~The Hexosphere Chronicles~


Sad Shroom
~Characters and Potential Occupations!~

BIG NOTICE: Yes, this RP is still OPEN, and no, it's not at all too far in for you to be left behind! So feel free to submit a character or two and if you want I can recap on the most important plotpoints so far. Generally though there's just been banter so far, so don't worry xD

Ah, characters. Characters, characters, characters. As you might be able to tell, I love me mah characters, and the process of character creation and submission is one my favourite things about roleplaying! So as such, I expect a strong level of detail in your character form. This doesn't necessarily mean I want completely developed characters, because that leaves no space for development in RP, and that would be dumb. But generally, putting a greater level of detail into a character form means that the character is most likely to be fully fleshed out and interesting. I also use this process to determine whether or not I think you're gonna fit the level of detail I'd like for the RP, but don't feel too stressed about that: have fun and be creative, and I'm sure there'll be no major issues.

In terms of characters, there is a wide range of choices to choose from: this RP will star a wide diversity of different characters of all jobs and species, and generally, as long as it fits into this world, I will willingly accept any idea you have! I am expecting there to be a good mix of normal folk, criminals, magicians and magical species, and to allow you to be as creative as you want, you will be allowed
up to four characters each. However, I would only recommend taking on as many as you can feel comfortable writing in detail for.

In terms of character ratios, I'm wanting around this:

-At least 50% of all characters to be human.

-At least 50% of these humans to have nothing to do with magic

Other than that, there are no restrictions in terms of characters, and unlike some RPs, you don't have to fill in pre-made roles or anything dumb like that. There is however a special, plot integral character that I will be asking somebody to play. They will not be introduced until a little way in though, so I won't be asking people to make it their main character: after character forms are posted, I'll PM someone who I think would be good in the role and explain stuff to them :)

The following is this RP's character form. Each character should be submitted using either one of these, or by using Character Showcase as long as you include the details asked for here:






Home State:


Appearance: (Described, please. A picture is helpful too, but cannot be used as a replacement for a properly detailed appearance section. A decent sized paragraph at the bare minimum)

Personality Strengths:

Personality Weaknesses: (Split apart to encourage rounded characters, don't worry about the ambiguity of certain traits. Again, a decent sized paragraph for each.)

Background: (Doesn't necessarily have to be tragic/dramatic or anything like that. Two paragraphs expected at least, including why your character has now headed to the Kael festival.)

Battle Skills:

Interests and Fears:



You may also wish to add a theme song if you're into that kind of thing :')

Though you are free to make whatever you want, here are a few suggestions of roles that nobody has created yet:

-A Saladrin

-A Standard Merchant

A list of Criminal Classes

I'm aware that throughout all these bits of information I've described what magicians do, exemplified a number of different average working roles and also explained all of the fantasy species, but completely neglected detailing the ruffian roles I keep brining up. So, here you are, problem solved! Obviously, these lists aren't exhaustive, but give some identification as to certain roles.

Thieves are stealthy criminals who make a living off of stealing and selling what they find. They tend to know basic fighting techniques, but are hardly powerhouses and much prefer evasive techniques. Are usually more intelligent than a lot of other criminals, and prefer to avoid violence if necessary.

Assassins are shady warriors who are hired by nobles (or really anyone with a decent sum of cash) to kill off certain targets. Prospective assassins are snatched up by a mysterious and enigmatic assassins guild said to be located in the depths of Unity, right when they are at their most vulnerable, and then trained and forced into a binding assassins contract. They are dispatched to finish off a target, using cunning and stealth to track them down, and then silencing them quickly for a sum of money. However, with no ongoing war, there is much less need for them, and so many assassins often find themselves reduced to masquerading in common jobs.

Pirates are thuggish bunches of criminals who live wild lives pillaging and attacking various merchant ships that fly above the seas. Generally, they lack the intellect of the more specified criminals, but there are certain notable exceptions. On their own they are nothing more than common brutes, but as a mass they are wild and bloodthirsty. Sailing around on stolen Skyships, they try to avoid more stronger foes like imperial ships.

Hunters are essentially shadier adventurers: they are hired by people to either steal, kill or hunt for treasure. Well rounded, they are usually combat trained and normally less brutal than other criminal classes.

Rogues are the all-rounders of criminality: they simply embrace a criminal lifestyle and do whatever they an to make a living, be it steal, kill, or whatever. Like hunters in the abilities, only they do what they do for pure survival, or sometimes twisted enjoyment.

And another helpful list of some less illegal exotic job roles!

Adventurers are essentially explorers, people who live out the high life on the six seas, travelling normally either on a whim, or in pursuit of some kind of treasure. Some more honourable nobles contract adventurers to find certain valuables, as adventurers, unlike their Hunter kin, stick to the law.

Peacemakers are the footmen of the White Guardian's law, essentially soldiers, although the Guardians refuse to term them as part of their extreme anti-war propaganda. They occupy a number of different roles, normally as either Guards (aka: policemen) across the middle reaches, or as Workmen for White Guardian nobles and admirals, high up members of the government. A job amongst the Peacemakers pays well, although those at the top are normally less driven by pay and more driven by the need for global justice. This of course doesn't mean they are exempt from certain traits of corruption.

Magicians, as mentioned before, as magic users who fit into a wide number of different roles. Some also work like the magicians of the real world: as entertainers who practice magic artistically and receive an income through charging for performances.

Merchants are salesmen either seeking to sell theirs and clients wares, or wishing to trade for more valuable items to either keep or sell. They live quite exotic lives, normally travelling all the way around the world in smaller Skyships seeking trade.

Apologies if this all got a bit scrappy at the end: naturally, a week of solid world developing and writing has taken its toll :') And remember, these are merely suggestions for character occupations: there is a wide range of other creative things you could come up with too.

~Character List and Data~

Here will be a handy overview of player characters so that people can quickly find out what the person they're speaking to looks like, ect. Also, I'm a bit of a sucker for data, so there'll be a load of needless comparison stuff too just for the hell of it. Enjoy:

Character List:

Aaru Lucifer
(Black Masquerade): A peaceful, sickly cleric on a quest to find a cure for dark magics' curse. (page 1)

Alastair Carvell (PicaPirate): An unstable masochist corrupted and scarred by dark magic. On a bright and bloody crusade to destroy all demonkind. (page 1)

Al'thuzar Kraan (CrimsonEclipse) : A warrior Shalrak clad in a rocky heating system. A fiery savage he may seem, but underneath he is honourable and curious. (page 4)

Apos Meatman (SkyGinge): An awkward and very ordinary librarian with an inadvertant knack for wit and acting defencive. Underneath everything else he is highly selfless and extremely loyal. (page 1)

Bralynn Ariano (Kharmin): A blunt, well-spoken adventuress with a monitory obsession. (page 1)

Captain Whiskey (SkyGinge): On the surface, your typically charismatic pirate stereotype. On the inside, an intelligent and strategic genius. Mix the two together, and you've a force to be reckoned with. (here)

Cerise Mihr (Cookie): Perhaps the world most casual demon: despite her inevitable destructive tendancies, has grown slightly complacent amongst standard life. Also realy likes Vael cake. (page 1)

Chimera Rosco (Goddess): A crafty and quick-witted force of nature who has lived a short but eclectic life of following her whims. (page 5)

Cortana Mentroy (Icefox11): Simple, energetic and perhaps overbearingly jovial, an angel whose innocent caused their fall. (page 2)

Econ Destute (Comix): A once terrifying demon now reduced to pursuing the last remaining trace of his fallen lover. (page 5)

Emmy March (Comix): An inquisitive and fairly ordinary girl now thrust into the extraordinary situation of having a demon for a guardian. (page 5)

Frederick Reiss (TheWizard): A jovial and pleasant youngster who can control water magic through his love of music. (page 3)

Jinta Haxsaw (DamagedGlasses): A rare Merman pirate who has traded in the wise, pacifistic traits of his kin to lead a ruthless tyranny of the middle reaches. (page 2)

Kri'tro Grett (SkyGinge): A handsome, charming super-criminal on a chaotic joyride that occupies the part of his life left by his dear absent brother. (page 1)

Lor Mandalainel (Comix): An inquisitive but naive fallen angel, stripped of her elegent wings as punishment for a single act of mercy. (page 4)

Ragya Shengli (FewUtherClockKlik): A surface-nurtured demon who wears a mask of coldness and noble perception to hide her internal dispair at her monstrous nature. (page 4)

Rani Solaris (Shura): A lively and vivacious traveller who uses her charm and dancing to manipulate and steal. (page 3)

Raksana Zenterxel (Elegy): The companion and fellow alchemist of Stein, and a curious and inquisitive business woman with nomadic earth magic origins. (page 3)

Sandy Ranjas (theunderwolf): Cool, calm and collected, a youthful prodigy of earth magic who grew up in the temple itself. (page 2)

Sarah Whytelaw (Procculus): A rather unconventional Peacemaker officer, who whilst possessing talented deductive skills, is lazy and unmotivated. Is also terrible at jokes. (page 5)

Stein Blackheart (Elegy): Hunter turned assistant merchant, this conserved and efficient threw away a life of wild crime to study the art of chemical alchemy. Conservative, reserved and very resourceful. (page 2)

Vanessa Dumas (Omen): A reserved and compassionate youngster gifted with the hidden talent of being a Shielded Magician. (page 4)

Pointless Character Funky Data

Gender Ratio (male:female): 10:12

Species Ratio (human:other): 15:7

Magic Ratio (magical:not magical [humans only): 8:7

List of Characters by Age:

Econ Destute (45/late twenties)

Captain Whiskey (43)

Cerise Mihr (43/mid twenties)

Lor Mandalainel (42/mid twenties)

Ragya Shengli (42/mid twenties)

Cortana Mentroy (40/mid twenties)

Stein Blackheart (34)

Jinta Haxsaw (29)

Raksana Zenterxel (29)

Bralynn Ariano (28)

Aaru Lucifer (27)

Sarah Whytelaw (27)

Apos Meatman (25)

Al'thuzar Kraan (24/early thirties)

Chimera Rosco (24)

Rani Solaris (23)

Alistair Carvell (22)

Frederick Reiss (21)

Sandy Ranjas (21)

Kri'tro Grett (20)

Vanessa Dumas (18)

Emmy March (5)

List of Adapted Species Characters by Species:

Al'thuzar Kraan (Shalrak)

Jinta Haxsaw (Merman)

Cortana Mentroy (Angel)

Lor Mandalainel (Angel)

Cerise Mihr (Demon)

Econ Destute (Demon)

Ragya Shengli (Demon)

List of Characters by Appearance:

Al'thuzar Kraan (7'09''). Rock armour, reptilian, large wings.

Cortana Mentroy (7'00''). Pink tinged white hair and wings, purple dressed.

Lor Mandalainel (6'08''). Violet eyes, wingless, traditionally dressed.

Apos Meatman (6'07''). Lanky, dirty brown haired, bespectacled.

Stein Blackheart (6'07''). Hooded, rugged, brawny, straight black hair.

Captain Whiskey (6'06''). Techno-pirate gear, huge frame, impressive beard.

Jinta Haxsaw (6'04''). Wavy broke green hair, tall, scaly, bandana wearing.

Alistair Carvell (6'02''). Lanky, white haired, blacked attire.

Econ Destute (6'00''). Piercing grey eyes, black clad, mechanical jawed.

Aaru Lucifer (5'09''). Pale, purple hair, skinny and frail, dresses in long robe.

Sarah Whytelaw (5'09''). Silver armoured, short haired, calm blue eyes.

Kri'tro Grett (5'08''). Stout and strong, sandy haired, strapped and hooded.

Raksana Zenterxel (5'08''). Baggily dressed, short taupe hair, slender.

Cerise Mihr (5'06.5''). Fluorite green eyes, long inky haired, tattoos.

Bralynn Ariano (5'06''). Dark and mysterious, leather clad, slim and trim.

Frederick Reiss (5'06''). Greeny blonde hair, youthful, noble's robes.

Ragya Shengli (5'06''). Unkempt silvery hair, bright green eyes, loose clothing.

Rani Solaris (5'06''). Slender, dark haired, tanned, dancer's wear.

Chimera Rosco (5'05''). Blonde, leather clad, attractive, booted.

Sandy Ranjas (5'05''). Green armour, cool coal eyes, short brown hair.

Vanessa Dumas (5'05''). Leather clad, timeless features, exotic hair.

Emmy March (3'00''). Childish, wide eyed, baggily dressed.

List of Characters by Occupation:

Brakynn Ariano (Citizen/Adventurer)

Stein Blackheart (Citizen/Merchant's Assistant) (though used to be Criminal/Hunter)

Emmy March (Citizen/Child)

Sarah Whytelaw (Citizen/Peacemaker)

Apos Meatman (Magician/Librarian)

Aaru Lucifer (Magician/Scholar-Adventurer)

Sandy Ranjas (Magician/Vagabond)

Vanessa Dumas (Magician/Cook)

Raksana Zerterxel (Magician/Alchemist)

Frederick Reiss (Magician/Musician)

Chimera Rosco (Magician/Ex-Criminal)

Alistair Carvell (Criminal/Hunter)

Captain Whiskey (Criminal/Pirate)

Kri'tro Grett (Criminal/Rogue)

Rani Solaris (Criminal/Thief)

Al'thuzar Kraan (Adapted/Adventurer)

Cerise Mihr (Adapted/Rogue)

Econ Destute (Adapted/Rogue)

Cortana Mentroy (Adapted/Hunter)

Ragya Shengli (Adapted/Hunter)

Jinta Haxsaw (Adapted/Pirate)

Lor Mandalainel (Adapted/-)

List of Characters by Nationality:

Apos Meatman (Irrea)

Al'thuzar Kraan (Irrea)

Captain Whiskey (Licia)

Chimera Rosco (Licia)

Frederick Reiss (Licia)

Kri'tro Grett (Licia)

Jinta Haxsaw (Licia)

Aaru Lucifer (Teztra)

Bralynn Ariano (Teztra)

Raksana Zerterxel (Teztra)

Sandy Ranjas (Teztra)

Alastair Carvell (Vequa)

Emmy March (Vequa)

Sarah Whytelaw (Vequa)

Stein Blackheart (Vequa)

Vanessa Dumas (Vequa)

Ragya Shengli (Vequa/Aekra)

Cortana Mentroy (Blist)

Lor Mandalainel (Blist)

Cerise Mihr (Aekra)

Econ Destute (Aekra)

Rani Solaris (Unknown)

List of Characters by Battle Abilities:

Apos Meatman (-/Fire)

Chimera Rosco (Brawling/Fire)

Frederick Reiss (-/Water)

Vanessa Dumas (-/Shielded Wind)

Raksana Zerterxel (Martial Arts/Earth)

Sandy Ranjas (Axe/Earth)

Aaru Lucifer (Dagger/Healing)

Alistair Carvell (Tom)Odachi Sword/Dark)

Al'thuzar Kraan (Axes/Fire*)

Jinta Haxsaw (Harpoon/Water*)

Cortana Mentroy (BladeorBow/Healing*)

Lor Mandalainel (Twin Swords/Healing*)

Cerise Mihr (RondelorFlail/Dark*)

Ragya Shengli (Twin Swords/Dark*)

Econ Destute (Dagger/Dark*)

Captain Whiskey (Blades/-)

Sarah Whytelaw (Sword/-)

Kri'tro Grett (Hard KnuckleorSpear/-)

Bralynn Ariano (Throwing Knives/-)

Rani Solaris (Dagger/-)

Stein Blackheart (Rifle/-)

Emmy March (None)

List of RPer Timezones and Nationalities:

GMT+8: CrimsonEclipse (Philippines)

Procculus (Australia)

GMT+1: SkyGinge (UK)

PicaPirate (UK)

GMT -4 (EST): DamagedGlasses (USA)

Kharmin (USA)

Shura (USA)

Goddess (USA)

GMT -5 (CST): Cookie (USA)

OverlyIntricateLove (Canada)

Elegy (USA)

theunderwolf (USA)

TheWizard (USA)

Comix (USA)

FewUtherClockKlik (USA)

Omen (USA)

GMT -7 (PST): Icefox11 (USA)

~Current Character Locations:~

Kael Library: Apos, Aaru, Cortana, Lor,

Noble's Northern Villa: Frederick

Walking around the Festival: Whiskey and Sandy (centre), Cerise, Stein

Tunnels Underneath 'The Drunk Stag': Kri'tro, Rani and Jinta and Al'thuzar, Bralynn and Chime

'The Pit' Under-surface Battleground: The Crow, Raksana, Ragya, Vanessa,
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And now, to give an example, here is my first completed character form! You don't need quite this amount of detail, but the more the merrier, I always say (when it comes to detail)!

