Back in the states
"Sweet, so my work paid off, what I told you is that the criminal world knows of me as the masque, I'm a hacker known for Master Boot Record viruses, which allow me to completely control the computer without any detection from the user or antivirus, and because of my handiwork, not a single government knows that the masque is a college student in New York. I'll tell you more about my life as we get to know each other." Kevin got up, "want to see the best part? I'll be back" Kevin walked into his office and came out wearing a plastiform white mask with a black hoodie over it all. "This is what I wear and the voice I use for communication with other hackers or anyone else that knows me as the masque" he said with the voice that his phones voice modulator gave him, the sound coming out of a speaker in the jacket, yet no trace of his actual voice coming from the mask.
(I'll put up a picture of the mask in a few days)
(I'll put up a picture of the mask in a few days)