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Fantasy ~The Hexosphere Chronicles: Now Ready and Recruiting!~

This is amazing! I especially loved the lore, who the gods were and how the world came to be made. I want to join this one, so tag me when you finish it. Is it gonna be on forum or thread?
@CrimsonEclipse: Thanks a bunch! :D Sadly forum RPs met an untimely demise due to the discovery of malicious coding, so this will be conducted as a thread RP. However, I will be contacting the mods for additional threads when I set this up in full. Glad to have you aboard!
Update: The details for Teztra are now ready!

Teztra: Nation of sand.


Sand, as far as the eye can see. Sprawling, barren plains of shifting sands, almost completely bare. Teztra's sea of sand moves, sinks sluggishly like mud, and as a result, nothing can grow in the desert heat; there is nowhere for plants to cement their roots. Ancient folklore tells illogical tales of the sands eating people and objects, but this has never been accurately documented.

Dotted across the land are large, flat sandstone plates, protruding from the vicious sands, plates that formed the homes of the surfacers of Tez. In such a bleak landscape, one would expect there to be little to do, but Teztra provided in his demise, and upon these plates are often oasis', peculiar patches of flourishing emerald grass and pure water. And thus, in sand-stone cities, the Tez sprung up, living off of fruit from these oasis', as well as the commonplace cactii-like vegetables that mottle the plates. A plethora of highly adapted lifeforms patrol the dunes, and from their flesh and bodies, the Tez have built a reputation for fine material works.

Having discovered the abundance of other regions, Tez are stereotypically pessimistic and harsh to others. Strong-willed and stubborn, there is well regarded saying in their culture: 'Live for your dreams, because your dreams won't live for you.' Hard thinkers, Tez are known for being thoughtful and creative, though interestingly enough, they were also traditionally noted for having the strongest warriors, perhaps because of being able to achieve a national unity far sooner than other nations due to being able to traverse the sands (which nowadays is done through propelled sand-boats called 'Dune Crawlers'.

Adapted Species: Saladrin

Part rodent, part mammal, all coward, the Saladrin are a peculiar yet highly adapted race that live below Teztra's shifting sand dunes. At an average of 5 feet tall, they are short and rodent like, with short yet chunky limbs and large hands and feet. Adorning these are a set of digging claws, and Saladrin burrow through sand and rock to make underground homes far beneath the sweltering sun. To avoid inadvertently blinding themselves, their eyes are thin and covered with a light film that protects them from sand, which of course limits their vision. Their hunched bodies are covered in a very thin fur which prevents sand from reaching the skin below. Their average lifespan is 60 Hexo years.

Far beneath the surface, Saladrin can feed off of rocks: their large front teeth can successfully grind through any hard substance. However, their favourite snack are insects, and they will follow vibrations in the earth in pursuit of smaller sand dwelling insects. Of course, they steer clear away from the ferocious sand worms that stalk the dunes; why risk your life for something silly?

There is an inherent selfishness throughout all Saladrin, and they like to keep to themselves. When forced out of their comfort zones they grumble a lot and are naturally defensive, but a Saladrin is never violent unless forced to be. Due to needing to be alert for the vibrations of sand worms, they have evolved with high awareness and an overly cautious nature: they would always rather stay safe than end up hurt. A a result of this, in the past Tez surfacers used to use Saladrin as servants. Nowadays this has been claimed unethical, but certain higher class Tez families have stuck with the tradition, and due to there being a market for them several hundred years ago, there are several scattered throughout all four states of the middle reaches.

I hope to have more up today but other RPing commitments mean it's fairly slow p!ogress :') Again, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask" 
Another bit of locational info, this time on Vequa:

Vequa: Nation of cloud.


An expanse of scattered floating islands suspended above a swirling mass of clouds. Below, nothing but the winds excitable squeal. The most highly populated state, Vequan surfacers have long enjoyed the peaceful serenity of their floating forests and rolling suspended hills.

