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Fantasy The "Immortals"

Oberons Veil

Radiant Bard

The Gods and Goddesses of the Universe. The rule supreme. Beings that were once Immortal, but now? Now they draw lines, readying for battle against one another, why? One died. The God Aeros, God of Magic and Mages was killed by a force unknown to the Gods and Goddesses. His death shook the realms of all, and the Plane of Mundus where the Mortal Races reside. Magic once took skill and knowledge to control, but had little in the way of a "price" to pay for its continued use. Now? Now magic drains one's own life and energy making it a very difficult thing to continuously use without incurring the ultimate price, your life. While the Gods are more or less immune to this, they have began to notice that the use of their powers while on Mundus does seem to hurt a little and drain their energy faster than it once did. In their realms nothing is different, well not really at least. Some of the Gods have noticed cracks forming in the barriers that protect their realms from all the things they protect themselves from. Was Aeros really the key to holding everything together? Who killed him? How? Why? What will you do in this time of turbulence. It has been a century since his death and the Gods seem ready to fight one another at every opportunity. The question that is now presented is what side are you on? On ever God's mind is whether or not they are still immortal or not, even the most reckless of them all has reigned themselves in, so as to not test their luck. Could this be the end to the Immortals or was it a freak incident? All is hidden... or is it?

Addarra, Goddess of Sleep, Dreams and Memories

The start to the day was not the most ideal for the goddess who preferred seclusion. A messenger owl had arrived at her domain calling her to attend a meeting of all the Gods and Goddesses at the Council Spire, a large circular structure with no roof, and no walls. A throne of sorts for each of the deities were arranged in a circle evenly spaced from one another, centered on a representation of the Plane of Mundus. She hated social gatherings and crowds, if all attended it would be a little over twenty of the most supreme powers in the universe, unrivaled and unchallenged in each of their aspects. A powerful group that always made Addarra feel inferior, as Goddess of Sleep and Dreams, with the added boon of Memories, she felt far less interesting or welcome among the others. From the beginning she had been relegated as rather secondary in the non-existent pecking order, so she retreated to her realm or to Mundus to wander around. An outcast, some would say, she knew they whispered behind her back. Thousands of years of continuously being looked down upon would make most mortals go crazy... though to be fair mortals didn't live that long. She wasn't mean, or rude at all, just quiet and not hasty to speak her mind to anyone. Following the death of Aeros she only became more quiet and more reserved because she had lost one of the few who treated her truly as an equal and as a friend. Since then she has spent more time with the mortals of Mundus, mingling with them and looking over the mages who all but lost heart with the death of their patron god and the restrictions placed on their powers. While she knows very little in the ways of magic, she knows more than most mortals. Though one could say that about any of the gods. She was also considered to be the unofficial Goddess of Assassins for the disproportionate amount of time she spent with them on Mundus. They were social outcasts and so she could relate to them, and they to her to some degree. It brought comfort to Addarra, something that was quite rare for her.

Fixing herself up to a decent degree looking highly presentable in her purple gown that went past her feet and would trail behind her ever so slightly as she walked, donning her amethyst ring and making sure to grab her shadow-wood staff topped with a large amethyst carved into the shape of a an eye within three spheres, she vanished into her purplish colored mist before re-materializing at the base of the Council Spire, she like all the other deities would need to ascend without the assist of power up two hundred steps to the actual meeting area. Their powers didn't work there and an ancient barrier prevented them from using any kind of magic as well. They would be like mortals to a degree while in assembled, it was to prevent any one deity from actually somehow harming the others, this was to be neutral ground. She lifted her dress with her free hand slowly ascending the steps and coming to the top.
Hmm, she thought to herself looking around once she got to the top. Not a single other deity was there, just the way she liked it when making an entrance. Slowly and rather nervously, Addarra walked the short distance to her seat at the farthest point from the entryway. She didn't like having others near her in such close proximity but she couldn't help it. Her throne, if one could call it that, was white marble just like all the others, though on each it had a symbol that was carved into the marble and exemplified each God's aspect. For Addarra that was the same symbol as on her staff, an eye surrounded by three circles that had a purplish mist seeming to hover around it. She took her seat and waited for the others to arrive to figure out what exactly was the reason for them all assembling.

Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and the Beginning

It was to be an interesting day indeed, Satine had sent the messenger owls pleading with the others to convene at the Council Spire with all of their fellow Gods and Goddesses. It had been nearly forty years since the last assembly, and that one had ended... poorly. Sure, Satine probably was not giving the Assembly justice considering most departed yelling and screaming at one another, pointing the finger at who they believed had killed Aeros. It had been something out of a nightmare, that not even Addarra could have constructed. Yes, the Gods fought one another, and yes they argued, but nothing like that, nearly coming to blows, nearly testing the mortality of one another. The whole circumstance had caused Satine to lose her temper, a very rare thing indeed just to get control of the situation. Afterwards she sat on the balcony of the Council Spire overlooking the Plane of Mundus and cried for days at how the peace and tranquility of the lives of the Gods had seemingly been robbed.She just hoped they came and were prepared to discuss matters more civil like than the last time.

Wearing her usual fine linen white dress, Satine snapped her figures arriving in a flash of light at the base of the Spire. She rather quickly made her way up to the top not wanting to linger and take in old sights that she could remember vividly anyways. Once at the top she paused at the balcony, almost as if frozen looking out over the Plane of Mundus a single tear ran down her fair cheek before descending to the ground, leaving a semi-visible stain. She turned her attention to the circular pattern where all the seats were, making eye contact with Addarra she offered a small smile, though she couldn't help but wonder what she had been up to for the last four decades. They had been close before Aeros' death, but after... well Satine and Addarra never really saw one another or talked even. Satine scanned the seats finally settling on her own. She gently crossed the floor taking her seat and waiting for the others to arrive. Her symbol was that of a braided circle symbolizing the circular life, the infinite creation that she represented. A golden scepter with the same symbol was in her seat, she picked it up before she sat.
Waiting... that is all one can do now...

