• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Illustrious Remake

Majid Al Khalifa

Maj wasn't entire surprised at the positive reception that he received from the two women that he and Jordan approached. He was a lot of things, Jordan too, but unattractive wasn't particularly one of them. So as the women motioned for them to come to the dance floor, they dapped each other up and did just that. Jordan took a shot right before, but because Majid didn't drink, he took a hit from vape pen and then got behind honey and started to dance with her. They continued to dance for a bit before Jordan looked over to Majid and smirked.

He grabbed Diamond's hand before leaning over to whisper in her ear, "Going to show you a trick we used to do..." and with that he led her to the DJ booth, where he slid the DJ some money and the DJ got out of the way. Jordan took the headphones and looked over his laptop logging into his stuff before pulling up a song and letting it play in the serato.

Majid her that first note and grabbed Honey's hands still dancing, but running her his right hand up her arm and to her chin,"There's something about you..." he started before starting to sing the song that was playing, sensually holding her hand and dancing with her as the music played. The words he sung full of emotion and really showcasing Majid's talent and passion.

The music was song was still very much a dance vibe despite the lover boy words making it a decent transition as Jordan did his best to dance with Diamond also. They were corny a bit, sure, but they were definitely good as a producer singer combo.


by Majid Jordan

.Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat. Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202
mentions mentions mentions

º º code by ditto º º

It wasn't too long before he spotted a familiar face in the crowd. There was someone in an Ada Wong costume and it just so happened to be the someone he had been thinking about non-stop.

Lisa. I guess I was wrong about not seeing her so soon..I don't know what to do,but I know she saw me since...she hid behind a pole. If I wasn't mad and confused I'd probably think that was the cutest thing ever. Haah I need answers,but I don't even know if she will give them to me..

He sucked up how he was feeling and slipped through the crowd to get closer to her. "Lisa, you know, I can see you" he said trying to start off with not being too harsh. "I didn't know you were going to be here since you haven't been answering my messages. Can you just tell me what I've done wrong? I'll leave you alone after that" He told her as he peered down to her height so she could hear him. Just the slight smell of her was making his skin feel more than the alcohol did.

Or at least I'll TRY to leave you alone..it's hard enough as it is right now...

AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami

the director


♡coded by uxie♡

♡Honey Cielo♡

oney liked when the attention was on her and the man that was dancing with her was doing a great job at that. Even as he started singing to her she couldn't help,but laugh at the corny gesture. It was different and something she wouldn't have expected. Something that made her curious. Made her want to know more.

Her hips moved effortlessly with the beat of the music. Honey's hands snaked up the man's body to hook around his neck. As there bodies we close she couldn't help,but joke.
"You always swoon all the girls like this?"
She asked as her brown eyes scanned his face, trying to tell what he was thinking. It irked her that she couldn't know.

Of course Honey watched out for Diamond and made sure not to go too far from her and his friend. If something happened she wouldn't forgive herself. She gave her slight glances to make sure, even holding up a thumbs up sign with her hand.

Honey turned around on the man, her ass against him. His hands on her body felt scolding hot beneath her skin,but it was the type of feeling she was always chasing after. Just don't let him turn out to be like a stalker or anything and ill be okay she thought to herself. While she wasn't always listening to new and upcoming artists she could appreciate talent when it's due. Seeing that she's never heard of the song he was singing to her, let alone know it was him on the track.







coded by xayah.ღ
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Sailor Moon





See discord fit channel


haunted house




It was one of her favorite times of the year, Hallween. Anyone who knew Ari knew she had to go all out for it. Her usual decorations in the house were swapped out for more Halloween oriented decor. Some would say between the crystals, old books, cauldrons, and other witchy things that she always had her place looking that way, but npe halloween was different.

Partying wasn't really her thing - well not the kind of partying you typically found at an HBCU. Don't get her wrong, she's been to her few share of Dubois kickbacks and house parties and had an amazing time, but she was more a mosh pit girlie. Give her a nice show with some underground punk band (if not her own band) and she'd be the life of the party. A'las they didn't really have those around Rome, Georgia and with her car fears that wasn't worth it.

