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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy The Guild



You may edit how you please, but include the following:

First name:




Race (Human, halfling, elf, half-elf, orc, half-orc):


Personality (at least 3 traits):

Class (see overview):

Role (Healer, fighter, scholar, blacksmith, etc):

Biography (you must write this, include why they joined the guild):


What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?:

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Ariella Silverwood"I got your back!"

About me

Age: 18

Race: Half-Elf

Gender: Female

  • She is a big risk taker when it comes to quests with high rewards. Daring and dauntless, she likes to go above and beyond in what she does.

    She is generally known as kind, honest and fair. If she doesn't like you, she will tell you upfront.

    She is also a very sociable individual. She may or may not know you at all, but she'll talk to you anyways. She might go overboard with talking, but a slight reminder to her will grant you an apology.

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Name: Melmoth Corvus "the Undying Callous" of House Corvidae (corvidae = raven//crows)

Aliases//Known Titles: Lord of House Corvus,

Age: 53

Sexuality: Male

Race: Homosapien (human), interbred Orcsimer (half orc-human//'primate')


Though you will never be able to perceive his features with scrutiny, (obscured yonder a thick, veiled mantle of a mask) it is reputedly rumoured he has a battered, rough and weathered physiognomy due to his interbred (and bastard) birth between Orc and Human.


The metallic mask he wears was allegedly forged within the nebulous depths of the nether for Thios, to bestow upon his second son (whose name is not mentioned within the scriptures), yet when Ser Vathek "the Sanguinary" fought daemon back into their world during the First Revolt, he claimed the mask as a family heirloom for lords to come.



Apart from his features, he is broad, bulky and has a mesomorph body-type. His muscles are faintly defined though meaty, always adorned in a crepuscular, sable coat of armour. Meticulous, with broad shoulders and a rosewood dyed cape attached to polished, bulbous lame (lamellar) shoulder plates with ornamental, glistening rondels. His attire consist of lordly, outstanding garments, a coat of plates shroud the intricate detail woven into the robes he wore beneath. A deep, battered white-golden moon with a wreath loomed over the sigil of House Corvus. It was displayed as the centerpiece on a sable field to his breastplate.


Sadistic, has the trait of ISTP (introverted, sensing, thinking, perceiving). Melmoth is seen as a blunt, savage, belligerent and brutal man, with a fatalistic view of the world. He is a formidable warrior and he doesn't obscure his sadism. He generally abhors noblemen and knights, believing they're all "soft fucks with hair greasier than their cvnts,". However, he also displays minor hints at being a reasonably affectionate and compassionate man underneath. Is adaptable and spontaneous, he is keen on being busy and action-oriented. He thrives on new and exciting situations or dilemmas.


Enraged Beserker//Warlord, highest damage, no defense, little mobility (when wielding an axe//Panabas)

Warlord, good damage, highest defense, no mobility (when wielding dual Shashkas, the weight of the Panabas on his back slows him considerably)


Personal Guard, Elite Retinue of Orin (Kingsguard)


Melmoth swore no fealty of allegiance, instead having been forced by will to serve under the Crown of Etral, bound by House alliance. Forced by his own House, as a highly-skilled and disciplined warrior, known for his fierce demeanor and... lack of chivalry (having denied the granted title of 'Ser' or 'Knight', he spat and threw down his sword at the King, revolted at it's hypocrisy). He steadfastly refused the 'holy' vows, dismissing them as a "pathetic, petty-fucking excuse for reverence,"

When he was young, he was anointed the youngest ever swordsman to serve under the Crown of Eltra's Elite Retinue of Orin (before his son took the throne, whom is King present in this RP).

Melmoth was confronted once by the Mourning Knight, a highly prestigious and distinguished warrior of utmost prominence -- yet insane. The Mourning Knight was involved in a brutal exchange, having slaughtered six of fifteen Elite Retinue of Orin single-handedly, till Melmoth confront the dispute challenging the aggressor.

As a struggling, extensive clash ensued, he faltered, and the sword pierced his chest.

If not for his armour, he would have perished.

In their second exchange, the Mourning Knight was slain.

Upon that fateful day, he is hushed upon it's seal of savagery.

He later grew to despise nobles, and instead, revoked his alliance and defect to the Twin Dragon guild, surprisingly enlightened in the path of Ashira -- despite his fierce lust for killing. (Which was later dulled).


A duel-wield Shashka, blade smelted from the ore of a fallen meteorite then forged upon the smoldering molten fluid of lava upon the reaches of the Shadvrama Supreme (volcano). His Shashka is a special kind of sabre; a very sharp, single-edged, single-handed, and guard-less sword. Melmoth had his version smite to include the guard for defense. In appearance, the Shashka is midway between a full sabre and a straight sword. It has a slightly curved blade, and can be effective for both slashing and thrusting. The blade is fullered. Originally, there is no guard, but a large, curved pommel, Melmoth had his to include said guard. The hilt is frequently highly decorated.

(Shashka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?:



  • Married to (@dorkling )
  • Despite refusing the knight's vows, he has his own squire.
  • An unbeknownst son/daughter (tag me if you want to be said son/daughter, make things interesting

//Was the greatest swordsman to ever live in his generation, his prime now gone, withering away apart from his paramount skill and untested swordsmanship. Though we'll see.




(NOTE: Ayane I apologize if I fucked somthing up w/ the lore with his previous professions, msg me if somthings wrong).
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Opium said:

Name: Melmoth Corvus "the Undying Callous" of House Corvidae (corvidae = raven//crows)

Aliases//Known Titles: Lord of House Corvus,

Age: 47

Sexuality: Male

Race: Homosapien (human), interbred Orcsimer (half orc-human//'primate')


Though you will never be able to perceive his features with scrutiny, (obscured yonder a thick, veiled mantle of a mask) it is reputedly rumoured he has a battered, rough and weathered physiognomy due to his interbred (and bastard) birth between Orc and Human.


The metallic mask he wears was allegedly forged within the nebulous depths of the nether for Thios, to bestow upon his second son (whose name is not mentioned within the scriptures), yet when Ser Vathek "the Sanguinary" fought daemon back into their world during the First Revolt, he claimed the mask as a family heirloom for lords to come.