@Tenshi Hinara @Aqua @ashlynn @Archangel Galdrael @Azazelin @bloodydaimyo @Arion

((Ira --> Gelio --> Rosalinda --> Satine --> Water --> Phenex --> Lizabeth --> Merchants --> Kelvara --> Liber --> Ecaos --> Corruption --> Chishiki --> Addarra --> Nysa Proteus --> Shearantos --> Eldraxes --> Ither --> Ferrak --> Vermandr --> Adohl --> Nature --> Harvest --> The Arts

Not the most perfect list. :3

Ira and the God of Arts are on the two ends (end being near the entrance)

Addarra and Nysa are the opposite of the entryway. No doors, walls or ceilings technically.

Merchants, Corruption, Nature, Harvest, Water and the Arts are NPCs. Address them and I will respond to you for them.))
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Ither had been awoken by one of servants after a four decade stupor, sitting upon his throne in the world of ending and beginning, his chief of all servants to chaos Nar'Shagolri 'standing' below him and looking up him with his (thankfully) normal face for once, extending his hand towards Ither with a small letter crafted from solid onyx with white marble tiles gently inlaid to form letters "Oh? A summoning of all the Gods? Strange, though I can understand what it's about, I guess the dogs who wish to seek power must sort out the weak from the strong then?" He'd talk to himself as he stands, glancing down at his servant "Now....Don't set off a damn black hole on the place again, took me a good ten years to clean up the mess you caused." Nar shrinks back, hissing gently and replying with a deep space less voice "Of course sir...Nar'Shagolri will not fail his master this time, he swears it."

And with that Ither simply turns to a dark mist and appears at the bottom of the steps, groaning as he looks up at the steps. "Well....This again, why couldn't they just limit our powers within the damn circle, and allowed us to appear up there for a change....Gonna have to bring that up when we deal with my brothers death...." He'd look sighing quietly for a moment, before beginning to climb the steps, his dark black robe seeming to absorb the shadow cast by the sun, eventually reaching the top and looking around, his eyes coming to a rest on Addarra first, a smile coming to his normally careless face, before giving a brief nod to Satine, goddess of life "Well....Looking like we've got a small party going on here..." He'd look at the two, walking over and not sitting, walking over to Addarra and smiling at her softly again, holding out a hand "Well...How is the patron of Assassins doing now my friend?"
Rosalinda: Goddess of Beauty, Love, Romance

Rosalinda had just finished putting on her make up when the messenger owl brought her the message about the meeting for all of the gods/goddesses at the council spire, she went over to her overly large wardrobe trying to find the perfect dress to wear to the meeting. on one hand she wanted to look good but she also wanted the others to take her seriously. She decided on a long red dress that had small gold straps. She turned to one of her servants " When I return I would like to have all new dresses along with new jewels, It has been over a year since I have gotten new ones" she servant nodded and walked out. Her maids did her hair and put in a beautiful braid, she wore her pearl necklace and beautiful rings. She gracefully walked into a pink mist and arrived at the staircase to the spire, she walked up slowly not really sure what to expect especially after the last meeting they had, She got to the top and looked around to discover that only 3 of the god/goddesses had arrived. Normally she was always the last one to get there, she walked over to her seat which had a dove surrounded by a circle of red roses and a pink mist around it
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Phenex was in his domain just waking up saying "that was a good sleep" and yawned when he saw a light spirit bring him a letter he went down to his human form and took it from,the light spirit saying "thank you" after saying that the spirit left without a word, after the spirit left Phenex opened up the letter and said "huh so I'm supposed to go to a council meeting alright" so he snapped his fingers and clothes all around him appeared out of nowhere and he picked out a casual clothes with two jackets putting them on while his left eye was still all red and he put a white eyepatch over it and left his domain with a snap and was teleported into mid air so he transformed into his white eagle form flying off to the spire after he reached the stairs he went to his human form walking up them and reached the top and saw 4 of the gods/goddesses usally he's almost the last one here which was a while ago and took his seat in a pure white sparkling chair without a word.
Ira, Goddess of Earth, Craft, and Beast Kins.

Ira laughed silently to her self as she pulled the note from the white owls talons that rested on her shoulder. 'This could only mean one thing' she thought to herself as she walked onwards as she scanned over the note. She had plans to visit a small city that her Priestess called her home. "Seems as if Satine wants me at the spire, well I do owe her don't I" She said to the bird with a small smile as she thought about how the two goddesses worked together to create Ira's race. She's always liked the goddess of life but she rarely ever communicated with her, due to Ira's great fascination with the world of the mundane. Her legs quickly stopped moving as she decided this would be the place she would prepare for the spire. Ira was dressed up in a tight strapless white dress that came just below her thighs and showed a small bit of her cleavage. Her slip on shoes were the same color as her dress and weren't the best for walking around, but her attire did not matter anymore because in a few moments it was to be changed.

The portal she proceeded to walk through had been crafted out rocks and quickly fell apart as she entered her domain to equip her proper attire. The cave she ended up in was small but held all of her valuables. She quickly ran over to her outfit that many of the gods thought she would never take off. She quickly discarded her white dress and tossed it to the floor. That dress was now covered in a layer of dirt that Ira could easily remove due to the fact she was the Goddess of earth. She quickly threw on what was known by humans as traditional Beast Kin attire. It was more Native American in design, but since Native Americans Dont exist in this universe it was known as Beast Kin attire. Her clothes were brown and blue and had animal bones to help support the loose pieces of her attire so they didn't fall from the rest and fur sat on the collar of the leather that covered up her torso and fell just above her mid drift. She had brown fur boots that covered her feet and the ends of her legs. A small leather skirt was used to cover up the areas just below her waist. (Baisicly the clothes she's wearing now is the attire that can be found in her appearance pic). Then her body morphed into dust and she instantly appeared at the steps that lead to the spire. She gave a small sigh as she looked up. "I hate stairs" she said to her self with a disapproving frown as she ascended up the steps. When her eyes found the top of steps she gave a big smile because she knew she only had to take a few more steps until she found her marble throne. She gazed at the symbol that appeared at the back of her throne, her symbol is three mountains connected to eachother by their bases a very simple design but it was hers. She quickly hopped up onto her throne which took a small bit of strength due to its height compared to her own of 5"4. She quickly gave the goddess of life and the goddess of dreams quick waves to say hello.
Gelio, God of children, family, and innocents.