So tonight instead of a cool show with her other alt people she agreed to hang out at a haunted house with some friends. Of course she was going to go as her moon priestess, capricorn costume. What else would she have done. She got on a shuttle that took her to the haunted house, stuffing her headphones in and closing her eyes shut tightly. She set a timer based on how long it should take along with pening the directions in her google maps app. It would announce when they were close and when they arrived. It helped ease a lot of the anxiety that came with riding in vehicle like this.

Eventually the shuttle would stop and she would get off, looking around for the people she was supposed to hang out with. She spotted Genesis and waved at her, walking up to those who had already gathered,
"It's bare people out here, eh?."
Her Canadian accent rarely came out because she spent a third of her life in Rome, and she moved to so many cities and provinces in Canada that she didn't have a single Canadian accent really, maybe from Toronto?

♡coded by uxie♡

Eswar Pandit

He'd do anything to avoid his sister, but he just felt like he couldn't. He loved her to death, but she was so demanding. He lived with her though and so it was hard to just avoid her, and he would love to move out, but his parents were paying for his schooling and the very nice rental home they were living in. He had gotten used to such niceties if he was being honest and being a Zoo janitor didn't cover that, so he'd suck it up.

His sister though, always saying he needed to work harder and be a man and all of these things and all he wanted to do was garden. Was gardening so wrong? And why did she have to lecture him in multiple languages? English, Tamil, Arabic, Hindi WHY DID SHE KNW SO MANY LANGUAGES. They weren't even Hindi..it didn't really matter though he was going to get out of the house and away from her. She didn't party, so he knew for a fact he could get away from her.

He didn't really put much effort into his costume, just got a bomber jacket with some fake navy pilot stuff witht he fur collar, and some aviators. He was a pilot. That's what he was going as.

He towered over most of the people as he walked in, though he wasn't super tall, he was much taller than average at 6'4 and his awkwardness made it more pronounced. He looked around to see if he could find some friends, maybe his cousin Annie or her boyfriend. That guy was cool but all he knew is he felt something wet on shirt.

He looked down and saw that in his clumsiness he ran into a woman and spilled her drink all on him and began to blink,"Oh no i'm so sorry, here." He quickly grabbed a towel seemingly out of now where and started to hand it to her,"I'm sorry i'm sorry, I'll buy you new shirt."


by Majid Jordan


.Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat. Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202
mentions mentions mentions

º º code by ditto º º

"A drink? Typical.."

Nilan wasn't paying attention as there was plenty of people cutting through the dance floor to get to somewhere else. What she didn't expect was feeling cold liquid dripping off her body, mainly on her boobs. Her friends that were near her started saying things like "Yeah you better but her a new shirt!" and "You know how expensive that it??" Nilan held her hand up to shut them up. She didn't want unnecessary people talking when it was already so loud. Her brown eyes adjusted upwards to this 6'4, curly haired man. He was attractive, she had to admit.

Tequila was coursing through her veins and even if she was a confident woman this just made everything easier for her not to feel embarrassed. Who has time for that?

She quickly glanced around him as he pulled a towel from thin air like a magician. She could help,but laugh at how he was acting. "You came here alone? I don't see you with anyone" she told him as she took the towel from him to wipe the top of her boobs.

Sticky...and sticky and not in a good way. I have to go to the bathroom and fix this then..I wonder..if he would object going with me? I mean who am I kidding, he wouldn't say no.

After he confirmed she turned her face towards her friends. "I'll be back" After that she grabbed the man's aviator jacket. "You don't mind if I steal you for a little, do you?" She said giving him a small wink before snaking through the crowd to the bathroom. Now Nilan was really good at teasing and he looked like the perfect candidate. Plus it's a party, she can let loose just a little. She led them both into a bathroom and locked the door. "What's your name?" She asked him as she placed the towel he gave her on the counter before turning her back to him, revealing a corset back expecting him to help since he caused all this mess.


the bossy lady


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡


Goof Troop





in fits thread





Lisa very well knew that he could still see her, but she had to try right? What if on some off chance he was on LSD and it confused him? She couldn't take the chance and do nothing. However when he approached her and asked what he did wrong, she could only sigh. He didn't actually do anything wrong - it was all her. She was being avoidant and running from her feelings. She knew it would get there when she had sex with him the first time. SHE WAS DEMISEXUAL and way down the ace line when she had no emotional interests, but slept with him on their first link. Sure alcohol was involved and that may have emboldened her a little, but she felt some obvious connection or she wouldn't have been able to get it....well..going for him.