Apart from his features, he is broad, bulky and has a mesomorph body-type. His muscles are faintly defined though meaty, always adorned in a crepuscular, sable coat of armour. Meticulous, with broad shoulders and a rosewood dyed cape attached to polished, bulbous lame (lamellar) shoulder plates with ornamental, glistening rondels. His attire consist of lordly, outstanding garments, a coat of plates shroud the intricate detail woven into the robes he wore beneath. A deep, battered white-golden moon with a wreath loomed over the sigil of House Corvus. It was displayed as the centerpiece on a sable field to his breastplate.


Sadistic, has the trait of ISTP (introverted, sensing, thinking, perceiving). Melmoth is seen as a blunt, savage, belligerent and brutal man, with a fatalistic view of the world. He is a formidable warrior and he doesn't obscure his sadism. He generally abhors noblemen and knights, believing they're all "soft fucks with hair greasier than their cvnts,". However, he also displays minor hints at being a reasonably affectionate and compassionate man underneath. Is adaptable and spontaneous, he is keen on being busy and action-oriented. He thrives on new and exciting situations or dilemmas.


Enraged Beserker//Warlord, highest damage, no defense, little mobility (when wielding an axe//Panabas)

Warlord, good damage, highest defense, no mobility (when wielding dual Shashkas, the weight of the Panabas on his back slows him considerably)


Personal Guard, Elite Retinue of Orin (Kingsguard)


Melmoth swore no fealty of allegiance, instead having been forced by will to serve under the Crown of Etral, bound by House alliance. Forced by his own House, as a highly-skilled and disciplined warrior, known for his fierce demeanor and... lack of chivalry (having denied the granted title of 'Ser' or 'Knight', he spat and threw down his sword at the King, revolted at it's hypocrisy). He steadfastly refused the 'holy' vows, dismissing them as a "pathetic, petty-fucking excuse for reverence,"

When he was young, he was anointed the youngest ever swordsman to serve under the Crown of Eltra's Elite Retinue of Orin (before his son took the throne, whom is King present in this RP).

Melmoth was confronted once by the Mourning Knight, a highly prestigious and distinguished warrior of utmost prominence -- yet insane. The Mourning Knight was involved in a brutal exchange, having slaughtered six of fifteen Elite Retinue of Orin single-handedly, till Melmoth confront the dispute challenging the aggressor.

As a struggling, extensive clash ensued, he faltered, and the sword pierced his chest.

If not for his armour, he would have perished.

In their second exchange, the Mourning Knight was slain.

Upon that fateful day, he is hushed upon it's seal of savagery.

He later grew to despise nobles, and instead, revoked his alliance and defect to the Twin Dragon guild, surprisingly enlightened in the path of Ashira -- despite his fierce lust for killing. (Which was later dulled).


A duel-wield Shashka, blade smelted from the ore of a fallen meteorite then forged upon the smoldering molten fluid of lava upon the reaches of the Shadvrama Supreme (volcano). His Shashka is a special kind of sabre; a very sharp, single-edged, single-handed, and guard-less sword. Melmoth had his version smite to include the guard for defense. In appearance, the Shashka is midway between a full sabre and a straight sword. It has a slightly curved blade, and can be effective for both slashing and thrusting. The blade is fullered. Originally, there is no guard, but a large, curved pommel, Melmoth had his to include said guard. The hilt is frequently highly decorated.

(Shashka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?:



  • Married to (@dorkling )
  • Despite refusing the knight's vows, he has his own squire.
  • An unbeknownst son/daughter (tag me if you want to be said son/daughter, make things interesting

//Was the greatest swordsman to ever live in his generation, his prime now gone, withering away apart from his paramount skill and untested swordsmanship. Though we'll see.

(NOTE: Ayane I apologize if I fucked somthing up w/ the lore with his previous professions, msg me if somthings wrong).
I love it!

Accepted, looks awesome af!

makes me want to edit mines
First name:Jack Splice

Surname:The Professor




Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.5818f45cb4051396508b444e0ac2612d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136138" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.5818f45cb4051396508b444e0ac2612d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:Jack is a curious and jolly individual, he is often described as manic by those around him because he seems to find joy in everything...even pain. He is very much obsessed with monsters and their physiology and has gone through very extensive lengths to get his hands on any he can find.



Biography:Jack was orphaned at a young age by a wandering group of bandits, they raided his parents merchant cart. They left him alive however, not wanting to offend the gods any further by killing a young boy. He was adopted at the age of 7 by a man named Zeddicus Splice,The Professor. Zedd was known throughout the three kingdoms as a man whose potions could cure any Ill,and whose poisons could kill instantly. He had gotten old however and needed an assistant, and who better than a orphan who could be easily replaced if something went wrong.

Luckily nothing did and Jack eventually grew on the old man, he taught Jack as much as he could, and even introduced him to the art of summoning. Jack forgot all about his old life and grew to love his new one...but nothing lasts forever.

Zeddicus was already 128yrs old when he adopted the boy, having kept himself alive through a variety of concoctions. He finally met his end twelve years later when Jack was eighteen. Jack locked himself in his masters tower and poured over his masters notes studying something very particular... The Philosophers Stone. With its power he could bring back his master and ensure that both of them remained alive long enough to accomplish the dream that they both had been chasing.

The Ingredients to make a True Miracle Potion.

But the task of making the stone is far to much for him to conquer alone, after all he needs 10,000 monster souls to be able to forge the stone.

So he sought out a the Guild in the hopes that such a small group wouldn't be to picky about his "ambitions"

Equipment:various vials and bags filled with a variety of chemicals, and ingredients,and a summoners tome 1/4 filled with miscellaneous summoning runes.A pure diamond with rune etched in it.a gas mask and observational equipment and of course a first aid kit.

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?:Ellon

Other:The four Years of seclusion in his masters workshop took a toll on his mind,and explains his extreame personality, he will become very defensive if his Motives come into question. Insect summons are his specialty,all of his summons have had their souls removed and their bodies mutated.



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First name: Natethaniel

Surname: Arthur

Age: 30

Title: (Unknown to any who weren't crusaders) "Red Dawn"

Sexuality: straight

Race: human

Appearance: under his armor he is 5ft 9" olive complexion, muscular build, brown hair, brown eyes, goatee, and a tattoo of the holy cross on his chest.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.80e58e8722a9e7f81bc5b77b66d24c2b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136142" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.80e58e8722a9e7f81bc5b77b66d24c2b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: honorable, Natethaniel will stop at nothing to uphold the law and do what is right. Kind, Natethaniel is willing to give someone the clothes off of his back. Motivated, Natethaniel always has a plan and is more than ready to go at all times.