Gelio yawned tiredly as he sat up on his large soft bed. Rubbing one of his eyes tiredly he looked toward his front door as it opened allowing one of his smaller imp entery. Smiling at the dog like little imp he gently took the envelope he held and shooed him away softly. Opening the letter he read the summonings, "Yay, a family meeting!"

Thowing the letter down he scurried over to his large closet he hurried to change. Putting on a white t shirt, under a blue hoodie, and jeans he kept his feet bare as he hurried out of his house and to the small pond that acted as a portal. Jumping into it he thought of his destination and landed at the base of the council sphere. Hurrying up the steps he climbed up onto his seat which bore his symbol, the two runes meaning family and child overlapped in a circle. Looking at the others that were there he felt his spirits dim a little at the absence of Aeros. He tended to try and forget that one of his own had died. Leaning back in his chair he waited for the others to join them. That's probably what this meeting is about.
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Waking up to the sound of children running around, Ecaos got up and was about to head straight to Mundus to visit Marie. She seemed to like it when he visited Mundas, since she didn't seem to like how dangerous it was to spread their following alone. One of his servants however, handed him a piece of paper for his summons. Apparently it came from a white owl a few minutes before he woke up, but he didn't care much about that, however it did bother him slightly that the meeting seemed important. Although Ecaos knew about all the pacts and promises of the world, most if not all f that information was in his true form, as staying with the humans had caused his usual quick memory to lose it's touch. After getting ready and switching to his regular form, he left his domain, waving goodbye to the children as he did so.

Arriving at the location, Ecaos sat down at the seat that had been given to him. Made of parchment which would be normally used for contracting scrolls, various languages were written on the different contracts, all important to both history of the world, Ecaos, and the maintenance of trust itself. The symbol above the seat appeared as two arms upward, both holding hands as to show an agreement. Sitting down, his eyes moved from immortal to immortal as the different gods and goddess's made their way to their seating, Ecaos wondered what was so important that everyone was summoned to one place. 'I know that the god of magic died, but that happened a pretty good time ago and to be honest it only made my job easier. Contracts and pacts of or about magic are really annoying, so I could care less...but the fact a god was killed is important...so I guess thaat must be why...' Ecaos thought to himself, awaiting the meeting to begin, as he did in fact enjoy being included in them.
Liber, patron of slaves and sailors, scorn of kings and lords

Liber was tired of the owls. Whoever sent the invites must know that Liber was planning to skip, every time he planned to skip he was harried with dozens of owls bearing letters until he ether showed up, or the meeting ended. He couldn't seem to shake them no matter what he tried (wasn't that his thing?). He poked his little feathered head out of the hole , a dozen owls starred blankly back at him. He sighed (if sea hawks can sigh) as he hopped out of the hole and took human form. Squatting in tree he gave the owls a venomous look as he took one of the letters. This caused all of the owls to disperse, once they were gone he took a comfortable position and began to read. He couldn't stay completely mad at the little feathered vermin (besides, he bet they tasted delicious).

He both looked forward to and dreaded the meeting. On one hand, he got to see all those relatives he avoided most of the year, on the other hand, those relatives would accuse him of murder... He hadn't really been close to Aeros, no, magic was a sign of power, something the common man did not possess. But who would have killed him? Who would gain something from this? He jumped from the tree landing deftly on his feet, took a deep breath as he went to th- wait! A couple of dieties had gotten mad last time because he hadn't dressed up. He looked down at himself, only a few stains, good, but it needed something to pull it togeth- perfect! He grabbed a good sized walking stick from the forest floor, now don't I look sophisticated.

He appeared at the bottom of the spire, without the stick (he had abandoned it when a little girl had walked into the clearing and laughed at him). He took a look around, only eight gods here. He frowned, did they send the owls to him early? That didn't matter. He bounded up the stairs two at a time, earning him more than a few contemptuous looks. When he reached his throne, he quickly launched himself into it, that is, if you could consider it a throne. His throne was mainly made of wicker, and looked much more comfortable than the others. The throne was tied down with rope as if at any time the spire might violently begin to rock. He settled into his seat, he didn't need to look behind him to see his symbol, it was a symbol you could find on any sea worthy vessel, a knot tieing two lengths of rope together, a square knot to be exact. He yawned, if they didn't start soon he might fall asleep.
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Lizabeth dropped the mirror she was holding. A small, white owl had perched on one of the portals in front of her. Within its talons was a white letter, which could only mean that Satine had called the "family" together. A series of situations rushed through her mind. What if there's a fight? We can't use our powers up there. Frantic, she shooed the owl away and took a deep breath. Lizabeth wasn't one for gatherings, even when everyone was peaceful. She patted herself down to smooth any wrinkles and breathed again.

It's just a meeting. Nothing more. Nothing will happen. She shoved the scenarios out of her head and timidly stepped up to a portal. She would have to be in Mundus to actually use the wind. Lizabeth peeked out before stepping into the mortal realm. It had been a long time since she had been here. She didn't want to spend any more time in this horrid place, so she lightly jumped up and was taken by the wind.

