The Hunt for Adventure


Elder Member
View attachment 2483 Map of DeMono

Bounty Hunters: They are people at least 16 years old. They accept quests (requests) from other people who need help and they are rewarded with items or money if they completed the task. The more quests they complete, the better quests they could take on and the more well known they could become.Level Es: Zekeziel Artrezil, Alphonse Ramirez, Danielle Joanah Level Ds: Alan Cross , Level Cs: Selia Cross, Swan Rosalind Faire, Level Bs: Flower Moon, Isabel Darkwood, Level As: Jewels Alwyn, Bret, Adam Kevallan Level Ss: Nicholas Nightfall ,Will StardustRanks: Every bounty hunter starts off at level E. As they complete more quests, and gain more fame, they can accept more challeging tasks.Rank E - the easiest and best for beginners. The tasks would usually be deleivering mail or helping out on a farm or at a shop.Rank D - these tasks would usually be made for slightly experienced bounty hunters. These tasks would usually be going out collecting things like herbs in areas infected by monsters.Rank C - This is when fighting is more expected. Hunters would need to defeat certain weak monsters for items, or fight a certain amount of a weak monster.Rank B - Hunters at this rank would need to defeat slightly stronger monsters for items or defeat a certain amount.Rank A - This is when some bosses come into play. Some of the "weaker" bosses would be hunted on this level.Rank S - The best bounty hunters are at this rank. they can be asked to hunt large bosses and even dragons!Places of the World:Verdale: A secluded castle hidden deep within the mountains. No one lives here, however strange occurances have been reported here.Nesim: A small city. Popular place for tourists.Zarend: The capital city. The king lives here.Sagar: A busy city. Best weapons and armor are sold here.Belman: A small town were wearly travelers may rest.Costard: A large city. The bounty hunters base is here.Countlin: A small farming town.Kird: A small farming town.Freevem: A small city which holds the largest market in the world.Edfield: Located in the Edfield Forest, sells some of the best meat.Vitale: A small fishing town.Adelais: A magic based town.Kinsdan: A town popular for its flowerfields.Pindan: A small fishing town.Herdward: A small livestock town.Heath: A mining town.Rocart: A mining town.Lockres: A mining town.Pinell: A mining town.MonstersThe Basilisk, Black Orcs, Brownies,The Chimera, The Cockatrice, Dryads, Air elementals, Earth elementals, Fire elementals, Water elementals, Ice Elementals, Fairies, The Phoenix, Ghouls, Giant ants, Giant crabs, Giant scorpions, Giant spiders, Giants, Girallon, Gnomes, Goblins, Great eagles, Griffin/Griffon, Harpies, Hellhounds,The Hippogrif, Hobgoblins, Lamias, Minotaurs, Mummies, Nightmares or Skeletal, Ogres, Orc, Savage Orc's, The Pegasus, Pixies or Piskies, The Ratmen, Skeletons, Snotlings, The Aspidochelone, Treemen, Troglodytes, Troglodytes, Trolls, UnicornDragons:Black dragons, Blue dragons, Brass dragons, Gold dragons, Red/Fire dragons, Silver dragons, Copper dragons, Bronze dragons, White dragons, White dragons, Green dragons RulesBe activeNo godmodingDo not kill others characters without permissionPost your characters form(s) in the character thread and wait until I accept you to post!Keep swearing to a minIf things get too "romantic" please timeskip.Characters can only accept up to 3 requests and they must be at their ranking or lower.The only way to be able to do quests above your level is if you tag up with at least one other person of a higher level who is going on a questpost your current quests on the hunt for adventure quest fourm!The Groups: As an experiment the head of the bounty hunters has placed random bounty hunters into small groups to see how well they can work with each other. Group 1Bret MarksSwan Driscoll Rosalind FaireGroup 2Flower MoonIsabel Darkwood Adam KevallanSelia CrossGroup 3Danielle JoanahZekeziel ArtrozilAlphonse RamirezAlan CrossGroup 4Nicholas NightfallJewels AlwynWill Stardust
Jewels yawned and looked around. He was looking forward to today. He had a plan in his mind. And the plan was quite simple. He would make S rank missions and be a badass bounty hunter and get all the girls and guys. Simple.

