The High School for Society's Rejects


Life happens
Hiya! Here are some guidelines for the characters.

Since this is high school, they need to be between 15 and 18. Any older and're not really a kid.

If you want to have a teacher as a character (since you know..high school..) they should be at least 25. And they can have abilities as well.

Also, it'd be nice if your character (kids only please) had some type of criminal record so they seem a little troubled. You can use any character skeleton you want. I don't care.
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MelodyRain said:
Hiya! Here are some guidelines for the characters.
Since this is high school, they need to be between 15 and 18. Any older and're not really a kid.

If you want to have a teacher as a character (since you know..high school..) they should be at least 25. And they can have abilities as well.

Also, it'd be nice if your character (kids only please) had some type of criminal record so they seem a little troubled. You can use any character skeleton you want. I don't care.
If we add an appearance, should it be realistic or otherwise?
[QUOTE="Bea Delaine]If we add an appearance, should it be realistic or otherwise?

Hmm...I guess realistic is preferred because this is sorta based on real-life things with a little twist.
Name: Xavier S. Jacrezz

Age: 17

Year: Senior

Personality: He's very intelligent, distant, and not very trusting of well, anyone, but adults especially. When someone does gain his trust he's fiercely protective of those he considers friends and opens up. He's more joking and acts more like a little kid than an almost-adult. He will stand up for just about anyone if they're being picked on, and it's ended in quite a few trips to the ER for him and those involved.

Ability: Illusions and persuasion. Can cause something to look like something else, even living things, and can convince anyone to do just about anything.

Bio: He was born with a gene mutation that makes him have almost no pigmentation and was abandoned at a hospital probably for that reason. Some nurses found him when he was only a few hours old and they took care of him for several months, naming him. After that he was put in the foster care system and bounced around a lot until he ran off and lived on the streets. His abilities showed up when he was about 10, and he used them to con people or pretend to be someone else when needed. He was arrested several times, and changed his name almost as many times. After conning a business man out of several thousand dollars, the police released him into the custody of the school.

Appearance: Varies, but without using his powers he looks like this-


White hair, very pale almost sickly coloured skin, and pale blue eyes. Has his ears pierced twice each (did them himself) but doesn't actually have his lips pierced (when he tried it hurt too much so he just wears fake piercings at times). About 5'6" tall and thin, but is toned and not just skin and bone.

Other: Plays the guitar very well. Even though he's changed his name too many times to count, he keeps his middle name the same and a secret since it's the name he was originally given by the nurses.

((Is this ok? I can change it if needed.))
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yistae said:
Name: Xavier S. Jacrezz
Age: 17

Year: Senior

Personality: He's very intelligent, distant, and not very trusting of well, anyone, but adults especially. When someone does gain his trust he's fiercely protective of those he considers friends and opens up. He's more joking and acts more like a little kid than an almost-adult. He will stand up for just about anyone if they're being picked on, and it's ended in quite a few trips to the ER for him and those involved.

Ability: Illusions and persuasion. Can cause something to look like something else, even living things, and can convince anyone to do just about anything.

Bio: He was born with a gene mutation that makes him have almost no pigmentation and was abandoned at a hospital probably for that reason. Some nurses found him when he was only a few hours old and they took care of him for several months, naming him. After that he was put in the foster care system and bounced around a lot until he ran off and lived on the streets. His abilities showed up when he was about 10, and he used them to con people or pretend to be someone else when needed. He was arrested several times, and changed his name almost as many times. After conning a business man out of several thousand dollars, the police released him into the custody of the school.

Appearance: Varies, but without using his powers he looks like this-


White hair, very pale almost sickly coloured skin, and pale blue eyes. Has his ears pierced twice each (did them himself) but doesn't actually have his lips pierced (when he tried it hurt too much so he just wears fake piercings at times). About 5'6" tall and thin, but is toned and not just skin and bone.

Other: Plays the guitar very well. Even though he's changed his name too many times to count, he keeps his middle name the same and a secret since it's the name he was originally given by the nurses.

((Is this ok? I can change it if needed.))
It's fine! Accepted!
[QUOTE="Black Pearl]Hello, can I join as well? But I will be able to post the CS probably in 2 hours.

Name: Elizabeth Blackwell

Nickname: Lizzy or Liz

Age: 17

Grade: Senior

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.d8a93a7b13e35513dbbe64c275d4d8d7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29492" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.d8a93a7b13e35513dbbe64c275d4d8d7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Elizabeth is rebellious and a daredevil. She is very brave and intelligent, she likes to be alone almost all the time

Bio: Lizzy was born in a middle class family. She was always rebellious and would get out of trouble easily. She got her powers when she was 8 and hid them for a long time. She was sent to a special prison for under aged people when she was 14 because she hurt someone with her powers that tried to kidnap her.