Traditionally, Vequan's have been farmers and carpenters, making the most out of the diverse foliage Vequa provided them with. Enjoying a supple, easy lifestyle, Vequan's developed strong community villages, eating their farmed produce and keeping the various forms of livestock that grazed their refreshing fields. Yet due to the success of Jeronimus Sky and his Skyships, the already community-orientated peoples benefitted most from the unification of their nation. Villages grew and grew and grew, and now several of the islands have no more forest or free field remaining: instead, islands were filled with straight, bustling streets and commercial marketplaces of all kinds, topped off with impassive walled castles for the nobles. Known for their persuasive and entrepreneurial skills, it was in Vequa that many modern games and more friendly commercial buildings found their origin, such as the birth of merchant trade itself, and the creation of pubs and bars.

As the country least affected by the Great War, very little of Vequa is ruined and wrecked. Vequan's have a creative knack that has lead to many of the worlds greatest minds, scientific political and artistic, were Vequan in origin. Without the harshities of the other states, the people are far more relaxed and stereotypically whimsical. However, they are also known to be fickle and a little eccentric, perhaps similar to the wind itself. Due to their long-standing separation however, there is no true cultural unity between all the people, and they lack many of the traditions and widespread folklore of many other regions. And due to their relative prosperity, Vequa is the country most rife with crime.


Adapted Species: Cloudwalkers

Of all the different forms of known intelligent life, Cloudwalkers are the most obscure. Cloudwalkers have only ever been observed at a distance from low-flying Skyships, and reports vary as to their exact appearance. Evidently they are incredibly light however, because as their name suggests, they walk the cloudy ocean below; their bones are speculated to be incredibly thin and brittle. In appearance, they are effeminate and thin, with peculiar strips of skin attacking their long arms to their main body. Their legs are all wrapped in cloud, and their upper torso is decorated with a thin scattering of snow-white feathers. Finally, a long strip of golden hair-like skin cascades from the back of their heads down their back. Scientists are baffled as to its purpose, but many people find it beautiful.

There are many tales of Cloudwalkers attacking ships, although they have never been seen hunting and their diet, if they even have a diet, is completely unknown. First, a beautiful singing voice pierces the air, a voice to enchanting that it has lured many a Skyship to stop and admire its song. Then, when a ship is fully entranced, it begins to scream, and suddenly a storm picks up, ferocious winds and clouds encircling the ship until it loses control and crashes. There are many works of art dedicating to honouring the mysterious race, and their peculiar beauty has an almost universal attraction.

Not a single Cloudwalker has ever been seen on the main land, and it looks like their existance will remain a mystery for a long time.

Penultimate piece of locational information:

Blist: Overworld of light.

At the ceiling of the world, there is a sea of bright light, light that seeps down to the middle reaches, where it is eternally at odds with the flooding darkness from below. There is no sun, no moon: the seas provide for all, and it is the fluctuation of dark and light in their eternal conflict that creates the day and night cycle all Hexo life depends on. Nobody can quite comprehend how it works, but when it supports your very being, people are hardly complaining.

The sea seems to be the origin of this light, and at its source it is overwhelmingly bright, so bright in fact that anybody from the middle reaches who attempt to cross through it perish. Thus the realm above, Blist, has never truly been sighted by human eyes, although Angels have long boasted of the beauty of their home.

All that is known is that everything up there is made of Light Matter, a snow like substance which can be formed and shaped by beings of light, the angels. They claim to have created elaborate and beautiful architecture, although as Light Matter can only exist in intense light, no replications have ever been successfully made in the middle reaches. Yet despite the enigma that surrounds their society, Angels are a well established race who have long been integrated into life below.