Still, she didn't need to spill her purse in the middle of a party, did she? She was there to let loose not be all wound up over feelings and who ghosted whom. So she sucked in some air and took a long breath. Oh shit, was he still there?

Oh God he's looking at me. He's expecting me to say something.

She clapped her hands really quickly before blinking, and turning and walking away, but stopping. She groaned when she made eye contact with her sister who was chuckling.

Heifer! Ugh fine

She turned her attention back to Jett,"I like you okay. And that's scary, because the last time I liked someone it didn't end up well, so relationships just aren't for me."

♡coded by uxie♡

Jett wanted her to tell him the truth. That's exactly what he got. He was just excepting rejection or anything that summed up that she didn't want him. How wrong he was.

"I like you okay and that's scary, because the last time I liked someone it didn't end up well, so relationships aren't for me"

That was her answer. He felt he body relax slightly at her words. "So you like me and you want to push me away at the same time..?" He asked as he inched forward to close the space they had in-between them. "You're putting me in a tough spot Lisa.." he said with a low voice. His hands smoothed over her hips to her lower back.

I don't mess around like that and I don't fuck on the first link,but I did with you. I felt something with you and I it seems like you've been really hurt,but I didn't walk over here to just want one part of you. I want all of you. I know I like you more than you like me,but at this point as long I have you in my arms..calling you mine..I can die happy. Can I tell her that now? At a party? No,but I will. How can I hide everything now that I know she does in fact like me?

"If you haven't noticed I like you and I only want you so as long as you tell me that you're mine why would I have room to complain?" He told her as he was trying to wait patiently for her answer.

AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami

the director


♡coded by uxie♡


Ice Queen



distant and cold, but loving oli


in post





Though Stassi usually did the leading, even with her blank countenance on the outside, she was enjoying the sudden change in roles. Stassi towered over Liv, making all the more comical when she interlocked their fingers and started leading her around. She essentially needed to bend over for her to properly lead. It was amusing and somehow attractive. Probably because she was used to running things and people. With a snap of a finger she could change people's lives which was part of the reason she still toyed with Moses. She could end that relationship if she so chose, but she'd let it simmer for now.

When she was led to a bedroom she smirked, hoping other things were on the menu besides the bag of fun that was being carried around. She was disappointed when she saw the two in there, not wanting any witnesses to what she had going on, because despite the fact that Stassi did what she wanted ...she still had an image to uphold for business purposes only. If she was ever going to take over her father's company she'd need to be squeaky clean to do it. Though no one could blame a college student for having fun - any evidence of that could lead to blackmail or other circumstances.

So she opened her mouth to say something, but Liv had already taken over doing what she needed to scare them out. Stassi was amused as she folded her arms over her chest and shook her head. There was something familiar about how Liv was acting. Something both frightening and comforting. Probably because it was exactly where Stassi was not too long ago. Abusing drugs, depressed, and spiraling. Stassi cared for the girl...she liked the girl even. Hell she was in love with Liv and had been for a while...So she should say something right? She should do more to protect this girl she cared for even at the risk of their relationship?

"Girl it worked because you are a boss bish tonight and it's giving...." Stassi chose instead. She wasn't sure if she'd regret it later, but for now she'd choose fun. She moved over to a dresser and took the bag and spread it out. She reached into her bra and produced a specific tool to separate the powder into 4, neat lines and well you know what happened. She took hers and looked over to Liv,"God this is good..it might be too good for you."

♡coded by uxie♡

Eswar Pandit

Let's be clear. Eswar was not the smoothest guy, in hindsight, he was probably the least smoothest guy. Unlike the other tall, brown skin guy (Majid) who was across the room singing his heart out to a girl had moves, Eswar, didn't. He kind of just lucked up into most things from being tall and handsome. In fact, his awkwardness was how he got himself into positive situations without having to do much work. Which - he was thankful for.

This seemed to be exactly that. Though it didn't seem to start off like that as her friends quickly accosted him for his mistake. This started to freak him out initially when they mentioned how much it cost and all of that, because again he was a zoo janitor and could not afford much. He would have to ask Nitara and he did not want to do that..again.