Class: Templar: basically a less armored paladin. (Instead of tanking everything, he parries and blocks certain attacks, while being nimble enough to dodge others.)

Role: fighter, scholar (he has extensive knowledge of current happenings, politics, and religion. He used to lead crusades for the Templar, giving him combat experience and leadership skills.

Biography: Natethaniel grew up as a very religious boy, trying his best to do right and convert others to the holy path. He joined the Templar at 16, leading crusades until the Templar and church lost power. He roamed the land until he found the Capitol of Etral, becoming the scribe for a politician and gaining a small status. He heard of the rumors about the guild reopening, and wants to join the guild in hopes of using their influence to spread the Holy word.

Equipment: Natethaniel wields the mighty blade Excalibur. The blade has been passed down for generations through his family and grants the wielder the skill of all previous users, (Basically he has hundreds of years of training with a sword) and is unbreakable/undullable.

He wields a Templar spear, made of blessed oak, reinforced with iron, and a steel tip, metal forged in holy water.

He wields a kite shield, metal forged in holy water and blessed by the archdeacon.

(My character is doom to all unholy beasts, and his shield has magic resistance and glows in the dark.)

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon

Other: [media]



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akumashioni said:
First name: Natethaniel
Surname: Arthur

Age: 30

Title: (Unknown to any who weren't crusaders) "Red Dawn"

Sexuality: straight

Race: human

Appearance: under his armor he is 5ft 9" olive complexion, muscular build, brown hair, brown eyes, goatee, and a tattoo of the holy cross on his chest.

View attachment 301824

Personality: honorable, Natethaniel will stop at nothing to uphold the law and do what is right. Kind, Natethaniel is willing to give someone the clothes off of his back. Motivated, Natethaniel always has a plan and is more than ready to go at all times.

Class: Templar: basically a less armored paladin. (Instead of tanking everything, he parries and blocks certain attacks, while being nimble enough to dodge others.)

Role: fighter, scholar (he has extensive knowledge of current happenings, politics, and religion. He used to lead crusades for the Templar, giving him combat experience and leadership skills.

Biography: Natethaniel grew up as a very religious boy, trying his best to do right and convert others to the holy path. He joined the Templar at 16, leading crusades until the Templar and church lost power. He roamed the land until he found the Capitol of Etral, becoming the scribe for a politician and gaining a small status. He heard of the rumors about the guild reopening, and wants to join the guild in hopes of using their influence to spread the Holy word.

Equipment: Natethaniel wields the mighty blade Excalibur. The blade has been passed down for generations through his family and grants the wielder the skill of all previous users, (Basically he has hundreds of years of training with a sword) and is unbreakable/undullable.

He wields a Templar spear, made of blessed oak, reinforced with iron, and a steel tip, metal forged in holy water.

He wields a kite shield, metal forged in holy water and blessed by the archdeacon.

(My character is doom to all unholy beasts, and his shield has magic resistance and glows in the dark.)

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon

Other: [media]

Looks good
Alphaius said:
First name:Jack Splice

Surname:The Professor




Appearance:View attachment 301813

Personality:Jack is a curious and jolly individual, he is often described as manic by those around him because he seems to find joy in everything...even pain. He is very much obsessed with monsters and their physiology and has gone through very extensive lengths to get his hands on any he can find.



Biography:Jack was orphaned at a young age by a wandering group of bandits, they raided his parents merchant cart. They left him alive however, not wanting to offend the gods any further by killing a young boy. He was adopted at the age of 7 by a man named Zeddicus Splice,The Professor. Zedd was known throughout the three kingdoms as a man whose potions could cure any Ill,and whose poisons could kill instantly. He had gotten old however and needed an assistant, and who better than a orphan who could be easily replaced if something went wrong.

Luckily nothing did and Jack eventually grew on the old man, he taught Jack as much as he could, and even introduced him to the art of summoning. Jack forgot all about his old life and grew to love his new one...but nothing lasts forever.

Zeddicus was already 128yrs old when he adopted the boy, having kept himself alive through a variety of concoctions. He finally met his end twelve years later when Jack was eighteen. Jack locked himself in his masters tower and poured over his masters notes studying something very particular... The Philosophers Stone. With its power he could bring back his master and ensure that both of them remained alive long enough to accomplish the dream that they both had been chasing.

The Ingredients to make a True Miracle Potion.

But the task of making the stone is far to much for him to conquer alone, after all he needs 10,000 monster souls to be able to forge the stone.

So he sought out a the Guild in the hopes that such a small group wouldn't be to picky about his "ambitions"

Equipment:various vials and bags filled with a variety of chemicals, and ingredients,and a summoners tome 1/4 filled with miscellaneous summoning runes.A pure diamond with rune etched in it.

And of course a first aid kit.

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?:Ellon

Other:The four Years of seclusion in his masters workshop took a toll on his mind,and explains his extreame personality, he will become very defensive if his Motives come into question.
I like it, accepted

"Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears."



Name: Eira Corvus

Age: Unknown

Sexuality: Pansexual

Race: Half-Elf



Eira stands at 5'3 and has a light tan complexion. She has long snow white hair that falls past her hips, usually up in a thick ponytail. She has icy blue eyes framed by long, light lashes, wearing dark makeup around her eyes to cover up the lightness.

She usually wears the apparel in the picture shown above with a black cloak at times.


Eira appears to be cold but in actuality is just a reserved and observant individual. Having a surprisingly calm demeanor, she is caring towards others, but quite distance when not with those she loves.

Eira is quite wise despite her youthful appearance, thoughtful and thinking things through. It surprises many when they discover she is married to Melmoth. Some speculate it was an arranged or forced marriage, which is indeed false. She loves him greatly.

Despite seeming pure and collected, she has quite a dark mind.


The small female was born to unknown parents in Kagra, only knowing her parents were human and elf. The day after her birth, she was dropped at an orphanage doorstep in Etral.

Spending most of her child and teenage life in the orphanage, she was deemed weird by the other children and having strange powers about it. At a young age, she read many books, especially on sorcery. Hoping that itd help her find her parents, she would practice religiously. The others would lightly bully and tease the lonely girl, who cared nothing more than her knowledge and parents. Around mid-teens, the orphanage had lost scrolls of her, not knowing her age, birthplace, or parents.

