~The Hexosphere Chronicles~

@DamagedGlasses : The only major fault I see is this little detail: what kind of a pirate ship can attack underwater cities? :P Otherwise, I'd like a small bit of description on his pirate ship, including mention of the way he keeps himself oxygenated like I asked for before, but otherwise things look good :) Also, if you still want him fairly young, I was only suggesting before that you add a couple more years onto him. But given the way he inherits the ship, it would make sense after all with him being the same age as he was before, so you may edit that back if you wish xD
Fredrick Reiss

All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was.


Fredrick is about 5' 6'' and has uncommon greenish hair that is short not dropping below his neck. Often wearing glasses of wire frame his eyes are an emerald green. Fair skin of white Fredrick can be mistaken for a child due to his stout size and baby-face. With a soothingly soft voice he wears his family's colors upon his coat with a white turtle neck and pants. The only part of him that doesn't scream nobility is his scruffy boots given to him from a dear friend. In most cases an individual will come across him carrying an oddly shaped case in which his rose wood violin is stored.

  • Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    Species: Human

    Home State: Licia

    Occupation: Magician / Musician


Timezone: CST (Central Standard Time) - USA

User: TheWizard
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@SkyGinge is it Ok if I let other Rp's join my crew? By that I mean, set up a notice on my character looking for a potential Water Mage who wants to be my assistant. If not, I can just make a new character.
DamagedGlasses said:
@SkyGinge is it Ok if I let other Rp's join my crew? By that I mean, set up a notice on my character looking for a potential Water Mage who wants to be my assistant. If not, I can just make a new character.
That actually gives me an idea once Sky looks over the character I'll PM yah on the thought ^_^
@Icefox11 : Improvements are fine so far.

@TheWizard : Vast improvement and really interesting take on water magic, accepted gladly! And I guess what you're thinking of is something in relation to Jinta: what you could do is have Jinta have just lost his previous assistant and in need of a new one, thus he can get Frederick's help and not force you to alter his backstory, although I'm sure you have your own idea too :)
User: WinterPeach

Name: Dalit Mehrab

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Species: Merman

Home State: Licia

Occupation: Merchant

Appearance: Right off the bat, it’s easy to see that Dalit has shoulder-length, powder blue hair with white tips, citrine-colored eyes and bright porcelain skin. He likes to wear jewelry, and loose, blue-colored clothes with yellow accents. His tail is bioluminescent and exotic-looking with glowing orbs at the tips of the lower fins. This man’s body structure is rather long and lanky with just a little muscle definition.


Personality Strengths: Dalit’s personality is rather enjoyable and he’s a joy to be around. He is very friendly with a happy-go-lucky attitude. His energetic nature can be a bit too much to handle sometimes, but he is as gentle as can be.

Personality Weaknesses: On the flip side of that, Dalit doesn’t do so well under stress. He can become panicky and will often yield to the other person if things get really bad. However, his flaws aren’t limited to stressful situations. Honestly, Dalit is completely and totally oblivious at times, and along with that, he has a flair for the dramatic thrown in for good measure.

Background: Brother of Asim, the rest is TBA.

Battle Skills: Negotiation skills (he can often talk himself out of a confrontation)/Water, descriptions are TBA.

Interests and Fears: TBA

Other: He and Asim always cover their shoulder-gills with water-soaked cloths to keep them moist when traveling in non-aquatic environments.

Timezone: United States, Pacific Standard Time (UTC -8)

User: WinterPeach

Name: Asim Mehrab

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Species: Merman

Home State: Licia

Occupation: Bodyguard (Formerly a sentinel of his hometown.)

Appearance: As far as visual characteristics go, Asim has chin-length, dark ink-blue hair dusted with white flecks with sapphire tips along with aquamarine-colored eyes and cream-colored skin. He tends to wear loose, dark clothing with detailed stitching. The lower half of his body consists of a whale-shark body and tail. Asim’s entire body is a bit wide-set and very muscular.


Personality Strengths: Asim isn’t exactly the most talkative guy out there, but he more than makes up for it in his personality. Ever since he can remember, Asim has been fiercely protective of the ones he befriends, especially his little brother. He is also really tenacious and strong-willed. These features can get in the way once in a while, but overall, his tenacity and strong will help Asim overcome difficult obstacles and help achieve his goals. Although it is not really apparent to ones he is not close to, he is also a selfless person when it comes to assisting his friends and family.

Personality Weaknesses: Like everything else in life, Asim’s traits have a flip-side to them. The sheer amount of stubbornness that he holds onto probably stemmed from his tenacious nature, kind of like a 2-for-one special. Unlike most mermen, this one is quick to anger and has a short fuse. It is unclear why Asim has that particular character trait, but he tries to deal with it as best as he can. Lastly, since he tends to keep to himself and had experienced severe trauma as a small child, Asim has trust issues and takes him a while to open up to others.

Background: Adopted brother of Dalit, the rest is TBA.

Battle Skills: Quarterstaff/Water, descriptions are TBA.

Interests and Fears: TBA

Other: Whenever he travels, Asim always carries a large, sealed container of water on his back, much like a backpack. This ensures that his (and/or others’) gills are moist by wetting pieces of clothing and wrapping it around his (and/or others’) necks. (Also: Please ignore the gills on his hips. They are actually located between his shoulders and neck.)

Timezone: United States, Pacific Standard Time (UTC -8)

(Note: I will fully flesh-out these characters in the next day or so, I just wanted to get a good chunk of their character sheets posted. I'll add more content to the sections I have filled out later too.)
@WinterPeach : Just to point out, the Mermen of this world do not look like that. Please consolidate with my description of them in the settings department. You're fine to use those pictures still, but other than perhaps body preportions and facial features, it would not accurately depict the Mermen of this world.
User: CrimsonEclipse

Name: Al'thuzar Kraan

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Species: Sharlak

Home State: Irrea

Occupation: Former Gladiator/Adventurer

Appearance: A Sharlak, even the weakest one, is terrifying and intimidating, with their reptilian form, their obsidian like scales, and the large draconic wings on their backs, Al'thuzar is no exception to this. A truly imposing and intimidating creature, Al'thuzar is a gargantuan even amongst the Sharlak. Standing at 7'9, he towers over most, if not all, of his brethren. His body is lean and muscular, due to his years in The Maw. On his back is a pair of wings, the wingspan reaching 5 feet.

His face resembles that of a reptile, but more primal and monstrous. His eyes were terrifying and mesmerizing, his pupil a deep red color and the outer part of his eyes is coal black. His lower jaw juts out farther than the upper jaw, his front fangs overlapping his upper jaw, his fangs jagged and sharp. His jaw is powerful enough to crush rocks and leave deep marks in metal. His claws were long and sharp, very useful for hunting and impaling his prey. His huge and long tail is also dangerous; a single swipe could knock you out.

Most Sharlak have scales which resembles obsidian, glittering and gleaming. Their scales also seem to take on the appearance of a rock, which assists them in hunting due to its similarities with their surroundings, serving to be a camouflage of sorts. This is different in the case of Al'thuzar. He is covered in some sort of volcanic rock, molded into a form fitting armor. It had been grafted on his body, removed only when it was replaced by a better and more functional armor. Though it serves as his armor, the reason he has it is far more complicated than for protection alone.

Personality Strengths: Though he may be considered as a brute and savage by other races, he is a warrior at heart and to him loyalty and courage is more important than wealth and power. He is blunt and straightforward, both with his fists and his words, and though some might find it a very unappealing trait, it really just means that he always speaks his mind, which means that you can always count on him to tell you the truth. Though he may be cold and distant at first, he will soon warm up to a person and give his trust to them. But perhaps his greatest virtue is his honor. He will never make a promise he knows he can't keep, and he never makes a threat he can't carry out.

Personality Weaknesses: Much like his homeland, Al'thuzar is fiery and harsh, his temper short and raging. He can be really arrogant and proud, believing that a warrior never bows. Though he maybe a terrifying warrior, he is a curious cat at heart and his curiosity had led him to a few troubles and mishaps. His distrusting and cold demeanor is also a hindrance, making him a tough and stubborn companion at first. His blunt manner also gets him in a few fights, his temper not helping at all. He also has no concept of sarcasm, and he does not take jokes too kindly. But most of all, he is naive, innocent if you will, to lies and deceit, making him easy to trick.



When Sharlaks hatch, their parents would cease to look after them. The hatchlings would be forced to fend for its self and hunt on its own, for that is the way of the Sharlak. Those who die are not fit for the glory of The Maw, and those who lives are given a chance, a chance to prove their worth.

As such, Al'thuzar is one of them. He, against all odds, survived to reach maturity, and with maturity, there is The Maw. The Maw is a form of entertainment, if not a religion, which the Sharlaks take part in. The Maw is a test of strength, a test of survival, and a test of worth. Not all hatchlings chose to take part in it, but those who did, earned a chance to prove their worth, to prove that they are indeed worthy of the life that was given to the,.