He blinked when she asked was he alone and he nodded, "Yeah, all of my friends...are uh busy?" he questioned because it was a bit of a lie, because well...he didn't have friends like that. Well, not an overwhelming amount at least. Soon though, he was brought by her to the bathroom and they were locked in.

She turned her back to him - and showed her corset. He blinked a few times looking around wondering if he should, before nodding and took a deep breath as he started to undo the strings to the corset,"I am Eswar but everyone calls me Essy or Es...well except my sister..she calls me a disappointment..haha..." he laughed awkwardly as he continued to undo the strings.


by Majid Jordan


.Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat. Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202
mentions mentions mentions

º º code by ditto º º

"At least he got the hint.."

Nilan felt his clumsy, yet delicate hands undoing her corset. She made sure to hold it up so it doesn't slip right off her body as well as move her hair out of the way to reveal more or her brown, tanned skin. After the comment he made about his sister she didn't hold back her laughter. "Well it seems I like your sister without ever meeting her then" she told him as she felt her top loosen gradually.

"I'm Nilan-" she introduced herself while peeling the corset off her body and placed it on the counter. It revealed her slightly dampened bra to which she turn on the hot water to wipe her chest with the towel from earlier. She was arching down so she didn't make a mess, but also because she wondered if he'd look at her. "Does this sort of thing happen often? Instead of you asking if girls want a drink you spill it on them? " She teased while looking up at him from the mirror.

"Also I know I dragged you in here, but I promise you if you have a girlfriend....I will stomp on your balls with my 6 inch heels and rock your shit" She laughed, but she knew she was serious. Finally, the freedom of not being sticky from his drink was over and she finally turned around. Nilans body was leaning against the sink, her arms at either side of her as her fingers gripped the counter. "Hmm...are you not attracted to me or are you standing off like that, awkwardly, for reason?" I'm half naked and not really one move was being made. That's a first..She tilted her head while she asked. Her brown, intimidating eyes making sure not to deter from his body.


the bossy lady


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡


Black Gold



Excited, but guilty


Harley Quinn Costume *see discord*


Party house



Dee, Jordy, Mo

Stella grinned as she was putting on the final touches to her costume. This wig was really giving her a run for her money tonight. While she also choose to opt out of the contest due to being best friends with the host she still wanted to look stellar. Photos were bound to be taken and circulated, and she couldn't be out here looking crazy. That and after the Mr. and Mrs. Black and white she was good on competitions for a moment. While she didn't outwardly show it because she knew how it'd look, she felt slighted in some categories, but at least one of her friends won, which made it a bit easier to swallow. Annie was a phenomenal actress.

"Point. Blank. Period." She agreed with Kinni's sentiment. Kinni was definitely the prize in this situation, and Mo was walking on eggshells lately. She wondered what was getting into that head of his. Maybe one too many hits to the head? The ego of footballers was truly amazing, that's partially why she was glad Jordy did baseball instead. Maybe it's why he was more humble. "I'd say he needs a lesson from Jordy, but then he might turn too soft for you." She giggled teasingly. Jordy was great, but a woman like Kinni would walk all over that man.

"Dee? I don't think she'll come. At least she said she wouldn't." She shrugged finally getting her wig laid right with a smile and looked herself over one good time. "Plus she's never been the type to cause a scene over some petty bullshit. That's why I like her." She shrugged her shoulders a bit nonchalantly. She wasn't worried. Dee was tough, she'd move on, with or without her clearly. "In fact I know for a fact she was fuckin on some girl at the homecoming party, so she good."

Stella moved onto her make-up starting with her eyes, "Though I wouldn't mind if Micha's obsessed ass didn't show. Been all over my Insta lately."

♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:





heartbroken party girl


Winx Costume *See Discord*


House party




It was weird dancing with another guy like this. Such she'd danced with other guys while she dated Dallas, but she always was sure to leave a little space, made sure it was playful not sexy. This time she could do whatever she wanted. It was ood because outwardly her body remembered exactly what to do, where to touch, and how to swing...but inwardly it felt strange and forgien because the places she was touching felt different being on a different person. She knew it was something she'd have to get over, so she willed herself to go based off her instincts and not her brain.