Practicing sorcery yet again, she took on a much too powerful spell for her.

It caused the orphanage to set aflame and to her to go unconscious.

The orphanage luckily saved, Eira was then kicked out to be on the streets.

Stealing the books she would read, she'd scrounge by using her powers and thieving.

Caught pickpocketing an High-Elf, he turned out to be the Archmage of the Academy of Magic in Kagra. Pitying and interested, he took the girl in and raised her as his own, sending her to the Academy of course.

Eira was the top of her class and was able to graduate early but refused so she could pursuit knowledge of the arcane farther.

Leaving years later, she wanted to adventure out and hopefully search for her parents, help others and increase her experience.

And thats when she fell in love and married the intimidating Melmoth.

But before meeting Melmoth, she came across the Guild and joined out of interest and curiousity, seeking more experience and knowledge.


Class: Sorceress

Role: Fighter, Minor Healer



Book of Spells, Herbs, and Potions

Various herbs


Is married to Melmoth

Appears younger than she actually is

Her best is ice spells/magic

Last Word: Ellon

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."

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dorkling said:

"Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears."



Name: Eira Corvus

Age: Unknown

Sexuality: Pansexual

Race: Half-Elf



Eira stands at 5'3 and has a light tan complexion. She has long snow white hair that falls past her hips, usually up in a thick ponytail. She has icy blue eyes framed by long, light lashes, wearing dark makeup around her eyes to cover up the lightness.

She usually wears the apparel in the picture shown above with a black cloak at times.


Eira appears to be cold but in actuality is just a reserved and observant individual. Having a surprisingly calm demeanor, she is caring towards others, but quite distance when not with those she loves.

Eira is quite wise despite her youthful appearance, thoughtful and thinking things through. It surprises many when they discover she is married to Melmoth. Some speculate it was an arranged or forced marriage, which is indeed false. She loves him greatly.

Despite seeming pure and collected, she has quite a dark mind.


The small female was born to unknown parents in Kagra, only knowing her parents were human and elf. The day after her birth, she was dropped at an orphanage doorstep in Etral.

Spending most of her child and teenage life in the orphanage, she was deemed weird by the other children and having strange powers about it. At a young age, she read many books, especially on sorcery. Hoping that itd help her find her parents, she would practice religiously. The others would lightly bully and tease the lonely girl, who cared nothing more than her knowledge and parents. Around mid-teens, the orphanage had lost scrolls of her, not knowing her age, birthplace, or parents.

Practicing sorcery yet again, she took on a much too powerful spell for her.

It caused the orphanage to set aflame and to her to go unconscious.

The orphanage luckily saved, Eira was then kicked out to be on the streets.

Stealing the books she would read, she'd scrounge by using her powers and thieving.

Caught pickpocketing an High-Elf, he turned out to be the Archmage of the Academy of Magic in Kagra. Pitying and interested, he took the girl in and raised her as his own, sending her to the Academy of course.

Eira was the top of her class and was able to graduate early but refused so she could pursuit knowledge of the arcane farther.

Leaving years later, she wanted to adventure out and hopefully search for her parents, help others and increase her experience.

And thats when she fell in love and married the intimidating Melmoth.

But before meeting Melmoth, she came across the Guild and joined out of interest and curiousity, seeking more experience and knowledge.


Class: Sorceress

Role: Fighter, Minor Healer



Book of Spells, Herbs, and Potions

Various herbs


Is married to Melmoth

Appears younger than she actually is

Her best is ice spells/magic

Last Word: Ellon

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/wp_ss_20160619_0001.png.21cdc0dae784daaed99b6ea6cbd87f42.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136183" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/wp_ss_20160619_0001.png.21cdc0dae784daaed99b6ea6cbd87f42.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Venus Rose Medora






Age: 22

Sexuality: Pansexual

Race: Pure-Blood Elf

Written Appearance: Venus stands at a height of 6'3, and weighs approximately 102 pounds. She is extremely slender with sharp, angled features and flawless golden skin. Her eyes are a light yellow highly contrasted by Venus' bright, wavy red hair that reaches her waist when down.

For clothing, Venus usually wears something light that she can get around in easily. Typically her clothes will be green or brown, so it's easier to blend in with her background.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/wp_ss_20160619_0002.png.f84b91ecdef41dd1cbd4abd92f76f1c2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136184" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/wp_ss_20160619_0002.png.f84b91ecdef41dd1cbd4abd92f76f1c2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Venus has a tendency to look down on others, feeling that being a pure-blooded Elf somehow makes her better than those who aren't. It isn't her fault though, as she was raised to think in such a way. She can be rash, not thinking before making an important decision, but sometimes ends up over thinking things as well. She has a sharp tongue and keeps her wits about her, but often trusts too quickly resulting in her downfall.

Romantically and socially, Venus is a bit awkward at first. She doesn't really know how to initiate conversation, but she loves being the center of attention. After someone else starts talking to her, she gets into the groove and can carry on a conversation like a pro.

She often underestimates her foes, and even her allies. This flaw has led to a good deal of tight situations for her, but her arrow always finds its mark.

Class: As many other Elves, she is an expert archer who has been training with a bow and arrows since she was very, very young.

Role: Venus provides cover to the rest of the Guild from high locations with perfect vantage. She sees what others don't in battles, and takes care of things accordingly.

Biography: Venus was the daughter of councilman Varren, a high-ranking noble and well-respected man. Her mother was named Raeana Varren, a highly-skilled archer and commander in the Elves' miniscule army. Growing up the child of the two was difficult for her, because they always expected perfection. Her mother pushed for her to join the army, and her father told her she would take his place on the council, so she was forced to take classes dealing with both careers.

From the beginning, it was obvious that Venus was a natural archer. She had near perfect aim, and was everything her mother had hoped she would be. Her father, however, was disappointed that she wouldn't be a diplomatic prodigy, and so he arranged a marriage with William of Fenton, the prince in a small fiefdom in Etral, in order to keep her out of battle.

Venus didn't want to do either career her parents had picked out, and most certainly didn't want to marry William, so she packed up her things and fled Katra on one stormy night. She made her way to Etral, and took on a new name to stay away from William and her parents, and had been wandering for a good 3 years before hearing about the guild. The town crier in Allua, a small settlement in southern Etral, was announcing the revival of a once-great Guild.