Adapted Species: Angels

Like their antagonistic cousins the Demons, Angels share a lot of the same traits as humans, although largely they are vastly superior. At an average height of seven foot, their bodies are strong and powerful, their skin harder and far less susceptible to damage. Their eyes, hair and the feathers on their back and wings can also vary from any colour in the spectrum. Their huge, powerful wings allow them to freely fly across the kingdoms, and they can also retract and fall against their backs for practicality. Almost every Angel is either handsome or beautiful (depending on sex), and there is much art and literature depicting the adventures of Angels. Typically they live to about 200 Hexo years, although there are expected to be far less Angels (and Demons, for that matter) than humans. They have faint healing powers, and are known for being able to go for extended periods of time without eating or drinking.

Standard Angel life is strict and well regulated. It is known that Angels spend most of their time above studying and philosophising, thus granting them great worldly knowledge. There is understood to be a hierarchy of class in Blist, but unlike the resentful lower class Surfacers, who enviously mock their nobles, all Angels are highly respectful of their superiors. Angel's dedicate their lives to keeping the world safe from demons, but they vow not to otherwise interfere with events below.

Yet it is the exceptions to this standard that are most well heard of amongst Surfacers. Any Angel who deviates from Angel law is termed a 'Fallen Angel'. These are typically rogue-type characters who seek fun and enjoyment amid Surfacers society. Thus many of the worlds most infamous criminals have been Angels. The moment a deviated Angel is discovered, a squadron of Angel officers is dispatched to reclaim the deviant. It is unknown what they do next, but no Fallen Angel has ever returned after capture.

As a people, the Angels are typically highly strung and a little pompous in their morality. They believe that they are superior to all other races, but because they normally act as observers are not fervent boasters, nor does their arrogance negatively show. Rather it comes across as confidence, and many people fear regal Angels just for how set they are in their beliefs. They take their cause to be of the highest importance, and anything caught in the crossfire is a sad but necessary sacrifice.

And finally, the last bit of locational info (barring Unity, which I'll cover in RP)

Aekra: Underworld of darkness.

Similarly, deep below the various elemental seas is a realm of pure darkness. Darkness so strong it fights off light and forms the night, the differing seasons caused by changes in who is winning their everlasting deadlock. Like with Blist above, there is a sea of pure darkness too, darkness so pure that anybody who enters it immediately dies of petrification. Thus, like with the Angels, no human has ever documented the landscape of Aekra.

Dark Matter, a similar counterpart to the Angel's central architectural ingredient, is abandoned in the black wastelands beneath the darkness sea, but unlike the Angels, the Demon's manipulation of the substance is far less uniform. Demonic society is purely anarchical, and besides sharing a common ambition, most Demons live alone. And in this, they have used Dark Matter to sculpt a dystopian nightmare where they reenact anarchic scenes for their own twisted pleasure.

Throughout all of Surfacers history, there have been numerous accounts, be they factual or folklore, of Demon's causing chaos on Earth, and although the name holds a lot less fear than it used to, Demons are globally renowned for being dangerous trouble makers.

Adapted Species: Demons

In the regular world, Demons usually make an appearance as average, if roguishly handsome/alluring, human beings. However, this is not their true form: they skin is standardly coal black, eyes blood red, with long claws on both hands and feet. Despite their fairly regular build, they are all just as physically strong as Angels are, and their senses are so well refined that they are highly alert and observant. This makes them highly battle-ready, and their ability to use minor destructive dark magic makes them quite a fighting force.

Demons also have developed temporary powers of bodily manipulation, or shapeshifting. They can change their bodies to be that of animals they know, although the greater difference between them and the animal, the shorter they can transform for. An example: due to being very similar to humans, a Demon can stay in human form for about four hours before returning to base state, whereas they can only stay in pig form for a matter of minutes. As a result, there are numerous Demons integrated secretly into society, walking around unnoticed. Every single demon has jet black hair though, and they cannot transform their faces to look like other people's faces.

Unlike the peace loving Angels, Demon's revel in chaos in destruction, so much so that they find true beauty in disorder. Thus, their aim is to cause as much chaos as possible above. Most of their attempts to break through are intercepted and shut down by Angel officers before they can even reach mainland, due to there being no real connection between all the Demons, and no organisation behind their attempts. However, some do slip through the net, and can hide for several years through their shape-shifting.

