool guy." She explained before turning to look at them both, "Lights are not to be on at night, only a few window's have blankets over them, the downstairs and my room's. Once we get them completely covered, we can turn on the lights more."
Willow stared in shock. "How... How is all this still here? You have working lights? And food?" She lapsed into open mouthed silence.

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"Understood" He said making a salute which he guessed would liven up the mood. Lupa sniffed the door in which they came through.

"I call the room with videogames"
Avery grinned at Willow, "These people, let's just say they always wanted an apocolaypse to prove this wasn't for nothing. They were one of the first to turn, so I kind of borrowed their house." she explained as Eragon sniffed at the corner of a door, "Also, over there, is another bathroom and the door at the very end of the hall leads into the maids area. There is a seperate living room, bathroom, kitchen and three bedrooms" The blonde shook her head, "You can't take that room, there is no bed. Plus, you will get on of the three rooms down here, there is a guest room, their daughter's room and their son's bedroom, it's geeky and nerdy but I wanted the bigger room otherwise it would be mine. But Willow gets first pick"
Willow shrugged. "He can have whatever room he wants, I just want to sleep." She said, as a yawn overtook her.

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Willow yawned again "I'll take the guest bedroom. Do the video games work?"

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Avery nodded with a small grin, "They do, I'll tell you though, you can't beat me at the zombie games. Ever play left for dead? One or two? I'm the sh*t at that game! I'm the best, got every achievment possible on the xbox, he also has a playstation but who likes playstation?" She snorted with a grin, "I looooove left for deadt two more. Ellis is so adorable, and Francis is awesome from left for dead one!" She rambled before her cheeks grew a little red, "Er, sorry, left for dead is my favorite game." She mummered with red cheeks before shaking her head awkwardly, the guest room is the very last door on the right side, the girl's bedroom is across which I'm assuming you don't want, since it's very pink and girly" She said with a grin. While Eragon sniffed Lupa, he snorted, backing away with a small growl but he then jumped up on Willow, his stubby tail wagging, "Down Eragon!" She scolded and he whined, "You're so silly, huh, big boy" She cooed as he jumped up on her, "The guy's bedroom his the one next to the guest room." She stated with a grin, "All those posters are from me, so don't expect them in there too much longer. I'm going to steal them and put them in the master bedroom. " The blonde muttered to Willow, "Shout if you need me" before smacking her head, "Oh, sorry, forgot to introduce myself" She stuck on her hand at the boy, "Avery Sorries, this is Eragon" She introduced with a smile.
"My name's Willow Jackwood." Willow added, stifling yet another yawn. She looked the boy up and down. Avery was right, he did seem a bit like a pushover.

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"Is there an attic or some high point in the house where i can survey the town with a window. I'd be best there with my sniper so i'd spot trouble hundreds of yards away. My name Kalvin nice to meet you and this wolf is Lupa." He said.

Lupa gave a bark at the sound of her name,
Willow flinched, moving slightly behind Avery when the dog barked.

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Avery grinned and patted Willow's shoulder, "Go ahead and go to bed" She said with a smile before nodding, "Yeah, there is. Follow me, Willow, watch Eragon will you?" She asked while Eragon licked Willow's leg, "I'll show him a good sniping spot." She hoppped over to a circular window at the end of the hallway, she opened it up, and pulled herself out on the ledge, with a jump, her hands caught the edge of the roof, pulling herself up before looking down and sticking out her hand, "Just take my hand, I'll pull you up" She called, sticking her hand out, while laying on her stomach.

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