Jewels smiled to himself as he stretched. He winked a girl who passed him by and she blushed and started to walk faster. Jewels laughed. His favorite people to flirt with were ones who either dismissed his comments or were caught off-guard. Unexpecting ones who blushed and then tried and dismiss it were fun to tease. Jewels flirted with almost all though. He did not discriminate. Everyone was worthy of his attention to him.

But Jewels was not a player. He had his standards. Very few times did he go pass flirting or even a kiss. But that wasn't important right now. He needed to get a job to prove his worth.
Flower was walking around looking for something to buy. Her sword was clinging against her leg as she walked. She looked at the market for her next mission she needed to be ready. She put her white hair behind her ear. Although she looked like an easy target to get mugged Flower was not the type to take anything from anyone.

She turned around to find a man with a knife standing over her. She grabbed the arm with the knife and then twisted it. She made him bend back and then kneed him in the stomach. She managed to flip him over and then hold his arm back as she set her boot on his back. "You really thought that was going to work?!" She yelled with anger. "I'm carrying a sword and you approach me with a knife? Fool!" She looked around. She let go of the man and let him run off.
Swan started as she heard someone yell. She quickly looked over to see a girl yelling at a man and the man running off. He held a knife, but the girl had a sword on her. Swan fingered her own weapons. Although people had dismissed them as she had to slip her hands into them first to use and they looked difficult, Swan was skilled with them enough that those who thought they could get the jump on her were proven wrong.

'Which is good. I guess I make a good target for people.'

She looked at the girl again and almost opened her mouth to ask if she was okay, but then that felt stupid. Beside she didn't want to really talk to any one. She looked back at the running man and grinned. At least nothing bad had happened.
Flower sighed and then continued to look for new weapons or food. She sighed again and then looked at another sword. Fine crafts work and was light weight. She liked the handles decorations. She looked at the price and then sighed again. Not enough money to buy it. She set it down carefully.
Zekeziel made his way around the marketplace, taking his time as would be expected from an elderly person who was not exactly in the best of health. He had wrapped all visible skin and bone on himself in clean, white bandages soaked in an aromatic he had concocted to hide that he was one of the Undead. He wasn't expecting a warm welcome or promises of work if anyone found out. After all, the Undead are generally looked upon as being evil and nobody wants to do business with someone who would be liable to inflict harm on them. As he made his way about the marketplace, he asked around between the merchants and anyone who looked like they might be willing to pay for help as he needed the money.
((Hey guys, sorry it took so long to open the rp. im going to try to post up the link to the quest fourm. and ill post my intro in a bit.))
(You forgot Bret under Level A's :P )

Rosa made her way through the market moving quickly and with ease, of course Leaf was by her side his head always at her hip. She had lost Bret in the crowd which didn't bother her but he was probably infuriated. She hadn't had a job in a couple of week and she was itching for a quest; if she was working she was worth something. Unlike her mother or father for that matter. She wore a deep brown cloak over her green dress hiding her small array of weapons.

Bret was on the rooftops watching Rosa from a distance. She of course thought he had lost her which was a serious mistake on her part. He was a bounty hunter, his job was to track things. Follow them, return them and in some cases kill them. Thorn laid down with a huff beside him, the beast hated stairs and rooftops for that matter but he dealt with them anyway.
Zekeziel soon finds a merchant willing to hire him to do a mission. The merchant explains that he needs someone to deliver four letters to four separate farmers in Kird to find out when next they will be coming to Costard to deliver the reagents he desperately needs for brewing a set of special potions. Zekeziel eagerly agrees to the job and takes the stack of letters as the merchant places them on the counter. He bids the merchant a good day before turning and walking away to begin his mission.
The silver haired siblings made their way through the crowded streets of Sagar. "What are we doing here Selia?" Alan asked his sister, trying to keep up with her. "I need to be in Herdward to help out on those tasks." "You were the one who wanted me to come with you. I have my own things to do as well." Selia replied to her brother. "And to answer your question, I'm going to the blacksmith's to hae my swords sharpened. They are startin to get dull." They walked up to the blacksmith who was busy working on a sword. "Excuse me." Selia said loud enough to get his attention. "I need my swords sharpened." The blacksmith stopped what he was doing and began working on Selia's swords. After he finished he handed them bacl to her and Selia paid him. "Now can we go to Herdward?" Selia sighs. "Fine, but we are going to travel through Edfield Forest." She had a quest to kill ten dire wolves in the forest and give them to a person in Edfield. "I'll leave you in Herdward whe you get there to take care of my other quest and we will meet in Rowely after I finish." Alan nodded and followed his sister out of Sagar, and going south to Edfield Forest.
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Click. Click. Click. A girl with cotton-candy hair stalked through a stone-cold hallway. In one hand, she carried a long dagger. In the other, a brown cloth bag. Blood seeped through the bottom of the bag, and dripped quietly onto the floor. Wrapped around her waist was both a whip and a pouch, the pouch being filled with assorted throwing weapons. Two knives were strapped to her thighs.