It was a strange feeling to become one with the air. She dropped onto the ground in front of the Council Spire. With a quick glance around, she began her ascent. It took her longer than the others to reach the top, due to her small size, but she made it up as the tenth arrival. Her eyes flickered to her seat, and she paled visibly as she noticed Phenex had already arrived. Well, at least the seat on her opposite side was empty. That meant only one possible conversation to go wrong for now. She walked as gracefully as she could, white robes trailing behind her, to her so-called throne. It was as large as the others (and made her feel dwarfed by its size) but was comprised of simple wood, with only one decoration. Her symbol, an oval with another smaller oval inside, which was obviously supposed to resemble a mirror, was scratched onto the backboard. She was small enough that it would still show if she sat down. Lizabeth licked her lips before climbing onto the chair and tucking her feet beneath her.

Ten down, she thought, and fourteen to go.
Kelvara, Goddess of Fire, Machines, Inventions, and. Humans.

Tarakan burst in through the door, and into Kelvara's personal chambers, his robes flowing behind him. Kelvara had been sketching, coming up with a new idea for an invention. She was in a hurry to put her idea to use, but wanted to get it perfect bowfoee she put the idea into someone's head. Because of this, she was zoned out, and didn't notice Tarakan burst through the doors. "Kelvara? There is a message for you. Her head shot up, and she feigned surprise at his sudden speech, even though they both knew she had known he was there. It was a game they played. She carefully set down her sketch pad and pencils in their proper drawer. When she saw the appear it was written on, she instantly knew what it ment. "Tarakan? Do me a favor, and fetch my human garb." As he rushed through the halls to weh her clothes were, she changed her form to her more favored one, the human form. Tarakan came back with the clothes in hand, and handed them to her before giving her a bit if advise. "Kelvara, be wary of your temper, we do not want this meeting ending the way the last one did. Be careful with you words, you hear me?" Kelvara chuckled at his lecture. "You sir, are not my mother." She leaned into hug him, before whispering into his ear. "I will watch my tounge and temper, for you. Now, I must be off." She shooed him out before throwing on the clothes he had brought in. She stood in front of a mirror and deemed herself ready. She was dressed in a slender sapphire blue dress that fell around her ankles, and complemented her figure. Over this was a sliver cloak, that shimmered. Her long sliver grey hair was worn down her back in a simple braid, with a rust red ribbon entwined in it. As she stepped away from the mirror, a white flamed fire burst into existence. She stepped into it, and dissappered.

She reappeared in front of the Councel Spire. She walked quickly up the steps, which she hated, and was astonished to see that ten other had arrived before her, as she was usually one of the first to arrive. She plopped down on her throne, next to Liber. She turned to him. "You are dressed much nicer than usual. What special occasion has happened to prompt you to dress so?" She teased him playfully. She had grown to somewhat know Liber, as she had always sat next to him.
Shearantos- Lord of Justice

Shearantos sat in his mortal guise, unnoticed within the courtroom as he watched the case unfold in front of him. A man accused of murder was being slowly driven to a forced confession by the offence despite his innocence. Shearantos ground his teeth as he considered his eternal internal conflict once more. That being that the law and legal system was often devoid of the justice it promised. The voice of doubt was still indecisive in the case though Sherantos decided that he could wait no longer and with a subtle motion of his had he influenced the attacking lawyer who immediately fell silent. The room watched on in anticipation as the man began to look around his face painted with a confused expression. Shearantos smiled as he got up to leave as behind him the room was shocked to hear the lawyer begin to argue in the man's defence, enlightened to the true nature of the crime.

Leaving the front of the court house unnoticed he approached a carriage ornately decorated in orange gold and guarded by four men in armoured robe wielding archaic weapons. Stepping inside the carriage quickly moved on as Shearantos took a seat faceing the Captain of the Hands of Justice.

"M'Lord, you received a summons not too long ago to meet with the other lords and ladies of the heavens." He said, his head bowed.

"Was the reason for such a meeting mentioned?" The god spoke firmly, his voice empowered and smooth.

"No M'lord." The Captain said humbly, eyes fixed on the carriage floor. Sheatantos smirked, always so mysterious, hopefully they would finally come to a decision concerning Aeros' death. Perhaps justice may finally be delivered.

Thanking his servant and warning him to avert his eyes Shearantos disappeared into a ball of orange light as he faded back into his domain. It didn't take him long to gather his things, donning a suit of plate armour made of silver tinted with his trademark orange gold. He placed a great sword upon his back, remembering that his powers would fail him within the circle. He had no intent to provoke a conflict but when the most powerful beings in the universe are gathered in one location you can't be too careful. Within a blink of an eye he appeared once more at the steps of the spire. e ascended them quickly, two at a time, unhindered by his armour. He slowed as he reached the top, mentally preparing himself to face the other deities. It had been a decade at least since he had seen more than one of them in the same place. As the thrones themselves began to come into view, their respective gods within them. Shearantos took note of each god as well as the empty thrones. He was surprised to see Liber here as the slippery god often avoided such meetings, or anything that involved Shearantos really. Shearantos made eye contact with the deity, his face stoic and intent clear.

Satisfied that he had made his presence known he approached his throne, engraved with his symbol. A set of scales, blazing with an orange-gold light. He sat in it gratefully, content to wait for the other gods to arrive.
Chishiki, God of Wisdom (aka The One That Hates Titles to the Point Where All That Try to Bestow One to Him Fear Him)

Chishiki looked despairingly at the old man sitting in a wheelchair near a pile of books as he sent off the owl, knowing what it meant without needing to read the message. "I am sorry, my old friend, but it would seem for the first time in forty years we must cut our sessions off early. Remember, if you ever need anything the library is always open, and I hear that the dire wolf cubs enjoy your visits. I am just one call away, and you will have what aid this old minor god can provide." He sighed and morphed into his owl form. "If only more beings possessed the wisdom that burdens both of us..." He flew away to the meeting, deciding he wanted to arrive a bit late instead of teleporting right there.