Power: Dark energy manipulation: Elizabeth can shape, create and control dark energy. She can make dark energy attacks, fly by riding black energy and dark energy force fields




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EmilyPower said:
Name: Elizabeth Blackwell
Nickname: Lizzy or Liz

Age: 17

Grade: Senior

Appearance: View attachment 77225

Personality: Elizabeth is rebellious and a daredevil. She is very brave and intelligent, she likes to be alone almost all the time

Bio: Lizzy was born in a middle class family. She was always rebellious and would get out of trouble easily. She got her powers when she was 8 and hid them for a long time. She was sent to a special prison for under aged people when she was 14 because she hurt someone with her powers that tried to kidnap her.

Power: Dark energy manipulation: Elizabeth can shape, create and control dark energy. She can make dark energy attacks, fly by riding black energy and dark energy force fields

Name: Parthenia Blaze Carnesia

Grade: 10

Age: 15


Personality: Despite her appearance, Parthenia wants nothing more than to change the way she comes across, because her true personality showcases a hard worker, a dedicated and loyal companion and a trustworthy friend. Parthenia is willing to make hard decisions and sacrifice herself for others. She's not good with sappy situations or extremely emotional people due to the way she was raised, but she does know enough to give good advice and act as a rock for others to lean on.

Backstory: Parthenia grew up in a family of rebels and rockers who didn't care about the law. She got dragged into illegal and unsafe activities at a very young age frequently. Parthenia often found herself an enemy of the law and society itself. An outcast and a 'rebel', she tried desperately to change her image by changing her attitude. But the way her parents raised her and made her look, Parthenia can't shake off her past and doesn't know how to be normal sometimes, which makes people even more afraid of her.

Power: Turning off the capacity to feel emotions of others and self, she can become stone-hearted and cruel with no feeling whatsoever.
Name: Amanda Clayton

Age: 16

Year: sophomore

Personality: introverted, shy, gets nervous easily, well-organized, likes helping people, loyal

Power: She can speak animal languages

Bio: It was on Amanda's 8th birthday and her parents took her to the largest zoo in the town. Amanda was so interested in all the animals there and she started talking to them. The animals told her they didn't like living in the zoo and she then told the animals to run away at night, where everyone is asleep. The animals did what she told them, and they caused chaos in town. Amanda was then arrested in a prison for under aged person.


Name:Jeremy Hale

Nicknames:Sparky, any other name people come up with.





Grade: Senior


Living a drifter from much of his life, just barely keeping alive and source of nutrition not being food, he is very skinny but by no means unfit able to run circles around police and other criminals. Height of round six foot with brown eyes, unkept and curly black hair and unshaven for more then week at arrival to the academy it gets cut down to facial hair you see in pic. Old near faded burn marks dotted across his body most visible in the right side of his neck. More recent cut scars on his right arm and left hand, stab mark on the right side of his chest. Gang tattoo covering his upper right arm.


Electrokinesis and electromagnetism (if you played Infamous then thats basicly it otherwise:) Essentially a walking battery able to absorb electrical energy and harness it in various forms including bolt of lightning, magnetic effects and healing. He can not generate electricity on his own having to drain it from other sources which can include people and can only store a limited amount which can limit his actions in situations. In addition, electricity is a form of sustenance to him similar to a vampire and/or more accurately a drug addiction, excessive use of his powers so draining his store or being in areas of no residual electrical areas ie rural and forested areas weakens him considerably going as far as coma and death. In this weakened state he can be desperate to gain more going as far to drain it from other people. It is dangerous for him to be around bodies of water or explosive compounds, uncontrollable discharge does happen.


Presents himself as easygoing, flirty and sarcastic demeanor but is reserved usually not getting anything meaningful or use full out of him aside from a joke or snide remark apart from combat situation. Though not particularly very well-informed beyond street smart, he is intelligent and a quick learner though acts like he lacks the interest to learn. In a low energy state, he makes a u turn to his character becoming cold with hair trigger rage and violent.


Orphaned at a young age when a car accident occurred as a direct result of his powers manifesting. He was passed through several foster homes as a result of his powers and his foster parents unable to deal with it. At some point in his teens, he had enough of the foster care leading him to run off on his own becoming a drifter using his powers to ilk out a living through petty crimes, like stealing and pickpocketing. His eventually caught by authorities but instead of being send to juvie he was headed over by a teacher in the academy who had been one of Jeremy's stealing victims. She introduced to the school and invited to it, with other option being jail Jeremy accepted.
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Name:Jeremy Hale
Nicknames:Sparky, any other name people come up with.





