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Fantasy The Guild Stone ((Old OOC))

Just so you guys know, I'm not gonna go easy on ya with these enemies! Success will be determined with smart thinking, post effort, etc.
For combat, try not to perform too many actions in one post, and make sure to wait for a response from me when using a big attack on an enemy.
Hopefully it'll be fun! Lemme know if there's any issues. Zef The Owl Zef The Owl Ace Cream Ace Cream Tapfic Tapfic
Sylph Sylph Sorry to bother but I wanted to make sure you saw my post since RPN hasn't been notifying properly recently for some reason
EldridSmith EldridSmith
That's all good. I did see it, just haven't had a chance to reply. Work's had me on a lot these past couple days.

Will try to get some replies out tonight. For those wondering I'm AEST (GMT+10)
I may be making a third character
And it may also be a loredump
EldridSmith EldridSmith
I made some changes to Ymir's CS btw. Wasn't quite happy with her abilities. I've switched her affinities to air and geometry, and changed her class to mapmaker.
EldridSmith EldridSmith
I made some changes to Ymir's CS btw. Wasn't quite happy with her abilities. I've switched her affinities to air and geometry, and changed her class to mapmaker.
Fair enough, Titus is either going to stick around to chat (provided there are others around to chat) or head on that mission since it looks like they're bringing coppers along on a mission with a platinum boss (Mostly the gold level mission is too high for coppers)
There would be less aggressive ways to word it, I think.
But anyway no. I do plan to have my characters do stuff
I simply have difficulty with intro posts and atm there's already a lot going on and I don't want to add more right now because otherwise it'll be too confuse.
There would be less aggressive ways to word it, I think.
But anyway no. I do plan to have my characters do stuff
I simply have difficulty with intro posts and atm there's already a lot going on and I don't want to add more right now because otherwise it'll be too confuse.
I wasn't trying to be aggressive, and I was just pulling your leg since we've known each other for ages.
Well that sounded earnestly aggressive and not really like a joke
Sorry for the mistake
Well anyway
posted the sheet
it's still a work in progress but I gotta turn off my laptop so I don't want RPN to fuck it up while I'm not online

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