At the end of the hallway was a door, and she knocked briskly on it. A returning knock meant she could enter. And so she did.

"Isabel Darkwood," a man's voice drawled, "Do you have good news for me?" The girl named Isabel raised the blood-soaked bag. "The heart, and the skin with his tattoo for identification," she answered. "Bring it to me," the man said sharply. Isabel crossed the room to the man's desk, and placed her bag on the table, and patiently placed her hands on her hips. The man peered into the bag. "Well done, girl. Here is your money," he said, handing a smaller bag to her. "Goodbye, dark one," she said to the man, and stalked halfway out of the room. "My work is done," she said, talking to no one. And she left.

Returning to the world above was no easy task as Isabel slipped from corridor to corridor, working her way out of the maze. And when she finaly reached the upper world of Sagar, she faintly smiled as she took in the sun. Perhaps it was time to collect those fairy wings that magic-user had asked for. Returning her dagger to its sheath, she stalked off down the street. Soon, the body would be found. And no one would know, because Isabel was gone. The dark man would not betray her, for he would betray himself. Really, there was little problem to being a hired killer in this world. Unless you went after the big guys. That might be a problem.

But Isabel wasn't stupid. She knew who she could kill, and who she couldn't. And perhaps it was best to just stick with fairies for a little while. But first, she needed supplies. Izzy had been running low on supplies for a while, and that was never good. With the gold she just collected, she could have enough to supply her needs for months. She walked towards the city marketplace, ignoring the people who shot curious glances at her.

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A grinning blond boy ran down the dirt road. He was almost to Kird, a place where he needed to deliver a letter. This bounty hunter stuff wasn't so great, but he knew that if he wanted to get to the good stuff, he had to run a few little errands here and there. An overly-large sword was slung over his back, and he was dressed in light adventuring clothes. After all, this was an adventure!

He entered the small village, looking around at all the things he had never seen before. It was great to be able to go to new places! However, he couldn't forget his reason for coming here. He looked around, finding a woman wandering the streets. He walked up to her and shouted a greeting.

"G'day, miss! Do you know where I can find Illia? I have a letter for her!"

"I'm Illia. Oh, thanks!" the woman replied. The blond boy smiled and handed her the letter. "Oh, it's from Destiny...ah, I forgot all about that!" the woman exclaimed. She took a small package out of her pocket. "Can you deliver this to Destiny for me?" she asked. He said, "Of course!" The woman smiled and handed him the package, mumbled her thanks a few times, and then hurried off. The boy took another glance around town before sighing and running back out of town on the way to Vitale. It was going to be a long run there again. And then another long run back to Countlin, where he had to bring tomatoes to someone. He wondered if all bounty hunters ended up running around like this.
On his way to Kird, Zekeziel stops when he notices a general trade merchant talking with a courier. The merchant was talking loudly enough that Zekeziel could hear what he was talking about. Apparently he needed someone to deliver a box of alchemy supplies to the theurgist in Kird but the courier was unwilling to take up the mission for fear of bandits attacking him along the route since a box of alchemy supplies is not an easy thing to carry without it being noticed. He approaches the merchant and says "I could not help but overhear that you needed someone to deliver something to someone in Kird. I could take up that mission. I am on my way there anyhow." The merchant looks Zekeziel up and down as if scanning him before saying "If you can get it done then the mission is yours. You don't look like much however so I'm a bit sceptical but it's about the results." Zekeziel replies "Do not worry, I will deliver the box without problem. Now what does this theurgist look like?" The merchant takes some time in describing the appearance of the theurgist as well as what his home looks like to ensure Zekeziel can find him. After obtaining the information and being handed the box by the merchant, Zekeziel continues on his way towards Kird, carrying the box under his right arm.
It was a kind of culture Adam noted, that the residents of the capital would sleep through the hours of the morning and only awaken at midday. Creatures of comfort, content that others, such as himself, would do the fighting for them. The early bird caught the worm, yes, but if all the birds were late, it would not make a difference then it seemed. And so it was that the streets of Zarend were only just coming to life as the young hunter navigated the winding streets and made his way through the lower quarters.