User: SkyGinge

Name: Apos Meatman

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Home State: Irrea

Occupation: Librarian, Ex-magician

Appearance: Very unassuming, the lanky Apos is rather ordinary in most regards. His hair is short at the back and longer at the front, with a dirty-brown coloured fringe that always seems to play havoc with his vision. His dull green eyes are narrow and sharp but distant, thoughtful, and he always, unless being incredulous, looks as though he is mulling over something weighty, helped perhaps by the pensive pair of octagonal glasses he is required to wear. His nose is long and thin, but not large, his lips a thin dry red, and his long face scattered with a few dark freckles. Decorating his well defined chin is a scraggy stubble. Like all Irreans, his skin is tanned and rough, and he stands out as a foreigner amid the crowds of pale Vequans. Overall, he is far from ugly, but similarly not a stunner.

Apos is built narrowly, and due to both this and his great, and often unfortunate, height of 6'07'', he looks a lot skinnier than he actually is. Apos pretends to not care about his appearance, but in actuality he is quite vain. He usually wears earthy colours such as browns and greens: his favourite outfit consists of a baggy green tunic and brown trousers topped off with a long, faded white hooded cloak. For his job as a librarian he is require to wear a navy tunic inscribed with the Kael coat of arms. He always wears a black glove on his right hand.

Generally, there is a slight awkwardness about Apos' movements, and due to his size, he walks half-hunched. His walk is more of a half stumble, and it always seems remarkable that he isn't constantly over balancing and toppling over. His voice is slightly nasally and a little too high pitched, nothing ridiculously annoying though despite the fact that he abhors it. Overall, in spite of this awkwardness, Apos is fairly average and can quite easily slot into large crowds unnoticed.

Personality Strengths:
One of those remarkable people who are naturally funny, Apos' very being, from his word choices to mannerisms, make him likeable and comedic in his awkwardness. Armed with unintentional sarcastic wit, others often find joyful solace in his misfortunes At his sole being, Apos is very caring and respectful to all those he knows, though these come out very subtly. At heart, Apos just wants to live a simple life, and as a result stays clear of many bad habits and personality traits. Worldly and well read, he is far more intelligent than he lets on, (though doesn't ever boast or act superior to others), and can read and understand people very well, allowing him to empathise with them. If you can make him trust you, he is surprisingly loyal and selfless.

Personality Weaknesses: Apos is naturally very very defensive, and can see offence in any comment, causing him to be a little rude in most replies. Socially awkward with strangers, especially those terrifying eccentric people, he'll do anything to avoid disagreement, and as such he tends to get nervous rather quickly and babble a lot. Is very cautious and finds it hard to trust people. Has a tendency to over-think things and can always be trusted to see the negative side to anything. When truly thrown out of his depth, he becomes an almighty moaner, but somehow retains wit in this and doesn't annoy anyone. He's also ridiculously clumsy, and can become scatterbrained when he has too much to think about. Will also do pretty much anything to avoid conflict, including sitting by and allowing it to happen.

Apos was born in war-torn Irrea in the midst of the Great War. His father Juan, like many citizens, was a soldier working aboard an Irrean defence ship, but tragically he was killed in battle even before Apos was born. Knowing she was pregnant, his mother Bierl fled to one of Irrea's most defensive cities, Kral'nir, in the hope that she would be able to keep her child safe upon birth, and for almost a full year this plan seemed to have worked. However, this was ill fated and, like many, they got involved in the Kral'nir Massacre, one of the most infamous tales of the Peacemaker's unethical war tactics. One of the last battles before the opposing forces gave in to defeat, a load of powerful Peacemaker Gunships fired wave upon wave of cannon fire at the rock-hugging city, and although there are many tales of the noble Irrean defence fighting honourably and hard, they were swiftly annihilated. Yet despite the threat being diminished, the Gunships continued their bombardment until the city was nothing left but charred, shattered rock decorated with blood and brutalised bodies.

When an Irrean rescue party arrived at the scene a day later, almost everything was dead and ruined. Yet hidden away in one of the tunnels was a baby, his mothers body crushed under rocky debris nearby. Adopting the child, the rescuers returned home and decided to bring up the child as their own, in respect to his honourable parents and fellow townsman.

Thus Apos grew up as a quiet and distant child. Having been told of his orphan status from the get go, he often dreamt about what his parents were really like, as he had no recollection of either of them. Whilst society adapted to unified control, his new parents raised him strictly and carefully, in overbearing respect to their fallen comrades. He was a true loner who showed no real ambition nor will to play with the other kids.

At age thirteen, he discovered he had gained the gift of magic, and as a result he was immediately taken away to Cindred to hone his skills. After a relatively uneventful time in study, he emerged from the temple with society expecting him to slot into a fire related job. Not wanting to seem out of touch with his youthful peers, he ended up going off the tails a bit and, whilst working for a blacksmith, he spent a lot of time out drinking and misbehaving through peer pressure.

It was at this time, aged eighteen, that Apos first met Cora, a boisterous, confident girl of about his age. Despite being a fervent socialite, she valued his subtle intelligence and magic ability, and made him feel important. Still really not sure about his place in the world, Apos convinced himself that he loved her, although in hindsight he reckons that this wasn't quite the case. On one of many drunken nights out, the pair got a little too cosy, and several months she revealed to him that she was pregnant. Not wanting to dishonour the child, they pledged to marry even though they were both still unsure about their feelings.

The wedding never came to pass. On a governmental Skyship voyage across the fiery seas, they were attacked by a group of pirates. Seizing a brutal attack, they boarded the ship and began to fight the officials, and in the crossfire, Cora and many other passengers were killed. Watching her get blasted down in front of him, Apos was overcome with an incredible rage, and immediately, raging flames danced chaotically across the ships. Strolled about on deck, screaming manically, he burnt every pirate in sight, lost in a berserker state. If one of the officials hadn't have stopped him, he'd have probably destroyed both ships. Even still, he completely fried the pirate Skyship, and in that overexertion destroyed his right hand, leaving only charred bone up to he wrist.

Ever since then, Apos has been reluctant to use his magic. Immediately after the attack he was sent to Unity city, where a group of top engineers fitted him with a mechanical hand in exchange for two years of fire magic assistance. By the time this was over, he had accustomed to his loss a little better, although his dreams were often scarred with thoughts of the unborn child, ripped apart by a cannon shell. Finding himself without contract, he decided to take up the most peaceful job he could find, and decided to become a librarian due to his love of books. And, with a vacancy in Kael Castle's library, he soon moved in and has been working there ever since.

Battle Skills: Apos is relatively untalented with every weapon he has tried so far. With poor hand-eye co-ordination and a general disinterest in violence, he has never learnt to fight properly. In a wild battle, there is far too much going on for him to make sense of it, and he feels overwhelmed and frightened by danger and action. Nevertheless, he is quite talented with his fire magic, although a little out of practice due to having not consistently used it for the last two years.

Interests and Fears: Apos has always loved books, and is often found immersed in them: they offer valuable escapism to the woes he has endured, so much so that he finds himself a little panicky without the presence of a book. He also has an interest in fine craftsmanship, specifically miniature models. Ever since he was a boy he has had an interest in music, although it is only recently that he has begun to play, a half-percussive, half-string instrument called a Karoka. He is awkward around all animals, and has a fear of pirates. As an Irrean, he is also highly acclimatised to warm temperatures and dislikes coldness, snow and ice.

Other: Is a surprisingly good chef, even though he barely has the resources (or interest) to make a complex meal.

Timezone: GMT+1

Theme Song: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YRy-Wjxnxc[/media]

Can't wait to see these characters! :D
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Alistair Carvell/The Crow

How many more, how, many, more, must I slay before you demons repent for your sins! I dare you, HURT ME IF YOU CAN!

  • tRqEive.jpg

User: PicaPirate

Alistair Carvell. He has a nickname of 'The Crow' among people that know of him. Pretty much no one at this point actually knows his name.

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Home State: Vequa

Occupation: Hunter

Appearance: 6ft 2in/188cm, 80kg/176lb. Speaks in a deep voice, with the real life equivalent of a British accent.

Refer to pictures. As shown on the last, the dark magic left a visible imprint on his body. This looks as though his heart blackened. Several blood vessels are darkened and bulged, which run through visibly on a lot of his body, though not his neck or face. These are barely unnoticeable unless he is enraged. At this point they darken and become more clear on his body, also creeping up his neck in visibility.

Personality Strengths: Never asks for help from another. Will do anything to accomplish a goal. When calm, he isn't trying to kill you, which is a bonus.

Personality Weaknesses: Easily angered and completely unstable in mental health, further increased by the dark magic corruption. Can go from cold and cynical to hot-headed in a split second outburst. If there were even psychiatrists at this point, they probably would not take him in out of self-preservation.

Background: Alistair was born from a little known of family nobles, the Carvell. They were of a middle-class living, housed in a detached multi-storey house in a well-off neighbourhood. This family's origins are utterly unknown, except for the sword that has been passed down, Lamentation. It's a rather exotic sword for its shape, yet until this day remains durable and sharp. Previous generations used it as a weapon during the past conflicts that have occurred. However during the time of the peace since 24 years ago, it has been resting and paid attention to.

He had a relatively peaceful childhood, quietly serving the family as a child. He was trained in the way of being a noble, which included manners, politics and sword fighting. After all, what good noble doesn't know how to hold his own?

At the age of 14, a demon named Draksis came to his neighbourhood. Alistair's assumption to this day is that rival family from Lord Barthus had discreetly paid the demon to raze the house, an easy way to rid suspicion of yourself, as it could easily be slated towards simply being the demons penchant for destruction. Draksis announced himself as he entered their household, laughing his demonic, sadistic laugh.. From there the demon, using black magic, destroyed the entire house with a black flame that consumed the house like a normal flame, but in a far more painful manner and with its own distinctive smell. Left for dead, his family died and Alistair felt like he did.

Except, he didn't. It turned out Alistair had an affinity with magic. As such, the dark magic attached to him instead, from his heart. The mark of this is visible to this day.

When Alistair awoke, he was amongst ashes, destruction and charred corpses of his family. He fell into a deep anguish, crying for days on end. Those tears however eventually stopped. The sadness turned to anger towards Draksis and the rival noble Barthus.

Alistair found Lamentation under a pile of rubble, protected from furniture having collapsed on top. With the sword in hand, Alistair trained by himself to use it. He used a family secret stash of money to maintain himself, enough to last him two years, which was housed under the floor. From thereon in Alistair trained in the use of the sword, with the single-minded goal to kill the two perpetrators. He found his anger and determination rising, noticing that whenever he got angry, his body felt on fire, as though given new energy and that he could go harder and faster, though with the consequence of falling very exhausted from it.

A year later at 15, Alistair set out to kill them. Barthus was an easy target, Alistair simply came uninvited to his house and killed them. By the time the 'Whities' came, having heard the cry of murder, all they found was a body stabbed multiple times over, like a pincushion. Alistair had let out his frustration at the man while killing him.

It wasn't enough for Alistair though. He sought like a hawk for Draksis and 'their kind', the events of his parents and older sister having scarred him for life. The hate for Draksis as he searched him warped into a hate of demon kind. As a race, they weren't particularly well favoured by the other races in the first place. This overlying racism strengthened his need to kill them, especially with, bar Deviants, demons going around causing wanton havoc. He has yet to this day find Draksis, though has killed many demons and any other who got in his path for retribution.

He currently goes around in an aimless search for Draksis, killing for a living. Unlike an assassin, who have codes of honour, Alistair was cruel and ruthless to his targets. He became known among less favourable circles as 'The Crow', with his aura of death that surrounded him. He was known for having a penchant to killing targets that were demons (Deviant or not) or people worked with them and asking for someone named Draksis. He has been known to fight off groups of enemies with relative ease, to add to his feared reputation.

Battle Skills: He is an expert with a Odachi that he wields, a family heirloom named Lamentation. He holds this blade with its sheath in his left hand, drawing it with his right. It has no special abilities, though a very well forged blade, making it sharp and durable. All the blood it has come to contact with though has given it a rather vicious 'aura'. That is entirely a figment of the living imagination though.

His attacking style is completely free-form, with no fixed pattern or semblance of order to it. It is a instinctual system whereupon he acts what his body assumes is the correct way, using any means necessary.

The dark magic that corrupted his body further enhanced his body capabilities. Along with a strength of someone nearly twice his muscle mass, his main distinguishing feature is the speed and precision he cuts with his sword. A single cut can appear as though a flash, as though he had never withdrawn his sword. When further angered, this strength & speed increases, to the

point that it can appear as though he is doing 3 cuts with every slash. This however puts a huge drain on his mental and physical energy. An extended session of high speed attacking beyond normal human capabilities will leave him completely drained and coughing blood.

Interests and Fears:

  • His favourite food is seafood and favourite drink tea.
  • He is naturally skilled with oil painting, something he spends his free time doing if he has the resources and time.
  • He absolutely despises demons and liars/deceitful people.

Other: Don't be deterred to befriend him. His actions say more than his words and after overcoming his barrier of pessimism, you may make a friend of him. Maybe he'll even paint you. I won't though, as I have little artistic talent.

Timezone: UK, GMT 0/+1 dependent on daylight saving or not.

Theme: Nosferatu & Drokz - No Surrender [media]

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Aaru Lucifer






Home State:






Aaru is a medium sized man, about 5'9. He has light blue eyes, that fade like a cold mist. His face is rather slim and his chin pointed. To the side he has barely visible ears, shrouded up by his messy hair. His nose is small and his nostrils closed in slightly. He has light purple hair that reaches into his eyes, but the top is rarely seen since it is covered up by a concealing hood. For clothing he wears a long robe that covers his entire body, not showing the least bit of skin, except for an opening for his face to peer out of. It is navy blue with gold liner all around. Underneath the long clothing he wears brown boots, great for walking through sand and mud, but are hard to see.

He has incredibly low constitution and has a very weak appearance to him. He is extremely skinny and weights only about 120 lbs.. He is often deathly pale and is in a shaking state almost constantly. He is very ill, but he does his best to conceal it with baggy clothing.


Personality Strengths:

Aaru is a peaceful individual, it was the way he was raised. He always remains calm, even in the most dire of situations. He is very polite and gentlemanly, wanting only to make people smile and feel comfortable. He aims to be as selfless as possible, putting his life on the line before others. Though he never really smiles, he can very easily be made happy by other's glee and security. He is feeble and physically weak, but does his best to be brave and he is very determined in life, and always has goals set for himself, which he usually can accomplish. He is very intellectual and has an extreme curiosity for just about everything in life, he just loves to learn.