As he readjusted to flying he attempted to open a telepathic link between himself and Satine to tell her that he would be a bit late because he got... 'lost on the flowery path of life'.
Ferrak Guardian Of The Faded Halls

Ferrak walked around his halls as he usually did, keeping an eye on his Bearers and even comforting some of the more distraught souls that passed through. He hated to send them on if they were afraid, or angered, and did everything in his abilities to calm them.

For such unorganized creatures, his Bearers got a large amount of work done, some writing down events in books at an inhuman pace, others darting between eachother to get wherever it was they needed to be, even doing well to leave space for the many souls to pass through into the next world.

"Keep up the good work boys and girls! Hahah!" He yelled throughout the halls, strolling on out the door with a large grina cross his face, and taking a peak at his realm. Most would call it a desolate place, covered in death and corruption. Though, he thought it beautiful. For with every death, their came a new life. How could one argue against that?

He felt a small prod against the back of his leg, and turned to see one of his Bearers holding...an owl?

The poor creature tried to break free of the hooded figures weak looking grasp, but simply could not escape. In it's talons it held a letter, a rather familiar letter at that.

Ferrak lowered himself to one knee, and with a small nod, took the owl into his hands, in a gentle grip as to not hurt the creature.

"What have I told you? We don't eat things that don't come from here, do we?" Ferrak smiled and chuckled lightly.

The Bearer lowered it's head, showing visable signs through it's hood that it was shaking it's head in answer to his question. Ferrak laid a hand on the shoulder of the small hooded figure, trying his best not to upset it.

"Go on now, off with you my small friend." He spoke softly towards the Bearer, still smiling happily.

In reply, the Bearer simply squeeled, spinning around on the spot before running back up to the Halls. leaving a thin trail of black smoke.

Ferrak took the letter from the owl, and placed it down on his forearm,

"There you go lil' guy.." He whispered as his attentions were directed once more towards the letter in his hand. He opened it up and read on, his smile slowly growing larger and larger. Finally! A chance for his brothers and sisters to meet up once more! Thoughts of them becoming friends again, laughing happily, all problems forgotten flowed through his mind. His siblings had been in a bad way since the death of Aeros..but maybe this was a chance for them all to come back together!

Ferrak let out a shrill whistle that echoed through the wind as it blew past him. He looked down at the owl and lowered his forearm a little, so that the creature would take to the air and go back home.

Not long after he whistled, another of his Bearers flew out of the door towards him. This one wore a dark green robe, and gave off a thick green trail of mist as it rushed down the pathway.

"I have a small errand I must attend to," He started, a slightly more serious tone in his voice, "I trust you can take over while I am away?"

"Yes.....Master..." The Bearer spoke with a croaky voice, between what sounded like rasped breaths.

"Then I shall return as soon as I can!" He yelled, the area around his feet starting to steam, "But for now, I have a meeting with some old friends.."

As he spoke his last words, the steam started creeping up his legs, it's colours changing between black and white as it did so, soon covering him completely. The thick, misty figure took to the air, circling the Halls before vanishing directly above it.

Ferrak's misty form shot down from the sky, landing in an area around the bottom of the staircase in a wave of black and grey mist.

He stood up straight, fixing up his tie and jacket, making sure he looked presentable, before starting to walk up the stairs. It didn't take him long, though, to reach into his jacket pocket and pull out a dark iron staff that just reached his nose in height that easily shouldn't have fit in their at all.

The staff was completely bare, no design to it at all. The only interesting detail was it's complete straightness, no dents nor scratches in it's perfect coating of black.

Soon, he reached the top of the stairs, and pretended to pant as if he was out of breath, holding onto his staff for dear life. He fell against the wall dramatically and spoke up.

"By the gods, we need to find another way to get up here!" He roared, laughing out loud as he looked around, "Hello there my Dears! Wonderful to see you all again! Hahah!"
Nysa Proteus - God of Fear/Pain/Grief/Misery

Nysa was lazily sitting on his throne, playing with some contraption he made. He mumbling under his breath until he heard something, he turned his head and saw the white owl flying towards him with a message with him. "I am not attending." He plainly said. Nysa was being stubborn again. The owl didn't fly away and kept insisting that Nysa should take the damn message. "Fine. Damn bird. Fly away now." He growled, snatching the message and opening it up. "Blah Blah. Meeting. Blah. Death. Yup. I'm not going still." He said again to himself. One of his Misery Dogs spoke up, "Master.. it seems important." Nysa glared at the dog. "Why don't you go? Damn dog." He muttered. The hound uneasily answered.. "I-i wasn't invited. Also i am not a god, like you, m-master." Nysa ignore the dog. "Leave me be or else i'll simply snap your neck." The hound didn't answer and scampered off. Didn't the hound notice he was being sarcastic? Well only about the snapping your neck part. Hehe. "I don't wanna go. But they are going to probably use Addarra or Orion to lure me out." He broke the contraption. Nysa looked at his hand, he was gripping it too hard. "Oh my." Nysa put his hand through his hair. "I'm not going.. i'm not going.." He kept muttering to himself.