At first, Venus was a bit reluctant to join. She was worried that the guild wasn't all it was cracked up to be, but ended up giving it a chance. She was right, of course. The Guild was a ghost of what it once was, but it was still more than she'd hoped for. So, knowing she could help bring it back to its former glory, Venus joined.

Equipment: She has a hand-carved wooden bow made from the trees of Kagra's forests, and arrows carved from a common type of bush in Etral. For close combat, which doesn't happen very often, she has an intricate dagger that belonged to her mother that she took the night she left.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8caff80621_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_7665851_orig.jpg.dfbf97dca02a45cfc95d028868d1f592.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136185" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8caff80621_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_7665851_orig.jpg.dfbf97dca02a45cfc95d028868d1f592.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8caff82c6e_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_54.png.e46000ea25f789d1363f8295da1276a3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136186" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8caff82c6e_C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_SavedImages_54.png.e46000ea25f789d1363f8295da1276a3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon

Other: Before she left Kagra, she had been betrothed to a man in order to maintain peace with Etral. Because of the betrothal, she took on a new identity in order to evade him. In other words, Venus Rose Medora isn't her given name.



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(Hope this is okay)

First name: Aioki Enoshama

Age: 27

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race (Human, halfling, elf, half-elf, orc, half-orc): Half-Elf



Aioki stands at 4"8 with a light skin tone and has short braided light blonde hair. She wears nicely crafted armor with a sun necklace that was a gift from her late father. She wears a blue scarf that she loves that was also a gift from her late father. She wears nice black leggings and a nice tank top-ish shirt under her armor

Personality (at least 3 traits): Aioki Is a very sweet and nice person but she can sometimes lose her temper. She is smart and resourceful and tries to always smile even when times get rough.

Class (see overview): Cleric

Role (Healer, fighter, scholar, blacksmith, etc): Healer/ Fighter

Biography (you must write this, include why they joined the guild):

Aioki grew up in a nice household. She had a fun father a nice mother and a brother. When she grew up she start learning about religion and healing from her father and learned about fighting and survival from her father. Then when she was 13 a group of raider raided her town and her father protected them but sadly died in battle. After that she left and almost two decades later she came out of hiding and joined the Guild after years of training. But when she was in the hiding she died and made a deal with a god called The Dark Raven to come back to life so now she owes This god her life and to be a follower for life.


.Book of spells

.Healing Items

.Short sword

.Plate armor (Wears)

.Around 12 Gold

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon


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First name: Romulus

Surname: Moonfang

Age: 19

Sexuality: Bi

Race: Human werewolf (if it's cool)

Appearance: In human form, he's short for his age, with long, pure white hair tied in a ponytail. He has green eyes and is surprisingly pale. In wolf form, he's a lot larger, and is the same shade of white as his hair in human form. He retains his green eyes. His clothing in humn form consists of a gray wolf pelt cape he wears on his head that trails down to his back and a forest green leather tunic with fur trim that lacks sleeves and goes down to his knees. He also wears leather bracers and boots trimmed with fur and dyed green to match his tunic. There's a black sash tied around his waist, and underneath his tunic is a pair of short black breeches that are hidden under the bottom. In wolf form, the only clothing he retains is the breeches.

Personality: He's eally stubborn and independent, and likes to do things his own way. He likes to tease people a lot, and can also be a bit of an adrenaline junkie.

Class: In MMORPG terms, he's a hybrid character. In human form, he relies on nature magic, but in wolf form, he's more like a melee DPS/tank.

Role: Sort of a jack-of-all-trades.

Biography: Romulus's father, Argentum Silverblade was a werewolf hunter who had a reputation for showing no mercy and was part of the original guild, but retired quickly after it split up. When Romulus was younger, he was bitten by a werewolf, and, knowing that his father would probably try to kill him if he found out, he kept it a secret for as long as possible. However, when he was about 14, Argentum did find out, and was surprisingly calm about it... until he tried killing Romulus in his sleep. Then, a large pack of werewolves appeared out of nowhere, mauled Argentum, and left, taking Romulus with them. The leader of the pack, Lycaon Moonfang, explained that the werewolf that bit Romulus was a member of the pack that went insane, and Lycaon felt responsible for the rogue wolf's actions. Romulus ended up joining the pack, and used its name, Moonfang, in place of his original surname.


-His staff, which he uses for both casing and occasionally melee

-His wolf cape (It allows him to control his shapeshifting

-Food, money, potions, etc.

Other: Sorry this is so messy. And the last word of the plot tab is Ellon.
Last edited by a moderator:
SP3CT3R said:
First name: Romulus
Surname: Moonfang

Age: 19

Sexuality: Bi

Race: Human werewolf (if it's cool)

Appearance: In human form, he's short for his age, with long, pure white hair tied in a ponytail. He has green eyes and is surprisingly pale. In wolf form, he's a lot larger, and is the same shade of white as his hair in human form. He retains his green eyes. His clothing in humn form consists of a gray wolf pelt cape he wears on his head that trails down to his back and a forest green leather tunic with fur trim that lacks sleeves and goes down to his knees. He also wears leather bracers and boots trimmed with fur and dyed green to match his tunic. There's a black sash tied around his waist, and underneath his tunic is a pair of short black breeches that are hidden under the bottom. In wolf form, the only clothing he retains is the breeches.

Personality: He's eally stubborn and independent, and likes to do things his own way. He likes to tease people a lot, and can also be a bit of an adrenaline junkie.

Class: In MMORPG terms, he's hybrid AF. In human form, he uses a bow but also knows some nature magic, but in wolf form, he's more like a melee DPS/tank.

Role: Sort of a jack-of-all-trades.

Biography: Romulus's father, Argentum Silverblade was a werewolf hunter who had a reputation for showing no mercy and was part of the original guild, but retired quickly after it split up. When Romulus was younger, he was bitten by a werewolf, and, knowing that his father would probably try to kill him if he found out, he kept it a secret for as long as possible. However, when he was about 14, Argentum did find out, and was surprisingly calm about it... until he tried killing Romulus in his sleep. Then, a large pack of werewolves appeared out of nowhere, mauled Argentum, and left, taking Romulus with them. The leader of the pack, Lycaon Moonfang, explained that the werewolf that bit Romulus was a member of the pack that went insane, and Lycaon felt responsible for the rogue wolf's actions. Romulus ended up joining the pack, and used its name, Moonfang, in place of his original surname.