Personality Weaknesses:

Aaru is a little shy, he often turns bright red when around another person and he can often be very skittish. He is way to studious and almost always has his head inside a book. He hates to kill people, even if it is the only way, he will look for another way to end it, even if it could endanger the people around him. He can be a little naïve and often jumps to conclusions a bit to early and is always in a hurry to finish what he was started.


Aaru was born in the poor areas of Teztra, where he would soon be abandoned and taken in by the orphanage. He spent the first ten years there, since no one wanted a sick child like himself. Day and night, Aaru suffered a death like cough that would always keep him up. He was often in the infirmary, or hospital and could never take part in the games the other children played. True he grew up sad, but he also grew up to be very smart since he often read books, twice as long as head. Unlike the other kids in the orphanage, he could do math, read properly (which one of the workers there taught him the basics) and write rather well.

Another couple of years passed and he was beginning to hit double digits in his age and still, no one wanted the sickly boy. It was probably because most parents in Teztra desired a boy who could fight with an axe, not with a book. But miraculously, when he began puberty, he showed signs of magic and just like that two parents showed up for him once they discovered his gift. Though, his new parents weren't human, they were angels, but he would only find that out later. They were looking for a special student with a knack of learning and curiosity, at this time Aaru was the perfect subject.

For the next couple of years he trained along side the angels, and also another boy named Louie. The two boys had much in common, no person wanted them until they had their magical abilities, they both loved to read and the two had undying curiosity. Aaru and Louie became best of friends, which was good, since they were the only two humans in the temple, the others were the two angels.

Aaru seemed to learn healing magic very well, while Louie struggled a bit more, but he showed more promise in fire magic. Which he learnt from a book he read. The two angels were rather disappointed in Louie but they let it side since Aaru could probably use someone to protect him from criminals like pirates and thieves. Finally when Aaru turned 16, he was almost a master in the healing arts and was sent off to heal those in need, which was the two angel's goal. Him and Louie did a marvellous job, often saving lives of many and earning much praise, they were even starting to become famous, however they got into a fight neither of them desired.

They stared eye to eye with a demon who bestowed the magical art, dark magic. Quickly Aaru was dismissed by Louie, knowing full well he would die if he tried to help. Aaru had nothing else to do but comply and he did something he would regret for many years to come. When Louie came back, he was not the same, he was possessed. A couple of nights a struggling and bleeding later Louie disappeared into the desert, only to cause mayhem. Aaru was torn, now he was all alone, with no one to protect his week body, but more importantly Louie was off on what was probably a killing spree. Aaru felt at fault for this and now dedicated his life to studying dark magic, looking for a way to reverse the effects and bring his friend, Louie, back to normal so that they can once again, do their job.

~Present day~

After many years of searching for answers, Aaru comes across Kael, which he hopes there to be a library in. He enters the city with high expectations and desires. But he also hears of a festival, which he thinks might be able to calm his troubled spirit.


Battle Skills:

While Aaru is not a fighter himself, he is a useful asset. He is an extremely competent healer and can heal wounds if given enough time. Though healing large wounds may have severe effects on him. He is often referred to as the Saint from the Dusty Dunes and has created quite a name for himself with his dedication and honour. He is also able to assist in the healing of illness's, though he cannot fully cure them, unless he wants to practically kill himself doing so.

In the worst case scenario, he carries around a small dagger, which he only uses to incapacitate enemies.


Interests and Fears:


-Dark magic








He is bisexual.



Timezone: Central Time Zone (UTC-06:00)
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@OverlyIntricateLove: Awesome character and a pleasure to read through! I see no major fault in it, although there are a few little things that I'll PM you about. But yeah, accepted warmly, welcome to the crew! :D  
@PicaPirate : Under normal conditions I'd ask for more positive traits but given the character they're kinda hard to come by so I'll let you off xD Otherwise, there's a minor thing in regards to the demon that I'd like changed, but for now nothing needs editing, accepted! 
Oh actually, somehow missed @PicaPirate that Alastair's home state would be Vequa, not Kael, as Vequa is the country, Kael is a city and our first location. It's also highly unlikely that he'd also be a noble of Kael: being of a middle class, unheard of noble rank he's more likely to have been the noble for a smaller Vequan village or town. I'll edit it and fix it for you.
User: Cookie

Name: Cerise Mihr (suh-reez mer)

Age: 43

Gender: Female

Species: Demon

Home State: Aekra

Occupation: Rogue

Appearance: Due to the uncanny aging of demons, Cerise does not look a day over 20. This is true of both her demon form and human disguise; they differ only by the necessary amount. In human form, her eyes appear the color of green fluorite crystals with all the same depth and beauty of the ore. But, when the shifting magic begins to wane, Cerise’s eye color is the first thing to fade. It becomes the bloodied ruby red common to all her brethren. Her long, inky hair is entirely natural (as she would consider it wasteful to use her abilities to change her hair length). The same goes for her modest height of 5 foot 6-and-a-half-ish. In an effort to maintain the human form for slightly longer than the average demon, Cerise devised an idea to preserve some of her natural skin color. While it may seem perfectly unsuspicious, the simple black tattoos on her otherwise polished human skin are actually unaltered bits of her true demon form. With this slight stylistic cheat, Cerise is able to maintain human form for about twenty minutes longer on average.

Even as a demon, she has an affinity for fine human things. Jewelry and silk are among those things. Oftentimes, she'll wear airy silk dresses to conceal thin chainmail or leather armor underneath. Cerise has a set of strong armor (stolen, probably), but she has never had reason to use it.


Personality Strengths: What is considered a personality strength differs vastly between demons and respectable human beings, but there are a few Cerise has that can pass on the surface. As with most other demons, Cerise is very confident in herself and her abilities; she has very few real fears because of this. She has a certain charm (somewhat suggested by her alluring appearance) that makes her rather outgoing and perhaps bold at times. Her casual attitude and general comfort around others makes her not entirely unpleasant to talk to. However, she doesn’t often find people worth talking to. A certain acquired trait that Cerise has gained from her time on the Surface is less of a desire to cause mass hysteria. It’s really more of an undesirable trait for demons, but the humans should be glad for it.

Personality Weaknesses: Oh, all the standard demon things, you know. Tendencies to lie, deceitfulness, traitorous inclinations, general love of chaos and darkness…you get the gist. Cerise is not exempt from any of those ‘undesirable’ traits, as Surfacers would call them. Though her initial impression may make her seem companionable, she is in fact a demon and has no real interest in friends. She’s also notoriously lazy, which is part of the reason she isn’t causing chaos up on the Surface. In particular, she has an affinity for destruction of anything man-made and even natural. More so than death, Cerise thoroughly enjoys destruction and the chaos that ensues.

“There’s nothing quite like disaster striking when you least expect it. Especially if I didn’t have to cause it.”

Demons, as one might assume, are the first to grow uneasy from a period without war. Nine Hexo years of peace was nine too many for any demon worth his or her dark matter, including a Miss Cerise Mihr. In the unyielding depths of Aekra, a plan was forming. Or rather, an unorganized idea of what should happen but was not going to because nobody could quite agree on how to get it done. The race as a whole could never accomplish a mass breakout large enough to incite panic and world war, but the idea inspired individuals and small groups to mobilize.

Though she was not quite an adult at the time, Cerise was itching to go topside and set a few cities or old animosities ablaze. But attempting this alone was nothing short of a suicide mission. Plenty of Aekra’s more ambitious individuals had demonstrated that. Sure, a select few got uptown, but Cerise knew her chances were better in a group. A number of her lesser-despised demon acquaintances were planning to head upstairs to start a battle within Unity City itself. She took a liking to the idea and tagged along with the group of about 40 other demons, most of them strangers to her.

But if there’s one thing about demon plans, it’s that they never quite work out correctly. Of the large group that committed to the plan, only 14 made it through. The others were either killed or scared away by the angels waiting to ambush them. Even of the few that made it, several disappeared within a short amount of time. The initial plan went to pot as the 14 remainders scattered, running from angels or heading out to accomplish their own agendas.

Cerise was one of five demons that actually made it to Unity City, having no ulterior motive for wanting to be topside. As it was her first experience on the Surface, she could hardly contain her chaotic urges and much of her first year secretly causing disruption in the lower floors of Unity City. It was much more difficult to be caught by angels there, given the living standard. Everyone on Floor One was had at least a little demon in them. Cerise blended seamlessly into the role a self-employed and very pleased rogue criminal.

A few reckless months on the Surface without consequence left her feeling invincible. She’d discovered her penchant for physical carnage some time ago, after a particularly nice house on Floor Two of Unity City collapsed all on its own accord. The rich family who’d lived there was panicked and devastated in the aftermath, which was hilarious to both her and one of the other five demons in the city who happened to hear the commotion. When the excitement began to die down a while later, Cerise was balanced at her vantage point on the roof of the neighboring house. A demonic smile had crossed her face as she sent a gentle wave of disintegrating dark magic through the house’s support beams. Just a little was all it took for gravity to crush the house into ruins and send another wealthy homeowner into spiraling depression. When the magic hit the home’s foundation, Cerise shifted into a sparrow to watch the chaos ensue from above. As she did so, her gaze met another’s in the crowd. His eyes flared crimson briefly and his lips carved the same smile as hers had a moment before.

Cerise recognized this particular demon as one of the survivors of the original breakout, but she would not know who he was until a year later.

In that time, Cerise had learned to content herself with heists and discreet murders so as not to get caught. But she was beginning to grow restless with all the ‘petty’ crimes. Cerise had a larger plan formulating in her mind – she was going to sink a Skyship. And not just any Skyship, either. There had been talk of a legion of White Guardians returning to Unity City on an elaborate Skyship. If there was ever a ship to destroy, it was that one. Cerise anticipated the day for weeks until she could finally see the ship in the distance and feel her plan coming to pass.

But when she reached the Skyship’s engine room, Cerise found that she was not the only one who’d had that idea. The demon from last year’s little project was just finishing off the ship engineers when she found him. Ezrid, as he called himself, recognized Cerise and gave her that same curling demonic smile. She returned it and wordlessly began to enact their mutual plan.

The final sight of the Skyship tumbling into the abyss solidified their beautiful, if temporary, partnership.

Several years passed with Cerise and Ezrid venturing all throughout the Surface, causing general turmoil wherever they went. Though a few of their more ambitious plans (like trying to ‘pop’ one of the underwater habitats of Licia or trying to cause one of the Vequan Islands to fall out of the sky) were often thwarted by the relentless angels that hunted them, the pair caused a great deal of chaos in the span of six years. But demons will be demons and that can only mean that they are destined to be traitors.

On one of their escapades to Vequa, they happened to board the same ship as an angel. Ezrid was running close to his shapeshifting limit, having been too anxious to drop his disguise anywhere near an angel. The ship was nearly at the Vequan dock when Ezrid’s shift faded. He looked to Cerise for help as the angel drew his weapon, but she was already gone – a speck of a sparrow fleeing in the distance.

As the years since the incident passed, she lost all contact with the demons she’d known and indeed any other demon on the Surface. They had likely perished at the hands of those pesky killjoy angels as she believed Ezrid did. Cerise went on with her Surface life remorselessly in the defense that she’d done what any demon would. Even as she’d flown from the scene, Cerise never looked back.


Cerise has attended every Kael Festival since her third year on the Surface. Large festivals are perfect opportunities for demons to cause chaos and even watch unprovoked disorder ensue all on its own. And, of course, Cerise would never miss the opportunity to snack on some of her favorite cakes from a small corner bakery in Kael. Half off during the Kael Festival, what a time to be topside!

Battle Skills: Cerise is adept at dark magic, as most demons are. However, she uses it sparingly in order to prolong her human form. She’ll often resort to human weapons acquired throughout the years.

Cerise has absolutely no aim. She cannot use any ranged weapons, though she’ll probably still keep them as trophies. For discretion purposes, her go-to weapon is a concealed rondel strapped to her leg armor. Unlike most other weapons in her arsenal, the rondel was legally purchased with real (if shadily acquired) money. Her favorite from her collection, however, is a two-ball flail obtained after a fight with an unlucky merchant ship guard. Cerise would likely use it for every job if it were practical. She is by no means an expert with any weapon, though, having no interest to learn from human masters. Or any masters, for that matter.

When she fights, Cerise moves constantly. She acts as if it were a kind of deadly yet enjoyable dance, usually staying so close to her opponents that she can read their facial expressions in the midst of battle. Of course, it’s a bit more distant if Cerise is using her flail, in which case the facial expression of interest is her manic elation. She moves quickly and evasively, but will do almost nothing in the way of blocking. Confidence leads to overconfidence in the belief that she simply cannot be hit.




· Favorite foods: dark chocolate almonds, fruit juices, and a certain kind of fluffy cake served only in a small bakery in Kael.

· Hobbies: Finding and TERRORIZING people who despise demons, destroying buildings and sometimes ships, collecting stolen weapons, walking in the city at night, playing the harp

· Other interests: Death, destruction, chaos, weapons, dark magic (esp. in humans), fancy jewelry and clothing, reptiles

Fears: Cerise has grown to be subconsciously afraid of losing everything she has in her assumed human life. Though she won’t admit it, she’s afraid of having to return to Aekra.

Other: Cerise is a surprisingly good harpist. She doesn’t want other demons to know about this, though, because the harp is traditionally an angel’s instrument.

She owns a two-story home in Unity City, directly across the street from the house she destroyed her first year on the Surface. It used to belong to a middle-aged merchant who had very few connections to other people. Cerise killed him and his closest relative to claim his property as next of kin.

She keeps a pet snake in her house to eat rodents. Sometimes, Cerise brings it with her on trips and missions. She’s named it Virgil and does not know if it’s venomous or not.



Theme music

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Another character from me!~


Name: Kri'tro Grett

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Home State: Licia

Occupation: Rogue

Appearance: Strong and stout, Kri'tro is muscularly built but only 5'08'' tall. His hair is shaved down to a dusty stubble around his ears, but on the top remains a simple layer of sandy brown hair. His eyes, shining green and always carrying a mischievous sparkle, are narrow but bright, and undeniably attractive in their liveliness: eyes that many a time have tempted others into misdeed. His nose, mouth and ears are all strangely small, and in many ways he looks a lot younger than he actually is: his face is almost without blemish and almost perfectly round. Sadly, this includes an absense of facial hair, which annoys him to no end.

Tanned, smooth skin covers his cruel body, pure and well cared for barring several scars left from past wounds. In particular, there are three long scratches down his left arm, an arrow mark in his abdomen, and a huge, scraggy scar that runs discordantly down the entirity of his back. To stay hidden when neccessary, he wears a baggy black cloak with matching hood, though he abhors being force to wear it. So underneath, he chooses to wear a navy blue tank top that truly shows off his biceps. The tank top has two coattails than fall as extended pockets down the side of his thighs, masking the heavy belt that carries all of his various weaponry and equipment. Finally, he wears a loose pair of combat shorts that extend down to his knees, and a pair of heavy army boots. This might seem like not very much armour for such a wante criminal, but on his limbs and chest he wears a wrapping of leather straps, straps that extend to reach steel-capped fingerless gloves.

Other all, Kri'tro exhudes a strong rougish charm and fits the typical badboy image that many girls desire. Despite his relative baby-face and short size, he has an intense aura about him, dangerous but highly tempting, with the kind of charisma that draws people in. Thus, Kri'tro is handsome and powerful, but undeniably risky company.