The Maw is literally a death pit, a coliseum if you will, where warriors are pitted against each other, and only the strongest shall survive. The Maw may take days, weeks, even months before a victor is claimed. This victor, the one who have proven his worth, the apex predator, shall be granted a wish. There are those who wished for riches, and there are others who yearned for power. But Al'thuzar wished for a different thing, he chose to see the world.

This dream of his was planted inside him a long time ago, back when he was merely a hatchling. He was on top of a hill, feasting on a spider he had caught, when he looked on the horizon. It so happens that Al'thuzar had been on the southern border of Irrea, and he saw something new. He yearned to go to it, curious as to what it is. It was far across the distance, but he knew it was there, it was a shade of green, something he has never seen before. It swayed in the wind, as if a dancer dancing for a crowd. And as the ignorant and curious hatchling that he was, he left the borders of Irrea. It may have seen like a death sentence, but to him, it left inside him a feeling of mirth.

He walked, leaving the rocky and fiery land of Irrea, and stepped on the land of which he wanted to see. He stepped on the grass, the grass sizzling and smoking at his touch. He continued forward, reveling in the unusual land that he was in. He was having the moment of his life, that is, until he felt the wind. The wind was strong and cold and he felt his joints numbing. He felt his whole body starting to freeze up, and he felt terror. As quick as a prey that saw its predator, he ran for Irrea, running away from the cold and harsh wind. He had barely made it, reaching Irrea before he succumbs to the rock-like state that he was about to experience. But even though it scared him, he still yearned to go back.

That is the reason he joined The Maw, he wanted the High Council, the council of elders whoch governed and kept the peace between the different tribes of the Sharlak, to grant his wish. If it had been a council of any other races, they would have governed with lies and false promises, but it is not the case with the Sharlak. Even the council has been warriors once, and to them, a warrior's words should be kept.

They have been skeptical with his request, but they granted it. Al'thuzar was overjoyed, at long last, he would be able to return. He thought that he would be given an assistant, a magician who have harnessed the flames, but that was not the case. The council tried a different method, one that was risky and life threatening. Deep in the heart of a volcano, there can be found a mine of a peculiar stone, which can be made into a body fitting armor. It served as a temporary heating device, as diving suits are to humans, which allow a Sharlak to tread the world beyond the fiery depths of Irrea.

Though it allowed him to walk the land beyond Irrea, the primitive armor alone will not support him. Under the instructions of the council, he was sent to the city of Unity, the first human city he has ever been. Though humans feared him on site, he was allowed to enter the city. The council had some connections in the city, which allowed for his admittance to the city. There, a team of talented engineers whose services were hired by the council built him a better one. The new one was a blend of his previous armor with a far more complicated and highly advanced mechanical heating system. While the way it works makes no sense to him, it was actually functional and practical. It was highly advanced yet it retained its primitive and gnarly appearance.
Beyond Irrea

It had been a year or so since he left Irrea and, while he was enjoying himself, he found life out here to be hard. People stare at him as if he was a monster, which he probably was, and that he will burn them all, which he probably might do. People shut their shops and locked their houses whenever he passed by, mothers carry their children away and the fathers come out, their trembling hands holding their swords. He could not understand why they were like that, but it would seem that humans were afraid of things that were strange.

But there were still some who sought his services, men and women who recognized his strength and potential. They gave him tasks, some as simple as guarding a caravan, while some gave more complicated quests, like clearing out a cave of goblins. It was not a bad trade, and it payed well. It had also given him a reputation, and more patrons sought out his services.

Now, he was headed towards Kael, somewhere he has never been before, for a job. A man had sent a courier to give Al'thuzar a letter. It just said to go to Kael and meet at a particular place. It seemed shady, but with the letter came a huge amount of gold, and it was only a partial payment. So to Kael he is headed, and he heard that there is a festival there, so he might as well take part in it.

Unable to cross the border due to the seas in between, Al’thuzar was forced to find a different way of transportation. Unable to find a skyship that would willingly ferry him over, both due to him being different and the possibility of burning down the ship, he was forced to illegally board a ship. This is the closest thing he has ever done to lying.
Battle Skills: Al'thuzar is an excellent warrior, and due to his armor and natural resilience, he can take more damage than what is normal. And while he relies on his strength, Al'thuzar is also a calculating opponent. He would usually let the enemy attack first, fending off the attacks. The reason he does this is because it is his way of learning how his enemy fights. He studies how they hold their weapon, their footing, the way they strike. He studies them, and when the opportunity presents itself, he attacks, unexpected and deadly.

As for the weapons, Al'thuzar wields two axes, an axe in each hand. To a normal person, it would have been too heavy to carry with one hand, but not to him. The reason he chose axes is because it is fast yet it does not sacrifice too much strength. Alongside his weapon, he also uses his entire body to fight. He uses his wings, tail, teeth and nail when fighting, making him dangerous to fight up close. He can also breathe fire, but he rarely uses it simce it saps his strength too much.

Interests and Fears: While he may not look like it, Al'thuzar loves to sing, and his voice is strangely beautiful as well, deep yet rich. He has also developed a liking to coffee, finding that it keeps him even more warmed up. Alcohol also does the same, but he tends to avoid it since he starts to lose control after having a little bit too much. After his harrowing experience when he was young, he is afraid of being immobile, whether it is from too much cold or any other means. And although he looks intimidating and imposing, he actually likes cute, cuddly, and adorable animals, such as kittens and puppies, but he would never admit it to anyone.

Other: This is not how he looks like, but this is how his armor looks like on him.

@SkyGinge, all done.

Timezone: GMT +8
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@CrimsonEclipse : Looking largely good! Only needs a few edits: 1. Shalrak wings are much smaller than that, perhaps only a few feet wide 2. He would have no way of simply walking to another state because there is the void ga between each sea: thus he'd probably have ended up boarding some kind of airship in secret to get there, which would add another interesting element to that part of his backstory! 3. I vaguely remember not agreeing to volcanic rock armour as a substitute for keeping him warm, as it would cool down after time, I think I suggested you use some kind of mechanical heating system, which would be able to stay warm. Thus I'd suggest you have him use the rock to start off with but then upon leaving have to head to Unity to commission some inevitable engineers to craft him said armour. It could really be rocky stil las you suggested as long as there is a mechanical way that it is kept warm.

Edit those things, but largely great take on Shalrak stuff, accepted! Feel free to start with the others in spite of needing those changes edited in here, and apologies that this is so late; got rather engrossed in bowling in the end :')




Palorradon (Lor) Mandalainel






Fallen Angel

Home State



None (Former Guardian)


Like any other Angel, Lor is a stunning sight to behold. Towering over most, though she is considered short for her species, her height reaches 6’8”. Her build is muscular, having spent most of her life fighting off demons. Had she been born any other creation, she would have been a doll with her unblemished skin as pale as porcelain and her silver wavy tresses that cascade to her waist. Her pastel pink lips are framed by gentle smile lines, matching the ones surrounding her large, violet eyes. On her back remains what is left of her most beautiful and notable attribute: her wings. Her vibrant purple wings were the envy of many. They were strong, able to carry her weight for an abundance of hours without tiring or aching. They were soft and on chillier days among the humans, she could wrap them around herself to keep warm. But, now, they are nothing but pathetic nubs, hacked away by those she had worked with.

Usually, Lor chooses to don clothes that are loose enough to move freely in, yet tight enough to avoid easily getting snagged or caught by foes. However, Lor also sticks to her traditional views and as such wears a skirt that stretches to her ankles. She forgoes shoes as with her wings, they served very little purpose. Her style usually consists of dark colors highlighted with mute purples, long sleeves, collars, ruffles, and flowers. Overall, Lor dresses traditionally while adding her own touches.​


Personality Strengths

Palorradon is known among her people as a skilled warrior and great tactician. She is stubborn and relentless, always trying to fight for what she thinks is right. She is considered innocent and pure, with a soft spot for lesser species, namely any creature that is not an Angel. She is curious and adventurous, always ready to travel from Blist and discover new things, though her duty to her job always came first. She has a vast amount of intelligence, acquired from her many years of reading and learning. Knowledge is a great love of hers and when she was not working, she could be found in a library, pouring over books.

Personality Weaknesses

Her innocence teeters on naïveté and this leads her to multiple problematic and awkward situations. Her curiosity also gets her into trouble, always wanting to ask questions and investigate everything. Lor’s Angelic nature makes her come off occasionally as pretentious and vain, and looking down at people due to her height does nothing to help this. Lor has a tendency to act rashly, and put her heart ahead of her head. She would do anything she could to try to help to someone else, even if it puts herself in peril.