Like Fallen Angels, there are also Demons who break their cultural norm, simply titled 'Deviants'. These Demons live in peace in the middle reaches normally seeking a remedy for the destructive urges that plague them. More worryingly, in recent times there have been rumours of Demons finally working together to stop the Angels. If one side were to quash the other, who knows what would happen...

Both Angels and Demons cannot be born as such, and although they do fall in love and mate, they cannot produce offspring. Which leads to the curious question: how are the two races created?

That's all I have for preliminary info, but you guys shouldn't have too long to wait for full details since the RP will be coming out within the next few days. In the mean time, feel free to ask any questions as before!
:D Cheers!
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Well, I just wanted to get all of those details up seeing as people were asking about the different settings and creatures specifically! xD Like I said, I'm working pretty hard on this after all.

Just as a notice to everybody, I'm expecting these kind of ratios in terms of characters:

-At least 50% human characters

-At least 60% of these human characters not to be magical

So yeah, we should end up with a nice mix of species, characters, roles, criminals, average people and magicians! :')
I didn't plan on implementing anythit definitive in that regard, no, though I won't allow absolute tons because that'll definitely have an impact on post quality. So I guess a limit of 4 characters max will be in place, which should allow for people to make both a human character and an other adapted being character should they so wish :)
@DamagedGlasses :The adapted species as a general are superior in their natural habitats, but as their descriptions mention, they tend to have various drawbacks in regular Surfacer society. The main examples of this are Angels and Demons, who are more powerful than all the others, but in any case their characters are immediately in trouble and will find themselves pretty much on the run from the get go. I plan also to limit the amount of characters from those two races and perhaps only accept Demon and Angel characters if the roleplayer in question can convince me that they will not misuse their additional power.

So in terms of superiority, really it's irrelevant. In terms of storytelling, which will be our main focus, they all offer various different creative dynamics but human characters will definitely not be disadvantaged in comparison to non-human characters.
Alright, I think I know what I wanna do.

A human like the one I talked about in PM's who was through the death of [insert special person in life here] got siphoned Dark Matter and still survives. It is however still corrupting their body, hence the characters mental instability.

This setting is looking more fun the more I see of it.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
I mean, the Dark Matter is a perfect excuse for his madness and abilities, since he was injected it. His body is shouldn't haven't in him, not being magic. Hence except him to be coughing blood after extensive use.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
I'm glad to hear that! Although admittedly I don't really get what you mean by 'through the death of [insert special personin life here] got siphoned it and still survives.' XP Ah well, any discrepancies will be ironed out when the RP is up and I'm going through character sheets :')
Me yet neither. I want to somehow (will figure out in future) have material for this character to grieve/go mad over, along with a reason for having Dark Matter.

Probably an über grudge/vendetta against Demons for the Dark Matter killing said important person.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Actually never mind, that second post clears things up suitably, and I guess you could have some backstory where he was manipulated by a demon. However, do note that dark and light matter cannot exist outside of Aekra and Blist respectfully, so it would be physically impossibly for him to be injected with it seeing as humans cannot enter either of those realms. Dark magic though could do the trick: I still haven't quite ironed out what that does but in an intense burst it could probably cause the side affects described :')
Maybe the dark magic corrupted his body cells with dark matter or something along those lines? Would work in some ways.

In any case I'll wait for you to finish before I figure that part.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
I've almost finished writing up all the RP world details, and things are on schedule to be released as planned tomorrow! :D Now all I have to do is write up the rules, job roles, the character sheet and my own characters!

So in the mean time, enjoy reading through the Magic details, fresh off the press!


One of many gifts the titans left in their demise, magic is a handy and practical ability at use throughout the unified states. However, it is not a universal gift, and only a lucky few are born with magical ability, about one in a hundred. In addition, only humans can learn magic in this form: each of the adapted species has a uniform but more limited control over their respective element. Magical ability remains dormant until puberty, and at the first sign of magic, a prospective magician is immediately sent away to a Magician's Temple, special training academies, to learn how to master their art. After all, magic is dangerous stuff, and unless it can be controlled, it can cause widespread chaos.