Diamond's ears perked up when he mentioned a trick, "You do know most people don't announce when they're about to spit game right?" She giggled, but let him lead the way anyways to the DJ booth. Hmm so was this their little tag team combo? Luckily from the booth she could easily still see Honey. She watched as he pulled everything up which not gonna lie was a little impressive. He knew he way around a booth. When the music started to play her eyes were on Honey and Majid, and she noticed the switch up. Was this a song they practiced to, or was this their song? She hoped the latter, because the other way would be corny as hell.

The only part of her brain she kept tuned in was the part that thought about Honey. Diamond kept her eyes on Honey because there was no way she was going to get so fucked up she'd let some strangers fuck them over. Maybe it's paranoia, but she couldn't help it, she'd seen some messed up stuff in her childhood. Set-ups were common, and she remembered her mom being a part of one or two of them. So when the thumbs up where flashed, she flashed them right back.

She leaned onto an open space on the table and looked over at Jordan, "Hmm ultimate wing-man vibez. Got them as alone as you can in a crowded room, set the mood, what's next on the checklist hmm?" she asked curiously. As long as Honey was enjoying herself she wasn't mad. Game is game, and they clearly have practiced playing it well. After all this was just one fun night, nothing serious.

♡coded by uxie♡

Majid Al Khalifa

Sure, it was some parlor trick that could only work once when someone saw it. So Maj could probably never pull it at Dubois again - word traveled way too fast, but he only needed it once. She was into it - and that's all he could ask for as they danced together. His voice was soft as he sang and he looked to her when she asked if this was what he always does and he laughed,"Nah, there's just something about you."

Jordan looked to Diamond as she spoke and smiled,"Not just a wing man though..." he made sure to tell her that hinting that he wanted her attention too. He smirked though when she asked what was the next checklist and he nodded towards the DJ setup. He had already had the next song queued up, more vibey, singing songs like their own and the weeknd, drake etc....but he wanted her attention as he grabbed one pair of the headphones and held it out to her,"I want to give you a different show..Maj got his from there. But I produce, he sings, and we write songs together. So let me take you on adventure of our music, some old..some new, all will let me get lost with you tonight."

Meanwhile ..Maj took a deep breath when he finished the song and laughed as he heard more music from Toronto come on. He knew what that meant, Jordan was about to play HIS game, cool. He could focus on Honey,"You know it's corny, but I can already see it. One day, I'm going to write a song about you. Hopefully a happy one and everyone everywhere will sing it...you'll go to a concert and here thousands of people sing the song that is about you.." as he said that he had leaned in close so that there lips were just apart, but she could feel them brush up against each other.


by Majid Jordan

.Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat. Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202
mentions mentions mentions

º º code by ditto º º
Shai Moss
Feeling a little chilled, Shai stuffed his hands into the pockets of his black sweater. He nodded once Gen spoke. "How kind of you to protect those people. You know me so well." He chuckled. Perhaps something good did come out of their being nemeses. He looked around for familiar faces as they waited for the others to arrive. Of course Gen had told him who all was coming, but sometimes he couldn't keep up with such details in between everything else he had to remember... Plus, he didn't really know her friends like that, just a name here, a face there. However, it didn't take long before the others made their appearances.

Celeste approached in a cheery and playful mood, either excited about the haunted house or just to be hanging out for the night. It fit the spirit of the fairy costume she was in. "There's no touching, so no one has to get jumped tonight." He assured. Then, he noticed the woman he could only recall as "the creepy one" approaching, somehow looking both creepy and elegant at the same time. He'd have to try to remember her name; he couldn't afford to let that epithet slip.

Between the three women he was with, he suddenly felt very underdressed, each in their own conspicuous costumes. Yet, while Shai didn't view women as collectors' items, instead of feeling out of place, he imagined he should just embrace the idea that he was being seen with three eye-catching women... In any case, costumed or not, it wasn't going to matter much as they made it up the line to enter the dimly lit house. The door creaked open to welcome their group inside in a cartoonish fashion. Cackles, distant screams, random thuds, and other "spooky" sounds filled his ears as he led the group down the long hallway. Shai didn't really do scary and the flickering light up ahead felt like a metaphor for his confidence... But, of course, he'd never let the girls know that.