The first clear memory Palorradon possesses is of holding a sword. She trained closely with elite fighters to hone her skills, always striving to join the guardians. Finally, her day came and she joined the angelic army. From her first day, she gained a ruthless reputation as a force to be reckoned with and quickly ascended the stairs of success. Soon, Lor had gained enough rank and respect to lead a squadron of her own. She was undefeated and unstoppable. Nothing had ever gotten past her squad. No demon could ever stand a chance. Until she met the demon Econ.

No one expected such a large and powerful wave of demons to breach the void of Aekra. They were organized, well, as organized as demons could manage, and they began to overwhelm the guardians. A group of a dozen demons broke through the front lines and scattered. Lor’s squadron descended upon those that had fled, splitting up to tackle the demons one on one. Unfortunately, Lor managed to corner Econ. No one knows exactly what was said or done, but for some reason, Lor let Econ slip by and into freedom. This act of treason did not go unnoticed. Punishment had to follow the crime, even for an elite member of angel society such as Palorradon. Her fellow guardians swept her up towards Blist to receive punishment, hacking off her powerful wings to avoid her escape. However, something interfered with the transportation and she was lost somewhere near the surface city of Kael.

Battle Skills

Trained from a young age in swordsmanship, she is skilled in the use of the twin scimitars she carries on her back. Even without them, she is adept at hand to hand combat, though now that she is permanently grounded, her fighting skills are greatly lessened and therefore must adapt.


-observing other species

-playing piano



-the punishment that awaits her if the officers find her

-the revenge of demons while she is vulnerable

-being a creature of light, she fears the dark


She has a birthmark underneath her right collarbone.


Central Standard Time

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@Comix : In relative age, she'd only have to be early fourties to be the equivalent of mid twenties. Also backstory needs some elaboration as I did say two paragraphs and it is blatantly lacking in some places. Like, it ends on a proper cliffhanger and fails to explain how and why she decided to become a fallen angel and why she wants to go to Kael. Edit those in, please :)  
And also there's no detail of what she wears usually, which needs to be edited in.
@Icefox11 : I've edited Cortana's age to make it more accurate to her relative age, otherwise most things are looking fine so far. I'm presuming the 'fights with high tech guns' is a joke of sorts seeing as you've elaborated later on weapons that are fine and much more appropriate for the world than the aforementioned guns. Otherwise things are ok so far, and I'm going to preliminarily accept her even though she does need those final two sections to be filled out. Just add in why she's gone to Kael and finish those two sections (and notify me when its done), and then you may begin. :)
User: FewUtherClockKlik

Ragya Shengli



Ragya gives off an aura of serene coldness with her icy, piercing stare and taut, expressionless countenance. Her skin is of a slightly darker shade than usual, heavily contrasting with her brilliant and bright green eyes that reflect light with unnatural luminescence. Ragya's hair has a faded silver shade and is usually tied into a ponytail with a ragged green bow. Her hair is often unkempt and the untied portion of her hair hangs in scraggly and loose locks that flutter at the mercy of the wind, giving Ragya a wild sort of appearance. Her facial features are firm and constantly set in hostile position, with her eyes emphasized by aggressively arching brows and mouth permanently wedged in the form of an expressionless line. Ragya's facial features are aesthetically appealing, but when meshed together into a visage they emit a powerfully solemn and stern aura that not many can stare back at. Ragya's body frame is unimposing, with her height being an average 5'6 and her weight being an also average 146 pounds. Her body is spry and lithe, with limbs extending just the right length for quick and unimpeded movement and frame neither bulky nor excessively thin, simply efficient. For choice of apparel, Ragya does not deviate from what is shown above. She prefers to wear plain white loose shirt and pants for comfort and efficient movement with the clothes being cinched together tightly against her body at her waist by a large belt and green cloth. Over her white shirt Ragya often drapes a second dark green and baggy shirt with sable linings and hood that keeps Ragya warm during cold seasons. Most of the time Ragya is seen wearing the hood to make herself as unnoticeable as possible. One peculiarity about Ragya is that she does not cover her arms in cloth. In her full demonic form, Ragya's hair turns from its silver shade into a menacing pitch black and the pupils of her eyes become circled in a fiery crimson red. However, these are the only traits that change and overall Ragya would appear much the same, with the main difference being that her usually calm and set expression is prone to being more expressive towards destructive urges.

Age: 42

Gender: Female

Species: Demon

Home State: Aekra/Vequa

Occupation: Hunter/Vigilante

Personality Strengths:

Ragya is a strong willed and outwardly dispassionate woman, with her expression reflecting her inner makeup with obvious clarity. She invests little in terms of happiness or satisfaction, and at the same time she cares none for suffering and hardship she endures. Her whole persona is one that strikes firmly in an absolute neutrality. She neither loves nor hates, neither hopes nor despairs, neither enjoys nor suffers. Her detachment from the world allows Ragya to push forward through the most difficult and arduous of circumstances as she simply does not care about the pains of experience. Ragya's strong will sharply accentuates her ability to press on, and once Ragya sets her mind on a goal she will use every last breath in her body to accomplish her goal no matter the strain. However, beneath her outer layer of cold rejection, lies a being molded by ideals of nobility. Ragya upholds benevolent ideals of magnanimity and heroism with the same powerful will that drives her being at its core. To uphold noble ideals can be called foolishness, but Ragya considers this only true for those too weak to hold firm to their ideals under hardship. It is essentially impossible to hold purely noble ideals in reality, and Ragya understands this completely. Thus her set of ideals are molded and shaped by reality, and though they are pure in nature they have accomodated some darkness to exist reasonably within the real world. A good example of this is Ragya's ideal of abstaining from killing when possible. It is impossible to not kill, especially under Ragya's circumstances, so a simple "when possible" adds in a whole world of possibilities whose noble nature is determined solely by Ragya's willpower alone. Ragya is also understanding of others, and can interpret emotions and sentiments with sharp accuracy. She understands humans exceptionally well, and her mind can best be described as not demon, but human as she keeps her demonic tendencies trapped under her will.

Personality Weaknesses:

Ragya is, beneath her personality layers of coldness and nobility, afraid. She is afraid of herself mostly, as she is a demon that knows no other way of life other than a nobly human one. She fears her capacity for cruelty and bloodlust that flares up when she begins to lose control over her mental state. Her fear is further exacerbated by the fact that her demonic instincts and feeling have developed into an entirely separate personality distinct from Ragya's own through her unique circumstances. It is one that represents all of her primal desires as a demon, the strongest of these desires being the desire to slaughter and kill. It is a mass of malevolence, rage and violence that is kept bottled up under Ragya's will. Ragya's mind feels innately repelled by her savage inner self, and yet a part of her understands that it is a central part of who she is. This understanding in of itself makes Ragya shudder, as it forces her to realize that she is a demon at heart and core. All her life Ragya has lived painting layers of personality over this true inner self, and these layers have been painted with fear as energy. One could state that Ragya is who she is now simply and wholly due to her fear. Ragya's fear of herself manifests itself acutely, and often times Ragya is left shaking uncontrollably and helplessly at the mere thought of encountering her true self. This fear also severely inhibits what Ragya can do for herself as well. She keeps up a cold front to ward away any possible friendships or encounters not due to stoicism, but due to fear. Every time she kills to earn her keep, she feels not satisfaction, but fear. All the noble and lofty ideals she upholds are not to serve justice, but simply to abate her fear of becoming true to herself. Every time she draws a weapon, fear. Every time she resorts to her dark magic, fear. A fear so consuming and debilitating that it has shaped Ragya's entire being into what it is now: A broken apart and collapsing structure strung together with brittle supports of fear.


Ragya remembers none of how she ventured out of her abode of darkness into the world she resides in today. She holds no recollection of her life in her natural home, or what kind of person she was before her arrival to the surface world. The only thing she definitely knows is that she left when quite young, being at the age of what would be in human years fifteen. For Ragya's earliest memory was waking up inside a shabby cottage on a remote village on the very outskirts of Vequa where a withered sage had taken her in. Apparently Ragya had been trekking with determination through the village against a violent storm, with high speed winds buffeting and spattering globules of rain across her body. Several villagers had attempted to stop her and give her rest for the night, but she had coldly refused and moved on. On the edge of the village, lightning struck close to Ragya and she had been grazed. The force of the strike knocked her unconscious for two days, and when she awoke she remembered not a single thing. The only hints to her past she had left were two beautifully crafted swords of high caliber and wear. Her clothes had been drenched in blood, but Ragya had no injuries upon her, indicating that they were the blood of others. The old man that took her in nursed her back to health and, after waiting a few days and finding that Ragya's memory was likely permanently gone, took her in as a family member. He was a baker, and Ragya quickly learned to aid his work and earn her place in his lonesome household. It had not occured to her that the old man would have known that she was a demon, as her shape shifting would have worn out during the night. In fact, due to her amnesia, she believed that her current shape shifted form was her true one and that her demonic form she naturally shifted back to was unnatural. Perhaps because of this Ragya's shape shifting became quite powerful, and Ragya managed living for almost twelve hours in her human form before being forced to phase back. This shape shifting made Ragya know that she was a demon, but she was not affected by the revelation. The old man was loving and caring and the village was friendly and kind even if they did not know what Ragya truly was. More than all of that, Ragya felt that she was happiest living as a human, as her heart told her so even if she could not recollect what her life was like before.