Personality Strengths: For one of the worlds most infamous criminals, Kri'tro is surprisingly charming: he has a sweet-tongue and a knack for literary creativity. Naturally, to be so well regarded, he is intelligent and worldly, and doesn't rush headlong into crime like his thuggish underdogs. Despite some of his more dangerous traits, Kri'tro is not a monster, and he is far from a demon in terms of his love of anarchism. He prefers not to murder if he doesn't have to, although that said killing doesn't have too much of a negative affect on him. Confident, calm and creative, he is up for anything and is almost never seen to be scared. This allows him to adapt quickly to a changing environment, and also keep his head under extreme pressure. He is also surprisingly courtious to those he respects, namely other notable villains. When he is lining you up for manipulation, he appears very gentlemanly, very funny and generally like a perfect, confident young man.

Personality Weaknesses: Essentially, Kri'tro is arrogant, ignorant, and self-satisfied. He parades around the middle reaches causing chaos just for the hell of it, or rather to get a kick. A natural rebel, he believes that authority is there to be defied, and as a result is defiant to anybody who tries to order him about. Lives almost entirely by his own rules and codes of conduct, none of which are particularly honourable. He also sees no need for friendship or any kind of emotional bonding, and instead uses his wit and charm to manipulate people to do what he wants. He loves the feeling of power, and can get angry very quickly is he feels completely hopeless or repressed. Proud, boastful and a compelsive liar, his wit is put to good use in snarky, cynical comments when he wants to annoy you most.

Background: Kri'tro was born in the aftermath of the Great War, in a small fishing village deep into Licia. Having been so small and unrecognised, it was completely bypassed in the attacks and as such there was little to no evidence around that there had even been a war at all. Fairs fair, there was a lack of fathers and similar young men, but having been born into such a world, things never seemed strange.

The second and youngest sibling in his family, Kri'tro enjoyed a happy, simple and peaceful childhood brought up by his mother, Keiora. His father had died in one of the great Lician sky-battles, but as he never knew about him, Kri'tro wasn't particularly grievant for this. So instead, his grandfather Glazriel decided to take very good care of the family, effectively acting as a father figure. Most important of them all though was Dae'rn, his older brother of two years. Bright, funny, creative, Dae'rn had all the traits Kri'tro most desired. His level of brotherly respect was almost at worshipping, such was the amount of time Kri'tro spent following his brother around and trying to copy him.

All the while, they never fought, never squabbled, and because they were such good children, Keiora granted them relative freedom. And thus they would spend all their time outside, exploring the wilds of the tropical island. Sometimes they would end up in peoples gardens, and simetimes they dared eachother, giggling earstwhile, to try and pester their neighbors. But the compact population didn't mind: they had been exhausted by the war effort and were now just happy the violence was over. So secluded were they that visiters were rare: the brothers felt like the world was their own island paradice.

When they were a little older, Glazreal used to take them out on fishing trips in his little boat. Both the boys were captivated by their adventures: the endless, sprawling seas held unimaginable secrets and wonders that they would discover together. And suddenly, the island was too peaceful, too quiet, too dull. Both boys decided that when they came of age, they would travel the wotld as adventurers and unravel the glorious secrets of the world.

Dae'rn was a talented youngster. Hardworking, intelligent and strong from all of their adventuring, he always seemed slightly better than Kri'tro. The younger boy grew envious, though really all he wanted to do was be like his brother. This lead to him starting to become a troublemaker, and he would play attention seeking stunts to try and get people to praise him instead of Dae'rn. But to no avail. Dae'rn was a prodigy, they said. He'll be famous one day, our humble Dae'rn. Every time people spoke to him, they reminded him of his brothers' hard working, and all this just spurred on Kri'tro further.

Until one day, Dae'rn left the village in order to train to be an adventurer. And eager to follow in his brothers' footsteps, Kri'tro stole a boat and sailed after him. But once he arrived in Creopolis, the capital city of Licia, he found himself lost, alone, with no way to locate his brother. And thus Kri'tro turned to crime. The real world was scary and harsh with its bustling crowds, with all of its laws and rules and restrictions. They made him feel uncomfortable, fuelled his desire to cause crime. And thus Kri'tro began to learn and adapt to how best to defy the law safely.

Four years later, Kri'tro has risen through the ranks of criminality and is now the third most wanted criminal in the entirity of the middle reaches, This makes him a very valuable specimen, and numerous bounty hunters and specialised Peacemaker navalists have set out to try and bring him to justice. Yet so far he has evaded them: after all, you don't become so infamous without good reason. Now, Kri'tro arrives in Kael for a bit of chaotic fun, although secretly he is looking for details on his brother. For he hasn't heard word of him in almost a year. And this has made him uneasy. Thus over the last year, Kri'tro has been much more cautious, and has been hunting down information on his brother's whereabouts. Reports suggest that he was in Kael just before his disappearence: will Kri'tro find his ultimate answers?

Battle Skills: Kri'tro, like his brother, has a naturally affinity for most physical weaponry and a strong sense of spacial awareness to use it well. He can pick up any weapon and be able to use it reasonably well, though obviously not at the level of a master, as a result of all of his various chaotic escapades. If he were forced to use a weapon if would be a spear or battle staff, which he does own, but Kri'tro prefers fighting as a brawler; he believes it is a more raw and enjoyable way to fight. He is powerful, tactical, and quick on his feet, making him a notable opponant. He has a dislike for magic though because he believes it to be cheating: after all, its usage has nothing to do with the magicians physical strength.

Interests and Fears: Kri'tro doesn't really have any hobbies or definitive likes outside of causing chaos, as anything that would occupy that space is instead spent thinking about Dae'rn. In fact, so loyal is he to his brother, that any insults against Dae'rn send him instantly beserk. The only other thing that irks him in quite the same way is comments made about his height, which he promptly shuts down with a fist to the face. He enjoys fish and seafood (especially Lician sea-food: lavafish, cloudfish and desert lizards don't quite have the same appeal to him). He doesn't like anything really deep and philosophical, believing that life is all about the present and living for enjoyment. Otherwise, Kri'tro is far more hollow and uninteresting than he lets on.

Other: Like all of my characters, speaks in the equivilant of a standard British accent. Kri'tro in particular is a chirpy bass. Unlike many, he admires Demons and has always wanted to meet one of them; whilst he doesn't share their absolute passion for anarchy, he likes that they are so rebellious and so open to challenge the law of the White Guardians. He believes that most criminals are cowardly for hiding away, and that people should be proud of their choice to rebel.

Timezone: GMT+1 (though later it'll be GMT+0 due to daylight saving)

Theme Song: [media]

EDIT: My third and final main character for this, located here!

His theme song is this: [media]

Hope you're all enjoying making characters still! As the week goes on, I'll slowly be updating the neutral characters thread with some notable NPCs. If you have any characters who would also fit into this catagory, such as accompanying guides for Mermen and Shalrak, or perhaps a travelling companion you don't want to be too prominant, who will be left behind after the first story arc, then PM with their details and I'll add it into the thread! Don't worry about it for now though, wait until I've got at least one up so that you can see how much detail to use for them (aka: not too much).

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@TheWizard : Largely fine, just needs a few touch-ups. You may want to read through it again as grammar is a bit iffy in places. There's a couple of things that seem a little random, like keeping a broken pocket watch, and those could do with a little clarification, as could the interests and fears section which doesn't really distinguish between which is which. My main issue though is with the background. Whilst Angels seek to keep peace, it is mainly from demons and going down regardless even for noble causes might be considered as becoming a Fallen Angel. Thus I'd like a bit more demon-orientated stuff integrated into the stuff about his coming down to the middle reaches. With that explained, him working for the Peacemakers would be absolutely fine as they'd gladly accept him due to his being an angel. Also, just to point out, 55 in Angel terms would be the equivalent of being in hi mid thirties as a human if that was what you were going for.

Just edit those things through for me and then I can accept you :)
User: Kharmin<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c07a19a38_Bralynn_rpn_resize70.jpg.6f55bbe194bacc9576a5db8c689a7e43.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c07a19a38_Bralynn_rpn_resize70.jpg.6f55bbe194bacc9576a5db8c689a7e43.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bralynn Ariano

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Home State: Teztra

Occupation: Adventurer/Mercenary

Appearance: Long, dark black hair with a mild wave to it surrounds Bralynn's deep, brown, moody eyes. Bralynn stands a mere 5' 6" tall and weighs around 125#. She is modestly endowed and keeps a fit, trim figure as she constantly strives to maintain her appearance for looks as well as versatility in combat (or escape!). Bralynn dresses in a leather ensemble with an assortment of throwing knives sheathed in and around her garment. At her hip, she carries a short sword of exquisite quality – a reward for a job well done.

Often, Bralynn sits apart from crowds and observes people, while manipulating one of her knives through her fingers, which can sometimes give the impression of mystery or aloofness.

Personality Strengths: Bralynn is direct and to the point. She will always say what she means in the exact words that she means to say, often times pausing at great length before speaking to be certain that she has the right words she wants. People quickly know where they stand by her candor.

Bralynn is every part of what she appears and holds no illusions as to her limitations and the limitations of those with whom she works. If one wants an honest answer, Bralynn is the best person to ask as she will not mince words.

Bralynn does not hold grudges for very long, believing that the one with whom she might be angered may be the one she would need to call on to save her life.

Personality Weaknesses: Bralynn can appear to be quite introverted. Since she takes her time to pick her exact words, many times people think she comes off as shy, quiet or simply disinterested. Additionally, her blunt and direct approach easily offends those who don't know her and/or who aren't properly prepared to hear what she has to say. Bralynn can be stubborn in her own right which can also lead to conflicts of personalities.

Although very well traveled, Bralynn has not resided in any one place long enough to really be an expert about anywhere. She has picked up tidbits of knowledge here and there, just enough for her to get by on, but nothing of any rare or intrinsic value. This makes her somewhat ignorant of cultures and customs wherever she happens to be.


Unlike many of her peers, Bralynn was raised in a stable home environment. Her parents both worked for the city oasis where their meager but sufficient house rested and they usually wanted for nothing. In her pre-teen years, Bralynn discovered her knack for accuracy and her warrior father gifted her with her first set of throwing knives at the tender age of fourteen.

Bralynn practiced religiously and soon became the envy of her friends – envy which turned to cold jealousy. It was from this experience, the purging of her friends, that Bralynn learned that minced word were cheap and that it was easier to simply state the obvious truth and move on regardless of the result. The lesson learned was a harsh one which Bralynn later determined taught her how to carefully, cautiously choose her words with more wisdom.

When Bralynn turned sixteen, she was arranged to marry. It was a match that met with her severe disapproval and when the day came, Bralynn refused to attend the ceremony. The backlash against her family was ruinous. Bralynn's obstinance cost her family their jobs, their home and their future fortunes such was the debt that had to be repaid. Within a year, just after Bralynn's seventeenth birthday, both of her parents died of a strange illness which to this date Bralynn believes to have been poison by the family to which she had been betrothed. Having no evidence to sustain her accusation, Bralynn was banished on the first transport from the city.

Since her exile, Bralynn has traveled extensively and never found a place to truly call her home. Her talents landed her some small jobs at first which soon opened the opportunities for more profitable employment. Within certain circles, Bralynn became known as the one person who would do virtually anything for the right amount of coin – a true mercenary with no conscience or honor to besmirch.

Later years to present have found Bralynn deep in a rut of working job to job for whatever reward she could muster. She still kept herself fit and agile for her assignments, but the daily, weekly, monthly routines have long since bored her to the point of taking risky work merely for the excitement.

So, Bralynn at last has come to Kael in search of work that would carry that very excitment.

Battle Skills: Bralynn prefers attacking by stealth and/or speed. She darts in and out of combat with her short sword when necessary, typically after exhausting her supply of throwing knives, with which she is extremely accurate. Although not a coward, Bralynn has the wisdom of her age to know when to fight and when to run and she is not beyond leaving treasure behind, even if it is from her own pockets, in her efforts to escape.

Interests and Fears: Money. Lots of it. Plain and simple, Bralynn is interested in money. She might be easy, but she ain't cheap! She will take almost any job/quest if the money is good enough (partial payments always in advance!) and rarely fails to complete her task. Destitution is her fear, having lived the life of a pauper through much of her formative years. Bralynn has vowed to never be so poor again and would risk her life to steal whatever was necessary to ensure that self-made promise is never broken.

Other: {{I expect some things to reveal themselves here as my muse allows once things start}}}

Timezone: GMT +4 (Eastern Time Zone)



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Cortana Mentroy

User: Icefox11

Name: Cortana Mentory

Age: 40, looks 24

Gender: Female

Species: Fallen Angel

Home State: Blist

Occupation: Hunter

Appearance: Cortana a natural beauty that stands around 7 feet tall. Her build is lean muscle, and she is quite nimble. She has long white hair that fades to pink at the tips that she usually wears in pigtails. Her pigtail clips are a dark pink, which is a contrast to the white roots of her hair, and matches the pink tips. She has a hot pink, bordering red, eyes and skin half way between tan and milk white. The wings on her back are white at the base and fades to dark pink at the tips. Her lips are a light and soft pink color that keeps in theme with her pink hair, and clothing. She seems like an average angel, dainty and light, but with lean muscles, which are enough to keep her going all day long.

She usually wears a black sleeveless top with a white vest that fades to pink over that. The vest has a high collar with a small pink button that connects both sides at the collarbone. The sleeveless top is jet black and is grey over her chest. The seam of it is jet black, just like the rest of the part around her stomach. She wears a necklace of two wings, colored a light pink. On her arms are gauntlets that are jet black with white and pink accents. She has a grey sash around her waist with a pink flower. She wears a skirt with a leotard bottom, her legs bare except the skirt that has a slit that is up to her waist. The skirt is white with black and pink accents. The skirt has a black line around the edge, and pink cherry blossoms on the inside of the lines. Underneath is a pair of thigh high boots that are jet black like the bottom of her shirt.



Personality Strengths: Cortana is happy and energetic. She is always up for a good fight, and seems to have no real pattern of attack. Her attacks are random and violent, her preferred weapons making a lot of noise and usually involve explosions. Other than this, she can be very much happy all the time, except if you make her think to much about her home land.

Personality Weaknesses: Even though her energetic attitude can be a positive, it has negatives too. Cortana has the tenancy to be a bit to hyper and can make others a bit overwhelmed. She can get a bit excessive and when something excites her a lot, she cannot contain it. But with this excitement, can also come aggression. The one thing you do not want to do is make her angry, because you will feel the fury like the light of a thousands suns. Also beside that, is her knack for being a bit to blunt with her words. Since she was always with angels, everyone would say as they thought, there where no secrets, no sugar coating. However, that was one of the rules she broke, because she lied to protect herself many times.


Cortana was born as an angel. Now there is not much to say about her life there. She looked like everyone else, large wings, tall, but something was different about her. All the other angels would have loads of friends, but she had just one. She thought her life was just fine, but the other angels thought that they where weird. But one day, she found that her friend had been banished and become a fallen angel. This made Cortana very sad. She stared to break some rules, and got banished as well, when she over reacted and attacked one of the snooty angels that made fun of her.

Soon after she was banned from the angel realm, Blist, she began to wander Unity city, looking for her friend. She soon found out from the police station that she had died from suicide. A bit sad, she decided not to let it get her down and returned to her regular self. The thought still haunts her mind to this day as she had never had anyone to help her. She decided to go to Kael because she wants to see if she can find any more adventures to go on, or possibly any explosives.