Grade: Senior


Living a drifter from much of his life, just barely keeping alive and source of nutrition not being food, he is very skinny but by no means unfit able to run circles around police and other criminals. Height of round six foot with brown eyes, unkept and curly black hair and unshaven for more then week at arrival to the academy it gets cut down to facial hair you see in pic. Old near faded burn marks dotted across his body most visible in the right side of his neck. More recent cut scars on his right arm and left hand, stab mark on the right side of his chest. Gang tattoo covering his upper right arm.


Electrokinesis and electromagnetism (if you played Infamous then thats basicly it otherwise:) Essentially a walking battery able to absorb electrical energy and harness it in various forms including bolt of lightning, magnetic effects and healing. He can not generate electricity on his own having to drain it from other sources which can include people and can only store a limited amount which can limit his actions in situations. In addition, electricity is a form of sustenance to him similar to a vampire and/or more accurately a drug addiction, excessive use of his powers so draining his store or being in areas of no residual electrical areas ie rural and forested areas weakens him considerably going as far as coma and death. In this weakened state he can be desperate to gain more going as far to drain it from other people. It is dangerous for him to be around bodies of water or explosive compounds, uncontrollable discharge does happen.


Presents himself as easygoing, flirty and sarcastic demeanor but is reserved usually not getting anything meaningful or use full out of him aside from a joke or snide remark apart from combat situation. Though not particularly very well-informed beyond street smart, he is intelligent and a quick learner though acts like he lacks the interest to learn. In a low energy state, he makes a u turn to his character becoming cold with hair trigger rage and violent.


Orphaned at a young age when a car accident occurred as a direct result of his powers manifesting. He was passed through several foster homes as a result of his powers and his foster parents unable to deal with it. At some point in his teens, he had enough of the foster care leading him to run off on his own becoming a drifter using his powers to ilk out a living through petty crimes, like stealing and pickpocketing. His eventually caught by authorities but instead of being send to juvie he was headed over by a teacher in the academy who had been one of Jeremy's stealing victims. She introduced to the school and invited to it, with other option being jail Jeremy accepted.
Hey can everyone who has signed up so far leave a message in OOC so I can get an idea of how many more people we need?

Name: Zane Ahn

Nickname: Fire, Flame, Pyro, Burn,

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Grade: Senior


Ability: Fire- With the Fire ability, Zane can control flames with both his hands and his mind, meaning he can touch flame and move it at will, as well as intensify a flame. The fire ability allows him to create flames and heat as well, meaning he can raise his body heat at will and create fire in his hands, he can also heat things and create flames with his mind but these are more difficult as they require attention and he cannot focus for his life. (With proper concentration, someone with the fire ability could control something such a lava or even wind, this all has to do with heat, after all.)

List of Strengths:

-Strong element

-Easy to create

-Ability to raise body temperature

-Can touch anything hot without being burned/Immune to heat

List of Weaknesses:

-Manipulation by mind requires concentration/focus/dedication

-Difficult to control if it gets to large

-Weak to cold

-Susceptible to sinus infections, and strep throat

Personality: Calm one minute and wild the next, Zane can be filled with a burning passion, though his flame is able to be extinguished and re-lit in a moment's notice. (Character will develop more in RP)

Criminal Record: Three counts of arson with, according to investigators and police, apparent malicious intent. Truth is he simply lost control, this was not long after he discovered his ability.

Bio: Born and raised in a high income Korean-America home, Zane was a normal boy with a plush life, always full of energy and passionate abut everything he did, until he hated someone for the very first time in the boy's life, which at that time as around his seventh year, and he did what a child would do, stared at the kid as if staring at him long enough would burn that irritating smirk off of his stupid face, but he never knew it could actually happen until the boy left for the hospital with third-degree burns. After this he stopped looking at people so they wouldn't catch on and in middle school he burned the football field and exploded a microwave in the teacher's lounge, when he was finally found guilty of his deeds he as sent "Somewhere with people like him."

Name: Kane Ahn​

Nickname: Ice, Frost, Chill, Freeze

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Grade: Sophomore


Ability: Ice- As with the Fire ability, the holder of the Ice ability can morph the molecules in ice at will but with his hands and mind, he can endure cold conditions, and in one instance he stopped an avalanche out of panic. With the ice ability Kane can intensify the cold and create it from both hand and mind, and he can endure weather that could cause frostbite. On a smaller scale he can control water and with his brother, wind.

