The High School for Society's Rejects

No youtube?!

I couldn't live without stuff to watch, fun stuff, youtube stuff.

I loves the tubers.

(I might just go watch some vids, not much is happenin' on rpnation right now, for me, anyways.

Name: Eleanor Blackwell nee Malcolm

Nickname: Ellie

Age: 38

Grade: N/A Teacher


Personality: She is caring, kind and intelligent but by no means a pushover coming fully prepared to deal with "troubled youths" with powers. Not above using manipulation, sarcastic and snide remarks, insults even her own powers to keep the kids in check if need be.

Bio: Experienced her own troubled childhood due to her powers and abusive parents, she was lucky to make the age of 20 surviving by the skin of his teeth and a good friend. Once out of the woods, as it where, the two became lovers and eventualy married, leading to the conception of a daughter Elizabeth. She eventually took a course in teaching to a local university before applying for job at the high school of the misfits, hoping to be of use and to watch over her daughter.

Power: Light generation and manipulation: Eleanor can shape, create and control light in various means, including light blast, blinding flash, etc. She can with some effort to move with the speed lights but is very tiring due to the rapid movement.

Other:Not a bad sketcher likes to pencil drawing of people in downtime.
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ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Name: Eleanor Malcolm

Nickname: Ellie

Age: 38

Grade: N/A Teacher


Personality: She is caring, kind and intelligent but by no means a pushover coming fully prepared to deal with "troubled youths" with powers. Not above using manipulation, sarcastic and snide remarks, insults even her own powers to keep the kids in check if need be.

Bio: Experienced her own troubled childhood due to her powers and abusive parents, she was lucky to make the age of 20 surviving by the skin of his teeth and a good friend. Once out of the woods, as it where, the two became lovers leading to the conception of a daughter... (Will expand on this when i get a few detail from Emily.). She eventually took a course in teaching to a local university before applying for job at the high school of the misfits, hoping to be of use.

Power: Light generation and manipulation: Eleanor can shape, create and control light in various means, including light blast, blinding flash, etc. She can with some effort to move with the speed lights but is very tiring due to the rapid movement.

Other:Not a bad sketcher likes to pencil drawing of people in downtime.
Name: Amy Oakheart

Age: 17

Grade: Senior


Personality: Amy is usually quiet and keeps to herself a lot. However once she considers you a friend, she can be rather talkative maybe a little to much, but if there it someone she doesn't know she will usually go back to her quiet ways. Can have an awful temper at times.

Bio: While Amy was growing up she was a good kid usually, except for those times when her temper would flare up and it would usually end up with some one else being hurt, this meant she spent a lot of time in juvenile detention centers.

Powers: Blood manipulation. Meaning she could make it stop inside another's body, or make them bleed with even making a wound. Or even use her own blood as a weapon by controlling it into a sword, or another weapon.
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GaspAmy said:
Name: Amy Oakheart
Age: 17

Grade: Senior


Personality: Amy is usually quiet and keeps to herself a lot. However once she considers you a friend, she can be rather talkative maybe a little to much, but if there it someone she doesn't know she will usually go back to her quiet ways. Can have an awful temper at times.

Bio: While Amy was growing up she was a good kid usually, except for those times when her temper would flare up and it would usually end up with some one else being hurt, this meant she spent a lot of time in juvenile detention centers.

Powers: Blood manipulation. Meaning she could make it stop inside another's body, or make them bleed with even making a wound. Or even use her own blood as a weapon by controlling it into a sword, or another weapon.
Accepted! By the way, that ability is creepy..
Name: Kiki Foster

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Grade: Junior


Personality: Not the friendliest person, Kiki prefers to be alone. Though if you do befriend her, you will have a friend for life. She will fight for you, defend you, and be there for comfort. She tries her best to he funny, but most on the time her jokes end up sounding sarcastic. Either that or they're just bad puns. She is sarcastic and rash, never afraid of a fight.

History: I have no idea who my parents were because I'm adopted. I lived with a peaceful growing family on a ranch. I was a good little girl until things started to get weird. When I got angry bad things happened to the person I was angry at. Things started floating around in my sleep. Then eventually these powers I discovered started to get me in trouble. And you what? I got a kick out of it. So I kept going.

Criminal record: Grand theft auto, petty theft, breaking and entering, armed robbery (God, I didn't even take out the f***ing knife. I had it for self defense... I didn't intend to use it...) Destruction if property, (The f***ing ATM would t give me my MONEY!)

Power: Telekinesis. Moving things with her mind.
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explosiveKitten said:
Name: Kiki Foster
Age: 17

Gender: Female

Grade: Junior


Personality: Not the friendliest person, Kiki prefers to be alone. Though if you do befriend her, you will have a friend for life. She will fight for you, defend you, and be there for comfort. She tries her best to he funny, but most on the time her jokes end up sounding sarcastic. Either that or they're just bad puns. She is sarcastic and rash, never afraid of a fight.

History: I have no idea who my parents were because I'm adopted. I lived with a peaceful growing family on a ranch. I was a good little girl until things started to get weird. When I got angry bad things happened to the person I was angry at. Things started floating around in my sleep. Then eventually these powers I discovered started to get me in trouble. And you what? I got a kick out of it. So I kept going.

Criminal record: Grand theft auto, petty theft, breaking and entering, armed robbery (God, I didn't even take out the f***ing knife. I had it for self defense... I didn't intend to use it...) Destruction if property, (The f***ing ATM would t give me my MONEY!)

Power: Telekinesis. Moving things with her mind.
Accepted! Sorry it took so long! You can jump right it.
Name: Lifa rain

Nickname: Loki or life

Gender: both

Grade: Junior

Ability: Lifa can change her gender and her appearance will change. When she's a girl she can control energy within himself that looks a rainbow shaping it into shields and weapons. When she's a boy he can take off and control his body parts. And when they become one their powers combine.

Personality: Lifa doesn't care about social boundaries like gender and tends to be a loner because of their past. They are fiercely loyal and protective of those they care about though are shy easily emberrased. Tending to be mischievous and lazy lifa will sleep a lot, get revenge through pranks, and steals whatever catches their eye. They are good listeners and love drawing and music.

History: Born as faternile twins Life and Loki they were normal until at five they witnessed their father go crazy and beat their mother to death. Their father then tried to kill them succeeding in chomping of Lokis hand but their powers emerged and Lifes shield protected them. They were tossed around in many foster until they were fourteen when they met Kristen who could combine energies and use them as weapons. They were best friends and ran away together but soon got into trouble with a local gang. Kristan caught unaware by an attack was stabbed and the twins got there just in time for her to make them into what she thought they should be. One person. Now at 17 and named Lifa they are being sent to a school for people like them after trying to pick pocket an undercover cop.

Criminal Record: They have a record of thievery.

Appearance: As a girl she is 5'3 pale and has long pink and purple hair and blue eyes. However as a boy he is androgynous 5'3 tan and has short crimson hair and emerald green eyes. When merged they are pale with pink and crimson hair and the left eye is emerald green while the right is blue.


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