Slowly but steadily, Ragya began to stand out from her human brethren. Her natural capabilities were keen and sharp, with all of her senses far outmatching the humans around her and her strength eclipsing the most trained of men. Ragya also showed that she had extreme ability with her twin swords, able to wield them at an exceptional level without knowing anything about them, as the knowledge and skill was firmly embedded within her being like an instinct due to what could only have been several years of intense training. Nevertheless, she kept these traits hidden, but one cannot hide such major differences forever. Ragya was found out when she was assaulted by a few drunken men at the local tavern, and she beat them back with dark magic which she had not know she possessed. It simply crackled out from her in reaction to her fear of the men, and had torn one man apart and severely injured the others. The entire village panicked, but none was more panicked than Ragya herself, who fled with her mind in a confused jumble, for Ragya had not felt fear when the men attacked, she had felt joy so intense the adrenaline buzz she received was like that received from intense fear. When the man's face had splattered into a shower of flesh and blood, Ragya had felt a wonderful sensation welling up in her stomach telling her to kill more and more and more. Ragya camped outside of the village within the dense forest that circled it, and it was there, when she was contemplating the nature of her existence, that she met her true self. It manifested in the form of a black, crackling mass with dozens of skulls dotting its amorphous, liquid body. Though a figment of her imagination, Ragya heard its voice with distinct clarity. They were dozens of different voices of all different pitches and tones, all the voices of people she had killed. Panicked, Ragya fled back to the only place she knew: The village. There she encountered her father figure hanging from the gallows with the crime of having fostering and kept hidden a demon now responsible for the death of several men. At that moment, her wide eyes staring at the lifeless body of her father hanging awkwardly from the ruthless noose of death, Ragya's entire life was determined at that moment. Her demon surfaced, and it would have been so easy to give into her desires and slaughter as many people as she could, but she held her humanity together. She locked down her demons and bottled them up. Then she ran from the only place she could call home to get away from all the memories that now only brought pain.

Of course, Ragya moved on. She always had a strong will, and though she feared, she survived. She faced the cold harshness of the world, its cruelties and realities. At first, She took up a jobs as a freelancer, mercenary, cheap assassin, thief, and other such occupations of crime and bloodshed to sustain herself from village to village. Yet she retained her humanity in spite of all this. She clung to it desperately, not wanting to let it go as it was the only way she knew how to live. To hold onto this humanity, she forged noble ideals for herself which she believed modeled that which only humans of pure nature would follow, and desperately tried to deny that she was a demon by becoming a good human. To keep in line with her ideals, Ragya also chose only to kill people that had done wrong to others, and often times Ragya listened to the requests of the common people, bringing them a share of treasure she received or disposing of criminals and murderers for the good of good people. She always killed and always justified herself reasonably, but always with each and every kill she felt such brilliant joy that she knew she could never experience otherwise.

Ragya has continued to lead this lifestyle, hunting down criminals with ruthless and merciless efficiency while constantly conflicted. She travels to the Kael festival whenever it occurs to ease her mind with the festivities, but this year she goes in search of a certain killer that leaves very little traces. The only physical traces he left were crow feathers, which Ragya now had quite a collection of as she had shadowed him but had never been able to pinpoint him. He had killed a man whose sister was a kindly and friendly woman who had dearly loved her brother, even if she acknowledged that whatever business he was into that made him so prosperous was quite shady. Seeing no reason to refuse the request, and because this man had killed before, Ragya took the request of killing the murderer whom Ragya strongly suspected would be at the Kael festival.

Battle Skills:

Dark Magic


Ragya's dark magic manifests in the form of black, viscous yet gaseous matter that crackles with teal green energy. It is completely designed to kill humans quickly and efficiently, with the crackling eclectricity like dark energy being the main tool of destruction. The black substance is merely present as a conduit to channel this lethal bolts of energy. The bolts of electrical dark energy are incredibly thin and numerous, and can coil around an object, most notably Ragya' sword. Once the sword cuts into flesh, the bolts jump into the cut and ravage from the inside, the countless little coils of dark energy rupturing blood vessels and tearing apart muscle mass. This makes all of Ragya's blows highly dangerous and, with her dual wielding style, forces opponents to be on the defensive. The electricity only conducts on the black matter that Ragya produces and organic flesh, so wearing full body armor is good protection against this dark magic. Additionally, the electricity can only conduct around a conductor and not outward from it, making Ragya's effective range limited to her sword reach. The black matter also has to stay on Ragya's body and cannot leave it, which restricts Ragya's range heavily. Ragya only uses a fraction of the power her dark magic gives, simply choosing to envelop the tips of her swords in the black matter to conduct the electricity. This is because further and more extensive use causes Ragya's mental state to slip towards her demonic side, where her bloodlust makes her unable to control herself and causes her to burn out of energy fast. When Ragya does unleash all of her energy in one burst, her appearance takes the form above, with two massive wings of black matter expanding out and bursting with bolts of dangerous energy. This increases her effective range and her physical parameters and additionally grants her extensive coverage of the additional range granted, but forces her into a bloodlust fueled insanity where she does not hold back her powers, causing her to burn out of energy within thirty seconds to leave her unconscious.

Expert Swordsmanship

Ragya's swordsmanship with her two rapiers of 60 cm is exceptional. Her dual wielding style allows her to press on powerful offense where a target has to defend from multiple angles at once. The style also conversely grants her greater parrying strength when fighting defensively. Ragya can also parry and counterattack simultaneously through her two weapons, allowing for versatile stances. Ragya always aims for vital spots as even slicing the vicinity of a vital spot with her dark magic would cause horrible damage to the struck being. One weakness of the dual wielding style is that the speed of the style is slower than regular one handed wielding, and thus Ragya is prone to being overwhelmed, though getting past two angles of parrying from a skilled swordsman to inflict serious damage would be difficult in any case. Another weakness is that Ragya's strikes would lack the force of a two handed wielder, but this is partly mitigated by Ragya's dark magic dealing serious damage with small injury. However, this lack of focused strength hampers Ragya's ability to parry strong blows, and committed two handed grip blows will push back Ragya or break a parrying stance with relative ease. Ragya's movements are best described as wild. She moves with unpredictable, but beast-like efficiency, surprising enemies that would expect a calmer and more formal method of fighting. All of Ragya's offensive strikes are swung with reckless abandon, all aimed to kill and all thrust with maximum force, making Ragya's offense considerably difficult to defend against when forced to parry, but at the same time easier to dodge and counter attack if one can begin to read the wildness of Ragya's movements.


-Baking, though not really proficient at it

-Other magics

-Helping others

-Killing, though this interest is denied by Ragya, it is still present.




-Ragya's fear of herself branches out to create most of her other fears



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User: Omen

Name: Vanessa Dumas

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Home State: Vequa

Occupation: Cook



The first thing one would notice about Vanessa is her hair which falls to her neck: natural platinum hair with streaks or blue, red and purple dyed in. Her face is timeless and exotic, making it nigh impossible to tell if she is thirteen, twenty-three or somewhere in between. Her blue almond eyes pierce out into the world, taking in all of the surroundings. Her body is well endowed and she has a somewhat athletic physique. She stands at a respectable 5’5” and weighs 110 pounds. Vanessa’s body has two noticeable tattoos on it, a large rose on her right most shoulder and a butterfly slightly above her left breast.

She dresses the same way every day. She wears leather gear consisting of bracers, a combined corset-skirt, and knee-high boots. Around her neck she also wears a leather collar, a constant reminder to her of life once lived as a prisoner. Her gear is colored teal-blue with crimson red outlines. You will never see a weapon on Vanessa’s body.

Personality Strengths: Vanessa is a quiet soul, more apt to listen to a conversation than to speak in it. She is comfortable with her quietness as it lets her slip by unnoticed day in and day out.

Despite her quietness, Vanessa is a risk-taker. She’s not afraid to try new things or to challenge the status quo, quietly. New experiences to her are always exciting.

Vanessa is a very compassionate person. She is slow to judge others, believing that she has no right to pass judgement on others when she would not want judgement passed on herself. She tries to help others as much as she is able to.

Personality Weaknesses: Vanessa can be a stubborn individual. When she struggles with something she silently grows frustrated and and angry. Instead of releasing the emotions, she allows them to build up inside of her. She stores all of this away inside of herself until at last she is overflowing with these emotions. Then, she releases all her frustration, anger and rage in a very short period of time, often causing quite a scene.