Finally reaching his destination he pushed open the heavy inn door, bracing himself at the sudden onslught of stale air, thick and heavy with the unpleasant smell of sweated bodies and drink. It was the sort of atmosphere that could only be achieved in a place that catered to the shadier and more burly inhabitants of a city, open all hours day and night, and he immdeiatly made his way over to his soon to be ex-client, dodging about several large slabs of meat with their tankards raised before dropping into the chair opposite ready and more than willing to quickly conclude their business.

It was with enthusiasm that he greeted the open air once more a short while later moving away from the inn several vials of basilisk venom lighter and a substantial amount of coin heavier, and not for the first time Adam had to wonder at why the Lords and Ladies of the city believed such shady places were secure for such sensitive business when all the eyes and ears around them would be listening.

His stomach complained loudly then and he smiled in amusement placing a hand over it, eyes lifting in search as he turned a corner back onto the main streets. He was in no rush, besides he would be returning to Costard soon enough. First things first: to eat, preferably something he hadn't cooked himself.
((oh you can travel two ways in this world. by foot or by carriage (or horse) carriage riding is pricy tho)) After a few hours of walking Selia and Alan sit down for a break. "My feet are killing me!" Alan exclaimed. Selia laughed. "You will get used to it." She pulled out some bread from her backpack and spilt the loaf in half, handing her brother half. "Thanks., he said, starting to eat. Selia nodded and ate her piece. Once finished, Selia's stomach rumbled with hunger. She sighed quietly. That loaf of bread was all she had brought with her. "When we get to the next town, we will stop by and buy some food." They had a few miles to travel before they made it to Edfield forest. "Can we take a nap at least?" Alan asked. Selia shook her head. "No it's too dangerous to sleep aroun here. There are theives and other things that would try to kill you." Selia stood up. "We should try to get to Edfield before nightfall." She could wait to kill the wolves until she got some sleep. The siblings set off again.
Danielle wakes up with a pounding headache and feels at the bump on the back of her head. How did I get here? She wonders, standing up. She begins to run down a long dirt road when she comes across a merchant. She walks up to him and asks "Sir, Could you possibly give me directions?" She explained to him that she needed to get home. He scanned her and offered a sickening grin. "Of course my dear, But of course i'll need payment in exchange." She ran her hands into her pockets and looked back up, "I-I don't have anything to give you..." He looked at her and chuckled "Well,You could do me a favor of course.." She looked at him and nodded slightly "What is it?" He looked back at her and put his arm around her waist guiding her inside "You'll see, You'll see."
Zekeziel walked along his planned route to Kird, taking his time yet keeping moderate pace. He was in no great hurry but he understood that he had to make good time since he was out on tasks assigned by merchants. To him, that meant the missions had to be carried out within a certain time since it is said 'Time is money'. To shave a bit of travel time off, he planned to head in a straight line towards his destination. The only obstacle he could see was the river running between Costard and Kird. As he approached the river, he began to channel mana into his focusing orb. This caused the orb to buzz and the energy already in it to crackle as the raw mana surged into it before it was released in the form of an ice storm spell which blew across the ground and froze solid the surface water of the river. With this makeshift bridge in place, he crossed the river with ease and effectively cut off the time it would take most people to head for a bridge instead of travelling in a straight line.