-His bow

-His wolf cape (It allows him to control his shapeshifting

-Food, money, potions, etc.

Other: Sorry this is so messy. And the last word of the plot tab is Ellon.
Hey, about the race thing, he can be part werewolf part human or only human, not both. Sorry about this restriction. (I underlined what to fix)
[QUOTE="Blue Fire]

(Hope this is okay)

First name: Aioki Enoshama

Age: 31

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Race (Human, halfling, elf, half-elf, orc, half-orc): Half-Elf



Aioki stands at 4"8 with a light skin tone and has short braided light blonde hair. She wears nicely crafted armor with a sun necklace that was a gift from her late father. She wears a blue scarf that she loves that was also a gift from her late father. She wears nice black leggings and a nice tank top-ish shirt under her armor

Personality (at least 3 traits): Aioki Is a very sweet and nice person but she can sometimes lose her temper. She is smart and resourceful and tries to always smile even when times get rough.

Class (see overview): Cleric

Role (Healer, fighter, scholar, blacksmith, etc): Healer/ Fighter

Biography (you must write this, include why they joined the guild):

Aioki grew up in a nice household. She had a fun father a nice mother and a brother. When she grew up she start learning about religion and healing from her father and learned about fighting and survival from her father. Then when she was 13 a group of raider raided her town and her father protected them but sadly died in battle. After that she left and almost two decades later she came out of hiding and joined the Guild after years of training.


.Book of spells

.Healing Items

.Short sword

.Plate armor (Wears)

.Around 12 Gold

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon


Clairvoyance said:

View attachment 301902

Venus Rose Medora






Age: 22

Sexuality: Pansexual

Race: Pure-Blood Elf

Written Appearance: Venus stands at a height of 6'3, and weighs approximately 102 pounds. She is extremely slender with sharp, angled features and flawless golden skin. Her eyes are a light yellow highly contrasted by Venus' bright, wavy red hair that reaches her waist when down.

For clothing, Venus usually wears something light that she can get around in easily. Typically her clothes will be green or brown, so it's easier to blend in with her background.

Personality: Venus has a tendency to look down on others, feeling that being a pure-blooded Elf somehow makes her better than those who aren't. It isn't her fault though, as she was raised to think in such a way. She isn't rude though; in fact she's quite the opposite. She can be a very caring, maternal figure, and often gives out advice to those who seek it. She does her best to keep her friends and allies safe, and beats herself up if she can't.

She often underestimates her foes, and even her allies. This flaw has led to a good deal of tight situations for her, but her arrow always finds its mark.

Class: As many other Elves, she is an expert archer who has been training with a bow and arrows since she was very, very young.

Role: Venus provides cover to the rest of the Guild from high locations with perfect vantage. She sees what others don't in battles, and takes care of things accordingly.

Biography: Venus was the daughter of councilman Varren, a high-ranking noble and well-respected man. Her mother was named Raeana Varren, a highly-skilled archer and commander in the Elves' miniscule army. Growing up the child of the two was difficult for her, because they always expected perfection. Her mother pushed for her to join the army, and her father told her she would take his place on the council, so she was forced to take classes dealing with both careers.

From the beginning, it was obvious that Venus was a natural archer. She had near perfect aim, and was everything her mother had hoped she would be. Her father, however, was disappointed that she wouldn't be a diplomatic prodigy, and so he arranged a marriage with William of Fenton, the prince in a small fiefdom in Etral, in order to keep her out of battle.

Venus didn't want to do either career her parents had picked out, and most certainly didn't want to marry William, so she packed up her things and fled Katra on one stormy night. She made her way to Etral, and took on a new name to stay away from William and her parents, and had been wandering for a good 3 years before hearing about the guild. The town crier in Allua, a small settlement in southern Etral, was announcing the revival of a once-great Guild.

At first, Venus was a bit reluctant to join. She was worried that the guild wasn't all it was cracked up to be, but ended up giving it a chance. She was right, of course. The Guild was a ghost of what it once was, but it was still more than she'd hoped for. So, knowing she could help bring it back to its former glory, Venus joined.

Equipment: She has a hand-carved wooden bow made from the trees of Kagra's forests, and arrows carved from a common type of bush in Etral. For close combat, which doesn't happen very often, she has an intricate dagger that belonged to her mother that she took the night she left.

What is the last word of the 'Plot' tab in Overview?: Ellon

Other: Before she left Kagra, she had been betrothed to a man in order to maintain peace with Etral. Because of the betrothal, she took on a new identity in order to evade him. In other words, Venus Rose Medora isn't her given name.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/rush.jpg.438b5a7e5c51af5d88f38d98470016a1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136202" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/rush.jpg.438b5a7e5c51af5d88f38d98470016a1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Caption: Last word was Ellon.)


Serna Tomargus

Physical Description:

Human male, currently age 27.

5'9 , 160-ish lbs

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/rush2.jpg.d7ac68ff52afc5d9335c1df1c6eda93d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="136204" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/rush2.jpg.d7ac68ff52afc5d9335c1df1c6eda93d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Deeply compassionate and loyal to his bonds, Serna's ex-soldier background has molded him into an honorable man. He takes leadership very seriously. However, he is not afraid to challenge authority when he disagrees with the motives of his superiors.

Aside from the more serious matters, Serna is actually a very laid-back, funloving guy. He is usually loud and cheerful when the situation allows him to be. And although a bit boastful and showy at times, he is reliable. He is quick to react when things turn sour, and is protective of those whom he holds dear.

When pressured or angered, Serna will try his best to keep his composure. His past-training has toned down his instinctive impulsiveness, and he is actually quite tactful despite what his easygoing attitude may suggest.





High Damage Output | Low Defense | High Mobility


Fighter, Second in command


Serna Tomargus was born into a middle-lower class family. He grew up in a small town in between two greater-sized ones, in a period of peace before war was to break out for the second time.