Vanessa is not an assertive individual. She does not like to be in charge of anything. If she were to bring up an idea to a group that she liked and someone else objected to it, she would not argue for the merits of her idea and instead let the other person kill it.

Vanessa hates the spotlight. She does not care what others think of her, but at the same time she does not want to be the center of attention. Vanessa prefers it when others have the spotlight and she watches from afar.

Vanessa has had little experience in the world, having never had a formal schooling of any kind. Thus she is ignorant in the ways of the world compared to others. She is unfamiliar with any customs, rituals, manners, and culture.


Vanessa was born to an average home in Vequa. There was a father and a mother and perhaps another sibling. However, Vanessa has never been able to really recall her early childhood. When Vanessa was but five years old, her village was raided by pirates. The village was razed to the ground and many people perished that night. Somehow a pirate must have taken pity on her and instead of killing her, took her back to the Skyship.

Aboard the Skyship, she quickly learned the meaning of silence, submission, and obedience. She was trained as an assistant to the cook, serving meals to the crew and occasionally chopping food. It was hard work, but she loved serving meals to the crew. Often times butterflies would fly nearby and she would love to chase them or capture them for safe keeping.

It was aboard the Skyship she met Armenil Dumas, an old, white-haired, wrinkled man. He was one of the other prisoners on the ship. Armenil served as the wind magician aboard the vessel, allowing the pirates to outmaneuver and escape the stronger imperial ships. Due to his importance in ship and his age, he was treated kindest by the crew.

Armenil quickly took a liking to the young Vanessa and took her under his wing. After the meals had been cooked and served, Vanessa would make her way to Armenil’s chair, sitting on his lap or at his feet. He would tell her the most beautiful stories, stories of kingdoms and castles, princes and princesses, dragons and heroes. He would also tell her about things of the world she was curious about. What was the earth? What kind of thing were they on? And, most interesting to Vanessa, what was it that Armenil?

Armenil found the last question amusing and so told of her magic, specifically wind magic. When Vanessa was eleven, both Armenil and Vanessa were surprised to learn that Vanessa possessed the ability to use wind magic too. And so, when the crew was asleep, Armenil began to train Vanessa in the ways of wind magic. Granted, he was no scholar nor a prolific trainer, but he tried his best to give her a proper education in wind magic.

It was not until she was twelve that Armenil discovered something “most peculiar” in his words about Vanessa’s magic. She never seemed to work up an appetite while using wind magic nor did she seem to tire. A year later, Armenil confirmed his theory: Vanessa was Shielded. Armenil realized all too well what the crew would do if they learned there was a Shielded on board and so he told no one about the Shielded, not even Vanessa. Vanessa was never the wiser.

And so life went on on the Skyship. By the age of fifteen, Vanessa was doing most of the cooking and meals for the crew. The crew had grown accepting of Vanessa over the years and Vanessa had grown accepting of them as well. She was happy, relatively, for it had been the only life she had ever known. Yet, her heart yearned for something new. She wished to go find the stories Armenil would tell her every night. Little did she know her wish would be granted that every year.

It was the night. Vanessa was sitting by Armenil, who has teaching her about weather patterns while on a Skyship. A beautiful singing voice came across the air, softly at first and then louder and louder. Armenil quickly told Vanessa to stay put and rushed outside to the deck. There was some shouting Vanessa could hear over the singing and suddenly the most loud screams she had ever heard pierced her ears. The whole ship began to quake and tumble. She could hear the winds outside rapidly gaining in speed.

Somehow she managed to navigate to the deck of the ship. Outside Armenil was in deep concentration, trying to keep the winds down. The winds continued to grow stronger though and Armenil fell to the ground exhausted. Vanessa moved to his side to help him, but before they could move the winds began to pull them off the deck of the ship. Vanessa managed to grab the ledge of the ship with one hand while Armenil held on to her hand with other. Armeni called out to her, telling her to save herself. She furiously refused. In those final moments, Armeni yelled out to her, telling her that she was “the Shielded.” He yelled out one final goodbye over the winds and then let go, sucked into the vortex.

The ship moaned and croaked, tossing and turning before it finally began to rapidly lose altitude. Vanessa began to lose grip. She tried to reaffirm her grip but her hand slipped, sending her flying into the vortex. The last thing she saw just after letting go was the sight of the Skyship which had been her home for ten years, crashing beneath the cloud coverage. Then, she blacked out.

When she came to, she was in a strange place. It was a field, a small piece of farmland. In the distance was a city called Kael. She searched near the farm for Armenil or any sign of the Skyship. Yet, there was no trace of either. And so she decided to head for the city. She quickly learned how to survive in the city, starving and cold for the first months. She turned to stealing to survive and created a sanctuary for herself on the roof of the city. She carefully hid her magic for Armenil had told her many times how others viewed magicians. She spent many days and nights on the roofs thinking about her days on the Skyship, about Armenil, and his last words he had spoken to her.

One day, while stealing some food from the trash, she was caught by the owner of the establishment. He brought her inside and angrily asked why she was roaming the trash every day and where her family was. Vanessa simply shook her head no, nearly on the verge of crying. Seeing this, the man’s heart melted for compassion for Vanessa. He provided her some simple leather clothes and a small place to bunk above the tavern in exchange that she worked for him. When he found that she had skills in cooking, he quickly put her to work in the kitchen making meals to serve the patrons of the establishment. And so it became the norm for her, living and working at the tavern for three years.

Now at the age of eighteen, the proper age for a woman, her boss demanded that she take some time off to go to the festival and “go find yourself a proper husband,” as he put it. So she ventured forth from the tavern to the festival, uncertain of what the future held.

Battle Skills: Vanessa is unfamiliar with battle. She had never been in the heat of combat before. The only experience she has in combat is from small training sessions with Armenil. If she had to fight, she would likely try to avoid confrontation using wind magic to evade and dodge. It is foreseeable she could become good at combat given her natural power; however, she is a novice at present.

Interests and Fears: Vanessa has a strong interest in cooking, a skill she has used for many years. She is interested in the ways of the world, learning about new customs and culture. Vanessa often ponders what Armenil meant by when he said she was shielded and what happened to him and the rest of the Skyship. Her deepest, darkest fear is that she is afraid of being confined or made a prisoner once again. She also is afraid of what would happen if someone discovered that she was a wind mage.

Other: She assumed Armenil's surname after the crash. More specific details about herself and her personality will emerge during the roleplay.

Timezone: US Central (CST)
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@Comix : Just noticed the edit, cheers, Alles ist klar!

@FewUtherClockKlik : Awesome sheet! My only very minor issue is just to point out that she would still have coal black skin in untransformed form, which the appearance section alluded to her not having. However, as long as you know that now, you are accepted straight off the bat! :D

@Omen : Looking good, and I'll allow for her to be Shielded given she has no weaponry skills :) One small gripe however, and that is that magic is first discovered at puberty, so the earliest she could have been seen to use wind magic would be 11/12, which would then push all of the events back slightly. I'll leave it to you to edit those times and adjust things as so, but in the mean time, you are accepted! 
Actually @Omen She could do with a surname? xD  
And also, sorry to have to keep remembering stuff (tis early here now xD ), but she wouldn't be able to have such vibrant coloured hair without some explanation of dying, though obviously you may keep said picture :')
Okay. I will push back the time of when she discovered magic at and throw in a surname. As for the hair, I was assuming it was dyed but I didn't think it needed to be specifically included in the background. I'll throw that into the other section.




Econ Destute






Deviant Demon

Home State:





In appearance, Econ could be mistaken for a noble gentleman. His almond eyes are piercing, almost unnerving, light grey and lay perched upon high cheekbones. His nose is short and rounded, giving his face a soft touch so as not to give him an intimidating façade to match his aura. His lips, plump and a deep, dark red, look as though they have seen only rare smiles and many scowls. His hair, a dark brown almost black, is shaved close on the sides of his head, yet left alone, wavy and full, on the top. He stands tall, six feet in total, with muscles rippling across his pale, though naturally black, skin. His most unusual feature is by far the mechanism that has replaced his jaw. The device starts beneath his bottom lip, stretches beneath his chin, and runs along the bottom of his jaw. Artfully made, the device is attractive in appearance, possessing a leather covering, etched with intricate designs.

The demon enjoys dressing in clothes of quality taste. Someone, though not Econ himself, spent a lot of money to dress so eloquently. The material is soft, yet sturdy, and resistant to stain and wear. The clothing is traditional, yet beautifully made with intricate and meticulous details sewn in. And, as any good Demon should dress, the clothes are only one color: black.


