[The Grid] Chatper 1: Hardwired

Erin tries to pull herself to a stop, fails, and goes skidding until she finds herself nose-to...stump, with the corpse. She grins woozily up at Patrick, and then the others. "Yippi-ky-yay...?"
Jordan isn't hard to follow. He made tracks for a while, but there's a significant blood trail coming off him. It heads down to the beach, and you follow him along the surf for a while. He seems to be avoiding the populated parts of Nags Head.

Eventually blood loss catches up with him. You find him in a pile by a dune, hunched over holding his side. He tries to get away when you show up, but can't. There's blood all over the ground.
Hank speaks as he walks slowly across the shifting sand and kneels next to the kid. He doesn't raise his voice, but he is still easily heard over the crashing of the waves behind him.

Hank's voice is warm and soothing: a fatherly tone that let's you know everything is going to be alright,

"Hey buddy, take it easy. We're here to help you. Now you've been hit pretty bad, but we're gonna get you through this."

Kase, meanwhile, went for something a bit more pragmatic: trying to figure out how to treat him.

"I'm going to need something to staunch the bleeding, first and foremost," he stated, turning to Erin and Patrick. "Guys, see if you can get your hands on something I can use to wrap it up in and something to clean it up."

He then turned back to Jordan, trying to see if there were other things that needed tending to.

Okay, let's see what I can do with my Intel + Medicine pool. GO, DICE ROLL!

5d10=1 success.

Well, crap.
Jordan does not look at all sure of what's going on. The kid is skirting with panic still, but Hank keeps pulling him back from the edge.

"I got shot. In jail! That's not supposed to happen," he begins.

Meanwhile medical care, well, it could be going better.

Roll to calm him down is good. The medical roll, as things stand, is going to fail. Kid's already lost another couple HLs to bleeding, so that can go downhill real quick. Anyone who wants to help Kase can. Post an applicable stunt and roll a die.
Patrick can't help but grin back at Erin. "I'm too much of a gentleman to finish that sentence, but yeah, pretty much."

Shaking his head, he backs away from the verminifying corpse, and shaking his head finds himself swept up following the others pursuing the fleeing Jordan. At first the shock of what's all just happened seems to be sinking in, as the one-time racer's hands, always so steady on the steering wheel of an open-wheel car, a stock car, or, for that matter, a fishing boat, tremble, and he closes his eyes, taking a few deep breaths as he tries to will himself to forget, for now. And he does his best to replace his feelings of disgust, horror, fear and guilt with simple concern - for Lace, and for his new companions...

...Erin's words snap him out of his shock, though, and - although he blushes a little - he sets about removing his shirt in a hurry. "Sorry. Kinda zoned out for a moment there. We need to get him back to Athena, I think - or somewhere. We can't stay out in the open, eventually they'll find us especially after that little fracas."

Sighing, he kneels on the bloody sand, giving Malcolm a nod of thanks as the other man holds the kid's wound closed, and he does his best to wrap and bind the injury, his hands stretching the fabric just enough to put just the right amount of pressure on it. "Going to need to have that checked for bullet fragments, and running didn't do any favors, but you've made it this far - you're going to make it, kid. Alright? Keep fighting - never stop fighting no matter the odds, because if you never stop fighting you can never lose."

So, the .hitsopen command rerolls a 10? K, I'll try to remember that. You may wind up with more successes than IC counts though.

Anyway, as a rules reminder, the Int + Medicine roll diff is the number of L or A levels lost per injury, so in Jordan's case with Patrick's assistance, that succeeds. Also, you can either add a die of coordinated effort via just declaring you're helping, or replace that die with the stunt. Whatever works.

Under Kase's auspices, Jordan's bleeding problem slows down. The kid got a neat hole blasted through him, and a clean exit wound on his stomach. He's down, but isn't out. It takes a bit get the bleeding to stop, but since the round missed his more important guts, there's minimal risk of internal bleeding. Honestly, it's amazing he ran as far as he did. Still, blood loss begins to take its toll on him, and he gets loopy. You don't think he's passed into shock, though. Kase, Patrick, and Malcom all have significant amounts of blood on them from the ordeal.