( Short post.. ;-; )
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Soteira, Lady of the Vengeful

Soteira was wandering through the streets of one of the Mundane Cities that was called Eros. A grand city that stood supposedly, as a beacon to the good of the world, with temples to nearly all of the Gods and Goddesses, clean streets, little to no poverty, and a King who looked over his people as a just and wise man constantly seeking the advice of the Gods. To most this would be paradise, to the Goddess, this might as well have been the absolute punishment for one with a darker soul. They did not have a temple to her, the Goddess of Vengeance, Corruption and Greed. "Of course not," she thought to herself while walking through the streets in her true form, "Why would they worship one as dark as I?" she continued stepping into an alley way nearby. She had recently planted an Eternal Soul into one of the King's noblemen. Not a half hour earlier she had ordered said nobleman to kill the king, claim the throne and take the nation to war against one of its neighbors. He would do her bidding, and if he failed. Well she would just have to find someone else. Before she could head back to her realm a white owl descend from above nearly taking a dump on her as it landed in front of her. She and the owl stared at one another for a few minutes, each with the expression of complete disdain for one another. "One of Satine's minions I see," she said taking the letter. Opening it slowly, before taking a look back that owl and swatting it on the head, only to have the bird take flight and actually hit her with some of its... well you know. "Gods no! I just bought this damn dress!" she said looking at the white stain, "I will wring that thing's neck the next time I see it, unless I have my spear, then I will just run through," She mused to herself trying to calm down. She tossed the letter into a pile of trash nearby as she teleported away to her realm. The letters had a tendency to burst into flames when the intended reader no longer had possession of it. Knowing that she tossed it into a pile of trash that wreaked of fish oil. Soteira was sure Satine would love to hear how her letter caused a fire in one of the more densely crowded areas of Eros.

After donning another of her red dresses and making sure to have her white spear, Soteira vanished from her realm arriving at the steps to the Spire. On this occasion as at all other important meetings she actually bothered to put on heels rather than go barefoot. Walking up the stairs, every so often hearing the sound of her spear clack against the ground as she used it as some kind of walking stick, her heels also made a rather loud noise on the marble steps. Finally coming to the top she paused looking at the view from the balcony. Her dress billowing in the wind ever so slightly. She turned to the assembled Gods and Goddesses seeing her seat between Wisdom and Order respectively. She didn't understand why that was where she had her throne but regardless she began walking towards it, flashing Satine a satisfied look, knowing by now that fire would have turned into a firestorm. Her throne was like all the others, a simple white marble with her insignia engraved into the back of it. A symbol of a spear, as if onset on a coin face, shone with a faint golden glow. She took her seat keeping her spear in one hand and crossing her legs in front of her. Waiting for the meeting to get underway.

Adohl, The Plague Beast.

"Vou-Es, Please do tell me why i'm here?" "Sorry Sir, Didn't know you hated meetings, Heh!" "I Do. You should have known that, Vou-Es."

Adohl Didn't know he'd be in this little meeting, Well. I did. It started when he was roaming about the streets of a small town with Vou-Es, Playing a small game of fetch as they usually do. Next thing Adohl knows hes hit by a crumpled up bit of paper when inside a trash-can and reads, as it was burning. Of Course. The only thing he read before it became ash was "Cordially Invited- To- God And Goddess- Meeting In-" At first he though it was going to be one of those little plays the humans put on about the gods and goddesses, where he would be mocked. As Usual in such plays. But the flame was a little offsetting it was a more golden and bigger fire than what a regular torch would do. Then an owl flew up close. "DAMN BIRD! FLY AWAY!" He came out of his true form just to say it, the bird, dropping a letter and flying away. "What the 'Ell's about?" He Opened it, Vou-Es finally catching up to him. "What Is it, Oh grateful?" "Its probably the fucking work of Ira. Needs to stop letting out animals." He finally opened the letter. "Might as well join this damned thing." "Sounds fun! Oh Grateful!"
Titania, Goddess of the Water // Venia, Goddess of the Arts // Marcus, God of Merchants and Travellers // Fiorina, Goddess of the Harvest // Aelerio, God of Nature

The owls sent by Satine delivered their message to the remaining Gods and Goddesses whom were in various places taking care of various matters. Titania on her throne beneath the waves read the message calling forth her Trident before departing for the Spire. Venia, attending a play stayed till the end and only then heading to the spire. Marcus finished up some business he had in four cities before arriving at the spire. Fiorina finished picking some ripe peaches, deciding to take them with her in a wicker basket, enough for each god. Aelerio was out surveying his realm with his wolf pack, stopped by the owl calling him to the Spire. The five arrived at the Spire seemingly all together, an interesting affair as so far all had arrived one after the other, yet none in a group. Turning to look at one another, they shared some hugs, a couple polite greetings among themselves before ascending the steps together. All wearing their own normal clothing. Titania led the way with the others clumped relatively close together, ascending the seemingly endless steps to the top. Fiorina with her extra... luggage was quite out of breath by the time they arrived at the top, she had to pause in clear view of the others, huffing and puffing to catch her breath. She wore a smile once she recovered, lifting the basket up and offering each of the others a peach if they so desired before taking her seat which bore a bushel of wheat as her symbol with a brownish color. Titania had her trident as her symbol in a blue crystal. Venia had the twin masks carved with one in white the other in black. Marcus had a coin pouch as his symbol, colored in gold. Aelerio had a tree as his symbol, it was green and brown for the bark. Once each had taken their seats they looked to the others around, offering smiles to those they liked and averting their gazes from those they didn't.

Addarra, Goddess of Sleep, Dreams and Memories

she said stuttering like a fool. It didn't help that there were others present. She hated crowds of more than three. She hated powerful people, they were mean and looked down on her. "N-not th-the Godd-goddess of Assass-ssins" She said chocking out as if in pain. It was embarrassing that she couldn't talk properly. Which seemed to only make her more nervous. The whole situation was compounding on itself. She was quite grateful when the others arrived with Fiorina interrupting and offering a peach, which Addarra was most grateful for. Taking a small bite, more like a nibble she enjoyed the explosion of flavor that seemed to spread throughout her mouth. Another sigh of relief came when Satine banged her staff.

Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and the Beginning

Satine watched as the slowly made their way into the Spire's meeting, a slight tingle was felt by Satine in the air. Chishiki was attempting to contact her, which at this point meant only one thing. Late... she thought to herself. Accepting the pending telepathic link, Satine listened as Chi told her he was going to be a tad late. She couldn't help but offer a little chastisement about being late to the first meeting in forty years, but at the same point she appreciated that he was getting lost on the flowery path of life. A nice analogy for taking his sweet bird feathered ass' time. No enmity was felt though, in all honesty she had called the meeting out of some kind of necessity rather than desire to see all of these siblings again. Most couldn't care less for Satine, others however like Chi and Ferrak were good friends of hers, people she didn't mind spending time with and talking to about the various matters and workings of the universe. A nostalgic smile spread across her lips, allowing her to fade into some memories of better times, times long since past.