Personality Strengths:

Demons possess very little redeeming qualities, if any. However, his months spent with his human lover have presented him a few. Though he tries to apathetic, he has a soft spot for women and children, rarely killing them for enjoyment. He is quiet and aloof, often referred to as “the strong, silent type”, though when he does speak, his words are as smooth as honey and just as sticky. He is cunning and manipulative as many others like him should be. He does possess a sweet and gentle side, though it is rare toward anyone but his adopted daughter, and anyone to see this side is lucky indeed.

Personality Weaknesses:

For the most part, Econ hardly displays emotion and could be accused as having none. However, he does possess anger and can easily display his terrifying rage. His Demonic nature is still very prevalent and so is his bloodlust. He kills and destroys for thrills, though would never do so in front of the child in his care. Even with his adopted daughter, Econ finds it difficult to subdue his murderous temperament and could snap at any given moment.


Econ first traveled out of the pit of Aekra for the same reason most demons do: death and destruction. He set his sights on Lician islands, the first on his list being the island of Illara. He settled on the island in the dead of night, taking residence in a tavern called The March Merman, owned and ran by a petite, yet feisty young woman named Emmaline March. However, his plan for destruction was set aside when his keen senses discovered a commotion in the alleyway his first night. Annoyed that his sleep was disturbed, he went to silence the source, for good. What he found was a gang of men causing trouble. Irritated, he quickly put an end to the men, and just as he was walking away, he heard a small groan. He discovered the tavern owner in the corner of the dead end, unconscious and violated. For some reason he himself could not explain, he took her inside and tended to her wounds. While he cared for her, he softened, infatuated by the beauty that could match wits and quips with him. Soon after, Emmaline discovered she was pregnant from the attack, but Econ only wanted to protect her and love her every second of every day. Econ couldn’t possibly explain how this woman tamed the beast, but he loved her. His destructive urges subsided and he wanted to be the best person he could be for her. Then, Econ’s perfect life was ripped away from him as Angels descended upon his new home. Weapons drawn, they stormed inside, heading right for the demon. Emmaline tried to protect him, shielding him from an Angel’s attack. The sword pierced her chest and she crumbled to the floor. In a blind rage, Econ attacked the officers, and though he slaughtered them, his jaw shattered in the process. He took his love in his arms and ran to find help. He managed to get to a hospital, but was separated from her as he was whisked away to repair his jaw. Too shattered to be fixed naturally, the doctors fitted him with a mechanized replacement. He repeatedly tried to see Emmaline, but he was always told no. Finally, he heard the news: Emmaline had passed away. Before anything else could be said to him, he ran out of the hospital, set to ravage the nearest town. Unfortunately, the Angels found him and dragged him back into Aekra. There he heard rumors of his own surface exploits and discovered something: before dying, Emmaline had given birth to her daughter. For five years, Econ plotted and planned, trying to get out of the darkness. Then came his chance and with many others, he escaped. However, just when he thought he was home free, he encountered the infamous Palorradon. Neither one of them thought he would or even could do what he did next. He cried. With tears rolling down his cheeks he explained his story and instead of killing him or dragging him back to Aekra, she spared him. He ran to Vequa, trying to find his beautiful Emmaline’s little girl.

Battle Skills:

No stranger to fighting, Econ is ruthless in hand to hand combat and using his dark powers. His specialty is sneaking up behind his target and silencing them before they are even aware of his presence. So confident in his skills, he only carries one weapon, a dagger. His dark magic manifests as a shadow behind him, present even when there is no light and darker in shade than seems possible. This shadow seems to have a mind of its own and kills under its masters orders. The preferred method is seeping into its victim's lungs and drowning them without the use of water.

Interests and Fears:

There is only one thing that Econ cares about any more. That one thing is the daughter and namesake of his deceased lover, Emmaline. She is his whole world and he would do anything just to make her smile. He is extremely protective of the little girl, hardly letting her out of his sight for more than a second. His greatest fear is losing the only thing he has left of his dear, sweet Emmaline.


He is a surprisingly good father figure.


Central Standard Time



Emmaline (Emmy) March







Home State:





Emmy is a spitting image of her mother and extremely adorable. Her eyes, a warm and friendly amber, are wide and full of questions. Her nose and lips are small and rounded, matching the shape of her face. Her short hair is light brown and almost always tied back by ribbon. She stands only at three feet and weighs thirty five pounds.

Her wardrobe consists solely of hand-me downs and are usually slightly large on her. She enjoys bright colors and particularly likes to wear the color green. She doesn’t like to wear dresses so she usually is dressed in baggy pants and long sleeved shirts. The one thing that she always wears is the white ribbon her adopted father gave to her, using it to tie back her hair.


Personality Strengths:

Emmy fails to see a single fault in people. She can only see the good and doesn’t quite understand when someone is being mean to her. She is innocent and sweet, always willing to lend a helping hand. She is curious and seems to have an endless supply of questions to ask. She is almost always happy and seems to constantly wear a smile.

Personality Weaknesses:

Even though she desperately wants to help, her assistance is usually refused. She is clumsy, easily distracting, and excels at making more of a mess than someone of her size could possibly make. She has no sense of direction and gets lost extremely easy. However, because she is shy, she can never ask for directions. Though usually happy, she could be described as a crybaby, getting upset over petty things. Her innocence and trust in people also put her to a disadvantage as she can easily be lied to and manipulated with her none the wiser.


Emmy grew up in the care of an orphanage in the city of Vequa. She knows nothing of her father and only knows that she was named after her mother. She grew up close to the orphanage staff, always under the feet of a maid or cook, trying to help out. Being small and shy, Emmy was the target of the older kids and is no stranger to being picked on. She was not unused to being told that no one would ever choose to adopt her. Her life changed when the man with the pretty silver eyes took her away.

Battle Skills:

Emmy has never before encountered a fight and as such lacks battle skills.

Interests and Fears:

Emmy is absolutely fascinated by animals, but she is particularly fond of bugs and enjoys catching them. She enjoys giving them new names and making up stories about what they do and how they came to be. She likes bright colors and sweets, especially anything chocolate. She enjoys singing and dancing, though this usually only means twirling around in circles. She does not like meeting new people and will usually hide behind others to avoid being looked at or talked to. She does not have any particular fears and is quite brave, but she does suffer from night terrors.


She has a ratty stuffed bunny she calls Petey that she carries around.
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@Comix : You are right in that it could do with a bit of touching up in places, but I see no major faults, so you are accepted! For the purposes of the database, I could do with a surname for Emmy, and perhaps you could do with explaining just how the original Emmaline managed to seduce the demon Econ, seeing as she'd have to be either very crafty or lucky with a 'love at first sight' moment to attract him so. However, these are minor things, and you probably know where it can be tidied seeing as you did make the initial observation :')

On another note, do you want me to make another post soon regarding Apos and co before you wake up Lor, or are you plannning on waking her up right now? :)
User: Goddess

Name: Chimera "Chime" Rosco

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Home State: Licia

Occupation: Ex, thief , Pirate


Chimera is a medium sized female approximately 5'5 that weighs around 170.6 lbs. She is a pale busty beauty with the cup size of your average 38c (Medium sized bust). Chimera has long blond with black streak hair that is tied in either a pony tail, messy bun, straight, or her personal favorite clipped back. She has blue crystal like eyes with random splotches of green. Chimera has rosy lips , not to big and not to small. Chimera's body built is above average if you were to question her muscle mass. Due to her being an ex thief she continues to wear a brown leather like holster around her left thigh, usually to keep rolled up maps tucked away, with a small knife in between. Chimera also kept the rather large brown gloves and the red bow that was given to her by her employer before she called a quits. Now in her new line of work, Chimera has obtained leather boots that are 5 inches below her knee, both having snap latches to secure the boot, the shoe laces below only there for minor tightness but mainly for decoration. Trading in her baggy pants and worn out shirt she now wears short forest green shorts with a golden button. For Chimera's tops, she has a crop top red with four lines going down the side of her bust and toward the center. Over Chimera's crop top is a forest green jacket with short sleeves and no zipper. Since it is short the jacket never comes over her bust and is mainly used to cover her shoulders. As for any other items Chimera finds no use in jewelry , nor any use for personal items such as lockets or handbags.

Personality Strengths:
Despite Chimera's looks she is a rather crafty girl, always getting out of sticky situations and creating the perfect traps. Chimera was recruited to be a thief just because of that and her quick steps, along with outstanding agility and flexibility. Chimera was then recruited as a pirate due to her witty smarts on how to work a map, and good decision making. Chimera always came up with the right plan, and would commence to getting it done without anyone having to tell her to do so. Beside Chimera's work force she hold a rather vast mind of craft work , and holds higher intelligence then most who she has hung around. Chimera is obedient and very loyal to both work and others. Chimera is very optimistic and always tries to find a way to cheer some one up whether there bad or good.