Battle Skills:

Cortana is unusually nimble, and takes to the skies when she fights. She usually prefers to use swords, arrows and any explosives she can get her hands on. (But she starts with none)






People who can stand her



Being back in Blist

Other angels

Being boring

Being like an angel

Losing Friends


Short Sword

This sword is usually what she uses for close range combat. The blade has two sides, both of which are jagged and intranet. The hilt is made out of a different metal and has a ruby placed inside it. Overall, the blade has gold detailing on both the hilt and blade.



Bow and Arrow:

Cortana uses a steampunk like bow. The bow is made of a light metal material, making it easier to carry and lug around. The Bow is made of intricate parts and contains a few weights on the front the bow to balance it. The arrows have spikes that can retract out of the point itself, which can cause more damage to human flesh if it needs to be pulled out.





Cortana loves to extend her wings or flap them. She will fly or hover any chance she gets.

Timezone: Pacific timezone
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@Cookie All looking good and I love some of the ideas in there! I would prefer a little more mention of angels in the backstory though, as the angels make a fervent effort to hunt down any demons that reach the middle reaches. My only other gripe is to do with dark magic, since I feel the need to clarify to all people that dark magic is hard to use even for demons, and that it is pretty dang rare in humans, thus even if she were to try to imprint dark magic on people a lot, most of the time it would either A. Kill them or B. Drive them into such a state tag they end up killing themselves later. That and Demons aren't scared of Angels as such; rather they are tired and annoyed mostly by them, with a subtle underlying hatred. Just edit about that last fact for me, but otherwise accepted, and well done for putting forward both the first non-human character and the first girl xD  
@Kharmin : All looking good so far, just waiting on those final details :')
User: DamagedGlasses

Name: Jinta Haxsaw

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Species: Mermen

Home State: Licia

Occupation: Pirate/Captain of the Fishbone Pirates

Appearance: Jinta is a very tall man, reaching about 6'4. He has charming green eyes, that sparkle like shined emerald when he is in good mood. His face is lean, but has a relaxed look to it, his mouth usually in a half-smile that shows off his shark-like teeth. His ears narrow at the ends, and have a more leaner look to them, than most ears. His nose is stubby and comes down in a arch. He has neon green hair that comes out in unruly waves, slightly covering his eyes at times. For clothing he wears a yellow button upped short sleeve coat, that does nothing to hide the fish scales on his shoulders and upper arms. He also wears red loose work jeans that have slight smudges of different shades of red. Around his forehead, Jinta usually has on a red bandana with the insignia of his crew. He denies footwear, allowing his webbed-feet to have fresh freedom, and only rarely wears sandals, usually brown in coloring.

On his belt, Jinta carries a pouch of different herbs and spices on his side, while on the other side is pouch that contains many feet lengths of sturdy iron chain. This chain connects to a giant harpoon that Jinta carries on his back. The Harpoon is three and a half feet long, and is thick, with an even heavier handle in the middle.

With his height, Jinta is a very intimidating man, but this aspect of his visage increases when in cooperation with his muscular physique that, while looking leaner than most body-builders, is still quite toned and edged with muscle. Jinta also has gills on the side of his neck, and has many spots on his body where scales can be found. On the arm, the neck, the upper parts of the chest, the upper parts of the thigh, a few on his ankle, and some more on the side of his face, resembling side burns. He also has spiky fish fins running down the length of his arm, which makes it hard for people to restrain him, and a less spiny fin on his back that bulges out and forces him to wear shirts specifically made with holes in the back for fins.

Pirate Crew Insignia: The insignia of the Fishbone Pirates is a side picture of a dangerous looking fish skeleton.


Ship: The Lucky Duckling. Thinner than most ships its size, The Lucky Duckling has is built fro speed and maneuvering, able to take steep turns and go intense speeds that usually have no problem over taking any other larger ship. Equipped with fixed cannon on the very front, as well as two maneuverable ones in the middle, the Lucky Duckling is a very special ship.

Built with special mechanics, the Lucky Duckling is able, with the help of the crew's manpower and the ship magicians magic, to close in on itself with two thick wooden plates, locking in place, that usually rest beside on either sides of the ship, and dive into the water, where, under careful navigation from the captain, the ship magician will power the ships movement and guide it. The captain has a special viewing platform in his captains room that is built with magically enhanced glass the enables the ability for him to see where he is taking his ship, while also tracking ships from under the sea.

(Will be described more thoroughly and detailed when it is introduced into the story.)

Necessities: As a Merman, Jinta needs the combined existence of Oxygen and Water to preserve his life. He gets around this with the help of his assistant who had been originally brought aboard as a helper for him when he was younger. The reason being, that the captain did not want his own personal Merman to die too quickly. His assistant is very helpful and very devoted to keeping Jinta in damp places or surrounded by water. Due to this need, Jinta is very protective over his assistant and vice versa, and they can never be found apart for very long.

Personality Strengths: Jinta is a very instinctive person, relying on his experiences and battle smarts to get him through a battle. A determined individual, Jinta will do anything to get to his goal, crushing other people, whoever they may be, into the ground. Jinta learned many years ago that the only things in life that mattered in the long run was Loyalty and Freedom. He may be the scum of the earth to some, but he repays his debts ten-fold, just as his mother raised. His mother was a rather old-fashioned fish, so many outdated mannerisms have passed on to Jinta, subconsciously. Jinta also has a rather cheerful exterior, hiding any "true" feelings behind his friendly and encouraging persona.

Personality Weaknesses:
As a pirate, Jinta has many traits that people look on as "bad". Jinta has no idea of personal property and believes in the idea of "What's mine is mine, and what's yours is also mine." Jinta is rather ruthless, and while he isn't the worst person in the world, you have to do some pretty amoral things to get his negative attention, unless you happen to do something to him. Jinta is rather manipulatable person, as his one-track mind can be significantly deterred with the promise of money or whatever fits his fancy. He can also be tricked into things when his pride is on the line, as he believes a man's pride is a very important part of what makes a man truly happy in life.

Background: Jinta was born to an old-fashioned family, built on tradition, and the utmost culture. However, while inline with tradition, his family was also poor, and had to give away many things to live a relatively good life and still keep with the different celebrations that Mermen celebrated. His family was also quite fervent towards the removal of the influence of the cultures of other species, believing that they were doing just fine alone, and without the meddling of some stupid mistakes. Jinta, while trying to believe the same way as his family, found it hard to dislike the people, as he had grown rather fond of the other species and found their different looks and ways of doing things fascinating. Although, that wasn't saying much, as Jinta was quite soft-hearted as a young boy. Inline with the ways of wisdom most Mermen were seen to have, Jinta looked at the world and saw the large grey chasm that existed between the two high cliffs of good and evil. Much of his life was spent observing the chasm and learning more and more about it, until, one day, he was pushed into it.

Coming home from the nearby Lake Academy his parents had paid to get him into, selling most of their ancient furniture, using saved inheritance, and asking for loans, Jinta had been terrified to see his parents murdered. He had been about to go for help, but was caught by the people who killed his parents. Instead of killing him, which he had presumed they would do, Jinta was taken to there Pirate ship, the Lucky Duckling, and was forced to be there cabin boy. The grey chasm he had observed for many years became his home, and he wilted many of times at the horrors that he found there, but he never gave up. His parent's murderer, the captain of the ship, was his goal, and he was going to survive, no, thrive until the time came he would be able to kill him an exact revenge. It was many years, and after those years, Jinta had forgotten the importance of his innate Merman wisdom and was now a stoic first mate, the previous one having been in an "accident" months before. Looked on in respect, no one remembered the horrible way Jinta had been inducted into the crew, and he used that to his advantage. Using the great skills and strength he had acquired over his years of fighting many bloody battles and and dark deeds, Jinta killed the captain, and forced the beaten and cowed crew to take him to the main shore of his home town.

He went back to his parent's house, long abandoned due to the murder everyone would like to forget, and finally grieved, his pent up sadness pouring over. As his sadness had left him, an empty hole had been left, and he had spent the rest of the day looking around his house and trying to remember things when he found a letter in the old safe his Dad kept behind a fake cabinet. It had dust on it from lack of use, so with a tender touch he hadn't shown in years, Jinta had opened the letter and had joyously read a letter from his parents describing that the great things in the world weren't important, as long as he was happy with his choices. The idea of "Happiness" filling his heart, Jinta had raced back to the Lucky Duckling and had all of the remaining crewmembers thrown overboard. With his new ship, Jinta gathered his crew and began to make his way across the ocean with his grey outlook on life, and his dream of happiness.

Currently, Jinta is heading to the Festival in hopes of finding fun things to do, while also a good place to sell his acquired goods.

Battle Skills: Jinta uses heavy tank like tactics when in battle, evident by his throwable harpoor which he can easily send through the air at an intense speed. Jinta is rather flexible, but do due to his edged muscles, his dodging skills aren't the greatest, but he has good battle instincts and mid-battle stratagems. Fighting being his only high point when it comes to using his mind, when facing an enemy Jinta is constantly learning and is highly adaptable to new problems, rapidly learning the weak points and high points of each stance or style of fighting. Jinta also has advanced speed underwater and is a terror with his harpoon. His favored technique for using his harpoon is throwing it at an object, and when the metal spear embeds itself into it, Jinta pulls with his strength, the outcome varying from the target ripping from their foundation to a ship being forcefully pulled to shore.

Interests and Fears:
Jinta's one goal in life is die happy. He may not know what happiness truly is right now, but most of his actions, however unmoralistic they seem to the normal person, are made in the pursuit of his own happiness, so that one day, he can rest in piece with a smile on his lips. Most would think that Jinta isn't scared of many things outside the norm, but, truly, Jinta is terrified of dark houses. Due to his rough experience with them, Jinta also has a slight vendetta against rich people, which is part of the reason becoming a pirate seemed so enticing to him. Jinta really enjoys jokes, as he knows the importance of a good mood, and wine, as his taste buds are too sensitive to drink something heavy like Rum. Jinta dislikes any body who messes with his Crew or his Ship and does not like anybody spitting on the honor of others.

Enjoys looking at the last letter from his parents and cherishes it with his heart. He also likes to look at the ocean or the land below, and hum his mother's favorite lullaby to himself. Obviously, he does these things only when alone.

EST+1 (I'm going to assume "+1" is Daylight savings time, I may be incorrect.)

(Anybody who would like to be a part of the Fishbone Pirates, please PM me. We can work out a reason/backstory for how they became a part of Jinta's crew.)
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@DamagedGlasses : Largely looking good! Just make sure that it is explained well as to how Merman, who are normally very pacifistic and wise, came to be a pirate. I would suggest that you bump his age a little to make his position as a pirate captain a little bit legitimate, and that you make his crew largely humans. That, and make sure you accommodate for his need for water and oxygenation somehow, either with an NPC or player character water magician assistant, or more likely given he'd a pirate some kind of special water area in his ship. Otherwise the detail is great!

@Cookie: I... erm, don't see any difference regarding angels in the backstory? xD But never mind: the main point of the rebuke was to just point out that things would be as I said. Thus, welcome aboard! :D

Stein Blackheart

User: Elegy


Appearance Details:

Stein stands in at 6'7 and weighs 210 lbs. His body is well sculpted and firm, being robust and powerful. His hair is a coal black shade and is shaped in straight waves that flow straight down. The hair is usually always unkempt and messy, and gives Stein a wild appearance. His eyes are a soft shade of chestnut brown, contrasting heavily with his rugged features. Stein usually dresses in a variant of what is shown above: he always wears a rather thick leather shirt with long sleeves that disappear into two metal gauntlets worn over two rough leather gloves. The leather shirt is surprisingly soft and comfortable, but it retains its distinct tough strength. Over this, Stein heavily favors wearing a hooded cloak that serves many purposes from concealing Stein's identity to protecting him from rain and such. Stein wears sturdy and durable boots and wears three to five belts around his torso and chest area. These belts are not simply buckles as an ordinary observer would think facing Stein from the front, but act as utility belts of sorts, with the back end of the belts all having multiple straps and pouches to contain things. This is another reason why the cloak is so important, as it will conceal most of the items that Stein places on these belts. Even with the cloak however, the sheer number of bags and pouches that Stein wears on himself can be seen to some extent by any regular observer, and Stein passes any curiosity off by stating that they are full of merchant ware. Stein's general appearance is intimidating, with his huge bulk and stern face putting others at instant discomfort. His unkempt face also gives him an aura of a ruffian, and many people immediately suspect some sort of criminal activity with him simply due to his features and heavy set body. Stein's body type is stocky and powerful, with his heavyset and rugged features adding to his general brawn.

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Home State: Vequa

Occupation: Assistant merchant, Former Hunter

Personality Strengths:

Stein is a proponent of efficiency, and this belief in conservation reflects on his entire personality. Stein speaks only the words he has to, and never attempts to cover up any of his feeling, desires or intents with pretty words, preferring the bare bones of it all. Stein makes sure to extract one hundred and ten percent out of everything he obtains and every opportunity he gains, making full use of every moment in his life. Stein is firmly against wasting or throwing things away, as he believes everything has a use and purpose if one simply looks deep enough. This trait has also fostered in Stein a powerful resourcefulness and inventiveness. Many have wondered if Stein was born in Teztra due to his philosophy of extracting out the very most out of everything. Stein also loves to conserve his own energy, never doing any more than he needs to. Stein's conservative nature also bleeds into his emotions, with Stein never expressing an iota more than what he needs to convey his mood. These emotional traits further reinforce the general impression of Stein being a muscled giant of a brute as he will not talk much more express much. However, this could not be further from the truth, aside from the part relating to his physique. Stein has an extremely analytic and logical mind capable of rapidly deducing the ins and outs of a situation he finds himself in. He has powerful perception and can instantly understand or at least theorize rather accurately the situations and components making up his situation or the situation of others. Stein is also innovative and seeks newer and better methods of accomplishing things over simply refining old ways. Stein also has an insatiable curiosity for knowledge, and this curiosity manifests itself perfectly in his avid love for alchemy, for which he spends hours upon hours tinkering with substances.

Personality Weaknesses:

Stein is unprepared to be unprepared. His analytic mind naturally observes and rationalizes his environment and everything that makes up his situations, and thus a sudden surprise that he did not factor will greatly shock him. Stein will not panic or express his shock, but he will slow down his thinking to attempt to comprehend why the anomaly that shocked him occured. Stein is also innately distrustful of others, and will hesitate to accept offers of help or friendship. Stein's ability to create friendships is also extremely limited due to his fanatical conservation of energy and effort philosophy, so he relies on his merchant friend to do all the social work for him. Stein thinks extremely deeply about things, and has developed philosophical ideals regarding life and its circumstances. Stein's high perceptiveness and analytic mind also applies basically only to his environment and physical objects, and he has a hard time perceiving the emotions and thoughts of others. Stein also lacks a distinct stealthy and crafty nature that a rogue or hunter would be expected to have. His sometimes brutally honest nature and bulk does not mesh well to create the model of a stealthy thief or rogue.


