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One x One Aenia - Organizations


Unterstein: One of the world's superpowers, Unterstein is a nation of old origins and centuries of hardships, technology and sprawling metropolises. Originated in the northeastern-most region of the old continent of Likonia, it has roots in the oldest records of history, its hardy people having witnessed most of the events that molded the world into what it is today; It has even been involved in such events, giving great contributions to the rise of nations and the fall of others. The climate, harsh in the north and mild in the south, served the Untersteinans right, making them into one of the most enduring and persistent countries that the world has ever seen. The mountainous terrain present in its Northern provinces granted Unterstein with plentiful minerals, accelerating its technological advancement.

Despite its greatness, this nation has a shameful history once it underwent a heavy process of industrialization. The leaders at the time became morbidly interested in the destructive properties of gunpowder and developed massive amounts of weaponry and machinery. Kareny, a neighboring super power at the time, became fearful of Unterstein's power, and formed an alliance with the distant country of Karastan, and declared a preventive war against the Untersteinans. Alliances were triggered, and the Great War erupted, ravaging the continent of Likonia and even the shores of Karastan and its home continent. Battered yet still resisting, Unterstein called for a truce, turning its eyes to peace. Under the rule of much more thoughtful presidents now, the once feared nation became an economic powerhouse, helping rebuild the leveled nations and adhering to a democratic capitalist model.

This, however, made the Karastanian people and its allies grow resentful, as they began to thrive under a communist regime. Despite the tensions, the world was rebuilt, peace reigning once again.

Not for long, however, as the Yunostad Republic declared war on Aenia, a country on the far east allied to Unterstein and slowly adhering to a democratic model. The current president tried to broker a truce between the two nations, yet the Republic remained adamant in its decision, taking most of the Aenian North in two years of horrible fighting. Left without choices, the president of Unterstein declared war on Yunostad and rushed to the aid of their Aenian allies, throwing their relations with Karastan, Yunostad's biggest ally, down into an abyss of pure uncertainty.

In these modern times, Unterstein is one of the most advanced nations in the world, bearing great metropolises all across its territories and even contributing to an ambitious project to further explore the outer space. Its technology applies to all sectors, including war, despite the treaties that impaired their ability to produce weaponry back when the Great War ended. Its economy is mostly based on the production of varied processed goods, and they have trade agreements with all nations, even helping some leave their third world misery and become countries in development.


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Karastan: Emerging from the large western plains of the gargantuan continent of Gayun, the nation of Karastan has a long history of invasions, crisis, droughts, famines, plagues, all sorts of problems that a civilization could ever encounter. Many historians are surprised that it even became a respectable power in the world in modern times, as it was on the verge of collapse before the secrets of Industrialization and advanced technology reached their knowledge. It has great mountain ranges, enormous fertile plains, a myriad of rivers, and great access to the sea; resources that were used without caution by many of its rulers and that led to many of its crisis. The main reasons were its expanse territory, as it was difficult for a ruler to have power over all of the Karastanian lands.

Karastan only became relevant in the middle stages of the industrial age, when traders from Unterstein and all of the prospering nations of Likonia brought to them the knowledge to urbanize and bring advancement to this giant of a country. It soon found the valuable plutonium in its territories, performing experiments and discovering the secrets to a devastating weapon that could put to shame all of Unterstein's amazing and terrifying weaponry. It wasn't able to make use of such, as the war ended before it could remove its main rival off of the face of the planet.

Even though the war proved to be devastating, it only damaged its Eastern lands, which were repaired with considerable ease. Now in a time of prosperity and peace, it was allowed to grow its powers, great philosophers and ideologists rising in its lands. They developed the idea of communism, where the power would be truly in the hands of the population. Their ideology, however, clashed with the Untersteinan concept of democracy, and the two nations have been at odds since.

While few may know, Karastan is behind the sudden military power of the neighboring Yunostad Republic, whose greedy eyes have turned to its peaceful Aenian neighbors. Knowing that the small nation was allied to Unterstein, they decided to fuel Yunostad's rivalry with funding, hoping to spread its ideology throughout the continent of Gayun; and if possible, to the whole world.


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Yunostad Republic: A small and struggling country right underneath Karastan's Southeastern steppes, the Republic is young, having been formed just after the Great War. It has been since then having a difficult existence: Its mountainous terrain allows for little agriculture, meaning that they are extremely reliant of Karastan and Aenia's trade routes, and its three rivers and no connection to water allow for no sort of fishing whatsoever. The Yunostadians deal with a merciless weather, with extremely hot summers in the south and gelid winters in the north, and are victims to earthquakes, as they are rather close to Gayun's tectonic plate.

Despite all that, Karastan's support has been crucial in its development, becoming an emergent faction that somehow overtook Aenia in terms of growth. It learnt how to use its plentiful resources in the mountains to accelerate its industrialization process, even if said process is still in progress. Karastan, however, implanted its ideals in their 'child' nation, making the Republic into a communist state. Sadly for the population, tyrants soon followed, and the nation has been under a dictatorship for a decade and a half now, even if the dictator has proven to be competent and not wholly evil, providing considerable changes to the country.

In recent years, said dictator has grown somewhat greedy and power hungry, and turned its eyes to the still growing Aenia. Disregarding the fact that it was under Unterstein's 'protection', as both Unterstein and Aenia are allies, it turned to Karastan and requested support, building a great army that took most of Aenia's territories in two months. The dictator believed that using Aenia's greatly fertile lands would solve Yunostad's famine problems, and has been quick to 'annex' the conquered territories. He, however, turned a more watchful eye to the south, as Unterstein finally dropped its truces and declared war on them, sending a powerful fleet to aid its allies.

Yunostad Republic, in the end, fails to recognize its position as a mere pawn to Karastan's plans, and so far has proven to be quite the minion to the greater country's intentions...


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