Snapping back to reality Satine noticed that the last ones who were coming had arrived, finally bringing the number up to where only four were missing, Satine stood. Her scepter growing in length before becoming a staff the same height as her.
BANG, the gavel struck the marble floor once, then again, BANG, to gain the full attention of those gathered. It had been far too long since they had all been gathered, far too long without talking about what was surely on most of their minds. The death of Aeros. Satine looked around to the others assembled, interrupting the conversation that transpired between some, it was nothing personal, she just needed their attention. She shot apologetic looks to Addarra and Ither, knowing they were likely catching up on some old times or another. Or possibly Addarra just being too damn nervous to speak... like she often was. Seeing that she truly did have the attention of the others she took a deep breath, "Brothers, Sisters," she said pausing briefly, "It has been far too long since we last gathered here, and it saddens me that some were unable to make it, on time." She said noting that the others were sure to turn up sooner or later. "Forty years is far too long. I imagine most of you are either impatient or resentful that you have been pulled away from whatever you were doing, as I am sure it is all very important." Satine said looking around and smile at a few. "You are all here upon your own free will, I have no power to hold you here, nor do any of the others. If you care to leave so be it, but I implore you to hear me out." She said pausing and waiting for any to leave. "We cannot go on like we have, at each other's throats, fighting among ourselves like never before. If we are no longer immortal, as I am sure you have all considered, we should looking for the one who killed Aeros, and how they did." She said straining on the if. To be honest, Satine didn't know if they were immortal anymore or not. A god died, but his soul never crossed through the Faded Halls to the realm of the dead.

Satine took a few steps away from her throne, her scepter-turned-staff lightly tapping the ground as she came to the center of the spire's throne area. She turned to face Ferrak the God of Death, her counterpart in maintaining some semblance of balance in the Universe. From Ferrak she found her eyes drifting to Soteira, finally resting on the floor around her.
"If we fight Mundus will burn." She said holding her hand out over the floor, the representation of the Plane of Mundus began to burn, little billows of smoke could be see rising from the areas where cities once stood. The oceans turned from their soft blues and greens to the tainted grays and reds. "Together we hold a balance, and without us that balance falters. Once the scales are tipped too far, they cannot be reset the same way. I am not willing to let that happen." She said banging her staff on the ground once, seeing the representation go back to normal. "I ask that all of you," She said turning around to face many of the Gods and Goddesses, "To look within yourself, and decide if you will stand with me for the preservation of the Plane of Mundus, or if you would be so selfish as to risk everything collapsing." Satine didn't like this kind of situation. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, she was preparing for many of those gathered to draw their lines and prepare for some kind of battle against one another. Satine stood silent, watching the others.

@ashlynn @Tenshi Hinara @Aqua @Archangel Galdrael @Allcure @Azazelin @Silvey @EternalRose
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Soteira, Lady of the Vengeful

Soteira watched as the others finally arrived. She couldn't help but smirk seeing Fiorina breathing heavily. The woman clearly needed some kind of diet. Though event Soteira had to admit that none had as good a taste in food as Fiorina, even the Goddess of Vengeance and Corruption humbly accepted the peach offered to her. The juice ran down her chin just a little before being wiped away carefully so as to prevent it from dripping on her dress. A shudder very visibly ran through Soteira as she thought of the damn owl taking a shit on her. Nodding to herself in agreement she had come to the conclusion she would impale the next owl that came to her while she was't gathered here. Seeing the other gods take their seat, Soteira sat up just a little straighter, most had gathered for whatever this was truly about and that set the Goddess on edge. It had been a very long time since they had last gathered like this and that... that had not ended well.

Listening to Satine's speech and thankful that it had ended for the most part, Soteira stood, clapping and looked at the other Gods before making eye contact with Satine. "A lovely speech darling," she said pausing. "Truly lovely," the sarcasm dripping from her voice as if to mock the Goddess of Life. Standing with her spear in hand, Soteira walked to where Satine stood in the center of the floor. The spear shifting from white to black, not because Soteira was going into her true form, but simply because it reacted this way to Satine or to any that she hated. "Darling, if Mundus burns then you and your little elemental buddies," She said nodding to the Gods that controlled elements, "Can go make yourselves a new one." Her venom seeping into every word. "Though even I have to admit, being mortal would put a kink in how I run things." Soteira said feigning some kind of worry at the prospect. It wasn't possible for a God to be mortal, it went against everything they had ever known, though... so was the death of Aeros. Soteira took her eyes from Satine and looked at the representation of Mundus on which she and Satine stood. It was beautiful, all the cities, the nations and their wars. The turmoil, the discord that came from Mundus was enough to get Soteira high off of the corruption and the greed that seemed to be in the very heart of nearly all down below. A pang of guilt hit Soteira, for only the briefest of moments. "I won't fight any of you. I would rather corrupt those mortals than deal in a war where I could be prevented from doing what I love." Soteira said turning her back on Satine and walking back to her throne, her spear turning white once more. Satine might see Soteira's refusal to fight any of the other Gods as a victory, but for Soteira, she was just biding her time.
Rosalinda, Lady of Beauty and love

Listening to Satine's speech part of her was listening and the other half was thinking about how she could possibly go and change her dress seeing how Soteira had the same color dress as her. She tried to concentrate on what Satine was saying and she stood up " I agree with you Satine, I too believe that all of this arguing is completely childish " As soon as she said something she immediately sat down. Compared to the others she felt extremely out of place this was definitely not was she was good at if she could just sit there and look pretty she would. But she wanted to be involved and have her say in different matters. She knew that the men most definitely didn't think that she could think. " The past is the past we all have to move on and start fresh " She looked over to see if she got any sort of reaction from the others and as always they didn't even hear her. " How typical " she grabbed her mirror to check and make sure that through all of this waiting that neither her hair or her make up was messed up.
Lizabeth accepted the peach from Fiorina and placed it on her arm rest. She had no particular taste for peaches, but it would certainly feed quite a few of the younger birds. Marcus sat beside her, and he also had a peach. He offered her a faint smile and she blushed, hiding her face in her knees. It had been a long time since she had met with any of the other gods, and she wasn't sure how to act with them anymore. But she was respectful, and listened intently as Satine delivered her speech.