Stein was born to a blacksmith and technician in a flourishing Vequan village. His mother died of illnes when Stein was three yeras old, and he remembers basically nothing about her. His father was a jovial and lighthearted man who took pride in all of his blacksmith works and enjoyed life's every moment. He was infectiously joyous and humorous, and many people in the village considered him a good man and dear friend. He seemed to be the paradigm of goodness, and none would have expected him to be one to participate in illegal activities. Stein's father created firearms, which were now banned and getitng caught with one was a sure ticket to prison. Nevertheless, the Blackheart family had deep roots in creating firearms and they had passed down this knowledge throughout the ages in secret. Stein's father was one of the few dealers of firearms in the illegal market, and his works were considered luxuries and treasures by many a rogue. Many times Stein would stumble upon his father in the middle of the night, conversing in hushed whispers with a cloaked and hooded rogue to deal away a firearm. Stein did not let his mind be bothered by these illegal transactions, and simply took everything in stride. Stein grew up immersed in the environment of the forge, where his father taught Stein countless things about the forge and fostered in Stein a burning desire for the future day where Stein would take over. Stein was a relatively skilled blacksmith, and by his early teen years he apprenticed himself to his father. That was when his father revealed that continuing on the family business also meant continuing the production of firearms. Stein agreed with no hesitation. It was family tradition, and it wasn't like anyone was going to suspect a small village's blacksmith of producing firearms. Thus Stein spent his years until adulthood producing both firearms and metal work. Stein found that firearms were an extremely interesting creation, and he found himself marveling at their beauty and detail. He would often practice shooting far from the village when he had enough free time, and he honed his sharpshooting skills this way. Another thing that would significantly shape Stein's life was his curiosity with the rogues and hunters that bought his wares. He was extremely interested in their way of life, and upon hearing of the toils and adventures that many of the hunters and rogues underwent, Stein became enamored in their way of life. At first it was simply romanticizing an unknown but dangerous way of life like like any boy would do to an adventurer's life, but it became much more. Stein began to focus more and more on the illegal side of things than his actual blacksmithing, and made good friends and sprouted connections. When Stein's father was finally apprehended by Peacekeepers tipped off by an unsatisfied customer, Stein felt both sadness and hope. Sadness in the fact that he would never see his loved father again, but hope in that he would now pursue his true way of life. Stein evaded capture from the Peacekeepers and joined the ranks of the hunters he had befriended. He closed the blacksmith shop and left the village to embrace the rambunctious and dangerous life of the underworld.

Many years passed as Stein earned his living off mostly getting treasure and occasionally killing people. His combat abilities sharpened to fine points during these years, and Stein became most well known for his extreme versatility, wild fighting, and incredibly unpredictable weaponry. To create this weaponry, Stein studied intensively books he either found or stole that related to alchemy. Stein soon found Alchemy his new blacksmithing; it was a wonderful subject so enamoring and interesting that Stein considered becoming an alchemist himself. However, it was too late for that, as Stein had already gone down the path of a hunter, and an accomplished one at that. Eventually, Stein became more and more disinterested with his way of life, and saw the violence and organized theft he committed to be a livelihood that benefited off of the hard work of others. It was not that Stein was repulsed by his way of criminal life, but he simply became too disinterested in it and saw no benefit he could reap out of it which he could call his own hard work. Stein's life took on another drastic change when he came upon a traveling lone alchemist aspiring to become a merchant in Unity City in a pub. They talked for hours non-stop about the wonders of alchemy and the many mishaps and fortunes they had reaped from various experiments and the like. It was then that Stein decided to put his guns to dust away and embrace a new dream. The woman agreed to hire Stein as an escort, and eventually Stein persuaded her to become her apprentice. Fast forward a few years, and Stein is now living in Unity City as a full-fledged alchemist and assistant to his companion now a relatively successful merchant.

Stein's reason for travelling to the festival is to help his merchant friend who basically provides a roof over his head, with help in her chemical production and selling of wares as well as to provide protection if needed.

Battle Skills:

Experienced Hand to Hand Combatant:

Stein has not formally committed himself to any particular martial arts, but has simply integrated techniques, moves, stances, grapples and throws that he has seen and experienced in his many years as a hunter into his own unique fighting style. Many would describe this fighting style was rough and unfocused, and indeed it is simply the combination of random types of blows and strikes from all around. However, it is this very eclectic combination of moves that makes Stein's fighting style so powerful. It is extremely unpredictable and employs every and any type of attack, ranging from wrestling locks to precise kicks. Stein also employs a dynamic stance that constantly changes in response to his opponent, and his many years of brawling and fighting has granted Stein answers to basically any sort of fighter. However, Stein's informal skill also has its weaknesses, with Stein being versatile and decent in many areas, but not really excellent in one, leaving Stein helpless against vastly more experienced martial artists committed to one style of fighting. One could call Stein's fighting style advanced street fighting. It is a product of one man's observations and experiences formatted to best and most efficient use in practical on-the-street situations. Stein is thus prepared for any situation, but at the same time is not as good in all of these situations as someone with proper martial arts training would be.

Experienced Swordsman

Stein is only really skilled with his wazikashi, and his skill with it is much like his skill with his martial arts. He does not know any real formal and trained method of wielding his sword, and instead just employs a basic understanding of usage and heaps on top of it techniques and abilities observed and experienced. Thus Stein's swordsmanship is a wild and unpredictable mess of heavy offensive action and dynamic parries. Stein does not employ a stance with his wazikashi and simply utilizes it like an oversized dagger of sorts, slashing at his enemies with fast and reactive strikes that don't have the power a stance would grant backing them. In exchange, Stein gains much faster attacks and can react to attacks faster. Stein's parrying is a sloppy failure as parries require stances to have some sort of balancing power to utilize them effectively, and because of this Stein heavily focuses on offense with his wazikashi and only parries when he needs to. Stein is also not limited by any form of style, and thus is versatile with how he uses his wazikashi. He is not hesitant to grasp the base of the blade and ram it into foes like a battering ram, nor is he hesitant to grab the blade blade end and swing it around like a club. Thus anyone with significant formal sword experience can defeat Stein as long as they are not caught too off guard, but at the same time Stein is more likely to survive new situations and react to surprises much better than those bound by rigid formality.

Skilled Sharpshooter

Stein is quite familiar with the workings of the paltry number of rifles and pistols left. He understands the intricacies and complexities of the creation and build-up of firearms and can even create them himself. In consequence, Stein understands the limitations and strengths of his firearms and knows when to use them in combat situations. Stein is also quite skilled at utilizing his firearms, as Stein's natural calm grants him a steady trigger finger while his sharp and focused eyes allow for precise targeting. Stein is more of a sniper type of shooter than he is a mid range shooter, and thus his ability to carefully single out a target for a single lethal shot is impressive. This does not mean Stein is purely a sharpshooter, and he is capable with his firearms in mid range, though not quite as skilled as he is when in an undisturbed and focused position to snipe down lone targets. Stein's maximum reliable range with his rifled musket is two hundred and fifty yards, with around a seventy percent hit rate at that range. Stein's accuracy nosedives hard after this distance due to the rifled musket not being able to fire bullets as far in a relatively straight trajectory. Stein's many years as a hunter has also given him exceptional resourcefulness and versatility in his fighting, and he is not hesitant to use his firearms as clubs or melee weapons and is quite adept at utilizing them as such.

Skilled In His Unique And Varied Weaponry/Fighter Mindset

As the name of this skill suggests, Stein is used to and adept at utilizing his arsenal of weaponry due to many years of experience utilizing them and great familiarity in their working. He knows the limitations and strengths of his weapons like the back of his hand, and can quickly assess what to and how to use a certain weapon for a certain situation. As a result, Stein has become an adroit tactician capable of formulating battle plans and strategies on the spot. His familiarity with his weapons is high, and this allows Stein to carefully assess his situation and come up with an answer from his variety of options. This makes Stein an extremely versatile and powerful combatant, but this power comes mostly from planning and prediction, and sudden improbabilities can severely dent Stein's combat capabilities. In order to be skilled with his weapons, Stein has also developed a heightened battle instinct capable of deducing and accurately predicting for the most part the motives of an opponent from subtle signs like body language. Stein also utilizes his vast knowledge of alchemy(chemistry basically) to his advantage, combining it with his resourcefulness to make even the most useless of objects into a dangerous weapon.

Interests and Fears:

Stein's main interest in his life currently is alchemy. His innate desire for knowledge fuels his passion for alchemy, and Stein will spend hours upon hours of time in a laboratory to sate his curiosity with determined drive. Stein also loves blacksmithing and creating firearms, though these hobbies and passions have become dim with time. He admires the beauty of fire arms and their complexities. Stein's perception of beauty is not completely aesthetic though, he perceives beauty in what is most effective and most efficient. Thus Stein strives to create the most practical and most efficient firearms when he does make them. This sense of beauty is also apparent in his blacksmithing, and Stein does not seek rare metals or varnish to give his weapons aesthetic appeal. He considers a creation a work of admiration only when it fits its purpose to its maximum potential. A sword should be able to kill, not be gawked at. A gun should be able to fire, not be displayed. Stein fears Peacemakers, but this fear is not of an irrational kind. It is bred into Stein's being as a result of being a Hunter and losing his father to the Peacemakers. The fear of capture, death, and danger are all crucial elements that coalesce into a coherent whole when Stein encounters Peacemakers. Stein also fears failure to an extent, and thus he has developed a perfectionist work ethic.



Stein's wazikashi is kept sheathed and strapped to Stein's back by two belts running diagonally across Stein's upper chest down to his waist area. The wazikashi is kept in a horizontal arrangement on Stein's back. The wazikashi is 40 cm long and made of tempered and tuned steel. This is one of Stein's primary weapons, and his go-to melee weapon. Stein almost always resorts to using this weapon when he is cornered in close range. He does not prefer to use this blade though, as his combat style is much more suited to long - mid range encounters than it is to short range combat due to Stein being weighed down by equipment. Stein simply stows this away under heaps of cargo that his merchant friend has.

2x Egg Bombs

Two eggs stuffed with hot peppers and acidic powder. The eggs can either be thrown at an enemy's face or heavily enhance Stein's close combat through Stein crushing the eggs in his hands and enveloping them in this acrid mixture. If any of this pepper powder combination gets into an opponents eyes, then extreme pain and temporary blindness will occur. Any inhaled will cause swelling of the throat and a burning sensation. The eggs are hidden in a soft cotton pouch hanging from Stein's waist by string. Stein heavily prefers to use these eggs as enhancements for his close combat, as enveloping his hands in their mixture will cause opponents to have to guard their face and upper body more, allowing for easier time with kicks and grapples. Since Stein's hands are always gloved and most of his body is covered by cloth, the egg bombs having a retaliatory effect upon Stein is minimal.

Scoped Rifled Musket


Stein's greatest invention, a scoped rifled musket ahead of all the rifles currently stored away or produced. Although it still operates on flint lock basis, the barrel of the gun is rifled, engraved with grooves to enhance the accuracy of bullets fired. This simple difference is like heaven and earth in terms of firearms, and the difference in accuracy between a rifled and non rifled gun is simply exceptional. The musket itself is 60 Inches long and weighs around 5 Kg. The rifle also has a ramrod attached to its underside. The rifle is simply strapped tightly on Stein's back, with the tip of the rifle reaching the nape of Stein's neck. Due to the fact that it is placed behind Stein and strapped, this is not a weapon that Stein relies on in a surprise situation, and instead the weapon he prefers when he himself is controlling what happens and can predict the movements of a battle well enough to utilize this weapon.The rifle is also not useful in close range, as it requires some concentration and preparation to fire with decent accuracy, though Stein can use it to club people. Stein does not carry this around regularly, and only does so when there is a distinct need. He keeps the musket hidden with the aid of the merchant he is assisting.

Smokescreen Bombs

Three regular smokescreen bombs encased in black, glass spheres. These smokescreens are not too large, being only around a tangerine in shape and size. They are packed away in three separate leather pouches attached to a belt winding around Stein's upper chest area. When thrown, the chemical mixture inside then rapidly reacts with the air to create a thick dark grey fog of smoke in a four meter radius around its detonation. The smoke dissipates after a good ten or so seconds depending on wind and other factors. These bombs are not used for surprise attacks or quick escapes like one may expect. Stein has too much equipment on him to reliably escape entirely with the cover of this smoke in any case, and attempting a surprise attack with so much equipment rattling off noise would never work. Stein uses these smokescreens primarily to block enemy vision so that he can prepare one of his various weapons and pieces of equipment for attack depending on the situation at hand. Stein therefore does not throw the smokescreen aimed right beneath him, but at a halfway point between himself and an enemy so as to maximize the distance the enemy is unable to see Stein. The smokescreen can also be used for Stein to escape from situations if the enemy cannot hear the clutter Stein's running makes. Surprise attacks can be utilized under this smokescreen as well, as enemies will not know what Stein will literally throw at them and cannot prepare themselves. The smokescreen can completely mess up vision so enemies will not know how close or how fast any projectile or explosive Stein uses is. The smokescreens provide crucial zone control, as it can force enemies to either come forward to meet random and unknown but deadly projectiles or run sideways, thus granting Stein more information as to how he would plan his method of attack. The smokescreens appear to be simply materials for chemical experiments, and the fact that they are contained in glass and not more inconspicuous vessels further emphasizes this deception.

Quicklime Bomb

Three glass balls almost full with fine powdered quicklime. The glass balls have have holes that are corked to allow liquids to flow in. The quicklime powder rises up quickly and spreads out fast to cover a short area in short time. Additionally, the quicklime powder will irritate the eyes of anyone and cause minor rashes if exposed to it long enough. The main power of these bombs is when water is mixed with these bombs. The pasty mixture will begin to vibrate and heat up the glass ball around a second after being exposed to water, and will emit a powerful explosion two or three seconds right after. The explosion itself is only around two meters in radius, but the effects are potent. The explosion itself is loud and disorientating, and can blow off flesh and fingers in close range. Additionally, the quicklime water mixture that spreads onto a target will cause searing pain to the flesh and blind the target if it reaches the eyes. The glass will also shatter in every direction for collateral damage. These bombs are used in short to medium range encounters as an effective way to force an enemy back. These bombs are essentially primitive grenades, with the introduction of water being like the pulling of a pin. These bombs are unpredictable and need full commitment, as once the water is introduced there is no stopping the explosion. Since the explosion is timed, the glass ball also needs to be thrown with precise timing to be of decent effect. The quicklime bombs are stuffed in three separate leather pouches attached to a belt coiled around Stein's stomach area, much like how his smokescreens are equipped. When the quicklime powder is mixed with oil and ignited, it creates a fire that burns even on water. Thus Stein can use the bombs as either incendiary weapons or explosives. Quicklime appears to be a fine white powder that does not react with the air or fire in regular circumstances, and will only cause skin irritation and not harm, allowing Stein to pass off these bombs as simply containers for necessary powders for chemical experiments.

Sticky Oil Storage Bottle

Two wine bottle shaped vessels filled with viscous and sticky yet runny oil. The bottles are contained inside a leather satchel hanging from Stein's right shoulder, with the satchel being able to be buckled onto any of Stein's various belts so as not to impede movement. The bottles are around 11 inches tall and four inches wide at base. The oil is mainly used to control Stein's environment, having tactical effectiveness in sealing off escape routes and controlling a target's movements when ignited. The oil is also mixed with naptha, allowing for fire ignited on it to burn on water. Stein is also surprisingly good at throwing these bottles like projectiles, and the sticky nature of the oil will quickly envelop a target completely with the ink black oil to both hamper sight, reduce grip on weapons, and to cause the target to become very susceptible to flame based attacks, most notably the Greek Fire Flamethrower. The bottles can also in any number of ways ranging from being clubs to molotov cocktails. Stein never carries both his matches and oil bottles together, leaving either one with his merchant friend so as not to cause suspicion as individually the bottle and matches would not cause any eyebrows to be raised, but together is a different story.

