[The Inn Between] Out of Character Discussion

Hehehehe... why the heck did I choose the hard place to start at?!

... Oh yeah. I figured that my guy'd fit there with his current Paradigm.
I have resumed posting. I'm still feeling ever more lost in all the new characters and places and stuff. You'll forgive me if I leave my inspection of everyone's Paradigms to a single glance. It's just proving too much for poor old Wolf. Some players have multiple characters, and some characters are in fact dual-characters :confused:

Wouldn't wanna be the Storyteller of this RPG that's for damn sure. Good luck, Star ;)
Oh, Ren. xD

You don't have to remember everyone's Paradigms. That's... very difficult. >_>

That is why I have everyone hyperlink their character sheet.
Yeah, I know, I was just saying that to emphasize how huge this is getting :P

I'll manage somehow. Revmar is waiting for Louie regarding the second tour, or maybe he'll drift away somewhere. Enough to catch a strange scent through the teleporter and off he goes :D
Ren, there is a lovely group of two, in the halls of the A Wing in the Inn. Tessa Adams and Will Naava. Going on an adventure soon, you'd be appreciated to join the bandwagon. :P
Psst, Kim - would you mind if Tristan got in on that adventure too?
I don't think you'd like it there, as of now it's just SHameless flirting between two people. We may fight shit later though. Lol. Not gonna stop you, but... You'd be a buzzkill, and you might be a little bored.
I have a rock... I'm never a buzzkill :P But yeah, you can keep your flirting, that's ok :)

I may just do that Tempest... it'll be an interesting pairing :)
Suggestion for you Star - I know it'd be a fair bit of work, but with everyone going off in different directions and lots of people involved maybe you could have a thread dedicated to players current locations that can work in tandem with posting the link of the location in threads when you're leaving. That way people can go to the thread if they want to find out where a character is exactly now. Without having to wade through multiple threads to find where and when they left (which could be annoying when threads like the main one become larger)

It'd just be a matter of when people change location they inform you in the Location thread and you (or whoever) can update it the OP to reflect the current location.
Grem is completely right. I have found the same matter to be of some concern, as I suddenly could no longer quite distinguish who was coming from where - let alone determine who is currently where. I suppose it was inevitable due to the nature of the RPG and number of characters/locations. Honestly, I was going to just manage things the way they are, though I would welcome a solution.

The idea of a thread for storing current player locations is great, but the problem is updating. If it could somehow be made that any player can edit the first post to update his/her location, that would be ideal. I'm afraid that's just not possible though.
Hmmm... I understand your guys' concern. Since I am reading everyone's posts and keeping a close eye on where everyone is so I don't accidentally cause a paradox (i.e. Meledy is at X but she's really at Y, but characters interact with her at X...), what I could do is have Location Central double as a GPS. I'll update it at every opportunity. Of course, sometimes it'll be out of date. It only takes me a few minutes though-- like I said, I'm already keeping track of where everyone's characters are.
It's just too bad that the world is on your shoulders but hey, you're the Storyteller. Besides it can't be helped I guess.

Thanks ;)
It's not that big of a deal. Kimi volunteered to be co-storyteller, so she is here for you guys on weekends when I am not.

EDIT: Oh, by the way. Is Revmar waiting for Meledy? >_>
Revmar is teleporting somewhere, at random, and I haven't yet decided where he'd turn up. Logic demands that he should end up in an entirely new location due to it being a random teleport, but we already have enough locations so I'll just pick one and post. Playing League of Legends right now, but I'll post within the next several hours.
Well, everyone's finally out of the creepy place... I should make a Halloweentown or something. Somewhere creepy, but less dangerous.
So Ren... I was afraid of ruining what you have planned in Techtonick Tower, so I'm not sure if it's okay to have Meledy drop in there. What do you think?
I need to figure out a place for Nico, and finish up on Puppetmaster so that he can stop having little tendrils of shadow and chains and bandages and a glowing eye.
Ignitedstar said:
So Ren... I was afraid of ruining what you have planned in Techtonick Tower, so I'm not sure if it's okay to have Meledy drop in there. What do you think?
Actually you're onto something, Star. I had ideas regarding Meledy, and I must say I rather like the idea of her interacting with Revmar. Besides, I can't keep people out of the tower area nor should I. This is a joint story, not my personal work of fiction. On the other hand, I do treasure my current plans and secrecy, so I would likely freak out at a mass exodus of characters into the Techtonick Tower :o

Logically though, most people either don't know about the tower or they have no business there. Revmar found it by accident and has made it his quest to explore its secrets, and Shyvanna followed him. If Meledy has some sort of reason for coming there she is more than welcome to do so. The same goes for anyone else, though like I said I would appreciate if everyone didn't suddenly find a reason to invade the realm :o
I see, I see. Alright, then. I won't be going there now; but later, I will. By that time, Revmar might've already left. We will see. @_@

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