There is one Magician's temple in each of the four nations of the middle reaches. Each temple trains exclusively in their nation's element. Over the last century, a group of angels began to teach healing magic in Unity, which counts as a bona-fide temple. Traditionally, a prospective magician goes and learns the element of his region, though recently there has been a large influx of people studying healing magic, and there are rare cases of people specifically heading to other magic temples.

Magic is controlled simply through the mind. No spells or utterances or even gestures are required to activate magic: all a magicians has to do is think of how they want to use their magic, and bazam, there you go! However, magic does not come without its limitations. For each ounce of magic, energy is required, and magic eats away at stored up body energy. Using too much magic in one go can lead to physical exhaustion and hunger, so magicians often carry food and snacks around to provide the energy they need, hence the famous saying: 'Strong spell? Eat well!'. If the body cannot find any excess energy to use, it instead feeds off of flesh and muscle, which means that if a magician tries too powerful of an attack, the magic might eat away at them and even devour them!

Magic is both powerful and destructive, hence the need for training academies. Naturally, the government realises this, and as a result there are strict laws on public magic use. Magic is only legally allowed to be used in jobs, unless you can obtain a magic license from years of service, which allows you to practice magic wherever you are. If you do not abide by these rules, you are a criminal, and are treated in the same harsh way. Thus, a little feared by most normal people, mages find themselves settling in awkwardly into jobs as clients for various different workers. This is a relatively new awkwardness too, as traditionally most magicians were used as soldiers in the many Hexo wars.

Fire magic is trained and taught in Cindred, Irrea, an ancient temple in the middle of a huge volcano situated on the far side of the state. The fire temple is an expansive building that clings to the darkened rocks,with many chambers built inside the rocks themselves, protected by numerous lava geysers the encompass the mount. Fire magic itself allows the summoning and control of flames, as well as the ability to adapt ones temperature and greater cope with warm conditions. However, a known side-affect it causes to its users is the inability to stand coldness, and sometimes the development of certain erratic characteristics. Though all Grand Magicians (the temple leaders) are known for being harsh, Grand Magician Krako Brund is supposedly the worst of the lot. When released into the world at the end of their three years in training, fire magicians can fit into a number of different roles. Many go and work in various crafts, or helping out with furnaces and engines, or as assistants for Shalrak who wish to travel the world, though obvious there are more obscure exceptions to this. In their home country of Irrea, there is an agency of fire magicians who provide safe passage through the fiery seas through gentle manipulation of the lava and flames. There are also some magicians who, despite their training, choose to keep their magic a secret and settle back in to normal daily life.

Water magic is nurtured on Palace Isle, a small tropical island almost entirely occupied by an old but beautiful castle made out of aquatic marble. In the middle of it all is a very deep lagoon or mysterious origin, and the surrounding waters are known for being especially treacherous and storm afflicted. A water magician will earn how to summon and manipulate water and ice, as well as the ability to breath underwater. Yet water mages also find themselves dehydrating easily in dry conditions. The current Grand Magician, Hickory Pobble, is a wise, old, impassive man who is always chillingly calm. A prospective water magician normally goes into any industry that requires careful manipulation of water, such as work in some of the more modern Skyship engines. However, these jobs are few and far between, so many simply return to standard Lician life and use their powers to assist with fishing and sailing. In the present day there is also a high number of water magicians who choose to interact directly with the Mermen, either going to live in their bubble citadels or acting as assistants for the sizeable number of travelling Mermen.