Hydrogen Gas Bomb

Three oddly shaped explosives packed with condensed hydrogen gas. The top of the explosive acts like a pressure valve and unscrewing it will begin to release the compact amount of gas inside rapidly. The protruding top of the explosive is coated in a sticky adhesive so that matches can be stuck on. The gas itself is colorless, making it hard to discern where the range of the gas ends. The range of the gas is also extremely unpredictable, with several different environmental factors being able to blow the emitted gas in any sort of direction. However, the pressurized nature of the gas and the fact that it comes out in a steady stream somewhat negates this weakness. Upon contact with the slightest of fires, the gas ignites to create an incendiary explosion of large scale. The explosion happens in a near instant and covers the entire range of the hydrogen gas emitted. This bomb is not an effective weapon in fast paced combat and its usage must be carefully planned and considered as it is both rather slow moving and nobody is stupid enough to stand near the bomb and wait until some fire is thrown in its area. The bomb itself is Stein's most powerful weapon in terms of firepower. The bombs are packed in a tiny bag that is buckled to Stein's back on his main belt around his waist. These bombs can also serve to pump gas into things for mechanical purposes, with the pressure valve design facilitating this process. Stein can pass these bombs off as simply being gas containers for mechanical parts or experimental processes, which would not be doubted too much as the hydrogen gas is produced by experimental electrical distillation processes that come from ordinary chemical experiments.


UTC - 06:00

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@Elegy : You may want to seperate larger chunks of text up there as huge blocks of centralised text are pretty dang scary and difficult.

Anyhow, barring the aesthetics and Interests and Fears, which I presume are still to come, the level of detail is superb, and I see no problems with the character himself. However, for me, the character is bordering on a little OP with all of that weaponry. To be a talented marksman is fair enough, but then to also be experienced as a standard fighter, a decent swordsman and own a ridiculous amount of side weaponry seems a lot like overkill to me, which I'm sorry to say given your obvious research. That, and it also begs the question of why bother with so many offencive items if you've consigned yourself to being merely a merchants assistant with little need for such a dynamic range of dangerous equipment. I mean, he has pretty much everything covered, but literally no motive nowadays to be that prepared.

Thus I would like some of this weaponry stuff to be removed. Admittedly it seems like even more than it actually is because you've elaborated so thoroughly on everything, but there's still too much there I feel. I would definitely want away with the poison and the flamethrower, keep him to one gun and one type of bomb. I am really sorry because you have evidentally put a lot of work into things, but there's just too much there for it to be truly fair to everybody else involved. However, I am fine with him having the knowledge to build these other things and there can be interesting points in the future where he can be given the chance to make them. But yeah, with little criminal motive and with things being so early on, I don't want him to have such an impressive arsenal to hand.

So yeah, trim down his weaponry (or alternatively assign part of it to a hidden 'has the knowledge to craft these if neccessary' bit) and he's fine to be accepted.
Went ahead and shifted unnecessary things to a spoiler craft able section and removed a few things.
User: theunderwolf

Name: Sandria "Sandy" Ranjas

Age: 21


Species: Human

Home State: Teztra

Occupation: magician/ vagabond


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/earth_bender_commission_by_blackrosedestiny-d55vigw.jpg.5e3835e3303968ed0bdc6507dd89d3c0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30929" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/earth_bender_commission_by_blackrosedestiny-d55vigw.jpg.5e3835e3303968ed0bdc6507dd89d3c0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance: Sandy has straight, shoulder length, light brunette hair that tends to curl a little when shes annoyed. Thankfully shes usually unflappable, her coal black eyes, sharp nose and wide mouth are usually arranged in an easy grin. She stands at a tall 5'5 and weigh's about 150 pounds, considering that her, while appearing skinny frame is pure muscle and heavy bone. She currently owns only one set of clothes, a green leather shirt, with slits in various convenient places for easy movement and a pair of loose pants secured by an old leather belt, complimented with some fingerless gloves with metal studs on the knuckles, and when she doesn't feel like punching someone out, she also carry's a single handed war axe made of hard steel.

Personality Strengths: Sandria's personality can best be compared with a river, she goes with the flow of things. She's a relaxed person in general and doesn't like to use more effort than necessary to do things. However, much like water meeting a dam, if you put something in her way that she can't go around, she'll go right through it without batting an eyelash. Obstacles like this show her Teztra heritage, when she wants something she can be as stubborn and willful as any of her kin; and she does not give up. Ever.

Personality Weaknesses: Sandria is unsubtle at best and a complete rock head at worst. She speaks honestly ad bluntly and has little to no filter over anything she says. And while adaptability is her greatest strength, changing her mind is not. Once she decides how somethings going to happen, she will make it happen in exactly the way she wants. And if it doesn't; the normally unflappable girl has a massive temper.


Sandria or Sandy (to her few friends) is an earth magician, born and bred. She grew up in Trianpolis and lived a happy life there with her parents. Of course this was the temple of the earth mages so her childhood did involve work. A lot of work. Her mother was a teacher for the temple and started Sandria's education as soon as Sandria could lift a pebble. Her father, an old soldier, was not much better . One of Sandy's earliest memory's was of her father walking in after a long day of magic work, tossing her an axe which she caught a barely lifted. Her father decided that that was enough and started her training in martial arts, focusing on a unique style hat he and her mother had practically invented involving an axe and a lot of rocks.

Despite her constant training Sandria managed to grow up bright and unusually free-spirited. She remains legend for being the only person to ever both prank master Gritt and live to tell the tale. However, the life in the temple soon wore thin on her and, shortly after being declared a master earth magician, she vanished into the knight with only a few meager possessions and a heart full of wander-lust. For three year's she's roved both Teztra and Licia, never stopping in one place for long and living off her wits alone. Now her internal compass is pointing her towards the festival and, trusting her instincts, she followed it.

Battle Skills:

Shielded Earth Magic:

Sandria is a master earth magician of amazing talent, somewhat tempered by a unorthodox style of pure offense that contrasts with many other magicians of her ilk. that's not to say she isn't able to throw up a wall of rock to avoid a fireblast, she just prefers to make a small shield and dive right into the blaze. However her reckless style has it's draw backs. She tends to have a singular focus and is heedless of her surroundings, To quote Master Gritt "Ranjas, if asked to defend a castle from invaders, would rip it apart for more rocks to throw at them."

Martial skill;

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/B15.jpg.cfb90ff3f2e7201eee641981bb07c4ae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30934" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/B15.jpg.cfb90ff3f2e7201eee641981bb07c4ae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sandria has her trusty axe and brass fists and is adept with both, especially when used in conjunction with her magic. Her preferred tactic is to stop weaponry with the axe and counter with fists, stone, or fists of stone.

Interests and Fears:

Hates being tied down and airships, not fond of spiders or scorpions.

She can play the fiddle and has been able play for quite a few suppers, but the fragile instrument is a bit to breakable for her to keep one on her.

Other: Holds her liquor astonishingly well.

Timezone: us central UTC -6

Hope thats enough, i can expand where needed.



  • earth_bender_commission_by_blackrosedestiny-d55vigw.jpg
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  • B15.jpg
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@Icefox11 : 7 foot five would be a little too tall I think, and similarly angels don't have various different coloured skin like suggested: it is only the colour of their feathers, hair and wings that vary from normal human colours. You need to bare into account the relative age of the species as described in the initial OoC post, as currently your character would be the equivalent in physical development of a 14 year old human. Also, her personality needs fleshing out a bit more, especially in the strengths sections. Keep at it, and remember to take all details into account! 
Apologies, meant to tag @DamagedGlasses , see the above message.

And actually, on second thought, personality could do with a little more detail in the strengths section especially @theunderwolf


Shura 11


Rani Solaris [Actual Name: Azar Doran]







Home State



Gypsy / Thief



: 5'6"


: 120 lbs

Rani has almond-shaped blue eyes that sometimes shine aqua when she particularly excited or interested. Her hair is warm auburn brown with a few light highlights to frame her oval face. She wears her hair loose or in some kind of hair decoration when performing but will braid it back when traveling. When left loose it reaches to the small of her back. Her skin is tanned from years of traveling but still soft since she tries to take care of herself. Her upper body is well toned but still fairly slender frame. Her legs bare most of the result if her practice in terms of strength, very well toned and shapely. There are a few thin scars which speak of some confrontations in the past. A small nick on the right side of her neck and two on her upper right arm which she will wear a band over.

Rani is seen were a variety of clothing pending on the location, common thing between most of her outfits is a long layered skirt. When traveling she wears simpler clothes that cover and protect her from the sun. She will were a wrap sometimes while in a town shes been in before in case she comes across someone she rather not remember.

Personality Strengths

Rani is a very social person to say the least, she is playful, flirty and a ball of energy. This is mostly because she uses her looks and charm to distract the gullible and con her way into getting what she wants. Lying and cheating are second nature to her and won't hesitate to sell someone else out if it means saving her own neck. Rani is a very good actress and could cry on demand if need be. She knows most people don'd have a very positive opinion about her whether it be because she flirts openly or cheated the out of some money.

While she can some times come off as carefree and childish Rani is very observant and smarter than she leads on. She knows the ins and outs of most 'unsavory' places and has a knack for finding great hiding places. She knows when to play her hand and when its time to pack up and disappear. When things turn sour or troublesome she will drop her act and take things much more seriously.

Personality Weaknesses

Due to how she grew up and the nature of her work Rani is very skeptical of everyone. No one is to be trusted or confided in. She pulls all of her real emotions in and bottles them up putting on a very convincing mask to protect her self. Because she is slow to trust she does end up missing opportunities that would improve her situations. She over analyzes things at times seeing the worst in people before the best. When staying in a town or city for more than a few days she will start to get restless and agitated until she is able to leave. Rani also has a soft spot for money. If the price is right chances are she will take the job or run the risk to steal the object.


Born in a tribe of gypsy people the life of a wanderer is all Rani has ever known. She knows nothing of where she was born nor does she really care. She spent her live traveling and learning the ways of her family. From the age of six she started to learn how to pick pocket and play up the fact that she was a child for pity. She learned how to rig card games, forge documents and pick locks growing up as well. She learned to dance and sing as a less risk risky way to earn money, she all so picked up on how to play a few simple instruments.

Rani was no stranger to scorn or ridicule since the opinion of Gypsies is not exactly a good one. She quickly developed a tough skin and to care very little what people thought of her. There was always going to be someone who hated you, even if you were the nicest person alive. Instead of taking insults personalty she followed her mothers example, carrying herself with pride and respect while using the taunts to make the other person look like a fool.

As Rani grew older she became more conscious of the tension with in her small tribe. The family she had come to love started to distrust each other. As the nature of things the small tribe fell apart, squabbling over money and who was to blame when things went south. Before things became too volatile Rani's and her mother parted ways from the tribe opting to live travel on their own. It was much more difficult with out having others to rely one and call for back up. They had a few friends in various towns but it only made it slightly easier

Around the age of 20 her mother grew sick and they had to stop traveling for a while. Rani hated having to settle in one small small town for such a short while but coped with it because of her mother. She took care of the woman and tried to make her life as easy as possible. Since they had to live in the town stealing was less of an option and she had to fine more legitimate ways of making money by working in a tavern. The only good thing about this was drunken patrons made for easy pickings and were the easiest to steal from and get away with it.

Rani's mother didn't last very long and after a few months passed away. She gave her mother a proper burial before skipping town as soon as the next ship was out. She has been traveling alone since and had meet many people, friend and enemy. She has had to change her name several times because of the reputation that tended to develop around her in certain towns. Rani heard of the festival being held and couldn't help but want to attended. It was always easy to make a small fortune at such events.

Battle Skills

Rani is not the most skilled when it comes to combat. She knows enough to defend herself and get out of a tight spot but isn't proficient any any kind of hand to hand combat. She's a decent shot with a gun and very good at using her long skirt or scarves to throw an enemy off. She is skilled in the art of Poi using wither a baton or chain with a small weight at the end. It comes in handy however running usually her first choice though.

On her person she usually carries several daggers stashed away inside of her clothing. She also has a pistol she stole along her travels. She also has several smoke bombs for quick escapes.


While money drives a good portions of Ranis decisions her true love is exploring.


: Spicy foods, fruit (specifically citrus), warm colors


: Dancing, Singing, Playing simple instruments, card games, telling fortunes, exploring


: Rani common style is a mix of tribal and belly dancing. She has grown up learning and practicing so she has very good control of her body and can move some muscles groups independent from the rest of her body. At times she does like to show off and will use a veil/ scarf or include a bit of fire dancing. Some people have often confused her for a fire Magician but she doesn't know any kind of magic.


Small closed in spaces, being tied down or confined


Instruments (on her)

: Tambourine, Castanets, Pan Flute

She is very good at hiding and disguising herself, she carries various scarves of wraps for quick changes while on the run.


Eastern Standard
@Shura : On the whole looking good! Just I did say that I wanted more of a description of appearance alongside a picture, and your appearance description doesn't really mention too much about her other than her eyes, and also doesn't give a specific description. Otherwise is great, will be accepted when that little extra detail is added.

Raksana Zenterxel

User: Elegy

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Home State: Teztra

Occupation: Merchant/Alchemist



Raksana has a slight and slender body type. Her height is at 5'8 and she weighs 144 lbs. Raksana's complexion is a smooth, pale surface with well shaped and rather small nose and lips. Her eyebrows are quite dark and thin, contrasting with the light tone of her face and emphasizing most her expressions and her teal green eyes, which shine with a vivid luster. Raksana's eyes are striking spectacles, as they seem to twinkle with arresting splendor when her mood is joyous. Raksana's arms and legs are quite long and spindly, enhancing the slenderness of her body. It would first appear that Raksana's lanky and slender limbs and body would equate to a weak body physically, but this is quite untrue. Raksana possesses surprising wiry strength and defined musculature through a result of significant physical toil and strain. Raksana's hair is of a vibrant taupe color, and appears to naturally have a silky and smooth feel to it. Her individual hairs are quite thin, making her hair quite light in both weight and color. Under heavy sun, the taupe color appears to turn almost to a charred purple shade. Raksana always wears a variant of the clothing shown above, differing only in color and pattern between changes in outfits. Raksana oddly does not wear short sleeved outfits at all, most likely due to being used to the searing heat of Teztra. Raksana's clothes are light and baggy, maximizing comfort and mobility. The clothes are also quite durable, being both resistant to buffering winds, cold weather, drying heat, and rain. Raksana carries around a bag with her at all times that is filled with scrolls detailing alchemical instructions, notes, and general notes for the day. The bag also has a good amount of gold coins at its bottom to serve as emergency, as well as writing implements and mundane trinkets. Raksana always has her hands gloved due to this being a habit shared by most alchemists, including Stein Blackheart. Raksana constantly carries around vials and bottles of different types of chemicals and mixtures which have good practical uses in order to appeal to prospective buyers of her merchandise by showing them samples of the chemicals she has to sell.

Personality Strengths:

Raksana is a vibrant woman with a constantly curious and bubbly personality. She prefers to head into the thick of things and face new and unknown experiences, savoring the sensation of unfamiliarity as if it were a delicious sauce added to the new experience itself. Raksana is always inquisitive and thoughtful, always seeking to see new things and analyze them completely. She cherishes the sensation of making known the unknown. Raksana is also an adept businesswoman, being able to smooth-talk and persuade others with surprising manipulative skill. She is perceptive and empathetic, being able to discern the emotional and mental state of someone she talks to through careful observation of the features and subtle hints such as body language. It also appears that Raksana can be quite controlling and manipulative by nature, often taking others and convincing them to do work for her through either bribery or flattery. Raksana is thoughtful and can be introspective when needed, able to carefully and calmly assess the situation around her to determine a best course of action. Raksana is also quite expressive of her emotions and is not hesitant to make herself heard through verbal or physical force. This expressiveness is armored by a strong will and powerful sense of independence. Raksana radiates an aura of confidence, and yet reserves herself just enough to give off an air of elegance. Raksana is not inherently in the wrong, and her general nature is of a positive light. Raksana does not like violence and will choose to settle disputes with words and not blows, but will not hesitate to use her fists if needs be. A good way to describe Raksana's moral nature is that she is temperate. She is not idealistic nor is she noble, but at the same time she does not love or indulge in chaos. She does not enjoy watching others suffer and is willing to help out those in need, but always with a price no matter how small. One could say she is more materialistic than morally devoid.