He had a regular childhood along with a generally regular life. He had parents and three brothers. His father was enlisted in the army of the empire, and had survived the first war. Serna saw his father as a great role model, and as a child, he was very influenced by him. His father taught him and his brothers how to wield a blade at a young age, and Serna, being very eager to impress, had taken it up as a hobby. He grew strong with his skill, specializing in swift movements and precise strikes and learning to keep a calm composure and think tactfully. As time passed, him and his brothers were excellent young swordsmen each specializing in different aspects. His oldest brother, now turning the age of 18, left to serve in the military in time for the upcoming second war, leaving Serna and the rest of his family behind, where him and his remaining brothers continued to train.

When Serna turned 18 himself , he followed his family's tradition and left home for the military as well. His proud father wished him good luck and saw him off.

Military training for him was a breeze. He had already learned the necessary skills at home, such as tactics, and swordsmanship. It was no surprise that Serna had graduated at the very top of his class, knowing that he had trained his whole life. Because of his outstanding skill, he was honored the title of Sergeant.

Shortly after his graduation, he was sent to the front lines where he was given second in command over his own squad. One fateful day at his new base, he received a letter. It was different from the other letters that he would occasionally receive from his parents and siblings. This letter was to inform him of his oldest brother's death. His brother had died in the midst of a siege. He knew a day like this would come. He had lost a brother, but he refused to let it effect his work.

Time came for Serna to carry out his first mission. He was dispatched to a village and was ordered to kill all opposing forces encountered. What was there, was a small militia consisting of peasants and farmers, equipped with simple farming tools and rusted weapons. Serna was hesitant to follow orders, as they were only trying to defend themselves and their homes. He chose to disobey the orders given by his superior and had gained the support of the troops in not initiating a bloodbath. The officer present was furious, but had decided to have the General handle Serna and his disobedience. Meanwhile, Serna and his men told the villagers to return to their homes. The squad made their way back to their camp. This point in time marked his seemingly never-ending streak of minor rebellion.

After that event, the present officer took this matter to the general. The General dismissed him, and called Serna down to speak with him personally. Serna had discovered that him and the General had a very similar mindset, and the two became close friends. The General excused his disobedience and gave him a field promotion to Lieutenant.

Over time, Serna continued to lead multiple successful operations and raids. But at the age of 20, he had lost another one of his brothers. This time, it was his younger brother, who was only at the age of 19. After only a year of service, his younger brother had died. Serna received the news on a particularly gloomy day. He now only had one living brother. The youngest brother, when hearing of this, instead chose to join the imperial guard, not following the footsteps of his older siblings.

By now, Serna had earned the respect of many of his fellow soldiers and a few young officers.

On his second most impactful mission, his squad was sent to assist a fellow squad in an operation to kill or capture all remaining enemy personnel of the opposing force. The main squad happened to be led by his former Lieutenant. This Lieutenant still despised him, but even more now because of Serna's field promotion to Lieutenant after blatantly disobeying his orders.

The remaining enemy soldiers and personnel of the town they were sent to, had spotted Serna and his soldiers and had immediately surrendered. The Lieutenant of the second squad had ordered that they all be killed. However, Serna disagreed with this. Serna, remembering to think tactfully, ordered his men to capture the enemy, instead of killing them. He knew that the civilians were likely to rebel if him and his team were to deal with them violently. Serna and his squad would not be able to survive this as they would be vastly outnumbered.

The Lieutenant from the main squad had tried to say that his way was the General's orders. Of course, Serna didn't believe him. He was very good friends with the General. He knew that the General would order no such thing. The Lieutenant, enraged, ordered his men to kill both enemy personnel and civilians alike. Serna, taken aback by the Lieutenant's irrationality, had told all men to stand down. The troops listened to Serna, who had earned their genuine respect. The Lieutenant, humiliated, drew his weapon in an attempt to kill Serna on the spot. Serna retaliated in self defense and landed the killing blow before the Lieutenant had a chance to strike.

After returning to base with the captured soldiers and the dead Lieutenant's body, Serna was questioned immediately and had admitted to killing the Lieutenant, but in self defense. The higher-ups did not buy this, but the General had full faith in his friend. The troops were called in as a witness, and all supported him. Due to having no actual evidence, and only witnesses, Serna was honorably discharged at the age of 23.

After killing a fellow patriot, Serna decided that war was no longer his calling. he could have become a mercenary and joined the forces of whoever needed him, but he rejected this idea. Instead, he returned back to his hometown to proud parents. Here, he tried his best to settle down. However, after only a few months, he knew that he could no longer adapt back to a civilian lifestyle.

Serna gathered up his former military gear and headed for the road, leaving his family once more.


Sarcasm, Honesty, Bravery, Good food, Humorous stories, Over-glorifying himself, Stories of drama and tragedy, clean and warm beds, Good-conditioned weapons and armor, traveling, his family, letters from his family, Campfires


Megalomaniacs, Poorly-made weapons and armor, Cowardice, Wielding shields, Delinquents, Posers, Poor story-tellers


A small talisman gifted to him from his parents upon joining the military. His brothers all received one as well, each of a different color to represent their different personalities.

He is also tightly bonded with his parents and his last living brother.

Starting Equipment:


simple longsword x2

Throwing knives

Leather armor set,

A single steel spaulder

Talisman, mostly just serves as a good luck charm


Compact, lightweight pitching tent



Journal and pen


Canteen for storing water


Precision strikes

Dual Wielding expertise

Throwing knives


Not very book smart as he never really went to school.


Lesser PTSD );

Deeply compassionate(Could be a weakness in certain situations (; )



Herbalism (Taught by one of his brothers)




He tries to keep up a tough guy look, but deep-down he's just a fun-loving guy who really doesn't know any better.

Sun sign: Leo


(He's from a great game btw. Emma was my favorite )); )

(Bio was something co-written by me and my brother. Props to him.)



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Well, lycanthropy is, in most cases, a condition and not a standalone race. What I meant by "Human werewolf" was that he's a human afflicted with lycanthropy.
SP3CT3R said:
Well, lycanthropy is, in most cases, a condition and not a standalone race. What I meant by "Human werewolf" was that he's a human afflicted with lycanthropy.
Oh okay, i didnt understand at first. It's fine then
[QUOTE="Devious Dilbert]

*I'll fix everything up to better fit this rp later*

And I will give him a theme too cuz... I'm into that.

View attachment 301937

(Caption: Last word was Ellon.)


Serna Tomargus

Physical Description:

Human male, currently age 27.