The temple of earth magic is found in a mysterious pyramid called 'Trianpolis', located on the far side of the sandy seas and perhaps the oldest structure of all the magic temples. Surrounding it, the sands seem to shift even more than normal, and without the presence of an earth magicians, people are absorbed into the ground below. More that most of the other magics, earth magic is a much slower, much more defensive art: with the ability to summon rocks and sand and manipulate the ground around them, they can also cover their body with rocks in the ultimate self defence, as well as sometime even being able to control plantlife around them. However, earth magicians are notorious for getting sky-sick in Skyships, and hate the feeling of not having solid ground beneath their feet. Pirious Gritt, their Grand Magician, is famous for having absolutely no sense of humour. Like fire magicians, many earth magician's go into the crafting industry, using their powers to shape merchandise for sale. Many of them act as guides too, being able to sense any potential trouble through vibrations in the earth. Several earth magicians now work as gardeners and landscapers for noble families across the globe.

The final traditional element, wind magic is taught at 'Gale Heights', a long collection of ancient buildings that connect several smaller grassy islands with stone bridges. Notorious for the violent winds that surround it, the wind temple is inaccessible by those who aren't trained wind magicians. Wind magic is a far less destructive magic than any of the others, but what it lacks in power, it makes up for in mobility: with carefully controlled manipulation of the wind, wind magicians can make themselves run faster and even fly reasonable distances. However, they can get uneasy when in claustrophobic areas as there they are separated from natural winds. Curiously eccentric, Grand Magician Torno Hurrace is by far the least strict Grand Magician, although he has been known to change moods very quickly and incredibly strict when angry. In the present age, most wind magicians travel on Skyships, helping to guide and fly them safely, especially the more primitive ships owned by what few of the common folk who can afford them. Many of them are also integrated into regular society, using their magic in various different smaller tasks, or simply hiding it and getting on normally, seeing as wind magic usage is the hardest to moderate.

As mentioned, for the last half-century, a group of Angels have begun to teach healing magic in a guild in Unity. The most popular of magics to learn, many magically gifted youngsters migrate to the central city to learn and become medics, healers and doctors, although there are still sages and herbalists about who find it increasingly difficult to find work. Light magic works like any other magic, but lacks any destructive capabilities and can only be used to treat and negate wounds and illnesses.

There are also faint rumblings of dark magic, although this is not taught anywhere and, if it does exist, its users a few and far between. Rumours suggest that it develops as a side affect of being hit by a particularly concentrated blast of Demon dark magic, and that it only works on those who would have been capable of using magic. Running like an infection through the magicians body, it greatly deteriorates their mental state but attaches a tinge of dark magic to their movements when they are especially angry. Dark magic is the magic of pure destruction, and unleashed in blasts of darkness, it can cause any substance to disintegrate. However, it also is the most tiring of magics, and even the Demons struggle to regularly use it.

Usually, a magician can only learn one magical art. They technically have free choice over which art to learn, but each nation pushes greatly for their own people to learn their state's respective magic. But some magicians are especially gifted: about one in hundred of all magicians (so 1/10000 of the general public) are capable of using all different kinds of magic. They are called the Unlimited, and most known Unlimited have some form of celebrity status. Similarly, another one in a hundred are called the Shielded: powerful people whose magic doesn't draw off of their bodily energy. These are both very rare but very powerful talents, and never before has there been a person found to fit both these categories...

Hope you guys are still as excited as I am :D
I'm not sure if it was with my char in mind, but if so woop thanks! The dark magic section is perfect for my char in mind. I'll begin working on it on a doc file to paste in when the thread is up as a WIP.

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Quick question, can dark magic be 'shielded' in the sense that it can draw from mental energy rather than bodily? So in a sense when they are in a massive emotional hissy fit, the dark magic would feed on that and make their power grow for the duration of that? (Wait hang on that sounds like DBZ xD )

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
Not in the same way as the Shielded can use magic, no, but it is mentioned that it increases in power with intense emotion, so yeah, I guess scientifically that extra power would come from emotion juices xD Though once the rage or whatever is over they'd promptly collapse, exhausted, and be very susceptible to having body parts eaten away.
Yeah gathered, coughing blood and being very drained and probably fall close to a coma. Wait hang on, that sounds like Dragonball again xD

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