Personality Weaknesses: Though Chimera may seem nice, good in a few things she fails to put a cap on her anger. Chimera is your average group hot head but with a little more fire and tons of oil. Chimera hates being talked down too and would challenge anyone who would do so, proper term would be her not knowing her place or when to shut up. Chimera is awfully nosy and will butt into anyone's conversation, not caring whether its personal or rumors. Being a female you must have manners such as no sir or yes mam, please and thank you. Chimera has zero manners and would easily push you out of the way if your blocking her path. Shes a fighter and would start street brawls , usually being pulled away to calm down or be given a warning. Above all else Chimera doesn't like staying still. You may keep tabs on her and watch her every move, but as soon as you look away Chimera won't be there. She would have you up all night all the way to morning just out looking for her.

Chimera lived in a well brought up family, medium classed if you were to put them on a scale. Her mother Lu was a teacher at a nearby school, her father Bron was a fisherman and her eldest brother Rick worked the markets. Chimera around 5 was at the school with her mother , always sitting in the back fiddling with wood , rock , leaves and sand. Her mother always worried about her because she seemed uninterested in things like playing tag, getting to know the other kids or even helping clean up. Most children tried to approach Chimera but all were turned away as she shot a nasty glare , much like her father did when her mother didn't have food ready before he had gotten home. Her mother thought it was because of Bron's abusive behavior that she refused to play with others. That night they had an argument and I'm sure you know how the rest of that night went.

Around the age of 7 Chimera left home , constantly tired of her parents bickering and her father constantly hitting her mother. Chimera wasn't mad at her dad but at her mom for not doing anything. Packed up with a small back pack and a shell she made her way over toward the other side of Lucia to stay with her uncle who was not related to them by blood. Setting up her room Chimera was called down for some work, which really turned out to be her stealing from a nearby shop that sold nets and fishing poles. That day and from then on she started the job as a thief, her uncle as the employer. All the while her mother found out that she had left , both brother and father not giving the slightest care. The next day Chimera was briefed on what she could do and couldn't do. Due to her job now becoming the main point in her life, she had to quite school and focus on thriving in her job. Daily Chimera was taught many different traps, escape abilities and her favorite subject, crafting. On the weekends her uncle would hire a tutor to come and teach her the useless things , her classes ending within a 2 hour period. Lucky for her she was able to learn quick within the two hours. Between periods of training she would run every day, climb, stretch and do other numerous task to get her better prepared for her job, always wanting to stay ahead of the game.

When she reached 10 she was able to wield a weapon, but those classes were taken somewhere private and it only happened around night time , nearly 3 in the morning. By the time her uncle passed away she was given a ribbon for a birthday present and she had grown from such a feeble thing to a more sturdy durable child. She kept up the job, taking what her employers wanted and taking the money to buy her things that would help her craft various items such as, chairs , clocks and small trinkets. When she reached 18 she quit the job she was currently in, because 1. she had lost interest in taking things from others, especially since it was the same old thing in the same old town, 2. she was scouted by a pirate whose job on this ship was to watch over the money. Chimera had four days to pack before she was shipped off. During her four days she sat upon a rock near the rushing waves. Chimera always found herself reaching up toward the sky, always thinking about what else is out there other than this place. Chimera wanted to travel the skies, she didn't want to stay in one place forever. With such thoughts Chimera did not hesitate to leave when the fourth day came, only taking the knife her uncle gave her and the ribbon as well.

The ship she was on was known as the Quaint, a medium sized ship that housed 20 people. The rule of the ship was always move forward, detours later. Well, with Chimera aboard that rule had to bend. It seemed that Chimera as gifted with the ability called magic. Everyone knows that when the child hits puberty then are sent away to a temple to harness their power so chaos does not spread. However, unwilling to be sent away, she had kept her talent a secret and only used it sparingly to avoid chaos. Yet now, she decided, was the time for her to learn. At the time the Quaint was closer to Irrea. There she learned about fire magic, seeing how she as born in Licia converting to fire was a rather difficult task , but with hard work and constant studying Chimera got the hang of it within two years. After Chimera turned 20 the Quaint set off again into the blue skies.

Chimera spent the rest of her years on the ship called Quaint till she reached 23.After a night where the captain had gotten to drunk and decided to swing at Chimera, she decided that she needed a new employer and not some gas bag who trashed her opinions. She stole a side ship from the captain, along with some pocket money and bread. She stopped by many places, all saying that there would be a festival soon. With a wide grin on her face, Chimera thought everyone must be going, which meant that she could find a job there. With a new goal in mind she headed off toward the Kael Festival.

Battle Skills:
Chimera was graced with the ability of magic, though because she was not on Licia when puberty had hit her , she instead learned magic from Irrea. When using magic Chimera is a little below average, since she is more of a hand to hand fighter than a magic user. As far as hand to hand combat and weapon skills she to her understanding is a skilled at hand to hand, combat. Thanks to her agility and great flexibility from her numerous hours of training back on Licia she is able to evade easier and slip into tight spaces. Chimera is quick on her feet due to her previous job ,so her attacks range from stealth to up close combat. Other than hand to hand combat and a little magic, Chimera is oblivious to weaponry and only knows how to use a knife when making traps.

Interests and Fears:
Chimera hates fish, all she ate was fish when she was on Licia, so the sight of it makes her throw up. Chimera loves the sky, whether its hot or cold, whether the stars are out and the moons so bright or if its just pitch black. Chimera has a keen sight for anything shiny, specifically knives and daggers. Nothing really scares Chimera except the sight of blood and those who would cause her harm, that includes strangers, weird people and those who approach her with a glare in their eyes. Usually Chimera is on guard but if she is grabbed instantly she will scream and most likely rely on her animal instincts, giving no care to the human life. At that time the sight of blood will not phase her until she has calmed down.

Chimera has a thing for command, you could say its a fetish of some sort. She likes birds and most of all the sky. If you ever look for Chimera she is usually carrying around a sack filled with snacks.

Standard Easter time , it is currently 5:09 pm
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@Goddess : Grammar is a little rough throughout, so you might want to brush that off as it makes your expression a little hard to grasp in places. The bit at the end of the backstory seems a little like a tag on to me, where it rather hurriedly says she was taken off to Irrea, and could definitely do with some clearing up as it no doubt would have affected her thievery learning and general development. My only other worry is that she does seem to have rather a lot; extreme strength, decent swordsmanship, great intelligence and magic. I would add some kind of drawback into there just to assure me that she won't be OP. Otherwise, everything else is fine and to the appropriate level of detail, so just brush those things up and I can accept you :')
I'm not sure if I got it all, I read over it again, so what do you think. I do apologize for the grammatical errors, my lit teacher says I'm good at writing just my spelling and grammar needs work.
It's fine; everybody makes grammatical mistakes now and again, and as long as they're not widespread it's fine. However, other than improving that, I'm sorry to say the edit has done not too much differently from last time. You literally just removed the magic bit from the backstory, but exactly the same details remain in the fighting section without elaboration of how she came to acquire said magic, which was what I wanted cleared up, not done away with. In addition, simply changing the percentage of winning in a sword fight to 10% only begs the question of why she would bother to fight with a sword in the first place. So yes, explain how she got the magic in the backstory section, and clean up the battle-skills section.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/knight_by_tahra-d81n9t5.jpg.1cf61ae0a9f17012ad7451456de9ea7e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32087" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/knight_by_tahra-d81n9t5.jpg.1cf61ae0a9f17012ad7451456de9ea7e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>









Home State:





Sarah stands at around 5'9" (exactly 179.4 cm), and weighs in at 71 kg, ~156 lbs, without armor. By appearance, Sarah is, by far, the least threatening amongst her colleagues with her fair complexion and calming blue eyes, coupled with her brown, soft hair, cut boyishly. Her height isn't exactly the tallest amongst her more intimidating colleagues. The armor she wears is delicately crafted for Peacemakers, especially those who favour a balance between defense and offense, as well as a freedom of movement. Further details of her armor can be found in the Battle Skills. She often wears a dark, high collared long coat under her armor. Its skirt can clearly be seen at her legs. Along with the coat, she wears a black, skin-tight leather corsage that reaches up to most of her neck, as well as a pair of dark trousers. The red sash at her side along with the white adornment at her abdomen is a telltale sign that she is a high-ranking official of the Peacemakers, the latter denoting her Inquisitor rank and the other her investigative authority: she does not need a signed warrant to search whomever and wherever she wants. When not acting as an Inquisitor or performing her duties, she removes her armor, and does not wear the sash and the adornment.


He who casts the first stone...

Personality Strengths:

Despite her obvious flaws as a lawman, her judgement is often not taken lightly. Armed with much more than just a large sword on her back, Sarah shows exemplary deductive reasoning and logical ability, though it's rare to see her put that mind of hers to good use. Her Sherlockian deductive ability, however, is mostly limited to the behavioural habits of people, as well as tell-tale signs of their previous actions.

