[The Inn Between] Out of Character Discussion

This thread is for all roleplayers participating in The Inn Between to use at will. Just don't spam it with messages, please!
*Twitch* So... you dare come back here, eh? I-I will beat you!

*Staring at the character sheet Paradigm section*
Oh, yeah. I posted it in the other thread. I'll post it here too:

If someone gets eaten, they die and then-- under mysterious circumstances-- come back to life as uneaten and perfectly fine. Where do they spawn? I guess that's up to you. :P
Dunno about the lot of you, but Revmar intends to wolf out all over the place(s) :D

p.s. I think it would only be logical that spawning takes place at the Inn itself, perhaps the teleportation circle.
A minor announcement:

Now that I have my own character, Louie is now a full blown NPC. Everyone is free to do with her as they wish. So long as you have a jist of how to play the stuffed toy, you're good.
You should have thought of that before you had Louie send everyone away to their rooms :P

No worries, I'm sure people will soon start visiting other locations, some alone, some in groups. You'll need to be ready when that happens :D
Yes, I see what you mean. Haha. Oh well. >_>

Eh, me be ready? I hope everyone else is ready to narrate their own side of adventures. And when people begin to explore on their own (if this does happen), don't feel like "oh-- the GM's gonna not let me do so-and-so". So long as things are kept fair between roleplayers, I'm totally fine with ANYTHING that happens. It's the Inn Between, after all. Weird stuff happens all of the time.

If we keep everyone in a group I'll feel like a story hog. We will separate into small groups eventually.
It'll happen gradually, don't worry. Things always find a way to take care of themselves.

That said, I realized I don't need you to tell Revmar about the room. Originally I had written the post with that in mind, as you can see.
Ah? I thought you guys were going to add whatever you wanted to your rooms. All I did was give you a ticket that opens the door. @_@
I'm gone for 1 day and half the players end up in the most dangerous place yet created in the RPG :eek:
Just so everyone knows, I'm in an.. odd.. timezone (Perth, Australia) which I think puts me pretty much opposite of everyone else :rolleyes: Most of my RP posts will happen around this time of day though (which happens to be 9pmish at the moment).
When in doubt, go to the nastiest place around. If you go to the worst possible place you can at the start than it can only get better :D .
..... never say that - there'll always be some sadistic mind around that will be thinking "Challenge Accepted" ;)
Well, I'm doing a fun trick- just delete my first post and move over to the dangerous place! Now that I've worked on my combat Paradigm, I can be oh-so-helpful!

And just as I do so, Ignitedstar happens to be offline...
[QUOTE="Renarion Arenimon]I'm gone for 1 day and half the players end up in the most dangerous place yet created in the RPG :eek:

I blame Kimi. xD She had the idea. @_@
I have no problem with it :D gave Will a good in right to the action and interacting with other characters.
Just wondering, are we the largest group to come to the inn between recently (or at one time)? Because right now, I seem to be imagining everyplace as hauntingly empty, when it might reasonably be rather crowded, especially in the teleporter room at the Inn.
The Inn Between isn't THAT populated. You'd have find yourself in a pretty awkward position to even get to the Inn Between in the first place. I'd say there are potentially half a million total that have come across the Inn (note that I am NOT including other places)-- but many of them are just empty faces for now (as in, it'd get difficult mentioning every kind of person available). It is a freeform RP-- so you are allowed to add in how ever many people you want. Plus, you can make more characters as you wish-- so long as you can manage them.

Ah, the "hauntingly empty" part may be in regards to how places end up in the Inn Between. In many examples that I've got up like the Tribal Valley Shores and Shadow City, the people who were originally there left a long time ago or they died. Some kind of catastrophe struck the place and because there was no one to remember it by, it just kinda disappeared... then it ended up in the Inn Between. In situations like Parody Island, a lot of people want something, but never get it. The idea "is lost" and those same people probably accept that "oh it's probably never going to happen" and then the idea gets forgotten. Then guess where it ends up...


I was hoping that people would post their characters doing something-- having their own sense of direction. Now I'm wondering if people are waiting on me... @_@ It's a freeform RP-- you don't need me to tell you what to do (not yet, anyway). If you're not waiting for the DM to command you into doing something-- that's great.

As for everyone else, I am going to bump your characters into the right direction. But I'm not doing this every single time... I'm not here every day of the week (I am especially busy on the weekend-- I can barely touch the computer) and I have a life to attend to. Don't wait for someone who can't be there all of the time.
Things are getting out of hand :o

So many characters, new places and all that. I'm gonna post tomorrow and send Revmar off somewhere. I'll also finish reading up on what everyone's doing.

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