Some time later along his route, Zekeziel hears something and shifts his gaze slightly to look in the direction it is coming from. Three bandits, all wearing leather armour, ran out from behind a nearby patch of bush and trees, one of the clusters which he saw dot the landscape while he walked. One of the bandits, a towering behemoth of a man, was armed with an iron mace and shield. The next, a much thinner male, was armed with a war axe and the last was a girl with a bow and a quiver full of iron tipped arrows. Zekeziel looked at the trio and said "Excuse me but I have a delivery to make and must be on my way." The bandits laughed at him, all thinking he must be crazy or something. The behemoth said "Alright old man, this is a robbery. Give us that box and anything else valuable you have." The thinner male looked at Zekeziel's focusing orb and was intrigued but thought it nothing more than a fancy trinket and tried to grab it from him. Zekeziel held the orb and stepped a bit to the side before saying "Were you never told it was impolite to take that which does not belong to you? Now begone before I this becomes unpleasant."

The behemoth charged, ready to bash Zekeziel with his shield as he yelled "I'll show you unpleasant!" As he was hit by the iron shield, he stumbles and drops the box but quickly regains his bearings. He says calmly "Now you have made me most aggravated." He places one hand in the air just above the top of his focusing orb and the other hand in the air below the bottom of it. He then moves his hands away and the two halves of the orb move apart, the mana inside crackling and appearing like some sort of green lightning. The two halves then slam together like a pair of cymbals, triggering a radial discharge of magic which blasted the trio back by a few metres and burnt them horribly as if struck by lightning and thrown into a furnace. He then picks up the box and dusts it off before continuing on his mission, leaving the bandits to die from their wounds.
All Danielle could here was the sound of men yelling at eachother(Zekeziel). She looked around for any source of light, but only darkness surrounded her. "HELP!" She screamed repeatedly, hoping that someone would hear her. "PLEASE HELP ME!" She yelled.
In the market, Faith Lehane walks alone, with a practiced nonchalance, even as her eyes remain sharply focused. Her blades in their special retractable compartments up her sleeves, ready for her use if needed, she pays no attention at the moment. She has not yet picked up her assignment for this week, but it is time she gets one. Her food and money supply is running low, and she hates being reduced to stealing if she can earn cash and have a little fun too.

She is of average height and slim but muscular build, seventeen and brunette, uncommonly attractive, though her clothing is nondescript. As she turns the corner, seeing the chaos about her, she stops, then narrows her eyes eyes, hands ready to call forth her blades if needed.
Zekeziel heard someone screaming for help and turned in the direction it was coming from. He glanced in the direction of Kird, then back in the direction the distress call was coming from. He sighed before calling out "Whoever is calling for help, I'm coming!" He walks speedily in the direction that the sounds are coming from, trying to find the source. After a few seconds, he calls out "Where are you? I'm coming to help."
Zekeziel makes his way to the stall and grabs the handle of the door and tries to open it but finds that it is locked. He sighs and starts thinking about how to go about opening it. He says reassuringly "I'm here. I'll be inside before you know it." He channels a spell to make himself ethereal temporarily and uses it to walk through the door as a ghost would be able to do. Once through the door, he releases the spell and becomes solid once more.
Nicholas sat at the bounty hunter base Bored seeing as he had not gotten a mission recently and no one had asked him for help he had decided to stay at base. "now what do i want to do" Nicholas said standing up and walking over to the bounty board and seeing what kind of jobs were available that had not been taken by others there was one S rank mission that involved killing a dragon that had been terrorizing local farms to the north "lets take this one" he said taking the mission off the wall and walking out the front door with his scythe, he looked up at the sky and let his wings appear seeing as it wasn't raining he took off into the air flying towards the capital seeing as he had to go north of there he would stop by the capital to buy a new book to record his earnings. The sky was clear and the wind was gentle upon him as he sped above the river that led to the city "wish i could fly faster" Nicholas said to himself
Zekeziel looked at Danielle and saw how she looked. He felt along his face to check if the white bandages were still in place and thankfully, they were still there. He says "You were the one calling for help I assume?"

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