Suddenly, Soteira stood. "A lovely speech, darling," she scoffed, "truly lovely." She walked to the point opposite of the goddess of life and continued. Lizabeth pulled her legs closer to her and glanced over to Phenex, then Marcus. She couldn't read either of them. When Soteira was done, ending with her vow not to fight, Rosalinda muttered something, and Lizabeth sprang to her feet. This action probably surprised herself more than it did the others. She flushed a deep red, trying to recover from her spontaneous action. But she was up now, and she had no choice but to become involved.

"I..." Lizabeth pulled at her hair and trailed her fingers through it as she took small steps towards the center. "I don't like Mundus, I'll admit," she began, "but I honestly see no reason in destroying it with our bickering. I just, um, well I j-just want to keep the rest of my siblings alive." She stood up a little straighter as she entered the center of the floor where the representation of Mundus was. A misty circle formed around her feet on the Plane, and she continued to walk until she, Satine, and Soteira were in a triangle. "I don't want to fight. It's not just because I have no powers like the rest of you do, it's just because I see an outcome that none of us will like."

Lizabeth faced her palms upwards. "On one side, I can see the gods determining who stole our brother's life. But on the other, all I see is destruction. Not only will Mundus be destroyed," she swallowed and took a deep breath. "But I believe
all of us will be destroyed with it."
Ecaos quietly watched and listened to Satine very calmly, not to mention actively listening to her concerns. His mood changed however, as Soteira's comment regarding her want to mess up the mortal's sense of balance over the universal balance slightly annoy him. Because Soteira tended to disrupt the balance of things, as the God of Order, it was his job to fix them. Before he would have most likely just asked her to keep the mayhem in check to make his job easier, however due to living in Mundas for decades, Ecaos didn't like the idea of his followers or anyone close to them getting affected by her. Slowly making his way off his seat, Ecaos spoke up.

"As the God of Order, the more imbalance and chaos of the universe, the harder my job is. I apologize for my disappearance, however it helped me to realize that just because you think of something to be true or false, does not make it so, even in the case of gods and goddess's. I will not allow Mundas to burn as you shown, because in my time their I made close friends and even a tiny following." He bellowed, with a calm and friendly, yet stern tone. Ecaos knew that if everything was balanced, then the balance of chaos itself would collapse, so he did not mean any harshness towards anyone. Closed his eyes for a moment, he sighed heavily. "I won't attack anyone unless they attack my followers, or anyone close to them." Ecaos said, before moving his attention from everyone to the triangle of the three goddess's solely. "I will side with you for Mundas and the order of it, however I will not favor any side regardless. I only side with my friends, myself, and my followers."
Satine, Goddess of Life, Creation and The Beginning

Focusing her attention on Soteira she chose not to respond, knowing she was likely being baited by the Goddess of Corruption. The situation between the pair was very unlike Satine, she felt some kind of hate though the word itself was too strong in regards to the feelings towards Soteira. It wasn't too soon that Rosalinda seemed to speak up and Satine offered a smile to the Goddess of Love. A person she indeed enjoyed, but sadly had never really been close too. Something Satine did indeed regret deeply. Soon after that, Lizabeth seemed to nearly jolt out of her seat, clearly not really intending to have done so. Satine smiled with a matronly aura around her as the Goddess stepped towards her and Soteira coming to stop before them and speak her mind about the situation at hand. After Lizabeth finished and before Satine could respond to either Lizabeth or Rosalinda, Ecaos the God of Order chimed in on the matter. His response left a seemingly hollow feeling in Satine, though as the God of Order, neutrality to a degree did make the most sense. Choosing not to engage in case any others wished to speak their minds, Satine resigned herself to nod in the direction of Ecaos making sure he understood that she recognized his position on the matter. So far none had said they would go out of their way to cause any damage to the world. So far...

Adohl, The Plague Beast.

"How does this help us! Or more importantly, Me?"
He stood out of his Throne waiting for an answer. "Because we all deserve a little something! Correct?" He placed his hand back onto his throne sitting back down. "I mean come on. I deserve something... Right? Ive been throwing out my back for a long time over what village has to be punished or not. Its a harder job than you think Damn it! And what do i get!? Mocking!" He Slammed his hand down onto his throne sitting there with a smug look. "And what have you been doing? Keeping life going? Yeah, Great. Your counteracting my job!" And what do i have? I have a child for a servant! A CHILD!" He slammed his hand down again. Becoming quite finally.
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Gelio God of innocents, children, and family.

Watching his family as one by one they decided that arguing was not worth the destruction of Mundas, rather for selfish reasons or no, Gelio felt a tendril of pride feel him. Maybe there is hope for my family. For some time now I feared they would rip each other apart. I am relieved to find that it is postponed or better yet won't happen. However even as he thought this Gelio knew that such was likely a fools hope yet, some fools were lucky. Watching Adohls outburst he decided it was time to have his say and waited until he quieted down to speak. What is wrong with children? His decision was short and to the point and his voice was just loud enough for all to hear. "As long as Mundas contains the beings I was created to protect then I shall seek only their preservation never their destruction, and as long as I think of you all as my family I shall not have anything to do with your destruction."

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