He looked over at Genesis. "Let me know if you get scared."
Interactions: Genesis ( Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202 ) ; Celeste ( Aster Sapphire Aster Sapphire ) ; Ari ( AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami )
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♡Honey Cielo♡

ust something about me huh? The only thing people say about me is I'm very "passionate", intimidating, and independent. I guess..this is a nice change of pace. He doesn't seem intimidated by me..he seems like he's having a good time. I can't lie and say I'm not because that would be a lie he would see right through.

As the music changed she noticed Diamond and his friend seemingly getting along. That made her drop her walls more,but of course she couldn't drop them completely. "Mm so you drop the moves on me first and now it's your friends turn? Cheeky" she laughed as their bodies had no space between them. Honey turned her body around her hips swaying fluidly to the music while her hands snaked up his chest. Her brown eyes processed what he had said and she couldn't help,but give a genuine smile. "You sound very confident and sure about this" she teased as his face came close enough that she was trapped in his scent. Her eyes darted from his lips back up to his eyes, albeit more longingly than anticipated. Their lips brushing together caused her to feel jolts sparking in her body.

Did she want him to kiss her? Yes,but she had to think about how easy she'd look- she is far from that,no matter what she really wants. Honey's slender thumb brushed up against his bottom lip to create space between them for a moment. She laughed before speaking.
"Mmm-mmhhh I'm not that simple, sweets. Who knows, when you kiss me you might not want to stop. I have that affect on people"
she said while playing her plump lips on his neck, lightly tracing her tongue along the curve, briefly.

Soon she made a mental note to rejoin Diamond and his friend as she mainly came for her. Maybe they make an excuse to go the the bathroom and gossip? Or maybe these guys will make them more drinks? Who knows,but she mainly came for her girl and she won't let a prettyboy like him steer her off course--too much.







coded by xayah.ღ


Goof Troop





in fits thread





Lisa scrunched up her face when he spoke. She hadn't expected to engage in an actual conversation with him, hoping it would be enough to know that she didn't want a relationship...but instead he started by more or less repeating what she said. This was irritating a bit, but she was a patient girl so she was going to let him get the chance to get it all out. What she wasn't expecting was for him to touch her, which made her jump at first. When she readjusted ehrself getting used to the touch she let out out a sigh.

It was nice being wanted, but Lisa was always wanted. She wasn't dense - despite her goofy nature and overall nerdy demeanor, people found her attractive and they loved her exotic "nature" of being blasian. She was demi though - she didn't care about being wanted physically, she wanted to be wanted on a deeper level. And this himbo? He was making a big deal about it even after getting everything she could give physically.

Would it be awful of her to try? Would it really be so hard for her to let someone love her even it meant the risk of being hurt again? Her sisters would probably tell her go for it. So whatever, if he wanted to win he could win.

"Ugh, fine Jett...Fine..."

♡coded by uxie♡

"It sounds like I convinced you"
he laughed while bringing his face down to nuzzle in the crook of her neck. Her perfume nearly making him more intoxicated than he's ever been. His hands roamed her body while the beat of the music swayed their bodies.

"I'm so happy I could die..I was so worried" he finally admitted, his emotions now out in the open so his shoulders felt lighter than they had been this whole time. He was worried he wouldn't be able to be this close to her anymore and now he's holding her. She's in his arms willingly. She didn't slap him. Halloween is good for a change, finally.

Jett's lips trailed up her neck and found her lips. Fuck I missed her. I fucking missed her. I only want her and now she says she's mine? All mine. Eventually I'll ask her properly because what bozo is going to ask on a holiday? No, thanks. "Let's grab a drink, I think we're too sober right now" he chuckled as he took her hand over to the full bottles of dark liquor. Just like old times. Just what I wanted.

AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami

the director


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡


Supernova girl





Costume *see discord*


Haunted House


Shai Aato Aato


The gang

Seeing Celeste come up so cheerfully made her heart jump. Her costume looked so cool! Pictures simply wouldn't do it justice, "You look amazing!" She cheered with rapid tiny claps of her fingertips. "Plus you aren't late at all we didn't even get to the front yet." She added in to assure her. Noticing however the line moving her nerves began to get to her. Was she ready to get into some spooky shit? This was the same girl that didn't really mess with horror films unless prompted. She convinced herself fake gore should be about as scary as old 80's horror films. Right?