5'9 , 160-ish lbs

View attachment 301939




Serna Tomargus was born into a middle-lower class family. He grew up in a small town in between two greater-sized ones, in a period of peace before war was to break out for the second time.

He had a regular childhood along with a generally regular life. He had parents and three brothers. His father was enlisted in the army of the empire, and had survived the first war. Serna saw his father as a great role model, and as a child, he was very influenced by him. His father taught him and his brothers how to wield a blade at a young age, and Serna, being very eager to impress, had taken it up as a hobby. He grew strong with his skill, specializing in swift movements and precise strikes and learning to keep a calm composure and think tactfully. As time passed, him and his brothers were excellent young swordsmen each specializing in different aspects. His oldest brother, now turning the age of 18, left to serve in the military in time for the upcoming second war, leaving Serna and the rest of his family behind, where him and his remaining brothers continued to train.

When Serna turned 18 himself , he followed his family's tradition and left home for the military as well. His proud father wished him good luck and saw him off.

Military training for him was a breeze. He had already learned the necessary skills at home, such as tactics, and swordsmanship. It was no surprise that Serna had graduated at the very top of his class, knowing that he had trained his whole life. Because of his outstanding skill, he was honored the title of Sergeant.

Shortly after his graduation, he was sent to the front lines where he was given second in command over his own squad. One fateful day at his new base, he received a letter. It was different from the other letters that he would occasionally receive from his parents and siblings. This letter was to inform him of his oldest brother's death. His brother had died in the midst of a siege. He knew a day like this would come. He had lost a brother, but he refused to let it effect his work.

Time came for Serna to carry out his first mission. He was dispatched to a village and was ordered to kill all opposing forces encountered. What was there, was a small militia consisting of peasants and farmers, equipped with simple farming tools and rusted weapons. Serna was hesitant to follow orders, as they were only trying to defend themselves and their homes. He chose to disobey the orders given by his superior and had gained the support of the troops in not initiating a bloodbath. The officer present was furious, but had decided to have the general handle Serna and his disobedience. Meanwhile, Serna and his men told the villagers to return to their homes. The squad made their way back to their camp. This point in time marked his seemingly never-ending streak of minor rebellion.

After that event, the present officer took this matter to the general. The General dismissed him, and called Serna down to speak with him personally. Serna had discovered that him and the General had a very similar mindset, and the two became close friends. The General excused his disobedience and gave him a field promotion to Lieutenant.

Over time, Serna continued to lead multiple successful operations and raids. But at the age of 20, he had lost another one of his brothers. This time, it was his younger brother, who was only at the age of 19. After only a year of service, his younger brother had died. Serna received the news on a particularly gloomy day. He now only had one living brother. The youngest brother, when hearing of this, instead chose to join the imperial guard, not following the footsteps of his older siblings.

By now, Serna had earned the respect of many of his fellow soldiers and a few young officers.

On his second most impactful mission, his squad was sent to assist a fellow squad in an operation to kill or capture all remaining enemy personnel of the opposing force. The main squad happened to be led by his former Lieutenant. This Lieutenant still despised him, but even more now because of Serna's field promotion to Lieutenant after blatantly disobeying his orders.

The remaining enemy soldiers and personnel of the town they were sent to, had spotted Serna and his soldiers and had immediately surrendered. The Lieutenant of the second squad had ordered that they all be killed. However, Serna disagreed with this. Serna, remembering to think tactfully, ordered his men to capture the enemy, instead of killing them. He knew that the civilians were likely to rebel if him and his team were to deal with them violently. Serna and his squad would not be able to survive this as they would be vastly outnumbered.

The Lieutenant from the main squad had tried to say that his way was the General's orders. Of course, Serna didn't believe him. He was very good friends with the General. He knew that the General would order no such thing. The Lieutenant, enraged, ordered his men to kill both enemy personnel and civilians alike. Serna, taken aback by the Lieutenant's irrationality, had told all men to stand down. The troops listened to Serna, who had earned their genuine respect. The Lieutenant, humiliated, drew his weapon in an attempt to kill Serna on the spot. Serna retaliated in self defense and landed the killing blow before the Lieutenant had a chance to strike.

After returning to base with the captured soldiers and the dead Lieutenants body, Serna was questioned immediately and had admitted to killing the Lieutenant, but in self defense. The higher-ups did not buy this, but the General had full faith in his friend. The troops were called in as a witness, and all supported him. Due to having no actual evidence, and only witnesses, Serna was honorably discharged at the age of 23.

After killing a fellow patriot, Serna decided that war was no longer his calling. he could have become a mercenary and joined the forces of whoever needed him, but he rejected this idea. Instead, he returned back to his hometown to proud parents. Here, he tried his best to settle down. However, after only a few months, he knew that he could no longer adapt back to a civilian lifestyle.

Serna gathered up his former military gear and headed for the road, leaving his family once more.


Sarcasm, Honesty, Bravery, Good food, Humorous stories, Over-glorifying himself, Stories of drama and tragedy, clean and warm beds, Good-conditioned weapons and armor, traveling, his family, letters from his family, Campfires


Megalomaniacs, Poorly-made weapons and armor, Cowardice, Wielding shields, Delinquents, Posers, Poor story-tellers


A small talisman gifted to him from his parents upon joining the military. His brothers all received one as well, each of a different color to represent their different personalities.

He is also tightly bonded with his parents and his last living brother.

Starting Equipment:


simple longsword x2

Throwing knives

Leather armor set,

A single steel spaulder

Talisman, mostly just serves as a good luck charm


Compact, lightweight pitching tent



Journal and pen


Canteen for storing water


Precision strikes

Dual Wielding expertise

Throwing knives


Not very book smart as he never really went to school.


Lesser PTSD );

Deeply compassionate(Could be a weakness in certain situations (; )



Herbalism (Taught by one of his brothers)




He tries to keep up a tough guy look, but deep-down he's just a fun-loving guy who really doesn't know any better.

Sun sign: Leo

(He's from a great game btw. Emma was my favorite )); )

(Bio was something co-written by me and my brother. Props to him.)​


I wish I knew the game sowwy.

I like Persona 4 Golden tho
[QUOTE="Devious Dilbert]Ayyy!!
I'm playin persona 3 rn

Oh nice ;3

I'm playing Fire Emblem Awakening actually right now, and I fudging love it

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