With the code of 'do no harm lest it is done to you', Sarah would often prefer to talk and reason her way out of a fight. Calm, yet still forceful, she would utilise less violent methods to coerce criminals to come clean and confess to their crimes. Even when it comes to blows, Sarah would very much prefer to avoid using her sword or even her fists, and goes instead for nearby less-lethal weaponry. Due to her fondness of this manner of arrest, she has to pull all the stops to waive the punishment meted out on the criminals. It is not exactly by the books, but her rank and title as an Inquisitor allows her to bend the rules quite a bit, and even forge contradictory evidence to be submitted for the trials of the criminals. Because of her sympathy for sinners, she is widely regarded as a maverick of the Peacemakers. She hardly cares. To her, those who willingly surrender are often those who have trodden upon the wrong path in life, and in a desperate attempt to scrabble back to the right path, they have sinned.

She has a somewhat good humour, though her taste in jokes is somewhat lacking. Overall, though, Sarah is quite good-natured, if a little goofy at times, and believes in the best of people. As a Peacemaker, she would often throw herself in front of the weak to shield them with her own body. No matter who they were, anyone who attacks the weak is no better than dirt. What irks her most, however, is those who betray her trust, and those she sees as completely irredeemable. To those she deems unworthy to continue living in this world, the kiddy gloves come off. Judgement will be rendered as per the usual fare of most Peacemakers, the paperwork be damned. From here onwards, she acts as an Inquisitor, and mercy is merely a privilege now.

Personality Weaknesses:

Inquisitor Sarah Whytelaw is a laidback and carefree investigative officer of the law. Lazy, undriven, and extremely sloth-like in behaviour, to the point of being found at her office splayed over her desk at times, she is not exactly what one would call a paragon of justice, which she is not. She has the ability to do many things in life, even pursue the rank of Head Inquisitor, but her lack of a drive for success leaves her contented with sitting around, drinking and enjoying life to the fullest as it were. She really milks the "Terminally Chill" joke for all it's worth after her short fever. That said, her behaviour (and choice for jokes) are not befitting of a Peacemaker, much less an Inquisitor.

It's been said in her Strengths as well, but it bears mentioning that Sarah is not one to follow rules herself. It's a bit sketchy on when she goes by the book, and when she will throw the book out of the window and do whatever works. It's clear, however, that combat is one of those times where the latter applies. She will not hesitate to fight dirty and take her opponents by surprise. Kicking up dust or sand, hurling nearby implements, sweeping their legs from under them...it's safe to say that honour is not one of her best traits. That said, if one did force her into combat, they probably deserved everything that was coming to them. She will only fall back to her sword in the event that she absolutely has to put down an opponent, but her fists, clad in steel, still hurt.

Her jokes are bad. Very bad. Never ask her to tell an anecdote or a joke. It brings out the worst in people. That or it would cause permanent physical disabilities.


A simple gal, a simple life. The interesting stories are frought with action or sorrow. Some stories ain't so complicated. Some stories like this one. Inquisitor Sarah Whytelaw was simply Sarah Whytelaw once, a little girl who trotted at the side of her mother, an Inquisitor herself then. Imogen Whytelaw left her husband after a spat about how married she was to her job, taking her daughter with her. Sarah was but a toddler then, still sucking on a thumb, so she really couldn't be bothered with it all. Wouldn't fault her for it. No kid wants to grow up remembering that their parents split because one of them liked her job more than the other. Thankfully, the kid grew up fine, if not a little spoiled. Y'see, Imogen did not, in fact, love her job more than anything else in the world. She also loved her child. She was strict, but she cared for the kid. That in mind, Sarah grew up a law-abiding citizen of Unity City.

Really, it ain't no surprise that the kid signed on up as a Peacemaker herself, and took the path her mother did. Now, you're gonna ask how's that gotta change her into the sweet ol' thing she is now, the lazy sloth of an Inquisitor? You're on time. See, the girl thought that following the rules blindly would lead to the thing called peace at the time. She was wrong, the poor girl. She saw this for herself when she watched a man be tried and found guilty of murder when it was clear he had done the deed due to another's actions, and another man who destroyed the lives of many getting scot free because there was no solid evidence against him. The book wasn't no option to protect the people, not with this sorta law. So the girl threw the book away, and forged her own path. She took on investigative duties, and ensured, with everything in her power, that a fair trial was given. In her extremes, she began to forge evidence to convict those that needed to be convicted, the ones above the law. While she did, however, she had to put on an act of aloofness, of obfuscating stupidity. It was supposed to be an act, anyway, but it seemed like it stuck. Lazy, unkempt, along with her gross conduct, none would assume that she was controlling the trials. The girl, now a lady, rose to become an Inquisitor like her mother.

Her involvement with the Festival is simply security detail. She and a number of rank-and-file Peacemakers have been deployed to patrol the Festival. Due to the need of an official on duty, she drew the short straw and was sent to watch over the procession. In all honesty, and knowin' the girl, she would probably prefer to sit around in her office, dozing off.

Battle Skills:


Sarah's main tactic of combat is to arrest and restrain her target as effectively as possible. As mentioned in her Personality Weaknesses, she will not pull any punches when going on the attack, disabling her opponent and swiftly putting them in their place. She often takes to circumnavigating around her opponents and taking them down from the back, and pinning them and their arms down. The weight of her armor alone would hold down most, much less with her own weight. When it comes to hand-to-hand combat, she utilises her armor to its fullest extent, deflecting blows to glance off her with a sweep of her arm, as well as using grapples, not unlike a wrestler, to further restrict her opponents.

In a nutshell, outside of using her sword, Sarah's M.O. in combat is to restrict her opponent's movement and ability as much as possible. Those unused to getting extremely up close and personal would find her an extremely testing opponent.


Sarah's skill with the sword on her back should not be discounted for her preference of non-lethal tactics. Heavy and unwieldy, the greatsword strapped to her is not exactly a weapon to be used in close quarters or in a crowd: one of the reasons why she prefers not to use it at all if needed. However, in optimal conditions, she can wield the sword with ease, displaying her actual strength. In order to achieve balance, she has to wield the sword with both her arms, though she is capable of lifting, much less swinging, the sword with just one hand.

Her tactics with the sword are more disciplined than when she doesn't wield it. Her swings with both hands are balanced and swift, bringing the sword around after every other swing, allowing her opponent no quarter. Dodging the blows is easy, but keeping up with the speed at which she goes at may take one by surprise at first. Her blows are extremely heavy, however, and one slash may be all it takes to kill. Defending against them is not a tactic any would use against her, since the knockback often gets rid of any chance to counterattack.


Her armor offers mediocre defensive capabilities, with its weaknesses being at her armpits, her right upper arm, and her crotch region. Her left arm is heavily armored, allowing her to use it as an impromptu shield to knock away small weapons. Having said that, she has a phenomenally high threshold for pain, allowing her to take all sorts of damage to her physique without so much as flinching. Her armor allows her to move freely and speedily, enough to keep up with those unarmored, though those trained in speedy escapes often leave her in the dust. Those jobs are better left for the scouts. She uses this freedom of joints, however, to protect those she wants alive, leaping in front of them and taking the blows, either by deflecting them with her sword, her left arm, or simply taking it like a champ.

Interests and Fears:

Her interests? Crocheting and finding holes in the law to help those who need it. She also takes a little interest in cooking and pastry-making. She seems intent on learning how to create a croquem-bouche. She also likes long walks by the beach and knitting, in between training with her sword.

She's afraid of an empty larder and anything that has to do with large bodies of water. She displays discomfort when travelling over water, and would prefer, really, to not go near any lakes, seas, oceans, etcetera.

After an earful from her mother, she would prefer that she did not lose her Inquisitor's badge. That said, she is really afraid of her mother's wrath.


It's clear she wields a zwëihander. In case you haven't noticed, she wields a zwëihander. Its make is unique in that it has a specially-crafted blade and pommel. Its ornate pommel functions more than just a fancy addition. The sharp point at the end means that Sarah can turn the sword around and ram it into her opponent, denting and piercing their armor. Its blade has a unique cleaver-like make, edged only on one side. Because of this, Sarah can choose between bisecting her opponents or sending them flying with some broken ribs. On the blunt edge, golden vines have been etched into it. Unlike the others, its function is purely cosmetic.

Her theme?

Cage the Elephant - Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

I know I can't slow down,

I can't hold back,

Though you know I wish I could,

Oh, no, there ain't no rest for the wicked,

Until we close our eyes for good.


Timezone: [/b]GMT+8

Art source: tahra (deviantArt)



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@Procculus : All looking good, welcome aboard! :D I have some nice ideas of how to get her involved in the plot a little differently in the near future too!

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