"Guess we're about to find out." She giggled a bit nervously. "Though I know who definitely is. Ari once she gets here will probably put everyone to shame." She grinned. If there was one thing she knew this was Ari's element out of the four of them. Speaking of the she-devil herself she spotted Ari getting off a shuttle to join them. "Ari!" She grinned waving back at her. Welp that's the gang...well the gang that agreed to show up. She assumed most people were going out to Kinni's party tonight or at some other random kickback getting high.

She got nothing against either, but in her promise to stay sober she figured she should steer clear of temptation. She did well at homecoming, but now they were in the thick of the semester, and she couldn't lie...It was getting harder and harder to keep her promise to Shai and her brother for that matter. It wasn't for a lack of wanting to it's just...Nothing BAD had really happened, and while every statistic in the world says otherwise, she couldn't help but feel like nothing would have. A pill or two to keep her sanity was all she asked for. She was in a stressful degree program, and if it's ok for people to smoke why can't she have her own way to relax?

Anyways, she shouldn't think like that. Not right now when she's got her friends around. She made a promise...that's that.

It didn't take long for them to reach the front of the attraction and be welcomed in with a few other randos. They were advised to stick together as a group until the end, but there were emergency precautions to do if something happens or they are separated for some reason. The speech calmed her nerves slightly because at least if it did become overwhelming there was a way out. As embarrassing as that'd be. "Me? Scared, pff. Let me know if it's too much for you." She quip back forgetting once again this is her boyfriend now, not everything had to be a challenge.

The first room looked like a haunted forest with a destroyed campsite. Spooky noises and roars from the speakers sounded far too close for comfort. The darkness made it difficult to maneuver without feeling like she was tripping over herself. Her hand stayed clasped in Shai's as a costumed werewolf pounced out at the group from one side and another actor covered in blood with a ski mask and chainsaw popped out from behind them cranking the chainsaw a few times.

♡coded by uxie♡
Celeste would try just about anything once. As she shuffled her way through the haunted house holding onto whoever would allow she decided this would be one of those things she'd only try once.

While it helped to be in good company, each and every scare made her jump and scream. She prayed that she wouldn't end up being literally scared to death and also that no one would tell her siblings how terrified she was.

But despite all that she found herself having fun. Enough to fully open hey eyes? Not quite, but the adrenaline rush she got from the scares was plenty to keep her entertained.

"Okay! Okay! This isn't so bad! I'm with it. I'm-"

Her positive affirmations were cute short when she heard a chainsaw behind her She's turned around and let out another high pitched scream, stumbling back at the sight of the man in the ski mask.

It seemed that her plan to go last in the group in hopes of getting less scared had backfired and all her years of dance training didn't stop her from loosing get footing and stumbling into whoever was behind her





heartbroken party girl


Winx Costume *See Discord*


House party




She was low key glad he said he wasn't just a wingman. She wasn't about to walk away from a good vibe, but it'd would've been a bit disappointing. Her interest was perked a bit more when he explained that he produced the music while Maj sang and that they wrote together. Honestly she just thought he might be a good DJ. "Take me to wonderland then." She smirked taking the headphones from him an placing them on.

Diamond loved music, it's why she settled on being a dance major despite not actually knowing what she was going to do with that. Heck she might do nothing, maybe try an be an Olympic track star? Maybe do a podcast and blow up? Who knows. She admired people who not only had skills, but had even an idea of what they wanted out of this life? What their next steps where going to be. She wanted that same assurance so desperately.

She let him play a few songs for her, and she was enjoying it, and his company. Would anything come from tonight? Probably not, but she wasn't opposed to just a good time tonight. Everything was still far to fresh to want anything more. She let her body naturally sway to the music turning so her butt was against him as she moved, and giving him the opening if he wanted to let his hands explore a bit. After the songs passed she glanced where Honey and Majid were before reaching up to caress Jordan's face, "We should've come up here with an extra drink for both of us. Think you can help a girl out?" She placed a gentle kiss on his jawline.

She figured it was about time for them to regroup, because as hot as these men were, they were still strangers, and she also wanted to spend some time with Honey.

♡coded by uxie♡

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