List of Strengths:

-Can freeze things

-can endure cold.

-Easy to create

List of weaknesses:

-Mentally draining

-Possibility of miscalculating and causing injury

-Weak to heat

-Susceptible to the flu, or the common cold

Personality: A completely average guy, though he can definitely say some cold things and freezes up occasionally, though he can usually keep cool and just chill. (Character will develop more during RP)

Criminal Record:No criminal record, simply here for his brother and minor complications with his freezing ability.

Bio:Not much happened, the only outstanding thing being his brother's outbursts and the school.

Ooh, y'all plottin'?


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ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
i am thinking of making a teacher who is a secret parent of a student. Anyone up for that?
I'm up for that as well. I'll post my character sheet in a bit, but I'm interested:
[QUOTE="The Doorman]

Name: Zane Ahn

Nickname: Fire, Flame, Pyro, Burn,

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Grade: Senior


Ability: Fire- With the Fire ability, Zane can control flames with both his hands and his mind, meaning he can touch flame and move it at will, as well as intensify a flame. The fire ability allows him to create flames and heat as well, meaning he can raise his body heat at will and create fire in his hands, he can also heat things and create flames with his mind but these are more difficult as they require attention and he cannot focus for his life. (With proper concentration, someone with the fire ability could control something such a lava or even wind, this all has to do with heat, after all.)

List of Strengths:

-Strong element

-Easy to create

-Ability to raise body temperature

-Can touch anything hot without being burned/Immune to heat

List of Weaknesses:

-Manipulation by mind requires concentration/focus/dedication

-Difficult to control if it gets to large

-Weak to cold

-Susceptible to sinus infections, and strep throat

Personality: Calm one minute and wild the next, Zane can be filled with a burning passion, though his flame is able to be extinguished and re-lit in a moment's notice. (Character will develop more in RP)

Criminal Record: Three counts of arson with, according to investigators and police, apparent malicious intent. Truth is he simply lost control, this was not long after he discovered his ability.

Bio: Born and raised in a high income Korean-America home, Zane was a normal boy with a plush life, always full of energy and passionate abut everything he did, until he hated someone for the very first time in the boy's life, which at that time as around his seventh year, and he did what a child would do, stared at the kid as if staring at him long enough would burn that irritating smirk off of his stupid face, but he never knew it could actually happen until the boy left for the hospital with third-degree burns. After this he stopped looking at people so they wouldn't catch on and in middle school he burned the football field and exploded a microwave in the teacher's lounge, when he was finally found guilty of his deeds he as sent "Somewhere with people like him."

Name: Kane Ahn

Nickname: Ice, Frost, Chill, Freeze

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Grade: Sophomore


Ability: Ice- As with the Fire ability, the holder of the Ice ability can morph the molecules in ice at will but with his hands and mind, he can endure cold conditions, and in one instance he stopped an avalanche out of panic. With the ice ability Kane can intensify the cold and create it from both hand and mind, and he can endure weather that could cause frostbite. On a smaller scale he can control water and with his brother, wind.

List of Strengths:

-Can freeze things

-can endure cold.

-Easy to create

List of weaknesses:

-Mentally draining

-Possibility of miscalculating and causing injury

-Weak to heat

-Susceptible to the flu, or the common cold

Personality: A completely average guy, though he can definitely say some cold things and freezes up occasionally, though he can usually keep cool and just chill. (Character will develop more during RP)

Criminal Record:No criminal record, simply here for his brother and minor complications with his freezing ability.

Bio:Not much happened, the only outstanding thing being his brother's outbursts and the school.

Ooh, y'all plottin'?



I think we have enough people to start now! I'll post my characters and then we'll get this show on the road. 
Name: Berial Layne

Nickname: Bebe, Mouse

Gender: Female

Grade: Junior

Ability: Seduction- Berial can easily seduce both guys and girls into doing what she wants, but she doesn't do it very often because it ruins her image and makes her look trashy.

Personality: Bebe here is not very innocent and constantly makes suggestive remarks, which has led to a "certain" view of her, and it's not nice. However, she's still a little childish and throws the occasional tantrum when she doesn't get what she wants, when she wants it. That's usually when she uses her abilities and everything is better. She also has a habit of invading personal space, and touching people when they don't want to be touched. When she doesn't want to be touched, she tends to smack people.

Criminal Record: Despite being a flirt and just a nuisance, Berial has a simple history of petty theft as well as battery and assault of a police officer and some other people.

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