Ultimately you're going to want to get him to a hospital, of course. While that's getting discussed, Jordan starts rambling deleriously. He's blathering on and on about something about the black castle, and the strange silent lady who something something. She teaches him math? Hard to say. It's not terribly distinct.
"I'd rather I didn't know what he was talking about." Malcolm stated, though he and everyone knew they'd find out sooner or later. "Now... WHEN is that help coming here?"
A general exclamation. If Kase or Patrick want to say something, they're free to do so. Or we could have a 'speak of the devil moment'...


As the medical work goes on around him Hank tries to keep the kid engaged, he lets out a short patriarchal laugh,

"Yeah kid, shit's fucked up, but we've got you now and we're gonna get you out of here."

The kid starts to trail off, Hank gets more invested,

"Jordan! Jordan, right? You can't go out on me now." the light of the full moon is pale and white, dancing on the waves. If you might die somewhere, it might as well be pretty, right? Hank's speech gets a bit more introspective,

"I haven't figured out where we go yet. You can't die on me yet because I don't know what that means. Yeah this world sucks and a suit shot you, but this shitty world is better than nothing, so keep your eyes open and we can find God together and ask him why the fuck all this is happening!"
Kase rolled his eyes, satisfied with their work but not with situation as a whole. "Classy, preacher. Patrick, tell me you still have the cell phone. I got an idea, but it's a long shot."

Yeah, .hitsopen lets you set a counter and a reroll. Nifty.

Under other circumstances, Patrick might make some sort of quip about White Castles. However, with his clothes rather soaked in blood, a friend missing, rats chasing cats and cats chasing dogs and the whole world turned upside down, he simply maintains his first-aid efforts. Pausing only when Kase speaks, and tossing the young man the cell. "Here you go. Try not to pass out again," he quips, before looking back to Jordan. "Careful, sport. The black castle can't hurt you anymore - if it tries, I'll shoot it, alright?"
"Har, har, Patrick. Har har," Kase stated humorlessly, going to the contact list. "Did you already make a call on this?"
The phone he got from the odd duo at Sunshine Motors has two numbers in it. The first is Sunshine Motors, but there's probably no one there. The second is marked, "Operator" with no further explanation.
Erin has been staring at the kid with a funny look on her face since he started his feverish rantings.

Now she kneels down next to him and says urgently, "The Castle. What about the Castle?"
The kid, impelled by Hank, keeps blathering vaguely but isn't making any sense. His stream of inchoate babble is reassuring in the 'you know he isn't dead' sense, but otherwise mostly meaningless noise. But it doesn't take much for Erin to get confirmation of what she already knows. Soon he lets slip the name Stephanie Whitfield in connection to the strange, silent lady, and that pretty much seals the deal. Coincidence becomes unlikely. He says she doesn't teach him at school, but at her house, 'whether the others are coming.' Then you get a bunch of nonsense.

Edit: Erin still remembers where Ms Whitfield lives, of course. It's also in the dossier.
After a single ring it is picked up.

"Operator," Athena says promptly. Then, somewhat less professionally, "What do you need?"
"I've got one ready for you now.

"Now, I don't know exactly where your bodies are, so I'm going to have to download a trace program to you. It'll disrupt your carrier signals, and put you out of phase with the rest of the Grid. Then, once Bob and the extraction team find your meat-bags, we'll be able to download your essence matrix into meatspace. So, if you're ready, sit down, brace yourself, and prepare to be disrupted."

She pauses. "This is the truth, Kase. Your world is about to get torn from your eyes. This is what you signed up for. Get ready, because this will feel a little weird."

Just say when.

Edit: I get that this may be a pointless step, but it has to do with Athena's obsession with not overriding your freewill. I figured it would be disingenuous for her not to make some mention of it, and give you decision making powers. That being said, a quick post would be fine. The reply is metaphorically loaded.
As she hears Tink's voice from the cellphone, Erin has to fight back an urge to laugh. Weird? After what she's seen already?

She glances around at the others. "Let's do this, guys. First star to the right, and straight on 'til morning."

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