Personality Weaknesses:

Raksana can be too stubborn for her good, clinging on to a pursuit or idea with obstinate defiance. Her manipulative side can also foster distrust in people she meets, but one would have to be quite perceptive to feel wronged by the subtle coaxing of manipulation that Raksana wields. Raksana's insatiable desire for knowledge can also get her into trouble, as she will not stop at anything to quench her curiosity. Raksana is not the most empathetic person, and though she can perceive the emotions and moods of others, she cannot directly relate to them and thus she is prone to undervaluing most forms of mental strain or emotional trauma attained from hardships that others suffer. Although Raksana can get along quite well with most people she meets, she is prone to brushing people off or forgetting about them if they are not important to her, giving her an unintentional air of pretentiousness. Raksana can also be a bit pushy and overbearing, though she is aware of this and seeks to keep herself from imposing on people. Raksana's moral temperance has both its pros and cons. The pros being that Raksana does not place herself in unnecesary danger or hardship to keep up with some sort of foolish and noble ideal, with the cons being that Raksana is not considered as trustworthy or admirable as those that do hold lofty ideals. Raksana can also be a bit too practical, often times portraying herself as being inconsiderate in favor of opting for a rational and practical decision or action.


(First time trying a 1st person point of view background writeup)

Teztra, the land of sands.

The land where the brilliant sun, a golden eye in the sky, watches down upon us all with its wispy hands of streaming and grasping light.

The land of contrasts.

Sharp gales carrying the grainy body of the deserts whip and howl their frustration, and at other times the winds are calm and still, as if they too were oppressed by the radiant rays of sunlight scorching the earth. Barren desert stretches endlessly into the horizon as if infinite, the homogeneous expanse of sands and dunes given differentiating shade from the ever-present light of the sun. Juxtaposed with the inhospitable and scorching expanses of arid sand are plots of vivid life and hospitality. Where the cool and flowing sister of the sun wells up and provides for the living in her nourishing and chilling embrace. Where flora and fauna alike of all different sizes and shapes and dispositions and habits reside in a complex and enigmatic web of organized life. Where my people staked out their existence, building beautiful cities and habitats of their own and flourishing. Where I was left out.

My first seventeen years of life was nevers. Never had I seen the towering structures of human willpower and coordination that I so avidly read about. Never had I seen the great gathering of peoples I so desired to see. Never had I heard the bustle and commotion of centralized human life. Never.

What choice did I have? My father was cut from stained cloth. He murdered, robbed, violated, you name it. He made his name known in every city, such was the scale of his actions. To escape capture in the main cities of Teztra, he fled to the outskirt villages, where he continued his acts of depravity with impunity. As one can guess, I was born in less than respectable circumstance and as such, it is not a surprise that I was thrown out and left to perish in the harsh landscape of the desert. I was fortunately picked up and raised by a small group of wandering ascetics deeply involved in the idea that harmony with god could only be established through perfecting the body and mind. Their beliefs were crazy when I think of them now, but can I complain? Their ideas of morality were quite lofty and noble if I must say, and their compassion compelled them to take me in to their alien society. My childhood and upbringing can best be described as being strikingly similar to how a duckling imprints upon itself the nature of its mother and attaches itself to its parent not out of love or consciousness, but out of an innate desire to survive. Like a duckling, I immersed myself in the culture of the ascetics. I knew nothing of the world outside of the infinitely minuscule one that surrounded me daily, and I began to believe that world was the only one. I followed and adhered to every single crazy and stupid belief they perpetrated.

Life was, to say the very least, hard.

To be an ascetic is to spurn one's very own bodily desires to attain something, in most cases a spiritual growth or mental fitness. Willing starvation and constant and grueling physical training and conditioning were just two of the normal routines that I practiced for sixteen years. I do not use the word "endured", as it signifies that I disagreed with these routines in some way. I did not. How could I? They were the only courses of action I ever knew in my narrow view of the world. But I survived. And in the end, that is all that matters is it not? I even feel grateful to those insane old men wandering about in that inhospitable desert, they taught me things that help me greatly even to this day. Too bad ideas of spirituality and moral perfection never stuck on to me. Must be my father's genes. I did take from them their unique martial arts style which was the tool they used to physically train themselves. To this day I avidly practice it, as the sensation of both my body and mind becoming attuned with each other in calm harmony was something I still enjoy and relish. They also taught me general education, from reading and writing to arithmetic and sciences. These old men were not just bums gone crazy, but most of them were scholars or highly educated religious men that had turned from their previous lives to lead a life of lacking and deeper spirituality. The struggle to understand God is a struggle that I still cannot understand to this day.

Did I ever return to "civilized" life? In a way, Yes. You see, the only way I knew back to the cities and villages of Teztra was directly through the villages my father had pillaged and marauded. Even after sixteen years, those villages still remembered his name and burned their hot hate through it. My father was a legend in the wrongest sense possible.

I changed my name. Simple as that. To me, though, it was a deep and momentous experience. When I cast off the shackles inherited from my father and replaced it with an entirely new family name that I myself forged, I felt a sense of loneliness burst inside me. I was the child of none with name now recognized by none. And yet the undeniable and most beautiful flower of hope also bloomed within me. A new name - A new beginning. I lived inside one of the main cities first as a street urchin, withstanding daily hardships to scrape by with a few morsels of food. My life then began its steady upward climb. I became recognized by a Peacemaker due to my skill in fighting and my fierce will, and he took me in as an apprentice of sorts. My latent magical ability then surfaced, and I was sent to the earth magic temple. I learned and trained there for seven years, bringing out the best of my abilities. I never returned home to continue my training to become a Peacemaker, instead opting to join a band of friends I made during my training in earth magic. We became adventurers, wandering to sate our curiosities. We disbanded after two years, each of us finding some new passion or occupation to settle in. I apprenticed myself to an alchemist, as the subject was fascinating to me as it was a field of study that not many had delved in, and had thus a vast expanse of unknowns to discover. I say this as humbly as I can, but simply put, I was an extremely fast learner apt to be called a prodigy. In just three years I matched my teacher in knowledge, and he officially bestowed upon me the recognition being a fully fledged alchemist. I started off on a new track in life again, with high dreams to become a great merchant. To this end I traveled quite extensively, gaining knowledge of many foreign lands and noting the types of wares that merchants from all over sold. It was during these travels that I picked up my most trustworthy and precious apprentice and assistant. He was a ruffian with a criminal air about him, yet his scholar's curiosity and extreme interest in alchemy led me to place trust and faith in him. I hired him at first as an escort, and he then proposed he become my apprentice. I had no reason to refuse, and to this day he is my faithful apprentice, though I suspect his knowledge of alchemy has matched mine already. Perhaps we keep this student teacher relationship out of habit now. I innovated, and I became perhaps the first merchant completely dedicated to selling precious minerals, ores, spices, and chemicals through my alchemy and help from my apprentice who had connections in the underground to supply me with the necessary materials. I established myself well in Unity City, and that is where I am to this present day.

Even reading back on my life tires me, it has so much packed into it. This was supposed to be a form of meditation that Stein claimed worked, but all it does is bring up rusty memories and make me tired. This journal entry was supposed to detail my preparations for the Kael festival since I really need to sell of my leftover spices and chemicals before they go bad, but now I can't be bothered. I'll just let Stein do all the work.

Battle Skills:

Earth Magic

Raksana is quite skilled in utilizing her earth magic, which is quite peculiar and special. Raksana cannot produce and create more earth to form any sort of defensive barrier or weapon at all unlike other earth magicians. However, Raksana in exchange has superb control over earth that already exists, from rock to metal. She can alter the strength, texture, and shape of existing earthen materials at will, although to do requires constant contact with her body. If her body leaves the material she is changing to her tastes, then the material will revert back to its original self. This makes Raksana unable to fire good projectiles, but the extent to which she can change materials makes up for this. Raksana can alter the atomic structure of rocks and earth itself, but can only do so marginally. She can cause the atomic structure of a rock, for example, to bunch up closer to each other to make the rock much more powerful and durable while keeping its weight. She can conversely free up the atomic structure of an earthern material and break atomic bonds completely to break down the rock and turn it's compounds into gas form. This mastery of the very structure of rocks and such also allows her to shape them with extremely fine detail, lengthening and stretching or shortening and hardening substances to her leisure. Raksana's earth magic is quite energy efficient for the most part. Altering the shape of a substance or object takes up little energy, but forcing the atomic structure to condense to harden or break apart takes up an extreme amount of energy. Raksana can control only as much earth as can cover her body due to her tactile limitations, with more earth controlled equating to more energy loss.

Marital Arts Mastery - Sidewinder Style

"Do I carry weapons? Let me ask you a question first: Are snakes dangerous? Yes, right? Are they weapons? No, correct? Think of me as the same"

Raksana has practiced for over twenty three years the martial arts style completely unique to the wandering group of ascetics she was raised by, a variant of martial arts that already existed in Teztra. After twenty three years of daily training, it would be apt to call Raksana at the level of a master, having the skill to easily dispatch fully grown men in an instant if caught unprepared. It attempts to mimic the motions of the sidewinder snake, and since it was created more to train the mind than it was to kill, it does not have many lethal movements and specializes in disabling and incapacitating. A snake never kills with its bite, it is the venom that deals the lethal blow, and this philosophy is deeply ingrained in the fighting style. The stance is fluid and dynamic, flowing smoothly like water. The only set indication of the stance is that the practitioner must have both feet grounded firmly and at least tree feet worth of distance away from each other to create an equilibrium of balance to fuel upper body strength. The key to this fighting style is to maintain fluidity and flexibility of the body. Raksana having trained intensively to attain this flexibility can perform acrobatic stunts and extreme bodily contortions with ease. A practitioner of this style, when dodging blows, appears to look like a sidewinder snake, constantly swerving and contorting the body to evade blows hence the name of the style. The style also emphasizes speed as it focuses mostly on dodging through utilizing fast reflexes, quick movements, and bodily flexibility to swerve away from blows and strikes. The fighting style is also by nature, rather surprisingly, a "hard" style focused on completely committed blows. A snake strikes once and surely best portrays this oddity. All strikes and blows are launched without hesitation and with abandon, making the blows much faster and much more powerful but unable to be withdrawn. The strength of the blows coming from this style comes mainly from abdominal muscles and the spine area. Practitioners of this style equate their arms to being live snakes, flexible and deadly bodies that strike out with powerful whipping strength. The practitioner compresses abdominal muscles and directs strength upwards through the spinal area to arms and fingers in a short and fluid swing, making sure to keep the limbs flexible, essentially turning the arms into whips. Rattling strikes can also be launched, primarily in the form of sudden and fast kicks, by directing energy from the spine downwards to the tailbone. The striking point of these blows is in either the fingertips or tip of the foot, where the whipping motion of the strikes rapidly courses energy downwards to the end of the limb. Since the power of the blows is directed from the very tips of the limbs, this style gives the practitioner an inherent range advantage over other melee combatants as the flexible whip like strikes are blindingly fast and strike at maximum range always. Kicks are not mainly focused upon in this style even if they do exist, as the legs are mostly needed to maintain grounded balance. If kicks are performed, it is to suddenly attempt to upset the balance of an opponent or capitalize on an opening when the arms are in use or disabled. Raksana has mastered this style to such an experienced extent that she can redirect the course of her attacks in mid - air by using her elbow as a fulcrum to suddenly twist her forearm and hand in sharp angles while maintaining flexibility and thus the compressed whip like power of the blow. This essentially makes it impossible to dodge an assault of blows from Raksana as they are essentially two attacks in one. In fact, it is better to be hit by the frontal blow than it is to be hit by a suddenly redirected blow, as redirected blows will almost always hit the back of a target's head to cause severe damage. This leads to another aspect of this fighting style which Raksana added in herself - The core concept that snakes have venom. This is physically materialized in this fighting style with Raksana always aiming for joints or vital points such as the neck, groin, eyes and head area with her powerful pinpoint whip strikes. One small miscalculation and an opponent can find himself missing an eye or have a fractured skull. Raksana is also not just limited to whipping strikes. She can take an opponent completely off guard and on surprise by thrusting out her arm in a straight trajectory in a traditional punch, or even grab an opponent by the throat and throw him down or away. Raksana has also invented what she calls a "death grip", which she hasn't ever used, that involves her suddenly grabbing an opponent by the throat with her right arm once the opponent is forced to defend his or her sides from the whip arms, raising the opponent above ground, and then quickly striking the side of the opponent's head with her left arm encased in strengthened earth to surely fracture the skill and possibly cause death all in around a seconds worth of time. It is a theoretical technique that should work effectively, but has not been tested. Overall, the fighting style makes for an extremely fast fighter with large range and extremely difficult to avoid attacks. The natural counter to this sort of fighting style would be bodily protection like armor or a fighter that can withstand physical injury to charge on and close the gap between the practitioner and fighter, making the Sidewinder style much less effective as there is less space for the whip-like arms to move and gain power. Damage to the back or stomach will also weaken practitioners as they will not be able to concentrate as much energy to their upper body, and disrupting balance is also effective in weakening the strength of blows. Raksana completely relies on this martial arts for her self- defense and often empowers it by encasing her fingers or feet in earthen materials to increase her striking strength.


Interests and Fears:

Raksana loves to indulge on food and has a fine and high taste. Her pallet is eclectic, and she fearlessly tries even the most intimidating of foreign foods with ardor. Her stomach is also nigh bottomless, with her being able to consume vast quantities of food that seem to be too much for someone twice her size. Oddly though, Raksana has absolutely no ability in cooking, and all her attempts at learing have been failures due to her impatience and inability to focus for too long a time.

Raksana delights in alchemy and has a deep passion for it, fervently trying out new experiments and options to satiate her curiosity. Her eye for detail and desire for material success mix in with her passion for Alchemy and often times her fervent pursuit for knowledge that helps her monetarily seems to consumer her entire being.

Raksana practices her martial arts out of habit, it being a deeply ingrained part of her since her earliest memories. The calming effect of practicing the martial arts and feeling her body become fluid and constant gives Raksana satisfaction and mental calm. Although Raksana may not admit it, she desperately wants more opportunities to actually practice it in dangerous situations. She contains her eagerness, which if left uncontrolled can lead to Raksana going out of her way to provoke fights, by beating up her assistant most of the time.

Raksana secretly also admires the life of rogues and criminals, seeing their lifestyle in a romantic and idealistic viewpoint. Because of this, she frequently asks criminals and rogues about their life and all the details involved, with each discovery and each warning to not get involved simply furthering her curiosity. Stein Blackheart, her assistant and former hunter, has most likely spent hundreds of hours recounting his exploits again and again to Raksana.


None as of yet


EST 7:00

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@Elegy: Whilst I like the first person backstory and won't get you to change it, it's perhaps a little too metaphorical to serve practically as a handily readable information section xD Anyhow, I just want to clarify that the God the desert wanders worshiped would be Teztra himself. But I see nothing that needs changing thusfar, so unless something goes dramatically in the closing sections, you are accepted once more!

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