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The Innocent (1x1) [Telios and Andalexanderwept]


Onyx Dragon
Teryu was patrolling the prison in his black power armor. Today it's his duty but he has gone on stealth missions, battles so today;s duty is not his type. "Why did they made me to do this..." Teryu mumbled while still walking around with his bladed eon pistols in his hands.

The soft buzzing of the over head lights made the young boy whine and curl up more, his naked, bruised, painted body twisting and wiggling into itself. He leaned his head on his knees, curly blond hair falling onto his naked skin. He heard a voice and nearly leapt from his spot, bolting to the window like wall. He reached to touch it, which earned the man a good shock. He yelped and held his stinging hand.
"What did you think you were doing?" Teryu asked, looking at the alien in the cell which just got electrocuted by the iron bars filled with electricity.
He whined and continued to hold his arm, sniffling. Big red tears filled his eyes and came rolling down his face. "W-wannn to go home..." he whimpered softly, rubbing away the tears. The streaks rolling down his cheeks sizzled into his flesh, making it burn. It was an after affect when his people decided crying was a sign of weakness...so injected themselves with a type of medicine causing all of theyre people to cry acidic like tears.
"Well... It's hard for you to do that since you are imprisoned here. Dunno why did they took you as hostages... Are you peaceful or... rather warmakers...?" Teryu sighed then asked, looking at the alien in the corner of the cell. He hasn't got a briefing about this planet. He just got orders to came here and patrol the prison and he hates it. Teryu preferd peace than war. He would like to be on defense missions or diplomatic missions or even supplying. He just doesn't like killing innocents... creatures.
he sniffled and shook his head. "No...big guy took me here an...doctors tried huring my skin so I bit one..." he sniffled and giggled a bit, rubbing his face. "He don like me no more." With that, he climbed up so he was standing and hurried to the other, peeking through the bars at him. "Am I gonna get killed here? Cause cant die here...my mommy said she no wan me to die in war." He plopped down, looking up at the other with huge green eyes.
"Maybe but you picked the wrong person to ask. I'm just following orders. Not giving them out." Teryu answered, putting his bladed pistols into their holsters.
He shook his head softly, peeking out from his arms. His lower lip quivered softly. "They gonna hur me again." He whispered, sniffling. "They gonna poke me with sharp stuff an...an touch me all o-over..."
"That... Is nasty. Why the heck did they have to do that? Didn't we have scanners now...?" Teryu mumbled, looking away from the alien in the cell.
He whined louder, curling up tightly. "Mmmplease don go way!" He whined, reaching out to grab him, forgetting about the electrified bars. He was shocked and he yelped again, tears rolling down his face.
"Don't touch those again. They can hurt you or even kill you." Teryu warned the alien, hoping that it won't go near the bars again.
He sleeps until the buzzing comes from the front locked sliding door. The doctors and scientists stood there,ready to experament on Robby again. The boy jerked up, hearing the familiar knock. He began whimpering and whining, cowering on the floor.
Teryu stopped as the scientists and doctors came to the alien he just talked to. He decided to take some distance and watch what will happen.
The door was opened and Robby began sobbing harshly. The scientists gave no heed and reached down, grabbing him and standing him, mumbling words of interest and annoyance of his cries.
"Hey. What are you gonna do to him?" Teryu asked seriously as he walks over to the doctors and scientists but he wasn't sure of the alien's gender so he assumed it's a he anyways.
He trembled, the doctors gripping his arms."Experiments." A scientist said, knodding and shooing the boy away. "Now we have work to do with him, so leave us adults to our jobs." Another said. They tugged the naked boy out.
Teryu sighed as he can do nothing to help the alien before walking away, resuming his patrolling.
Robby sobbed harder, struggling and kicking, before disappearing into the cold of the other room. He didnt return for hours. When he did appear, he was restrained, scars lining his thin frame. He was thrown into his cell, and the guard just chuckled as he trembled and tried to get up. His arms felt like jello, legs so weak he could hardly move them. The man snorted and looked over to the other guard. "Hey, Teryu, get a load of the little b******."
"Don't say him like that. Why don't they just use scanners anyways..." Teryu answered the other guard before mumbling as he walks over to the alien.

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